Career Planning 5

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Career Planning Vid.

Hello, dear students. We are together again. And the subject of today's lesson is individual career
planning and target determination.
So right now, you will get to know yourself a little bit and as you get to know yourself, you will
learn how to set your goals. So, before we do this, what should we do? We should get to know
ourselves. So, first of all, I thought so and my first choice was talent.
What is talent? It is the ability to understand and be able to do something. It is an innate talent. So,
we actually have innate talents.
We just need a certain environment for them to emerge. We need to discover our talents. So,
does everyone have the same talent? Or is one talented and the other not talented? No, not at
In fact, talents have areas. Let's take a quick look at those areas. First, when you say talent,
intelligence comes into the picture.
Intelligence means general learning skills. The next type of talent is vocabulary. I guess I don't
need to explain much about vocabulary.
It means that you get along very well with words. Another type of talent is numeracy. I guess I
don't need to explain much about that either.
Because actually, it is the ability to interpret numbers very quickly and to solve them logically and
numerically. It is the ability to relate to space. Yes, we can go into more detail here if you want.
It is the ability to perceive the shapes of objects in space. It is the ability to see objects in two or
three dimensions. Or it is the ability to understand geometric shapes from different angles.
It is the ability to perceive shapes. So, what is this ability to perceive shapes? It is the ability to
perceive the details on an object, a picture or a graphic. Or it is the ability to compare two images
that are very similar to each other and to see the differences between them.
Yes, the next type of talent is office work. It is the ability to perceive details in a written text or
table. You will say, what kind of talent? But this is also a talent.
The next type of talent is motor coordination. So, it is the ability to use our limbs
simultaneously. Maybe you've seen it a lot.
Some people use their hands quickly and skillfully. This talent is called the skill of the hand. Yes,
let's take a look at the mental talents after the talents.
Let's take a look at this. In the past, IQ was high and it was solved by tests. It was said that your
child was super intelligent.
But we see that there is no such thing anymore. The best example of this is the multi-intelligence
program. There were exactly nine types of intelligence in this multi-intelligence program.
Career Planning Vid. 5
Let's see which one is more similar to us. Yes, the first type of intelligence is verbal
intelligence. Everyone who has a good relationship with words, who is a good listener and a good
speaker, who expresses very well what they have learned and read, has verbal intelligence.
For example, if we look at professions, poets, teachers, psychologists and psychological
consultants use this type of intelligence very well. The second is logical mathematical
intelligence. That is, it includes the ability to calculate, to establish a logical relationship and to
solve problems.
Examples of professions here are mathematicians, engineers, logical scientists and
philosophers. Yes. The third type of intelligence is musical intelligence.
That is, singing or playing a musical instrument, keeping a rhythm, being able to use your voice,
being able to show their sensitivity, all of these are in the musical intelligence type. And the
examples are artists, musicians, all of them use this intelligence type very well. The fourth type of
intelligence is kinesthetics.
That is, people who perceive their body very well definitely have this intelligence. Examples of
professions are athletes, professions that require superior motor skills. In fact, this intelligence
type is also very important in surgeons.
Yes. The fifth type of intelligence is astral intelligence. So what is astral intelligence? In fact, it is
an intelligence type that requires the visual world to perceive correctly.
If we look at the professions related to this, art designers, map engineers, visual designers, interior
architects and everyone who needs it use this intelligence type. The sixth type of intelligence is
nature. That is, everyone who has a very good relationship with plants and animals and perceives
them well uses this intelligence type.
If we look at the example professions, farmers, farmers, veterinarians and scientists use this
intelligence type the best. The seventh type of intelligence is internal intelligence. That is, people
who know themselves very well, have high self-confidence and control their emotions very well.
And in fact, let's take a look at which professions this intelligence type is suitable for. Pilot, writer,
consultant and teacher. In other words, if a teacher cannot control his emotions, he cannot
express what he wants.
The eighth intelligence type is interpersonal intelligence. In this intelligence type, people express
themselves very well, use their communication skills very well and it is the intelligence type that
should be used in many professions, that is, in all professions in contact with people. We have
come to the last intelligence type and it is the intelligence type that has been added recently.
Career Planning Vid. 5
It is the existential intelligence type. In other words, in the existential intelligence type, people can
perceive things that are difficult to perceive. They are people who can interpret things that will be
difficult to reason effectively.
For example, religious men, philosophers, physicists, quantum physicists, especially those who
have this profession, use this intelligence very well. Yes, we have nine intelligence types
according to the plural intelligence. And if you wish, you can enter Google and try yourself in any
online test.
I also want to say this. After discovering your own intelligence type in any branch, you can learn
it very effectively. For example, I have a musical intelligence, but I am very weak in mathematics.
What do I do? I can learn it by adding four operations, if I like rap, using my musical intelligence. In
short, friends, after you discover your own intelligence type, you can use it very effectively in other
branches. After the talents and weak talents, it's time for the interests.
In other words, interest comes from the essence of an activity. Well, he has a lot of interest in
himself. Our first interest is the expressed interest.
The expressed interest is what the individual expresses with his words. So I want this, I'm
interested in this. This is an interest made from the information received from the person.
Another example is observable. So the person does not express anything, but a child is going to
play with children on the street and is interested in animals. There you can see in what direction
his interest is and you can observe it.
You can also observe yourself in this way. With the following inventories. In other words, without
asking the person, he did not discover what his interest was with a few questions.
Another is tests. In short, with tests and inventories, we can also discover what the person is
interested in. Yes, friends, after the interests, one of the most important points in the career plan
is our personality traits.
There are a lot of models about personality traits. I will only present two of them as an example
in this lesson today. One is the 5-factor personality model.
There are certain rankings in the 5-factor personality model. Let's see which ones they are. Yes.
1. Neurotism. 2. Externality. 3. Being open to experiences.
4. Adaptability. And 5. Responsibility. You can use this personality test online according to the 5
Another model is the Holland Topology Model. According to this model, there are 6 types of
personality. The first type is realistic.
The second type is researcher. The third type is regular. The fourth is creative.
Career Planning Vid. 5
The fifth is innovative. And the last type is social. In the same way, you will have the opportunity
to use these tests in the future and discover yourself.
After analyzing our discovery, we need to look at the classification of professional values. And
according to Kuzgun, 9 professional values were determined. The first value is the use of talent.
The second value is creativity. The third value is competition. The fourth value is cooperation.
The fifth value is change. The sixth value is regular life. The seventh value is leadership.
The eighth value is winning. And the ninth value is being famous. After professional evaluations,
the next factor is the sociological factor.
And there is a family in it. There are socioeconomic, class, gender, economic and political
factors. In other words, while we choose our professions and create our careers, we actually
create them according to our gender differences.
According to the structure of our family, what we see is actually taught to us from our
environment. And our economic level actually determines our next career choices and career
development. To summarize what we have heard so far, what are we going to pay attention
to? First of all, we will get to know ourselves.
Then we will explore our interests. Because if we want to be good at our profession and want to
continue our career well, it is very important that our talents and interests overlap with each
other. The next stage, of course, is the values we give to professions.
Why do we actually want this? Why do we want our career stage? Why do we want to
improve? Do we want to be famous? What is our motivation in this? Or what influences us? We
need to discover these first. It is very important. If we discover these, we can determine our own
goals very correctly.
It's time for our goals. I would like to present two examples to determine the goals. One is SWOT
analysis and the other is solution-oriented target determination.
After briefly explaining SWOT analysis, you will have the opportunity to fill in an empty template
at the end of this lesson. What is there in SWOT analysis? We have to go step by step while
determining the goals. First, which inner potential do I have? Which power do I have internally to
achieve this? And you can determine it as high, medium and weak.
Then, who can I benefit from? There you can also determine the middle, weak and strong
sides. You will see this more clearly in the ready template. What are the factors that prevent
me? About me, about my personality or about my skills.
Career Planning Vid. 5
Then external threats. So if I miss this, what can threaten me from the outside? What can return
to my shortcomings as damage? After determining them, you do the calculation. And if I walk this
way, I will be 80% successful.
If I don't walk this way, I will be 50% unsuccessful. You can score yourself. After doing your SWOT
analysis, you can also do solution-oriented target determination.
So where do I want to be in 5 or 10 years? In fact, when doing SWOT analysis and solution-
oriented target determination, you need a mission and a vision. What is the mission? Which way
am I walking today? Where do I want to reach the vision? Therefore, if we are in solution-oriented
target determination, what will we do? What is my vision in 10 years? Let's define this first. Which
opportunities do I have today? Internal and external opportunities.
What are they? I determine them. And step by step. If this is your one-year goal, week by week,
month by month.
If these are your annual goals, what do you deal with every year? By increasing with which
potential, I can go to that goal. You can determine. Now, at the end of this lesson, we saw what
we can do in target determination.
And below, after the lesson, by filling in empty templates, you can determine new goals for
yourself. Yes, friends. We came to the end of the lesson.
And of course, we will improve ourselves. We will be famous. We will have prestige.
We will be rich. We will improve our career. Everyone will know us.
But most importantly, they need to evaluate us for our human values. Because when you give us
a thousand points, one of them is our human values. If we leave one point missing, there will only
be three, zero left.
Thank you.

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