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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony

1a Opiszcie w parach zdjęcie w ćwiczeniu 1b (B).
1b Przeczytaj e-mail (A) i artykuł z czasopisma (B). Następnie uzupełnij e-mail do koleżanki (C).

To: Anna
From: Katie
Subject: Re: Becoming a cheerleader

Hi Anna,
I’m glad to hear that your friend Ola is considering becoming a cheerleader. This is my fifth year in the
team. Although cheerleading may seem easy, it’s a demanding activity. We practise four times a week, and
every season we have to learn forty new songs by heart. At the moment, there are 15 of us in the team. The
majority of the girls are 14 to 18 years old, but some are older too. Not only are the girls genuinely passionate
about cheerleading, but they’re also extremely hard-working. Cheerleading is definitely my thing!
Take care,

Choose cheerleading and become cheerleaders also take up another sport. Apart from
being strictly physical exercise, cheerleading routines
a better version of yourself require the cheerleaders to learn to trust each other.
Are you thinking They also have to learn to overcome their fears.
of becoming a Cheerleaders wouldn’t be able to do a complicated
cheerleader? jump if they didn’t rely on the members of their
Don’t hesitate, group to support them at the right moment. That’s
start today. why, according to psychologists, cheerleaders form
Cheerleading is strong relationships and don’t suffer from depression
a truly intensive as much as their peers. They also get good grades
full-body workout. at school and manage to find time to focus both on
Over two thirds of their studies and on the team. 83% of cheerleaders
have at least a B grade average at school.

Do: Ola
Od: Anna
Temat: Re: Cheerleaderki

Hej Ola!
Tak jak mnie prosiłaś, poczytałam o byciu cheerleaderką i podpytałam Katie, która zajmuje się tym
już od 1 . Jej drużyna składa się z piętnastu dziewczyn głównie w wieku
. Treningi odbywają się 3
w tygodniu. W czasie sezonu drużyna musi nauczyć się 4 . Choć treningi
są wyczerpujące, Katie twierdzi, że świetnie poprawiają nastrój. W trakcie zajęć dziewczyny pracują nad
wzajemnym zaufaniem oraz 5 . Bez tego nie byłyby w stanie zrobić
żadnego trudniejszego skoku. Nie martw się o naukę. W tym artykule, który czytałam, było napisane,
że 6 cheerleaderek ma średnią ocen B lub powyżej. Ponad 75% z nich
No to kiedy idziesz na pierwszy trening?

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Teaching notes
• Ask students to describe the photo in exercise 1b.
• Write the question on the board: Is cheerleading a
sport? Divide the board into two halves and write
Yes and No on each side. Ask students to work in
pairs and think of different arguments. (Yes: it’s a
team activity, they work out, run, jump, etc. No: they
sing and dance, it’s not competitive, you can’t win
or lose, etc.)
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Give students time to read the first email and the
magazine article.
• Students read the second email and complete the
• Check answers as a class.
Exercise 1a
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 1b
1 pięciu (5) lat
2 od czternastu (14) do osiemnastu (18) lat / 14–18 lat
3 cztery (4) razy
4 czterdziestu (40) (nowych) piosenek
5 pokonywaniem strachu
6 83% (procent)
7 uprawia (jakiś) inny sport

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
2a Przeczytaj artykuł (A) i uzupełnij wiadomości tekstowe do kolegi/koleżanki (B).

Manage your negative My internet isn’t working, and we’re
emotions during your exams supposed to read that article for
school tomorrow. Can you tell me
what it’s about?

Sure! It explains how to deal with

negative emotions before you sit an
It says that if you feel 2
may have a panic attack. It can
also prevent you from studying

Exam season is fast approaching and you’re Oh, I didn’t know that!
already feeling the pressure. This worry can stop
you from being productive when you study. According to the article, preparing for
It can even cause panic attacks. Overcoming an exam can be 4
anxiety and learning how not to let your learning how to
emotions get out of control might be more manage your emotions.
beneficial than revising for the exam.
What are the tips?
So, it says you shouldn’t surround
If your classmates tend to talk only about how yourself with people who only discuss
anxious they are, don’t listen to their conversations. their 5 .
It doesn’t help and only leads to feeling more It’s worth writing down your feelings in
nervous. a6 .

*KEEP A WORRY DIARY Write a message SEND

When you can’t handle your negative emotions,

write them down in a special worry diary.

2b Przeczytaj artykuł (A) jeszcze raz i odpowiedz na pytania.

1 What can be more important than exam preparation?

2 Why is it important to find a worry-free environment?

3 What's the purpose of a 'worry diary'?

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Teaching notes
• Ask students to look at the photo in exercise 2a.
Ask Where are the people? What are they doing? (at
school, taking an exam) How do you think they’re
feeling? (stressed)
• Ask students how they feel a month, a week or an
hour before an exam (nervous / stressed / worried).
What helps them overcome these feelings in each
of these situations? (talking to friends, writing a
studying schedule, getting plenty of sleep, bringing
something for good luck, etc.)
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Give students time to read the article.
• Students read the text messages and complete
the gaps.
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to read and answer the questions
in exercise 2b. Tell them that they can write short
• Ask volunteers to read their answers. Remember
that answers might differ. Answers are correct as
long as they are a correct interpretation of what is in
the article.
Exercise 2a
1 exam
2 worried / afraid / anxious / pressured
3 productively
4 less beneficial than
5 anxiety / fears / worries (etc.)
6 (special) worry diary
Exercise 2b
Suggested answers
1 Overcoming anxiety and learning how not to let your
emotions get out of control / how to control your
2 So that you don't get affected by people who talk
about being anxious, worried and nervous.
3 It helps to deal with negative emotions.
Working in pairs or small groups, students prepare a
leaflet with tips on how to prepare for an exam. Display
the leaflets in class and ask students to choose the three
most useful tips.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Miejsce zamieszkania
1a 01 Zwiedzasz Barcelonę wraz z kolegą, który nie zna angielskiego. Wysłuchaj nagrania zawierającego
fragment z audioprzewodnika po budynku Sagrada Família, a następnie wybierz
właściwe odpowiedzi.
1 Why does the speaker mention nature in the beginning of the talk?
A To prove the impact it had on humans.
B To show how it destroyed the roof.
C To present how it influenced the design of the building.
2 Which of the following is stated as an opinion and not a fact?
A Nobody leaves the building unimpressed by the columns.
B The columns are made using different materials making them colourful.
C Colour plays a crucial role in Gaudí's designs.

1b Wysłuchaj nagrania jeszcze raz, a następnie uzupełnij streszczenie nagrania dla swojego kolegi.

Jedną z najważniejszych budowli w Barcelonie jest Sagrada Família. Inspiracją

do jej powstania była 1 . Do budowy wewnętrznych
kolumn zostały użyte różnorodne materiały, dlatego kolumny różnią się
. Od pewnej wysokości kolumny mają również gałęzie.
To sprawia, że ludzie czują się, jakby byli 3 .
W Sagrada Família Gaudi wykorzystał kolor i 4
poprzez umieszczenie kolorowych okien witrażowych po przeciwległych stronach
budowli. Okna witrażowe po stronie zachodniej są żółte i pomarańczowe, podczas
gdy 5 kolory, jak zielony i niebieski, widnieją po
stronie wschodniej.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Miejsce zamieszkania
Teaching notes KEY
Exercise 1a
• Ask students to look at the photo in exercise 1a. Do 1 C
they know anything about this building: where it 2 A
is (Barcelona), what it’s called (La Sagrada Família),
Exercise 1b
who the architect was (Gaudí), etc.?
1 natura / przyroda
• Ask students to read the instructions and the
2 kolorem / grubością
3 w lesie / wśród (pośród) drzew / (po)między drzewami
• Play the recording. Students work individually to
4 światło słoneczne (dzienne) / naturalne światło
choose the correct answers.
5 zimne / chłodne / chłodniejsze
• With a weaker class, play the recording twice.
• Elicit answers from the class.
• Students read the instructions in exercise 1b. Check
they understand the situation and ask them if they
have had experience of this kind of situation.
• Give students time to read the summary and guess
words that may fit in the gaps.
• Play the recording again. Students work individually
to complete the text.
• Ask students to compare answers with a partner.
• Check answers as a class.

Audio script
So, welcome inside the Sagrada Família – one of
Barcelona’s most famous buildings. Antoni Gaudí, the
architect, believed that anything created by human
beings came from nature and the Sagrada Família takes
much of its inspiration from this. You can’t help but
be impressed by the tall columns in the centre of the
building. They’re made from a variety of materials, which
is why they are different colours. The columns are also
various thicknesses and as you can see, further up, near
the roof there are branches attached to them, which
adds to the forest effect that Gaudí wanted to create.
Colour was very important to Gaudí and it is used in
much of his architecture. In the Sagrada Família, it can
be seen throughout the building – on the stone, in the
tiles, and in the glass. Gaudí said that sunlight was the
best painter and the colours of the windows are carefully
chosen to take advantage of this, with the cool greens
and blues on the eastern side of the building, and the
warm yellows and oranges on the western side.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Miejsce zamieszkania
2a Zapoznaj się z informacjami w pakiecie powitalnym, który zawiera list (A) i mapę (B).
Następnie uzupełnij e-mail do koleżanki na temat tego, co musi zrobić, gdy przyjedzie
z rodzicami do miasteczka uniwersyteckiego (C).
First-year students –
Welcome Pack
We’re pleased to welcome you to Wordsworth’s
Hall student accommodation on Highfield campus!

Students should arrive on campus any time after

9 a.m. on Monday 30th September for registration,
which takes place between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The car park nearest the accommodation can

be used on arrival to make it easier to transfer
bags. However, students who wish to park during
term time must use the designated student car
park, which you reach by turning left just before
Wordsworth’s Hall and following the road around.
On the first day, pay for parking at the barrier,
then take your receipt to the registration office
for a full refund. You’ll also find a bank next to the
registration office if you need to withdraw money
when you arrive.

The Students’ Union has a restaurant and there

are kiosks around the campus selling food and
hot drinks, such as the Garden Café, which is
strictly vegetarian, and the Evergreen Shack,
which has healthy sandwiches and snacks.

We understand that you may want advice in your

first few days. There are staff available who can
assist you at the help desk.

To: mia_nicholls8@fabmail.com
Subject: Starting uni!

Hi Mia,

I hope you’re looking forward to starting uni! I just wanted to let you know what to do in the first
few days. I thought you were in Joyce’s Hall, but actually you’re in the same hall as me so your
parents need to park in car park 1 when they drop you off. They need
money for the barrier, but they can get that back from the 2 if they show
their receipt. You can have lunch at the Student’s Union, but as your parents don’t eat meat, they’d
probably like the 3 best. Lots of students like the Fast Food Hut opposite
. It’s really popular.
See you on Monday. Tell your parents not to get to the campus before 5 . If
I’m not there when you arrive and you 6 , just go to the help desk, which is
marked with a star on the map.

2b Udzielcie w parach odpowiedzi na pytania.

1 Where do most students in Poland live while studying at university?
2 What are the benefits of living in halls of residence?

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Miejsce zamieszkania
Teaching notes
• Ask students to look at the map – who might use a
map like this?
• Ask them some questions about the map, e.g.
Where is Joyce’s Hall?
• Ask students to read the instructions and look at
the welcome pack letter and map. Make sure they
understand what they have to do.
• Give students time to complete the email.
• Ask students to compare answers with a partner.
• Check answers as a class. If necessary, explain any
answers that students found difficult.
• Ask students to work in pairs and answer the
Exercise 2a
1 B
2 registration office
3 Garden Café / food at the Garden Café
4 Wordsworth’s Hall / our hall / our accommodation
5 9 a.m.
6 need advice / need help / need assistance / want to
ask questions / have any questions (etc.)
Exercise 2b
Students' own answers.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
1a 02 Wysłuchaj podcastu, w którym nauczyciel z Nowej Zelandii rozmawia o systemie edukacji
w jego kraju. Następnie przeczytaj tekst o wczesnej edukacji dzieci (ECE) w Nowej Zelandii (A)
i uzupełnij e-mail do kolegi (B). W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie dwa wyrazy.

Early Childhood Education

Although it is not compulsory, early childhood
education has been developing rapidly and more
and more children are participating in various
activities offered by ECE. It is estimated that most
children under the age of five attend classes for
about 20 hours a week. Parents, though initially
a little sceptical about the idea, have grown to
appreciate the opportunity their children have to
develop their skills and abilities. They understand
the experience will be useful when their children
start regular school education. ECE services are
supervised by the Ministry of Education, which
means only certified ECE teachers are involved in
the system.

To: Nathan
Subject: Re: Project

Hi Nathan,

I’ve just found some interesting information about the education system in New Zealand. I think
we could use it in our project about education in different countries. I’ve listened to a podcast in which
a teacher says that children in New Zealand start learning from 1 .
This is called early childhood education (ECE). Parents don’t have to send their kids to ECE classes, but almost
attends them. Under 5s attending ECE spend about 20 hours a week
learning. Parents are OK with the idea that their kids might 3 their childhood
because they see the 4 of it when the children start formal education.
Anyone who wants to become an ECE teacher must first receive 5 from the
Ministry of Education. Let me know what you think.


1b Przeczytaj tekst (A) w ćwiczeniu 1a jeszcze raz i odpowiedz na pytania.

1 How has parents' attitude to early childhood education changed?

2 What is the significance of ECE services falling under the Ministry of Education?

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Teaching notes EXTRA ACTIVITY
Ask students to choose any country in the world and to
• Write on the board: Children should start education
research the education system in that country. Students
at the age of … Ask students to discuss the answer
then prepare and give a presentation about their chosen
in pairs.
education system. With a weaker class or bigger groups,
• Elicit some answers from the class. Ask students to
ask students to do this in pairs.
justify their answers.
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Students read the article. Ask: Did any of the
information in the article surprise you?
• Give students time to read the email. Discuss what
words might go in each gap. Ask students to give
examples of words that fit in each gap, for example,
in number one it could be: birth, etc.
• Play the recording and ask students to listen and
complete the gaps.
• With a weaker class, play the recording twice.
• Ask students to compare answers with a partner.
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to read and answer the questions
in exercise 1b. Tell them that they can write short
• Ask volunteers to read their answers. Remember
that answers might differ. Answers are correct as
long as they are a correct interpretation of what is in
the article.

Audio script
People often ask me if our education system is different
from those in other countries. Generally, it seems pretty
standard. We have primary and secondary schools, as
well as higher and vocational education. But what sets
us apart from most modern systems is how we define
early childhood education (ECE). We actually start
teaching our children from the day they are born and
prepare them for school entry age. You might think
parents would hate to deprive their kids of childhood,
but in fact, 96.8% of children attend ECE. One other thing
that …
Exercise 1a
1 birth
2 every child / everyone
3 lose / not have / miss out on (etc.)
4 usefulness / benefits / advantages (etc.)
5 a certificate / certification
Exercise 1b
1 Parents were sceptical in the beginning, but have
grown to appreciate the idea.
2 It means that all ECE teachers have to be certified.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
2a Przeczytaj fragment ulotki reklamowej skierowanej do potencjalnych uczniów (A) oraz kartę
oceny postępów uczennicy (B). Następnie uzupełnij wiadomości tekstowe (C). W każdą lukę
możesz wpisać maksymalnie dwa wyrazy.

in the cloud!
We foster individual growth and prepare students for life in the
changing world. To develop learners’ potential, we use gamification,
and blended and distance learning. Students work individually or
in small groups. With the help from our excellent tutors, everyone
will fly high. Students who want to take final exams in the traditional
form will also pass them with flying colours as a wide range of offline
extra-curricular activities is offered free of charge. Our interactive
equipment and QR-coded school premises will make studying
inspiring and effective.
Do not hesitate!
Fees paid by instalments. BE ON CLOUD NINE!
School Report Card
    Name: Marianna Kow
nacka Teacher: Ms Barrett Term:
Spring Właśnie przyszedł raport ze szkoły
Course Marianny. Opinie nie są zachwycające!
Comments W sumie nic dziwnego, bo uczy się
English Marianna actively participate głównie przez 1
s in all debates, particularly
during video conferences. In , jeśli to w ogóle nauka,
order to progress, she will
need to read more set ebooks a podobno mają świetną 2
in the upcoming semester.
Maths Marianna should be more foc .
used on applying
mathematical formulas to onli
ne projects. She doesn’t
seem to understand the bas Tak, ale to nie wystarczy. Nasza córka
Physics Gifted, but works chaotically się nie uczy! Organizują jakieś zajęcia
. She needs to learn how to dodatkowe w tradycyjnej formie?
follow instructions.
History Usually takes part in discuss
ions, but she needs to put Chyba tak, są 3
more effort into reading hist
oric literature. , ale może to niepotrzebne.
Chemistry Poor learning skil
ls and work habits. Doesn’t Nauczyciele przedmiotów
instructions when conducting follow
experiments. humanistycznych sugerują, żeby więcej
IT Active and excellent during 4
distance learning activities,
however, missing home ass
PE Does her best if encouraged. No to mamy kłopot! A inne przedmioty?
inal Evaluation
nd of Year Mark Nauczyciele przedmiotów ścisłych sądzą,
że ma problem z koncentracją i 5
ttendance .
1 2 3 4 Total
Zupełnie jak w domu!

Write a message SEND

Signature: Paul Jones

2b Udzielcie w parach odpowiedzi na pytania.

1 What kind of learning methods do you think are most effective? Why?
2 What are the drawbacks of online learning?

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Teaching notes
• Write the following nouns on the board: blackboard,
chalk, notebook, interactive whiteboard, distance
learning, blended learning, virtual reality. Ask students
to group them into two categories: old-fashioned
schools and modern schools.
• Ask students to read the leaflet and ask them to
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such a
• Ask students to read Marianna’s report card.
Ask: Why do you think her results are so poor?
With a weaker class, remind students of modals in
the past, e.g.: She might have missed a lot of classes.
• Ask students to read the messages and work
individually to complete the gaps.
• Ask students to compare answers with a partner.
• Elicit answers from the class.
• Ask students to work in pairs and answer the
Exercise 2a
1 internet
2 kadrę (nauczycielską) / szkołę
3 bezpłatne / darmowe / za darmo
4 czytała
5 stosowaniem reguł / wykonywaniem poleceń /
wykorzystaniem instrukcji
Exercise 2b
Students’ own answers.
Ask students to work in groups of three and discuss
what Marianna’s parents should tell her. Give them time
to prepare a list of arguments. Students act out the
conversation taking on the roles of the father, mother
and Marianna.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
1a 03 Wysłuchaj reklamy radiowej i przeczytaj ulotkę (A). Następnie uzupełnij e-mail
do kolegi (B).

Look ahead and become …
A personal privacy advisor A 3D printing technician
In the age of the internet, it is getting more Does it come as a surprise that the
and more difficult to maintain privacy. cutting-edge advancements of
Professionals advising us how to protect 3D printing will probably replace
ourselves online are in high demand. big factories soon?

An augmented reality developer Find yourself in the front row

of specialists able to create
Taking advantage of augmented everything out of nothing.
reality for educational,
medical or technological
purposes is a prospect
that makes the
profession really

To: Adrian
Subject: Job search

Hi Adrian,
How are you? I hear you’re thinking about a future profession, so you might be interested in the
information I’ve found for you. First, you could use an agency that helps people in your position. Career
coaches will advise you on how to start and run a company on 1 and
will tell you about some things happening in the 2 . I’ve found an
article about jobs that are becoming more and more popular. All three of them are connected with
. The first one, which I find most interesting, is all about giving people
on how to protect their privacy. The other two jobs are all about
designing things - so you need to be a 5 person.
Let me know what you decide to do.

1b Niedawno przeczytałeś/przeczytałaś artykuł na temat zawodów przyszłości.

Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz swoją opinię na temat takich zawodów.
Odnieś się do następujących aspektów:
• kwalifikacje
• obowiązki.
Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 wyrazów.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Teaching notes
• Ask students what they would call somebody
who advises people on which job to choose
(career advisor / career coach).
• Make a list of disappearing occupations, e.g.
blacksmiths, typists, watch repairers. Discuss the
future of teachers and translators. Make a list of jobs
that might be in high demand soon. Tell students
they can also invent their own names for the jobs.
• Go through the instructions together and make sure
students understand what to do.
• Play the recording and ask students to complete the
gaps in the email with the information they hear.
• With a weaker class, play the recording twice.
• Students read the leaflet and complete the
remaining gaps in the email.
• Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to read the task in exercise 1b. Working
in pairs, students brainstorm ideas for the two
• Students write their essay in class or at home.

Audio script
Two decades ago, ambitious job seekers had to limit
their career choices to well-known jobs that had existed
for ages. The future, dominated by change, not only
exposes us to more challenges, but also opens new
opportunities on the labour market. Consider our
services if you want to:
• take your career to the next level and transform your
business into a start-up or solopreneurship
• learn the latest job market trends
• get advice on jobs that don’t exist quite yet, but will
be in high demand soon.
Email us at info@careercoaches.co if interested.
Exercise 1a
1 your own
2 job market
3 technology / the future
4 advice / information (etc.)
5 creative
Exercise 1b
Students’ own answers.
Ask students to research future jobs. Students choose
one job and prepare a presentation about its advantages,
disadvantages, who the job would be good for, etc.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
2a Przeczytaj e-mail (A) oraz internetową opinię (B). Następnie uzupełnij e-mail do
koleżanki (C). W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
To: Emilia
From: Jason
Subject: Re: Joe’s Supermarket

Hi Emilia,
Yes, you remember correctly! I worked at Joe’s Supermarket as a customer assistant last year. My main
responsibility was to look after customers, so I did lots of things. For example, I helped customers
find items in the shop and I provided information about our products. Sometimes my duties involved
displaying or rearranging products on the shelves or working on the checkout. To be honest, it was a
demanding job. It required a lot of patience. I always had to smile and be eager to help customers even
when I was exhausted.
I hope that helps! Check out this website for reliable reviews of different employers.

I worked there for two years when I was at university. Joe’s
Supermarket has always had one of the best hourly rates
on the market and they’re quite flexible when it comes to
arranging your shifts (really helpful during exams!). My boss
was very understanding and supported us. However, I’ve
heard some rumours about other managers. A few of my
colleagues complained that they had some communication
issues with their bosses. Overall, I think it’s a good place to
work, especially if it’s going to be your first part-time job.

Do: Natalia
Od: Emilia
Temat: Re: Praca w Joe’s Supermarket

Hej Natalia!
Tak jak prosiłaś, podpytałam Jasona o jego pracę w Joe’s Supermarket. Jason mówi, że to wymagająca
praca i trzeba mieć sporo 1 . Bez względu na wszystko musisz przez
cały dzień 2 i służyć pomocą klientom. Jason polecił mi stronę, gdzie
można znaleźć opinie o różnych pracodawcach. Sprawdziłam Joe’s Supermarket – jedna z osób pisze, że
oferują tam 3 na rynku oraz że są elastyczni w ustalaniu grafiku.
Ta osoba chwaliła też bardzo 4
. Pisała, że to dobre miejsce dla osób,
które po raz pierwszy szukają pracy 5 .
Mogę Ci dać numer Jasona i on odpowie na wszystkie Twoje pytania .

2b Wykonajcie zadanie jako Uczeń A i Uczeń B. Uczeń A: Podczas pobytu w Londynie

chcesz podjąć pracę w Joe's Supermarket. Uczeń B: Jesteś kolegą/koleżanką Ucznia A
i kiedyś pracowałeś/pracowałaś w Joe's Supermarket.
W rozmowie omówcie poniższe cztery kwestie:
• wynagrodzenie, • negatywne strony pracy,
• obowiązki, • zadowolenie pracowników.
Rozmowę rozpoczyna Uczeń A.
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Teaching notes
• Ask students what makes a good workplace if
you’re looking for a first job (flexible hours, good
boss, friendly colleagues, etc.). How can you check
if the place where you apply for a job meets your
expectations? (Ask at the interview, ask friends, check
reviews online.)
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Ask students to read the email and the review. Ask:
Would you like to work there? Why? / Why not?
• Students read the email and complete the gaps.
• Elicit answers from the class.
• Ask students to work in pairs and do the task in
exercise 2b.
• Ask some volunteers to do the task in front of the
Exercise 2a
1 cierpliwości
2 uśmiechać się / być uśmiechniętym /
być uśmiechniętą
3 najlepsze stawki godzinowe
4 swojego szefa
5 na pół etatu
Exercise 2b
Students’ own answers.

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Życie prywatne
1a Przeczytaj wiadomości tekstowe (A). Następnie uzupełnij e-mail do koleżanki (B).

To: Maggie
From: Zuzia
Hej Amelia! Nie wiem, czy mnie
Subject: Re: Lena’s 1 birthday party
kojarzysz. Jestem Zuzia, koleżanka
Twojej siostry Leny.
Hi Maggie,
Cześć Zuzia! I’ve talked to Lena’s sister Amelia.
She thinks that out of the three
Razem z dziewczynami z klasy chcemy ideas that we have, the first one is 2
przygotować dla Leny niespodziankę
z okazji jej osiemnastych urodzin. .
Pomożesz nam? She says that Lena doesn’t like
Jasne! Co planujecie? so my
idea of going to London and staying at
Mamy kilka pomysłów. Opcja pierwsza –
pojedziemy na koncert tego zespołu
z Brighton, który Lena tak lubi work. On the other hand, she has been
i poprosimy o piosenkę dla niej. Druga saving money for 5
opcja – jedziemy na weekend do
for months, so we should
Londynu i zatrzymujemy się u mojej cioci,
a tam zakupy i włóczenie się po mieście. buy them for her. Now, I need to talk to my
Trzeci pomysł: przyjęcie–niespodzianka brother’s friend who 6
w domu. Co wybrać? in this band. I hope they will
play a song for Lena.
Zdecydowanie ten pierwszy. Lena nie
cierpi dużych miast i zakupów. Talk to you later,
A koncert to super pomysł. Już od
kilku miesięcy zbiera pieniądze na
bilety. Tylko jak załatwicie tę piosenkę?
Lena wspominała, że znasz gitarzystę

Nie, ale mój brat studiuje z nim.

Poprosimy go.

1b Udzielcie w parach odpowiedzi na pytania.

1 How do teenagers in Poland celebrate their birthdays?
2 What are the most popular celebrations in Poland?
3 Does your family follow any traditions? What are they?

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Życie prywatne
Teaching notes
• Ask students if they have ever been to, or organised,
a surprise birthday party for someone. Was it a
success? Why? / Why not?
• Ask students to work in pairs and discuss what kind
of surprise birthday party they would like to have.
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Students work individually to complete the gaps.
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to work in pairs and answer the
Exercise 1a
1 eighteenth (18th)
2 the best
3 big cities, shopping
4 my aunt’s
5 the concert tickets / tickets for the concert
6 plays the guitar / is a guitarist
Exercise 1b
Students’ own answers.

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Życie prywatne
2a Opiszcie w parach zdjęcie w ćwiczeniu 2b (A).
2b Przeczytaj informacje na stronie internetowej (A) i wiadomość tekstową (B). Następnie
uzupełnij e-mail do kolegi (C). W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.

Chicago St. Patrick’s Day parade

Saturday 17 March
Downtown Chicago, Columbus Drive (starting at Balbo Drive and
finishing at Monroe Drive)
Noon — 3 p.m.
Come and see one of the biggest St. Patrick’s Day parades in the
country. More than one hundred participants including floats,
marching bands, huge balloons, Irish flags and dancing groups.
Enjoy looking at the Chicago River as it turns green. We will begin
to dye the river green at 9 a.m. Arrive early to find a spot on one of
the bridges or along the street by the river.


Do: Przemek
Od: Emmett
Hi Kuba. Are you ready for the Temat: Re: St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day parade? Let’s take
either the blue or the red train line. Cześć Przemek,
Buses will be more crowded. Shall fajnie, że chcesz iść z nami na paradę.
we meet at around 9? Do you still Szykuj się na super zabawę, bo w centrum
have those enormous funny green Chicago wzdłuż ulicy 1
glasses? Could you bring them? I’m odbywa się chyba największa
definitely going to wear my green parada w kraju. Czego tam nie ma –
hat and jacket. Have you seen the orkiestry marszowe, 2
weather forecast? Cold and windy! flagi, olbrzymie balony
Emmett i tancerze. No i koniecznie musisz zobaczyć,
jak farbują rzekę. Żeby to dobrze widzieć
najlepiej ustawić się wcześniej
wzdłuż rzeki. Nie zapomnij założyć
czegoś zielonego. W sobotę ma być
beznadziejna pogoda. Podobno będzie
, więc
ja biorę swoją zieloną 5
. Może Emmett
przyniesie też takie śmieszne 6
. Pojedziemy
, bo jest problem
z parkowaniem auta.
Write a message SEND
Do zobaczenia,

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Życie prywatne
Teaching notes
• Ask students to work in pairs and look at the photo.
In a weaker class, ask: What’s happening in the photo?
What country does this celebration come from? (Ireland)
Have you ever seen / been to a parade? What kind of
parade was it? What did you like / dislike about it?
• Go through the instructions in exercise 2b together
and make sure students understand what to do.
• Give students time to read the website and the text
message. What advice do they find in these texts
about going to the St. Patrick’s Day parade? (arrive
early, wear green clothes, wear warm clothes, use
public transport, find a good spot, etc.)
• Students read the email and complete the gaps.
• Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
Exercise 2a
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 2b
1 Columbus Drive
2 irlandzkie
3 na moście
4 zimno i wietrznie / zimno i wiatr
5 czapkę i kurtkę / kurtkę i czapkę / kapelusz
6 zielone okulary
7 pociągiem

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1a 04 Wysłuchaj fragmentu programu o gotowaniu. Na podstawie informacji
w nagraniu uzupełnij luki (1–2), tak aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens
wysłuchanego tekstu.
1 The speaker uses the word 'versatile' to emphasize that .
2 The recipe will fail if you use .
1b Wysłuchaj nagrania jeszcze raz i przeczytaj przepis (A). Następnie uzupełnij wiadomości
tekstowe (B). W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie dwa wyrazy.


1/3 cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon olive oil
3 tablespoons sesame oil
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon ginger
250g tofu

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Mix all the ingredients except the tofu in a bowl.
Cut the tofu into pieces that are roughly equal in size. This guarantees that each piece bakes well.
Add the tofu to the bowl and stir until the mixture covers all the pieces. Leave it in the fridge for two
hours or overnight.
Bake the tofu at 200°C for 30 minutes or until it’s golden brown.

Hey! Here’s the recipe for my delicious tofu.

I also watched them make it on a cookery
show last week.

My internet’s slow. Can you tell me

what I need?

Tofu, obviously. It’s best to buy the


kind available. Then, use paper towels to


How long does it take to prepare it?

About ten minutes. But then the

the tofu and the spices in it has to stay in the
fridge for two hours or even for the whole
Finally, you’ll need to bake your tofu for

Anything else?

The recipe says that the tofu pieces

must be the same 6
as each other. Here’s the
list of all the ingredients:
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Teaching notes KEY
Exercise 1a
• Ask students to look at the photo. Do they 1 you can do many (different) things with tofu
recognize this dish? (tofu) Have they ever tried it 2 soft tofu
or cooked it? Are they willing to try new dishes, or Exercise 1b
do they prefer to stick to traditional cuisine? What 1 firmest
might stop / stops them from trying new things? 2 dry
(unknown taste, unknown ingredients, they think 3 bowl
they won’t like it, etc.) 4 night
• Go through the instructions in exercise 1a together 5 half an
and make sure students understand what to do. 6 size
• Play the recording and ask students to complete the
gaps in the sentences.
• Check answers as a class.
• Give students time to read the text messages in
exercise 1b.
• If necessary, play the recording again and ask
students to complete the gaps in the text messages
with the information they hear.
• Students read the recipe and complete the
remaining gaps.
• Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.

Audio script
Host OK, let’s get back to the tofu. What are you going
to cook for us today?
I’ll be making delicious baked tofu. It’s a super-
easy recipe and really quick to make. Tofu is such
a versatile ingredient. You can eat it on its own,
like in this recipe, or you can add it to salads,
soups, noodles, anything really.
Sounds great. What advice would you give
someone who’s cooking tofu for the very first
Chef Well, for this recipe, you need to buy a firm or
extra firm variety, like this one here.
Hmm, yeah. I always thought tofu was soft.
You can get all sorts: soft, medium, regular, firm
and extra firm. The soft one won’t work in this
dish. The most important thing before cooking
is removing the extra water by wrapping tofu
around a few layers of paper towels and pressing
it lightly. Finally, …

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2a Przeczytaj artykuł (A), a następnie uzupełnij e-mail (B). W każdą lukę możesz wpisać
maksymalnie dwa wyrazy.


Human lifespan largely depends on diet. More and more trendsetter
foodies, dieticians and chefs are putting emphasis on including nutrients
and reducing harmful preservatives in our food. Restaurateurs are serving
seafood, plant-based proteins and fermented mushrooms that taste
like chicken, duck, turkey, or other types of meat. Perhaps the fast food
industry could also reconsider its menus to offer customers the most
nutritious meals that are healthy and low in calories. Hopefully, it won’t
be long before we see things like fat–burning spices or smoothies that are
known from dietary clinics being served everywhere. Luckily, it has been
estimated that at least 50% of plastic containers will soon be replaced by
eco-friendly packaging.

Do: Ciocia Malwina
Temat: Trendy w żywieniu

Droga Ciociu!
Piszę w sprawie Twojej restauracji. Poczytałem trochę na temat najnowszych trendów w żywieniu
i zauważyłem następujące tendencje:
• nacisk na wartość odżywczą i ograniczanie szkodliwych 1 ;
chęć wprowadzania produktów roślinnych, a nawet grzybów, które smakują jak
propozycje, żeby wprowadzać do menu potrawy, które nie będą tak 3
i niezdrowe jak dotychczas, nawet w restauracjach 4 . Wszyscy
będą na stałe włączać do menu odchudzające przyprawy i koktajle dietetyczne, już
co do opakowań, plastik będzie stanowił 6 z nich.
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłem.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

2b Trendy w żywieniu co chwilę się zmieniają. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz

dobre i złe strony tego zjawiska.
Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 wyrazów.

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Teaching notes
• Check if students understand the meaning of fast
food, homemade food and molecular gastronomy.
• Ask students to discuss their eating habits in groups
and make a survey showing how many of them
eat out, or at home only, and how often they do
it. Write the results of the survey on the board and
discuss the reasons for their choices.
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Give students time to read the magazine article.
• Students read the email and complete the gaps.
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to read the task in exercise 2b.
Working in pairs, students brainstorm ideas for the
advantages and the disadvantages.
• Students write their essay in class or at home.
Exercise 2a
1 konserwantów / substancji (środków) konserwujących
2 mięso drobiowe / drób
3 kaloryczne / tuczące
4 szybkiej obsługi
5 wkrótce
6 50 procent (%)
Exercise 2b
Students’ own answers.
Working in small groups, ask students to design their
own eco-friendly restaurant. Students invent a name,
logo, slogan and prepare a healthy menu.

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Zakupy i usługi
1a 05 Wysłuchaj ogłoszenia, a następnie uzupełnij e-mail. W każdą lukę możesz
wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.


To: Sarah
Subject: Re: Recycling week

Hi Sarah,
You’ve asked me about recycling week in Look shops. I haven’t heard about it before, but it sounds
great! So, you can bring any clothes that you no longer want. The clothes can’t be 1
. Apart from clothes, they also accept 2 . You’ll receive a
discount of 20 PLN for every 3
you bring, but there is a limit of two
. To use the discount, you have to spend at least 100 PLN.
You can’t use the discount to buy gift cards, 5 and .
Why don’t we go on Thursday?

1b Udzielcie w parach odpowiedzi na pytania.

1 Where do teenagers in Poland buy their clothes?
2 What's the last thing that you bought? Why did you buy it?

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Zakupy i usługi
Teaching notes
• Ask students what things they recycle. (paper,
plastic products, cans, glass bottles or jars). What
do they do with personal items that they don’t
need any longer, but don’t want to throw away,
for example books, shoes, clothes, bags and
electronics? (give to charity, sell, give to friends or
family, etc.)
• Students look at the poster. Ask: What do you think
‘Recycling week’ is?
• Play the recording for students to check their
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Give students time to read the email.
• Play the recording and ask students to complete the
gaps in the email with the information they hear.
• With a weaker class, play the recording again.
• Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to work in pairs and answer the
questions in exercise 1b.

Audio script
Zbliża się wiosna, a w twojej szafie nie ma miejsca na
nowe ubrania?
To pewnie dlatego, że znajduje się tam sporo rzeczy
sprzed kilku sezonów, o których istnieniu już dawno
zapomniałeś! A może część z Twoich ubrań jest
znoszonych lub zniszczonych, ale żal ci je wyrzucić?
Sieć sklepów Look ma dla ciebie rozwiązanie. Przynieś
niepotrzebną odzież i tekstylia do jednego z naszych
sklepów w dniach od 5 do 12 lutego. Za każdą torbę
z tekstyliami otrzymasz 20 zł zniżki na zakupy powyżej
100 zł.
Co przyjmujemy?
Ubrania (mogą być uszkodzone, ale muszą być czyste),
ręczniki, pościel i koce.
Tydzień recyclingu z Look już w lutym!
Dziennie można przynieść nie więcej niż dwie
torby z tekstyliami. Zniżka nie obejmuje zakupu kart
podarunkowych oraz butów i portfeli.
Exercise 1a
1 dirty
2 towels and blankets / blankets and towels
3 bag
4 bags a day
5 shoes, wallets / wallets, shoes
Exercise 1b
Students’ own answers.
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Zakupy i usługi
2a Przeczytaj informacje na stronie internetowej centrum
handlowego (A). Następnie uzupełnij wiadomości
tekstowe do koleżanki (B).

1 piętro

O nas Jak dojechać Plan centrum Sklepy Gastronomia
Godziny otwarcia Kontakt
Heidi, I’m so sorry, but I won’t be able
JAK DOJECHAĆ to go shopping with you today. Do
you think you can go on your own?
Do naszego centrum handlowego można
dojechać: Oh, no! Yes, I can, but how do I get there?
I don’t understand the information on
Z Brzeźna the website.
149 You’re staying in Brzeźno, right? Then
take 1
Przystanek: Wrzeszcz PKP 01
and get off at 2
Czas dojazdu: ok. 40 minut (pieszo od . It should take
przystanku: 6 minut) around 40 minutes, but there’s also a

O nas Jak dojechać Plan centrum Sklepy Gastronomia Great! Thanks. I need to get some new
eyeshadow. Can I buy it there?
Godziny otwarcia Kontakt

Yes, there’s a health and beauty shop
on the first floor. It’s 4
the clothes shop and
Centrum handlowe the supermarket. You can’t miss it!
Poniedziałek–Sobota: 09.00–21.00 Do you want to meet me there later?
Niedziela handlowa: 10.00–20.00
Sorry, not until 9 p.m. when the shopping
Supermarket centre closes. Unless you wait in the
supermarket which doesn’t close until
Poniedziałek–Sobota: 07.00–22.00 5
today. We could
Niedziela handlowa: 09.00–21.00 go get something to eat nearby after.

Sounds good. See you then!

2b Wykonajcie zadanie jako Uczeń A i Uczeń B. Uczeń A: Namawiasz kolegę/koleżankę na

wspólne zakupy w nowym centrum handlowym. Uczeń B: Jesteś kolegą/koleżanką,
którego/którą trzeba namówić do zakupów w centrum handlowym.
W rozmowie omówcie poniższe cztery kwestie:
• rodzaje sklepów w centrum, • godziny otwarcia,
• dojazd, • inne atrakcje.
Rozmowę rozpoczyna Uczeń A.
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Zakupy i usługi
Teaching notes
• Write ‘shopping’ in the middle of the board and ask
students to come to the board and write things
that they associate with this topic. Ask additional
questions, e.g. Why did you write ‘boring’? Who else
agrees?, etc.
• Students look at the illustration on the website. Ask
them to identify the shops that they can see (e.g.
electrical store / white goods store, clothes shop,
health and beauty shop, supermarket, etc.). With
a weaker class, ask students to make a list of the
things that they can buy in these shops.
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Ask students to read the text messages and try to
guess the type of answer that is needed in each gap
(e.g. bus number, the name of the bus stop, a time,
• Students read the information on the website and
complete the text messages.
• Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to work in pairs and do the task in
exercise 2b.
• Ask some volunteers to do the task in front of the
Exercise 2a
1 the 149 bus / bus number 149
2 Wrzeszcz PKP 01
3 6-minute walk
4 between
5 10 p.m. / ten o’clock
Exercise 2b
Students’ own answers.

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Podróżowanie i turystyka
1a 06 Wysłuchaj komunikatu i przeczytaj informacje dotyczące bezpieczeństwa (A).
Następnie uzupełnij e-mail (B).

Bezpieczeństwo na pokładzie
Safety on board
Wyjścia awaryjne
Emergency exits

Start i lądowanie • Take-off and landing

tratwa i kamizelka ratunkowa

life vest and life raft
Sytuacje awaryjne • Emergencies

Nie zabieraj tej karty z samolotu • Do not remove this card from the aircraft

To: Aunt Sue
Subject: First flight

Hi Aunt Sue,
Mum said that you’re worried about your first ever flight. Well, I flew from Gdańsk to Rome last week and
I made some notes for you.
Just before take-off, they’ll play a safety announcement. Don’t worry if you don’t hear or understand
everything because there’s usually a card with all the 1 in the seat
pocket in front of you. I took a photo of it for you.
They said that there are 2 emergency exits. In case of an
emergency, you need to turn the emergency door handle to 3 .
You must take off your 4
when using the emergency slide.
Life-saving equipment is placed 5 and oxygen masks will fall from
if there’s any loss in cabin pressure.
But don’t worry about anything. I’m sure you’ll have a great flight.
See you soon.

1b Udzielcie w parach odpowiedzi na pytania.

1 What is your least favourite form of transport? Why?
2 Is it difficult to pass a driving test and get a driver's license in Poland? Why? / Why not?

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Podróżowanie i turystyka
Teaching notes
• Before you give out the worksheet, ask students to
interview each other in order to learn who
has / hasn’t travelled by plane before. Ask those
who have flown by plane to say when and where
they travelled.
• Students look at the illustration. Ask: Where would
you find this? What kind of information does it give?
• With a weaker class, point out the vocabulary in
English and the Polish translations.
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Play the recording. Ask students to summarise in
English the most important information.
• Play the recording again and ask students to
complete the gaps in the email.
• Ask students to compare answers with a partner.
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to work in pairs and answer the
questions in exercise 1b.

Audio script
Drodzy Pasażerowie! Witamy na pokładzie samolotu
rejsowego do Rzymu. Prosimy o zapoznanie się
z procedurami bezpieczeństwa, których należy
przestrzegać w trakcie trwania lotu. Na pokładzie
znajduje się sześć wyjść awaryjnych. W razie awarii
należy zlokalizować najbliższe wyjście oznaczone
sygnałem świetlnym. Nad Państwa głowami schowane
są maski tlenowe, które wypadną automatycznie
w przypadku nagłej utraty ciśnienia w kabinie. Na
załączonej karcie zaznaczyliśmy miejsce, w którym
znajdują się tratwy i kamizelki ratunkowe. Przed startem
prosimy o zabezpieczenie bagażu, wyłączenie urządzeń
elektronicznych, a po sygnale – zapięcie pasów. Życzymy
miłej i bezpiecznej podróży!
Exercise 1a
1 (safety) instructions / (safety) information
2 six (6)
3 the left
4 shoes
5 under your seat
6 above (your head) / over your head
Exercise 1b
Students’ own answers.

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Podróżowanie i turystyka
2a Przeczytaj artykuł (A) w ćwiczeniu 2b i odpowiedz na pytania.
1 How many missing pieces of luggage are never found?

2 How can you check the status of your missing bags?

2b 07 Wysłuchaj rozmowy. Następnie przeczytaj artykuł (A) jeszcze raz i uzupełnij

wiadomości tekstowe (B).

According to our latest statistics, 79% of lost bags are delayed
and only 2% can’t be recovered. This means there’s a chance your
luggage is already on its way to you, so stay calm. Obviously, start
by heading to the baggage claim office to report it. You’ll need to
present your luggage ticket and describe your bag.
If you have any pictures of your bags, that can help too.
You’ll be asked to leave your contact information so that the airline
can reach you. However, while talking to an airline representative,
find out how you can check the updates on your luggage. Maybe
there’s a web tracker or a phone number you can call to see the
progress that has been made.

Hey, Tomek, I talked to my dad about
your situation and also checked it


The airline will surely locate your

luggage soon. 1
80% of lost luggage
arrives late and isn’t actually lost. First,
go to a 2
and inform them that your
suitcase is missing. Show them your
luggage ticket and say what your bag
It’s good if you have 4
of your luggage.

I don’t think I have any!

That’s OK. Find out if you can get your

money back when you buy things you
need, such as cosmetics or 5
. Ask how
much they’ll be able to give you back
and make sure you keep the 6

Ok, I’ll do that.

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Podróżowanie i turystyka
Teaching notes
• Ask students to think of what problems they might
face during a flight (delayed or cancelled flight, lost
luggage, jet lag after a long-haul flight, too heavy
suitcase, noisy passengers, etc.). Write their ideas on
the board.
• Ask: Have any of these things ever happened to you or
your friends and family? What are some ways you can
deal with these problems? (stay calm, be patient, etc.)
• Go through the instructions in exercise 2a together
and make sure students understand what to do.
• Students read the article and answer the questions.
• Check answers as a class.
• Give students time to read the text messages.
• Play the recording. Ask students to listen and
complete some of the gaps. Play the recording for
the second time, if necessary.
• Ask students to read the article and complete the
remaining gaps.
• Ask students to compare answers with a partner.
• Check answers as a class.

Audio script
Hudson Hi, Dad! I need your help. My friend Tomek
has just landed in Paris, but his suitcase is lost.
What should he do?
Dad Tell Tomek to report it. If he’s in Paris on a trip,
he’ll probably need some basic toiletries and
clothes. He should find out whether the airline
will compensate him if he purchases these
things. There’s probably a limit to how much
he’s allowed to spend, so he needs to inquire
about it, too.
Hudson Great!
Dad Remind Tomek to keep the receipts and only
buy things that are absolutely necessary.
Otherwise, the airline might not refund him
the money.
Hudson Thanks, Dad!
Exercise 2a
1 2%
2 By using a web tracker or calling a number.
Exercise 2b
1 Almost / About / Nearly / Just under (etc.)
2 baggage claim office
3 looks like
4 pictures / photos / photographs
5 clothes
6 receipts

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1a Zapoznaj się z informacjami na plakacie (A) i przeczytaj artykuł (B). Następnie uzupełnij
wiadomości tekstowe do kolegi/koleżanki (C).
Middlerock Art Gallery presents
a Photography Exhibition

60 artists sharing
60 views from their windows
in 60 cities, towns or villages

I’ve found some information about
the exhibition of 1
you mentioned
yesterday. It’s called Through My Window
and it’ll be on at the Middlerock Art Gallery.

Oh, great, thanks. When is it?

It starts 2 and
finishes at the end of December.

Worth seeing in October Great! What exactly will there be?

11.10.2019 – 29.12.2019, Through My Window 60 photos, each taken by 3

, all showing the
Through My Window is a photography exhibition views from windows in 60 cities, towns or
which shows the world people see through the villages. This project 4
windows in their homes. The project was started by when a blogger called
blogger James Meyer, who travelled around South James Meyer published his first window
America and Asia for over a year. Each time James photos from his trips to 5
Meyer stayed in a hotel, he took a photo of the view and
from his hotel window and posted it on Instagram.
Soon James started receiving similar photos from
his followers. In April 2018, Helena Stiles from the Sounds interesting.
Middlerock Art Gallery saw Meyer’s photos and
contacted him about organizing an exhibition. Yes! Helena Stiles is the 6
Helena Stiles believes that the window photos teach of this exhibition.
us to celebrate the beauty of our surroundings. She wanted to show how 7
the world we see
from our window is.

1b Niedawno uczestniczyłeś/uczestniczyłaś w wystawie fotografii „Through My Window”.

Napisz artykuł na stronę internetową swojej szkoły, w którym zrelacjonujesz wystawę
i przedstawisz własny pogląd na temat organizacji tego typu wydarzeń.
Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 wyrazów.

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Teaching notes
• Ask students to look at the photo. Ask: What does it
show? (a view from the window in a big city / town,
skyscrapers in the distance, some houses / buildings
and trees, etc.).
• Ask: If you took a photo from your bedroom window,
what would it show? Would you be interested in seeing
similar photos taken by different people around the
world? Why? / Why not?
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Give students time to read the poster and the
magazine article. Ask: How are James and Helena
connected? (She contacted James about organising
an exhibition of photos he and his followers took.)
• Students read the text messages and complete the
• Ask students to compare answers with a partner.
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to work in pairs and brainstorm ideas
for their articles.
• Students write their articles in class or at home.
Exercise 1a
1 photos / photographs / pictures
2 on 11 October / on October 11 / in October
3 a different artist (photographer)
4 started / began
5 South America, Asia / Asia, South America
6 organiser
7 beautiful
Exercise 1b
Students’ own answers.
Ask students to take a photo of the view from their
bedroom window and bring it to the next lesson. In
class, create an exhibition using the photos or display
them on a whiteboard. Ask students to choose their
favourite photo and say why they chose it. They can also
write a description of their chosen photo.

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2a Przeczytaj tekst (A). Następnie uzupełnij e-mail do kolegi (B). W każdą lukę możesz
wpisać maksymalnie dwa wyrazy.



Iwona Golor (ur. 29.11.1991 w Tarnowskich Górach) – polska

malarka, której specjalnością są portrety i pejzaże. W 2016
ukończyła Akademię Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie. Od 2013
wystawia prace w galeriach i muzeach, głównie w Warszawie
oraz w Tarnowskich Górach. Jest autorką cyklu obrazów Wyjść
z Twarzą. Projekt obejmował 45 portretów znanych artystów,
naukowców oraz ludzi ze świata kultury i biznesu. Wśród
sportretowanych osób znaleźli się między innymi aktor Jerzy
Stuhr, reżyser Krzysztof Zanussi oraz polityk i ekonomista
Leszek Balcerowicz. Wystawa wizerunków odbyła się
11 czerwca 2018 w Teatrze Polskim w Warszawie. W tym samym
dniu dzieła zostały sprzedane w czasie aukcji charytatywnej.
Dochód w wysokości 35 tys. zł przeznaczono dla podopiecznych
fundacji Joanny Radziwiłł „Opiekuńcze Skrzydła” i stanowił
pomoc w ich kształceniu i rozwoju artystycznym.

To: Joe
Subject: Re: School project

Hi Joe,
It’s really great to hear you’re doing a project about young artists and that you want to focus on
someone from Poland. I would suggest Iwona Golor. I’ve found some information about her. She
mostly paints portraits and 1 . She was born in 2
in Tarnowskie Góry. Her paintings are shown in galleries and museums in
Warsaw and in her 3 . She created a project which consisted of
of famous artists, scientists and businessmen. These paintings
were first shown at an exhibition in 2018 and then sold at a 5 for
35,000 zł. The money was used to support children in their 6
and development.
I hope this helps!

2b Udzielcie w parach odpowiedzi na pytania.

1 Do you visit art galleries? Why? / Why not?
2 Do you think you are artistic? Why? / Why not?

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Teaching notes
• Ask: What information do you usually look for online
and why do you need it? (information about famous
people, places, historical events, countries, etc.
They might need it for school projects, to revise for
tests, to find out what they don’t know and want to
check, etc.).
• Ask students if they use online encyclopedias.
Why? / Why not?
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Give students time to read the information in the
encyclopedia entry. Ask students to work in pairs
and tell each other two facts about Iwona Golor.
• Students read the email and complete the gaps.
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to ask and answer the questions in
exercise 2b.
Exercise 2a
1 landscapes
2 1991
3 hometown
4 forty five (45) portraits
5 (charity) auction
6 artistic / art
Exercise 2b
Students’ own answers.
Ask students to write an encyclopedia entry
(80–120 words) about another Polish artist.

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1a 08 Wysłuchaj wywiadu radiowego. Następnie uzupełnij e-mail do koleżanki.
W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie dwa wyrazy.

S &

To: Mila
Subject: Re: Sports Expo

Hi Mila,
I’m also having problems opening the Sports Expo website, but I’ve just heard about it on the radio and
I have some information. They’re organising it in Manchester for the 1
time and it’s a 2 -day event. We’ll be able to see different sports,
but there will also be a chance to take part in various classes. They will actually have 3
classes to choose from each day. If you want to take part, you need to bring your
It isn’t possible to buy tickets 5 . They are quite expensive, but there’s a
£5 off coupon which is available on 6 .
Let me know if you want to go.

1b Niedawno uczestniczyłeś/uczestniczyłaś w wystawie Sport Expo. Podczas imprezy

wystąpiło dużo problemów. Napisz list do organizatorów, w którym opiszesz te
problemy i zaproponujesz rozwiązania na kolejny rok.
Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 wyrazów.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Teaching notes KEY
Exercise 1a
• Ask students what sports events they have been to 1 first (1st)
(matches, races, competitions, etc.). 2 four (4)
• Write the word expo on the board and ask 3 five (5)
students what they think it means. (a large, often 4 sports shoes
international exhibition). Ask students to look at the 5 online
illustration and, in pairs, discuss what might happen 6 the/their website
during a sports and lifestyle expo (equipment
Exercise 1b
demonstrations, health checks, stalls selling sports
Students’ own answers.
clothes and equipment, sports classes, meetings
with experts, etc.).
• Play the recording and ask students if any of their
ideas were similar.
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Play the recording again and ask students
to complete the gaps in the email with the
information they hear.
• With a weaker class, play the recording again.
• Ask students to compare their answers with a
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to work in pairs and brainstorm ideas
for their letters.
• Students write their letters in class or at home.

Audio script
I’m here with Angela, one of the organisers
of the Sports and Lifestyle Expo happening
this week. We haven’t had this sort of event in
Manchester before, have we?
Angela No, we haven’t. That’s why we’re so excited.
The event starts on Thursday at 1 p.m. and
finishes on Sunday evening. The expo is a great
opportunity to check out different sports and
get professional advice from health and fitness
experts on how to live a healthier and fitter life.
Man Can you try any sports too?
Angela Yes, we’ll have five different free classes per day.
Anyone wearing sports shoes can attend. You
can also watch professionals do different sports,
such as weight lifting, karate or gymnastics.
Man Sounds exciting! Where can you buy tickets?
Angela At the expo. Tickets aren’t available online.
They cost £25, but you can get £5 off if you
download a voucher from our website.

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2a Zapoznaj się z informacjami na plakacie (A) i przeczytaj e-mail (B). Następnie uzupełnij e-mail
do koleżanki (C).
From: gymhire@sports4all.co
SPORTS 4 ALL Subject: Re: Hiring a basketball court

BA S K E Thank you very much for contacting

sports4all about hiring our basketball court.

You need to be 16 or over and have a valid

ID card if you wish to hire the court. If you’re
a student, the hourly rate is £25. You can use
the changing rooms, showers and the steam
sauna. Please remember to wear indoor
sports shoes.
As for our weekend availability, the court
can be hired after 1 p.m. on Saturdays due
to weekly badminton and basketball classes
in the morning.
Please let me know if you have any other
Best wishes,

a.m.–9 p.m.
Available daily, 8
£25–£50 / hourbring your friends!
e equipment, so ju
We provide all th or em ai l gy m hire@sports4all.co
Ca ll 07 79 1 65 72 21

To: Fiona
Subject: Re: Hiring a basketball court

Hi Fiona,
I’ve just got a reply about hiring the basketball court at sports4all. You have to be 1
16 and have an ID card. Luckily, as we’re still students we have to
pay £25 per hour, but normally, the price is 2 much.
We 3
bring balls or other equipment. The price includes
the use of 4 . We can’t come 5 1 p.m.
on Saturdays because there are some classes. The gym is open until 6
o’clock from Monday to Sunday.
Sounds good, doesn’t it?

2b Udzielcie w parach odpowiedzi na pytania.

1 Which sport do you think is the most difficult to learn? Why?
2 How can teenagers be encouraged to do more sport?

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Teaching notes
• Ask students where they / people usually do sports
(gym, basketball court, football field, park, at home,
etc.). In which of these places can they do sports for
free and where do they have to pay? Is it expensive
to use sports facilities? Why do they think so?
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Give students time to read the poster and the first
• Students read the second email and complete the
• Ask students to compare their answers with a
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to work in pairs and answer the
questions in 2b.
Exercise 2a
1 least sixteen
2 twice as
3 don’t need to / don’t have to
4 the changing rooms, showers and the steam sauna
5 before / earlier than / prior to
6 nine (9)
Exercise 2b
Students’ own answers.

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1a Przeczytaj artykuł (A) w ćwiczeniu 1b i odpowiedz na pytania.
1 How do people lose water?

2 What can happen if we don't drink enough water?

1b Przeczytaj artykuł (A) jeszcze raz i zapoznaj się z informacjami na ikonografice (B). Następnie
uzupełnij wiadomość tekstową (C). W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie dwa wyrazy.

Most of the human body consists of water,
although each organ is made up of a different
amount of it. Every human being loses around

2–3 litres of fluid a day when sweating or
removing waste.
Water has a number of functions. It regulates

OF WATER our internal body temperature, nourishes

the cells, and protects the brain and spinal cord.
Dehydration can affect our mood, cause dry and
itchy skin, migraines and even serious kidney
Why is water important to problems. Make sure you drink at least two litres
our health? How much do we of water a day if you’re female, and three litres if
need to drink to stay healthy? you’re male. Drink more when you exercise or if
you live in a hot and humid climate.


Cześć Adam! Jak tam maraton?

Podobno miałeś problemy związane
z odwodnieniem? Właśnie
dowiedziałam się trochę na temat

wody. To ważne dla każdego, nie tylko

dla sportowców, bo woda stanowi
większość składu ciała każdego
z nas. Reguluje temperaturę, pełni

dla tkanek oraz chroni przed

uszkodzeniem mózg. Jej niedobór
może więc powodować pogorszenie
nastroju i stanu skóry, która 3
. Mięśnie i mózg
zawierają aż 4
wody. Nerki mają jej 5
. Pamiętaj,
że powinieneś pić co najmniej 6
dziennie, a jeśli trenujesz, to jeszcze

Dzięki za przypomnienie. Wiem, że

nadmiar wody również jest szkodliwy.

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Teaching notes
• Ask students to work in small groups and make
a list of any internal organs that they know (e.g.
appendix, brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, spinal cord,
etc.). With a weaker class, encourage the use of
dictionaries if necessary.
• Groups compare their lists. Ask volunteers to read
out their words.
• Draw students’ attention to the infographic and
check that they understand everything.
• Working in small groups again, ask students to
brainstorm the benefits of drinking water.
• Elicit answers from the class.
• Students read the text and answer the questions in
exercise 1a
• Ask volunteers to read their answers. .
• Ask students to work individually to complete the
gaps in the text messages in exercise 1b.
• Check answers as a class.
Exercise 1a
1 Through sweating and removing waste.
2 We could have dry and itchy skin, migraines and even
serious kidney problems.
Exercise 1b
1 zdrowotnych właściwości / korzyści zdrowotnych
2 funkcję odżywczą
3 swędzi / zaczyna swędzieć / reaguje swędzeniem
4 75% (procent) / trzy czwarte / 3
5 więcej / 83% (procent)
6 3 (trzy) litry

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2a 09 Wysłuchaj podcastu i zapoznaj się z informacjami na ikonografice (A). Następnie
uzupełnij e-mail do koleżanki (B).


Fights fatigue and

dizziness, eases
RED 95–98°C 4–5 min
pain, and improves
blood circulation.

Lowers blood
GREEN 80–85°C 1-3 min

Raises low blood

BLACK 95–98°C 3–5 min

GINGER 100°C 5–7 min Eases pain

To: Bess
Subject: Re: Help with tea needed!

Hi Bess,
You’ve asked for information about all the different teas that I drink, but I’m not really an expert. I listen to the
Road to Health podcast and, not long ago, there was an episode on red 1 ,
which is actually my favourite type. It helps with 2 as it gets rid of some
bacteria. It’s good for our bones because it contains 3 minerals of all teas.
And just like ginger tea, it acts as a mild 4 . By the way, ginger tea is the
only one that should be brewed at 5 , and it takes
than red, green and black tea to brew.
You should come over to my place and try some of these teas!

2b Udzielcie odpowiedzi w parach.

1 What types of complementary and alternative medicine are popular in Poland?
2 What do you normally do when you get a cold?

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Teaching notes
• Write these words connected with complementary
and alternative medicine on the board: acupuncture,
aromatherapy, herbal medicines, homeopathy,
osteopathy. Put students into five groups and assign
one word to each group. Students discuss what
they know about the type of therapy that they
were assigned. If possible, encourage the use of the
internet to conduct research.
• Ask students if any drink herbal tea. Why?
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Play the recording and ask students to complete the
gaps in the email with the information they hear.
• With a weaker class, play the recording again.
• Students read the infographic and complete the
remaining gaps in the email.
• Elicit answers from the class.
• Ask students to work in pairs and answer the
questions in 2b.

Audio script
Hi everyone. Welcome back to The Road to Health
podcast. Olivia here. Today, we’re talking about tea.
Yes, you’ve heard that right. Red tea, actually. Drinking
a cup of the best quality red tea on a regular basis will
keep you in good health. Its powerful anti-inflammatory
qualities will make you strong and energetic. Red tea will
not only facilitate your digestion by eliminating bacteria
causing stomach problems, but it will also improve your
mood and appearance thanks to its anti-aging, slimming
and pain-killing properties. It can even build strong
bones as it contains more minerals than any other herbal
tea. If you want to …
Exercise 2a
1 tea
2 digestion / stomach problems / blood circulation
3 the most
4 painkiller
5 100°C
6 longer / more time
Exercise 2b
Students’ own answers.
Working in small groups, ask students to research the
popularity of complementary and alternative medicine
in Poland. Ask students to prepare an infographic
presenting their findings. Display the infographics in
class and ask if anything surprised the students.

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Nauka i technika
1a 10 Wysłuchaj reklamy i zapoznaj się z wykresem (A). Następnie uzupełnij e-mail (B).
W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie dwa wyrazy.

What do you
use your voice
assistant for?
Percentage of people who have tried at least once:
asking a question 91%

listening to music 89%

checking the weather 85.2%

setting a timer 71.4%

controlling smart home devices 38%

messaging someone 34.2%

making a purchase 22%

Do: Wujek Andrzej
Temat: Prezent dla Cioci

Cześć Wujku!
Pytałeś ostatnio, co kupić Cioci na urodziny. Może skusisz się na asystenta głosowego? Jest to małe,
estetyczne urządzenie, które wygląda jak 1 . Aby z niego korzystać,
potrzebny jest 2 . Dzięki temu urządzeniu można pozbyć się większości
pozostałych 3 . Czytałem ostatnio artykuł na temat tych urządzeń i był
tam wykres ukazujący, że najwięcej osób korzysta z nich w celu uzyskania jakichś informacji oraz do
. Zdziwiło mnie, że 5 jedna czwarta
użytkowników wykorzystuje go do robienia zakupów, ale Ciocia pewnie to zmieni 
Co myślisz o takim prezencie?

1b Udzielcie w parach odpowiedzi na pytania.

1 What gadget could you not live without? Why?
2 How does technology affect your mood?

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Nauka i technika
Teaching notes
• Ask students to describe the photo. Ask: What do
you think this is used for?
• Play the recording. In a weaker class, remind
students of the get/have something done structure.
• Ask students to write down all the things that the
device can do.
• Students compare their lists with a partner.
• Students look at the graph. Ask if anything surprises
them. Ask: What would you use this device for? (e.g. I
would make it remind me of test dates.)
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Play the recording again and ask students
to complete the gaps in the email with the
information they hear.
• Elicit answers from the class.
• Ask students to work in pairs and answer the
questions in 1b.

Audio script
Man 1 Mona, what’s in my calendar today?
VA You have a dentist appointment at 9 a.m.
Man 2 Meet Mona, your first voice assistant! This little
device, based on artificial intelligence, looks
like a tiny speaker so it won’t be visible to your
guests. Once installed, the system connects to
the internet, so the possibilities are endless.
Man 1 Mona, what’s on at the cinema tomorrow night?
Man 2 Simply use the voice control system to create
a shopping list, play games, check the weather
forecast and place online orders. Get video clips
displayed on your TV screen and schedule all
your events. With your assistant, you will not
only be able to get rid of most of your electronic
devices, but you will improve your life in many
different ways. Mona can do anything!
Man 1 Mona, can you iron my blue shirt?
VA I don’t do the ironing.
Man 2 Oh, I guess it doesn’t do everything … Good
value for money and satisfaction guaranteed!
Exercise 1a
1 głośnik
2 internet
3 urządzeń elektronicznych
4 słuchania muzyki
5 mniej niż
Exercise 1b
Students’ own answers.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Nauka i technika
2a Przeczytaj instrukcję obsługi (A). Następnie uzupełnij wiadomości tekstowe (B).


Adam, I’m at Grandma’s trying to install

the printer, but I left the instructions at
home. Can you help me?

Sure. Have you got 1


User’s Manual I assume you’ve unpacked the

printer, right?  Open the cover,
and you’ll see some 2
Before you start, check that you have: . You have to
take that off. Then, use the power
cable to plug the printer into
the socket and the USB cable to
connect 3
the computer.
hardware cable 1 cable 2
Nothing’s happening.
Machine set-up
You need to 4
Unpack the printer and place it on a flat the printer.
surface. Open the cover and remove the
protective plastic inside the machine. Ah, OK. I got it. What next?
Make sure your computer is turned on,
but do not turn on the printer. You have to install the
software. The instructions are
Connect one end of the power cord into 4
the machine and the other into the power
Connect one end of the USB cable into the
machine and the other into your computer.
Turn on the printer.
The display will come on and the cartridge
holder will move three times from side
to side.

Software installation
To install the latest software, go to our
website and follow the instructions there.

2b Udzielcie odpowiedzi na pytania w parach.

1 What kind of things related to technology do you think teenagers can teach their parents
and grandparents?
2 What do you do when a piece of equipment breaks down?

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Nauka i technika
Teaching notes
• Ask students to look at the first text and say what
they think it is (a user’s manual). Ask: Do you use
manuals? Why? / Why not? Do you read any other
instructions? Where? (recipes, games, completing
forms, exercises, exams, etc.)
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Students read the manual and complete the gaps in
the text messages.
• Ask students to compare answers with a partner.
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to work in pairs and answer the
questions in 2b.
Exercise 2a
1 two
2 (protective) plastic
3 the printer to
4 turn on / switch on
5 on the / their website
Exercise 2b
Students’ own answers.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Świat przyrody
1a 11 Wysłuchaj wykładu i zapoznaj się z programem wycieczki (A). Następnie
uzupełnij wiadomości tekstowe (B).

What happened at school today?

Any news about the trip?

Sorry to hear you’re sick. Yes, we got

all the details about the trip. We’re
YEAR 10 TRIP going to Wraysbury, which is close
On May 10 we're going on a trip to We’ll get there on the 2
Wraysbury, a village near London. We're . First, we’ll walk
going to see the Wraysbury Reservoir along the Wraysbury Reservoir. Then,
we’ll meet with 3
which is a main supply of water to London. at 11 a.m. who
We're also going to visit an ancient tree, the will take us to Ankerwycke Yew. By the
Ankerwycke Yew, and discuss if pollution way, we listened to a lecture about
this tree today. It’s over 2,500 years
from airports, cars and fertilisers is a real old and more than nine metres in
threat to ancient trees. 4
Apparently, the 5
Itinerary: was signed here in 1215.
Sadly, ancient trees like the Ankerwycke
8.15 meet in front of the school Yew are now at risk because of pollution
caused by 6 .
9.03–9.48 train to Wraysbury
We’ll talk about it during the trip.
a walk by the Wraysbury Reservoir
and the River Thames
Thanks for all the information. Do we
11.00 a guided walk to the Ankerwycke Yew need to bring anything?
a picnic by the river (please bring a
2.00 Oh, yes! Make sure you bring
packed lunch)
something to eat because before
4.15–5.07 train to London we leave, we’ll have 7
by the Thames.

Write a message SEND

1b Wykonajcie zadanie jako Uczeń A i Uczeń B. Uczeń A: Namawiasz kolegę/koleżankę na

wzięcie udziału w wycieczce z ćwiczenia 1a (A). Uczeń B: Jesteś kolegą/koleżanką, którego/
którą trzeba namówić do udziału w wycieczce.
W rozmowie omówcie poniższe cztery kwestie:
• termin wycieczki,
• plan wycieczki,
• cel wycieczki,
• znaczenie miejsca wycieczki.
Rozmowę rozpoczyna Uczeń A.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Świat przyrody
Teaching notes
• Ask students to look at the photo. Ask: Why do you
think this tree is special? (It’s big, old, important, etc.)
Do you know any important or old trees in Poland?
(Dąb Bartek)
• Go through the instructions together and make
sure students understand what to do.
• Give students time to read the text messages. Ask
what they are about (a trip).
• Ask students to read the trip itinerary and complete
the gaps with the information they have found.
• Then, play the recording and ask students to
complete the remaining gaps.
• With a weaker class, play the recording twice.
• Ask students to compare their answers with a
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to work in pairs and do the task in
exercise 1b.
• Ask some volunteers to do the task in front of
the class.

Audio script
The Ankerwycke Yew is one of the most famous trees in
Britain. It has needles, not leaves, and they remain green
throughout the whole year. The Ankerwycke Yew is over
nine metres wide and might be even 2,500 years old. The
tree has a rich history. Some people say that it was under
this tree that King Henry VIII met his future wife, Anne
Boleyn. It’s also believed that this tree provided shadow
to King John when, in 1215, he was signing the Magna
Carta, a document which …
Exercise 1a
1 to London
2 train
3 a guide
4 width
5 Magna Carta
6 airports (planes), cars (traffic) and fertilisers
7 a picnic / a packed lunch
Exercise 1b
Students’ own answers.

 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2

OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Świat przyrody
2a 12 Wysłuchaj wystąpienia na temat akcji ekologicznej i odpowiedz na pytania.
1 What is the reason behind birds leaving the city?

2 Why is light dangerous to migratory birds?

2b Wysłuchaj nagrania jeszcze raz i przeczytaj informacje na stronie internetowej (A).

Następnie uzupełnij e-mail do koleżanki (B). W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
dwa wyrazy.

Think Green: Help the environment initiatives

Starry Night Campaign Plant a Tree Today! Fight Plastic Pollution

Lights out! We encourage Bring your family and friends Come help clean the beach to
people to turn off lights at to Northwood Park every first prevent marine animals from
home, work and school for Saturday of the month for choking on straws and plastic
at least ten hours a day. Log ‘Plant a Tree Day’. containers.
your ‘dark’ hours on our
website. Prizes for workplaces
This is a free event. We meet every Sunday at
and schools with the highest
We provide trees by 10.00 a.m. next to the blue
amount of ‘no light’ hours
donation. beach hut.
each month. Register today!

To: Clara
Subject: Earth Day

Hi Clara,
I’ve been thinking about what we could do for Earth Day this year. I actually attended a speech about
light pollution yesterday. I didn’t know that some species active at 1
are at risk of disappearing. This is all because of the 2 of our cities to
artificial light. So, I think we should register our school for the ‘Starry Night Campaign’. All we need to do
is make sure all lights are off for no 3 ten hours a day.
There’s also the ‘Plant a Tree Day’, but you need to 4 some money to get
a tree. Not everyone can do that.
But, we could all go and clean the beach. It’s 5 a week, so we could
have different classes go each time.
Let me know what you think.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Świat przyrody
Teaching notes KEY
Exercise 2a
• Ask: What are the biggest environmental problems in 1 light pollution
the area where you live? What can you do to prevent 2 because they are most active in the dark / at night /
them? from dusk till dawn
• Pre-teach the following adjectives: artificial,
Exercise 2b
migratory, starry.
1 night
• Ask students to read the instructions and questions
2 exposure
in exercise 2a.
3 less than / fewer than
• Play the recording and ask students to write their
4 donate / give / pay
5 once
• Ask volunteers to read their answers.
• Go through the instructions in exercise 2b together EXTRA ACTIVITY
and make sure students understand what to do. Ask students to write a reply to the email (80–120 words).
• Students read the information on the website. Ask: They should say which campaign would be best for the
Which one would you like your school to take part in? school and explain why.
• Ask students to read the email and complete any
gaps that they can with information from the
• You might need to explain that with measurements
and amounts, both less and fewer are possible.
• Then, play the recording and ask students to
complete the remaining gaps.
• With a weaker class, play the recording twice.
• Ask students to compare their answers with a
• Ask a few students to share their answers with the

Audio script
I’m here today to tell you about a big problem that we’re
having in overpopulated urban areas, like this one. Tell
me, have you heard birds twittering recently? If you
answered ‘no’, then the reason might be that a shocking
number of birds has disappeared from our city as a result
of light pollution. Together with the issues of global
warming and waste disposal, exposing our cities to
artificial light poses another serious threat to migratory
birds, species most active from dusk to dawn and … city
dwellers. If you care about the ecosystem and your own
habitat, why not join our Starry Night campaign and
promote it further in your schools? Please let us know …

 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2

OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Państwo i społeczeństwo
1a 12 Wysłuchaj programu radiowego na temat struktury władzy w Wielkiej Brytanii
i odpowiedz na pytania.
1 Who is the head of state in the UK?

2 Which of the two 'houses' has more power?

3 When do General Elections take place?

1b Wysłuchaj programu radiowego jeszcze raz oraz zapoznaj się z informacjami na ilustracji
przedstawiającej brytyjski parlament (A). Następnie uzupełnij wiadomości tekstowe (B).

A The House of Commons


Government Benchers

4 1 5

1 Lord Speaker
2 Prime Minister
Opposition Benches 3 Leader of the
4 Public Gallery
5 Press Gallery

Cześć! Masz jakieś ciekawostki do naszej

prezentacji z j. angielskiego?

Cześć. Na razie zbieram informacje.

Okazało się, że obecna królowa jest
w historii brytyjskiej. Wiem też, że
ma większą
władzę w parlamencie niż ta druga.

Coś jeszcze?

najczęściej odbywają się w ustalonym

dniu tygodnia.

Parlament jest ciekawy. Możemy rozwinąć

ten wątek?

Pokażemy ustawienie ław poselskich.

Posłowie siedzą w większości tak, by
lider opozycji znalazł się naprzeciwko
Goście siedzą po trzech stronach,
natomiast czwartą stronę zajmują

Dziękuję za informacje. Zajmę się teraz


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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Państwo i społeczeństwo
Teaching notes
• Ask students what they already know about the
royal family, British Parliament and the UK.
• Ask students to look at the diagram. Ask about the
seating arrangements: Where does … sit?
• Ask students to read the instructions and questions
in exercise 1a.
• Students listen and write their answers.
• Ask volunteers to read their answers.
• Go through the instructions in exercise 1b together
and make sure students understand what to do.
• Ask students to read the text messages and think
about the type of information they need (an
adjective, a noun, a number, etc.)
• Play the recording again and ask students to
complete the gaps with the information from the
recording and the diagram.
• With a weaker class, play the recording twice.
• Ask students to compare their answers with a
• Ask a few students to share their answers with the

Audio script
Welcome to this week’s episode of What Do You Know
About the UK? Today, we’re looking at the UK’s system of
government. Most of our listeners are probably aware
that the Queen is the head of state in the UK, but did
you know that Queen Elizabeth II has ruled the country
longer than any other monarch in British history? The
United Kingdom is a parliamentary democracy too. It
means decisions are made by the Prime Minister and his
cabinet, which constitute the government. They sit on
the left benches in Parliament. Of the two ‘houses’ which
make it, the House of Lords and the House of Commons,
the latter has more power. Citizens vote for their MPs by
visiting polling stations and placing an X on the ballot
paper next to the name of their candidate. Did you know
that General Elections usually take place on a Thursday?
Exercise 1a
1 the Queen
2 The House of Commons
3 on a Thursday
Exercise 1b
1 najdłużej panującą
2 Izba Gmin
3 Wybory
4 premiera / rządu
5 dziennikarze

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Państwo i społeczeństwo
2a Przeczytaj informacje na stronie internetowej (A) i odpowiedz na pytania.
1 What was the problem at Sandham Primary School?

2 Where do the ingredients come from?

3 What kind of things do volunteers at the 'Back to Work' clinic teach?

2b Przeczytaj informacje na stronie internetowej (A) jeszcze raz. Następnie uzupełnij e-mail do kolegi (B).

SANDHAM COMMUNITY We ask volunteers to come to our school
between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m., and make healthy
PROJECTS lunches from food donated by members of our
community. Call the school secretary to sign up.
Help members of our community by taking
part in one of our projects. Last year, 398 * We donate any leftover lunches to the homeless shelter.
volunteers helped 310 families in Sandham. ** T here are no age restrictions, but volunteers under the
GET INVOLVED TODAY! age of twelve must be accompanied by an adult.
Here are some of the things that we do:
Back to Work Clinic
Every Child Eats Lunch Returning to work after a long period of
Numerous studies have unemployment doesn’t have to be daunting.
shown that food is crucial The ‘Back to Work’ clinic at the public library
to learning. It improves offers coaching in writing a CV, using a
comprehension, attention computer, attending an interview and anything
span and behaviour. else that could help members of our community
However, at Sandham re-enter the job market.
Primary School, we If you’re able
noticed that not every to help and can
child was bringing lunch spend at least one
to school. Regardless of hour per week
the reason, whether it was due to leaving it on volunteering, then
the kitchen table, or not having anything in please contact
the fridge, we decided to start the ‘Every Child Jess at Sandham
Eats Lunch’ project. Public Library.

To: Daniel
Subject: Re: Helping the community

Hi Daniel,
It’s great that you and your sister would like to help our community. I’ve got some information about a couple of
projects that you might be interested in.
The first one is making lunches for students at the local 1 . I’ve read that
children who come to school hungry have problems understanding things, 2
and behaving properly, so it’s really important that they eat during the day. It’s a great project and both you and
your sister could get involved.
The second project is helping 3 people re-enter the workforce. This might be
something for you as they need volunteers to teach computer skills and you’re good at that. You just need to be
able to devote no less than 4 .
Neither of the projects have any age limits, but if your sister wanted to help out at the primary school, then she’d
need to come 5 because she isn’t twelve yet.
Let me know what you decide.

 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 1

OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Mediation Pack B2/B2+ Poziom rozszerzony
Państwo i społeczeństwo
Teaching notes
• Ask: What is a social issue? (a problem that affects and
often damages members of a society) What kind of
social issues do you know? (e.g. crime, poverty, racism,
discrimination, addiction, etc.) What are the biggest
social issues in your community?
• Students read text A. Ask: What social issues are
these projects trying to tackle? (poverty, hunger,
• Ask students to answer the questions in exercise 2a
• Ask volunteers to read their answers.
• Students read the email in exercise 2b and complete
the gaps individually.
• Ask students to compare answers with a partner.
• Check answers as a class.
Exercise 2a
1 Not every child was bringing lunch to school.
2 They are donated by members of the community.
3 They teach how to write a CV, use a computer, attend
an interview, and other things that can help people
re-enter the job market.
Exercise 2b
1 (primary) school
2 focusing / paying attention
3 unemployed
4 an/one hour per/a week
5 with an adult/grown-up
Working in pairs or small groups, ask students to
research similar community projects in their local area.
Students prepare a leaflet or poster with information
about one chosen project. Display the leaflets and
posters in class and ask students to choose one that they
would like to get involved in.

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