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Kairos HLR Configuration Volume 1

of 3
KAIROS platform
Release: HLR22

Replaces: NN10300-441v1
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State released | Version 0.7 | 05.09.2014 CONFIDENTIAL

Release: HLR22
Document number: PE/HLR/APP/027904
Document release date: September 5, 2014 2:22 PM

Copyright © 2014 Kapsch. All Rights Reserved.

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Table of contents

1 New in this Release ........................................................................................................................... 7

2 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Navigation ........................................................................................................................................... 8

3 HLR Provisioning Proxy ................................................................................................................... 9

3.1 Introduction to HLR Provisioning Proxy .............................................................................................. 9
3.2 Configuring HLR Provisioning Proxy ................................................................................................... 9

4 KAIROS Configuration ....................................................................................................................27

4.1 Navigation .........................................................................................................................................27

5 KAIROS configuration fundamentals ............................................................................................28

5.1 Navigation .........................................................................................................................................28
5.2 Network services and IP addresses ..................................................................................................28
5.3 Network Gateway (NGW) Management............................................................................................29
5.4 SOS file system configuration ...........................................................................................................29
5.5 Table synchronization configuration ..................................................................................................29
5.6 Table synchronization configuration ..................................................................................................30

6 KAIROS configuration ....................................................................................................................31

6.1 Prerequisites .....................................................................................................................................31
6.2 KAIROS configuration tasks ..............................................................................................................32
6.3 KAIROS configuration .......................................................................................................................33
6.4 Navigation .........................................................................................................................................33

7 KAIROS System Controller and KSX blade configuration ..........................................................34

7.1 Modifying a frame ..............................................................................................................................34
7.2 Modifying a shelf ...............................................................................................................................35
7.3 Deleting a shelf ..................................................................................................................................36
7.4 Showing a shelf .................................................................................................................................37
7.5 Modifying a blade ..............................................................................................................................38
7.6 Showing a blade ................................................................................................................................39
7.7 Modifying a disk .................................................................................................................................41
7.8 Showing a disk ..................................................................................................................................43
7.9 Modifying a Fan Tray Module ............................................................................................................44
7.10 Showing Fan Tray Module information .............................................................................................45
7.11 Modifying a Power Entry Module ......................................................................................................47
7.12 Showing Power Entry Module information ........................................................................................48
7.13 Installing an RTM ..............................................................................................................................49
7.14 Provisioning an RTM .........................................................................................................................50
7.15 Modifying an RTM .............................................................................................................................51
7.16 Removing an RTM ............................................................................................................................52
7.17 Showing an RTM ...............................................................................................................................53
7.18 Modifying a Shelf and Alarm Manager ..............................................................................................53
7.19 Showing Shelf and Alarm Manager information ................................................................................54
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7.20 Showing IP pools ...............................................................................................................................55

7.21 Showing IP addresses.......................................................................................................................56
7.22 Showing IP aliases ............................................................................................................................57
7.23 Showing NTP entries.........................................................................................................................57
7.24 Showing registered services on a port ..............................................................................................58
7.25 Showing an overall time zone ...........................................................................................................60
7.26 Modifying an overall time zone ..........................................................................................................60
7.27 Showing override time zones ............................................................................................................61
7.28 Modifying an override time zone .......................................................................................................61
7.29 Showing DHCP entries......................................................................................................................62
7.30 Modifying a DHCP entry ....................................................................................................................63
7.31 Changing file system alarm thresholds .............................................................................................64
7.32 Showing file system information ........................................................................................................65
7.33 Expanding file system size ................................................................................................................67

8 Networking, addressing, and NGW configuration procedures ..................................................69

8.2 Determining if router identifiers have been assigned for the NGWs .................................................71
8.3 Provisioning IP addresses for WAN interfaces .................................................................................71
8.4 Provisioning router instances for the KSC blades .............................................................................72
8.5 Configuring internal VRRP LAN instances ........................................................................................73
8.6 Configuring external WAN VRRP instances .....................................................................................75
8.7 Provisioning static routes ..................................................................................................................77
8.8 Configuring ICMP echo monitoring ...................................................................................................78
8.9 Provisioning firewall policies .............................................................................................................79
8.10 Deleting firewall policies ....................................................................................................................84
8.11 Recovering from a filter configuration fault .......................................................................................85
8.12 Provisioning security policies ............................................................................................................86
8.13 Modifying autonegotiation parameters ..............................................................................................89
8.14 Unlocking the aggregate WAN interfaces .........................................................................................92
8.15 Unlocking VRRPs ..............................................................................................................................93
8.16 Performing NGW connectivity and redundancy tests .......................................................................94
8.17 Showing router attributes ..................................................................................................................97
8.18 Modifying an Ethernet interface ........................................................................................................98
8.19 Showing Ethernet interface information ..........................................................................................100
8.20 Modifying an aggregated Ethernet interface ...................................................................................101
8.21 Showing aggregated Ethernet interface information .......................................................................103
8.22 Showing IP interface attributes .......................................................................................................104
8.23 Showing routing table information ...................................................................................................106
8.24 Modifying a static route ...................................................................................................................107
8.25 Showing a static route .....................................................................................................................108
8.26 Showing a security policy ................................................................................................................109
8.27 Showing a VRRP instance ..............................................................................................................110
8.28 Modifying a VRRP instance ............................................................................................................113
8.29 Showing VRRP tracking ..................................................................................................................113

9 SSG configuration fundamentals ................................................................................................116

10 SSG configuration .........................................................................................................................117

10.1 Configure SSG ................................................................................................................................117
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10.2 Determining the need for an alternative external IP pool for SSG ..................................................118
10.3 Configuring an alternative external IP pool for SSG .......................................................................118
10.4 Adding an external SIP address ......................................................................................................119
10.5 Determining your SSG configuration ...............................................................................................120
10.6 Collecting and recording SSG data .................................................................................................133
10.7 Multihoming SSGs...........................................................................................................................150
10.8 Single-homing SSGs .......................................................................................................................151
10.9 Configuring network appearances ..................................................................................................152
10.10 Configuring routesets ......................................................................................................................153
10.11 Configuring a pathset between the set of SSGs and the MRF .......................................................154
10.12 Configuring paths between the SSGs and MRF .............................................................................155
10.13 Configuring pathsets between the set of SSGs and the HLR blade pairs ......................................156
10.14 Configuring paths between the SSGs and the HLR blades ............................................................156
10.15 Configuring pathsets between the MRF and the HLR blade pairs ..................................................158
10.16 Configuring paths between the MRF and the HLR blade pairs ......................................................158
10.17 Configuring pathset group ...............................................................................................................159
10.18 Configuring pathset group map .......................................................................................................160
10.19 Configuring adjacent node groups ..................................................................................................161
10.20 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................................161
10.21 Configuring NA-based application servers ......................................................................................162
10.22 Configuring RS-based application servers ......................................................................................163
10.23 Configuring RSG-based application servers ...................................................................................164
10.24 Configuring routesets for RSG-based application servers ..............................................................165
10.25 Configuring ASPs or IPSPs .............................................................................................................166
10.26 Configuring ASPAs..........................................................................................................................169
10.27 Activating paths, ASPs, and routesets ............................................................................................170
10.28 Configuring SSG for SIP .................................................................................................................171

11 SSG Common procedures ...........................................................................................................173

11.1 Showing an IP internal address assignment ...................................................................................174
11.2 Modifying a secondary IP address assignment ..............................................................................174
11.3 Deleting a secondary IP address assignment .................................................................................175
11.4 Showing network appearance information ......................................................................................176
11.5 Showing SCTP parameters .............................................................................................................177
11.6 Showing routeset pathset map information .....................................................................................178
11.7 Modifying a routeset pathset map ...................................................................................................179
11.8 Deleting a routeset pathset map .....................................................................................................180
11.9 Showing pathset group information .................................................................................................180
11.10 Deleting a pathset group .................................................................................................................181
11.11 Showing a path................................................................................................................................182
11.12 Modifying a path ..............................................................................................................................184
11.13 Activating a path ..............................................................................................................................185
11.14 Deactivating a path ..........................................................................................................................185
11.15 Showing routeset information ..........................................................................................................186
11.16 Modifying a routeset ........................................................................................................................187
11.17 Activating a routeset ........................................................................................................................188
11.18 Deactivating a routeset....................................................................................................................189
11.19 Showing adjacent node group information ......................................................................................190
11.20 Modifying an adjacent node group ..................................................................................................191
11.21 Showing application server information ..........................................................................................191
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11.22 Modifying an application server .......................................................................................................193

11.23 Showing application server process information .............................................................................194
11.24 Modifying an application server process .........................................................................................196
11.25 Activating an application server process .........................................................................................197
11.26 Deactivating an application server process ....................................................................................197
11.27 Showing application server process association information .........................................................198
11.28 Modifying an application server process association ......................................................................200
11.29 Showing external connection information .......................................................................................200
11.30 Modifying an external connection ....................................................................................................202
11.31 Deactivating an external connection ...............................................................................................202
11.32 Deleting an external connection ......................................................................................................203

12 Call Agent configuration ..............................................................................................................204

12.1 Call Agent fundamentals .................................................................................................................204
12.2 Call Agent configuration ..................................................................................................................205
12.3 Installing and provisioning KPA (MRF) blades ................................................................................209
12.4 Determining the HLR configuration of your KAIROS ......................................................................211
12.5 Installing and provisioning HLR blades in a Minimum/Typical configuration ..................................212
12.6 Installing and provisioning HLR blades in a Maximum configuration ..............................................214
12.7 Provisioning the datacallp subnet ...................................................................................................216
12.8 Provisioning MRF service group, service units, and application .....................................................217
12.9 Provisioning the HLR-1 pair ............................................................................................................218
12.10 Provisioning the HLR-2 and HLR-3 pairs ........................................................................................219
12.11 Creating a softlink pointer to the default SOS image on KAIROS System Controller ....................221
12.12 Loading, unlocking, and activating the MRF service units ..............................................................222
12.13 Loading, unlocking, and activating the HLR service units for a Minimum/Typical configuration ....222
12.14 Loading, unlocking, and activating the HLR service units for a Maximum configuration ................223
12.15 Modifying an MRF e164 global title .................................................................................................225
12.16 Modifying an HLR e164 global title .................................................................................................226
12.17 Showing Call Agent information ......................................................................................................226

13 SOS file system commissioning ..................................................................................................232

13.1 SOS file system commissioning ......................................................................................................232
13.2 Determining the need for SOS file system partition resizing...........................................................234
13.3 Resizing SOS file system partitions ................................................................................................235
13.4 Provisioning image volumes ...........................................................................................................237
13.5 Provisioning patch volumes ............................................................................................................239

14 Table synchronization configuration ..........................................................................................243

14.1 Logging on to a SOS application .....................................................................................................243
14.2 TABSYNC command increment ......................................................................................................243
14.3 TABSYNC_DEBUG command increment .......................................................................................251

15 KAIROS CLI fundamentals ...........................................................................................................262

15.1 Description of KAIROS CLI .............................................................................................................262
15.2 Common CLI command terms ........................................................................................................264
15.3 Using bulk input for CLI commands ................................................................................................266
15.4 CLI-based procedural documentation .............................................................................................267
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1 New in this Release

For details see document “HLR New in this Release” (PE/HLR/APP/027811).
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2 Introduction
This information supports configuration of the HLR Provisioning Proxy. This document describes the
Kapsch Advanced Integrated Reliable Operating System (KAIORS), SigTran Services Gateway (SSG)
and Call Agent (CA) configuration activities. This document does not describe upgrades.

2.1 Navigation
See the following chapters:

• “HLR Provisioning Proxy” on page 9

• “KAIROS Configuration” on page 27
• “KAIROS configuration” on page 31
• “KAIROS System Controller and KSX blade configuration” on page 34
• “Networking, addressing, and NGW configuration procedures” on page 69
• “SSG configuration fundamentals” on page 116
• “SSG configuration” on page 117
• “SSG Common procedures” on page 173
• “Call Agent configuration” on page 204
• “SOS file system commissioning” on page 232
• “Table synchronization configuration” on page 243
• “KAIROS CLI fundamentals” on page 262
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3 HLR Provisioning Proxy

In HLR22, connectivity between the Data Server and HLR is provided by the HLR Provisioning Proxy.
The Proxy acts as a conduit for all communications between the two nodes. Specifically it directly maps
all communications on a given HLR provisioning proxy port to the associated HLR Core port. It does not
alter the content of any messages it redirects.

3.1 Introduction to HLR Provisioning Proxy

The following sections provide an introduction to the HLR Provisioning Proxy.

3.1.1 Overview
The HLR application in HLR22 is made up of multiple loosely-coupled HLR applications to make the
system truly scalable. Having a single proxy application handling all DS connections to a particular
KAIROS HLR node hides internal IP addresses and port numbers used by the different HLR applications
in the same node and means that the HLR will only have a single IP address published.

The HLR DS Proxy agent application is also able to take advantage of common services offered by the
KAIROS platform to integrate with KAIROS Availability Management Framework (AMF) and configuration

3.1.2 Description
The HLR Provisioning Proxy application performs the following:

• It handles the changed connection initiation procedure and enables TCP connection to be
established between DS and any HLR application instance in the KAIROS HLR cluster.
• It provides a public interface (IP address and port numbers) for the DS to connect to and
then establishes a connection to an HLR application using the HLR number (HLR E164
The proxy acts as a TCP server to the DS application and a TCP client to the HLR
application. The messaging protocols between the DS and HLR are proprietary.
• It runs on the KAIROS platform, which is based on the KAIROS standards with proprietary
enhancements to give even greater availability and robustness.
The operating system used is a carrier-grade version of Linux, which provides the
framework for implementing High Availability telecommunications-grade applications.

3.2 Configuring HLR Provisioning Proxy

The following section describes KAIROS Command Line Interface (CLI) commands used to configure the
HLR Provisioning Proxy.

All commands use the VKAIROS CLI Man Machine Interface (MMI). All directories are accessible from
the KAIROS CLI. The KAIROS CLI is available on KAIROS System Controller at logon time.

Alternatively, to access the KAIROS CLI from the shell, enter cli<cr>

The KAIROS CLI prompt appears.

Use the preceding commands to begin running the proxy so that it will start accepting and provisioning
connections. The actions required, shown with their respective CLI commands/examples, include the
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Step Action
1. Add the service group:
cli> aim service-group add FoxyProxy HLR_DS_proxy_agent 9 0 0

2. Check for success:

cli> aim service-group show all

3. Add the service units.

Make sure these are on the same blades as the Message Routing
Function (MRF) service units.

Example assumes MRF is on blades 6 and 13:

 cli> aim service-unit show MRF d
 cli> aim service-unit add FoxyProxy 0 0 0 6 0
 cli> aim service-unit add FoxyProxy 1 0 0 13 0

4. Check for success:

cli> aim service-unit show FoxyProxy d

5. Add the hlr-prov-proxy entity:

Make sure you use the right external IP address and configure this IP
on the DS.

cli> hlr-prov-proxy add <sg-name> <external-ip-address>

6. Check for success:

cli> hlr-prov-proxy show all
cli> networking ip show dataoam d

7. Load the service units:

 cli> aim service-unit load FoxyProxy 0
 cli> aim service-unit load FoxyProxy 1

8. Unlock the service units to bring them into full service:

 cli> aim service-unit unlock FoxyProxy 0
 cli> aim service-unit unlock FoxyProxy 1


The following sections describe the commands and provide information about their usage to accomplish
these actions.

3.2.1 Command Name: aim service-group add

The following sections provide a description, syntax, example for this command, and error messages that
may be encountered.
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State released | Version 0.7 | 05.09.2014 CONFIDENTIAL Description
This command has been extended to allow a service-group of type HLR_DS_proxy_agent to be
added. It extends the existing AIM Signaling Gateway (SG) add commands provided by the
application interface specification and availability management framework (AIS/AMF). Generic
semantic checking is provided by the CLI and existing command framework. See the base
documentation for more details.

In order to ensure the HLR DS Provisioning Proxy Agent entity is unique within the KAIROS
site, there is a restriction that only one SG of this type can be provisioned at any one time.

Modification is not supported. The Signaling Gateway (SG) must be
deleted and re-added if, for example, the name is to be changed. Syntax and example

cli> aim service-group add <sg-name> HLR_DS_proxy_agent 9 0 0<cr>


cli>aim service-group add FoxyProxy HLR_DS_proxy_agent 9 0 0 <cr>

cli> Parameter definitions

The following table defines and provides values for the parameters in this command.

Parameter Value Definition

SG name 3 - 31 characters Identifies name of the service group
to be added.
SG type HLR_DS_proxy_agent Specifies that the SG is of HLR DS
Proxy Agent type.
SG version 900 Conforms to AMF implementation of
SAF specification B.9.0.0.

The SG name must be 3 - 31 characters (upper and lower case and "_" characters are allowed)
and must be unique within the KAIROS site. This is inherited from generic CLI/AIM behavior. Response
If the command is successful, the CLI prompt will return and the new SG will be visible using the
aim service-group show command.
cli>aim service-group show FoxyProxy d
sg-name = FoxyProxy
sg-type = HLR_DS_proxy_agent
sg-max-num-of-sus = 2
sg-min-num-of-sus = 1
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State released | Version 0.7 | 05.09.2014 CONFIDENTIAL Error message handling

The following list describes error codes that may be encountered and their recommended

• %Error(rc=0x07DF000C): HLR Prov Proxy error - SG of type

HLR_DS_proxy_agent already exists

Delete the existing SG using the aim service-group delete command before adding in a
new SG. This is required to ensure that the HLR_DS_proxy_agent entity is unique within
the KAIROS site.

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0007): HLR Prov Proxy error - DB write error

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0008): HLR Prov Proxy error - DB read error

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0004): HLR Prov Proxy error - internal DB error

The user should check the health of the base platform and fix any base problems, then
retry the command. These return codes indicate that there has been an internal error
while trying to check current SG data and add the new SG to the application inventory.

3.2.2 Command Name: aim service-group delete

The following sections provide a description, syntax, example for this command, and error messages that
may be encountered. Description
This command checks that the SG is not in use by an existing hlr-prov-proxy entity before
deleting the SG. The check is only performed on SG deletions where the application type is
HLR_DS_proxy_agent. This command extends the existing AIM SG add commands provided
by the AIS/AMF. Generic semantic checking is provided by the CLI and existing command
framework. Syntax and example

cli>aim service-group delete <SG name>


cli> aim service-group delete FoxyProxy

cli> Parameter definitions

The following table defines and provides values for the parameters in this command.

Parameter Value Definition

SG name 3-31 characters Indicates the name of the service group
to be deleted.
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The SG name must be 3 - 31 characters (upper and lower case and "_" characters are allowed)
and must be unique within the KAIROS site. This is inherited from generic CLI/AIM behavior. Response
If the command is successful, the CLI prompt returns and the specified SG is no longer visible
using the aim service-group show command.

See the following example, which shows how to verify that a specified SG no longer exists.


cli>aim service-group show FoxyProxy d

%Error(rc=0x14): AIM: aim server error: sg to query does not
exist in database Error message handling

The following list describes error codes that may be encountered and their recommended

• %Error(rc=0x07DF000D): HLR Prov Proxy error - this SG being

used by hlr-prov-proxy entity so cannot be deleted.

– First, delete the hlr-prov-proxy entity

– Second, delete the HLR DS Provisioning Proxy Agent entity.

– Third, retry the SG delete command.

The error indicates that the service group cannot be deleted because it is being
used in the configuration of an hlr-prov-proxy entity. This is required to ensure that
data integrity of in-service HLR DS Provisioning Proxy Agent entity is always

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0007): HLR Prov Proxy error - DB write error

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0008): HLR Prov Proxy error - DB read error

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0004): HLR Prov Proxy error - internal DB error

Check the health of the base platform and fix any base problems, then retry the command.
These return codes indicate that there has been an internal error while trying to check current
SG / hlr-prov-proxy data and delete the SG from the application inventory.

3.2.3 Command Name: aim service-unit add

The following sections provide a description, syntax, example for this command and error messages that
may be encountered. Description
At provisioning time it is the operator’s responsibility to ensure that the HLR DS Provisioning
Proxy Agent SUs are collocated with the MRF application SUs.
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It is mandatory in HLR22 for Provisioning Proxy to be collocated with
the MRF on blades 0 0 2 0 and 0 0 5 0.

This is required in order to permit correct functionality if the HLR DS Provisioning Proxy Agent
(including correct behavior when HLR application Switch of Activities (SWACTs)) and in order to
try to ensure that Central Processing Unit (CPU) utilization is balanced across all blades in the
The code for running the aim service-unit add command has not been changed in any way at
the code level and there are no new restrictions on how it may be for by SUs of type HLR DS
Provisioning Proxy Agent.
This command does not change the existing AIM SU add command provided by the AIS/AMF
framework. Generic semantic checking etc. is provided by the CLI and existing command
framework. See base documentation for more details.
The MRF and HLR DS Provisioning Proxy Agent service-units are functionally entirely
independent and may Switch of Activity (SWACT) independently. It is therefore not necessary to
consider which MRF unit is standby when provisioning/loading/unlocking the HLR DS Proxy
SUs. Syntax and example

cl> aim service-unit add <sg-name> <su-number> <frame> <shelf> <slot>


cli> aim service-unit show MRF d

sg-name = MRF
su-number = 0
admin-state = unlocked
presence-state = instantiated
operational-state = enabled
readiness-state = in-service
ha-state = standby
jam-state = unjammed
frame = 0
shelf = 0
slot = 2
sub-slot = 0
sg-name = MRF
su-number = 1
admin-state = unlocked
presence-state = instantiated
operational-state = enabled
readiness-state = in-service
ha-state = active
jam-state = unjammed
frame = 0
shelf = 0
slot = 5
sub-slot = 0
cli> aim service-unit add FoxyProxy 0 0 0 2 0 <cr>
cli> aim service-unit add FoxyProxy 1 0 0 5 0 <cr>
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State released | Version 0.7 | 05.09.2014 CONFIDENTIAL Parameter definitions

The command is not altered in any way so parameters are as defined by AIM/AMF framework
for generic aim service-unit add command. Responses
Responses provided by the AIM/AMF framework for aim service-unit add command are not
altered in any way. Error message handling

Responses provided by the AIM / AMF framework for aim service-unit add command are not
altered in any way.

3.2.4 Command Name: hlr-prov-proxy add

The following sections provide a description, syntax, example for this command and error messages that
may be encountered. Description
This command is used to add all the configuration data needed for the HLR DS Provisioning
Proxy Agent to the database on KAIROS System Controller for persistence and can be
accessed at runtime by the agent.

It extends the existing AIM SG add commands provided by the AIS / AMF framework. Generic
semantic checking etc. is provided by the CLI and existing command framework. Please see
base documentation for more details.

The command will reserve an external IP address for the HLR DS Proxy Agent which will be
associated with an SG name (the SG must be associated with HLR DS Proxy Agent application
type from the SG add command).

The current state of the dataoam pool can be checked using the networking ip show dataoam
command from the CLI to help find a free IP address which the proxy may use.

Default ports for DS and HLR side connections are also set up at this time (there are 2
connections supported, one for provisioning messages and one for System Data Caching on
the DS).

If the IP address cannot be reserved successfully the add command will fail.

This feature does not provide any sort of security for ensuring
only trusted Data Server hosts may connect to the HLR DS
Proxy Agent entity. It is expected that this functionality will be
provided by the Network Gateway (NGW).

The NGW must be correctly configured to permit connections only from the IP address of the
Data Server to be allowed to connect to the HLR DS Proxy Agent and to block all other
addresses. Since the default NGW behavior is not to allow connections this means the Data
Server IP address must be added to the list of IPs which are allowed to send traffic to the
KAIROS platform.
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This configuration is necessary to ensure that the DS can connect successfully while still
preventing unauthorized connections from untrusted sources (to prevent denial of service
attacks). Syntax and example

cli> hlr-prov-proxy add <sg-name> <external-ip-address>


cli> hlr-prov-proxy add FoxyProxy <cr>

cli>networking ip show dataoam <cr>
pool-name block ip-address client-id
------------------ -------------------- -------------
dataoam HlrProvProxyIp HlrProvProxyIp
dataoam HlrProvProxyIp HlrProvProxyIp dataoam
dataoam-GATEWAY dataoam-GATEWAY dataoam
dataoam-GATEWAY dataoam-router1 dataoam
dataoam-GATEWAY dataoam-router2 dataoam
dataserverip dataserverip dataoam dataserverip dataserverip-0
dataoam dataserverip dataserverip-1 Parameter definitions

The following table defines and provides values for the parameters in this command.

Parameter Value Definition

SG name 3 - 31 characters Indicates name of the service
group to be loaded.

external IP Any IPv4 address Indicates external Ip address that

address that is free within is used for DS connections to /
the dataoam pool. from the HLR DS Provisioning
Proxy Agent.

The SG name must be 3 - 31 characters (upper and lower case and "_" characters are allowed)
and must be unique within the KAIROS site - this is inherited from generic CLI / AIM behavior.
Additionally the SG must exist in AIM and have been configured with type
HLR_DS_proxy_agent at add time.

The IP address is checked from the KAIROS CLI to ensure that it has correct dotted character
string IPv4 address notation. Additionally the IP address must be configured to be part of the
dataoam pool and must be free (not used by any other applications) so that it can be reserved
for use by the HLR DS Provisioning Proxy Agent entity.

The current state of the dataoam pool can be checked using the networking ip show dataoam
command from the CLI to help find a free IP address which the proxy may use.


cli>networking ip show dataoam

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pool-name block ip-address

client-id ------------------ ------------------
--------------- ----------------------- dataoam
cisliblock cisliblock
dataoam ctblock
ctblock dataoam dataoam-gateway dataoam-gateway dataoam
dataoam-gateway dataoam-router1
dataoam dataoam-gateway
dataoam-router2 dataoam dataserverip dataserverip dataoam
dataserverip dataserverip-0
dataoam dataserverip
dataserverip-1 dataoam hlrprovproxyip hlrprovproxyip

The last entry in the above example shows that HLR Provisioning Proxy successfully
provisioned the IP address.

If the IP address cannot be reserved successfully the add command will fail. Response
The proxy entry is visible from the show command.


cli>hlr-prov-proxy show all d

Service Group Name = FoxyProxy
External IP address =
1st Client (DS-side) port -- = 19999
1st Server (HLR-side) port - = 19999
2nd Client (DS-side) port -- = 20000
2nd Server (HLR-side) port - = 20000 Error message handling

Error codes that may be encountered are described below with their recommended handling.

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0001): dataoam ip pool not found - please check


• %Error(rc=0x07DF0002): Unable to reserve given IP

Check that the dataoam pool has been provisioned successfully because these return
codes indicate that there has been an internal error while trying to check current SG / hlr-
prov-proxy / IP data prior to allowing the hlr-prov-proxy add command to proceed.
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Observe in particular that the pool name “dataoam” must be an exact match for the HLR
DS Proxy Agent to be able to reserve its external IP address successfully.

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0006): HLR Prov Proxy entity already configured.

Only 1 entity may be configured at any time.

Delete any existing HLR DS Provisioning Proxy Agent entities using hlr-prov-proxy delete
command before trying to add another one. There can only be one at any one time
because this response indicates that an HLR DS Provisioning Proxy Agent entity already
exists in the database.

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0005): HLR Prov Proxy error - no SG of type

HLR_DS_proxy_agent exists. Use aim service-group add command.

Check the currently configured service groups (using aim service-group show all
command from the KAIROS CI) and ensure that the SG name has been configured using
aim SG add command because this response indicates that the SG name provided does
not match an SG name that is configured with type HLR_DS_proxy_agent.

If you want to change the SG name for the SG of type HLR_DS_proxy_agent use aim
service-group delete command and then add it in again with the correct name.

Ensure that the SG name is typed correctly when using the hlr-prov-proxy add command.
This command is case-sensitive.

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0007): HLR Prov Proxy error - DB write error

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0008): HLR Prov Proxy error - DB read error

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0004): HLR Prov Proxy error - internal DB error

The user should check the health of the base platform and fix any base problems, then
retry the command because these return codes indicate that there has been an internal
error while trying to check current SG /hlr-prov-proxy data prior to allowing the load
command to complete. IP address provisioning tips and added checks

You can use platform commands to see some of the currently reserved IP addresses (see
example below) to assist with provisioning the external IP address correctly.

The HLR22 OAM agents (delivered by HLR22 OAM features) will require another (different)
external IP address from the dataoam pool as well.

To verify which pool names are provisioned, you can run:

Cli>networking pool show all brief


Cli>networking pool show all brief

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pool-name gateway subnet

subnet-mask ------------------ ----------------
--------------- ----------------------- basedefault
datadefault dataoam pointtopoint

3.2.5 Command Name: aim service-unit load

The following sections provide a description, syntax, example for this command and error messages that
may be encountered. Description
This command has been extended to check that the hlr-prov-proxy entity has been configured
before the service unit can be loaded. This prevents the possibility of undefined behavior by the
HLR DS Provisioning Proxy Agent which could occur if the SU was loaded when hlr-prov-proxy
entity was not configured.

It extends the existing AIM SU load command provided by the AIS / AMF framework. Generic
semantic checking etc. is provided by the CLI and existing command framework. Please see
base documentation for more details. Syntax and example

cli> aim service-unit load <sg-name> <su-number>


cli> aim service-unit load FoxyProxy 0 Parameter definitions

The following table defines and provides values for the parameters in this command.

Parameter Value Definition

SG name 3 - 31 characters Identifies name of the service group to
be loaded.
SU number UNIT 16 Identifies number of the service unit to
be loaded
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If the command is successful the CLI prompt will return and the specified SG will no longer be
visible using the aim service-group show command. Error message handling

Error codes that may be encountered are described below with their recommended handling.
• %Error(rc=0x07DF0003): Proxy agent not configured. Use hlr-prov-
proxy add cmd

Configure an HLR DS Provisioning Proxy Agent entity using hlr-prov-proxy add command
and retry the SU load command because these return codes indicate that the service unit
cannot be loaded and that no hlr-prov-proxy entity is configured. The hlr-prov-proxy entity
must be configured first so that all data required by the service-unit to provide service is
available before it can be loaded.

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0007): HLR Prov Proxy error - DB write error

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0008): HLR Prov Proxy error - DB read error

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0004): HLR Prov Proxy error - internal DB error

The user should check the health of the base platform and fix any base problems, then
retry the command because these return codes indicate that there has been an internal
error while trying to check current SG /hlr-prov-proxy data prior to allowing the load
command to complete.

This command extends the existing AIM SG add commands provided by the AIS / AMF
framework. Generic semantic checking etc. is provided by the CLI and existing command
framework. Please see base documentation for more details.

3.2.6 Command Name: hlr-prov-proxy show

The following sections provide a description, syntax, example for this command and error messages that
may be encountered. Description
The HLR DS Proxy Agent makes use of the generic entity show command to display the
provisioned data.

There are no additional return codes beyond those provided by the generic framework. Syntax and example

cli> hlr-prov-proxy show [<sig-name> / <all>] [<brief> / <detailed>]


cli> hlr-prov-proxy show JeffMyProxy <cr>

SG Name External IP
-------- ----------------
cli> hlr-prov-proxy show all detailed <cr>
Service Group Name = FoxyProxy
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External IP address =

1st Client (DS-side) port = 19999
1st Server (HLR-side) port = 19999
2nd Client (DS-side) port = 20000
2nd Server (HLR-side) port = 20000

3.2.7 Command Name: hlr-prov-proxy delete

The following sections provide a description, syntax, example for this command and error messages that
may be encountered. Description
This command removes all data associated with the HLR DS Provisioning Proxy entity from the
database on KAIROS System Controller so that data is no longer persisted. Syntax and example

cli> hlr-prov-proxy delete <sg-name>


cli> hlr-prov-proxy delete FoxyProxy <cr>


The IP address is removed from the dataoam pool (no entry for HlrProvProxyIp block name).


cli>cli>networking ip show dataoam <cr>

pool-name block ip-address client-id
------------------ -------------------- ---------------
dataoam dataoam-GATEWAY dataoam-GATEWAY
dataoam dataoam-GATEWAY dataoam-router1
dataoam dataoam-GATEWAY dataoam-router2
dataoam dataserverip dataserverip
dataoam dataserverip dataserverip-0
dataoam dataserverip dataserverip-1 Parameter definitions

The following table defines and provides values for the parameters in this command.

Parameter Value Definition

SG name 3 - 31 characters The name of the service group to be

The SG name must be 3 - 31 characters (upper and lower case and "_" characters are allowed)
and must be unique within the KAIROS site - this is inherited from generic CLI / AIM behavior. Error message handling

Error codes that may be encountered are described below with their recommended handling.
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• %Error(rc=0x07DF0009): HLR Prov Proxy error - specified SG is not

of type HLR_DS_proxy_agent

The user should check that an hlr-prov-proxy is provisioned using hlr-prov-proxy show
command and ensure that the SG specified in the delete command is an exact match.
The check is case sensitive.

• %Error(rc=0x07DF000A): HLR Prov Proxy error - all SUs must be

unloaded prior to delete

The user should ensure all service-units are unloaded using aim service-unit lock and
unload commands then retry the hlr-prov-proxy delete command because these return
codes indicate that the hlr-prov-proxy entity cannot be deleted because there are service-
units provisioned which use that entity currently.

Deleting the configured data in that case could cause undefined behavior so is not

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0007): HLR Prov Proxy error - DB write error

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0008): HLR Prov Proxy error - DB read error

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0004): HLR Prov Proxy error - internal DB error

The user should check the health of the base platform and fix any base problems, then
retry the command because these return codes indicate that there has been an internal
error while trying to check current SG /hlr-prov-proxy data prior to allowing the load
command to complete.

3.2.8 Command Name: hlr-prov-proxy addports1

The following sections provide a description, syntax, example for this command and error messages that
may be encountered. Description
This command changes the provisioning port pairs from their default value of 19999.

This command is provided for flexibility and to make the design
future-proof but is not recommended for use.
If you use this command you will have to ensure config changes are
made on the DS side (so that client-side ports match on both DS and
HLR DS Provisioning Proxy Agent) and any changes to the server-
side ports will require HLR Switch Operating System (SOS) code
changes (new SOS load required). Syntax and example

cli> hlr-prov-proxy addports1 <client port> <server port> <cr>


cli> hlr-prov-proxy addports1 19999 19999 <cr>

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The following table defines and provides values for the parameters in this command.

Parameter Value Definition

client port 0 - 65535 Indicates the port to be used for client-side
connections (incoming from DS)

server port 0 - 65535 Indicates the port to be used for server-

side connections (outgoing to HLRs) Response
Possible error messages are listed below. Error message handling

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0005): HLR Prov Proxy error - no SG of type
HLR_DS_proxy_agent exists. Use aim service-group add command.

The user should check the health of the base platform and fix any base problems, then
retry the command because these return codes indicate that the hlr-prov-proxy entity has
not yet been provisioned.

These errors are generally expected to appear if there is a problem with the KAIROS
system e.g. internal DB is unavailable temporarily.

• %Error(rc=0x07DF000B): HLR Prov Proxy error - unexpected number

of entities. Please ensure only 1 hlr-prov-proxy exists.

Use solid DB commands or hlr-prov-proxy show / delete commands to remove

superfluous hlr-prov-proxy entities because this return code indicates that more than one
hlr-prov-proxy entity was detected in the database. The command cannot proceed
because of ambiguous configuration.

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0007): HLR Prov Proxy error - DB write error

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0008): HLR Prov Proxy error - DB read error

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0004): HLR Prov Proxy error - internal DB error

The user should check the health of the base platform and fix any base problems, then
retry the command because these return codes indicate that there has been an internal
error while trying to check current SG /hlr-prov-proxy data prior to allowing the command
to proceed.

These errors are generally expected to appear if there is a problem with the KAIROS
system e.g. internal DB is unavailable temporarily.

3.2.9 Command Name: hlr-prov-proxy addports2

The following sections provide a description, syntax, example for this command and error messages that
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may be encountered. Description
This command changes the port pair used for System Data Cache connection from their default
value of 20000.

This command is provided for flexibility and to make the design
future-proof but is not recommended for use.
If you use this command you will have to ensure config changes are
made on the DS side (so that client-side ports match on both DS and
HLR DS Provisioning Proxy Agent) and any changes to the server-
side ports will require HLR SOS code changes (new SOS load
required). Syntax and example

cli> hlr-prov-proxy addports2 <client port> <server port> <cr>


cli>hlr-prov-proxy addports2 20000 20000 <cr>

cli> Parameter definitions

The following table defines and provides values for the parameters in this command.

Parameter Value Definition

client port 0 - 65535 Indicates the port to be used for client-side
connections (incoming from DS)
server port 0 - 65535 Indicates the port to be used for server-side
connections (outgoing to HLRs) Response
Possible error messages are listed below. Error message handling

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0005): HLR Prov Proxy error - no SG of type
HLR_DS_proxy_agent exists. Use aim service-group add command.

The user should check the health of the base platform and fix any base problems, then
retry the command because these return codes indicate that the hlr-prov-proxy entity has
not yet been provisioned.

These errors are generally expected to appear if there is a problem with the KAIROS
system e.g. internal DB is unavailable temporarily.
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• %Error(rc=0x07DF000B): HLR Prov Proxy error - unexpected number

of entities. Please ensure only 1 hlr-prov-proxy exists.

Use solid DB commands or hlr-prov-proxy show / delete commands to remove

superfluous hlr-prov-proxy entities because this return code indicates that more than one
hlr-prov-proxy entity was detected in the database. The command cannot proceed
because of ambiguous configuration.

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0007): HLR Prov Proxy error - DB write error

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0008): HLR Prov Proxy error - DB read error

• %Error(rc=0x07DF0004): HLR Prov Proxy error - internal DB error

The user should check the health of the base platform and fix any base problems, then
retry the command because these return codes indicate that there has been an internal
error while trying to check current SG /hlr-prov-proxy data prior to allowing the command
to proceed.

These errors are generally expected to appear if there is a problem with the KAIROS
system e.g. internal DB is unavailable temporarily.

3.2.10 Command Name: aim service-unit unlock

The following sections provide a description, syntax, example for this command and error messages that
may be encountered. Description
This command is used to unlock the service unit and place the HLR Proxy into service. Syntax and example

KAIROS CLI>aim service-unit unlock <cr>


KAIROS CLI>aim service-unit unlock FoxyProxy 0

KAIROS CLI>aim service-unit unlock FoxyProxy 1


The following example shows how to check that the unlock has been



KAIROS CLI> aim service-unit show FoxyProxy d

sg-name = FoxyProxy su-number = 0 admin-state = unlocked
presence-state = instantiated operational-state = enabled
readiness-state = in-service ha-state = standby jam-state =
unjammed frame = 0 shelf = 0 slot = 62 sub-slot = 0
sg-name = FoxyProxy su-number = 1 admin-state = unlocked
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presence-state = instantiated operational-state = enabled

readiness-state = in-service ha-state = active jam-state
unjammed frame = 0 shelf = 0 slot = 5 sub-slot = 0

The fields enabled, in-service and standby in the example above show that both units have
been successfully unlocked and are now in service. Iff you unlock SU 0 first and then SU 1 then
the active / standby fields will be the other way round from in the example (SU 1 would be
standby and SU 0 would be active). The order is not important, as long as one is active and one
is standby which indicates that the command was successful.
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4 KAIROS Configuration
This section covers configuration tasks for platform components.

4.1 Navigation
• “KAIROS configuration fundamentals” on page 28
• “KAIROS System Controller and KSX blade configuration” on page 34
• “Networking, addressing, and NGW configuration procedures” on page 69
• “SSG configuration fundamentals” on page 116
• “SSG configuration” on page 117
• “SSG Common procedures” on page 173
• “Call Agent configuration” on page 204
• “SOS file system commissioning” on page 232
• “Table synchronization configuration” on page 243
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5 KAIROS configuration fundamentals

This chapter provides descriptive information for the KAIROS platform configuration tasks.

5.1 Navigation
• “Network services and IP addresses” on page 28
• “Network time protocol (NTP)” on page 28
• “Network Gateway (NGW) Management” on page 29
• “SOS file system configuration” on page 29
• “Table synchronization configuration” on page 29
• “Table synchronization configuration” on page 30

5.2 Network services and IP addresses

Network IP addresses enable services to blades and applications. You will need to manage the allocation
of external IP addresses by grouping them as addresses in IP pools. To help with easy identification, you
can assign your own alias names to external IP addresses.

Internal IP addresses are used within KAIROS for private communication among platform elements.
Default internal IP address ranges are used, unless the operator has identified a conflict. In that case,
operator specified internal IP address ranges are defined during commissioning of the product. These
cannot be changed without a service outage once commissioning is complete.

5.2.1 IP pools
You can group KAIROS external IP addresses into pools to make it easier to assign external IP
addresses to applications. When you create an IP pool you enter a pool name followed by the gateway
address, subnet address, and subnet mask address to assign all of the addresses in that subnet to the IP
pool. If you want to define a subset of addresses within a subnet, you have the option to specify a start
and end IP address.

5.2.2 IP addresses
The KAIROS system allows you to activate, or assign, external IP addresses to applications or blades.
The show IP addresses procedure displays information associated with an IP address. You can activate
up to 255 external IP addresses in a block and define the number of addresses within a pool, including
the start IP address. External IP addresses that are no longer required by an application can be
deactivated or freed.

5.2.3 IP aliases
The system assigns a unique client ID to identify each KAIROS system IP address. The purpose of IP
aliases is to allow you to assign your own identifier for an IP address. For example, you may want to
name an IP address the same as the application that will use it. You can show, add, and delete IP

5.2.4 Network time protocol (NTP)

The network time protocol function provides the KAIROS platform with an off-system clock
synchronization. This is important to maintain accurate timekeeping for billing functions.

The NTP protocol specifies that you provision a minimum of three servers. External redundancy requires
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two servers; however, three servers allows the NTP protocol to detect that one server appears to be
incorrectly reporting the time. (The server incorrectly reporting the time may itself be out of sync.) In this
scenario, the system ignores the response from the erroneous server and relies on the data provided by
the remaining two. This fault tolerance and error detection algorithm is built into the NTP protocol itself.

You can show, add, and delete NTP servers.

5.2.5 Time zones

The internal KAIROS system clock is initially commissioned with an overall system time zone that
corresponds to the physical location of the system. You can show, add, and modify the overall time zone.

An override time zone applies to a particular blade that may not share the same time zone as the system.
You can show, add, modify, and delete an override time zone.

5.2.6 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

DHCP manages the allocation of IP addresses to blades. Initial system commissioning configures DHCP
for all system blades. You can add, modify, and show DHCP entries.

5.3 Network Gateway (NGW) Management

The Network gateway is a router that routes packet traffic among subnets defined within the internal
KAIROS LAN, and between the KAIROS LAN and the external WAN. You can understand the operation
of the NGW by considering its routing features at a number of levels:

• Layer 1 functions involve physical connections between the KSC blade and networks on
both sides: the external WAN and the internal KAIROS LAN.
• Layer 2 functions involve link aggregation (LAG) and multi-link trunking (MLT).
• Layer 3 functions involve static routing and the Virtual Router Redundancy protocol
Other sections of this document describe these functions.

Configuring a NGW requires a well-developed network engineering plan that identifies the information,
such as

• NGW port configuration, including any link aggregation

• VRRP instances to be configured on the internal LAN side
• IP addresses for the external WAN
• static routes to be defined
Perform initial NGW configuration before enabling any application traffic on a system.

5.4 SOS file system configuration

Commission SOS file system partitions at installation. You can resize the partitions to accommodate
image and patch volumes.

5.5 Table synchronization configuration

The GSM/HLR products on the KAIROS platform use multiple blades, each running its own SOS image.
A set of control mechanisms ensure that configuration data in a designated DMS Table Master is reliably
distributed to N slaves as required by each application. The DMS Table Master centralizes the input of all
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DMS table changes. Through the control mechanisms, slave blades become and remain synchronized
with the latest changes or roll back to a common synchronization point. System table changes to slaves
are not permitted, except through the distribution mechanism. A system table is a table or office
parameter that is registered for cluster syncing.

A Supercom allows control of the distributed table syncing functionality. To simplify coding, some CI
commands are only enabled on the master node.

The command set is divided into two main categories:

• TABSYNC increment: a subset of configuration commands in the CI interface

• TABSYNC_DEBUG increment: a password-protected subset of commands in the CI
interface intended for troubleshooting purposes.

5.6 Table synchronization configuration

The GSM/UMTS products on the KAIROS platform use multiple blades, each running its own SOS image.
A set of control mechanisms ensure that configuration data in a designated DMS Table Master is reliably
distributed to N slaves as required by each application. The DMS Table Master centralizes the input of all
DMS table changes. Through the control mechanisms, slave blades become and remain synchronized
with the latest changes or roll back to a common synchronization point. System table changes to slaves
are not permitted, except through the distribution mechanism. A system table is a table or office
parameter that is registered for cluster syncing.

A Supercom allows control of the distributed table syncing functionality. To simplify coding, some CI
commands are only enabled on the master node.

The command set is divided into two main categories:

• TABSYNC increment is a subset of configuration commands in the CI interface.

• TABSYNC_DEBUG increment is a password-protected subset of commands in the CI
interface intended for troubleshooting purposes.
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6 KAIROS configuration
Configure the KAIROS platform to change initial commissioning.

6.1 Prerequisites
• You have installed
– the frame and KAIROS shelf hardware
– the KAIROS platform software
– the KAIROS frame
– the power distribution units (PDU)
– the data servers
– the KAIROS shelf
– the Shelf Manager and Alarm Modules (SAM)
– all remaining blades
• You have installed and properly terminated all associated cabling.
• You have installed and commissioned the KSX, and KAIROS System Controller (KSC)
blades as well as the KXA and KPA blades.
• You have inserted all Power Entry Modules (PEM) and Fan Transition Modules (FTM).
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6.2 KAIROS configuration tasks

Figure 1 KAIROS configuration workflow
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6.3 KAIROS configuration

Figure 2 KAIROS configuration

6.4 Navigation
• “KAIROS System Controller and KSX blade configuration” on page 34
• Figure 3 NGW configuration task flow on page 70
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7 KAIROS System Controller and KSX blade configuration

This chapter contains KAIROS System Controller and KSX-related operational procedures for
modification and display of attributes, as follows:

• “Modifying a frame” on page 34

• “Modifying a shelf” on page 35
• “Deleting a shelf” on page 36
• “Showing a shelf” on page 37
• “Modifying a blade” on page 38
• “Modifying a disk” on page 41
• “Showing a disk” on page 43
• “Modifying a Shelf and Alarm Manager” on page 53
• “Showing Shelf and Alarm Manager information” on page 54
• “Installing an RTM” on page 49
• “Provisioning an RTM” on page 50
• “Modifying an RTM” on page 51
• “Removing an RTM” on page 52
• “Showing an RTM” on page 53
• “Showing IP pools” on page 55
• “Showing IP addresses” on page 56
• “Showing IP aliases” on page 57
• “Showing NTP entries” on page 57
• “Showing registered services on a port” on page 58
• “Showing an overall time zone” on page 60
• “Modifying an override time zone” on page 61
• “Showing override time zones” on page 61
• “Modifying an override time zone” on page
• “Showing DHCP entries” on page 62
• “Modifying a DHCP entry” on page 63
• “Showing file system information” on page 65
• “Expanding file system size” on page 67

7.1 Modifying a frame

Perform the following procedure to change the frame description, location, or user label fields.

The modifiable attributes for a frame are as follows:

• frame description
• frame location
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• frame user-label

7.1.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the frame number.

7.1.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify a frame’s description attribute, at the cli> prompt, enter
hardware frame modify <frame> description <description>

To modify a frame’s location attribute, enter
hardware frame modify <frame> location <location>

To modify a frame’s user-label attribute, enter
hardware frame modify <frame> user-label <user-label>


7.1.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<description> alphanumeric name associated with the blade; string of 1 to 64
characters in length
<location> alphanumeric name associated with the frame's location; string
1 to 64 characters in length
<user-label> a name you can assign to a frame; no operational impact; a
string of 1 to 64 characters in length

7.2 Modifying a shelf

Perform the following procedure to modify a shelf description, location, PEC, or user-label.

The modifiable attributes for this procedure are

• shelf description
• shelf location
• shelf product engineering code (PEC)
• shelf user label
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7.2.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

7.2.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify a shelf’s description attribute, at the cli> prompt, enter
hardware shelf modify <frame> <shelf> description <description>

To modify a shelf’s location attribute, enter
hardware shelf modify <frame> <shelf> location <location>

To modify a shelf’s PEC attribute, enter
hardware shelf modify <frame> <shelf> pec <pec>

To modify a shelf’s user-label attribute, enter
hardware shelf modify <frame> <shelf> user-label <user-label>


7.2.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<description> alphanumeric name associated with the shelf; a string of 1 to
64 characters in length
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<location> location of the shelf; alphanumeric name associated with the
shelf’s physical location; string of 1 to 64 characters in length
<pec> product engineering code associated with the shelf;
alphanumeric name associated with the shelf; string of 1 to 16
characters in length (example: NTRY10AA)
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<user-label> a name you can assign to a shelf; no operational impact; a
string of 1 to 64 characters in length

7.3 Deleting a shelf

Perform the following procedure to delete a shelf.

7.3.1 Prerequisites
• CLI session is open.
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7.3.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To delete a shelf, at the cli> prompt, enter
hardware shelf delete <frame> <shelf>


7.3.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2

7.4 Showing a shelf

Perform the following procedure to view user-label, PEC, and shelf descriptions.

7.4.1 Prerequisites
• CLI session is open.
• Shelf is provisioned.

7.4.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show shelf attribute information for the shelves, at the cli> prompt, enter
hardware shelf show all

The system returns attribute information for the shelves.

To show shelf attribute information for one shelf or shelves within a specific frame,
hardware shelf show <frame> [<shelf>] [<where-filter>]

The system returns attribute information for a specific shelf or several shelves within a
specific frame.

7.4.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
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7.4.4 Job aid

Table 1 Sample output 1

command hardware shelf show all brief
System frame shelf user-label pec
response ------- ------ ------------- ----
0 0 default-user-label NTRY10AA
0 1 default-user-label NTRY10AA

Table 2 Example Shelf show command with system response

Example command hardware shelf show 0 1 detailed

System response frame =0
shelf =1
user-label = default-user-label
pec = NTRY10AA
description = default-description
location = atca38

7.5 Modifying a blade

Perform the following procedure to modify a blade description, logical-blade-type, or user-label.

7.5.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the location (frame, shelf, slot, and sub-slot) of the blade you are modifying.

To modify a KAIROS System Controller blade logical-blade-type parameter, first
lock the blade.

7.5.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify a blade’s description attribute, at the cli> prompt, enter
hardware app-blade modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <su b-slot>
description <description>

To modify a KAIROS System Controller blade’s logical blade type attribute, enter
hardware app-blade modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub -slot>
logical-blade-type <logical-blade-type>

To modify a blade’s user label attribute, enter
hardware app-blade modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub -slot>
user-label <user-label>
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7.5.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<description> alphanumeric name associated with the blade; a string of 1
64 characters in length
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<logical-blade-type> logical blade type; one of: typhoon-0, typhoon-1
(only for KAIROS System
Controller blades)
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, range 1 to 16
<sub-slot> physical sub-slot number, range of 0 to 4
<user-label> a name you can assign to a blade; no operational impact; a
string of 1 to 64 characters in length Job aid

Table 3 Sample output

Example commands hardware app-blade modify 1 2 2 0 user-label ABCuser

hardware app-blade modify 1 2 2 0 description default-description
hardware app-blade modify 1 1 3 0 logical-blade-type typhoon-0

7.6 Showing a blade

Perform the following procedure to show attribute information for one or all blades.

7.6.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.

7.6.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show attribute information for all blades, at the cli> prompt, enter the following
hardware app-blade show all [<output-form>]

The system returns attribute information for all blades.

To show attribute information for a specific blade, enter
hardware app-blade show <frame> <shelf> <slot>

The system returns attribute information for the specified blade.

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2. To check for applications running on all blades, enter

aim service-unit show all detailed

The system returns application information for all blades.

To check for applications running on a specific blade, enter
aim service-unit show <sg-name> <su-number>

3. To check for active applications running on all blades, enter

aim si-assignment show all


7.6.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<sg-name> service group name, string, 1-255 characters in length
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, range 1 to 16
<su-number> service unit number in the service group, range 0 to 255

7.6.4 Job aid

Table 4 Example show blade commands and system response

Example command hardware app-blade show 0 0 3 0 detailed

System response frame =0
shelf =0
slot =3
sub-slot =0
user-label = default-user-label
description = default-description
assigned-pec = NTRY58AA
inventory-pec = NTRY58AA
admin-state = unlocked
operational-state = enabled
availability-status =
activity-state = active
offline = no
supplier-name = Kapsch
supplier-part-number = 90-002-07
supplier-serial-number = NNTMHRLABV14
hw-version = IXMB2801
up-time = 0 days 22 hrs 53 mm 57 ngw
logical-blade-type =0
dependency-location =
ip-address =
sw-release = no
rtm-present =0
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Example command aim si-assignment show all detailed

System response sg-name = MSC
su-number =1
si-name = SI-1
ha-state = active

Table 5 Example show blade commands and system response

Example command hardware app-blade show 0 0 2 0 detailed

System response frame =0
shelf =0
slot =2
sub-slot =0
user-label = default-user-label
description = default-description
assigned-pec = NTRY54AA
inventory-pec = NTRY54AA
admin-state = unlocked
operational-state = enabled
availability-status =
activity-state = active
offline = no
supplier-name = Kapsch
supplier-part-number = 01-W3930F04A
hw-version = NNTMHL0000W4
up-time = ATCA-6101
logical-blade-type = 173 days 2 hrs 45 mm 40 s
dependency-location = app-blade
ip-address =0
rtm-present =
number-of-sub-slots = no
Example command aim si-assignment show all detailed
System response sg-name = HLR_SG2
su-number =0
si-name = SI-1
ha-state = active

7.7 Modifying a disk

Perform the following procedure to modify a disk description or user-label.

The modifiable attributes for a disk are as follows:

• disk description
• disk user-label

7.7.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
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7.7.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify a disk’s description attribute, at the cli> prompt, enter
hardware disk modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot>
description <description>

To modify a disk’s user-label attribute, enter
hardware disk modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot > user-
label <user-label>


7.7.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<description> alphanumeric name associated with the blade; string of 1 to 64
characters in length
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, range 1 to 16
<sub-slot> physical sub-slot number, range of 0 to 4
<user-label> a name you can assign to a disk; no operational impact; a
string of 1 to 64 characters in length

7.7.4 Job aid

Table 6 Sample output

Example hardware disk modify 1 2 4 1 user-label ABC-label

hardware disk show 1 2 4 1
System response frame =1
shelf =2
slot =4
sub-slot =1
user-label = ABC-label
description = default-description
admin-state = unlocked
operational-state = enabled
availability-status =
offline = no
temperature = 34 C
diagnostic-result = Passed
power-on-minutes = 428318
read-errors-corrected-quickly = 6556798
read-errors-corrected-slowly =0
read-total-redone =0
read-errors-total-corrected = 6556798
read-errors-total-algorithm = 6556798
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read-total-bytes = 13335076609536
read-errors-total-uncorrected =0
write-errors-corrected-slowly =0
write-total-redone =0
write-errors-total-corrected =0
write-errors-total-algorithm =0
write-total-bytes = 12214014650880
write-errors-total-uncorrected =0
non-medium-errors =7
disk-mirror-status = Good

7.8 Showing a disk

Perform the following procedure to display information for some or all disks.

7.8.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• Know the location of the disk.

7.8.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show attributes for all disks, at the cli> prompt, enter
hardware disk show all [<output-form>]

The system returns attribute information for all disks.

To show attributes for a specific disk or a subset of all disks, enter
hardware disk show <frame> <shelf> <slot> [<sub-slot>]

The system returns attribute information for the specified disk(s).


7.8.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, range 1 to 16
<sub-slot> physical sub-slot number, range 0 to 4
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7.8.4 Job aid

Table 7 Sample output

Example command hardware disk show 0 0 4 1 detailed where temperature > 29

System response frame =0

shelf =0
slot =4
sub-slot =1
user-label = ABC-label
description = default-description
admin-state = unlocked
operational-state = enabled
availability-status =
offline = no
temperature = 34 C
diagnostic-result = Passed
power-on-minutes = 428318
read-errors-corrected-quickly = 6556798
read-errors-corrected-slowly =0
read-total-redone =0
read-errors-total-corrected = 6556798
read-errors-total-algorithm = 6556798
read-total-bytes = 13335076609536
read-errors-total-uncorrected =0
write-errors-corrected-slowly =0
write-total-redone =0
write-errors-total-corrected =0
write-errors-total-algorithm =0
write-total-bytes = 12214014650880
write-errors-total-uncorrected =0
non-medium-errors =7
disk-mirror-status = Good

7.9 Modifying a Fan Tray Module

Perform the following procedure to modify attribute information for a fan tray module (FTM).

The modifiable attributes for an FTM are

• assigned product engineering code (PEC)

• FTM description
• user label

7.9.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the location (frame, shelf, slot, sub-slot) of the FTM.
• Know how to show KAIROS alarms, should they occur during this procedure.
• Know where to find information on specific KAIROS alarms, should they occur during this
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7.9.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify the PEC assigned to an FTM, at the cli> prompt, enter
hardware ftm modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot>
assigned-pec <assigned-pec>

To modify the description of an FTM, enter
hardware ftm modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot>
description <description>

To modify the user label for an FTM, enter
hardware ftm modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot>
user-label <user-label>

2. If you changed the PEC, verify that the PEC was modified (optional). Enter
hardware ftm show <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot>

The system displays FTM-specific information.

3. Verify there are no alarms indicating a mismatch between the assigned PEC and
inventory PEC.

7.9.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<assigned-pec> assigned product engineering code for the FTM; a string of
characters from 1 to 16 in length
<description> description of the FTM; a string of characters from 1 to 64 in length
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, range 1 to 9
<sub-slot> physical sub-slot number, range 0 to 4
<user-label> a name you can assign to an FTM; no operational impact; a string
of characters from 1 to 64 in length

7.10 Showing Fan Tray Module information

Perform the following procedure to display Fan Tray Module (FTM) information.

7.10.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
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• You know the frame, shelf, and slot of the FTM (optional). The FTM sub-slot number is always
• Left to right, FTM 1, FTM 2 and FTM 3 are the upper Fan Tray Modules at the front of the
• Left to right, FTM 7, FTM 8 and FTM 9 are the lower Fan Tray Modules at the front of the
• Left to right, FTM 4, FTM 5 and FTM 6 are the lower Fan Tray Modules at the rear of the frame.

7.10.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
hardware ftm show all [<output-form>]

To see information for a specific FTM, enter
hardware ftm show <frame> <shelf> <slot> 0

The system displays Fan Tray Module information.


7.10.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, range 1 to 9

7.10.4 Example

Example command hardware ftm show 0 0 1 detailed

System response frame =0
shelf =0
slot =1
user-label = default-user-label
description = default-description
assigned-pec = NTRY12AB
inventory-pec = NTRY12AA
operational-state = disabled
availability-status =

supplier-name = Kapsch
supplier -part-number = 01-W2199F01A
supplier-serial-number = 0000001
hw-version = CHS1600 Fan Tray
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7.11 Modifying a Power Entry Module

Perform the following procedure to modify attributes for a Power Entry Module (PEM).
The modifiable attributes for a PEM are
• assigned product engineering code (PEC)
• PEM description
• user label

7.11.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the location (frame, shelf, slot, sub-slot) of the PEM (if applicable).
• Know how to show KAIROS alarms, should they occur during this procedure.
• Know where to find information on specific KAIROS alarms should they occur during this

7.11.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify the PEC assigned to a PEM, at the cli> prompt, enter
hardware pem modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot>
assigned-pec <assigned-pec>

To modify the description of a PEM, enter
hardware pem modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot>
description <description>

To modify the user label for a PEM, enter
hardware pem modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot> user-
label <user-label>

2. If you modified the PEC, verify that the PEC was modified (optional).
To view specific PEM information, enter
hardware pem show <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot> [<output-

The system displays PEM-specific information.

3. Verify that alarms are cleared.

7.11.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<assigned-pec> assigned product engineering code for the PEM; a string of
characters from 1 to 16 in length
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<description> description of the PEM; a string of characters from 1 to 64 in

<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, range a or b
<sub-slot> physical subslot location, range 0 to 4
<user-label> a name you can assign to an PEM; no operational impact; a
string of characters from 1 to 64 in length

7.12 Showing Power Entry Module information

Perform the following procedure to view information about all Power Entry Modules (PEM) or for a
specific PEM.

7.12.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• Know the location (frame, shelf, slot, sub-slot) of the PEM (if applicable).
• Know the location (frame, shelf, slot) of the PEM (if applicable).

7.12.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
hardware pem show all [<output-form>]

To view specific PEM information, enter
hardware pem show <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot>

The system displays PEM-specific information.


7.12.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, range a or b
<sub-slot> physical sub-slot number, range 0 to 4
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7.12.4 Job aid

Example command hardware pem show 0 0 a 0 detailed

System response frame =0

shelf =0
slot =a
user-label = default-user-label
description = default-description
assigned-pec = NTRY15AA
inventory-pec = NTRY15AA
operational-state = enabled
availability-status =

supplier-name = Kapsch
supplier-part-number = 01-W2330F01C
supplier-serial-number = NNTMHL0002E6
hw-version = PEM1600

7.13 Installing an RTM

Perform the following procedure to physically insert a Rear Transition Module (RTM).

7.13.1 Prerequisites

Do not force the RTM into the backplane slot.

• Know the RTM slot location.

• Field replaceable unit (FRU) data (PEC) is present on RTM.
• You must have provisioned the front blade.
• RTM must be physically present for the front board to provide service.

7.13.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Align the edges of the RTM with the blade cage rail guides in the appropriate slot.
2. Apply equal and steady pressure, using your thumbs, to carefully slide the RTM into
the blade cage rail guides.
3. Continue to gently push until the Zone 3 connector of the RTM engages with the Zone
3 connector of the front blade and the injector levers make contact with the shelf rails.

Do not force the RTM into the backplane slot.

4. Compress the handle and apply pressure to insert the RTM until it is securely seated.
5. Close the bottom latch to activate the RTM.
6. Wait for the blue H/S LED to switch off; this indicates that the RTM is active.
7. Secure the RTM by tightening the captive screws at both ends of the faceplate.
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7.14 Provisioning an RTM

Perform the following procedure to provision a Rear Transition Module (RTM) through the cli> prompt. If
you are autoprovisioning, the RTM will autoprovision once all the checks have passed.

7.14.1 Prerequisites

Observe esd precautions when handling the RTM. Use a grounded wrist strap,
static-dissipating work surface, and antistatic containers when handling and storing

In the situation where a blade record has an associated RTM provisioned
record, then that RTM is required. Check to see if the RTM is physically present.
If not, do not let the board boot and alarm the event for boot failure.

• Ensure that you have already provisioned the front board and that the front board is the
appropriate type.
• You can provision an RTM without it being physically present. Once you have provisioned
an RTM for a slot, then any RTM inserted into that slot will be checked against that
provisioned record.

7.14.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Lock the front blade if it is present and unlocked. The front blade does not unlock until
you either insert the RTM or delete the provisioning.
2. At the cli> prompt, issue the following command:
hardware rtm add <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot> <PEC>

Make sure you do PEC checks for front-board compatibility.

3. To verify that you have provisioned the RTM, enter

hardware rtm show all [<output-form>]

4. To modify values, enter

hardware rtm modify <location> <field to modify>

The system saves these values.

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7.14.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<field to modify> This value can either be user-label or description. The modify
command is not used during the provisioning or removal of an RTM.
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<location> The <location> is equivalent to <frame> <shelf> <slot>
<sub-slot>. (Location 0 0 1 0 is a valid location, but it is made up of
frame = 0 shelf = 0 slot = 1 sub-slot = 0)
<PEC> See the following job aid.
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, range 1 to 16
<sub-slot> physical sub-slot number, range 0

7.14.4 Job aid

Table 8 RTM PECs and corresponding blade PECs




7.15 Modifying an RTM

Perform the following procedure to modify the provisioning for a Rear Transmission Module (RTM).

7.15.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.

7.15.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify the provisioning for the RTM, at the cli> prompt, enter
hardware rtm modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot>
description <description>

hardware rtm modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot> user-
label <user-label>

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7.15.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<description> keyword, string of characters, 1-64 in length
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, range 1 to 16
<sub-slot> physical sub-slot number, range 0
<user-label> keyword, string of characters, 1-64 in length

7.16 Removing an RTM

Perform the following procedure to physically remove a Rear Transmission Module (RTM).

If you delete a blade record, the corresponding rtm record, if it exists, will be
deleted as well. Also if you pull the front blade, then the corresponding RTM
physical record will be deleted as well (just as if it were pulled).

7.16.1 Prerequisites

Observe esd precautions when handling the RTM. Use a grounded wrist strap,
static-dissipating work surface, and antistatic containers when handling and storing

Powering down or removing a blade before you have properly shut
down the operating system or other software running on the blade may
cause corruption of data or file systems.

• A CLI session is open.

• You have locked the applications on the blade associated with this RTM.
• You have locked the front blade.

7.16.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Loosen screws on either end of the faceplate.
2. Remove cables from the RTM.
3. Compress bottom ejector lever and open latch until you feel resistance. Do not remove
the module immediately.
The blue H/S (hotswap) LED flashes and then turns solid.
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4. Wait for the blue H/S LED to illuminate solid.

5. Carefully pull the handle to extract the RTM from the shelf.

7.17 Showing an RTM

Perform the following procedure to show the provisioning for a Rear Transmission Module (RTM).

7.17.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.

7.17.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show information for all RTMs, at the cli> prompt, enter
hardware rtm show all [<output-form>]

The system returns information for all RTMs.

To show attribute information for a specific RTM, enter
hardware rtm show <frame>

The system returns attribute information for the specified RTM.


7.17.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15

7.18 Modifying a Shelf and Alarm Manager

Perform the following procedure to modify the description, PEC, or user-label of a Shelf and Alarm
Manager (SAM).

The modifiable attributes for a SAM are as follows:

• SAM description
• SAM product engineering code (PEC)
• SAM user-label

7.18.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the SAM frame, shelf, slot, and sub-slot.
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7.18.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify the product engineering code (PEC) assigned to a SAM, at the cli> prompt,
hardware sam modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot> assigned-
pec <assigned-pec>

To modify the description for a SAM, enter
hardware sam modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot>
description <description>

To modify the user label field for a SAM, enter
hardware sam modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot> user-
label <user-label>


7.18.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<assigned-pec> product engineering code of the SAM; alphanumeric string of 1 to 16
characters in length
<description> alphanumeric name associated with the blade; string of 1 to 64
characters in length
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, a or b
<sub-slot> physical subslot location, 0
<user-label> a name you can assign to a SAM; no operational impact; a string of
1 to 64 characters in length

7.19 Showing Shelf and Alarm Manager information

Perform the following procedure to display information about all Shelf and Alarm Managers (SAM) or for a
specific SAM.

7.19.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• Know the SAM frame, shelf, and slot to view a specific SAM.

7.19.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
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hardware sam show all

To view information for a specific SAM, enter
hardware sam show <frame> <shelf> <slot>

The system displays SAM information. After a short delay the cli> prompt returns.

7.19.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, a or b

7.19.4 Job aid

Table 9 Example SAM show command and system response

Example command hardware sam show 0 0 a detailed

System response frame =0
shelf =0
slot =a
user-label = default-user-label
description = default-description
assigned-pec = NTRY16AA
inventory-pec = NTRY16AA
admin-state = unlocked
operational-state = enabled
availability-status =
activity-state = active
offline = no
supplier-name = Kapsch
supplier-part-number =A
supplier-serial-number = NNTM17123456
hw-version = IPM Sentry ShMM-500

7.20 Showing IP pools

Perform this procedure to view a list of IP pools and their configuration details. You can view a list of all IP
pools or a specific IP pool.

7.20.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the IP pool name (if applicable).
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7.20.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show attribute information for all IP pools, at the cli> prompt, enter
networking pool show all

The system returns attribute information for all IP pools.

To show attribute information for a specific IP pool, enter
networking pool show <pool-name>

The system returns attribute information for the specified IP pool.


7.20.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<pool name> character string, the name assigned to an IP pool, up to 64
characters in length.

7.21 Showing IP addresses

Perform this procedure to display a list of reserved IP addresses. You can show a list of all IP addresses
or the IP addresses for a specific pool name.

7.21.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the pool name (if applicable).

7.21.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
networking ip show all

The system displays all activated IP addresses, pool names, blocks, client IDs, and IP
To show attribute information for one IP address or a subset of IP addresses, enter
networking ip show <pool-name> [<block>] [registeredservice

The system displays a list of activated IP addresses, blocks, client IDs, and IP
addresses for the specified pool name.
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7.21.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<block> block; alphanumeric name associated with a block; string of 1 to
72 characters in length
<pool-name> a name (up to 64 characters) you enter to identify the pool
<registered- the service that has registered the IP address; string of 1 to 72
service> characters, usually in the format of service group, service unit
(optionally, service instance)

7.22 Showing IP aliases

Perform this procedure to display either a list of all aliases or a specific alias for a client ID.

7.22.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the client ID (if required).

7.22.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
networking alias show all

The system displays a list of all aliases and their client IDs.
To view a specific alias, enter
networking alias show <client-ID>

The system displays the single alias and its client ID or the list of all the aliases that
begin with that specific client ID. For example, you may have a series of client IDs
beginning with bob.

7.22.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<client ID> system-assigned ID for an IP address

7.23 Showing NTP entries

Perform the following procedure to display Network Time Protocol (NTP) content. You can choose to view
all NTP entries or a specific NTP entry.

The network time protocol function provides the KAIROS platform with an off-system clock
synchronization. This is important to maintain accurate timekeeping for billing functions.
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The NTP protocol specifies that you provision a minimum of three servers. You need two servers for
external redundancy; however, three servers allow the NTP protocol to detect that one server appears to
be incorrectly reporting the time. (The server incorrectly reporting the time may itself be out of sync.) In
this scenario, the system will ignore the response from the erroneous server and rely on the data
provided by the remaining two. This fault tolerance and error detection algorithm is built into the NTP
protocol itself.

You can show, add, and delete NTP servers.

7.23.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the NTP server location (optional).

7.23.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
time ntp show all

To view a specific NTP entry, enter
time ntp show <location>


7.23.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<location> the server host name for the NTP entry

7.23.4 Job aid: Sample output

Table 10 Sample output

Example command time ntp show all detailed

System response location = ntpserver
server =
md5-key = NULL

7.24 Showing registered services on a port

View the services registered on a port in order to identify the security configuration requirements for the

7.24.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
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7.24.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To view registered services for all ports, at the cli> prompt, enter
networking ipmgr-port-entry show all

To view all the ports and IP addresses for a specific registered service, enter
networking ipmgr-port-entry show registered-service <ip-
address> |<port>

To view registered services for an IP address and/or port, enter
networking ipmgr-port-entry show <ip-address> | <port>

The system displays registered service information.


7.24.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<ip-address> a system-defined IP address
<port> a port number; 0 to 65 535

7.24.4 Job aid

Table 11 Example show all registered services command and system output

networking ipmgr-port-entry show all

ip-address port registered-service
--------------- ------- ---------------------- 22 DsIpMgr-0-sshd 22 DsIpMgr-0-sshd 22 DsIpMgr-0-sshd

Table 12 Example show IP information for a specific registered service

networking ip show registered-service DsIpMgr-0-sshd

pool-name block ip-address client-id service

----------- --------- ------------ --------- ---------

dataoam dataserve dataserve DsIpMgr-
rip rip 0-ssh d
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7.25 Showing an overall time zone

Perform the following procedure to view the information for the system’s overall time zone.

Every system is commissioned with an appropriate overall time zone that corresponds to its geographic
location. You can add, modify, and show the time zone for your system.

7.25.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

7.25.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
time system-timezone show all

The system returns the overall time zone location parameters.


7.25.3 Job aid: Sample output

Table 13 Sample output

Example command time system-timezone show all detailed

System response location = OVERALL
timezone = EST5EDT

7.26 Modifying an overall time zone

You can make changes to an existing overall time zone.

7.26.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

7.26.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
time system-timezone modify overall <first-level-time-zone-
keyword> [<second-level-time-zone-keyword>]

The system displays a warning that modifying the overall system time zone changes
the time zone for many cards. You must confirm if you want to continue (y to confirm
and n to abort).
2. To confirm your action, enter

If you enter n, the action is aborted.

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7.26.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<first-level-time-zone-keyword> Use the? character to view a list of all first-level
time-zone parameters, for example, America or
<second-level-time-zone-keyword> Use the? character to view a list of all second-level
time-zone parameters, for example, Kentucky or

7.27 Showing override time zones

Perform the following procedure to view information about system override time zones.

7.27.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

7.27.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
time override-timezone show all

The system displays information about override time zones.


7.28 Modifying an override time zone

Perform the following procedure to change an existing override time zone.

7.28.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the override time zone you want to change.

7.28.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
time override-timezone modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-
slot> <first-level-time-zone-keyword> [<second-level-time-

The system displays a warning that modifying the blade’s override time zone changes
it from the overall system time zone. You must confirm if you want to continue (y to
confirm and n to abort).
2. To confirm the action of modifying an override time zone, enter

The system returns the cli> prompt.

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7.28.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, range 1 to 16
<sub-slot> subslot number; integer value; range of 0 to 4
<first-level-time-zone-keyword> Use the? character to view a list of all first-level
time-zone parameters, for example, America or
<second-level-time-zone- Use the? character to view a list of all second-level
keyword> time-zone parameters, for example, Kentucky or

7.29 Showing DHCP entries

Perform this procedure to view a list of DHCP entries. Entering the show all command may generate a
long display of information.

7.29.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

7.29.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
networking dhcp show all

To see a specific DHCP entry, enter
networking dhcp show <host>

The system displays DHCP parameter information.


7.29.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value

<host> alphanumeric name associated with host; a string of characters

from 1 to
64 in length
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7.29.4 Job aid: Sample output

Table 14 Sample output for networking dhcp show all command

Example command networking dhcp show all detailed

System response host = base0-0-1-5-0-11-1

fixed-address =
hardware-address = 00:03:cc:51:01:fe
filename = /tftpboot/cnp/0-1-5-0/0-1-5-0/kernel
nfs-location = /tftpboot/cnp/0-1-5-0
nfs-server = 172.24.80.

7.30 Modifying a DHCP entry

Perform this procedure to change an existing Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) entry.

The modifiable attributes for a DHCP entry are as follows:

• hardware address
• fixed address
• file name
• Network File System (NFS) location
• NFS server (optional)

7.30.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the host parameter of the DHCP entry you want to modify.

7.30.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
networking dhcp show <host>

The information for the DHCP entry appears. Use this information to guide you in
entering your DHCP modifications.
2. Enter
networking dhcp modify <host> <hardware-address> <fixed-
address> <file-name> <nfs-location> [<nfs-server>]

To minimize input errors, you can add each variable, one at a time, followed by a?
character. The system prompts you for the next variable until you have entered all of
the variables.
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7.30.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<host> name of the host
<hardware-address> hardware address (MAC) of the blade
The MAC address must be unique.
<fixed-address> IP address of the card to boot
The fixed address must be unique.
<file name> software load location and name of load (boot image)

<nfs-location> directory name

<nfs-server> IP address of network KAIROS System Controller

7.31 Changing file system alarm thresholds

Change a KAIROS System Controller file system alarm threshold in response to an alarm or as required
by platform configuration. You can change block and GSM/UMTS MSC-HLR Server (G/U MSC-HLR
Server) alarm threshold percentages and specify if the new value applies to all minor, major, or critical
alarms. You can also modify the freespace alarm thresholds sizes in Mbs.

7.31.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the file system mount point.

7.31.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
storage file-system show <mount-point> detailed

The system displays information about the file system.

2. To change a single file system block alarm threshold, enter
storage file-system modify <mount-point> thresholds block
[minor, major, critical] <threshold-value>

To change all file system block alarm thresholds, enter
storage file-system modify <mount-point> thresholds block all
<threshold-value> <threshold-value> <threshold-value>

3. To change a single file-system G/U MSC-HLR Server alarm threshold, enter

storage file-system modify <mount-point> thresholds inode
[minor, major, critical] <threshold-value>]

To change all G/U MSC-HLR Server alarm thresholds, enter
storage file-system modify <mount-point> threshold s inode
all <threshold-value> <threshold-value> <threshold-value>
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4. To change the freespace alarm threshold, enter

storage file-system modify freespace threshold [minor, major,
critical] <freespace-threshold>

To change all freespace alarm thresholds, enter
storage file-system modify freespace threshold all
<freespace-threshold> <freespace-threshold> <freespace-


7.31.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<mount-point> mount point for the file system, for example /home
<threshold-value> type of G/U MSC-HLR Server or block usage percentage alarm;
all - Enter the keyword all followed by space-separated values for
minor, major, and critical thresholds. (See explanation for each level of
alarm below.)
minor - Minor alarm threshold (in percentage) must be greater than 0
and less than 100, or -1 for default value 50, or 100 for turning off the
alarm, for example, 65 or -1 or 100.
major - Major alarm threshold (in percentage) must be greater than 0
and less than 100, or -1 for default value 70, or 100 for turning off the
alarm, for example, 75 or -1 or 100.
critical - Critical alarm threshold (in percentage) must be greater than
0 and less than 100, or -1 for default value 90, or 100 for turning off
the alarm, for example, 85 or -1 or 100.
<freespace- integer 0 - maximum disk size in Mbs.
threshold> Enter the keyword all followed by space-separated values for minor,
major, and critical freespace alarm thresholds.

7.32 Showing file system information

Perform this procedure to display information about some or all file systems.

7.32.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• Know the file system mount point (optional).

7.32.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
storage file-system show all

The system responds with information about all file systems. The last line of the
display shows the free space available on the volume group.
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To view information for a specific file system (you must know the mount point of the
file system), enter
storage file-system show <mount-point>

2. Record the name (mount point) of the file system you want to expand and the current
size, percentage used, and free space available for re-sizing.
The file systems are synchronized when the opr-stat = enable and avail = available.

7.32.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<mount-point> mount point location of the file system

7.32.4 Job aid

Table 15 File system attributes

Attribute name Value

mount-point mount point for this file system, for example, /home.
size-mb size of the file system in MBs
percent-used percentage of real disk space in use for this file system
percent-inode percentage of the number of available files used for this file system
file-sys-type tmpfs: a RAM-based file system that cannot be re-sized ext3: a locally
based file system that cannot be re-sized xfs: a local file system that
can be expanded
trfs: an automatically replicated file system that can be expanded
exported If True, then the file system is exported through the Network File
System (NFS) to the KAIROS shelf.
If False, then the file system is not exported.
admin-state If Locked, then the file system cannot be expanded. If Unlocked, then
the file system can be expanded.
opr-state operational state (enabled or disabled) of the file system
avail availability of file system Values include
available - file system is 100% available.
offline - file system is locked.
degraded - file system is synchronizing or one unit is unavailable.
failed - file system is unavailable.
percent-block-alarm-minor minor alarm threshold for blocks used. Default is 80%.
percent-block-alarm-major major alarm threshold for blocks used. Default is 90%
percent-block-alarm-critical critical alarm threshold for blocks used. Default is 97%.
percent-inode-alarm-minor minor Inode file usage alarm threshold. Default is 50%.
percent-inode-alarm-major major Inode file usage alarm threshold. Default is 70%.
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percent-inode-alarm-critical critical Inode file usage alarm threshold. Default is 90%.

freespace-alarm-minor-mb minor alarm threshold for amount of free space available. Default is
10000 Mb.
freespace-alarm-major-mb major alarm threshold for amount of free space available. Default is
5000 Mb.
freespace-alarm-critical-m b critical alarm threshold for amount of free space available. Default is
1000 Mb.

7.33 Expanding file system size

Expand the file system size to accommodate larger files. You can increase file system size in response to
a file system threshold alarm. Before doing an upgrade, resize the /opt/swd file system in order to
download the new platform software.

You can only increase the current size of a file system. You cannot decrease the
size of a file system.

7.33.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the name and current size of the file system.
• The /opt/swd/backups file system must be 25000 Mbs before you back up a system. Enter
the new total size of the file system required.

7.33.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. View your current file system information. At the cli> prompt, enter
storage file-system show all

2. To modify the current file system size, enter

storage file-system modify <mount-point> sz <size>

The system confirms the change in file system size.

3. Show your file system information to confirm the change in file system size.
storage file-system show <mount-point>

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7.33.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<mount-point> mount point for this file system, for example, /home.

<size> the total new size of the file system in megabytes (MB) This variable
must be preceded by the keyword sz.

7.33.4 Example procedure for increasing the /opt/swd file system

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
storage file-system modify /opt/swd sz 6144

The system confirms the change in file system size.

2. Show your file system information to confirm the change in file system size.
storage file-system show /opt/swd


7.33.5 Example procedure for increasing the /opt/swd/backups file system

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
storage file-system modify /opt/swd/backups sz 25000

The system confirms the change in file system size.

2. Show your file system information to confirm the change in file system size.
storage file-system show /opt/swd/backups

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8 Networking, addressing, and NGW configuration procedures

Perform the NGW configuration task to provision Layer 2 and Layer 3 attributes on your KSC blades.

8.1.1 Prerequisites
• You must have the following network information:
– a list of already-configured public and private IP address pools (pool name, gateway
address that defines a VRRP instance, subnet, subnet-mask, pool-start IP address,
and pool-end IP address)
– the peer IP address (next hop gateway)
– NGW WAN interface aggregation configuration
– NGW WAN interface IP addresses and masks
– VRRP identifier number, priority, interface mapping, and interface tracking to each
gateway address
– VRRP WAN advertisement interval and optional mac release time
– interval settings for ICMP echo monitoring (if required)
– the default master NGW for each VRRP instance, supporting a gateway address
– security policies for the supported traffic flows
– static routes toward the WAN for both NGWs
• Install the KSC blades in slots 3 and 7 of the KAIROS frame.
• Know if your WAN interfaces are aggregated. The default configuration is aggregated.
Contact your next level of support for assistance.
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Figure 3 NGW configuration task flow

Use the following navigation list to see the procedures shown in the taskflow:
• “Determining if router identifiers have been assigned for the NGWs” on page 71
• “Provisioning router instances for the KSC blades” on page 72
• “Provisioning IP addresses for WAN interfaces” on page 71
• “Configuring internal VRRP LAN instances” on page 73
• “Configuring external WAN VRRP instances” on page 75
• “Provisioning static routes” on page 77
• “Configuring ICMP echo monitoring” on page 78
• “Provisioning security policies” on page 86
• “Unlocking the aggregate WAN interfaces” on page 92
• “Unlocking VRRPs” on page 93
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• “Performing NGW connectivity and redundancy tests” on page 94

• “Showing router attributes” on page 97
• “Modifying an Ethernet interface” on page 98
• “Showing Ethernet interface information” on page 100
• “Modifying an aggregated Ethernet interface” on page 101
• “Showing aggregated Ethernet interface information” on page 103
• “Showing IP interface attributes” on page 104
• “Showing routing table information” on page 106
• “Modifying a static route” on page 107
• “Showing a static route” on page 108
• “Showing a security policy” on page 109
• “Showing a VRRP instance” on page 110
• “Modifying a VRRP instance” on page 113
• “Showing VRRP tracking” on page 113

8.2 Determining if router identifiers have been assigned for the NGWs
Perform this procedure to determine if router identifiers have been assigned for the KSC blades.

8.2.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

8.2.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Retrieve router information for all NGW routers. At the cli> prompt, enter
routing ngw-router show all

The system returns attribute information for all routers.

If the system outputs router identifier numbers under the id column, router identifiers
exist for the NGWs.

8.3 Provisioning IP addresses for WAN interfaces

Perform this procedure to define IP interfaces to the external WAN in an NGW router.

8.3.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have enabled the NGW service unit for the KSC blade.
• You have added the related router.
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8.3.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. For all required interfaces, provision an IP interface to the external WAN for the
interface. To provision an interface, at the cli> prompt, enter
routing ngw-ipv4-interface add <router-identifier> <interface-
number> <interface-address> <mask-length> [<broadcast-address>]


8.3.3 Variable definitions


<broadcast-address> IP address where broadcast packets are sent for a given

interface; can be calculated from the interface address and
network mask. Typically, this is automatically calculated to the
maximum IP address within the subnet if not defined.

<interface-address> IP address in the external WAN, assigned to the interface


<interface-number> associated interface number; integer value; range of 602 to


<mask-length> subnet mask length; must be the same as the subnet mask
specified in the associated address mapping tables; integer
value; range of 0 to 32

<router-identifier> router instance identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 2

8.3.4 Job aid

Example command for provisioning an IP address for a WAN interface routing
ngw-ipv4-interface add 1 602 30 10.10 6.4.35

8.4 Provisioning router instances for the KSC blades

Perform this procedure to assign router identifiers to the slot 3 and 7 KSC blades. All NGW routing
configuration is linked to the router instance assigned to the KSC blades. An NGW router attributes
instance is automatically added with each NGW router instance.

8.4.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have unlocked the KSC blade slots.

8.4.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To lock the slot 3 KSC blade, at the cli> prompt, enter
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hardware app-blade lock <frame> <shelf> 2 0

2. To assign a router identifier to the slot 3 KSC blade, enter

routing ngw-router add 1 <router-frame> <router-shelf> 2 0

3. To unlock the slot 3 KSC blade, enter

hardware app-blade unlock <frame> <shelf> 2 0

4. To unlock the slot 7 KSC blade, enter

hardware app-blade lock <frame> <shelf> 7 0

5. To assign a router identifier to the slot 3 KSC blade, enter.

routing ngw-router add 3 <router-frame> <router-shelf> 7 0

6. To unlock the slot 7 KSC blade, enter

hardware app-blade unlock <frame> <shelf> 7 0


8.4.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<router-frame> frame number of the NGW router, range of 0 to 15
<router-shelf> shelf number of the NGW router, one of 0 or 1
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2

8.5 Configuring internal VRRP LAN instances

Perform this procedure to define all required Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) instances on
the KSC blades and provision internal LAN VRRP instances tracking for each VRRP instance. When you
add VRRP instances, the system automatically creates static routes on the LAN interface. This serves to
route incoming traffic to the internal subnet for which this VRRP is a gateway.

Typically, you will provision VRRP instances and tracking for every public gateway address that was
previously configured (before KAIROS installation and commissioning) when provisioning the address

To support full redundancy on a VRRP router, define the same VRRP instances on
both KSC (NGW) blades.

You can define tracking at both the physical (port) level and at the logical (link
aggregation) level.

8.5.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
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• You have enabled the NGW service unit for the KSC blade.
• You have added the NGW router.
• You have configured address pools.

8.5.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To provision the first VRRP instance on the slot 3 KSC (NGW), at the cli> prompt,
routing ngw-vrrp-instance add 1 601 <vrrp-identifier>
<gateway-address> <mask-length> <default-priority>

2. Repeat step 1 for each remaining VRRP instance required on the slot 3 KSC (NGW).
3. To provision the first VRRP instance on the slot 7 KSC (NGW), enter
routing ngw-vrrp-instance add 2 601 <vrrp-identifier>
<gateway-address> <mask-length> <default-priority>

4. Repeat step 3 for each remaining VRRP instance required on the slot 7 KSC (NGW).
5. To provision VRRP tracking for the first VRRP instance configured on the slot 3 KSC
(NGW), enter
routing ngw-vrrp-tracking add 1 601 <vrrp-identifier>
<interface-number> <group-identifier>

The interface-number cannot be the same as the vrrp-interface-
number. That is, a VRRP instance cannot track itself.

6. Repeat step 5 for each remaining VRRP instance on the slot 3 KSC (NGW).
7. To provision VRRP tracking for the first VRRP instance configured on the slot 7
(NGW), enter
routing ngw-vrrp-tracking add 2 601 <vrrp-identifier>
<interface-number> <group-identifier>

8. Repeat step 7 for each remaining VRRP instance on the slot 7 KSC (NGW).

8.5.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<default-priority> The NGW router uses this field to select a master for this
VRRP route. Integer value: 230 (backup) or 254 (master).
<gateway-address> VRRP IP address. This address must be configured as a gateway
address in the address mapping tables (
<group-identifier> VRRP group identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 255
<interface-number> NGW WAN interface identifier (physical port or LAG
logical port); integer value; range 602 to 605
<mask-length> Subnet mask length must be the same as the subnet mask
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specified in the associated address mapping tables; integer value;

range of 0 to 32.
<vrrp-identifier> virtual router identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 255 (eight
values can be chosen)
<vrrp-interface-number> virtual router interface number; 601

8.6 Configuring external WAN VRRP instances

Perform this procedure to define all required VRRP instances on the KSC blades and configure external
WAN VRRP instances tracking for each VRRP route.

To support full redundancy on a VRRP router, define the same peer VRRP
instances on both KSC (NGW) blades.

You can define tracking at both the physical (port) level and at the logical (link
aggregation) level.

8.6.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI ses sion is open.
• You have enabled the NGW service unit for the KSC blade.
• You have added the NGW router.
• You have configured address pools.
• You have configured the IP address on the NGW IPV4 interface in the same subnet as
the VRRP gateway address.
• You have engineering documentation that provides the IP addresses and interface

8.6.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To provision the first VRRP instance on the slot 3 KSC (NGW), at the cli> prompt,
routing ngw-vrrp-instance add 1 <vrrp-interface-number>
<vrrp-identifier> <gateway-address> <mask-length> <default-
priority> [<advertisement-interval> <macrelease-time>]

VRRP instances are automatically locked when first configured.

2. Repeat step 1 for each remaining VRRP instance required on the slot 3 KSC (NGW).
A system warning and confirmation message appears if the advertisement-interval and
mac-release-time values are different than for the first VRRP instance.
3. To provision the first VRRP instance on the slot 7 KSC (NGW), enter
routing ngw-vrrp-instance add 2 <vrrp-interface-number>
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<vrrp-identifier> <gateway-address> <mask-length> <default-

priority> [<advertisement-interval> <macrelease-time>]

4. Repeat step 3 for each remaining VRRP instance required on the slot 7 KSC (NGW).
5. To provision VRRP tracking for the first VRRP instance configured on the slot 3 KSC
(NGW), enter
routing ngw-vrrp-tracking add 1 <vrrp-interface-number>
<vrrp-identifier> <interface-number> <group-identifier>

The interface-number cannot be the same as the vrrp-interface-
number. That is, a VRRP instance cannot track itself.

6. Repeat step 5 for each remaining VRRP instance on the slot 3 KSC (NGW).
7. To provision VRRP tracking for the first VRRP instance configured on the slot 7 KSC
(NGW), enter
routing ngw-vrrp-tracking add 2 <vrrp-identifier> <interface-
number> <group-identifier>

8. Repeat step 7 for each remaining VRRP instance on the slot 7 KSC (NGW).

8.6.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<advertisement-interval> Advertisement interval in msecs for sending advertisement
messages when in master state; range 200 to 255 000
Default is 1 000 for WAN interface-number. When
vrrp-interface-number is set to 601, the advertisement interval
must be 200.
<default-priority> The NGW router uses this field to select a master for this
VRRP route. Integer value: 1 to 255
<gateway-address> VRRP IP address. Configure this address as a gateway address
in the address mapping tables. (
<group-identifier> VRRP group identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 255
<interface-number> NGW WAN interface identifier (physical port or LAG logical port);
integer value; one of 601, 208, or 212
<mac-release-time> time before traffic is discarded on the interface when VRRP
goes out from the VRRP master state; range 0 to 10 000
Default is 0 for WAN interface number. When vrrp-interface-nu
mber is set to 601, the mac-release-time must be 5 000.
<mask-length> Subnet mask length must be the same as the subnet mask
specified in the associated address mapping tables; integer
value; range of 0 to 32.
<vrrp-identifier> virtual router identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 255. (You can
choose eight values.)
<vrrp-interface-number> virtual router interface number; range of 602 to 605
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8.7 Provisioning static routes

Perform this procedure to add all required static routes from the internal KAIROS LAN to the external
WAN. You can add up to 10 unique next-hop addresses to a static route.

The number of static routes configured on both NGWs cannot exceed 1000.

You must provision NGW routes carefully to ensure that redundancy exists
between KAIROS and the external WAN.

8.7.1 Prerequisites

Do not enter values for the optional <metric> and <no-install-flag> variables.
Changing these variables may adversely affect your system configuration.

• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

• You have enabled the NGW service units for the KSC blade.
• You have added routers and IP interfaces.

8.7.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. For each static route you require, at the cli> prompt, enter
routing ngw-ipv4-static-route add <router-identifier> <address-
prefix> <mask-length> <preference> <interface-address>

Do not enter values for the optional <metric> and <no-install-flag>


8.7.3 Variable definitions

<address-prefix> IP network route address prefix for a specific route; must be a logical
pairing with the subnet mask to form a proper network address
<gateway-address> IP address of a single gateway used as
a next hop for the associated static route
<interface-address> IP interface address that will be used to reach the next hop address
(gateway address) (
<mask-length> subnet mask length; integer value; range of 0 to
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32 (0 is default route)
<preference> Preference value selects the best route when multiple routes exist for
the same destination. Integer value, range of 1 to 255. The lowest
numbered route is chosen first. The router having the lower
preference value is considered the master router for this route.
<router-identifier> router instance identifier; integer value, range of
1 to 2

Do not enter values for the optional <metric> and <no-install-flag> variables.

8.8 Configuring ICMP echo monitoring

Configure Internet Control Monitoring Protocol (ICMP) echo monitoring to enable a check of the next hop
IP address. You can enable the ICMP echo monitoring and set the time interval of the monitoring or you
can disable an existing ICMP echo monitoring setting.

8.8.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the router identifier.

8.8.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To configure the ICMP echo monitoring, at the cli> prompt, enter
routing ngw-router-attributes modify <router-identifier>
icmp-echo-monitoring enable <icmp-echo-monitoring>
%Warning: Enabling icmp-echo-monitoring will disable IP
interfaces and impact network conectivity if the remote network
does not have ICMP echo replies enabled. Do you want to

2. To confirm, enter
%Warning: All routing instances should have the icmpecho-
monitoring updated to the same value as this one. Do you want
to continue?

3. To confirm, enter

4. To disable the ICMP echo monitoring (if required), enter

routing ngw-router-attributes modify <router-identifier>
icmp-echo-monitoring disable
%Warning: Disabling icmp-echo-monitoring will disable network
monitoring. Do you want to continue?

The system warning that all routing instances should have the same icmp-echo-
monitoring value may also appear.
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5. To confirm, enter


8.8.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<icmp-echo-monitoring> time interval value in msecs; range of 200 to 3000
<router-identifier> router instance identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 2

8.9 Provisioning firewall policies

Perform this procedure to provision all required security policies. Policy actions include

• selectively allowing clear text flows to bypass the firewall

• selectively allowing secure packet flows to bypass the firewall (based on a security
association [SA] negotiated and installed through the remote key management protocol
[KMP] interface)

• selectively discarding secure or clear text flows

Policies added from the CLI must have an identifier in the range of 1 to 9999.
Policies added from the remote KMP application interface must have an identifier
in the range of 10000 to 65535. Any policy can be displayed or deleted from the
CLI interface while only policies added using the remote KMP interface can be
deleted through the remote KMP interface.

You must choose a policy-identifier value that is not already in use.
Adding a policy with a duplicate policy-identifier will result in an error.

If a conflict exists with an existing policy, the new policy would partially or entirely overlap an existing
policy. Prepare to set the priority field appropriately in order to dictate the order in which the policies will
be considered by the Packet Filtering Firewall (PFF) application on the NGW. Failure to properly assign
policy priorities in such a scenario would result in unexpected networking behavior.

8.9.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have unlocked the KSC blades.
• You have noted any policies that exist in the same source and/or destination subnet of the
policy to be added.
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8.9.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To determine if the new policy conflicts with any existing policies and resolve conflicts
before continuing, at the cli> prompt, enter
netsec ngw-policy show all brief

2. To provision the first required security policy, enter

netsec ngw-policy add <policy-identifier> <policy-priority>
<policy-direction> <policy-srcnetworkaddress> <policy-
srcmasklen> <policy-srcportstart> <policy-srcportend> <policy-
destnetworkaddress> <policy-destmasklen> <policy-destportstart>
<policy-destportend> <policy-protocol> <policy-action>

3. To confirm the policy is installed correctly, enter

netsec ngw-policy show all brief

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each additional security policy you require.

8.9.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<policy-identifier> This field uniquely identifies the policy in the table. Policies that a CLI user
manually adds must have a policy-id between 1 and
9999. Policies that are added by application programs at runtime (for
example, using the PFKEY API) will be added sequentially from 10000.
<policy-priority> The PFF uses the priority field to determine in which order to apply
conflicting policies when treating inbound or outbound flows. (For
example, when you configure two or more policies with identical source
and/or destination addresses, the policy with the highest priority is always
applied. Similarly, when you configure two or more policies with different,
but overlapping source and/or destination addresses, the policy with the
highest priority is always applied.)
<policy-direction> The direction field specifies whether the policy should be applied to flows
originating from the LAN (KAIROS Network), or WAN (Customer
Network). IP flows originating from the KAIROS Network (LAN) are said to
be outbound flows. IP flows originating from
the Customer Network (WAN) are said to be inbound flows.
<policy- This field specifies the source IP address of the policy.
srcnetworkaddress> The IP address must be specified according to the address mask
selected. (For example, is valid while is not.) To match all IP addresses, you can specify the
value of with a mask length of 0.
<policy-srcmasklen> The address mask length specifies the number of bits in the IP address
that form the network portion of the address. The remaining bits are
considered the host bits. (For example, a mask length of 16 is equivalent
to a network address mask of, and a mask length of 24 is equivalent to a network
address mask of When specifying a source or
destination IP address, the host portion of the address must always be
zeros. A mask length of 0 bits is a special case that must only be used
when specifying an IP address of that matches any IP address.
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<policy-srcportstart> This field specifies the start value of the source port range to match. The
start value must be less than or equal to port range end value. (For
example, ranges of 0 to 0, 0 to 65535, or 200 to
300 are all valid while 200 to 100 is not valid.)
<policy-srcportend> This field specifies the end value of the source port range to match. The
start value must be less than or equal to port range end value. (For
example, ranges of 0 to 0, 0 to 65535, or 200 to
300 are all valid while 200 to 100 is not valid.)
<policy- This field specifies the destination IP address of the policy. The IP
destnetworkaddress> address must be specified according to the address mask selected. (For
example, is valid while is not.) To match all IP addresses, the value of can be specified with a mask length of 0.
<policy-destmasklen> The address mask length specifies the number of bits in the IP address
that form the network portion of the address. The remaining bits are
considered the host bits. (For example, a mask length of 16 is equivalent
to a network address mask of, and a mask length of 24 is equivalent to a network address
mask of When specifying a source or destination IP
address, the host portion of the address must always be zeros. A mask
length of 0 bits is a special case that must only be used when specifying
an IP address of, which matches any IP address.
<policy-destportstart> This field specifies the start value of the destination port range to match.
The start value must be less than or equal to port range end value. (For
example, ranges of 0 to 0, 0 to 65535, or 200 to
300 are all valid while 200 to 100 is not valid.)
<policy-destportend> This field specifies the end value of the destination port range to match.
The start value must be less than or equal to port range end value. (For
example, ranges of 0 to 0, 0 to 65535, or 200 to
300 are all valid while 200 to 100 is not valid.)
<policy-protocol> The protocol field is used to specify the IP protocol to match when
examining flows. (For example, UDP is protocol 17, TCP is protocol 6,
and ICMPv4 is protocol 1.)
<policy-action> The action field is used to specify the PFF behavior when handling IP
flows that match this policy. The following behaviors appear for each field
bypass: The PFF application allows any matching IP flows to enter or
leave the KAIROS network without requiring any IPSec configuration.
These flows are said to be cleartext flows.
discard: The PFF application drops (or discards) any matching IP flows
silently. The sender does not receive any indication that the packet has
been dropped.
protect: The PFF application requires that any matching IP flows be
protected by a corresponding IPSec SA. As well as matching the source
and destination address information, the Security Parameter Index (SPI)
of each IPSec packet must also match the SPI of the matching SA. If any
parameters do not match, the packet is dropped silently.

8.9.4 Example procedure for range policy blocking all communications between two subnets on TCP
ports 1023/1024
Step Action
1. To determine if the new policy conflicts with any existing policies and resolve conflicts
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before continuing, at the cli> prompt, enter

netsec ngw-policy show all brief

2. To provision the first required security policy, enter

netsec ngw-policy add 101 high outbound 2 4 1023
1023 24 1024 1024 6 discard
cli> netsec ngw-policy add 102 high inbound 24 1024
1024 24 1023 1023 6 discard

Both would need to be added for bi-directional traffic.

3. To confirm the policy is installed correctly, enter
netsec ngw-policy show all brief

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each additional security policy you require.

8.9.5 Example procedure for policy that permits ICMP traffic on ports 0 to 2048 (that is, ping from WAN
to LAN), for an exact IP address WAN to LAN
Step Action
1. To determine if the new policy conflicts with any existing policies and resolve conflicts
before continuing, at the cli> prompt, enter
netsec ngw-policy show all brief

2. To provision the first required security policy, enter

netsec ngw-policy add 103 medium outbound 32 0 2048 32 0 0 1 bypass
netsec ngw-policy add 104 medium inbound 0 32 0 0 32 0 0 1 bypass

3. To confirm the policy is installed correctly, enter

netsec ngw-policy show all brief

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each additional security policy you require.

8.9.6 Example procedure for range policy, allow all ports, protocols and addresses within two subnets
Step Action
1. To determine if the new policy conflicts with any existing policies and resolve conflicts
before continuing, at the cli> prompt, enter
netsec ngw-policy show all brief

2. To provision the first required security policy, enter

netsec ngw-policy add 105 medium outbound 24 0
65535 24 0 65535 255 bypass
netsec ngw-policy add 106 medium inbound 24 0 65535 24 0 65535 255 bypass

3. To confirm the policy is installed correctly, enter

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netsec ngw-policy show all brief

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each additional security policy you require.

8.9.7 Example procedure for policy to block ICMP Ping requests for a range of addresses from WAN to
Step Action
1. To determine if the new policy conflicts with any existing policies and resolve conflicts
before continuing, at the cli> prompt, enter
netsec ngw-policy show all brief

2. To provision the first required security policy, enter

netsec ngw-policy add 107 high inbound 24 20 48 2048 24 0 0 1 discard

3. To confirm the policy is installed correctly, enter

netsec ngw-policy show all brief

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each additional security policy you require.

8.9.8 Example procedure for policy to allow ICMP Ping requests for a range of addresses from WAN to
Step Action
1. To determine if the new policy conflicts with any existing policies and resolve conflicts
before continuing, at the cli> prompt, enter
netsec ngw-policy show all brief

2. To provision the first required security policy, enter

netsec ngw-policy add 3000 medium inbound 32 0
2048 32 0 0 1 bypass
netsec ngw-policy add 3001 medium outbound 32 0
2048 32 0 0 1 bypass

3. To confirm the policy is installed correctly, enter

netsec ngw-policy show all brief

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each additional security policy you require.

8.9.9 Example procedure for policy to allow all traffic on the WAN subnet and then further
restrict the WAN subnet to use IPSec
Step Action
1. To determine if the new policy conflicts with any existing policies and resolve conflicts
before continuing, at the cli> prompt, enter
netsec ngw-policy show all brief

2. To provision the first required security policy, enter

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netsec ngw-policy add 2000 medium inbound 16 0

65535 0 0 65535 17 bypass
netsec ngw-policy add 2001 medium outbound 0 0 65535 16 0 65535 17 bypass
netsec ngw-policy add 2002 high inbound 24 0
65535 0 0 65535 17 protect
netsec ngw-policy add 2003 high outbound 0 0 65535 24 0 65535 17 protect

3. To confirm the policy is installed correctly, enter

netsec ngw-policy show all brief

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each additional security policy you require.

8.9.10 Example procedure for policy to temporarily block traffic to/from a specific host
Step Action
1. To determine if the new policy conflicts with any existing policies and resolve conflicts
before continuing, at the cli> prompt, enter
netsec ngw-policy show all brief

2. To provision the first required security policy, enter

netsec ngw-policy add 2004 highest inbound 32 0
65535 0 0 65535 255 discard
netsec ngw-policy add 2005 highest outbound 0 0 65535 32 0 65535 255 discard

3. To confirm the policy is installed correctly, enter

netsec ngw-policy show all brief

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each additional security policy you require.

8.10 Deleting firewall policies

Perform this procedure to remove an existing policy from the Packet Filtering Firewall (PFF) application

Policies are typically installed to allow traffic in or out of the KAIROS Network in support of an application
running on the KAIROS platform. Removing a policy that is in use by an application could result in call
processing failures and potentially prolonged outages. Consult application documentation or Kapsch
application engineering information to ensure that removing the policy would not cause an outage.

8.10.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the policy-identifier you are deleting.

You must never remove an existing policy without knowing its purpose in the
network. Accidentally removing a policy could cause unintended network impact.
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You must examine the existing policies to determine if removing the intended
policy would cause another overlapped (or overridden) policy to become active.
Removing a higher priority policy will enable a lower priority policy if one exists. A
scenario such as this could result in unexpected network behavior.

You must know if the existing policy is a protect policy. Removal of the policy will
cause all related Security Associations to be removed. The scenario such as this
could result in unexpected network behavior.

8.10.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To delete policy attributes for a specific security policy, at the cli> prompt, enter
netsec ngw-policy delete <policy-identifier>

2. To confirm the deletion, at the cli> prompt, enter

netsec ngw-policy show all

3. Verify that the network behavior has been modified as expected. If incorrect network
behavior has been found then re-add thedeleted policies and re-evaluate the effect of
removing the target policies.

8.10.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<policy-identifier> This field uniquely identifies the policy in the table. Policies that a CLI
user manually adds must have a policy-id between 1 and 9999. Policies
that are added by application programs at runtime (for example, using
the PFKEY API) will be added sequentially from 10000).

8.10.4 Job aid

Table 16 Example command

netsec ngw-policy delete 1000

8.11 Recovering from a filter configuration fault

Perform this procedure to identify alarms associated with the filter configuration entities that may indicate
the presence of a fault condition for previously configured filter rule criteria and to recover from a
configuration fault condition for the filter subsystem.
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8.11.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are familiar with the KAIROS fault management CLI commands under the CLI
sublevel fm.

8.11.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To view the possible fault conditions that may exist for the KAIROS filter subsystem
configuration, at the cli> prompt, enter
fm alarm show application-type-id 1085 detailed

If there is a fault record for this application type, then a previously added, modified, or
deleted filter configuration may have caused the failure condition.
2. To identify the filter chains/rules associated with the faulted filter policy configuration
and to list the chains based on the policy-name, enter
filter policy show <policy-name>

The chains used by this policy are identified by the inbound-chain-name and
outbound-chain-name fields.
3. To review the recently issued configuration commands against the faulted policy, enter
fm seclog show application-type-id 1085 detailed

4. Using the chain names identified in the policy show output, review the previously
issued configuration commands. Remove the suspected configuration from the system
to see if that will clear the fault condition.
5. Repeat step 1 to determine if the fault condition has been cleared. If the problem
persists, contact your next level of support as instructed by the fault record.

8.11.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<policy-name> string of characters from 1 to 31 in length

8.12 Provisioning security policies

Perform this procedure to provision all required security policies. Policy actions include

• selectively allowing clear text flows to bypass the firewall

• selectively allowing secure packet flows to bypass the firewall (based on a security
association [SA] negotiated and installed through the remote key management protocol
[KMP] interface)
• selectively discarding secure or clear text flows
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You can only add or delete policies with identifiers ranging from 1 to 10 000
through the CLI. You can only add or delete policies with identifiers ranging from
10 001 to 20 000 through the remote KMP interface. All policies are visible
through the CLI.

8.12.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have unlocked the KSC blades.

8.12.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To provision the first required security policy, at the cli> prompt, enter
netsec ngw-policy add <policy-identifier> <policy-priority>
<policy-direction> <policy-srcnetworkaddress> <policy-
srcmasklen> <policy-srcportstart> <policy-srcportend> <policy-
destnetworkaddress> <policy-destmasklen> <policy-destportstart>
<policy-destinationportend> <policy-protocol> <policy-action>

2. Repeat step 1 for each additional security policy you require.


8.12.3 Variable definitions

<policy-action> action a policy takes; one of: protect, discard or bypass
<policy-destinationportend> named constants for well-known protocol ports; integer value; range of 0
to 65535 (example: exact match start =
1024, exact match end = 1024, range start = 1024, range end = 2048,
wildcard start = 0, wildcard end = 65535)
<policy-destmasklen> destination mask length; integer value; exact match value of 32; range
of 1 to 31 (wildcard is 00)
<policy-destnetworkaddress> destination IP address. Wildcard is ( (example:
Exact match = masklen 32 Range match = masklen
Wildcard = masklen 0
<policy-destportstart> named constants for well-known protocol ports; integer value; range of 0
to 65535 (example: exact match start =
1024, exact match end = 1024, range start = 1024, range
end = 2048, wildcard start = 0, wildcard end = 65535)
<policy-direction> Defines where policy is applied; WAN side is inbound, LAN side
outbound; one of inbound or outbound.
<policy-identifier> policy identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 20 000
<policy-priority> Defines precedence of policy; one of lowest, low, medium, high, or
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<policy-protocol> protocol number of the packet payload; integer value;

range of 1 to 254 (wildcard is 255)
<policy-srcmasklen> source mask length; integer value; exact match value of
32; range of 1 to 31 (wildcard is 00)
<policy-srcnetworkaddress> source IP address; wildcard is ( (example: Exact
match = masklen 32 Range match = masklen 24
Wildcard = masklen 0
<policy-srcportend> named constants for well-known protocol ports; integer value; range of 0
to 65535 (example: exact match start =
1024, exact match end = 1024, range start = 1024, range end = 2048,
wildcard start = 0, wildcard end = 65535)
<policy-srcportstart> named constants for well-known protocol ports; integer value; range of 0
to 65535 (example: exact match start =
1024, exact match end = 1024, range start = 1024, range
end = 2048, wildcard start = 0, wildcard end = 65535)

8.12.4 Example procedure for exact match allowing only WAN to LAN TCP for specific ports and
Step Action
1. To provision the first required security policy, at the cli> prompt, enter
netsec ngw-policy add 100 low inbound 32 102 4 1024 32 1023 1023 6 bypass

2. Repeat step 1 for each additional security policy you require.


8.12.5 Example procedure for range policy blocking all communications between two subnets on TCP
ports 1023/1024
Step Action
1. To provision the first required security policy, at the cli> prompt, enter
netsec ngw-policy add 101 high outbound 2 4 1023
1023 24 1024 1024 6 discard
netsec ngw-policy add 102 high inbound 24 10 24 1024 24 1023 1023 6 discard

Both would need to be added for bidirectional traffic.

2. Repeat step 1 for each additional security policy you require.

8.12.6 Example procedure for policy that permits ICMP traffic on ports 0 to 2048 (that is, ping from WAN
to LAN), for an exact IP address WAN to LAN
Step Action
1. To provision the first required security policy, at the cli> prompt, enter
netsec ngw-policy add 103 medium inbound 32 0 2048 32 0 0 1 bypass
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netsec ngw-policy add 104 medium outbound 0 32 0

0 32 0 0 1 bypass

2. Repeat step 1 for each additional security policy you require.


8.12.7 Example procedure for range policy, allow all ports, protocols and addresses within two subnets
Step Action
1. To provision the first required security policy, at the cli> prompt, enter
netsec ngw-policy add 105 medium outbound 24 0
65535 24 0 65535 255 bypass
netsec ngw-policy add 106 medium inbound 24 0 65535 24 0 65535 255 bypass

2. Repeat step 1 for each additional security policy you require.


8.12.8 Example procedure for policy to block ICMP Ping requests for a range of addresses from WAN to
Step Action
1. To provision the first required security policy, at the cli> prompt, enter
netsec ngw-policy add 107 high inbound 24 20 48 2048 24 0 0 1 discard

2. Repeat step 1 for each additional security policy you require.


8.13 Modifying autonegotiation parameters

Perform this procedure to modify autonegotiation parameters for the Ethernet interface to be valid for the
replacement Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) type.

The Y entries in the job aid, Supported autonegotiation parameters for SFPs, following these procedure
steps, mark the supported autonegotiation parameters for SFPs inserted in each SFP host blade. If the
inserted SFP module type (N entry in the table) cannot support the provisioned autonegotiation
parameters for an Ethernet interface, the Ethernet interface cannot provide service and an alarm is

8.13.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You know the frame, shelf, slot, sub-slot numbers.

8.13.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify the autonegotiation parameter, at the cli> prompt, enter
interfaces eth-physical modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-
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slot> <if-number> autonegotiation <parameter value> speed-

configured <speed-configured value> duplexity <duplexity

2. To verify the modification, enter

interfaces eth-physical show <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-
slot> <if-number> detailed

See the job aid, Example of the interfaces eth-physical show command, for an
example of the modified autonegotiation parameter in context.

8.13.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<duplexity value> full, half
Multiple values are allowed with the hyphen as follows:
duplexity full-half
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<if-number> associated interface number; range of 0 to 999
<parameter value> yes or no
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, range 1 to 16
<speed-configured value> 1000, 100, 10
Multiple values are allowed with the hyphen as follows: <speed1>-
<speed2>-<speed3> Example:
speed-configured 1000-100-10
<sub-slot> physical sub-slot number, range 0

8.13.4 Job aid: Default autonegotiation parameters

You can modify the following default autonegotiation parameters for the copper SFPs on the GE Fanuc
SFP WAN ports and prevent port enable for SFP type/parameters mismatches.

Table 17 Default autonegotiation parameters

Parameter Default Options

link speed = 1000 Mbit/s 1000, 100, 10
duplexity = full duplex full, half
auto-negotiation = YES yes, no

8.13.5 Job aid: Supported autonegotiation parameters for SFPs

The table below shows the supported autonegotiation parameters for SFPs inserted in each SFP host
blade. If the provisioned auto-negotiation parameters for an Ethernet interface are not listed in this table,
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the Ethernet interface is prevented from providing service and an alarm is raised.

Table 18 Supported autonegotiation parameters for each SFP type/SFP host blade

SFP type SFP host blade Supported autonegotiation parameters

Fiber NTRY65AA autonegotiation: yes
1000 Mbit/s/Full duplex
Fiber NTRY63AA autonegotiation: yes
1000 Mbit/s/Full duplex
Fiber NTRY80AA autonegotiation: yes
1000 Mbit/s/Full duplex
Copper NTRY65AA autonegotiation: yes autonegotiation: no
10 Mbit/s /Half duplex
10 Mbit/s /Full duplex
100 Mbit/s /Half duplex
100 Mbit/s /Full duplex
1000 Mbit/s /Full duplex
Copper NTRY63AA autonegotiation: yes
1000 Mbit/s/Full duplex
Copper NTRY80AA autonegotiation: yes autonegotiation: no
10 Mbit/s /Half duplex
10 Mbit/s /Full duplex
100 Mbit/s /Half duplex
100 Mbit/s /Full duplex
1000 Mbit/s /Full duplex

8.13.6 Job aid: Example of the interfaces eth-physical show command

Table 19 Example of interfaces eth-physical show command

Example command interfaces eth-physical show 0 0 9 2 204 detailed

System response frame =0
shelf =0
slot =9
sub-slot =0
if-number = 204
if-name = ewan4
if-type = eth
fabric = data
connectivity = wan
admin-state = unlocked
operational-state = disabled
availability-status = dependency
offline = no
far-end-frame-number = not-available
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far-end-shelf-number = not-available
far-end-slot-number =0
far-end-sub-slot-number =0
far-end-if-number =0
autorelease = no
mtc-allowed = yes
global-if-number = 154
global-if-name = 0-0-9-0-ewan4
flow-control-capable = no
flow-control = no
lag-capable = yes
lag-type = static
ae-if-number = 602
mtu = 1500
hardware-mac-address = 00:e0:48:24:04:90
duplexity-supported = full-half
speed-supported = 10-100-1000
autonegotiation-supported = yes
duplexity-configured = full-half
speed-configured = 100-1000
autonegotiation-configured = yes
duplexity-status = full
speed-status = 100
autonegotiation-status = yes
sfp-type = 1000BASE-T
sfp-ordercode-or-pec = NTTP61CA

8.14 Unlocking the aggregate WAN interfaces

Perform this procedure to unlock the physical and aggregate (logical) WAN interfaces. This enables
network communications and brings the logical interfaces to an unlocked and enabled state.

8.14.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the aggregate Ethernet (AE) WAN interface number of the AE interface you will
• You have unlocked and enabled the slot 3 and 7 KSC blades.

8.14.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
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1. To display state information for the physical WAN Ethernet interfaces, at the cli>
prompt, enter
interfaces eth show all brief where if-number >= 204 and if-
number <= 207

The system returns attribute information for Ethernet interfaces 204 through 207 on
the KSC blades.
2. Match your system’s LAG interfaces in the LAG interfaces.
If there is at least one physical port enabled belonging to each aggregate interface
(according to the appropriate option), then you can create an aggregate link with this
aggregate WAN interface.

If each aggregate interface does not have at least one physical interface
member enabled, do not proceed with this procedure. An aggregate link
whose physical member interfaces are disabled will not run traffic.

3. To unlock the physical Ethernet WAN interfaces, enter

interfaces eth unlock <frame> <shelf> 3 0 204
interfaces eth unlock <frame> <shelf> 3 0 205
interfaces eth unlock <frame> <shelf> 3 0 206
interfaces eth unlock <frame> <shelf> 3 0 207
interfaces eth unlock <frame> <shelf> 7 0 204
interfaces eth unlock <frame> <shelf> 7 0 205
interfaces eth unlock <frame> <shelf> 7 0 206
interfaces eth unlock <frame> <shelf> 7 0 207

4. To unlock the aggregate Ethernet WAN interfaces, enter

interfaces ae unlock <frame> <shelf> 3 0 602
interfaces ae unlock <frame> <shelf> 3 0 603
interfaces ae unlock <frame> <shelf> 3 0 604
interfaces ae unlock <frame> <shelf> 3 0 605
interfaces ae unlock <frame> <shelf> 7 0 602
interfaces ae unlock <frame> <shelf> 7 0 603
interfaces ae unlock <frame> <shelf> 7 0 604
interfaces ae unlock <frame> <shelf> 7 0 605


8.14.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2

8.15 Unlocking VRRPs

Perform this procedure to unlock all VRRP instances.
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8.15.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have enabled the NGW service unit for the KSC blade.
• You have added related VRRP tracking entries.
• You have unlocked and enabled all tracking WAN interfaces.

8.15.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Unlock the first VRRP instance.
routing ngw-vrrp-instance unlock <router-identifier> <vrrp-
interface-number> <vrrp-identifier>

%Warning: Unlocking a VRRP instance without an unlocked peer VRRP instance

available. Do you want to continue?
2. To confirm, enter

3. Repeat step 1 for each of the remaining VRRP instances.


8.15.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<router-identifier> router instance identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 2
<vrrp-interface- virtual router interface number; integer value; range 601 to 605
<vrrp-identifier> virtual router identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 255

8.16 Performing NGW connectivity and redundancy tests

Perform this procedure to test for connectivity and redundancy in the NGW configuration. Test each
supported KAIROS IP address pool that uses VRRP as a gateway.

This procedure validates connectivity and redundancy between a node on the WAN and a node on the

8.16.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• There is already at least one address pool associated with VRRP.
• Know which of your IP address pools use VRRP as a gateway.
• Know the IP address of a node on the WAN.
• An application on the KAIROS LAN is in service and assigned an IP address.
• Have a duplex KSX configuration in your KAIROS.
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• Have a duplex NGW configuration in your KAIROS.

• Have two immediate routers on the WAN side.

8.16.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Datafilling the worksheets
Make a working copy of each of the following tables:
• “Table 20 IP address and address pool datafill” on page 97
• “Table 21 KSX and NGW attributes” on page 97
2. At the cli> prompt, enter
networking pool show all

The system returns attribute information for all IP pools.

3. In your copy of “Table 20 IP address and address pool datafill” on page 97 write down
the pool-name values of all the IP address pools that use the VRRP as a gateway.
4. At the cli> prompt, enter
networking pool show all

The system returns IP addresses for all blades in the KAIROS node.
5. In your copy of “Table 20 IP address and address pool datafill” on page 97, write down
the IP address of the application blade you will use to test connectivity and
6. At the cli> prompt, enter
hardware app-blade show all detailed where slot = 1 or slot =
2 or slot = 9 or slot = 16

The system returns attribute information for all KSX and KSC blades in the KAIROS
7. In your copy of “Table 21 KSX and NGW attributes” on page 97, write down the frame,
shelf, slot, and sub-slot values for each KSX and KSC blade.
8. Pinging the KAIROS application from the WAN node

From a node on the WAN, ping the KAIROS application’s IP address.


9. Testing each KSX and NGW for continuity and redundancy

Perform the following steps while keeping the previous step’s ping
going. If the ping fails without recovering at any time, then the only
enabled (unlocked) blade you have running at the time has failed the

10. To lock the KSX in slot 6, at the cli> prompt, enter

hardware app-blade lock <frame> <shelf> 6 <sub-slot>
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If your ping fails at this point, perform the next step immediately and contact your next
level of support.
11. To unlock the KSX in slot 6, enter
hardware app-blade unlock <frame> <shelf> 6 <sub-slot>

This step can take 5-10 minutes to run.

12. To check if the KSX in slot 6 is unlocked and enabled, enter the following command
after 30 seconds:
hardware app-blade show all

13. To lock the KSX in slot 9, enter

hardware app-blade lock <frame> <shelf> 9 <sub-slot>

If your ping fails at this point, perform the next step immediately and contact your next
level of support.
14. To unlock the KSX in slot 9, enter
hardware app-blade unlock <frame> <shelf> 9 <subslot>

This step can take 5-10 minutes to execute.

15. Enter the following command until the KSX in slot 9 shows unlocked and enabled:
hardware app-blade show all

16. To lock the NGW in slot 3, enter

hardware app-blade lock <frame> <shelf> 3 <sub-slot>

If your ping fails at this point, perform the next step immediately and contact your next
level of support.
17. To unlock the NGW in slot 3, enter
hardware app-blade unlock <frame> <shelf> 3 <sub-slot>

18. Enter the following command until the NGW in slot 2 shows unlocked and enabled:
hardware app-blade show all
19. Testing each WAN-side router for continuity and redundancy

Perform the following steps while keeping the previous step’s ping
going. If the ping fails at any time then the only enabled WAN-side
router you have running at the time has failed the test.

20. Disable the first WAN-side router.

If your ping fails at this point, perform the next step immediately and contact your next
level of support.
21. Enable the first WAN-side router.
22. Disable the second WAN-side router.
If your ping fails at this point, perform the next step immediately and contact your next
level of support.
23. Enable the second WAN-side router.
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8.16.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<sub-slot> physical sub-slot location, range 0 to 4

8.16.4 Job aids

Table 20 IP address and address pool datafill

IP address pool name (1)

(example: datacallp)

IP address pool name (2)

IP address pool name (3)

IP address pool name (4)

IP address pool name (5)

IP address pool name (6)

IP address pool name (7)

IP address of the application on KAIROS

Table 21 KSX and NGW attributes

<frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot>

Slot 6 KSX

Slot 9 KSX

Slot 3 KSC

Slot 7 KSC

8.17 Showing router attributes

Perform this procedure to show some or all the attributes of a router on an KSC blade.

8.17.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

8.17.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show router attributes for all routers, at the cli> prompt, enter
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routing ngw-router show all

The system returns attributes for all routers.

To show router attributes for a specified router, enter
routing ngw-router show <router-identifier>

The system returns attributes for the specified router.

2. To show NGW router instance attributes, enter
routing ngw-router-attributes show all

The system returns attributes for all router instances.

To show attributes for a specific router instance attributes, enter
routing ngw-router-attributes show <router-identifier>


8.17.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<router-identifier> router instance identifier; integer value, range of 1 to 2

8.17.4 Job aids

Table 22 Example command and system response

Example command routing ngw-router show all brief

System response id frame shelf slot sub-slot
-- ------- ------ ----- ----------
1 0 1 2 0
2 0 1 9 0

Table 23 Example command and system response

Example command routing ngw-router-attributes show all

System response router-identifier icmp-echo-monitoring

--------------------- ------------------------------
1 200
2 200

8.18 Modifying an Ethernet interface

Perform this procedure to modify attributes of an Ethernet interface. If link aggregation is configured, this
procedure is not applicable.
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See “Table 24 IP address and address pool datafill” on page 100 to change interface attributes of
aggregated links.

The KAIROS data fabric uses a maximum transmission unit (MTU) of 1500. If you define a value higher
than this for an Ethernet interface, KAIROS performance is affected.

Users can modify the <user-label> variable for each interface. Users cannot modify the MTU size on the
LAN side. This attribute is set to 1500. Users should not modify the 1500 default MTU size on the WAN
NGW ports.

You can only change one of <user-label> or <mtu> in each cli command.

The modifiable attributes for an Ethernet interface are as follows:

• Ethernet interface user-label

• maximum transmission unit (MTU) associated with the Ethernet interface

8.18.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have enabled the KSC blade.
• To change the MTU, the WAN Ethernet interface is locked.

Possible system performance impact

The KAIROS data fabric uses an mtu of 1500. If you define a value
higher or lower than this for an Ethernet interface, you can impact
KAIROS performance.

8.18.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
interfaces eth modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot> <if-
number> [user-label <user-label>][mtu <mtu>]


8.18.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<if-number> associated interface number; integer value; range of 0 to 999
<mtu> maximum transmission unit (maximum packet size); integer value; range of
64 to 9216, default is 1500. The recommended MTU for NGW interfaces is
1500 and it should not be changed to a lower value.
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
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<slot> physical slot location, range 1 to 16

<sub-slot> sub-slot number; integer value; range of 0 to 4
<user-label> a name you can assign to an Ethernet interface; no operational impact; a
string of 1 to 64 characters in length

8.18.4 Job aid

Table 24 IP address and address pool datafill

IP address pool name (1)

(example: datacallp)

IP address pool name (2)

IP address pool name (3)

IP address pool name (4)

IP address pool name (5)

IP address pool name (6)

IP address pool name (7)

IP address of the application on KAIROS

8.19 Showing Ethernet interface information

Perform this procedure to show some or all attributes for an Ethernet interface.

8.19.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have enabled the KSC blade.
• KSC blades are located in slots 3 and 7. NGW sub-slot is 0.

8.19.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show Ethernet interface information for all interfaces, at the cli> prompt, enter
interfaces eth show all

The system returns attribute values for all Ethernet interfaces.

To show Ethernet interface information for specific hardware, enter
interfaces eth show <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot>

The system returns attribute values for the specified Ethernet interface.
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8.19.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0-15

<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0-2

<slot> physical slot location, range 1 to 16

<sub-slot> physical sub-slot number, range 0 to 4

8.19.4 Job aid

Table 25 Sample output

Example command interfaces eth show all detailed where slot = 16 and operational-
state starts-with e and if-number >= 426
System response frame =0
shelf =0
slot = 16
sub-slot =0
if-number = 426
if-name = eth426
if-type = eth
fabric = data-switch
connectivity = intra-shelf
admin-state = unlocked
operational-state = enabled
offline =n
far-end-frame-number =0
far-end-shelf-number =1
far-end-slot-number =1
far-end-sub-slot-number =0
far-end-if-number =0
flow-control-capable =n
flow-control =n
speed-capable = 10-100-1000-10000
lag-capable =y
lag-type =0
ad-if-number = none
duplexity = none
autonegotiation =n
mtu = 9000

8.20 Modifying an aggregated Ethernet interface

Perform this procedure to modify attributes of an aggregated Ethernet interface. See “Table 26 IP
address and address pool datafill” on page 103 to change interface attributes of Ethernet links.

Risk of traffic interruption
Perform this procedure in a maintenance window. Performing this
procedure will result in a traffic interruption.
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Possible system performance impact

The KAIROS data fabric uses an mtu of 1500. If you define a value higher
or lower than this for an aggregated Ethernet interface, you can impact
KAIROS performance.

Only perform this procedure if you have aggregated links.

You can only change one of <user-label> or <mtu> in each cli command.

The modifiable attributes for an aggregated Ethernet interface are as follows:

• aggregated Ethernet interface user-label
• maximum transmission unit (mtu) associated with the aggregated Ethernet interface

8.20.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have enabled the KSC blade.
• To change the maximum transmission unit (mtu), you must lock the WAN aggregated
Ethernet interface and all associated Ethernet interfaces.

8.20.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
interfaces ae modify <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot> <if-
number> [user-label <user-label>] [mtu <mtu>]


8.20.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<if-number> associated interface number; integer value; range of 0 to 999
<mtu> maximum transmission unit (maximum packet size); integer value;
range of 64-9000, default is 1500
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, range 1 to 16
<sub-slot> physical sub-slot number, range of 0 to 4
<user-label> a name you can assign to an aggregated Ethernet interface; no
operational impact; a string of 1 to 64 characters in length
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You can only change one of <user-label> or <mtu> in each CLI command.

8.20.4 Job aid

Table 26 IP address and address pool datafill

IP address pool name (1)

(example: datacallp)
IP address pool name (2)

IP address pool name (3)

IP address pool name (4)

IP address pool name (5)

IP address pool name (6)

IP address pool name (7)

IP address of the application on KAIROS

8.21 Showing aggregated Ethernet interface information

Perform this procedure to show some or all attributes for an aggregate Ethernet interface.

8.21.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have provisioned the KSC blade.

8.21.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show aggregated Ethernet interface information for all aggregate interfaces, at the
cli> prompt, enter
interfaces ae show all

The system returns attribute values for all aggregate interfaces.

To show aggregated Ethernet interface information for a specified aggregate interface,
interfaces ae show <frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot> <if-

The system returns attribute values for the specified aggregate interfaces.
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8.21.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0 to 15
<if-number> interface number, range 0 to 999
<shelf> physical shelf location, range 0 to 2
<slot> physical slot location, range 1 to 16
<sub-slot> physical sub-slot number, range 0 to 4

8.21.4 Job aid

Table 27 Sample output

Example command interfaces ae show 0 0 2 0 602 detailed

System response frame =0
shelf =0
slot =2
sub-slot =0
if-number = 602
if-name = aewan0
if-type = ae
fabric = data
connectivity = wan
admin-state = unlocked
operational-state = enabled
availability-status = degraded
offline = no
far-end-frame-number = not-available
far-end-shelf-number = not-available
far-end-slot-number =0
far-end-sub-slot-number =0
far-end-if-number =0
autorelease = no
mtc-allowed = yes
flow-control = no
minimum-links =1
distribution-algorithm = sa-xor-da
distribution-seed =0
mtu = 1500

8.22 Showing IP interface attributes

Perform this procedure to show the attributes of one or more IP interfaces.

8.22.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have enabled the NGW service unit for the KSC blade.
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8.22.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show IP interface attributes for all IP interfaces, at the cli> prompt, enter
routing ngw-ipv4-interface show all

The system returns attribute information for all IP interfaces.

To show IP interface attributes for a specific IP interface, enter
routing ngw-ipv4-interface show <router-identifier>
[<interface-number>] [<interface-address>]

The system returns attribute information for the specified IP interface.


8.22.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<interface-address> IP address of the local IP interface route (
<interface-number> associated interface number; integer value; range of 602-605
<router-identifier> router instance identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 2

8.22.4 Job aid

Table 28 Sample output 1

Example command routing ngw-ipv4-interface show all brief

System response id ifnum interface-address mask ifstate

-- --------- ---------------------- ---------- ----------
1 501 16 up
1 603 24 up
1 602 24 up
1 601 24 up
1 601 16 up
2 501 16 up
2 603 24 up
2 602 24 up
2 601 24 up
2 601 16 up
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Table 29 Sample output 2

Example command routing ngw-ipv4-interface show all detailed where interface-

number >= 600 and interface-state = up
System response router-identifier =1
interface-number = 602
interface-address =
mask-length = 32
broadcast-address =
interface-state = up

8.23 Showing routing table information

Perform this procedure to show the attributes of the routing tables for one or all routes.

8.23.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have enabled the NGW service units for the KSC blade.

8.23.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show routing table information for all routes, at the cli> prompt, enter
routing ngw-ipv4-route-table show all

The system returns routing table information for all routes.

To show routing table information for a specific route, enter
routing ngw-ipv4-route-table show <router-identifier>
[<address-prefix> <mask-length> [<preference>]]

The system returns routing table information for the specified route.

8.23.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<address-prefix> IP network route address prefix for a specific route; must be a logical
pairing with the subnet mask to form a proper network address
<mask-length> mask length; integer value; range of 0 to 32
<preference> preference; integer value; range of 1 to 255
<router-identifier> router instance identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 2
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8.23.4 Job aids

Table 30 Sample output 1

Example command routing ngw-ipv4-interface show all brief

System response id address-prefix mask nexthop-address ribs-active
-- ------------------ ------ --------------------- -------------
1 16 unicast
1 16 unicast
1 16 unicast
2 24 unicast
2 25 unicast

Table 31 Sample output 2

Example command routing ngw-ipv4-route-table show all detailed where mask-length > 16
and mask-length <25
System response router-identifier =2
address-prefix =
mask-length = 24
preference =5
metric =0
nexthop-address =
ribs-active = unicast
protocol = static

8.24 Modifying a static route

Perform this procedure to modify attribute values on an existing static route.

8.24.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have enabled the NGW service units for the KSC blade.

8.24.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
routing ngw-ipv4-static-route modify <router-identifier>
<address-prefix> <mask-length> <preference> <interface-address>

Do not enter values for the optional <metric> and <no-install-flag>

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8.24.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<address-prefix> IP network route address prefix for a specific route; must be a logical
pairing with the subnet mask to form a proper network address
<gateway-address> IP address of a single gateway used as a next hop for the associated
static route (

<interface-address> IP address for the local IP interface route (

<mask-length> static route mask length; integer value; range of 0 to 32 (cannot be

<preference> Preference value selects the best route when multiple routes exist
for the same destination; integer value; range of 1 to 255.
<router-identifier> router instance identifier; integer value, range of 1 to 2

Do not enter values for the optional <metric> and <no-install-flag> variables.

8.25 Showing a static route

Perform this procedure to show the attributes of one or all static routes.

8.25.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have enabled the NGW service units for the KSC blade.

8.25.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show static route information for all static routes, at the cli> prompt, enter
routing ngw-ipv4-static-route show all

The system returns attribute values for all static routes.

To show static route information for a specific static route, enter
routing ngw-ipv4-static-route show <router-identifier>
[<address-prefix> <mask-length> [<preference>]]

The system returns attribute values for the specified static routes.
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8.25.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<address-prefix> IP network route address prefix for a specific route; must be a logical
pairing with the subnet mask to form a proper network address
<mask-length> mask length; integer value; range of 0 to 32

<preference> preference; integer value; range of 1 to 255

<router-identifier> router instance identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 2

8.25.4 Job aids

Table 32 Sample output 1

Example command routing ngw-ipv4-interface show all brief

System response id address- mask pref interface- gateway-

prefix address address

-- ---------------- ------ ----- ----------------- -----------------

1 32 88

1 32 100

2 32 100

2 32 100

1 32 100

1 32 100

Table 33 Sample output 2

Example command routing ngw-ipv4-static-route show all detailed where preference


System response router-identifier =1

address-prefix =
mask-length = 32
preference = 88
interface-address =
gateway-address =
metric = 180
no-install-flag = false

8.26 Showing a security policy

Perform this procedure to display attributes for security policies.
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8.26.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• A policy with protect action exists.

8.26.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show policy attributes for all security policies, at the cli> prompt, enter
netsec ngw-policy show all

To show policy attributes for a specific security policy, enter
netsec ngw-policy show <policy-identifier>


8.26.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<policy-identifier> This field uniquely identifies the policy in the table. Policies that are
manually added by a CLI user must have a policy-id between 1 and 9999.
Policies that are added by application programs at runtime (for example,
using the PFKEY API) will be added sequentially from 10000.

8.26.4 Job aid

Table 34 Sample output

Example command netsec ngw-policy show all detailed

System response ID =3
Priority = medium
Direction = inbound
SrcNetAddr =
Mask = 24
PortStart = 25
PortEnd = 25
DstNetAddr =
Mask = 24
PortStart =0
PortEnd = 65535
Proto = 225
Action = bypass

8.27 Showing a VRRP instance

Perform this procedure to show the attributes of all Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) routes or
a specific VRRP route.
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8.27.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• You have enabled the NGW service unit for the KSC blade.

8.27.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To view the association between the physical KSC blade and the router ID (optional) ,
at the cli> prompt, enter
routing ngw-router show all

The system displays router ids and blade locations.

Check that all NGW VRRPs are defined on each NGW router.
2. To show attribute information for all VRRP instances, enter
routing ngw-vrrp-instance show all

The system returns attribute information for all VRRP instances.

To show attribute information for a specific VRRP instance by specifying the router
identifier, enter
routing ngw-vrrp-instance show <router-identifier>

The system returns attribute information for the specified VRRP instance.
To show attribute information for a specific VRRP instance by specifying the VRRP
interface, enter
routing ngw-vrrp-instance show <router-identifier> <vrrp-

The system returns attribute information for the specified VRRP instance.
To show attribute information for a specific VRRP instance by specifying the VRRP
interface and identifier, enter
routing ngw-vrrp-instance show <router-identifier> <vrrp-
interface-number> <vrrp-identifier>

The system returns attribute information for the specified VRRP instance.
To show attribute information for a specific VRRP instance by specifying the gateway
address, enter
routing ngw-vrrp-instance show <router-identifier> <gateway-

The system returns attribute information for the specified VRRP instance.
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8.27.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value

<gateway-address> IP address of the gateway (

<router-identifier> router instance identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 2

<vrrp-interface-number> virtual router interface number; integer value; range 601 to 605

<vrrp-identifier> virtual router identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 255

8.27.4 Job aid

Example command routing ngw-router show all

System response id frame shelf slot sub-slot

-- ------- ------ ----- -----------

1 0 0 2 0

2 0 0 9 0

Table 35 VRRP instance show all example command and system output

Example command routing ngw-vrrp-instance show all brief

System response id vrrp- vrid gateway- mas prio state

ifnum address k

-- ------- ---- --------------- ------- ----- ------------

1 601 1 20 254 vrrp-master

1 601 2 24 230 vrrp-backup

2 601 1 20 230 vrrp-backup

2 601 2 24 254 vrrp-master

Table 36 VRRP instance show specific example command and system output

Example command routing ngw-vrrp-instance show all detailed where state ends-with p
and router-identifier = 2
System response router-identifier =2
vrrp-interface-number = 601
vrrp-identifier =1
gateway-address =
mask-length = 28
default-priority = 230
advertisement-interval = 200
mac-release-time = 5000
state = vrrp-backup
current-priority = 230
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8.28 Modifying a VRRP instance

Perform this procedure to modify the attributes of a VRRP instance. For an internal VRRP LAN instance
you can modify the default priority. For an external VRRP WAN instance you can modify the default
priority, advertisement interval and mac release time variables.

8.28.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have enabled the NGW service unit for the KSC blade.
• You have locked the VRRP instance.

8.28.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
routing ngw-vrrp-instance modify <router-identifier> <vrrp-
interface-number> <vrrp-identifier> | default priority
<default-priority> | advertisement-interval <advertisement-
interval> | mac-release-time <mac-release-time>


8.28.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<advertisement-interval> Advertisement interval for sending advertisement messages when
in master state; range 200 to 255 000
Default is 1000 for WAN interface-number. When
vrrp-interface-number is set to 601 the advertisement interval must
be 200.
<default-priority> The NGW router uses this field to select a master for this VRRP
route. For an internal VRRP LAN instance, the value is 230 or
254. For an external VRRP WAN instance, the range is 1 to 254.
<mac-release-time> time before traffic is discarded on the interface when VRRP goes
out from the VRRP master state; range 0 to 10 000
Default is 0 for WAN interface number. When vrrp-interface-num
ber is set to 601, the mac-release-time must be 5000.
<router-identifier> router instance identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 2

<vrrp-identifier> virtual router identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 255

<vrrp-interface-number> virtual router interface number; integer value; range 601-605

8.29 Showing VRRP tracking

Perform this procedure to show the tracking attributes of all Virtual Router Redundancy protocol (VRRP)
instances or a specific VRRP instance.
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8.29.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have enabled the NGW service unit is enabled for the KSC blade.

8.29.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show all VRRP tracking information, at the cli> prompt, enter
routing ngw-vrrp-tracking show all

The system returns all VRRP tracking information.

To show specific VRRP tracking information, enter
routing ngw-vrrp-tracking show <router-identifer> [<vrrp-
interface-number> <vrrp-identifier> [<interface-number>]]

The system returns the specified VRRP tracking information.


8.29.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<interface-number> associated interface number; integer value; range of 0 to 65 535
<router-identifier> router instance identifier; integer value; range of 1 to 2
<vrrp-identifier> VRRP router identifier number; integer value; range of 1 to 255
<vrrp-interface-number> virtual router interface number; integer value; range 601-605

8.29.4 Job aid

Table 37 Sample output 1

Example command routing ngw-vrrp-tracking show all

System response id vrrp-ifnum vrid group interface-number
1 601 1 10 602
1 601 2 20 603
1 601 3 30 604
1 601 4 40 605
1 602 5 50 601
1 603 6 60 601
1 604 7 70 601
1 605 8 80 601
2 601 1 10 602
2 601 2 20 603
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2 601 3 30 604
2 601 4 40 605

Table 38 Sample output 2

Example command routing ngw-vrrp-tracking show all detailed where interface-

number > 300

System response router-identifier =2

vrrp-identifier =2
group-identifier =2
interface-number = 200
interface-state = down
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9 SSG configuration fundamentals

The SigTran Services Gateway (SSG) provides an RFC standard m3ua/SCTP interface for the KAIROS
platform. SSGs perform a routing function for messages outbound to the network, and a distribution
function for messages from the network to the appropriate MSC Call Agent blades.
The SigTran Services Gateway (SSG) provides an RFC standard m3ua/ SCTP interface for the KAIROS
platform. SSGs perform a routing function for messages outbound to the network and a distribution
function for messages from the network to the appropriate HLR blade pairs and MRF Call Agent blades.
You can configure a maximum of 64 ASPs on each SSG service unit.
SSG supports ISUP, TUP, BICC, H.248, SIP(-I), and SCCP for KAIROS-based products.
The number of SSGs required for your system is determined by your capacity requirements and the SSG
redundancy requirements. For more information, refer to product fundamentals documentation.
You can configure up to eight instances of SSG on KAIROS processor blades. The SSGs use the n+1
redundancy model.
In the Minimum/Typical configuration for HLR, configure one pair of KPA (MRF) blades, one pair of KPA
(HLR) blades, and two KXA (SSG) blades. In the Maximum configuration for HLR, configure one pair of
KPA (MRF) blades, three pairs of KPA (HLR) blades, and two KXA (SSG) blades.
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10 SSG configuration
This chapter contains SigTran Services Gateway (SSG) configuration-related descriptive material,
configuration task flow, and procedures.

10.1 Configure SSG

Use this task flow to configure SSG on a KAIROS system. The flow assumes the installation team has
configured the applications you require for the products you purchased.

Once you have completed “Collecting and recording SSG data” (page 133), use
the tables of that procedure as datafill for the remaining procedures of the task

10.1.1 Navigation
• “Determining the need for an alternative external IP pool for SSG” on page 118
• “Configuring an alternative external IP pool for SSG” on page 118
• “Determining your SSG configuration” on page 120
• “Collecting and recording SSG data” on page 133
• “Multihoming SSGs” on page 150
• “Single-homing SSGs” on page 151
• “Configuring network appearances” on page 152
• “Configuring routesets” on page 153
• “Configuring a pathset between the set of SSGs and the MRF” on page 154
• “Configuring paths between the SSGs and MRF” on page 155
• “Configuring pathsets between the set of SSGs and the HLR blade pairs” on page 156
• “Configuring paths between the SSGs and the HLR blades” on page 156
• “Configuring pathsets between the MRF and the HLR blade pairs” on page 158
• “Configuring paths between the MRF and the HLR blade pairs” on page 158
• “Configuring adjacent node groups” on page 161
• “Configuring NA-based application servers” on page 162
• “Configuring RS-based application servers” on page 163
• “Configuring RSG-based application servers” on page 164
• “Configuring routesets for RSG-based application servers” on page 165
• “Configuring ASPs or IPSPs” on page 166
• “Configuring ASPAs” on page 169
• “Activating paths, ASPs, and routesets” on page 170
• “Configuring SSG for SIP” on page 171
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10.2 Determining the need for an alternative external IP pool for SSG
Perform this procedure to determine the need for an alternative external IP pool for SSG.

10.2.1 Prerequisites
• You have a requirement for a particular range of external IP addresses for your SSGs.
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

10.2.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
networking pool show all detailed

The system returns attribute information for all IP pools.

2. Compare the available range of IP addresses in the datacallp pool to the range of IP
addresses you require. Look at the <pool-start> and <pool-end> variables and their
You need to configure an alternative external IP address for your SSGs if
• Your required range falls outside the range of datacallp.
• Your callp is based on a private IP pool.

A private IP pool provides increased security as private IP addresses
are not routable across the Internet without the use of network address
translation masquerading.

If you configure the datacallp pool using a public IP
address range, you are exposing your KAIROS system to
the Internet. This is not a secure or recommended


10.3 Configuring an alternative external IP pool for SSG

Perform this procedure to configure an alternative external IP pool for SSG.

10.3.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

10.3.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
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networking pool add <pool-name> <gateway> <subnet> <subnet-



10.3.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<gateway> IP address of a gateway (

<pool-name> name of the IP pool; a string 1 to 64 characters in length

<subnet> IP address of the subnet (

<subnet-mask> subnet mask length; range of 0 to 32

10.4 Adding an external SIP address

Perform this procedure to define an external SIP address.

10.4.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

10.4.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show a listing of all SIP IP assignments, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg ip-sip-addr-assignment show all

The system returns attributes for all IP address assignments.

2. To add an external SIP address, enter
ssg ip-sip-addr-assignment add <ip-sip-addr-id> <sg-name>
<su-number> <primary-sip-pool-name> <primary-sip-ip-address>
<external-sip-port-number> <local-root-fqdn> <local-fqdn>
[<secondary-sip-poolname> <secondary-sip-ip-address>]

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10.4.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<external-sip-port-number> external port number for the SIP connection, range 1024 to 65535.

<ip-sip-addr-id> unique index into the SIP IP assignment table, range 0 -10.

<local-root-fqdn> local root fqdn, length 1- 64 characters.

<local-fqdn> local fqdn, length 1- 64 characters.

<primary-sip-ip-address> primary SIP IP address used for external service unit

communication, of the form ( ipv4 address

<primary-sip-pool-name> alphanumeric name associated with the primary external

IP address pool, length 1- 64 characters.

<secondary-sip-ip-address> secondary SIP IP address used for external service unit

communication, of the form ( ipv4 address

<secondary-sip-pool-name> alphanumeric name associated with the secondary external IP

address pool, length 1- 64 characters.

<sg-name> name of the service group on which the SIP application resides,
length 1-32 characters.

<su-number> integer value of the service unit on which the SIP

application resides, range 0 to 7.

10.4.4 Job aid: example command and system response

Table 39 Example command and system response

ssg ip-sip-addr-assignment show all

id sg-name su-num pri-sip-ip-addr sec-sip-ip-addr Ext-sip-port

---- ---------- --------- ---------------- ------------------ ---------------
0 ssgSG 4 1024

10.5 Determining your SSG configuration

Perform this procedure to match your SSG topology to one of the recommended and supported
configurations in order to properly configure your system.

10.5.1 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Answer the questions in the “Table 41 SSG configuration questionnaire” on page 122
and match these answers to the best fitting (recommended) configuration number in
the same table.
2. See “Table 42 SSG configuration mapping” on page 123 for a more detailed
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description of this configuration.

Use this recommended configuration as a guide when you configure your system.
3. Answer the questions in “Table 40 SSG configuration questionnaire” on page 121 and
match these answers to the best fitting (recommended) configuration number in the
same table.
4. See “Table 43 SSG configuration mapping” on page 126 for a more detailed
description of this configuration.
Use this recommended configuration as a guide when you configure your system.

10.5.2 Job aid: questionnaire

Table 40 SSG configuration questionnaire

Questions Configuration #
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Is your node con nected x x x x x x x x
to SGs?
Is your node con nected x
to IPSPs?
Is your node con nected x
to MGWs for SS7?
Is your node con nected x
to MGWs for H.248?
How many SG nodes do 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 0
you connect to?
How many IPSP nodes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 >1 0
do you connect to?
How many NAs will your 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4
KAIROS have?
Does your AS connect x x x x x x x x
to an SG (N A-based)?
Does your AS connect x
to an IPSP (RS-based)?
Does your AS connect x
to an MGW (RSG-base
Does one ASP on each x x x
blade service one AS?
Does one ASP on each x x x x
blade service all ASs?
Does one ASP on each x
blade service some
Does one IPSP on each x
blade service one IPSP?
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Do 1-16 x
ASPs on each blade
service one RSG-based
Are your ASP-As mul ti- x x x x x
Are your ASP-As sin x x x x x
Are your two SGs a n/a n/a n/a n/a x x x n/a n/a
mated pair?
Do your two SGs serve n/a n/a n/a n/a x n/a n/a
different networks?

Table 41 SSG configuration questionnaire

Questions Configuration #
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Is your node con x x x x x x x x
nected to SGs?
Is your node con x
nected to
Is your node con x
nected to
How many SG 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 0
nodes do you
connect to?
How many IPSP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 >1 0
nodes do you
connect to?
How many NAs 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4
will your
KAIROS have?
Does your AS x x x x x x x x
connect to an
SG (N A-
Does your AS x
connect to an
Does your AS x
connect to an
base d)?
Does one ASP x x x
on each blade
service one AS?
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Does one ASP x x x x

on each blade
service all ASs?
Does one ASP x
on each blade
service some
Does one IPSP x
on each blade
service one
Do 1-16 x
ASPs on each
blade service
one RSG-based
Are your ASP- x x x x x
As mul ti-
Are your ASP- x x x x x
As sin gle-
Are your two n/a n/a n/a n/a x x x n/a n/a
SGs a mated
Do your two n/a n/a n/a n/a x n/a n/a
SGs serve
How many HLR 1, or 1, or 1, or 1, or 1, or 1, or 1, or 1, or 1, or 1, or
mated blade 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3
pairs are you
using in your
KAIROS node?

You can mix the following configurations to provide the complete description of your system.

Table 42 SSG configuration mapping

Config # Configuration description

1 • KAIROS node is connected to a single SG.
• Two KXA (SSG) blades are in slots 1 and 4.
• Two KXA (MSCCA) blades are in slots 2 and 5.
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
• All ASs are using the same ANG.
• One ASP on each blade services all ASs.
• One ASP-A exists for each ASP.
• One pathset exists for the MSC.
• Two SSG/MSCCA paths exist (one path for each SSG/MSCCA
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2 • KAIROS node is connected to a single SG.

• Two KXA (SSG) blades are in slots 1 and 4.
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
• Multiple ASPs exist on each blade (one for each AS).
• One ASP-A exists for each ASP.
• One pathset exists for the MSC.
• Two SSG/MSCCA paths exist (one path for each SSG/MSCCA
• All ASs are using different ANGs.
3 • KAIROS node is connected to a single SG.
• Two KXA (SSG) blades are in slots 1 and 4.
• Two KPA (CA) blades are in slots 2 and 5.
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
• One ASP on each blade services all ASs.
• ASP associations are multi-homed.
• One pathset exists for the MSC.
• Two SSG/MSCCA paths exist (one path for each SSG/MSCCA
• All ASs are using the same ANG.
4 • KAIROS node is connected to a single SG.
• Two KXA (SSG) blades are in slots 1 and 4.
• Two KPA (CA) blades are in slots 2 and 5.
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
• Multiple ASPs on each blade exist (one for each AS).
• ASP associations are multi-homed.
• One ASP-A exists for each ASP.
• One pathset exists for the MSC.
• Two SSG/MSCCA paths exist (one path for each SSG/MSCCA
• All ASs are using different ANGs.
5 • KAIROS node is connected to a mated SG pair.
• Two KXA (SSG) blades are in slots 1 and 4.
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
• Two ASPs exist on each blade (one ASP on each SG).
• One pathset exists for the MSC.
• Two SSG/MSCCA paths exist (one path for each SSG/MSCCA
• Two ANGs exist (one for each SG). Each AS uses the two ANGs.
6 • KAIROS node is connected to a mated SG pair.
• Two KXA (SSG) blades are in slots 1 and 4.
• Two KPA (CA) blades are in slots 2 and 5.
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
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• Two ASPs exist on each blade (one ASP on each SG).

• ASP associations are multi-homed.
• One pathset exists for the MSC.
• Two SSG/MSCCA paths exist (one path for each SSG/MSCCA
• Two ANGs exist (one for each SG). Each AS uses the two ANGs.
7 • KAIROS node is connected to two SGs serving different networks.
• Two KXA (SSG) blades are in slots 1 and 4.
• Two KPA (CA) blades are in slots 2 and 5.
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
• Two ASPs exist on each blade (one ASP on each SG).
• ASP associations are multi-homed.
• One pathset exists for the MSC.
• Two SSG/MSCCA paths exist (one path for each SSG/MSCCA
• Two ANGs exist (one for each SG). Each AS uses one ANG but cannot
use both.
8 • KAIROS node is connected to a mated SG pair.
• Two KXA (SSG) blades are in slots 1 and 4.
• Two KPA (CA) blades are in slots 2 and 5.
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
• Multiple ASPs exist on each blade. Each ASP services some but not all
• ASP associations are multi-homed.
• One pathset exists for the MSC.
• Two SSG/MSCCA paths exist (one path for each SSG/MSCCA
• Multiple ANGs exist (multiple ANGs for each SG). Each AS uses the two
9 • KAIROS node is connected to IPSPs.
• Two KXA (SSG) blades are in slots 1 and 4.
• Two KPA (CA) blades are in slots 2 and 5.
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• RS-based ASs exist (one AS for each IPSP).
• IPSP uses m3ua point-to-point connection.
• Point code association with the AS belongs to routeset (not the NA).
• One IPSP exists on each blade for each IPSP in the network.
• One ANG exists on each IPSP.
• One pathset exists for the MSC.
• Two SSG/MSCCA paths exist (one path for each SSG/MSCCA
• ASP operational mode is server if SSG IPSPs accept Loadshare or
Override as a receiving traffic mode.
• ASP operational mode is client if SSG IPSPs send Loadshare in the
initial ASP-active message.
10 • KAIROS node is connected to MGW.
• Two KXA (SSG) blades are in slots 1 and 4.
• Two KPA (CA) blades are in slots 2 and 5.
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• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.

• RSG-based ASs exist (one AS for each MGW).
• One to 16 ASPs exist on each blade for each ANG.
• One ANG exists for each MGW.

Table 43 SSG configuration mapping

Config # Configuration description

1 • KAIROS node is connected to a single SG.
• SSG topology consists of the following:
– two KXA (SSG) blades in shelf 0, slots 1 and 4 in HLR min/typical/max
• Two KPA (MRF) blades exist in shelf 0, slots 2 and 5.
• KPA (HLR) blade topology consists of the following:
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) in HLR
min/typical configuration
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) plus
four KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 10, 11, 13, and 14 (2 mated
pairs) in HLR max configuration
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
• All ASs are using the same ANG.
• One ASP on each blade services all ASs.
• One ASP-A exists for each ASP.
• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Min/typical configuration is
as follows:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– one SSG/HLR pathset (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– two SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR) blade
– one MRF/HLR path (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR) blade
• One ASP-A exists for each ASP.

• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Maximum configuration is

as follows:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– three SSG/HLR pathsets (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– twelve SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
– three MRF/HLR paths (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
2 • KAIROS node is connected to a single SG.
• SSG topology consists of the following:
– two KXA (SSG) blades in shelf 0, slots 1 and 4 in HLR min/typical/max
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• two KPA (MRF) blades in shelf 0, slots 2 and 5
• KPA (HLR) blade topology consists of the following:
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) in HLR
Min/typical configuration
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) plus
four KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 10, 11, 13, and 14 (2 mated
pairs) in HLR max configuration
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
• Multiple ASPs on each blade exist (one for each AS)
• One ASP-A exists for each ASP.
• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Min/typical configuration is
as follows:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– one SSG/HLR pathset (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– two SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR) blade
– one MRF/HLR path (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR) blade

• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Maximum configuration is

as follows:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– three SSG/HLR pathsets (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– six SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR) blade
– three MRF/HLR paths (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
• All ASs are using different ANGs.
3 • KAIROS node is connected to a single SG.
• SSG topology consists of the following:
– two KXA (SSG) blades in shelf 0, slots 1 and 4 in HLR min/typical/max
• two KPA (MRF) blades in shelf 0, slots 2 and 5
• KPA (HLR) blade topology:
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) in HLR
min/typical configuration
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) plus
four KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 10, 11, 13, and 14 (2 mated
pairs) in HLR max configuration
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
• One ASP on each blade services all ASs.
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• ASP associations are multi-homed.

• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Min/typical configuration is
as follows:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– one SSG/HLR pathset (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– two SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR) blade
– one MRF/HLR path (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR) blade
• One ASP-A exists for each ASP.

• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Maximum configuration is

as follows:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– three SSG/HLR pathsets (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– twelve SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
– three MRF/HLR paths (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
• All ASs are using the same ANG.
4 • KAIROS node is connected to a single SG.
• SSG topology consists of the following:
– two KXA (SSG) blades in shelf 0, slots 1 and 4 in HLR min/typical/max
• two KPA (MRF) blades in shelf 0, slots 2 and 5
• KPA (HLR) blade topology:
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) in HLR
min/typical configuration
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) plus
four KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 10, 11, 13, and 14 (2 mated
pairs) in HLR max configuration
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
• Multiple ASPs on each blade exist (one for each AS)
• ASP associations are multi-homed.
• One ASP-A exists for each ASP.
• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Minimum/typical
configuration is as follows:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– one SSG/HLR pathset (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– two SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR) blade
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– one MRF/HLR path (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR) blade

• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Maximum configuration is

as follows:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– three SSG/HLR pathsets (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– twelve SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
– three MRF/HLR paths (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
• All ASs are using different ANGs.
5 • KAIROS node is connected to a mated SG pair.
• SSG topology consists of the following:
– two KXA (SSG) blades in shelf 0, slots 1 and 4 in HLR min/typical/max
• two KPA (MRF) blades in shelf 0, slots 2 and 5
• KPA (HLR) blade topology:
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) in HLR
min/typical configuration
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) plus
four KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 10, 11, 13, and 14 (2 mated
pairs) in HLR max configuration
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
• Two ASPs exist on each blade (one ASP on each SG).
• One ASP-A exists for each ASP.
• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Minimum/typical
configuration is as follows:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– one SSG/HLR pathset (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– two SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR) blade
– one MRF/HLR path (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR) blade
• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Maximum configuration is
as follows:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– three SSG/HLR pathsets (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)

– one MRF/HLR pathset

– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– twelve SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR)
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blade pair)
– three MRF/HLR paths (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
• Two ANGs exist (one for each SG). Each AS uses the two ANGs.
6 • KAIROS node is connected to a mated SG pair.
• SSG topology consists of the following:
– two KXA (SSG) blades in shelf 0, slots 1 and 4 in HLR min/typical/max
• two KPA (MRF) blades in shelf 0, slots 2 and 5
• KPA (HLR) blade topology:
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) in HLR
min/typical configuration
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) plus
four KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 10, 11, 13, and 14 (2 mated
pairs) in HLR max configuration
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
• Two ASPs exist on each blade (one ASP on each SG).
• ASP associations are multi-homed.
• One ASP-A exists for each ASP.
• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Minimum/typical
configuration consists of the following:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– one SSG/HLR pathset (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– two SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR) blade
– one MRF/HLR path (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR) blade
• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Maximum configuration is
as follows:
– one SSG/MRF pathset

– three SSG/HLR pathsets (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– twelve SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
– three MRF/HLR paths (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
• Two ANGs exist (one for each SG). Each AS uses the two ANGs.
7 • KAIROS node is connected to two SGs serving different networks.
• SSG topology consists of the following:
– two KXA (SSG) blades in shelf 0, slots 1 and 4 in HLR min/typical/max
• two KPA (MRF) blades in shelf 0, slots 2 and 5
• KPA (HLR) blade topology:
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– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) in HLR
min/typical configuration
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) plus
four KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 10, 11, 13, and 14 (2 mated
pairs) in HLR max configuration
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
• Two ASPs exist on each blade (one ASP on each SG).
• ASP associations are multi-homed.
• One ASP-A exists for each ASP.
• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Minimum/typical
configuration consists of the following:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– one SSG/HLR pathset (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– two SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR) blade
– one MRF/HLR path (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR) blade

• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Maximum configuration

consists of the following:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– three SSG/HLR pathsets (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– twelve SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
– three MRF/HLR paths (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
• Two ANGs exist (one for each SG). Each AS uses one ANG but
cannot use both.
8 • KAIROS node is connected to a mated SG pair.
• SSG topology consists of the following:
– two KXA (SSG) blades in shelf 0, slots 1 and 4 in HLR min/typical/max
• two KPA (MRF) blades in shelf 0, slots 2 and 5
• KPA (HLR) blade topology:
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) in HLR
min/typical configuration
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) plus
four KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 10, 11, 13, and 14 (2 mated
pairs) in HLR max configuration
• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
• All ASs are NA-based.
• Multiple ASPs exist on each blade. Each ASP services some but not
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all ASs.
• ASP associations are multi-homed.
• One ASP-A exists for each ASP.
• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Minimum/typical
configuration consists of the following:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– one SSG/HLR pathset (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)

– one MRF/HLR pathset

– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– two SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR) blade
– one MRF/HLR path (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR) blade
• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Maximum configuration
consists of the following:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– three SSG/HLR pathsets (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– twelve SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
– three MRF/HLR paths (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
• Multiple ANGs exist (multiple ANGs for each SG). Each AS uses the
two ANGs.
9 • KAIROS node is connected to IPSPs
• SSG topology consists of the following:
– two KXA (SSG) blades in shelf 0, slots 1 and 4 in HLR min/typical/max
• two KPA (MRF) blades in shelf 0, slots 2 and 5
• KPA (HLR) blade topology:
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) in HLR
min/typical configuration
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) plus
four KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 10, 11, 13, and 14 (2 mated
pairs) in HLR max configuration

• There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.

If you connect to IPSPs, all the connected IPSPs must have
the same <netapp-id> as the logical node on this KAIROS
platform that connects to those IPSPs.

• RS-based ASs (one AS for each IPSP)

• IPSP uses m3ua point-to-point connection
• Point code association with the AS belongs to routeset (not the NA).
• One IPSP exists on each blade for each IPSP in the network.
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• One ANG exists on each IPSP.

• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Minimum/typical
configuration consists of the following:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– one SSG/HLR pathset (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)
– two SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR) blade
– one MRF/HLR path (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR) blade
• The number of paths and pathsets for HLR Maximum configuration
consists of the following:
– one SSG/MRF pathset
– three SSG/HLR pathsets (one pathset for each KPA (HLR) blade pair)
– one MRF/HLR pathset
– two SSG/MRF paths (one path for each SSG/MRF combination)

– twelve SSG/HLR paths (one path for each SSG to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
– three MRF/HLR paths (one path for each MRF to each KPA (HLR)
blade pair)
• ASP operational mode is server if SSG IPSPs accept Loadshare or
Override as a receiving traffic mode.
• ASP operational mode is client if SSG IPSPs send Loadshare in the
initial ASP-active message.
10 • KAIROS node is connected to MGW.
• SSG topology consists of the following:
– two KXA (SSG) blades in shelf 0, slots 1 and 4 in HLR min/typical/max
• two KPA (MRF) blades in shelf 0, slots 2 and 5
• KPA (HLR) blade topology:
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) in HLR
min/typical configuration
– two KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12 (1 mated pair) plus
four KPA (HLR) blades in shelf 0, slots 10, 11, 13, and 14 (2 mated
pairs) in HLR max configuration
– There are between 1 and 4 network appearances.
– RSG-based ASs exist (one AS for each MGW).
– One to 16 ASPs exist on each blade for each ANG.
– One ANG exists for each MGW.

10.6 Collecting and recording SSG data

Perform this procedure to collect and record SSG data in preparation for SSG configuration.
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Client/Server labeling
When configuring SSG, the MSC is always client.
When configuring SSG, remember the following:
• If MRF is communicating with SSG, MRF is the client.
• If MRF is communicating with HLR, MRF is the server.

The acronym, SG, in the context of AIM data, refers to service group. In the
context of SigTran, SG refers to signaling gateway.

10.6.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

10.6.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Hardware AIM data table
Make a working copy of each of the following tables:
• “Table 44 Hardware AIM data” on page 140
• “Table 45 Hardware AIM data” on page 141
• “Table 52 NA datafill” on page 144
• “Table 53 NA datafill” on page 144
• “Table 54 Routeset datafill” on page 145
• “Table 55 Pathset datafill” on page 145
• “Table 56 Pathset datafill” on page 146
• “Table 57 Path datafill” on page 146
• “Table 58 Path datafill” on page 147
• “Table 59 ANG datafill” on page 147
• “Table 60 NA-based AS datafill” on page 148
• “Table 61 RS-based AS datafill” on page 148
• “Table 62 RSG-based AS datafill” on page 148
• “Table 63 ASP datafill” on page 149
2. At the cli> prompt, enter
aim service-unit show all detailed

The system returns attribute information for all service units.

3. Record the sg-name, su-number, shelf, and slot values for all SSGs, and KPA (MSC)
blades in your copy of the “Table 44 Hardware AIM data” on page 140.
4. Record the sg-name, su-number, shelf, and slot values for all SSGs, KPA (HLR)
blades, and KPA (MRF) blades in your copy of the “Table 45 Hardware AIM data” on
page 141.
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5. IP assignment datafill table

For each SSG, fill in the following in your working copy of IP assignment datafill
• a new ip-address-id
• the SG name of the SSG (AIM data. Use “Table 44 Hardware AIM data” on
page 140 to retrieve AIM data.)
• the SU number of the SSG (AIM data. Use “Table 44 Hardware AIM data” on
page 140 to retrieve AIM data.)
• the desired internal IP address
• the desired primary external IP address
6. For each SSG, fill in the following in your working copy of IP assignment datafill:
• a new ip-address-id
• the SG name of the SSG (AIM data. Use “Table 45 Hardware AIM data” on
page 141 to retrieve AIM data.)
• the SU number of the SSG (AIM data. Use “Table 45 Hardware AIM data” on
page 141 to retrieve AIM data.)
• the desired internal IP address
• the desired primary external IP address
7. If you configured an alternative external IP pool for any of the SSGs, write
ssgexternalIp in the External IP pool name column for that blade. For those blades for
which you did not configure an alternative external IP pool, write datacallp in that
8. For each SSG you wish to multi-home, fill in the desired secondary external IP
address in the Secondary External IPAddress column and the secondary pool name in
the Secondary External pool name column.
9. NA datafill table
Determine the number of network appearances your KAIROS has.
10. Fill in the missing data in your working copy of “Table 52 NA datafill” on page 144.
11. Fill in the missing data in your working copy of “Table 53 NA datafill” on page 144.

If you intend to connect to one or more IPSPs, ensure all the IPSPs
have the same network appearance identifiers <netapp-id> as the
logical node on this KAIROS platform that connects to those IPSPs.

12. Routeset datafill table

Fill in the missing data in your working copy of “Table 54 Routeset datafill” on page
145. When configuring for H.248, the sg-accessible-option must be false.
13. Pathset datafill table
Fill in the missing data in your working copy of “Table 55 Pathset datafill” on page 145.
The configuring rules for pathset are as follows:
• You must configure one pathset between the KPA (CA) blade (as client) and
the set of SSGs (as server). For each of these pathsets, the application type is
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14. Fill in the missing data in your working copy of “Table 56 Pathset datafill” on page 146.
The configuring rules for pathset are as follows:
• You must configure one pathset between each HLR blade pair (as client) and
the MRF (as server). The application type is appmgr-app.
• You must configure one pathset between the MRF (as client) and the set of
SSGs (as server). The application type is appmgr-sig.
• You must configure one pathset between each HLR blade pair (as client) and
the set of SSGs (as server). For each of these pathsets, the application type is
15. Path datafill table
Determine the number of paths you require in your KAIROS node.

For the MSC, you must configure one path to each SSG.

For each HLR blade pair, you must configure one path to each SSG.
For the MRF, you must configure:
• one path to each SSG
• one path to each HLR blade pair

16. Fill in the missing data in your working copy of “Table 57 Path datafill” on page 146.
The configuring rules for path are as follows:
• For each path between an SSG and MSC, define a path in the table by filling in
that MSC’s pathset-id in one row of the table.
17. Fill in the missing data in your working copy of “Table 58 Path datafill” on page 147.
The configuring rules for path are as follows:
• For each path between one HLR blade pair and any SSG, define a path in the
table by filling in that HLR blade pair’s pathset-id in one row of the table.
• For each path between an SSG and MRF, define a path in the table by filling in
that MRF’s pathset-id in one row of the table.
• For each path between an MRF and each HLR blade pair, define a path in the
table by filling in the pathset-id that corresponds to this MRF-to-HLR blade pair
in one row of the table.
If there are three HLR blade pairs and two SSGs, you must fill in two rows of the table
with the pathset-id of HLR1, two rows of the table with the pathset-id of HLR2, and two
rows of the table with the pathset-id of HLR3.
19. In your working copy of “Table 58 Path datafill” on page 147, for each path using the
pathset-id of a given HLR blade pair, fill in the SG name of one of the SSGs in the
Server SG Name column. Do this until you have exhausted every SSG/HLR blade pair
Use “Table 45 Hardware AIM data” on page 141 to reference AIM data.
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If there are two SSGs and two HLR blade pairs, fill in the SG name of each of the
SSGs in the rows of the table using the pathset-id of HLR1. Then fill in the SG names
of these same SSGs in the rows of the table using the pathset-id of HLR2.
21. In your working copy of “Table 58 Path datafill” on page 147, for each row of the table
with the pathset-id of a given HLR blade pair, fill in
• the SU number of the corresponding SSG in the Server SU Number column
• the SG name of the HLR blade pair in the Client SG Name column
• the SU number of the HLR blade pair in the Client SU Number column
22. In your working copy of “Table 57 Path datafill” on page 146, for each row of the table
with the pathset-id of the MSC, fill in

• the SG name of one of the SSGs in the Server SG Name column

• the SU number of the corresponding SSG in the Server SU Number column
• the SG name of the MSC in the Client SG Name column
23. In your working copy of “Table 58 Path datafill” on page 147, for each row of the table
with the pathset-id of the MRF, fill in

• the SG name of one of the SSGs in the Server SG Name column

• the SU number of the corresponding SSG in the Server SU Number column
• the SG name of the MRF in the Client SG Name column
24. In your working copy of “Table 58 Path datafill” on page 147, for each row of the table
with the pathset-id of an MRF-HLR link, fill in

• the SG name of the MRF in the Server SG Name column

• the SU number of the MRF in the Server SU Number column
• the SG name of one of the HLR blade pairs in the Client SG Name column
• the SU number of the HLR blade pair in the Client SU Number column
25. Fill in the missing data in your working copy of “Table 59 ANG datafill” on page 147

You need a minimum of one ANG for each adjacent SG, IPSP, or MGW.

You can configure the <protocol-type> attribute with a value of h248
only if your <member-type> attribute is set to IPSP.

26. AS workup
Determine which and how many of your application servers (AS’s) are routeset-based,
network appearance-based, or routeset group-based using the following criteria:
• You will have one AS for each NA in your KAIROS.
• An AS should be NA-based if the RS has a route to each SG connected to the
• An AS should be RS-based if the RS has a direct route to the destination.
• An AS must be RS-based for each H.248 ANG.
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• An AS should be RSG-based if the RS has a route to the MGW.

• You will have only one AS for each ANG if the ANG is an H.248 protocol.
27. If all of your ASs are routeset-based (RS-based), skip NA-based AS datafill and go to
the RS-based AS datafill section.

Use this section for all NA-based ASs.

28. NA-based AS datafill table

For each NA-based AS in your KAIROS node, fill in a unique as-id in your working
copy of “Table 60 NA-based AS datafill” on page 148.
29. In the netapp-id column of “Table 60 NA-based AS datafill” on page 148, fill in each of
the netapp-id’s. These netapp-ids are associated with your network appearances and
can be found in your working copy of “Table 52 NA datafill” on page 144.
30. In the netapp-id column of “Table 60 NA-based AS datafill” on page 148, fill in each of
the netapp-id’s. These netapp-ids are associated with your network appearances and
can be found in your working copy of “Table 53 NA datafill” on page 144.
31. Fill in the following in “Table 60 NA-based AS datafill” on page 148:
• a new as-name that corresponds to the network appearance identified in the
• an an-group-id-1 corresponding to the adjacent SG

If your KAIROS platform is connected to two SG nodes in a mated-pair
configuration, fill in an an-group-id-1 and an-group-id-2 corresponding
to the two mated-pair, adjacent SGs. See “Table 42 SSG configuration
mapping” on page 123.

If your KAIROS platform is connected to two SG nodes in a mated-pair
configuration, fill in an an-group-id-1 and an-group-id-2 corresponding
to the two mated-pair, adjacent SGs. See “Table 43 SSG configuration
mapping” on page 126.

If the ANG corresponding to <an-group-id-1> has a protocol type of
H.248, you cannot configure an <an-group-id-2>.
You cannot configure an <an-group-id-2> if the corresponding ANG
has a protocol type of H.248.

Use this section for all RS-based ASs.

32. RS-based AS datafill table

For each RS-based AS in your KAIROS node, fill in a unique as-id in your working
copy of “Table 61 RS-based AS datafill” on page 148.
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33. In the routeset-id column, fill in each of the routeset-id’s. You can find these routeset-
id’s in your working copy of “Table 54 Routeset datafill” on page 145.
34. Fill in the following in “Table 61 RS-based AS datafill” on page 148:
• a new as-name for each AS
• an an-group-id-1 corresponding to the adjacent IPSP
• the traffic mode for each AS
• traffic mode for H.248 has to be loadshare

Use this section for all RSG-based ASs.

35. RSG-based AS datafill table

For each RSG-based AS in your KAIROS node, fill in a unique as-id in your working
copy of “Table 62 RSG-based AS datafill” on page 148.
36. In the netapp-id column of “Table 62 RSG-based AS datafill” on page 148, fill in each
of the netapp-ids. These netapp-ids are associated with your network appearances
and can be found in your working copy of “Table 52 NA datafill” on page 144.
37. In the netapp-id column of “Table 62 RSG-based AS datafill” on page 148, fill in each
of the netapp-ids. These netapp-ids are associated with your network appearances
and can be found in your working copy of “Table 53 NA datafill” on page 144.
38. Fill in the following in “Table 62 RSG-based AS datafill” on page 148:
• a new as-name that corresponds to the network appearance identified in the
• an an-group-id-1 corresponding to the adjacent SG
39. ASP datafill table
From the Configuration description in “Table 42 SSG configuration mapping” on page
123, determine the number of ASPs your KAIROS configuration requires.
40. From the Configuration description in “Table 43 SSG configuration mapping” on page
126, determine the number of ASPs your KAIROS configuration requires.
41. You need one ASP for each ANG on each blade. (For example, if your KAIROS
connects to a mated-pair SG and has two SSGs, you will need to configure four
42. Fill in the following in ASP datafill:
• a new asp-id for each ASP
• a new asp-name associated with each ASP
• the asp-type that corresponds to your configuration for each ASP
• routing key support status for each ASP
• corresponding ANG id
• SG name and SU id for the SSG
Use the configuration description in “Table 42 SSG configuration mapping” on page
123 to determine the ASP type. If your adjacent node is SG, use ASP; if your adjacent
node is IPSP, use IPSP.
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Use the configuration description in “Table 43 SSG configuration mapping” on page

126 to determine the ASP type. If your adjacent node is SG, use ASP; if your adjacent
node is IPSP, use IPSP.
Use “Table 59 ANG datafill” on page 147 to reference ANG data. While datafilling the
ASP table for H.248 IPSPs, ensure you comply with the following configuration rules:
• If the associated ANG <an-group-id-1> has a protocol type of H.248, ensure the
<asp-type> is set to ipsp.
• A maximum of two configured H.248 IPSPs are supported for each ANG.
• If the associated ANG <an-group-id-1> has a protocol type of H.248, you must
set the <operational-mode> of the ASP to server.
43. For each ASP row of ASP datafill with an asp-type of IPSP, fill in the required
operational mode.
Use the configuration description in “Table 42 SSG configuration mapping” on page
123 to determine if the operational mode is client or server.
Use the configuration description in “Table 43 SSG configuration mapping” on page
126 to determine if the operational mode is client or server.
44. ASP-A datafill table
Fill in the following in “Table 64 ASP-A datafill” on page 149:
• the asp-id of each ASP you defined in your working copy of ASP datafill
• a new association-id for each row for which you filled in an asp-id
• the remainder of the missing data

10.6.3 Job aid: data tables

Table 44 Hardware AIM data

Blade Shelf # Slot # SG name SU number








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Table 45 Hardware AIM data

Blade or blade mated pair Shelf # Slot # SG name SU number














Table 46 Internal IP assignment datafill

Internal IP
address SG name of SU # of this Internal IP of
identifier this SSG SSG this SSG
CLI variable <ip-int-addr-id> <sgname> <sunumber> <internal-
Example answer 0 SSG 0



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Table 47 m3ua IP assignment datafill

intern Second Secondar
alIP SG na SU # Primary Primary ary y
addres me of of external external external external
sidenti this this pool IP pool IP
fier SSG SSG name address name address
CLI variable <ip-m3 <sg- <su- <primary- <primary- <second <seconda
ua-add- name numbe m3 ua- m3 ua-ip- ary- ry- m3ua-
id> > r pool- address> m3ua- ip-add
> name> pool-n ress>
Example 0 SSG 0 SsgExter datacallp SsgExter 10.103.13
answer nal nal .1
IP IP 55




Table 48 SIP IP assignment datafill

internal Seco
IP SG Primary Primary ndary Second Extern Local
address nam e SU # external external extern ary ext al sip root Local
identifie of this of this poolnam IP al pool ernal IP port nu domain domain
r SSG SSG e address name address mber name name
CLI <ipsipad <sgna <sunu <primar y- <primar <secon <secondar <externa <local- <local-
varia dr-id> me> m ber> sip-pool- y-sip- dary-sip- y-sip-ip- l-sip- root- fqdn>
ble name> ipaddress pool- address> port- fqdn>
> name> number>

Exampl 0 SSG 0 datacall p 10.103.1 SsgExte 10.103.13. 5060

e 3.154 rnalIP 155



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Table 49 Remote root fqdn datafill

Remote root domain

name index Remote domain name
CLI <remote-root-fqdn-index> <remote-root-fqdn>

Example answer 0




Table 50 Remote fqdn datafill

domain Remote Remote root
name domain Far end IP Far end port domain name
index name address number index
CLI <remote-fq <remote- <far-end-ip- <far-end-port-num <remote-root-
variable dn-index> fqd n> address> ber> fqdn- index>

Example 0 5060 20

answer 54


Table 51 External connections datafill

External do main
connection SG name SU # of name SCTP Operationa l
identifier of SSG SSG identifier identifier mode
CLI <connection <sg- <su- <remote- <sctp- <operationa l-
variable -index> name> number> fqd n- parm- mode>
index> index>
Example 0 SSG 0 20 0 client

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Table 52 NA datafill

sociated Protocol NA’s
netap with this standar NA’s point NA’s local network Service
p-id NA d for NA code variant point code indicator value
CLI var <neta <netapp <protoco <pointcode- <pointcode> <network <service-
iable pp-id> -clli> l- variant> - indicator > value>
Exa 11 SG4_TT itu14 itu14-383 xxx-xxx-xxx national MSC





Table 53 NA datafill

eric CLLI NA’s
associate d Protocol NA’s point local NA’s
netap with this standard code varia point network Service
p-id NA for NA nt code indicator value
CLI vari <neta <netapp <protocol- <pointcode <pointcod <network- <service-
able pp-id> -clli> standard> - variant> e indicator> value>

Exampl 11 SG4_TT itu14 itu14-383 xxx-xxx- national HLR

e answ xxx




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Table 54 Routeset datafill

as-id for the

Alphanum RSG
eric CLLI Destination Is this -based
associated point code for routeset AS that
netapp- with this this NA’s accessi ble links to the
routeset-id id routeset routeset from an SG? MGW
CLI varia ble <routeset- <netapp- <routeset- <destination-po <sg-acce <as-id>
id> id> clli> intcode> ssible-opti on>

Exa mple 11 TRAFBSS75 xxx-xxx-xxx true







Table 55 Pathset datafill

Alphanumeric name
associated with this Type of application
pathset-id pathset end-point for this pathset
CLI variable <pathset-id> <pathset-name> <application-type>

Example answer 2 SSG2MSU app-sig




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Table 56 Pathset datafill

Alphanumeric name Type of application

associated with this end-point for this
pathset-id pathset pathset
CLI variable <pathset-id> <pathset-name> <application-type>

Example answer 2 HLR_SG1_SSG app-sig









Table 57 Path datafill

Server Client SU
SG name Server SU # Client SG # of Port #
of this of service na me of service of
pathset server grou Port # of client group of client
-id of side p for server serv er side client’s side
path-i this of this side side of of this side of of this
d path path of this path this path path this path path
CLI <path- <pathset <server- <server <server- <client- <client-su <client-
variable id> -id> sg-name -su-num ber> port> sg-name> -number> port>
Example 2 1 SSG 0 2905 MSU 0 4698
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Table 58 Path datafill

Server Server Client SU

SG name SU # of # of
of this service Client SG service Port #
paths server group for Port # of na me of group of of client
et-id side ser ver serv er client side clien t’s side
of this of this side of side of of this side of of this
path-id path path this path this path path this path path
CLI vari <path-id <paths <server- <server- <server- <client-s g- <client-s u- <client-
able > et-id> sg-name su-numb port> name> number> port>
> er>
Example 0 1 SSG 0 2905 HLR_SG 1 4700

Table 59 ANG datafill

Alphanumeric Type of ASPs

name associated that belong to Type of
an-group-id with this ANG this ANG protocol
CLI variable <an-group- <an-group-name> <member-type> <protocol-type>

Example answer 80 ANG3 ASP ss7




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Table 60 NA-based AS datafill

Alphanumer netapp-id of first ANG an-group-id-2 of
ic name of of NA of used by this second ANG
as-id this AS this AS AS used by this AS
CLI variable <as-id> <as-name> <netapp-id> <an-group-id- <an-group-id-2>
Example 1 AS1 11 0 1





Table 61 RS-based AS datafill

numeric routeset-id of Type of
name asso RS traffic mode an-group-id-1 of
ciated with associated used on the first ANG used
as-id this AS with this AS ASPs by this AS
CLI varia <as-id> <as-name> <routeset-id> <traffic- <an-group-id-1>
ble mode>
Example 4 AS5 101 loadshare 2

Table 62 RSG-based AS datafill

Alphanumeric netapp-id of an-group-id-1 of

name of this NA first ANG used
as-id AS of this AS by this AS
CLI variable <as-id> <as-name> <netapp-id> <an-group-id-1>
Example answer 80 AS80 11 80
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Table 63 ASP datafill

name of
service su-num What
an-gr group ber of is
Alpha- oup-id of to service Does opera
numeric ANG to which unit to this ASP tional
name whi ch this which this support Type mode
asp- of this this ASP ASP ASP routing of AS of this
id ASP belongs belongs belongs keys? P ASP?
CLI varia <asp-i <asp-na <an-gro <sg- <su- <rtg-keys- <asp-t <operat
ble d> me> up-id> name> number> supported ype> i onal-
- option> mo de>
Example 281 ASP3 1 SSG 1 false asp client











Table 64 ASP-A datafill

ID reference
Far-end port # into the
asp-id of Primary far-end IP of # of this SCTP PARM
association-id the ASP this association association table
CLI variable <association-i <asp-id> <far-end-ip-address> <far-end- <sctp-parm
d> port> -index>
Example 281 15 2905 0
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10.7 Multihoming SSGs

Perform this procedure to associate two external IP addresses and one internal IP addresses with one or
more SSGs. By assigning an SSG to more than one external IP address, you enable a multihomed
stream control transmission protocol (SCTP) association.

The internal IP address must come from the datacallp pool.

Kapsch recommends that the far-end network element use the same SCTP

10.7.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• For each SSG you multihome, the associated sg-name and su-number must be in the
OFFLINE su-admin-state.

10.7.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. For each SSG you want to multihome, associate one internal IP address, as follows.
At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg ip-m3ua-addr-assignment add <ip-m3ua-addr-id> <sg-name>
<su-number> <primary-m3ua-pool-name> <primary-m3ua-ip-
address> <secondary-m3ua-pool-name> <secondary-m3uaip-


10.7.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<ip-m3ua-addr-id> unique index into the m3ua IP assignment table
<primary-m3ua-ip-address> primary m3ua IP address used for external service unit
communication, of the form (
<primary-m3ua-pool-name> alphanumeric name associated with the primary external IP
address pool
<secondary-m3ua-ip-address> secondary m3ua IP address used for external service unit
communication, of the form (
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<secondary-m3ua-pool-name> alphanumeric name associated with the secondary external

IP address pool
<sg-name> name of the service group on which the m3ua application
<su-number> integer value of the service unit on which the m3ua
application resides

10.8 Single-homing SSGs

Perform this procedure to associate one external IP addresses and one internal IP addresses with one or
more SSGs.

The internal IP address must come from the datacallp pool.

Kapsch recommends that the far-end network element use the same stream
control transmission protocol (SCTP) settings.

10.8.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• For each SSG you single-home, the associated sg-name and su-number must be in the
offline su-admin-state.

10.8.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. For each SSG you want to single-home, associate one internal IP address and one
external IP address, as follows. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg ip-m3ua-addr-assignment add <ip-m3ua-addr-id> <sg-name>
<su-number> <primary-m3ua-pool-name> <primary-m3ua-ip-


10.8.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<ip-m3ua-addr-id> unique index into the m3ua IP assignment table
<primary-m3ua-ip-address> primary m3ua IP address used for external service unit
communication, of the form (
<primary-m3ua-pool-name> alphanumeric name associated with the primary external IP
address pool
<sg-name> name of the service group on which the m3ua application
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<su-number> integer value of the service unit on which the m3ua application

10.9 Configuring network appearances

Perform this procedure to configure all required network appearances for your SSGs. The network
appearance (NA) defines how the KAIROS node appears in the Signaling System 7 (SS7) network.

If you connect to IP Signaling Points (IPSP), all the connected IPSPs must have
the same <netapp-id> as the logical node on this KAIROS platform that connects
to those IPSPs.

10.9.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have the filled-in copy of “Table 52 NA datafill” on page 144.
• You have the filled-in copy of “Table 53 NA datafill” on page 144 .
• The MSC Call Agent is in service.
• The MRF Call Agent is in service.

10.9.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Provision your first network appearance using data from the NA1 row of “Table 52 NA
datafill” on page 144. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg network-appearance add <netapp-id> <netapp-clli>
<protocol-standard> <pointcode-variant> <pointcode> <network-
indicator> <service>

2. Provision your first network appearance using data from the NA1 row of Table 53 NA
datafill (page 144). At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg network-appearance add <netapp-id> <netapp-clli>
<protocol-standard> <pointcode-variant> <pointcode> <network-

3. Perform the previous step for each remaining network appearance using data from the
NA2, NA3, and NA4 rows.

10.9.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<netapp-clli> alphanumeric CLLI associated with the network appearance; a string of 1
to 15 characters; must begin with an uppercase alphabetic letter; can
contain numbers and underscores
<netapp-id> unique index into the network-appearance table; range of 0 to 30
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<network-indicator> network indicator of the network appearance; one of international,

international-spare, national, or national-spare
<pointcode> pointcode of the network appearance; a string of 1 to 11 characters
<pointcode-variant> pointcode variant of the network appearance according to the protocol-
standard; one of ansi, itu14-basic, itu14-383, itu14-4343, itu14-545, itu14-
473, itu14-437, itu14-347, or ntc7-888
<protocol-standard> protocol standard of the network appearance; one of ansi, itu14, or itu24
<service> service used by this network appearance, HLR or MSC.

10.10 Configuring routesets

Perform this procedure to configure routesets that define destinations in the network that are accessible
to the KAIROS node.

10.10.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• A network appearance must exist before you configure an associated routeset.
• You have the filled-in copy of “Table 54 Routeset datafill” on page 145.
• The MSC Call Agent is in service.
• The MRF Call Agent is in service.

10.10.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. In “Table 54 Routeset datafill” on page 145, identify those routesets that do not require
an as-id.
2. Provision the first routeset for an NA-based AS (as identified in step 1 using data from
“Table 54 Routeset datafill” on page 145. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg routeset add <routeset-id> <netapp-id> <routeset-clli>
<destination-pointcode> <sg-accessible-option>

3. Perform step 2 for each remaining routeset not requiring an as-id using “Table 54
Routeset datafill” on page 145.

10.10.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<as-id> unique index into the application server table for the routeset group;
range of 0 to 255
<destination-pointcode> destination pointcode of the routeset; a string of 1 to 11 characters
<netapp-id> network appearance for the routeset from the network-appearance
table; range of 0 to 30
<routeset-id> unique index into the routeset table; range of 0 to 3999
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<routeset-clli> alphanumeric CLLI associated with the routeset; a string of

characters from 1 to 15 in length; must begin with an uppercase
alphabetic letter; can contain numbers and underscores
<sg-accessible-option> Is this routeset accessible from a signaling gateway?
boolean: true/false yes/no
For h.248: boolean = false/no

10.11 Configuring a pathset between the set of SSGs and the MRF
Perform this procedure to configure a pathset (PS) between the set of SSGs and the MRF.

PSs define logical groupings of internal connectivity paths between the SSGs and the KPA (MRF/HLR)
blades. Three types of PS exist:

• a PS between an KPA (HLR) blade pair as client and the set of SSG server blades
• a PS between the KPA (MRF) blade as client and the set of SSGs
• a PS between an KPA (HLR) blade pair as client and the MRF server blade

10.11.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• You have the filled-in copy of “Table 56 Pathset datafill” on page 146.
• The MRF Call Agent is in-service.

10.11.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Using data from the Pathset1 row in “Table 56 Pathset datafill” on page 146, configure
the first pathset with an application type of appmgr-sig. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg pathset add <pathset-id> <pathset-name> appmgr-sig

2. Repeat step 1 for each remaining pathset in “Table 56 Pathset datafill” on page 146
that has an application type of appmgr-sig.

Do not perform this procedure for any pathsets with an
application type of app-sig.


10.11.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<pathset-id> unique index into the pathset table; range of 0 to 31127
<pathset-name> alphanumeric name associated with the pathset; a string of characters
from 1 to 15 in length; must begin with an uppercase alphabetic letter;
can contain numbers and underscores
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10.12 Configuring paths between the SSGs and MRF

Perform this procedure to configure all required paths between the SSGs and MRF Call Agent.

Paths are internal connections between the KPA (MRF/HLR) blades and the SSGs. They are non-
standard connections using the m3ua protocol.

10.12.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• A pathset must already be configured.
• You have the filled-in copy of “Table 58 Path datafill” on page 147.
• The MRF is in-service.

10.12.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. In “Table 58 Path datafill” on page 147, identify the paths that are marked with both of
the following:
• the client SG name of the MRF as the client
• the server SG name of the SSG as the server
2. Using data from the first path identified in the previous step, configure the first path
between the SSGs and MRF Call Agent. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg path add <path-id> <pathset-id> <server-sg-name> SSG
<server-su-number> <server-port> <client-sg-name> MRF

3. Perform the previous step for each remaining path identified in step 1.

10.12.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<client-port> port for the client side of the path. The range is dependent on
the node you are connecting to. See “On-product help” content
for additional information.
<client-sg-name> service group name for the client side of the path; a string of
characters from 1 to 255 in length
<client-su-number> service unit number of the service group for the client side of
the path; range of 0 to 13
<path-id> first part of a unique index into the path table;
range of 0 to 11
<pathset-id> second part of a unique index into the path table that is a
reference to an entry in the pathset table; range of 0 to 31127
<server-sg-name> service group name for the server side of the path; a string of
characters from 1 to 255 in length
<server-port> port for the server side of the path. The range is dependent on
the node you are connecting to. See "On-product help" content
for additional information.
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<server-su-number> service unit number of the service group for the server side of
the path; range of 0 to 7

10.13 Configuring pathsets between the set of SSGs and the HLR blade pairs
Perform this procedure to configure pathsets (PS) between the set of SSGs and each KPA (HLR) blade

PSs define logical groupings of internal connectivity paths between the SSGs and the KPA (MRF/HLR)
blades. Three types of PS exist:

• a PS between an KPA (HLR) blade pair as client and the set of all SSG server blades
• a PS between the KPA (MRF) blade as client and the set of SSGs
• a PS between an KPA (HLR) blade pair as client and the MRF server blade

10.13.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• You have the filled-in copy of “Table 59 ANG datafill” on page 147.
• The MRF is in-service.

10.13.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. In “Table 56 Pathset datafill” on page 146, identify the pathsets with an application
type of app-sig.
2. Using data from the first pathset identified in the previous step, configure the first
pathset with an application type of app-sig. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg pathset add <pathset-id> <pathset-name> app-sig

3. Repeat step 2 for each remaining pathset from “Table 56 Pathset datafill” on page 146
with an application type of app-sig.

10.13.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<pathset-id> unique index into the pathset table; range of 0 to 31127
<pathset-name> alphanumeric name associated with the pathset;a string of characters from
1 to 15 in length; The pathset name must begin with the HLR SG name
exactly as defined in Call Agent configuring.
The pathset name must begin with an uppercase alphabetic letter.
The pathset name can contain numbers and underscores.

10.14 Configuring paths between the SSGs and the HLR blades
Perform this procedure to configure all required paths between the SSGs and KPA (HLR) blades.
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Paths are internal connections between the KPA (MRF/HLR) blades and the SSGs. They are non-
standard connections using the m3ua protocol.

10.14.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• A pathset must already be configured.
• You have the filled-in copy of Table 58 "Path datafill" (page 221).
• The MRF is in-service.

10.14.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. In “Table 58 Path datafill” on page 147, identify the paths that are marked with both of
the following:
• the client SG name of the KPA (HLR) blade pair as the client
• the server SG name of the SSG as the server
2. Using data from the first path identified in the previous step, configure the first path
between the SSGs and KPA (HLR) blade pair. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg path add <path-id> <pathset-id> <server-sg-name> SSG
<server-su-number> <server-port> <client-sg-name> HLR

3. Perform the previous step for each remaining path identified in step 1.

10.14.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<client-port> port for the client side of the path; integer value. The range is dependent
on the node you are connecting to. See “On-product help” content for
additional information.
<client-sg-name> service group name for the client side of the path; a string of characters
from 1 to 255 in length
<client-su-number> service unit number of the service group for the client side of the path;
range of 0 to 13
<path-id> first part of a unique index into the path table;
range of 0 to 11
<pathset-id> second part of a unique index into the path table that is a reference to an
entry in the pathset table; range of 0 to 31127
<server-sg-name> service group name for the server side of the path; a string of characters
from 1 to 255 in length
<server-port> port for the server side of the path. The range is dependent on the node
you are connecting to. See "On-product help" content for additional
<server-su-number> service unit number of the service group for the server side of the path;
range of 0 to 7
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10.15 Configuring pathsets between the MRF and the HLR blade pairs
Perform this procedure to configure all required pathsets (PS) between the MRF and each HLR blade

PSs define logical groupings of internal connectivity paths between the SSGs and the KPA (MRF/HLR)
blades. Three types of PS exist:

• a PS between an KPA (HLR) blade pair as client and the set of all SSG server blades
• a PS between the KPA (MRF) blade as client and the set of SSGs
• a PS between an KPA (HLR) blade pair as client and the MRF server blade

10.15.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• You have the filled-in copy of Table 56 "Pathset datafill" (page 219).
• The MRF and all the HLR blade pairs are in-service.

10.15.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. In “Table 56 Pathset datafill” on page 146, identify the pathsets with an application
type of appmgr-app.
2. Using data from the first pathset identified in the previous step, configure the first
pathset with an application type of appmgr-app. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg pathset add <pathset-id> <pathset-name> appmgr-app

3. Repeat step 2 for each remaining pathset from “Table 56 Pathset datafill” on page 146
with an application type of appmgr-app.

10.15.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<pathset-id> unique index into the pathset table; range of 0 to 31127

<pathset-name> alphanumeric name associated with the pathset; a string of characters

from 1 to 15 in length; The pathset name must begin with the HLR SG
name exactly as defined in Call Agent configuring.
The pathset name must begin with an uppercase alphabetic letter.
The pathset name can contain numbers and underscores.

10.16 Configuring paths between the MRF and the HLR blade pairs
Perform this procedure to configure all required paths between the MRF and each of the HLR blade pairs.

Paths are non-standard connections using the m3ua protocol.

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10.16.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• A pathset must already be configured.
• You have the filled-in copy of Table 58 "Path datafill" (page 221).
• The MRF and each of the HLR blade pairs are in-service.

10.16.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. In “Table 58 Path datafill” on page 147, identify the paths that are marked with both of
the following:
• the server SG name of the MRF as the server
• the client SG name of the HLR blade pair as the client
2. Using data from the first path identified in the previous step, configure the first path
between the MRF and first HLR blade pair. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg path add <path-id> <pathset-id> <server-sg-name> MRF
<server-port> <client-sg-name> HLR <client-port>

3. Perform the previous step for each remaining path identified in step 1.

10.16.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<client-port> port for the client side of the path. The range is dependent on the
node you are connecting to. See "On-product help" content for
additional information.
<client-sg-name> service group name for the client side of the path; a string of
characters from 1 to 255 in length
<path-id> first part of a unique index into the path table;
range of 0 to 11
<pathset-id> second part of a unique index into the path table that is a reference
to an entry in the pathset table; range of 0 to 31127
<server-sg-name> service group name for the server side of the path; a string of
characters from 1 to 255 in length
<server-port> port for the server side of the path. The range is dependent on the
node you are connecting to. See “On-product help” content for
additional information.

10.17 Configuring pathset group

The pathset-group table defines the group information of connections between the SCA and SSG nodes.
It has three fields: pathset-group-id, pathset-group-name, and pathset-map.
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10.17.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

10.17.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To configure a pathset map, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg pathset-group add <pathset-group-id> <pathset-group-name>


10.17.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<map-type> {PATHSET_MAP}
<pathset-group-id> unique index into the pathset-group table; range of 0 to 63
<pathset-group-name> maximum of 15 characters

10.18 Configuring pathset group map

Perform this procedure to configure the pathset group map. The pathset-group-map table stores the
actual group connection information (pathset-list for pathset-map) between the SCA and SSG nodes and
each pathset-group could map to up to 32 pathsets. It has three fields: pathset-group-id, pathset-map-
index, and pathset-id.

Do not configure pathsets on the same CA node twice in the same group.

10.18.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

10.18.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To configure a pathset group map, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg pathset-groupmap add <pathset-group-id> <pathset-group-
map-index> <pathset-id>

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10.18.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<group-map-index> unique index into the group-map table; range of 0 to 31
<pathset-group-id> unique index into the pathset-group table; range of 0 to 63
<pathset-id> range of 0 to 127

10.19 Configuring adjacent node groups

Perform this procedure to configure all adjacent node groups (ANGs) in an SSG setup of KAIROS.

ANGs are groupings of application server processes (ASPs) or IP signaling points (IPSPs) that simplify
and ensure full external connectivity to remote destinations. There should be either one group for each
external signaling gateway (SG) supporting all application servers (ASs) or one group for each external
SG-AS combination. Each group must have exactly one ASP or IPSP on each blade to provide full
connectivity to each destination.

You must have exactly one ANG for each media gateway (MGW).

You can configure a maximum of 256 adjacent node groups.

In cases where there is an IPSP link, ensure the far end has the same network
appearance identifier <netapp-id> as your network appearance.

You must have either
• one adjacent node group for each external SG supporting all application
• one group for each external SG-AS combination

You must have exactly one adjacent node group for each external IPSP-based

10.20 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You have the filled-in copy of “Table 59 ANG datafill” on page 147.
• The MSC Call Agent is in service.
• The MRF Call Agent is in service.
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10.20.1 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Provision your first ANG using data from the ANG1 row of “Table 59 ANG datafill” on
page 147. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg adjacent-node-group add <an-group-id> <an-group-name>
<member-type> <protocol-type>

Perform the previous step for each remaining ANG in “Table 59 ANG datafill” on page

10.20.2 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<an-group-id> unique index into the adjacent-node-group table; range of 0 to 255

<an-group-name> alphanumeric name of the group of ASPs connected to the adjacent

node; a string of characters from 1 to 15 in length; must begin with an
uppercase alphabetic letter; can contain numbers and underscores

<member-type> type of ASPs that belong to this adjacent node group; for protocol type
= ss7, value is asp or ipsp; for protocol type = h248, value
is ipsp
<protocol-type> messaging protocol to be used for this adjacent node group; one of:
ss7, h248

10.21 Configuring NA-based application servers

Perform this procedure to configure all network appearance-based application servers (NA-based ASs).

Each network appearance (NA) must correspond to a configured application server (AS). An AS is
required for each routeset accessible through a point-to-point IP signaling point (IPSP) connection.

The AS is one of routeset-based (RS-based), routeset group-based (RSG-based), or network

appearance-based (NA-based). An NA-based AS enables traffic for all the RS destinations that specified
that NA in the RS data. An RS-based AS enables traffic for that one routeset specified in the AS data. An
RSG-based AS enables traffic for all the routesets that specified the AS-ID in the RS data. All routesets
are associated with an NA and therefore all ASs are associated with an NA.

You can configure a maximum of 256 application servers.

10.21.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• The NA and ANG must be configured.
• You have the filled-in copy of “Table 60 NA-based AS datafill” on page 148.
• The MSC Call Agent is in service.
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• The MRF Call Agent is in service.

10.21.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Provision your first NA-based AS using data from the AS1 row of “Table 60 NA-based
AS datafill” on page 148. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg application-server add <as-id> <as-name> netapp-as
<netapp-id> <an-group-id-1> <an-group-id-2>

2. Perform the previous step for each remaining NA-based AS using data from the AS2,
AS3, and AS4 rows of “Table 60 NA-based AS datafill” on page 148.

10.21.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<an-group-id-1> ID reference to an entry in the adjacent-node-group table for the first
adjacent-node-group to be used by this application server; range of 0 to 255

<an-group-id-2> ID reference to an entry in the adjacent-node-group table for the second

adjacent-node-group to be used by this application server; range of 0 to 255

<as-id> unique index into the application-server table; range of 0 to 255

<as-name> alphanumeric name associated with the application-server;

a string of characters from 1 to 15 in length; must begin with an uppercase
alphabetic letter; can contain numbers and underscores
<netapp-id> ID reference to an entry in the network-appearance table; range of 0 to 30

10.22 Configuring RS-based application servers

Perform this procedure to configure all routeset-based application servers (RS-based ASs).

Each network appearance (NA) must correspond to a configured application server (AS). An AS is
required for each routeset accessible through a point-to-point IP signaling point (IPSP) connection.

The AS is one of routeset-based (RS-based), routeset group-based (RSG-based), or network

appearance-based (NA-based). An NA-based AS enables traffic for all the RS destinations that specified
that NA in the RS data. An RS-based AS enables traffic for that one routeset specified in the AS data. An
RSG-based AS enables traffic for all the routesets that specified the AS-ID in the RS data. All routesets
are associated with an NA and therefore all ASs are associated with an NA.

You can configure a maximum of 256 application servers.
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10.22.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• The NA, RS, and ANG must be configured.
• You have the filled-in copy of “Table 61 RS-based AS datafill” on page 148.
• The MSC Call Agent is in service.
• The MRF Call Agent is in service.

10.22.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Provision your first RS-based AS using data from the AS1 row of “Table 61 RS-based
AS datafill” on page 148. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg application-server add <as-id> <as-name> routeset-as
<routeset-id> <traffic-mode> <an-group-id-1>

2. Perform the previous step for each remaining RS-based AS using data from the AS2,
AS3, and AS4 rows of “Table 61 RS-based AS datafill” on page 148.

10.22.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<an-group-id-1> ID reference to an entry in the adjacent-node-group table for the first adjacent-
node-group to be used by this application server; range of 0 to 255

<as-id> unique index into the application-server table; range of 0 to 255

<as-name> alphanumeric name associated with the application-server; a string of characters
from 1 to 15 in length; must begin with an uppercase alphabetic letter; can
contain numbers and underscores
<routeset-id> ID reference to an entry in the routeset table; range of 0 to 3999
<traffic-mode> type of traffic mode being used on the application-server-proc esses; one of
loadshare or override. The <traffic-mode> attribute must be set to loadshare for
an AS whose associated ANG has a protocol type of H.248.

10.23 Configuring RSG-based application servers

Perform this procedure to configure all RSG-based application servers (RSG-based ASs).

Each network appearance (NA) must correspond to a configured application server (AS). An AS is
required for each routeset accessible through a point-to-point IP signaling point (IPSP) connection.

The AS is one of routeset-based (RS-based), routeset group-based (RSG-based), or network

appearance-based (NA-based). An NA-based AS enables traffic for all the RS destinations that specified
that NA in the RS data. An RS-based AS enables traffic for that one routeset specified in the AS data. An
RSG-based AS enables traffic for all the routesets that specified the AS-ID in the RS data. All routesets
are associated with an NA and therefore all ASs are associated with an NA.
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You can configure a maximum of 256 application servers.

10.23.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• The NA and ANG must be configured.
• You have the filled-in copy of “Table 62 RSG-based AS datafill” on page 148.
• The MSC Call Agent is in service.
• The MRF Call Agent is in service.

10.23.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Provision your first RSG-based AS using data from the AS1 row of “Table 62 RSG-
based AS datafill” on page 148. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg application-server add <as-id> <as-name> rs-group-as
<netapp-id> <an-group-id-1>

2. Perform the previous step for each remaining RSG-based AS using data from the
AS2, AS3, and AS4 rows of “Table 62 RSG-based AS datafill” on page 148.

10.23.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<an-group-id-1> ID reference to an entry in the adjacent-node-group table for the first
adjacent-node-group to be used by this application server; range of
0 to 255
<as-id> unique index into the application-server table; range of 0 to 255
<as-name> alphanumeric name associated with the application-server; a string of
characters from 1 to 15 in length; must begin with an uppercase
alphabetic letter; can contain numbers and underscores
<netapp-id> ID reference to an entry in the network-appearance table; range of
0 to 30

10.24 Configuring routesets for RSG-based application servers

Perform this procedure to configure routesets that are associated with an RSG-based application server

10.24.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• A network appearance must exist before you configure an associated routeset.
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• An RSG-based AS must exist before you configure an associated routeset.

• You have the filled-in copy of “Table 54 Routeset datafill” on page 145.
• The MSC Call Agent is in service.
• The MRF Call Agent is in service.

10.24.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. In “Table 54 Routeset datafill” on page 145, identify the routesets that have an as-id.
2. Provision the first routeset for an RSG-based AS (as identified in step 1) using data
from Table 54 "Routeset datafill" (page 218). At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg routeset add <routeset-id> <netapp-id> <routeset-clli>
<destination-pointcode> <sg-accessible-option> as-id <as-id>

If the routeset already exists, modify this routeset to be RSG-based:

ssg routeset modify <routeset-id> as-id <as-id>

3. Perform step 2 for each remaining routeset for an RSG-based AS using data from
“Table 54 Routeset datafill” on page 145.

10.24.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<as-id> unique index into the application server table for the routeset group;
range of 0 to 255
<destination-pointcode> destination pointcode of the routeset; a string of characters from 1 to
11 in length
<netapp-id> network appearance for the routeset from the network-appearance
table; range of 0 to 30
<routeset-clli> alphanumeric CLLI associated with the routeset;
a string of characters from 1 to 15 in length; must begin with an
uppercase alphabetic letter; can contain numbers and underscores

<routeset-id> unique index into the routeset table; range of 0 to 3999

<sg-accessible-option> Is this routeset accessible from a signaling gateway?

boolean: true/false yes/no

10.25 Configuring ASPs or IPSPs

Perform this procedure to configure your application server processes (ASPs) or IP signaling points

An SSG uses application servers (ASs), which are indirectly associated with an ASP or IPSP through an
adjacent node group (ANG). These ASPs or IPSPs are, in turn, associated with an ASP/IPSP stream
control transmission protocol (SCTP) assignment to connect to the external network. ASPs may be
associated with a single AS or multiple ASs.
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An AS is associated with one or two ANGs. An ASP/IPSP is associated with an
ANG. Therefore, if you have an AS with one ANG and an ASP with the same ANG,
then all routesets corresponding to that AS (either by NA, RS, or RSG) are served
by the ASP in that ANG.

You can only have a maximum of 1024 application server processes (ASP) or IP
signaling points (IPSPs).

You can only have a maximum of 16 ASPs on each SSG for each adjacent node
group (ANG).

You can only have a maximum of 64 ASPs on each SSG.

You can only have a maximum of 64 combined external-connections and ASP
connections on each SSG.

You can only have a maximum of two IPSP for each H.248 adjacent node group

Always configure the operational mode of an ASP as client. The operational mode
of ASP defaults to client. The operational mode of an IPSP can be either client or

10.25.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• The ANG is configured.
• You have the filled-in copy of Table 63 "ASP datafill" (page 223).
• The MSC Call Agent is in service.
• The MRF Call Agent is in service.

10.25.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Determine the STP advertised receive buffer rate in the STP.
The equation used to calculate the buffer rate is:
(Link bit rate * RTT latency / 8 = required receive buffer (in bytes) * 2
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See “Job aid: example of advertised receive buffer rate equation” on page 169.
2. In “Table 63 ASP datafill” on page 149, identify the ASPs (rows) whose <asp-type> is
3. Using data from the first ASP typed as asp in step 1, configure the first ASP. At the
cli> prompt, enter
ssg application-server-process add <asp-id> <asp-name> <an-
group-id> <sg-name> <su-number> <rtg-keys-supported-option>

4. Perform the previous step for each remaining ASP typed as asp, as identified in step
5. In “Table 63 ASP datafill” on page 149, identify the ASPs (rows) whose <asp-type> is
6. Using data from the first ASP typed as ipsp in step 4, configure the first ASP. At the
cli> prompt, enter
ssg application-server-process add <asp-id> <asp-name> <an-
group-id> <sg-name> <su-number> <rtg-keys-supported-option>
ipsp <operational-mode>

7. Perform the previous step for each remaining ASP typed as ipsp, as identified in step

10.25.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<an-group-id> an-group-id from the adjacent-node-group table of which this application
server process is a member; range of 0 to 255

<asp-id> unique index into the application-server-process table; range of 0 to 1023

<asp-name> Alphanumeric name associated with the application-server-process; a

string of upper case characters from 1 to 15 in length; must begin with an
alphabetic letter; can contain numbers and underscores; an underscore
must be followed by another character
<operational-mode> operational mode of the application server process; one of client or server
(only configureable if If the ANG has a protocol type of H.248, the operational mode of the ASP
<asp-type> is ipsp) must be server.

<rtg-keys-supported- indication of whether this application server process supports routing

option> keys; boolean value: true/false yes/no
<sg-name> name of the service-group this application server process resides in; a
string 1 to 64 characters in length
<su-number> service-unit number on which this application server process resides;
range of 0 to 7
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10.25.4 Job aid: example of advertised receive buffer rate equation


Using the equation for SSG-1, which was not experiencing the problem, you can see that the 14 Kbyte
buffer was large enough to accommodate the 5-msec rtt on that link:

10,000,000 *.005 sec / 8 bits per byte = 6250 KByte


Using the equation for SSG-2 with a 60 msec rtt, the calculation is:

10,000,000 bits/sec *.06 secs / 8 bits per byte = 75,000

WindRiverS (WRS) recommends a value of at least twice that, at 150 KB (in other words, take the highest
value between SSG-1 and SSG-2 and multiply by 2.)

10.26 Configuring ASPAs

Perform this procedure to configure an application server process association (ASPA) for each
application server process (ASP) and IP signaling point (IPSP).

10.26.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• The ASP must be configured.
• You have the filled-in copy of “Table 64 ASP-A datafill” on page 149.
• The MSC Call Agent is in service.
• The MRF Call Agent is in service.

10.26.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Using data from the ASP-A1 row in Table 64 "ASP-A datafill" (page 224), configure the
first ASPA. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg asp-association add <association-id> <asp-id> <far-end-
ip-address> <far-end-port> <sctp-parm-index>

Perform the previous step for each remaining ASPA in “Table 64 ASP-A datafill” on
page 149.

10.26.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<asp-id> ID reference into the application-server-process table; range of 0 to
<association-id> unique index into the asp-association table; range of 0 to 1023
<far-end-ip-address> far-end primary IP address of this association (
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<far-end-port> far-end port of this association

<sctp-parm-index> ID reference into the sctp-parm table; range of 0 to 15

10.27 Activating paths, ASPs, and routesets

Perform this procedure to activate

• all paths to the MSC Call Agent (MSCCA)

• all paths to the Message Routing Function (MRF)
• all paths to the HLR blade pairs
• all application server processes (ASP)
• all non-H.248 routesets (RS)

10.27.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• The MSC Call Agent is in service.
• The MRF is in service
• All paths to the MSCCA are deactivated.
• All paths to the MRF and HLR are deactivated.
• All ASPs are deactivated.
• All RSs are deactivated.
• You have the filled in copies of
– “Table 57 Path datafill” on page 146
– “Table 58 Path datafill” on page 147
– “Table 54 Routeset datafill” on page 145
• The advertised receiver window of SCTP layer of STP that SSG is communicating with is
set proportionate to bit rate and RTT latency of the network.

10.27.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. In “Table 57 Path datafill” on page 146 identify the paths with MSCCA as a client SG
2. In “Table 58 Path datafill” on page 147 identify the paths with MRF as a client SG
3. To activate the first path with a client SG name of MSCCA, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg path activate <path-id> <pathset-id>

4. To activate the first path with a client SG name of MRF, enter

ssg path activate <path-id> <pathset-id>

5. Repeat the previous step for each path you identified as having a client SG name of
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6. Repeat the previous step for each path you identified as having a client SG name of
8. In “Table 58 Path datafill” on page 147 identify the paths with HLR as a client SG
10. To activate the first path with a client SG name of HLR, enter
ssg path activate <path-id> <pathset-id>

12. Repeat the previous step for each path you identified as having a client SG name of
13. Activate the first ASP in “Table 63 ASP datafill” on page 149.
ssg application-server-process activate <asp-id>

14. Repeat the previous step for each remaining ASP.

15. To activate the first non-H.248 routeset in “Table 54 Routeset datafill” on page 145,
ssg routeset activate <routeset-id>

16. Repeat the previous step for each remaining non-H.248 routeset.

10.27.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<asp-id> unique index into the application-server-process table; range of 0 to 1023

<path-id> first part of a unique index into the path table; range of 0 to 11

<pathset-id> second part of a unique index into the path table that is a reference to an
entry in the pathset table; range of 0 to 127

<routeset-id> unique index into the routeset table; range of 0 to 3999

10.28 Configuring SSG for SIP

This module contains SigTran Services Gateway (SSG) for SIP configuration task flow and procedures.
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Figure 4 Configuring SSG for SIP task flow

10.28.1 Navigation
• Adding a remote root fqdn
• Adding a remote fqdn
• “Adding an external SIP address” on page 119
• Adding an external connection
• Activating an external connection
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11 SSG Common procedures

The following procedures can be executed using the Command Line Interface (CLI):

• “Showing an IP internal address assignment” on page 174

• “Modifying a secondary IP address assignment” on page 174
• “Deleting a secondary IP address assignment” on page 175
• “Showing network appearance information” on page 176
• “Showing SCTP parameters” on page 177
• “Showing routeset pathset map information” on page 178
• “Modifying a routeset pathset map” on page 179
• “Deleting a routeset pathset map” on page 180
• “Showing pathset group information” on page 180
• “Deleting a pathset group” on page 181
• “Showing a path” on page 182
• “Modifying a path” on page 184
• “Activating a path” on page 185
• “Deactivating a path” on page 185
• “Showing routeset information” on page 186
• “Modifying a routeset” on page 187
• “Activating a routeset” on page 188
• “Deactivating a routeset” on page 189
• “Showing pathset group information” on page 180
• “Modifying an adjacent node group” on page 191
• “Showing application server information” on page 191
• “Modifying an application server” on page 193
• “Showing application server process information” on page 194
• “Modifying an application server process” on page 196
• “Activating an application server process” on page 197
• “Deactivating an application server process” on page 197
• “Showing application server process association information” on page 198
• “Modifying an application server process association” on page 200
• “Showing external connection information” on page 200
• “Modifying an external connection” on page 202
• “Deactivating an external connection” on page 202
• “Deleting an external connection” on page 203
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11.1 Showing an IP internal address assignment

Perform this procedure to display attribute information for one or all SSG IP address assignments.

SSGs can be assigned to one internal IP address and up to two external IP addresses. This assignment
enables a multihomed stream control transmission protocol (SCTP) association.

11.1.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.1.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show attributes for all IP address assignments, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg ip-int-address-assignment show all [<output-form>]

The system returns attributes for all IP address assignments.

To show attributes for a specific IP address assignment, enter
ssg ip-int-address-assignment show <ip-address-id> [<output-

The system returns attributes for the specified IP address assignment.


11.1.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<ip-address-id> unique index into the ip-address-assignment table; range of 0 to 31
<ip-int-address-id> unique index into the ip-int-address-assignment table; range of 0 to 31

11.1.4 Job aid: example command and system response

Table 65 Example command and system response

Example command ssg ip-int-addr-assignment show 6 detailed

System response ip-int-addr-id =6

sg-name = SSG
su-number =6
internal-ip-address =

11.2 Modifying a secondary IP address assignment

Perform this procedure to modify attribute information for a secondary IP address assignment.

11.2.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
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• Know the IP address Id you are modifying; see “Showing an IP internal address
assignment” on page 174.

11.2.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify attributes for a primary-m3ua IP address assignment, at the cli> prompt,
ssg ip-m3ua-addr-assignment modify <ip-address-id> primary-
m3ua <primary-m3ua pool-name> <primary-m3ua_ip_address>

To modify attributes for a secondary-m3ua IP address assignment, enter
ssg ip-m3ua-addr-assignment modify <ip-address-id> secondary-
m3ua <secondary-m3ua pool-name> <secondary-m3ua_ip_address>

To modify attributes for a secondary-ip address assignment, enter
ssg ip-m3ua-addr-assignment modify <ip-address-id> secondary-
ip <default>


11.2.3 Variable definitions

Variable description
<delete> include the <> when using this deletes the secondary IP, which allows you to change
command from multi-homing to single home
<ip-address-id> unique index into the ip-address-assignment table;
range of 0 to 31
<secondary-ip-address> secondary external IP address
<secondary-pool-name> alphanumeric name associated with the secondary
external IP address pool; a string of
1 to 255 characters

11.3 Deleting a secondary IP address assignment

Perform this procedure to remove a previously configured IP address assignment.

11.3.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the IP address id you are modifying; see “Showing an IP internal address
assignment” on page 174.

11.3.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
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1. To remove a secondary IP address assignment, at the cli> prompt, enter

ssg ip-address-assignment modify <ip-address-id> secondary-ip


11.3.3 Variable definitions

Variable description
<delete> include the <> when deletes the secondary IP, which allows you to change
using this command from multihoming to single home
<ip-address-id> unique index into the ip-address-assignment table; range
of 0 to 31
<secondary-ip-address> secondary external IP address (

<secondary-pool-name> alphanumeric name associated with the secondary

external IP address pool; a string of 1 to 255 characters

11.4 Showing network appearance information

Perform this procedure to display attribute information for one or all network appearances (NAs). The NA
defines how the KAIROS node appears in the Signaling System 7 (SS7) network.

11.4.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.4.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show attributes for all netapp-ids, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg network-appearance show all [<output-form>]

The system returns attributes for all netapp-ids.

To show attributes for a specific netapp-id, enter
ssg network-appearance show <netapp-id> [<output-form>]

The system returns attributes for the specified netapp-id.


11.4.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<netapp-id> unique index into the network-appearance table; range of 0 to 30
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11.4.4 Job aid: example command and system response

Table 66 Sample output

Example command ssg network-appearance show all detailed

System response netapp-id = 11

netapp-clli = SG2_PV3
protocol-standard = itu14
pointcode-variant = itu14-383
pointcode = 0-40-0
network-indicator = national

11.5 Showing SCTP parameters

Perform this procedure to display the SCTP parameters that govern the behavior of the ASP-a

Kapsch recommends that the far-end network element use the same STCP

11.5.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.5.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show attribute information for all SCTP parameters, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg sctp-parameters show all [<output-form>]

The system returns attribute information for all SCTP parameters.

To show attribute information for a specific SCTP parameter, enter
ssg sctp-parameters show <sctp-parameter-id> [<output-form>]

The system returns attribute information for the specified SCTP parameter.

11.5.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<sctp-parameter-id> unique index into the sctp-parameters table; range of 0 to 15
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11.5.4 Job aid: example command and system response

Table 67 Example command and system response

ssg sctp-parameters show all

id hb-int init-time rtp-min rto-max max- max_assoc

--- -------- out --------- ----------- pathretrans retrans
0 3000 ------------- 200 500 --------------- --------------
500 5 5

Table 68 Example command and system response (multi-homing)

id hb-int init-time rtp-min rto-max max- max_assoc

--- -------- out --------- ----------- pathretrans retrans
0 3000 ------------- 200 500 --------------- --------------
500 5 10

Table 69 Example command and system response

Example command ssg sctp-parameters show 0 detailed

System response sctp-parameter-id =0

heartbeat-interval = 3000
initialization-timeout = 500
rto-minimum = 200
rto-maximum = 500
max-path-retransmit =5
max-association-retransmit =5

Table 70 Example command and system response (multi-homing)

Example command ssg sctp-parameters show 0 detailed

System response sctp-parameter-id =0

heartbeat-interval = 30000
initialization-timeout = 500
rto-minimum = 200
rto-maximum = 500
max-path-retransmit =5
max-association-retransmit = 10

11.6 Showing routeset pathset map information

Perform this procedure to display attribute information for one or all routeset pathset maps (RSPSMAPs).
The RSPSMAP routes outgoing paths for each routeset.

11.6.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
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11.6.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show attributes for all RSPSMAPs, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg routeset-pathset-map show all [<output-form>]

The system returns attributes for all RSPSMAPs.

To show attributes for a specific RSPSMAP, enter
ssg routeset-pathset-map show <routeset-id> [<output-form>]

The system returns attributes for the specified RSPSMAP.


11.6.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<routeset-id> unique index into the routeset-pathset-map table, which is a
reference to an entry in the routeset table; range of 0 to 3999

11.6.4 Job aid: example command and system response

Table 71 Sample output

Example command ssg routeset-pathset-map show all

System response routeset-id pathset-group-id

---------------- ------------------------
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0

11.7 Modifying a routeset pathset map

Perform this procedure to modify attribute information for a routeset pathset map (RSPSMAP).
RSPSMAPs map outgoing paths for each routeset.

The only modifiable attribute for a RSPSMAP is pathset group identifier.

11.7.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.7.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify an RSPSMAP, at the cli> prompt, enter
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ssg routeset-pathset-map modify <routeset-id> pathset-group-

id <pathset-group-id>


11.7.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<pathset-group-id> pathset-group-id index in the pathset-group table that this
routeset is associated with; range of 0 to 63
<routeset-id> unique index into the routeset-pathset-map table, which is a
reference to an entry in the routeset table; range of 0 to 3999

11.8 Deleting a routeset pathset map

Perform this procedure to delete a routeset pathset map (RSPSMAP) previously configured. The
RSPSMAP routes outgoing paths for each routeset.

11.8.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• Know the routeset pathset map you are deleting.

11.8.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To delete a routeset pathset map, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg routeset-pathset-map delete <routset-id>


11.8.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<routeset-id> unique index into the routeset table; range of 0 to 3999

11.9 Showing pathset group information

Perform this procedure to display attribute information for one or all pathset groups (PSG). The PSG
defines group information of connections between the Call Agent and the SSG nodes.

11.9.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.9.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
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1. To show attributes for all pathset groups, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg pathset-group show all [<output-form>]

The system returns attributes for all pathset groups.

To show attributes for a specific netapp-id, enter
ssg network-appearance show <pathset-group-id> [<output-

The system returns attributes for the specified pathset group.


11.9.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<pathset-group-id> unique index into the pathset-group table; range of 0 to 63

11.9.4 Job aid: example command and system response

Table 72 Example command and system response

Example command ssg pathset-group show all

System response pathset-group-id pathset-group- map-type

----------------------- name -----------------
0 ----------------------- pathset-map
10 PSG0 pathset-map

Table 73 Example command and system response

Example command ssg pathset-group show 10 detailed

System response pathset-group-id = 10

pathset-group-name = PSG10
map-type = pathset-map

11.10 Deleting a pathset group

Perform this procedure to delete a pathset group previously configured.

11.10.1 Perquisites
• You know the pathset group id you are deleting.
• You have deleted the pathset map group.
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
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11.10.2 Procedure Steps

Step Action
1. To delete a pathset group, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg pathset-group delete <pathset-group-id>


11.10.3 Variable definitions

Variable description
<pathset-group-id> unique index into the pathset-group table; range of 0 to 63

11.11 Showing a path

Perform this procedure to display attribute information for one or all paths.
Paths are internal connections between the MSCCA and the SSGs. They are non-standard connections
using the m3ua protocol.
Paths are internal connections between the KPA (MRF/HLR) blades and the SSGs. They are non-
standard connections using the m3ua protocol.

11.11.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.11.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show attribute information for all paths, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg path show all [<output-form>]

The system returns attributes for all paths.

To show attribute information for a specific path, enter
ssg path show <path-id> [<pathset-id>] [<output-form>]

The system returns attributes for the specified path.


11.11.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<path-id> first part of a unique index into the path table; range of 0 to 11
<pathset-id> second part of a unique index into the path table that is a reference to
an entry in the pathset table; range of 0 to 127
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11.11.4 Job aid: example command and system response

Table 74 Example command and system response

Example ssg path show all brief


System path-id ps-id server-sg-name srvr-su client-sg-name clnt-su

response ------- --------- --------------------- ---------- -------------------- ---------
0 1 SSG 0 MSU 1
0 2 SSG 0 MSU 2
1 0 SSG 1 MSC
1 1 SSG 1 MSU 1

Table 75 Example command and system response

Example ssg path show all brief


System path-id ps-id server-sg-name srvr-su client-sg-name clnt-su

response ------- --------- --------------------- ---------- -------------------- ---------
0 0 SSG 0 MRF
0 1 SSG 0 HLR_SG1
0 2 SSG 0 HLR_SG2
1 0 SSG 1 MRF
1 1 SSG 1 HLR_SG1
1 2 SSG 1 HLR_SG2

Table 76 Example command and system response

Example command ssg path show 1 0 detailed

System response path-id =1

pathset-id =0
server-sg-name = SSG
server-su-number =1
server-port = 2905
client-sg-name = MSC
cluster-node-number =0
client-port = 4697
admin-state = activated
maintenance-state = active
alarm-state = none
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Table 77 Example command and system response

Example command ssg path show 0 1 detailed

System response path-id =0

pathset-id =1
server-sg-name = SSG
server-su-number =0
server-port = 2905
client-sg-name = HLR_SG1
cluster-node-number =1
client-port = 4700
admin-state = activated
maintenance-state = active
alarm-state = none

11.12 Modifying a path

Perform this procedure to modify the attribute information for a path.
Paths are internal connections between the MSCCA and the SSGs. They are non-standard connections
using the m3ua protocol.
Paths are internal connections between the KPA (MRF/HLR) blades and the SSGs. They are non-
standard connections using the m3ua protocol.
The modifiable attributes for a path are as follows:
• client-port attribute
• server-port attribute

11.12.1 Prerequisites
• You have deactivated the path.
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.12.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify a path’s client-port attribute, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg path modify <path-id> <pathset-id> client-port <client-

To modify a path’s server-port attribute, enter
ssg path modify <path-id> <pathset-id> server-port <server-

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11.12.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<client-port> port for the client side of the path; the range is dependent on the
node you are connecting to.
<path-id> first part of a unique index into the path table; range of 0 to 11

<pathset-id> second part of a unique index into the path table that is a reference
to an entry in the pathset table; range of 0 to 127
<server-port> port for the server side of the path; the range is dependent on the
node you are connecting to. For more information, see your on-
product help.

11.13 Activating a path

Perform this procedure to activate a path after deactivation and subsequent modification or deletion of
that path.
Paths are internal connections between the MSCCA and the SSGs. They are non-standard connections
using the m3ua protocol.
Paths are internal connections between the KPA (MRF/HLR) blades and the SSGs. They are non-
standard connections using the m3ua protocol.

11.13.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• The path must be deactivated.

11.13.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg path activate <path-id> <pathset-id>


11.13.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<path-id> first part of a unique index into the path table; range of 0 to 11

<pathset-id> second part of a unique index into the path table that is a reference to
an entry in the pathset table; range of 0 to 127

11.14 Deactivating a path

Perform this procedure to deactivate a path before modification or deletion of that path.

Paths are internal connections between the MSCCA and the SSGs. They are non-standard connections
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using the m3ua protocol.

Paths are internal connections between the KPA (MRF/HLR) blades and the SSGs. They are non-
standard connections using the m3ua protocol.

Risk of service loss
If you deactivate the last active path in a pathset, you will lose service.
If you deactivate the path between the MSC Call Agent and an SSG, this
SSG will no longer provide service. A warning message appears in this

11.14.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• The path must be activated.

11.14.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg path deactivate <path-id> <pathset-id>

2. If a warning message appears and you expect to deactivate the last active path in the
pathset, enter


11.14.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<path-id> first part of a unique index into the path table; range of 0 to 11

<pathset-id> second part of a unique index into the path table that is a reference to an
entry in the pathset table; range of 0 to 127

11.15 Showing routeset information

Perform this procedure to display attribute information for one or all routesets (RSs). RSs define
destinations in the network that are accessible to the KAIROS node.

11.15.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.15.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
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1. To show attribute information for all routeset IDs, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg routeset show all [<output-form>]

The system returns attribute information for all routeset IDs.

To show attribute information for a specific routeset ID, enter
ssg routeset show <routeset-id> [<output-form>]

The system returns attribute information for the specified routeset ID.

11.15.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<routeset-id> unique index into the routeset table; integer value, range of 0 to 3999

11.15.4 Job aid: example command and system response

Table 78 Example command and system response

Example ssg routeset show all brief


System routeset-id netapp-id routeset-clli d-pointcode sg-acc as-id

response -------------- ------------- ---------------- -------------- --------- -------
0 11 TRAFBSS67 7-167-0 true
1 11 TRAFBSS68 7-168-0 true 11
2 11 TRAFBSS69 7-169-0 true 11
201 11 SPESG1 8-101-0 true
202 11 SPESG2 8-102-0 true

Table 79 Example command and system response

Example command ssg routeset show 201 detailed

System response routeset-id = 201

netapp-id = 25
routeset-clli = SPESG1
destination-pointcode = 8-101-0
sg-accessible-option = true
admin-state = activated
availability-status = unavailable
congestion-status = status0
alarm-state = critical
na-route1-avail-status = unavailable
na-route2-avail-status = unavailable
ipsp-avail-status = unavailable

11.16 Modifying a routeset

Perform this procedure to modify attribute information for a routeset (RS). RSs define destinations in the
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network that are accessible to the KAIROS node.

The modifiable attributes for RSs are as follows:
• application server identifier
• routeset name
• signaling gateway accessibility status

11.16.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

To rename a routeset, you must first deactivate the routeset. Once the routeset is
deactivated, the renaming capability will be available.

11.16.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify a routeset’s application server identifier, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg routeset modify <routeset-id> as-id <as-id>

To modify a routeset’s name, enter
ssg routeset modify <routeset_id> routeset-clli

To modify a routeset’s signaling gateway accessibility status, enter
ssg routeset modify <routeset-id> sg-accessible-option <sg-


11.16.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<as-id> unique index into the application server table for the
routeset group; range of 0 to 255
<routeset-id> unique index into the routeset table; range of 0 to 3999
<routeset_name> the routeset name
<sg-accessible-option> Is this routeset accessible from a signaling gateway?
boolean: true/false yes/no

11.17 Activating a routeset

Perform this procedure to activate a routeset (RS). RSs define destinations in the network that are
accessible to the KAIROS node.
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If your routeset is H.248-based, you do not need to activate it.

11.17.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• The routeset must be deactivated.

11.17.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg routeset activate <routeset-id>


11.17.3 Variable definitions

Variable Description
<routeset-id> unique index into the routeset table; integer value; range
of 0 to 3999

11.18 Deactivating a routeset

Perform this procedure to deactivate a routeset (RS). RSs define destinations in the network that are
accessible to the KAIROS node.

Loss of service
You can lose service to the destination you are deactivating.

11.18.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• The routeset must be activated.

11.18.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg routeset deactivate <routeset-id>

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11.18.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<routeset-id> unique index into the routeset table; range of 0 to 3999

11.19 Showing adjacent node group information

Perform this procedure to display attribute information for an adjacent node group (ANG).

ANGs are groupings of application server processes (ASPs) or IP signaling points (IPSPs) that simplify
and ensure full external connectivity to remote destinations. There should be either one group for each
external signaling gateway (SG) supporting all application servers (ASs) or one group for each external
SG-AS combination. Each group must have exactly one ASP or IPSP on each blade to provide full
connectivity to each destination.

11.19.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.19.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show attribute information for all adjacent node groups, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg adjacent-node-group show all [<output-form>]

The system returns attribute values for all adjacent node groups.
To show attribute information for a specific adjacent node group, enter
ssg adjacent-node-group show <an-group-id> [<output-form>]

The system returns attribute values for the specified adjacent node group.

11.19.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<an-group-id> unique index into the adjacent-node-group table; range of 0 to 255
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11.19.4 Job aid: example command and system response

Table 80 Sample output

Example ssg adjacent-node-group show all

System response an-group-id an-group-name member-type protocol-type
---------------- ------------------- ------------------ -----------------
0 ANG0 asp ss7
1 ANG1 asp ss7
2 ANG2 asp ss7

11.20 Modifying an adjacent node group

Perform this procedure to modify attribute information for an adjacent node group (ANG).

ANGs are groupings of application server processes (ASPs) or IP signaling points (IPSPs) that simplify
and ensure full external connectivity to remote destinations. You should have either one group for each
external signaling gateway (SG) supporting all application servers (ASs) or one group for each external
SG-AS combination. Each group must have exactly one ASP or IPSP on each blade to provide full
connectivity to each destination.

The modifiable attribute for an adjacent node group is the adjacent node group name.

11.20.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.20.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg adjacent-node-group modify <an-group-id> an-gr oup-name


11.20.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<an-group-id> unique index into the adjacent-node-group table;
range of 0 to 255
<an-group-name> alphanumeric name of the group of ASPs connected to the adjacent
node; a string of characters from 1 to 15 in length; must begin with
an uppercase alphabetic letter; can contain numbers and

11.21 Showing application server information

Perform this procedure to display attribute information for an application server (AS).
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Each network appearance (NA) must correspond to a configured application server (AS). An AS is
required for each routeset accessible through a point-to-point IP signaling point (IPSP) connection.

The AS is one of routeset-based (RS-based), routeset group-based (RSG-based), or network

appearance-based (NA-based). An NA-based AS enables traffic for all the RS destinations that specified
that NA in the RS data. An RS-based AS enables traffic for that one routeset specified in the AS data. An
RSG-based AS enables traffic for all the routesets that specified the AS-ID in the RS data. All routesets
are associated with an NA and therefore all ASs are associated with an NA.

11.21.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.21.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show attribute information for all application server IDs, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg application-server show all [<output-form>]

The system returns attribute values for all application servers.

To show attribute information for a specific application server ID, enter
ssg application-server show <as-id> [<output-form>]

The system returns attribute values for the specified application server.

11.21.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<as-id> unique index into the application-server table; range of 0 to 255

11.21.4 Job aid: example commands and system response

Table 81 Example command and system response

Example ssg application-server show all brief


System as-id as-name as-type net-id rst-id g-id-1 g-id-2

response -------- ------------- ------------ ------- ------ -------- --------
0 AS0 netapp-as 11 0
4 ITU101 routeset-as 103 5
5 ITU102 routeset-as 104 6
11 AS11 rs-group-as 11 11
12 AS12 rs-group-as 11 12
13 AS13 rs-group-as 11 13
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Table 82 Example command and system response

Example command ssg application-server show all detailed

System response as-id =0

as-name = AS0
as-type = netapp-as
netapp-id = 11
traffic-mode = loadshare
an-group-id-1 =0
alarm-state =0
maintenance-state = active
routing-context-1 =0
routing-context-2 =0

11.22 Modifying an application server

Perform this procedure to modify attribute information for an application server (AS).

Each network appearance (NA) must correspond to a configured application server (AS). An AS is
required for each routeset accessible through a point-to-point IP signaling point (IPSP) connection.

The AS is one of routeset-based (RS-based), routeset group-based (RSG-based), or network

appearance-based (NA-based). An NA-based AS enables traffic for all the RS destinations that specified
that NA in the RS data. An RS-based AS enables traffic for that one routeset specified in the AS data. An
RSG-based AS enables traffic for all the routesets that specified the AS-ID in the RS data. All routesets
are associated with an NA and therefore all ASs are associated with an NA.

For modification of attributes of an AS whose ANGs are (or will be) of protocol type H.248, the following
conditions apply:

• To modify the <an-group-id-1> to a different ANG with a protocol type of H.248, the AS must
be routeset-based.
• If the <an-group-id-1> is of protocol type H.248, there can be no <an-group-id-2>.
• The protocol type of <an-group-id-2> cannot be modified to H.248.
• To modify the <an-group-id-1> to a different ANG with a protocol type of H.248, the ANG’s
traffic mode first must be set to loadshare.
• You can only have one AS for each ANG if the ANG has a protocol type of H.248.

Risk of service outage
Modifying ANG1 or ANG2 could cause a service outage or service
interruption. This type of modification is usually only done in cutovers.

The modifiable attributes of an AS are as follows:

• adjacent node group ID 1

• adjacent node group ID 2
• alphanumeric name of the AS
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11.22.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.22.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify an application server’s adjacent node group ID 1 value, at the cli> prompt,
ssg application-server modify <as-id> an-group-id-1 <an-

To modify an application server’s adjacent node group ID 2 value, enter
ssg application-server modify <as-id> an-group-id-2 <an-

Modification of the second adjacent-node-group table is valid only for
network-appearance-based application servers.

To modify an application server’s alphanumeric name, enter
ssg application-server modify <as-id> as-name <asname>


11.22.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<an-group-id-1> ID reference to an entry in the adjacent-node-group
table for the first adjacent-node-group to be used by this application
server; range of 0 to 255

<an-group-id-2> ID reference to an entry in the adjacent-node-group table for the

second adjacent-node-group to be used by this application server;
range of 0 to 255, or default to set to none

<as-id> unique index into the application-server table; range of 0 to 255

<as-name> alphanumeric name associated with the application server; a string of

characters from 1 to 15 in length; must begin with an uppercase
alphabetic letter; can contain numbers and underscores

11.23 Showing application server process information

Perform this procedure to display attribute information for an application server process (ASP).

An SSG uses application servers (ASs) associated with an ASP or IP signaling point (IPSP). These ASPs
or IPSPs are, in turn, associated with an ASP/IPSP stream control transmission protocol (SCTP)
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assignment to connect to the external network. ASPs may be associated with a single AS or multiple ASs.

11.23.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.23.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show attribute information for all application server processes, at the cli> prompt,
ssg application-server-process show all [<output-form>]

The system returns attribute values for all application server processes.
To show attribute information for a specific application server process, enter
ssg application-server-process show <asp-id> [<output-form>]

The system returns attribute values for the specified application server process.

11.23.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<asp-id> unique index into the application-server-process table;
range of 0 to 1023

11.23.4 Job aid: example command and system response

Table 83 Example command and system response

ssg application-server-process show 40

asp-id asp-name asp-type g-id sg-name su-id prot rtg-key

--------- -------- ------- ------- ------------ ----- ------- -------
40 ASP40 ipsp 12 ssgSG 1 h248 false
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Table 84 Example command and system response

Example command ssg application-server-process show 40 detailed

System response asp-id = 40

asp-name = ASP40
asp-type = ipsp
an-group-id = 12
sg-name = ssgSG
su-number =1
rtg-keys-supported-option = false
operational-mode = client
protocol-type = h248
admin-state = deactivated
maintenance-state = inactive
alarm-state = none

11.24 Modifying an application server process

Perform this procedure to modify attribute information for an application server process (ASP).
An SSG uses application servers (ASs) associated with an ASP or IP signaling point (IPSP). These ASPs
or IPSPs are, in turn, associated with an ASP/IPSP stream control transmission protocol (SCTP)
assignment to connect to the external network. ASPs may be associated with a single AS or multiple ASs.
The modifiable attributes for ASPs are as follows:
• ASP name
• routing key support status

11.24.1 Prerequisites
• The application server process to be modified is deactivated.
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.24.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify an ASP’s application server process name, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg application-server-process modify <asp-id> asp-name <asp-

To modify the ASP’s routing key support status, enter
ssg application-server-process modify <asp-id> rtg-keys-
supported-option <rtg-keys-supported-option>

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11.24.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<asp-id> unique index into the application-server-process table;
range of 0 to 1023

<asp-name> alphanumeric name associated with the application-server-

process; a string of characters from 1 to 15 in length; must
begin with an uppercase alphabetic letter; can contain
numbers and underscores

<rtg-keys-supported- indication of whether this application server process

option> supports routing keys; boolean value: true/false yes/no

11.25 Activating an application server process

Perform this procedure to activate an application server process (ASP) after deactivation and subsequent
modification or deletion of an ASP.

An SSG uses application servers (ASs) associated with an ASP or IP signaling point (IPSP). These ASPs
or IPSPs are, in turn, associated with an ASP/IPSP stream control transmission protocol (SCTP)
assignment to connect to the external network. ASPs may be associated with a single AS or multiple ASs.

11.25.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• The ASP must be deactivated.

11.25.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg application-server-process activate <asp-id>

2. A warning message appears if only one ASP is configured for an H.248 ANG. If this is
the expected configuration, enter


11.25.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<asp-id> unique index into the application-server-process table; range of
0 to 1023

11.26 Deactivating an application server process

Perform this procedure to deactivate an application server process (ASP) before modification or deletion
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of an ASP.

An SSG uses application servers (ASs) associated with an ASP or IP signaling point (IPSP). These ASPs
or IPSPs are, in turn, associated with an ASP/IPSP stream control transmission protocol (SCTP)
assignment to connect to the external network. ASPs may be associated with a single AS or multiple ASs.

Risk of service loss
If you deactivate the last in-service ASP on a specific SSG, that SSG
will no longer provide service. A warning message appears in this

11.26.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• The ASP must be activated.

11.26.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg application-server-process deactivate <asp-id>
%Warning: Please ensure that this application-serverprocess is
not the last inservice ASP. Deactivation of the last inservice
ASP will cause traffic loss. Do you want to continue? confirm

2. If you want to deactivate the last in-service ASP, enter



11.26.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<asp-id> unique index into the application-server-process table;
range of 0 to 1023

11.27 Showing application server process association information

Perform this procedure to display attribute information for an application server process association (ASP-

For each application server process (ASP) or IP signaling point (IPSP), define one ASP-A.

11.27.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
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11.27.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show attribute information for all application server process associations, at the cli>
prompt, enter
ssg asp-association show all [<output-form>]

The system returns attributes for all asp associations.

To show attribute information for a specific application server process association,
ssg asp-association show <association-id> [<output-form>]

The system returns attributes for the specified asp association.


11.27.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<association-id> unique index into the asp-association table; range of 0 to 1023

11.27.4 Job aid: example command and system response

Table 85 Example command and system response

Example ssg asp-association show all


System aspa-id asp-id far-end-ip-address port sctp-id cksum

response ---------- -------- ------------------------ ----- ---------- ---------
0 0 2905 0 crc32
3 3 2905 0 crc32
15 15 2905 0 crc32
16 16 2905 0 crc32
100 100 2905 0 crc32
103 103 2905 0 crc32

Table 86 Example command and system response

Example command ssg asp-association show 0 detailed

System response association-id =0

asp-id =0
far-end-ip-address =
far-end-port = 2905
sctp-parm-index =0
sctp-checksum = crc32
maintenance-state = active
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11.28 Modifying an application server process association

Perform this procedure to modify attribute information for an application server process association (ASP-
For each application server process (ASP) or IP signaling point (IPSP),define one ASP-A.
The modifiable attributes for an ASP-A are as follows:
• far-end-IP address of the ASP-A
• far-end port of the ASP-A
• sctp-parm-id of an ASP-A

11.28.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• The ASP must be deactivated.

11.28.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To modify an ASP association’s far-end IP address, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg asp-association modify <association-id> far-end-ip-
address <far-end-ip-address>

To modify an ASP association’s far-end port, enter
ssg asp-association modify <association-id> far-endport <far-

To modify the sctp-parm-id for an ASP association, enter
ssg asp-association modify <association-id> sctp-parm-index


11.28.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<association-id> unique index into the asp-association table; range of 0 to 1023

<far-end-ip-address> far-end primary IP address of this association (

<far-end-port> far-end port of this association; range of 0 to 65535

<sctp-parm-index> ID reference into the sctp-parm table; range of 0 to 15

11.29 Showing external connection information

Perform this procedure to display attribute information for external connections.
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11.29.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.29.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To show attribute information for all external connections, at the cli> prompt, enter
ssg external-connections show all [<output-form>]

The system returns attribute values for all external connections.

To show attribute information for a specific connection, enter
ssg external-connections show <connection-index> [<output-

The system returns attribute values for the specified connection.


11.29.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<connection-index> integer value that uniquely identifies the external connection

11.29.4 Job aid: example command and system response

Table 87 Example command and system response

ssg external-connections show all brief

conn index remote-fqdn index

-------------- sg-name su-num ---------------- protocol
0 ------------- ----------- 0 ------------
ssgSg 3 sctp

Table 88 Example command and system response

Example command ssg external-connections show all detailed

System response connection-index =0

sg-name = ssgSG
su-number =3
remote-fqdn-index =0
admin-state = activated
maintenance-state = down
protocol-identifier = sctp0
sctp-parm-index =0
operational-mode = client
alarm-state = none
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11.30 Modifying an external connection

Perform this procedure to modify attribute information for an external connection.

11.30.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

11.30.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Deactivate the SSG. If you do not deactivate, the SOS blade would deny and would
generate an alarm that the datafill would be out of synchronization.
2. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg external-connections modify <connection-index> <sctp-


11.30.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<connection-index> integer value that uniquely identifies the external

<sctp-parm-index> integer value that identifies the SCTP


11.31 Deactivating an external connection

Performing this procedure deactivates a defined external connections that supports the SIP protocol.

11.31.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• An external connection is defined.

Risk of service loss
If you deactivate the external connection on a specific SSG, that SSG
will no longer provide service. A warning message appears in this

11.31.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg external-connections deactivate <connection-index>
Warning: The EXTERNAL CONNECTION is the only activate d
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EXTERNAL CONNECTION, traffic loss will occur if this EXTERNAL

CONNECTION is deactivated. Do you want to continue? confirm

2. If you want to deactivate the external connection, enter



11.31.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<connection-index> integer value that uniquely identifies the external

11.32 Deleting an external connection

Perform this procedure to delete an external connection.

11.32.1 Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• The associated trunk and SOS must be in the in-service busy (INB) state.

11.32.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
ssg external-connections delete <connection-index>

2. Remove the associated trunk from Table TRKOPTS.

3. Deactivate the external connection.
4. Delete the connection.

11.32.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<connection-index> integer value that uniquely identifies the external
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12 Call Agent configuration

The following sections provide a KAIROS Call Agent configuration overview and list of Call Agent related
procedures with taskflows.

• “Call Agent fundamentals” on page 204

• “Call Agent configuration” on page 205
• “Installing and provisioning KPA (MRF) blades” on page 209
• “Determining the HLR configuration of your ” on page 211
• “Installing and provisioning HLR blades in a Minimum/Typical configuration” on page 212
• “Installing and provisioning HLR blades in a Maximum configuration” on page 214
• “Provisioning the datacallp subnet” on page 216
• “Provisioning the HLR-1 pair” on page 218
• “Provisioning the HLR-2 and HLR-3 pairs” on page 219
• “Creating a softlink pointer to the default SOS image on KAIROS System Controller” on
page 221
• “Loading, unlocking, and activating the MRF service units” on page 222
• “Loading, unlocking, and activating the HLR service units for a Minimum/Typical co” on
page 222
• “Loading, unlocking, and activating the HLR service units for a Maximum co” on page 223
• “Modifying an MRF e164 global title” on page 225
• “Modifying an HLR e164 global title” on page 226
• “Showing Call Agent information” on page 226
Additional configuration activities required following the completion of Call Agent configuration include:

• “SOS file system commissioning” on page 232

• “Table synchronization configuration” on page 243

12.1 Call Agent fundamentals

Call Agent is a KAIROS application that runs on PowerPC application blades and providing a DMS core.

KAIROS Call Agent consists of a software framework to run the Switch Operating System (SOS), hiding
the underlying hardware platform from DMS product line software. The MRF Call Agent runs its existing
Call Server software on KAIROS hardware with essentially no changes to its call processing software or
traditional MAP and CI interfaces.

Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) is provided across two levels:

• At the blade level, OAM of the Call Agent blades is provided through the KAIROS
Command Line Interface (CLI) consistent with all the blade types for KAIROS. Here you can
monitor the blade health as well as a high-level view of the application health. To access the
CLI environment you must log on to the KAIROS System Controller.
• At the application level, OAM continues to be provided through the traditional SOS MAP and
CI commands. Here you can monitor detailed application health. To access MAP or CI you
must log on to the KAIROS System Controller and from there log on to SOS.
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Call processing is provided by a combination of two types of Call Agents:

• Message Routing Function (MRF), with two blades provisioned in a 1:1 (active/standby)
redundancy model
• Home Location Registry (HLR), with multiple pairs of two blades provisioned in a 1:1
(active/standby) redundancy model
The KAIROS uses the SigTran Services Gateway (SSG) application layer to provide an RFC standard
M3UA/SCTP interface for the KAIROS platform. SSGs perform a routing function for messages outbound
to the network and a distribution function for messages from the network to the appropriate MSC, HLR,
and MRF Call Agent blades.

SSG supports ISUP, TUP, BICC, and SCCP for KAIROS-based products.

SSG supports ISUP, TUP, BICC, SCCP, H.248, SIPI/SCTP, and SIPI/UDP for KAIROS-based products.

Up to three instances of SSG can be provisioned on a KXA processor blade, as required by the product.
For example, in an MSC solution, two MSCs and two SSGs are provisioned. The SSGs use the n + n (all
units active and load sharing) redundancy model. This means that all SSGs are active and normally share
the traffic, but in the event of a failure, the remaining blades are sufficient to carry all traffic.

12.2 Call Agent configuration

Use this task flow to configure Call Agent for an HLR solution on a KAIROS system. You can provision a
KAIROS shelf in a Minimum/Typical, or Maximum HLR configuration.

The Minimum/Typical HLR configuration involves:

• one pair of KPA (MRF) blades in shelf 0, slots 2 and 5

• one pair of KPA (HLR) blades (HLR-1) in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12
The Maximum HLR configuration involves:

• one pair of KPA (MRF) blades in shelf 0, slots 2 and 5

• one pair of KPA (HLR) blades (HLR-1) in shelf 0, slots 8 and 12
• two pairs of KPA (HLR) blades (HLR-2, HLR-3) in shelf 0, slots 10, 11, 13, and 14

12.2.1 Prerequisites
• There is an HLR SOS image already on your KAIROS System Controller in the
/opt/Kapsch/ca/data/NODATA directory.
• You have root access to a Linux secure shell (SSH) on the KAIROS System Controller
through your network connection (that is, you can drop into a root prompt).
• The KAIROS platform is fully configured, including KSX and KSC blades.

12.2.2 KPA (MRF) blade configuration

Use this task flow to configure KPA (MRF) blades on a KAIROS system.
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Figure 5 KPA (MRF) blade configuration

12.2.3 Navigation
• “Installing and provisioning KPA (MRF) blades” on page 209
• “Provisioning the datacallp subnet” on page 216
• “Provisioning MRF service group, service units, and application” on page 217
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• “Creating a softlink pointer to the default SOS image on KAIROS System Controller” on
page 221
• “Loading, unlocking, and activating the MRF service units” on page 222
• “Showing Call Agent information” on page 226
Aside from configuration procedures the only modifiable variable for the MRF is the e164 global title an
SCCP protocol address used for routing signaling messages on the public switched telephone network

See “Modifying an MRF e164 global title” on page 225.

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12.2.4 KPA (HLR) blade configuration

Figure 6 KPA (HLR) blade configuration
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Figure 7 KPA (HLR) blade configuration continued

12.2.5 Navigation
• “Determining the HLR configuration of your ” on page 211
• “Installing and provisioning HLR blades in a Minimum/Typical configuration” on page 212
• “Installing and provisioning HLR blades in a Maximum configuration” on page 214
• “Provisioning the HLR-1 pair” on page 218
• “Provisioning the HLR-2 and HLR-3 pairs” on page 219
• “Loading, unlocking, and activating the HLR service units for a Minimum/Typical
configuration” on page 222
• “Loading, unlocking, and activating the HLR service units for a Maximum configuration” on
page 223
Aside from configuration procedures the only modifiable variable for the HLR blade is the e164 global title
an SCCP protocol address used for routing signaling messages on the public switched telephone network

See “Modifying an HLR e164 global title” on page 226.

12.3 Installing and provisioning KPA (MRF) blades

Perform this procedure to install and provision KPA (MRF) blades in a KAIROS shelf.
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Bent pins or loose components can cause damage to the blade, the
backplane, or other system components. Carefully inspect your blade and
the backplane for both pin and component integrity before installation.

When inserting or removing a blade in a slot adjacent to other blades,

use extra caution to avoid damage to the pins and components located
on the primary or secondary sides of the blades.

Observe electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions when handling a

12.3.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• You are wearing grounded ESD bands.
• You have two KPA blades.
• Slots 2 and 5 of KAIROS shelf 0 are currently empty.
• KSX and KSC blades are already installed and commissioned.

12.3.2 Procedure steps

Risk of pin breakage

Do not force the blade into the backplane slot.

Step Action
1. Align the edges of a KPA blade with the card-cage rail guides in shelf 0, slot 2.
2. Apply equal and steady pressure with your thumbs to carefully slide the blade into the
card-cage rail guides.
3. Compress the ejector levers and apply pressure to insert the blade. Continue to
gently push until the blade connectors engage with the backplane connector.
4. Press the ejector levers down.
Wait while the HS LED turns solid blue (self-testing mode), then flashes
(communicating with Shelf Manager), then goes out completely (self-test passes).
When the blue LED turns off the blade is active.
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If the blade is not latched properly the blue LED will not change from
solid. In this case the blade must be pulled and re-seated.
If the blade fails, the blue LED will go solid again. If this is the case,
pull the blade and try again. If this does not work, you must replace the

5. Tighten screws at either end of the card.

6. Perform steps 1 through 5 for another KPA blade in shelf 0, slot 5.
7. Unlocking the KPA (MRF) blades
Unlock the KPA (MRF) blade in shelf 0, slot 2.
hardware app-blade unlock <frame> 0 2 0

8. Unlock the KPA (MRF) blade in shelf 0, slot 5.

hardware app-blade unlock <frame> 0 5 0

9. Verifying blade installation

Verify the blade installation.
hardware app-blade show <frame> 0 2

The system returns the administrative and operational state of the KPA (MRF) blade
in shelf 0, slot 2.

If the administrative state of the shelf 0, slot 2 KPA (MRF) blade is still
locked, call your next level of support.

hardware app-blade show <frame> 0 5

The system returns the administrative and operational state of the KPA (MRF) blade
in shelf 0, slot 5.

If the administrative state of the shelf 0, slot 5 KPA (MRF) blade is still
locked, call your next level of support.


12.3.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0-15

12.4 Determining the HLR configuration of your KAIROS

Perform this procedure to determine the HLR configuration of your KAIROS .
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12.4.1 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Determine the HLR configuration of your KAIROS .
If your HLR configuration consists of only one pair of HLR blades in Shelf 0, you have
a Minimum/Typical HLR configuration.
If your HLR configuration consists of three pairs of HLR blades in Shelf 0, you have a
Maximum HLR configuration.

12.5 Installing and provisioning HLR blades in a Minimum/Typical configuration

Perform this procedure to install and provision HLR blades in a minimum/typical configuration in a
KAIROS shelf.

Bent pins or loose components can cause damage to the blade, the
backplane, or other system components. Carefully inspect your blade
and the backplane for both pin and component integrity before

When inserting or removing a blade in a slot adjacent to other blades,

use extra caution to avoid damage to the pins and components located
on the primary or secondary sides of the blades.

Observe electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions when handling a

12.5.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• You are wearing grounded ESD bands.
• You have two KPA (HLR) blades.
• Shelf 0 slots 8 and 12 are currently empty.
• KSX and KSC blades are already installed and commissioned.
• Two KPA (MRF) blades are already installed and provisioned in shelf 0, slots 2 and 5.

12.5.2 Procedure steps

Risk of pin breakage

Do not force the blade into the backplane slot.

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Step Action
1. Align the edges of a KPA blade with the card-cage rail guides in shelf 0, slot 8.
2. Apply equal and steady pressure with your thumbs to carefully slide the blade into the
card-cage rail guides.
3. Compress the ejector levers and apply pressure to insert the blade. Continue to
gently push until the blade connectors engage with the backplane connector.
4. Press the ejector levers down.
Wait for the blue LED to illuminate solid. This indicates that the blade is in
communication with the shelf manager. When the blue LED turns off again the blade
is active.
5. Tighten screws at either end of the card.
6. Perform steps 1 through 5 for another KPA blade in shelf 0, slot 12.
7. Unlocking the KPA (HLR) blades
Unlock the KPA (HLR) blade in shelf 0, slot 8.
hardware app-blade unlock <frame> 0 8 0

8. Unlock the KPA (HLR) blade in shelf 0, slot 12.

hardware app-blade unlock <frame> 0 12 0

9. Verifying blade installation

Verify the blade installation.
hardware app-blade show <frame> 0 8

The system returns the administrative and operational state of the KPA (HLR) blade
in shelf 0, slot 8.

If the administrative state of the shelf 0, slot 8 KPA (HLR) blade is still
locked, call your next level of support.

hardware app-blade show <frame> 0 12

The system returns the administrative and operational state of the KPA (HLR) blade
in shelf 0, slot 12.

If the administrative state of the shelf 0, slot 12 KPA (HLR) blade is still
locked, call your next level of support.


12.5.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<frame> physical frame location, range 0-15
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12.6 Installing and provisioning HLR blades in a Maximum configuration

Perform this procedure to install and provision HLR blades in a Typical configuration in a KAIROS shelf.

Bent pins or loose components can cause damage to the blade,
the backplane, or other system components. Carefully inspect
your blade and the backplane for both pin and component
integrity before installation.

When inserting or removing a blade in a slot adjacent to other

blades, use extra caution to avoid damage to the pins and
components located on the primary or secondary sides of the

Observe electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions when handling a

12.6.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• You are wearing grounded ESD bands.
• You have six KPA blades.
• Slots 8 and 12 of KAIROS shelf 0 are currently empty.
• Slots 10, 11, 13, and 14 of KAIROS shelf 0 are currently empty.
• KSX and KSC blades are already installed and commissioned.
• Two KPA (MRF) blades are already installed and provisioned in shelf 0, slots 2 and 5

12.6.2 Procedure steps

Risk of pin breakage

Do not force the blade into the backplane slot.

Step Action
1. Installing KPA blades for HLR pair 1
Align the edges of a KPA blade with the card-cage rail guides in shelf 0, slot 8.
2. Apply equal and steady pressure with your thumbs to carefully slide the blade into the
card-cage rail guides.
3. Compress the ejector levers and apply pressure to insert the blade. Continue to
gently push until the blade connectors engage with the backplane connector.
4. Press the ejector levers down.
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Wait for the blue LED to illuminate solid. This indicates that the blade is in
communication with the shelf manager. When the blue LED turns off again the blade
is active.
5. Tighten screws at either end of the card.
6. Perform steps 1 through 5 for another KPA blade in shelf 0, slot 12.
7. Installing KPA blades for HLR pair 2
Perform steps 1 through 5 for another KPA blade in shelf 0, slot 10.
8. Perform steps 1 through 5 for another KPA blade in shelf 0, slot 13.
9. Installing KPA blades for HLR pair 3
Perform steps 1 through 5 for another KPA blade in shelf 0, slot 11.
10. Perform steps 1 through 5 for another KPA blade in shelf 0, slot 14.
11. Unlocking the KPA (HLR) blades
Unlock the KPA (HLR) blade in shelf 0, slot 8.
hardware app-blade unlock <frame> 0 8 0

12. Unlock the KPA (HLR) blade in shelf 0, slot 12.

hardware app-blade unlock <frame> 0 12 0

17. Verifying blade installation

Verify the KPA (HLR) blade installation in shelf 0, slot 8.
hardware app-blade show <frame> 0 8

The system returns the administrative and operational state of the KPA (HLR) blade
in shelf 0, slot 8.

If the administrative state of the shelf 0, slot 8 KPA (HLR) blade is still
locked, call your next level of support.

18. Verify the KPA (HLR) blade installation in shelf 0, slot 12.
hardware app-blade show <frame> 0 12

The system returns the administrative and operational state of the KPA (HLR) blade
in shelf 0, slot 12.

If the administrative state of the shelf 0, slot 12 KPA (HLR) blade is still
locked, call your next level of support.

19. Verify the KPA (HLR) blade installation in shelf 0, slot 10.
hardware app-blade show <frame> 0 10

The system returns the administrative and operational state of the KPA (HLR) blade
in shelf 0, slot 10.

If the administrative state of the shelf 0, slot 10 KPA (HLR) blade is still
locked, call your next level of support.
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20. Verify the KPA (HLR) blade installation in shelf 0, slot 13.
hardware app-blade show <frame> 0 13

The system returns the administrative and operational state of the KPA (HLR) blade
in shelf 0, slot 13.

If the administrative state of the shelf 0, slot 13 KPA (HLR) blade is still
locked, call your next level of support.

21. Verify the KPA (HLR) blade installation in shelf 0, slot 11.
hardware app-blade show <frame> 0 11

The system returns the administrative and operational state of the KPA (HLR) blade
in shelf 0, slot 11.

If the administrative state of the shelf 0, slot 11 KPA (HLR) blade is still
locked, call your next level of support.

22. Verify the KPA (HLR) blade installation in shelf 0, slot 14.
hardware app-blade show <frame> 0 14

The system returns the administrative and operational state of the KPA (HLR) blade
in shelf 0, slot 14.

If the administrative state of the shelf 0, slot 14 KPA (HLR) blade is still
locked, call your next level of support.


12.7 Provisioning the datacallp subnet

Perform this procedure to add the datacallp subnet into the IP address manager database.

12.7.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• A secure shell (SSH) Linux session on the KSC blade is open.
• You have the system engineering document.

12.7.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Refer to the system engineering document to determine values for the default
gateway, subnet IP, and netmask.
2. Add the datacallp subnet, at the cli> prompt, enter
networking pool add datacallp <default-gateway> <subnet-ip>
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12.8 Provisioning MRF service group, service units, and application

Perform this procedure to

• create an MRF service group for the KPA (MRF) blade pair in shelf 0, slots 6 and 13
• create an MRF application for the KPA (MRF) blade pair in shelf 0, slots 6 and 13
• create two MRF service units (one for each KPA (MRF) blade)

12.8.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• You know the mated pair HLR requirements for cluster node ID.
• You match mated pair (geographic) to
• You know what the schemas are (site-specific).

12.8.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Provision the MRF service group.
aim service-group add <sg-name> GU_Message_Routing_Function 9 0 0
2. Create the MRF application.

Use the <sg-name> provisioned in the previous step for the <sg-
name> in this step.

mrf add <sg-name> <cluster-node-id> <e164-global-title>

sosagent mrf add <sg-name> <cluster-node-id> <e164-global-

3. Provision an MRF service unit for the KPA (MRF) blade in shelf 0, slot 6.

Use the <sg-name> provisioned in step 1 for the <sg-name> in this

aim service-unit add <sg-name> 0 <frame> 0 6 0

4. Provision an MRF service unit for the KPA (MRF) blade in shelf 0, slot 13.

Use the <sg-name> provisioned in step 1 for the <sg-name> in this

aim service-unit add <sg-name> 0 <frame> 0 13 0

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12.8.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<sg-name> alphanumeric name associated with the MRF service group; a
string of characters from 1 to 31 in length

<frame> physical frame location, range 0-15

<e164-global-title> SCCP protocol address used for routing signaling messages on

(found in the engineering the public switched telephone network (PSTN); a string of
document) characters up to 15 in length.
This is the operator’s assigned CCS7 network identity for this
particular HLR. It is site-specific.
<cluster-node-id> Unique identifier associated with the cluster node to which this
HLR belongs; integer value; range of 0 to 255.
The cluster node ID should follow a consistent pattern and be
consistent between the Geographic Mate Site (for example: 0 for
MRF, 1 for first HLR, 2 for second HLR).

12.9 Provisioning the HLR-1 pair

Perform the following procedure to create a service group and two service units for the HLR-1 pair (shelf
0, slots 8 and 12) and create the HLR-1 pair application.

12.9.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.

12.9.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Provision an HLR service group for the HLR-1 pair.
aim service-group add <sg-name> GU_Home_Location_Registry 9 0

2. Create the HLR-1 pair’s application.

Use the <sg-name> provisioned in the previous step for the <sg-
name> in this step.

sosagent hlr add <sg-name> <cluster-node-id> <e164-global-


3. Provision an HLR service unit for the KPA (HLR) blade in shelf 0, slot 7.

Use the <sg-name> provisioned in step 1 for the <sg-name> in this

aim service-unit add <sg-name> <su-number> <frame> 0 7 0

4. Provision an HLR service unit for the KPA (HLR) blade in shelf 0, slot 14.
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Use the <sg-name> provisioned in step 1 for the <sg-name> in this

aim service-unit add <sg-name> <su-number> <frame> 0 14 0


12.9.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<cluster-node-id> Unique identifier associated with the cluster node to which this
HLR belongs; integer value; range of 0 to 255.
The cluster node ID should follow a consistent pattern and be
consistent between the Geographic Mate Site (for example: 0
for MRF, 1 for first HLR, 2 for second HLR)

<e164-global-title> SCCP protocol address used for routing signaling messages on

the public switched telephone network (PSTN); a string of
characters up to 15 in length.
This is the operator’s assigned CCS7 network identity for this
particular HLR. It is site-specific.

<frame> physical frame location, range 0-15

<sg-name> alphanumeric name associated with the HLR service group; a
string of characters from 1 to 31 in length
<su-number> service unit in the HLR service group; one of 0 or 1

12.10 Provisioning the HLR-2 and HLR-3 pairs

Perform the following procedure to

• create one service group for each of HLR-2 and HLR-3

• create an HLR application for each of HLR-2 and HLR-3
• create two HLR service units (one for each blade) for each of HLR-2 and HLR-3

12.10.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.

12.10.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Provisioning HLR-2 pair
Provision an HLR service group for the HLR-2 pair.
aim service-group add <sg-name> GU_Home_Location_Registry 9 0

2. Create the HLR-2 pair’s application.

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Use the <sg-name> provisioned in the previous step for the <sg-
name> in this step.

sosagent hlr add <sg-name> <cluster-node-id> <e164-global-


3. Provision an HLR service unit for the KPA (HLR) blade in shelf 0, slot 10.

Use the <sg-name> provisioned in step 1 for the <sg-name> in this

aim service-unit add <sg-name> <su-number> <frame> 0 10 0

4. Provision an HLR service unit for the KPA (HLR) blade in shelf 0, slot 13.

Use the <sg-name> provisioned in step 1 for the <sg-name> in this

aim service-unit add <sg-name> <su-number> <frame> 1 13 0

5. Provisioning HLR-3 pair

Provision an HLR service group for the HLR-3 pair.
aim service-group add <sg-name> GU_Home_Location_Registry 9 0

6. Create the HLR-3 pair’s application.

Use the <sg-name> provisioned in the previous step for the <sg-
name> in this step.

sosagent hlr add <sg-name> <cluster-node-id> <e164-global-


7. Provision an HLR service unit for the KPA (HLR) blade in shelf 0, slot 11.

Use the <sg-name> provisioned in step 1 for the <sg-name> in this

aim service-unit add <sg-name> <su-number> <frame> 0 11 0

8. Provision an HLR service unit for the KPA (HLR) blade in shelf 0, slot 14.

Use the <sg-name> provisioned in step 1 for the <sg-name> in this

aim service-unit add <sg-name> <su-number> <frame> 0 14 0

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12.10.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<cluster-node-id> Unique identifier associated with the cluster node to which this
HLR belongs; integer value; range of 0 to 255.
The cluster node ID should follow a consistent pattern and be
consistent between the Geographic Mate Site (for example: 0 for
MRF, 1 for first HLR, 2 for second HLR).

<e164-global-title> SCCP protocol address used for routing signaling messages on

the public switched telephone network (PSTN); a string of
characters up to 15 in length.
This is the operator’s assigned CCS7 network identity for this
particular HLR. It is site-specific.

<frame> physical frame location, range 0-15

<sg-name> alphanumeric name associated with the HLR service group; a

string of characters from 1 to 31 in length

<su-number> service unit in the HLR service group; one of 0 or 1

12.11 Creating a softlink pointer to the default SOS image on KAIROS System Controller
Create a softlink pointer to a default SOS image on the KAIROS System Controller to facilitate

12.11.1 Prerequisites
• You are logged on as root (Linux SSH session) on your KAIROS System Controller.
• You know the name of the SOS image on your KAIROS System Controller and it is in the
/opt/Kapsch/ca/data/NODATA directory.

12.11.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Verify that the image is in the correct directory.
/opt/Kapsch/ca/data/NODATA/ > ls -ltr

2. Create a softlink pointer to the default SOS image.

cd /opt/Kapsch/ca/data/NODATA/
ln -s <imageName> DEFAULT

3. Verify that the softlink pointer was created.

/opt/Kapsch/ca/data/NODATA/ > ls -ltr

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12.11.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<imageName> file name of the SOS image

12.12 Loading, unlocking, and activating the MRF service units

Perform this procedure to load the MRF service units with software, unlock them, and activate the MRF
service group.

12.12.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• There is an HLR SOS image already on your KAIROS System Controller in the
/opt/Kapsch/ca/data/NODATA/ directory.

12.12.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Load the MRF service unit for shelf 0, slot 6 with the MRF/HLR application software.
sosagent mrf load <sg-name> 0

2. Load the MRF service unit for shelf 0, slot 13 with the MRF/HLR application software.
sosagent mrf load <sg-name> 1

3. Unlock the MRF service unit for shelf 0, slot 6.

sosagent mrf unlock <sg-name> 0

4. Unlock the MRF service unit for shelf 0, slot 13.

sosagent mrf unlock <sg-name> 1

5. Activate the MRF service group.

sosagent mrf activate <sg-name>


12.12.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<sg-name> alphanumeric name associated with the MRF
service group; a string of characters from 1 to
10 in length

12.13 Loading, unlocking, and activating the HLR service units for a Minimum/Typical
Perform this procedure to load the HLR service units of HLR-1 with software, unlock them, and activate
the service group of HLR-1.
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12.13.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
• There is an HLR SOS image already on your KAIROS System Controller in the
/opt/Kapsch/ca/data/NODATA/ directory.

12.13.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Load the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 7 with HLR application software.
sosagent hlr load <sg-name> 0

2. Load the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 14 with HLR application software.
sosagent hlr load <sg-name> 1

3. Unlock the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 7.

sosagent hlr unlock <sg-name> 0

4. Unlock the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 14.

sosagent hlr unlock <sg-name> 1

5. Activate the HLR service group for HLR-1 pair (shelf 0, slot 7 and 14).
sosagent hlr activate <sg-name>


12.13.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<sg-name> alphanumeric name associated with the HLR service group;
naming restrictions:
• the whole name must be upper case
• the name must begin with an alphabetic letter (not numbers)
• the rest of the name (not the first character) may be alphanumeric
and underscores
• At the user’s discretion, the sg-name should be less than 16
characters because SSG pathset names for the KPA (HLR) blades
must begin with this name. The SSG pathset-name has a
• 16-character limitation.

12.14 Loading, unlocking, and activating the HLR service units for a Maximum configuration
Perform this procedure to

• load the HLR service units of HLR-1 through HLR-3 with software
• unlock the HLR service units of HLR-1 through HLR-3
• activate the service group of HLR-1 through HLR-3

12.14.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.
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• There is an HLR SOS image already on your KAIROS System Controller in

the/opt/Kapsch/ca/data/NODATA/ directory.

12.14.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Loading, unlocking, and activating HLR-1
Load the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 7 with HLR application software.
sosagent hlr load <sg-name> 0

2. Load the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 14 with HLR application software.
sosagent hlr load <sg-name> 1

3. Unlock the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 7.

sosagent hlr unlock <sg-name> 0

4. Unlock the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 14.

sosagent hlr unlock <sg-name> 1

5. Activate the HLR service group for HLR-1 pair (shelf 0, slot 7 and 14).
sosagent hlr activate <sg-name>

6. Loading, unlocking, and activating HLR-2

Load the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 10 with HLR application software.
sosagent hlr load <sg-name> 0

7. Load the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 13 with HLR application software.
sosagent hlr load <sg-name> 1

8. Unlock the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 10.

sosagent hlr unlock <sg-name> 0

9. Unlock the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 13.

sosagent hlr unlock <sg-name> 1

10. Activate the HLR service group for HLR-2 pair (shelf 0, slot 10 and 13).
sosagent hlr activate <sg-name>

11. Loading, unlocking, and activating HLR-3

Load the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 11 with HLR application software.
sosagent hlr load <sg-name> 0

12. Load the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 14 with HLR application software.
sosagent hlr load <sg-name> 1

13. Unlock the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 11.
sosagent hlr unlock <sg-name> 0

14. Unlock the HLR service unit for shelf 0, slot 14.
sosagent hlr unlock <sg-name> 1

15. Activate the HLR service group for HLR-3 pair (shelf 0, slot 11 and 14).
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sosagent hlr activate <sg-name>


12.14.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<sg-name> alphanumeric name associated with the HLR service group; naming
• the whole name must be upper case
• the name must begin with an alphabetic letter (not numbers)
• the rest of the name (not the first character) may be alphanumeric
and underscores
• At the user’s discretion, the sg-name should be less than 16
characters because SSG pathset names for the KPA (HLR)
blades must begin with this name. The SSG pathset-name has a
16-character limitation.

12.15 Modifying an MRF e164 global title

Perform this procedure to modify the e164 global title on the KPA (MRF) blade.

The e164 global title is the only modifiable attribute on an MRF.

12.15.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.

12.15.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
mrf modify <sg-name> <e164-global-title>
sosagent mrf modify <sg-name> <e164-global-title>


12.15.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<e164-global-title> SCCP protocol address used for routing signaling messages
on the public switched telephone network (PSTN); a string of
characters up to 15 in length

<sg-name> alphanumeric name associated with the MRF

service group; a string of characters from 1 to
10 in length
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12.16 Modifying an HLR e164 global title

Perform this procedure to modify the e164 global title on the HLR blade.

The e164 global title is the only modifiable attribute on an HLR blade.

12.16.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.

12.16.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. At the cli> prompt, enter
hlr modify <sg-name> <e164-global-title>
sosagent hlr modify <sg-name> <e164-global-title>


12.16.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<e164-global-title> Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) protocol address used
for routing signaling messages on the public switched telephone
network (PSTN); a string of characters up to 15 in length

<sg-name> alphanumeric name associated with the HLR service group; a

string of characters from 1 to 10 in length

12.17 Showing Call Agent information

Perform the following procedure to display information about

• Call Agent service instance (SI) assignment states

• Call Agent service groups (SG)
• Call Agent service units (SU)
• Call Agent service unit operational states
The SI assignment state reflects the degree to which an SI is fully redundant according to its redundancy
model. A fully assigned SI has all the SUs it needs to be redundant. An unassigned SI has no SUs
assigned to it. A partially assigned SI is between fully assigned and unassigned.

12.17.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.

12.17.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To retrieve service group information, at the cli> prompt, enter
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aim service-group show all [<output-form>]

The system returns service group information.

2. Record the <sg-name> value for the Call Agent service group type.
3. To retrieve service instance information to display Call Agent service instance
assignment states, enter
aim service-instance show all [<output-form>]

The system returns service instance information.

4. To retrieve the operational states of the Call Agent service units, enter
The operational state appears as ha state.
aim si-assignment show all

The system returns the operational states of all service units.

5. To retrieve service unit information, enter
aim service-unit show <sg-name>

The system returns service unit information for the specified service group.
6. Record the value of the Call Agent service unit number.
7. To retrieve MSC Call Agent information, enter
sosagent mscca show <sg-name>

The system returns MSC Call Agent data for the specified service group.
8. To retrieve HLR information, enter
sosagent hlr show <sg-name>

The system returns configuration data for the specified service group.
10. To retrieve MRF information, enter
sosagent mrf show <sg-name>

The system returns configuration data for the specified service group.

12.17.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<sg-name> alphanumeric name associated with the Call Agent service group;
a string of characters from 1 to 31 in length

<su-number> Call Agent service unit in the Call Agent service group; integer
value; one of 0 or 1
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12.17.4 Job aid

Table 89 Sample output: Showing MSC Call Agent service group

Example command aim service-group show MSC detailed

System response sg-name = MSC

sg-type = GU_MSC_Call_Agent
sg-max-num-of-sus =2
sg-min-num-of-sus =1

Table 90 Sample output: Showing service instances

Example aim service-instance show all where sg-name = MSC or sg-name =

command MSU or sg-name = SSG

System sg-name si-name adm-state assign-state

--------- -------- ----------- -------------

MSC SI_1 unlocked fully-assigned

MSU SI_1 unlocked fully-assigned

MSU SI_10 unlocked fully-assigned

MSU SI_2 unlocked fully-assigned

MSU SI_3 unlocked fully-assigned

MSU SI_4 unlocked fully-assigned

SSG SI_0 unlocked fully-assigned

SSG SI_1 unlocked fully-assigned

SSG SI_2 unlocked fully-assigned

Table 91 Sample output: Showing SU operational state by SI

Example command aim si-assignment show MSU 4

System response sg-name su si-name ha-state

--------- --- -------- --------

MSU 4 SI_6 active

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Table 92 Sample output: Showing MSC Call Agent service units

Example command aim service-unit show MSC detailed

System response sg-name = MSC

su-number =0
admin-state = unlocked
presence-state = instantiated
operational-state = enabled
readiness-state = in-service
ha-state = active
jam-state = unjammed
frame =0
shelf =0
slot =5
sub-slot =0

Table 93 Sample output: Showing MSC Call Agent information

Example sosagent mscca show MSC brief


System SG Name Active IRM Sync State App Admin App Oper
response State State

----------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ----------------

MSC in-sync activated enabled

Table 94 Sample output: Showing MRF service group

Example command aim service-group show MRF detailed

System response sg-name = MRF

sg-type =
sg-max-num-of-sus GU_Message_Routing_Function
sg-min-num-of-sus =2

Table 95 Sample output: Showing MRF service units

Example command aim service-unit show MRF detailed

System response sg-name = MRF

su-number =0
admin-state = unlocked
presence-state = instantiated
operational-state = enabled
readiness-state = in-service
ha-state = standby
jam-state = unjammed
frame =0
shelf =0
slot =2
sub-slot =0
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Table 96 Sample output: Showing MRF Call Agent information

Example mrf show MRF


System SG Name Active IRM Sync State App Admin App Oper
response State State

--------- ------------ ------------ --------------- -----------

MRF in-sync activated enabled

Table 97 Sample output: Showing HLR information

Example command hlr show HLR_SG1 detailed

System response Service Group Name = HLR_SG1
Service Group ID = 13
Cluster Node ID =1
Active IRM =
Inactive IRM =
Application ID = 2003
Redundancy Model = duplex
Sync State = in-sync
Niikey Flag = disabled
App Admin State = activated
App Oper State = enabled
SOS CPU Utilization =3
SOS Memory Util = 12
SOS Overload Status = false
unit0 AMF presence = instantiated
unit0 AMF HA state = active
unit0 AMF admin = unlocked
unit0 AMF oper = enabled
unit0 AMF readiness = in_service
unit0 AMF Jam state = unjammed
unit0 Card Location = 00-00-07-00
unit1 AMF presence = instantiated
unit1 AMF HA state = standby
unit1 AMF admin = unlocked
unit1 AMF oper = enabled
unit1 AMF readiness = in_service
unit1 AMF Jam state = unjammed
unit1 Card Location = 00-00-05-00
Mount = /opt/Kapsch/ca/data/851968/sd00
Mount = /opt/Kapsch/ca/data/851968/sd01
Mount = /opt/Kapsch/ca/data/NODATA/
Mount = /opt-Kapsch/ca/data/upgrade/
unit0-img-tested = NO
unit0-rex-tested = NO
unit1-img-tested = NO
unit1-rex-tested = YES
unit1-rex-result = Passed
unit1-rex-failure-reason = not available
unit1-rex-initiator = Application
unit1-rex-restart-type = All Restart
unit1-rex-class-type = rex-base
SOS layer 1 = HLR 19 DL
SOS layer 2 = GSM 19 DL
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e164-global-title = 611237200200101
num-subscribers = 73001
app-state = INSV
geo-mating-state = standalone
provisioning-allowed = true
sccp-state = INSV
app-sig-alive = true
dump-in-progress = false
upgrade-in-progress = false
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13 SOS file system commissioning

This chapter contains Switch Operating System (SOS) file system configuration task flow and procedures.

Perform the procedures in this chapter only in the context of the Call Agent task

• “SOS file system commissioning” on page 232

• “Determining the need for SOS file system partition resizing” on page 234
• “Resizing SOS file system partitions” on page 235
• “Provisioning image volumes” on page 237
• “Provisioning patch volumes” on page 239

13.1 SOS file system commissioning

Perform this task to resize SOS file system partitions and create image and patch volumes.

13.1.1 Prerequisites
You have a provisioned Call Agent.

• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

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13.1.2 SOS file system commissioning

Figure 8 SOS file system commissioning

13.1.3 Procedure list

• “Determining the need for SOS file system partition resizing” on page 234
• “Resizing SOS file system partitions” on page 235
• “Provisioning image volumes” on page 237
• “Provisioning patch volumes” on page 239
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13.2 Determining the need for SOS file system partition resizing
Perform this procedure to determine whether the existing SOS file system partitions are large enough to
accommodate the image and patch volumes.

13.2.1 Prerequisites
• You must know the total partition size (device size), patch volume size, and image volume
size requirements. Consult systems engineering documentation for your network.
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

Resize file system partitions with extreme caution.
You cannot resize a partition to a smaller size.

13.2.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Retrieve and record the service group name of the MSCCA, at the cli> prompt, enter
sosagent mscca show all

The system returns information about the MSCCA.

2. Log on to the MSCCA SOS application using the <sg-name> retrieved in the last step.
sosagent mscca login <sg-name>

The system logs on to MSCCA and returns an SOS CI prompt.

3. Retrieve and record the service group name of the MRF.
sosagent mrf show all

The system returns information about the MRF.

4. Log on to the MRF SOS application using the <sg-name> retrieved in the last step.
sosagent mrf login <sg-name>

The system logs on to MRF and returns an SOS CI prompt.

5. At the cli> prompt, retrieve and record the current sd00 partition size (in MB).
diskadm sd00; dd

The system returns the disk partition size for device sd00.
6. Quit the partition administration.

7. Retrieve and record the current sd01 partition size.

diskadm sd01; dd

The system returns the disk partition size for device sd01.
8. Quit the partition administration.

9. Log off from the SOS CI.

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10. Compare the recommended partition sizes to the current, actual partition sizes
retrieved in step 3 and step 5.
If the current partition sizes are too small, you must resize the partitions.

13.2.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<sg-name> alphanumeric name associated with the application service
group; a string of characters from 1 to 31 in length

13.3 Resizing SOS file system partitions

Perform this procedure to resize the SOS file system partitions sd00 and sd01 to accommodate the SOS
application volumes. Repeat the steps for each remaining HLR node (HLR mated pair) on your KAIROS .

13.3.1 Prerequisites
• You have completed “Determining the need for SOS file system partition resizing” on
page 234.
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

13.3.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Retrieve and record the service group name of the MSC Call Agent (MSCCA).
sosagent mscca show all

The system returns information about the MSCCA.

2. Retrieve and record the service group name of the MRF.
sosagent mrf show all

The system returns information about the MRF.

3. Retrieve and record the service group names of all the HLR mated pairs.
sosagent hlr show all

The system returns information about all the HLR mated pairs.
4. Log on to the MSCCA SOS application using the <sg-name> retrieved in the last step.
sosagent mscca login <sg-name>

The system returns an SOS CI prompt.

5. Log on to the MRF application using the recorded <sg-name> of the MRF.
sosagent mrf login <sg-name>

The system returns an SOS CI prompt.

6. Log on to the HLR application of the HLR-1 mated pair using the recorded <sg-name>
of the HLR.
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sosagent hlr login <sg-name>

The system returns an SOS CI prompt.

7. Resize the sd00 partition.
diskadm sd00
resizedisk <DEVICE SIZE>

Resize file system partitions with extreme caution.

You cannot resize a partition to a smaller size.

8. Resize the sd01 partition.

diskadm sd01
resizedisk <DEVICE SIZE>

Resize file system partitions with extreme caution.

You cannot resize a partition to a smaller size.

9. Quit the partition administration.


10. Log off from the SOS CI.


The system returns a cli> prompt.

13. Resize the sd00 partition.
diskadm sd00
resizedisk <DEVICE SIZE>

Resize file system partitions with extreme caution.

You cannot resize a partition to a smaller size.

14. Quit the partition administration.


15. Resize the sd01 partition.

diskadm sd01
resizedisk <DEVICE SIZE>

Resize file system partitions with extreme caution.

You cannot resize a partition to a smaller size.

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16. Quit the partition administration.


17. Log off from the SOS CI.


The system returns a cli> prompt.


13.3.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<sg-name> alphanumeric name associated with the application service
group; a string of characters from 1 to 31 in length

<DEVICE SIZE> size of the partition in megabytes (MB); 500 to 35 000

13.4 Provisioning image volumes

Perform this procedure to provision default image volumes. Perform this procedure to provision image
volumes in the sd00 and sd01 file system devices of the application blades. To create the sd01images,
repeat the following steps but substitute sd00 for sd01.

13.4.1 Prerequisites
• You have completed “Determining the need for SOS file system partition resizing” on
page 234.
• You know the required volume sizes for the applications.
• You know the required volume size for the MSC Call Agent.
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

13.4.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Retrieve and record the service group name of the MSC Call Agent (MSCCA).
sosagent mscca show all

The system returns information about the MSCCA.

2. Log on to the MSCCA SOS application using the <sg-name> retrieved in the last step.
sosagent mscca login <sg-name>

The system returns an SOS CI prompt.

3. Retrieve and record the service group name of the MRF.
sosagent mrf show all

The system returns information about the MRF.

4. Log on to the MRF application using the <sg-name> retrieved in the last step.
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sosagent mrf login <sg-name>

The system returns an SOS CI prompt.

5. The user must create SD00images and SD01IMAGES. Any other image volumes are
optional. SD00IMAGES and SD01IMAGES are required for backups.
diskadm sd00
Example command
%% create sd00images
diskadm sd00 ; cv images 2000
%% Confirm the backup of this image
%%quit diskadm for sd00
quit all
%% create sd01imaqes
diskadm sd01 ; cv images 2000
%% Confirm the backup of this image
%% quit diskadm for sd00 and list all the volumes to verify
your 2 new images volumes
quit all; diskut; lv

The system asks if you want to back up the volume.

6. Create a volume on the sd00 device for images on the MRF based on the
recommended image volume size.
diskadm sd00
Example command
createvol images 2000

The system asks if you want to back up the volume.

7. Accept the backup only if this is NOT a DLOG volume.
To accept the backup, enter

To decline the backup, enter

8. Verify the newly created disk volume, enter

diskut; lv sd00

9. Quit the partition administration.


10. Log off from the SOS CI.

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The system returns a cli> prompt.

11. Retrieve and record the service group names of all the HLR mated pairs.
sosagent hlr show all

The system returns information about the HLR mated pairs.

12. Log on to the HLR application using the <sg-name> retrieved in the last step of the
HLR-1 mated pair.
sosagent hlr login <sg-name>

The system returns an SOS CI prompt.

13. Create a volume on the sd00 device for profiles on the HLR-1 mated pair based on the
recommended image volume size.
diskadm sd00
Example command
createvol profiles 2000

The system asks if you want to back up the volume.

14. Accept the backup.

15. Quit the partition administration.


16. Log off from the SOS CI for the HLR-1 mated pair.

The system returns a cli> prompt.

17. Repeat step 8 to step 12 for the remaining HLR mated pairs.

13.4.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<sg-name> alphanumeric name associated with the application service
group; a string of characters from 1 to 31 in length

<VOLUME SIZE> size of the volume in megabytes (MB); 15 to 8000

13.5 Provisioning patch volumes

Perform this procedure to provision patch volumes in the sd00 and sd01 file system devices of the
application blades. To create the sd01patch, repeat the following steps but substitute sd00 for sd01.

13.5.1 Prerequisites
• You have completed “Provisioning image volumes” on page 237.
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• You know the required volume sizes for the patches.

• A KAIROS CLI session is open.

13.5.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. Retrieve and record the service group name of the MSC Call Agent (MSCCA).
sosagent mscca show all

The system returns information about the MSCCA.

2. Log on to the MSCCA SOS application using the <sg-name> retrieved in the last step.
sosagent mscca login <sg-name>

The system returns an SOS CI prompt.

3. Retrieve and record the service group name of the MRF Call Agent.
sosagent mrf show all

The system returns information about the MRF.

4. Log on to the MRF SOS application using the <sg-name> retrieved in the last step.
sosagent mrf login <sg-name>

The system returns an SOS CI prompt.

5. Create a volume on the sd00 device for patches on the MSCCA.
diskadm sd00
createvol patch <VOLUME SIZE>

The system asks if you want to back up the volume.

6. Create a volume on the sd00 device for patches on the MRF.
diskadm sd00
createvol patch <VOLUME SIZE>

The system asks if you want to back up the volume.

7. Accept the backup.

8. Quit the partition administration.


9. Create a volume on the sd01 device for patches on the MSCCA.

diskadm sd01
createvol patch <VOLUME SIZE>

The system asks if you want to back up the volume.

10. Create a volume on the sd01 device for patches on the MRF.
diskadm sd01
createvol patch <VOLUME SIZE>

The system asks if you want to back up the volume.

11. Create a volume on the sd01 device for patches on the Call Agent.
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diskadm sd01
createvol patch <VOLUME SIZE>

The system asks if you want to back up the volume.

12. Accept the backup only if this is not a DLOG volume.
To accept the backup, enter

To decline the backup, enter

13. To verify the newly created disk volume, enter

diskut; lv sd00

14. Quit the partition administration.


15. Log off from the SOS CI for the MSCCA.


The system returns a cli> prompt.

16. Log off from the SOS CI for the MRF.

The system returns a cli> prompt.

20. Log on to the first HLR SOS application using the <sg-name> you retrieved belonging
to that HLR pair.
sosagent hlr login <sg-name>

The system returns an SOS CI prompt.

22. Create a volume on the sd00 device for patches on the first HLR based on the
recommended patch volume size.
diskadm sd00
cv patch <VOLUME SIZE>

The system asks if you want to back up the volume.

23. Accept the backup.

24. Quit the partition administration.


26. Create a volume on the sd01 device for patches on the first HLR based on the
recommended patch volume size.
diskadm sd01
cv patch <VOLUME SIZE>
The system asks if you want to back up the volume.
27. Accept the backup.
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28. Quit the partition administration.


30. Log off from the SOS CI for this HLR node.

The system returns a cli> prompt.

32. Repeat step 11 to step 18 for each of the remaining HLR pairs in your KAIROS.

13.5.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<sg-name> alphanumeric name associated with the application
service group; a string of characters from 1 to 31 in

<VOLUME SIZE> size of the volume in megabytes (MB, 16 TO

8000); integer value
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14 Table synchronization configuration

This chapter contains procedures for configuration of the DMS table synchronization function:

• “Logging on to a SOS application“ on page 243

• “TABSYNC command increment” on page 243
• “TABSYNC_DEBUG command increment” on page 251

14.1 Logging on to a SOS application

Log on to a SOS blade to perform blade level procedures and queries. Log on to a SOS blade by its
service group name (sg-name). You can only log on to the active unit of a service group that is configured
as an active / standby pair.

14.1.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open.

14.2 TABSYNC command increment

The TABSYNC interface contain commands represented in the following table.

Table 98 TABSYNC available commands




TABSYNC is used to control the Cluster Syncing of registered DMS Tables, Office Parms
and SOC options. Available commands (M = Master node ONLY) are:

REGISTERED Show sync registered tables and Office parameters.

STATUS Show sync state of all SOS nodes.

M DBTRID Show TRansaction ID (Range) contents in DB.

M STOPSYNC STOP cluster table syncing on all SOS nodes.

M STARTSYNC RESUME cluster table syncing on all SOS nodes.

M ROLLBACK Return cluster table sync to last common sync point.

M AUDIT Audit a specific table/parameter. Control AUTO audit.

EXCEPTIONS Show exception procedures bound against a table name.

TABSYNC_DEBUG Increment intended for GNPS TABSYNC debugging.

QUIT Leave Supercom.

HELP This screen.

The REGISTERED command allows the user to filter tables based on how they are registered with
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TABSYNC. Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open
• You are logged on to SOS. See “Logging on to a SOS application” on page 243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter

2 Enter

The system returns the following response:

Show tables/parms registered for cluster sync.
Filter by item type:
NTC = All New Table Control tables
OTC = All Old Table Control tables
PRM = All office PaRaMeters
PTB = All office Parameter TaBles
PRE = All NTC tables registered for PREok
HID = All NTC/OTC tables with CUSTFLDS HIDden fields
RRD = All NTC/PRM entries with Re-ReaD tuple after write
Specify table or office parameter name.
Default is ALL.
Parms:[<Filter> {ALL,NTC,OTC,PRM,PTB,PRE,HID,RRD,(otherwise)
[<table|parm name> STRING))]

3 Enter
registered OTC

The requested data appears. See “Figure 9 System response - registered” on page
4 Enter
registered CLLI

The requested data appears. See “Figure 9 System response - registered” on page
5 To exit the session, enter

6 To exit SOS, enter


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Figure 9 System response - registered

14.2.2 STATUS
The STATUS command allows the user to query the status of the table sync system. This command is
used to identify the location of sync problems. Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are logged on to SOS. See “Logging on to a SOS application” on page 243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter

2 Enter

The system returns the following response:

Show status of cluster table sync nodes.
On MASTER, shows ALL node states.
On SLAVES, shows only the running node state.
Parms: [<verbosity>{BRIEF,

3 Enter
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The requested data appears. See “Figure 10 System response - status” on page 246.
4 To exit the session, enter

5 To exit SOS, enter


-End- Job aid

Figure 10 System response - status

14.2.3 DBTRID command

The DBTRID command is used to display the formatted contents of the Tabsync SOLID database table
for one or more TRIDs. Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are logged on to an SOS master node. See “Logging on to a SOS application”
on page 243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter

2 Enter

The system returns the following response:

Show Contents of DB for TRansaction ID or range of TR IDs.If
no/bad TRID provided, tell user the TRID range stored in DB.
Allowed on MASTER node ONLY. Parms: [<From TRID> {0 TO
2147385345}] [<To TRID> {0 TO 2147385345}]
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3 Enter

The system returns the following response:

TRID database range: 0 – 6

4 Enter

The requested data appears. See “Figure 11 System response -DBTRID” on page
5 To exit the session, enter

6 To exit SOS, enter


-End- Job aid

Figure 11 System response -DBTRID

The STOPSYNC command instructs the TABSYNC mechanism to stop syncing cluster-synced tables.
The STOPSYNC command will result in writes to cluster-synced tables being disabled. Only use it during
conditions when table sync should not be operational (for example, during a manual upgrade procedure
on one of the nodes or before a ROLLBACK request.

Once you have run the STOPSYNC command, changes to cluster-synced tables on the master are not
allowed and outstanding slave transactions are stopped as well. This condition will be Siren alarmed. If a
slave node boots up during STOPSYNC, the node will detect that system sync is stopped and will not go
into Bulk Sync mode. A TABS104 log is produced, to record the action. To restore normal operation, use
the STARTSYNC command.
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State released | Version 0.7 | 05.09.2014 CONFIDENTIAL Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are logged on to an SOS master node. See “Logging on to a SOS application”
on page 243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter

2 Enter

The system returns the following response:

STOP cluster table syncing on all SOS nodes. Allowed on MASTER
node ONLY.

3 Enter

The system returns the following response:

WARNING: STOPSYNC will disable cluster table syncing between
master and slaves Are you sure you want to continue? Please
Confirm. Enter Y, YES, N, NO:

4 Enter

The system returns the following response:

Table syncing has been STOPPED. To start table sync, use the
STARTSYNC command.

5 To quit the session, enter


6 To exit SOS, enter



The STARTSYNC command instructs DBMAN to begin a sync of cluster-synced tables to the slaves. Use
the STARTSYNC command when table sync has been disabled manually by the STOPSYNC command.
The following steps occur:

• Master DBMAN notifies the slaves to start bulk syncing.

• Failure results are returned to the master.
The STARTSYNC command starts the table sync system. Alarms will be cleared as each node
successfully begins syncing. A TABS104 log is produced, to record the action.
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State released | Version 0.7 | 05.09.2014 CONFIDENTIAL Prerequisites
• STOPSYNC is disabled.
• A KAIROS CLI session is running.
• You are logged on to an SOS master node. See “Logging on to a SOS application” on
page 243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter

2 To start sync, enter


The system returns the following response:

RESUME cluster table syncing on all SOS nodes. Allowed on MASTER
node ONLY.

3 Enter
Table syncing has been ENABLED.


Use the rollback command to instruct DBMAN through TABSYNC to roll back transactions to the lowest
successfully applied TRID. Use the rollback command when an apply error has occurred on one or more
slaves. A TABS104 log is produced to record the action. Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are logged on to an SOS master node. See “Logging on to a SOS application”
on page 243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter

2 Enter

The system returns the following response:

Return cluster table sync to last common sync point.
It is recommended to let the system calculate the last
common sync point (TRID), by providing NO TRID parm.
This TRID value must be confirmed by the user prior to
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initiating the rollback sequence.

Optionally, the user may specify the rollback TRID value.
Allowed on MASTER node ONLY.
Must use STOPSYNC first.
** Suggest DBTRID <to_TRID> <current_TRID> be used first,
** to show tuple contents which will be rolled back.
Parms: [<TRID> {0 TO 2147385345}]

3 Enter

4 Enter

The system returns the following response:

TRID: Recommended: 4; Chosen: 4
A rollback to TRID 4 will rollback 2 transactions. Suggest
"DBTRID 4 4” to show tables/tuples to be rolled back.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Enter Y, YES, N, NO:

5 Enter
Rollback initiated.


14.2.7 AUDIT
Use the AUDIT command to audit a table or office parameters for cluster sync. This command is allowed
on MASTER node only. AUDIT captures system table inconsistencies. Once complete, a TABS103 log
displays the results.

The TABS103 log displays only the first 16 failed instances. (All other inconsistencies are not captured as
part of the log-reporting mechanism.) The total number of inconsistencies count is truncated to 32. For
example if there are inconsistencies in 39 tables, then only 32 are reported as an overall count. You can
run the AUDIT command for each table (AUDIT TABNAME <table>) to see all system table
inconsistencies. Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are logged on to an SOS master node. See “Logging on to a SOS application” on
page 243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter

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Table 99 AUDIT sub-commands

>x audit

Audit a table or office parm for cluster sync. Allowed on MASTER node ONLY.

AUDIT cmds:

– STATUS of audit.
– Disable AUTO audit. After table X completes, if
– START (re-enable) AUTO audit NOW or NEXT
– Audit <table>. First do STOP. Use START when
– Audit <table><parm>. First do STOP. Use START
when done.
– List TABLES to be audited.
– List NODES to be audited.

Table 100 Parameters for AUDIT sub-commands

STATUS [<When (Dflt NOW)> {NOW, NEXT}]

STOP [<When (Dflt NOW)> {NOW, NEXT}]

START [<When (Dflt NOW)> {NOW, NEXT}]





14.3 TABSYNC_DEBUG command increment

The TABSYNC_DEBUG facilitates debugging TABSYNC field issues using CI commands.

The TABSYNC interface contain commands represented in the following table.

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Table 101 TABSYNC_DEBUG available commands



TABSYNC_DEBUG is used to debug the Cluster Syncing of registered DMS Tables, Office
Parms and SOC options. Available command (M = Master node ONLY) are:

M DBNUL NUL <TRID#> or <Tabname> TRIDs in DB. NO UNDO.

SYNC ENABLE/DISABLE cluster syncing, after STOPSYNC.

UNSYNC_CHG Enable/Disable unsynced slave changes for apptype.

DISPQS Traverse/display buffers on Qs. Scan for orphans

COUNTQS Count items on ALL Qs.

ORPHAN Scan for QR Reclaim orphaned buffer[s], if any.

REBUILDQ Recover corrupted DSUNPROT Q type.



DISPTRID Show TRID buffer. Filter by buf#/trid#/tabname.

TUPSIZES Log/Ext tuple sizes for regd tables, optnl COUNT.

SHRMEM Show Tabsync ShrMem by nn, VALID, ALL.

HELP_DEBUG This screen.


14.3.1 SYNC
The SYNC command disables Tabsync only on the node where the command is typed. Use it only when
no other available option can resolve a Tabsync failure to sync. A TABS104 log is produced to record the
action. Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are logged on to SOS. See “Logging on to a SOS application” on page
243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter

2 Enter
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The system returns the following response:

DISABLE = Disable TABSYNC functionality on THIS node.
Must use STOPSYNC first.
WARNING: Tables/parms/SOC are NOT synced while in this state.
Any restart resets the node to ENABLEd state.
ENABLE = return to normal TABSYNC behaviour.
Parms: [<Action> {ENABLE, DISABLE}]


The UNSYNC_CHG command allows the user to enable and disable changes to all UNSYNCED tables
on the slave. The master node is always allowed to change unsynced tables. A TABS104 log is produced
to record the action. Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are logged on to SOS. See “Logging on to a SOS application” on page 243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter

2 Enter

The system returns the following response:

DISABLE = Disallow table changes to ALL unsynced tables on
SLAVE node.
ONLY unsynced tables registered as exceptions may be changed.
ENABLE = Allow table changes to ALL unsynced tables on SLAVE
Parms: [<Action> {ENABLE, DISABLE}]


14.3.3 DISPQS
The DISPQS command shows Tabsync Q counts and Q item basic contents. Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are logged on to SOS. See “Logging on to a SOS application” on page 243.
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Step Action
1 Enter

2 Enter

The system returns the following response:

Traverse Tabsync queues, and shows basic Q item contents.
Scan for orphaned buffers, and warn user if any found.
ONLY unsynced tables registered as exceptions may bechanged.
ENABLE = Allow table changes to ALL unsynced tables on SLAVE
Parms: [<Action> {ENABLE, DISABLE}]

3 Enter
Items on FREE_Q : Head: 476B3000 Count: 32
Addr: 476B9000 Link: 476BC000 Q: FREE_Q BufIdx: 4 Sen
Addr: 427BC000 Link: 476B0000 Q: FREE_Q BufIdx: 0 Sen
dCnt: 1 TRID: 4
Addr: 476B0000 Link: 476B3000 Q: FREE_Q BufIdx: 1 Sen
dCnt: 1 TRID: 5
Addr: 476B3000 Link: 476B6000 Q: FREE_Q BufIdx: 2 Sen
dCnt: 1 TRID: 6
Addr: 476B6000 Link: 476B9000 Q: FREE_Q BufIdx: 3 Sen
Items on WORK_Q : Head: FFFF0000 Count: 0
Items on ACK_Q : Head: FFFF0000 Count: 0
Items on PREOK_Q: Head: FFFF0000 Count: 0


14.3.4 COUNTQS
The COUNTQS command shows Tabsync Q counts (a subset of DISPQS output). Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are logged on to SOS. See “Logging on to a SOS application” on page 243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter
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2 Enter

The system returns the following response:

Show Q counts for Tabsync queues.
Scan for orphaned buffers, and warn user if any found.

3 Enter
Items on FREE_Q : Head: 476B3000 Count: 32
Items on WORK_Q : Head: FFFF0000 Count: 0
Items on ACK_Q : Head: FFFF0000 Count: 0
Items on PREOK_Q: Head: FFFF0000 Count: 0


14.3.5 ORPHAN
The ORPHAN command scans or reclaims any orphaned Tabsync buffers. A buffer is considered
orphaned if its link field is NIL, and its state is NO_Q. For the sub-command ORPHAN RECLAIM, a
TABS104 log is produced, to record the action if any orphans are found. Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are logged on to SOS. “Logging on to a SOS application” on page 243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter

2 Enter

The system returns the following response:

SCAN for (default) or RECLAIM any orphaned buffers.
Parms: [<Action> {SCAN, RECLAIM}]

3 Enter

The system returns the following response:

Orphans Found:
Addr: 476B6000 Link:FFFF0000 Q: NO_Q BufIdx: 3 SendCnt: 0 TRID:


The REBUILDQ command nil initializes Tabsync Q items and re-engineers them on the FREE Q. A
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command is required, since even a RELOAD intentionally does not re-initialize these DSUNPROT Q
items, so that no transactions are lost during any restart. A TABS104 log is produced to record the action. Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are logged on to SOS. See “Logging on to a SOS application” on page 243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter

2 Enter

The system returns the following response:

NIL DSUNPROT Tabsync Qs + rebuild FREE Q with NIL init items.
Transactions intended for DB will be lost, if non-FREE Qs are
Must use STOPSYNC first.

3 Enter

The system returns the following response:

Are you sure you want to continue?
Please confirm ("YES", "Y", "NO", or "N"):

4 Enter


The MOVETOFREEQ command moves the item at the head of a selected Q to the FREE Q. A TABS104
log is produced to record the action. Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are logged on to SOS. See “Logging on to a SOS application” on page 243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter
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2 Enter

The system returns the following response:

Move 1 item from head of chosen Tabsync Queue to FREEQ.
Less severe than REBUILDQ. Associated transaction may be
Must use STOPSYNC first.
Parms: <Queue> {WORKQ, ACKQ, PRE0KQ}


The DISPTRID command displays decoded transaction information, given a TRID, buffer item idx, or
table name. Only items still contained within a transaction buffer are accessible. If REBUILDQ is used,
the buffer is re-initalized, so information is lost. DBTRID can be used for older/reset transactions. It reads
the information from the solid DB. Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are logged on to SOS. See “Logging on to a SOS application” on page 243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter

2 Enter

The system returns the following response:

Show TRID buffer[s] associated with <Buf# | TRID# | Tabname>.
Default verbosity is BRIEF.
Parms: <Filter:> {BYBUF <BufNum (32=All)> {0 to 32},
BYTRID <TRID> {0 to 2147385345},
[<Verbosity;> {BRIEF, FULL}]

3 Enter

The system returns the following response:

Time: 17:23:05.093; NumNodes: 1
Work/Commit_TRID: 7/7; Master/Slave: Y/N; Writes_enabled: Y
--- TRansaction ID --
NN Type Node_Name State SwVer FSOKCDRP Current Failing
--- ---- --------- ----- ----- -------- -------
0 MSCCA Unknown Journaling 19:19 NNNYYNNY 7 n/a

4 Enter
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The system returns the following response:

Time: 17:23:05.093; NumNodes: 1 MyIdx: 0; Buf: 42
7BC000; Link: 476B0000; State: FREE_Q; Time: 17:22:33.558
TabName/Idx:CLLI (497); TotBytes:360; SendCnt:1;
Rollback Tuples:
427BC0B0: 5254 4641 534D 3243 0041 0000 0000 0000
427BC0C0: 0009 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
427BC0D0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 E0B0 F9F4 4B44 464C
427BC0E0: 4953 4E47 4C41 494C 474E 494C 474E 485F
427BC0F0: 4B4F 544E 524E 5643 5352 3033 FDC4
Apply Tuples:
427BC114: 5254 4641 534D 3243 0041 0000 0000 0000
427BC124: 0009 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
427BC134: 0000 0000 0000 0000 E0B0 F9F4 4B44 464C
427BC144: 4953 4E47 4C41 494C 474E 494C 474E 485F
427BC154: 4B4F 544E 524E 5643 5352 3033 FDC4
Trid: 7 used in 1 buffers.


The TUPSIZES command shows the logical tuple size of all DMS tables. It also shows the largest
external tuple size, for NTC tables. The output is sorted from lowest to highest byte count sum of 2*logical
+ 2*external byte count. With the COUNT option, the number of tuples in the table is also determined and
shown, with the output sorted from lowest to highest tuple count. Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are logged on to SOS. See “Logging on to a SOS application” on page 243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter

2 Enter

The system returns the following response:

Print max logical/external tuple sizes, with optional
current tuple count for all registered tables.
Parms: [<Count> {COUNT}]
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3 Enter

The system returns the following response:

LogTup ExtTu MaxByte

TabName Bytes Chars 2LT+2ET NumTuple


-------- ------ ----- ------- --------

- -

RLOGCLAS 1 0 0 n/a

RLOGTAB 1 0 0 n/a

RLOGDEV 1 0 0 n/a


OCCMAP 12 23 70 n/a

LATALRN 12 31 86 n/a

EASAC 40 3 86 n/a

PMEXCEPT 40 4 88 n/a

SNPANAME 40 7 94 n/a

MCCMNC 40 7 94 n/a


NATLZONE 1019 2144 6326 n/a

INTLZONE 1019 2293 6624 n/a

PETSIG 425 3075 7000 n/a

SUPERTKG 481 4197 9356 n/a

PETSERVS 681 4035 9432 n/a

Tables: 609, Regd_NTC: 394, OTC: 38

Num NTC Tables with Max Bytes:
0- 1K: 364
1- 2K: 35
2- 4K: 25
4- 8K: 6
8-16K: 2
16K+ : 0
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4 Enter

% Same output, but NumTuples column is populated, and sorted low to high.

14.3.10 SHRMEM
The SHRMEM command allows viewing the decoded content of the Linux, Sys V shared memory used by
Tabsync, since it is not accessible through DEBUG. Prerequisites
• A KAIROS CLI session is open.
• You are logged on to SOS. See “Logging on to a SOS application” on page 243. Procedure steps

Step Action
1 Enter

2 Enter

The system returns the following response:

Show TABSYNC Linux Shared Memory contents:
request VALID, ALL (256) or specific Node num entries.
Default is VALID (ie. data_present) node entries.
Parms: [<NodeNum, VALID, ALL> {0 TO 255, VALID, ALL}]

3 Enter

The system returns Linux-shared memory content used by Tabsync for all node num
entries. See “Table 102 Linux shared memory content for all node num entries” on
page 261.
4 Enter

The system returns Linux-shared memory content used by Tabsync for node num
entry 3. See “Table 103 Linux shared memory content for a specific node num entry”
on page 261.
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Table 102 Linux shared memory content for all node num entries

NN Type Node_Nam State SwVer FSOKCDR Current Failing

e P

--- ----- ---------------- ------ -------- -------------- ---------- --------

0 MSCCA Unknown Journaling 19:19 NNNYYNN 7 n/a


F: failedRollingBack S: manuallyStopped

O: OnpInProgress K: KickedByCcgMan

C: dbConnected D: DumpInProgress

R: RollingBack P: nodePresent

Table 103 Linux shared memory content for a specific node num entry

NN Type Node_Nam State SwVer FSOKCDRP Current Failing


--- ----- ---------------- ------ -------- -------------- ---------- --------


F: failedRollingBack S: manuallyStopped

O: OnpInProgress K: KickedByCcgMan

C: dbConnected D: DumpInProgress

R: RollingBack P: nodePresent

14.3.11 HELP_DEBUG
The HELP_DEBUG command shows command available in the TABSYNC_DEBUG increment. See
“Table 101 TABSYNC_DEBUG available commands” on page 252.
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15 KAIROS CLI fundamentals

The Kapsch Advanced Integrated Reliable Operating System (KAIROS) provides a Command Line
Interface (CLI) that supports configuration, operation, and maintenance of the KAIROS platform. This
section covers the following topics:

• “Description of KAIROS CLI” on page 262

• “Common CLI command terms” on page 264
• “Using bulk input for CLI commands” on page 266
• “CLI-based procedural documentation” on page 267

15.1 Description of KAIROS CLI

A CLI command contains a set of terms supported within a command hierarchy. Some terms of the
command are optional. Some terms are variables that require you to supply a value.

This section covers the following topics:

• “CLI command structure” on page 262

• “On-product help” on page 263
• “Repeat of previous command” on page 264
• “Abbreviated command entry” on page 264

15.1.1 CLI command structure

The initial term in a command identifies a set of related functions. The following table lists these initial
terms. Some commands support optional equipment, configurations, or software releases and may not
appear in your system.

Table 104 List of initial command terms

Command (first term) Function of command hierarchy

admin system administration
aim application inventory management
cli-session CLI session customization
exit CLI session termination
fm fault management
hardware hardware inventory and maintenance
health system health check
interfaces interface management
networking networking services
pm performance management
prsm patch management
recovery oam recovery commands
rex routine maintenance commands
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routing NGW routing configuration

security security management
shell Linux shell access
software software management
sosagent switch operating system configuration
ssg Sigtran services gateway management
storage storage system administration
system system identity management
time time of day administration

15.1.2 On-product help

You can view the CLI command structure and all valid command terms by using the help facility. Enter a
question mark at the cli> prompt to list all of the available first terms that you can enter. Enter a question
mark after one of these terms to list all the second terms for that command. For example, entering
“software?” generates the following information:
software management commands

The following table shows the list of terms you can use.
Table 105 Commands for managing software

Command Software function

software automate set schedules for automated tasks, such as backup

software backup backup and restore commands

software baseline software baseline commands

software flash modify and query flash based commands

software job-status show parcel apply, rollback, remove status

software key manage software key entries

software parcel apply, query, and remove software

software patch software patch management: apply, remove, delete, or query

patch data

software product product install/uninstall

software transfer download or upload software

software upgrade software upgrade

You can enter any of the terms from the previous table as the second term of the software command. To
determine the possible third terms in a command, enter two terms followed by the question mark, for
example, “software upgrade?”. You can continue this process to determine all of the possible software
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In Kapsch technical documentation, procedures support a specific task and provide only the specific
command required. The procedure identifies the values you need to enter for variables or tells you how to
determine these values.

15.1.3 Repeat of previous command

A command may be easier to enter as a slight modification of a previous command. Press the up-arrow
key to re-display the previous command, which you can modify and enter as the next command. You can
press the up-arrow key multiple times to re-display earlier commands.

15.1.4 Abbreviated command entry

You do not have to enter the entire term in a CLI command. Once you have entered enough characters to
uniquely define the term, press the Tab key to automatically expand the term. You can then continue to
enter the next term in the command.

15.2 Common CLI command terms

Many different commands include the same terms. You should be familiar with the following terms before
using the CLI:

• “Equipment identification” on page 264

• “Wait option” on page 265
• “Output form” on page 266

15.2.1 Equipment identification

Identify hardware in a CLI command by specifying a subset of variables in the following form:

<frame> <shelf> <slot> <sub-slot>


frame identifies a frame in the office (has a value of 0

to 15)
shelf identifies the shelf within the frame (has a value
of 0 to 2, where 0 is the bottom shelf)
slot identifies the blade location in a slot on a shelf
(with a value of 1 to 16), or the location of a
SAM or PEM (with a value of a or b)
sub-slot identifies a component on a blade (has a value of
0 to 4; value is 0 where no sub-slot exists)

Many CLI commands do not require a definition to the subslot level. However, you need to enter all
identifiers above the level required. For example, to specify a shelf, you only need to identify the frame
and shelf. But to specify a blade location, you must specify a value for frame, shelf, and slot.

The Variable definitions table, located after the procedure steps, provides the equipment identification
values required by the procedure. For example, a procedure that applies to NGW on KSC blade indicates
that the value for slot can be 3 or 7.
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15.2.2 Wait option

When you specify the wait option, the CLI will not return until the command finishes. Progress marks will
appear when applicable. Without the wait option, the CLI will return once you have issued the command.
The command will continue to run in the background.


hardware app-blade reset <frame> <shelf> <slot> <subslot> wait

15.2.3 where filter

Most CLI “show” commands permit filtering of the output based on attribute values. This limits unwanted
data from obscuring the information you want to see. You can enter the where filter near the end of the
command, where it takes the following form:

where <attribute> <operator> <value>

For example:

where user-account-id contains Fred

The Variable definitions table associated with each procedure provides the appropriate values for
<attribute> and <value>.

The following are possible values for <operator>:

= The attribute is numerically equal to the value or the character string is

identical to the value.

!= The attribute is numerically or alphanumerically different from the value.

< The attribute is numerically smaller than the value or the character
string has an ASCII value less than the value.

<= The attribute is numerically smaller than or equal to the value, or the
character string has an ASCII value less than the value or is identical.

> The attribute is numerically larger than the value or the character string
has an ASCII value greater than the value.

>= The attribute is numerically larger than or equal to the value, or the
character string has an ASCII value greater than the value or is

The following criteria do not apply to numerical values:

starts-with The attribute character string begins with the value.

ends-with The attribute character string ends with the value.
contains The attribute character string contains the value, not necessarily
at either end. A multi-character value must occur together in the
attribute character string.
does-not-contain The attribute character string does not contain the value.
operator The attribute character string value is “and” or “or”.
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15.2.4 Output form

Most CLI show commands permit the user to select the form of the output, depending on what level of
detail is needed and how much screen space is available. The following output forms are supported: show <objects> brief

A subset of the objects’ attributes appears in a tabular form, with headings.

The attributes for many objects can be displayed in a small screen space, where you can easily
compare them.

This is the default output form. If the attributes displayed are sufficient to complete a procedure,
the procedure step does not include an output-form term in the CLI command. show <objects> detailed

All attributes appear for each object. The attribute names appear to the left of an equal sign,
and the attribute values appear to the right.

Since each attribute requires one line on the screen, each object requires several lines. This
view is useful when showing a single entry.

If a procedure requires you to see an attribute that does not appear in the brief output form, the
procedure step includes the term detailed in the CLI command. show <objects> compact

All attributes appear in comma-separated form. Output lines wrap as required; content is not

This form is easy to export to common business applications, like spreadsheets.

This output form is rarely specified in the procedures.

15.3 Using bulk input for CLI commands

Use bulk input to run CLI commands that are stored in a text file.

15.3.1 Prerequisites
• A CLI session is open. To stop or monitor bulk input you must have two CLI sessions open.
• The bulk input text file is located in the /scratch volume.
• You know the reference name and local file name (path) of the bulk input text file.

15.3.2 Procedure steps

Step Action
1. To download the bulk input text file from the remote host, at the cli> prompt, enter
software transfer download <source-host> <source-path>
/scratch <user-id>
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The system prompts you to enter a password.

2. Enter the password.
The system initiates the transfer of the file.
3. To start the bulk input, enter
admin bulk-input start <ref-name> <local-filename> <stop-on-
error> <line-number>

4. To monitor the bulk input execution (optional), in a separate CLIsession, enter

admin bulk-input show | all | <ref-name>

5. To stop an in-progress bulk-input (optional), in a separate CLI session, enter

admin bulk-input stop <ref-name>


15.3.3 Variable definitions

Variable Value
<ref-name> a reference name to use with the show and stop commands

<local-filename> the full path to the file that contains the CLI commands scratch/<file-
<stop-on-error> stop bulk input for errors
Value: y or n
<line-number> number of the start line in the bulk input text file where command
execution should begin
Value: 0 - 65535 (0 is the start of the file).

15.4 CLI-based procedural documentation

Product documentation is task oriented and contains CLI-based procedures. This section describes the
conventions used in procedural documentation in the following areas:

• “Navigation” on page 267

• “Procedure structure” on page 268
• “Command syntax conventions” on page 268

15.4.1 Navigation
At the beginning of a chapter, any task that requires more than one procedure to complete includes a task
flowchart. Many task flowcharts may appear in the same chapter and they may use some of the same
procedures. The task flowchart tells you the specific order in which you are to perform the procedures.
Any decisions you need to make appear in the task flowchart to avoid decisions within the procedures.

If you can perform the procedures in a section in any order, the section does not contain a task flowchart.

Procedure names appear below the flowcharts, with links to the procedures. If you are reading the
documentation in PDF form, you can select the links and go directly to the procedures.
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15.4.2 Procedure structure

Every procedure contains the same structural elements, as follows. Title
The title identifies the objective of the procedure. KAIROS procedure titles are very specific, to
enable you to find the one you need. Purpose statement

The purpose statement defines the objective of the procedure and why you would want to use it.
It describes the consequences of performing the procedure. Prerequisites
Prerequisites are conditions that you must satisfy before you perform the procedure. These may
be as simple as being logged on to the system with a CLI session open or knowing some
information that you need to enter in a procedure step. You may have completed some
prerequisites in previous procedures of a task flow. Prerequisites appear in a bulleted list. Steps
Procedure steps have a step number, an action for you to take, and often a system response.
Actions and responses have different font types, as described in the conventions below. Variable definitions table

A Variable definitions table describes all variables used in commands and, where known, their
possible values. This is the first table to appear after the procedure steps. The following table is
an example of the form.

Variable Value
<role> defines the permissions assigned to the user account;
possible values: Basic, Admin, SecAdmin
<account-state> If locked, the account cannot be used.
If unlocked (the default), the account can be used. Job aids

A job aid is included after the Variable definitions table when further explanation or availability of
reference information is required to successfully complete the procedure.

15.4.3 Command syntax conventions

All KAIROS CLI-based commands use the same syntax conventions. An example command is the

security user-account add <user-id> <role> [<emergency-account>]

The following are command conventions:

• Terms without any surrounding brackets are keywords and you must enter them as shown.
In the example, security, user-account, and add are keywords.
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• Terms surrounded by < > are variables, which are described in the Variable definitions
table. In the example, user-id, role, and emergency-account are variables. You must enter a
value in place of these terms to create a valid command. In the example, the Variable
definitions table entry for role would give Basic, Admin, and SecAdmin as acceptable
• Terms surrounded by [ ] are optional. In the example, <emergency-account> does not have
to be specified. A default value, specified in the Variable definitions table, is used when
optional terms are omitted.
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