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No. Lesson Plan Course Containing
1 Introduce yourself - Student can mention vocabulary about Introduction
with correct pronunciation
- Students can introduce themself briefly
2 Alphabet & Numbers - Student can mention Alphabet and Numbers with
correct pronunciation
- Students can memorize minimally 10 vocabs related to
the topic
- Repetition vocabulary
3 Family - Students can identify vocabulary about Family
- Students can memorize10 vocabs related to the topic
- Student can make a family tree

4 Fruits and vegetables - Student can mention vocabulary about fruits and
vegetables with correct pronunciation
- Students can memorize minimally 10 vocabs related to
the topic
5 Animals and colors - Student can mention vocabulary about Animals and
Colors with correct pronunciation
- Students can memorize minimally 15 vocabs related to
the topic
6 Parts of Body - Student can mention vocabulary about Part of Body
with correct pronunciation
- Students can memorize minimally 15 vocabs related to
the topic
- Repetition vocabulary
- Practice (thorough game, short convo, etc.)
7. Days & Months - Student can mention vocabulary about Days and
Months with correct pronunciation
- Students can memorize minimally 15 vocabs related to
the topic
- Repetition vocabulary
- Practice (thorough game, short convo, etc.)
8. Final exam - Students can answer all the questions in a paper exam
(provided by tutor)

1. Introduce yourself
a. Opening section
Opening Presence list
⮚ ⮚
Introduction Presence singing
⮚ ⮚
Greetings Warm up for the meeting
⮚ ⮚
b. Material
➢ How to introduce yourself: References from the links below
c. Practice: Roleplay, do the worksheet about self-introduction

2. Alphabet & Numbers

a. Opening section
Opening Singing:
⮚ ⮚
Introduction Review previous meeting
⮚ ⮚
Greetings Warm up for the meeting: Alphabet
⮚ ⮚
Presence list Game: Alphabet and number
⮚ ⮚
b. Flashcard: Alphabet
c. Material: Talking about alphabet and numbers
The alphabet is like a superhero team made up of 26 letters. Each letter has its own special
power, and when they come together, they create words! We create fun associations for each
letter to make it memorable for kids. For example:
A is for “Apple”: Just like an apple is the first fruit in the orchard. ‘A’ is the first letter in the

alphabet. It makes the “ah” sound, like in an apple.
B is for “Bear”: ‘B’ sounds like a bear growling. Imagine a big, friendly bear when you say

C is for “Cat”: ‘C’ makes a sound like a cat’s meow. It’s a soft and cuddly letter.

D is for “Duck”: ‘D’ sounds like a duck quacking. Quack-quack! Imagine a cute little duck

when you say ‘D’.
Meanwhile, numbers are like magical friends that help us count, measure, and understand the
world around us. Let’s meet some of this number friends.
● 1 is for One: One is like a lonely little finger. It’s all by itself, but it’s strong and special.
● 2 is for Two: Two is like a pair of friends holding hands. They always go together.
● 3 is for Three: Three is like a triangle. It has three sides, and it's a strong and stable
● 4 is for Four: Four is like a table with four legs. It's sturdy and balanced.
We can use fun stories, pictures, and activities to help kids remember these concepts. For
example, you can have them count toys, draw pictures that represent each letter or number, or
play games that involve arranging letters or numbers in order.
d. Task:
● Coloring the associations of things that are related to the letter. | Match the letter with the
● Number Words Matching:
❖ Create a worksheet with a list of numbers (1-20) in numerical form on the left side.
❖ On the right side, provide blank spaces for kids to fill in the corresponding number
❖ Alongside each number, draw a simple picture representing that quantity. For example,
draw one apple next to the number 1, two cats next to the number 2, and so on.
❖ Provide a word bank with the number words (one, two, three, four, five) mixed up.

Kids will practice counting, recognize quantities through pictures, and learn to spell the
corresponding number words by filling in the blanks.

3. Family
a. Introduction (10 minutes)
Warm-up activity: Start with a fun icebreaker or a quick game to create a positive and

enganging atmosphere.
Discussion: Intriduce the concept of family, asking students about their own families and

what family means to them.
b. Vocabulary building (15 minutes)
Visual presentation: Display colorful visuals of family members and relationships,

introducing basic family vocabulary through images.
Interactive game: Engange students in a vocabulary game, such as a matching activity or

a “Family Bingo” game, to make learning fun.
c. Memorization techniques (15 minutes)
Individualized Mnemonics: Create personalized mnemonic devices or memory aids that

resonate with the student's interests and experiences.
Interactive Drill: Engage in a one-on-one drill session to reinforce the memorization of

family vocabulary through repetition and practice.
d. Storytelling (10 minutes)
Personalized Storytime: Share a short story that incorporates the student's name and

interests, emphasizing different family relationships.
Interactive Discussion: Encourage the student to discuss the story and relate it to their

own family experiences.
e. Family Tree Activity (20 minutes)
Personalized Creation: Provide materials based on the student's preferences, allowing

them to create a personalized and unique family tree.
Guided Assistance: Offer personalized guidance as the student constructs their family

tree, tailoring support to their individual needs.
f. Review and reflection (5 minutes)
Personalized Discussion: Discuss what the student has learned, focusing on their

reflections and thoughts about family. “What new words about family did you discover today?”
Reflection Exercise: Ask the student to reflect on the importance of family in their own

life and share their insights. “Can you share something interesting about your family that you
didn't know before the lesson?"
g. Assesment
Informal check-ins during the session. "Can you show me where 'aunt' is on your family

tree? Great job! You're remembering the vocabulary well."

4. Fruits and Vegetables

Introduction (5 minutes)
Ice breaker: 3 minutes

Start with a fun icebreaker to engage the students. For example, a quick fruit and vegetable
charades game where they act out the names of different fruits and vegetables.
Introduction to the importance of fruits and vegetables: 2 minutes

Introduce the importance of eating fruits and vegetables for a healthy lifestyle in simple and
relatable terms.
Vocabulary Session (15minutes)
Flashcards introduction: 5 minutes

Use colorful flashcards or pictures to introduce different fruits and vegetables.
Pronunciation practice: 5 minutes

Teach pronunciation by repeating the names together as a class, emphasizing correct
Interactive game for single student: 10 minutes

o Create a "Fruit and Vegetable Bingo" game for the student.
o Provide a bingo card with pictures of different fruits and vegetables and call out the names for
the student to mark on their card.
o Make it fun by offering small rewards for completing a row or the entire card.
Interactive activity (15 minutes)
Create a "Shopping Spree" game. Use images or toy representations of fruits and

vegetables and scatter them around the learning space.
Provide the student with a small shopping basket or bag.

Call out the names of various fruits and vegetables, and the student's task is to "shop" for

the correct items and place them in their basket.
Make it more exciting by assigning point values to each correct item, and challenge the

student to reach a certain point goal.
Memory Game with Cards (15 minutes)
Create a memory game using cards with pictures of fruits and vegetables. Place the cards

face down and have students take turns flipping two cards at a time, trying to find matching pairs.
Each time a pair is found, the student must say the name of the fruit or vegetable correctly

to keep the pair.
Worksheet (20 minutes)
Completing the worksheet and word search

o Distribute a worksheet with pictures of various fruits and vegetables. Ask students to write the
names of the items next to the pictures.
o Include a word search puzzle with the names of the 10 vocabulary words for added fun.
Closing Activity (10 minutes)
Create a "Drawing and Describing" activity.

Provide the student with drawing materials (paper, crayons, or colored pencils).

Ask the student to choose any five out of the ten fruits and vegetables learned during the

In a relaxed setting, encourage the student to draw each chosen item.

After drawing, have a casual conversation where the student describes their drawings in

their native language. Use simple English phrases to reinforce the vocabulary learned during the

5. Animals and Colors

Title : "Adventures in Colors with Animal Friends"
● Develop vocabulary related to animals and colors
● Enhance pronunciation skills
● Memorize a minimum of 15 vocabulary words
● Make learning fun and engaging for kids.
Lesson Outline:
1. Introduction (10 mins)
● Greet the students and create a welcoming environment.
● Introducing the theme: "Animals and Colors Adventure."
● Show a colorful image of animals and ask students to name the animals they see.
● Discuss the colors of the animals and their habitats.
2. Warm-up Activity - Animal Charades (10 minutes)
● Divide students into small groups or role play between teacher and student.
● Each group takes turns acting out an animal while the others guess.
● Encourage the use of descriptive color words during the game.
3. Vocabulary Building (15 mins)
● Introduce the first set of animals and colors.
● Examples: Red Ladybug, Blue Fish, Yellow Duck.
● Use flashcards or images to represent each animal and color.
● Pronounce each word clearly, and have students repeat after you.
● Practice pronunciation through a fun repetition activity.
4. Learning Activity - Colorful Animal Hunt (10 minutes)
● Hide small plush toy animals of different colors around the classroom.
● Give each student a color card and ask them to find an animal matching their card.
● As they find the animals, have them say the name of the animal and its color.
5. Worksheet Activity - Coloring Sheets (5 mins)
● Create Bingo cards with pictures of animals and their corresponding colors.
● Call out the names of the animals, and students mark the matching pictures on their cards.
● Award small prizes for the first student to complete a row or card.
6. Review and Closing (5 mins)
● Recap the animals and colors learned during the lesson.
● Ask students to share their favorite part of the lesson.
● Distribute a small certificate or sticker as a reward for participation.
7. Homework (Optional)
Provide a coloring sheet or a simple crossword puzzle with animal and color-related clues for
additional practice at home.
6. Parts of Body
By the end of this course, students will be able to confidently mention and identify at least 15
vocabulary words related to different parts of the body. They will also practice pronunciation,
repetition, and application of these terms through engaging activities.

Lesson Outline:
Introduction (5 minutes)
● Begin with a lively greeting and a short interactive song or dance related to body parts.
● Show a colorful diagram or poster of the human body, labeling basic parts like head,
shoulders, knees, and toes.
Vocabulary Presentations (15 mins)
● Use flashcards or visual aids for each body part, emphasizing correct pronunciation.
● Encourage students to repeat after you, ensuring they are comfortable with the
● Use simple language and make it interactive by asking questions like, "Where is your
nose?" or "What do you use your hands for?"
Repetition (10 min)
● Play a fun "Simon Says" game using body parts. For example, "Simon says touch your
ears" or "Simon says point to your knees." This helps reinforce the vocabulary through repetition.
Worksheet Activity (15 mins)
● Provide a worksheet with a body outline where students can label different parts
independently. Include word banks to help them recall the vocabulary.
● To make it more engaging, turn it into a coloring activity. For example, color the body
parts mentioned in red or blue.
Practice Through Games (15 mins)
● Play games like "Body Part Bingo" or "Pin the Part on the Body." These activities add an
element of excitement and competition while reinforcing the learned vocabulary.
Short Conversation (10 mins)
● Engage in short, age-appropriate conversations using the learned vocabulary. For
example, "What do you use your eyes for?" or "How many fingers do you have on one hand?"
● Encourage students to answer in full sentences, promoting comprehension and
Wrap-up and Review
● Recap the key vocabulary words together.
● End the class with a lively closing activity, such as a quick song or a "freeze dance" where
students can show off their understanding of body parts.
Materials Needed
● Flashcards or visual aids
● Body outline worksheets
● Bingo cards for Body Part Bingo
● Blindfold for "Pin the Part on the Body" game
● Music for songs and dances

7. Days and Months

Title : Fun with Days and Months
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to confidently use and pronounce
vocabulary related to days and months, memorize at least 15 words, and engage in simple
conversations about the topic.
Lesson Outline:
Introduction (60 mins)
● Welcome and Greeting (2 minutes): Start the class with a warm welcome. Encourage
students to share one exciting thing that happened to them recently.
● Introduction to the Topic (3 minutes): Briefly explain the importance of days and months.
Show a calendar and discuss its use in daily life.
● Song Time (5 minutes): Sing a catchy song about days of the week and months. Include
simple hand movements to make it interactive and fun.

Vocabulary Buildings (15 mins)

● Days and Months Flashcards (5 minutes): Show flashcards with the names of days and
months. Pronounce each word clearly and have students repeat after you.
● Memory Game (10 minutes): Use a game to help students memorize the vocabulary.
Create cards with the names of days and months. Place them face down and have students take
turns flipping two cards to find a match. When they find a match, they say the word aloud.
Repetition and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
● Vocabulary Chant (5 minutes): Lead the class in a chant where they repeat the days and
months in a rhythmic manner. Use claps or stomps to make it engaging.
● Quick Quiz (5 minutes): Have a quick quiz where you call out a day or month, and
students respond with the correct pronunciation. Use positive reinforcement for correct
Practice (20 mins)
● Role-play (10 minutes): Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a scenario where
they have to plan something on a particular day or month. Encourage them to use the vocabulary
● Thorough Game (10 minutes): Play a board game or interactive online game related to
days and months. Incorporate questions about the topic to make it both entertaining and
Closure (5 mins)
● Review and Summary (3 minutes): Quickly review the main vocabulary and concepts
covered in the lesson.
● Goodbye Song (2 minutes): End the class with a lively goodbye song. Encourage students
to say their favorite day or month as they say goodbye.
● Flashcards with days and months
● Memory game cards
● Board game or online game related to days and months
● Calendar display

8. Final Exam and Review (All Materials)

Assessment: student can rementions and remember the previous topics.

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