Parkinsons Disease Term Paper

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Writing a term paper on Parkinson's disease can be a daunting task.

Not only does it require extensive

research and knowledge on the subject, but it also requires strong writing skills and the ability to
effectively communicate complex information. As a student, you may find yourself overwhelmed
and struggling to complete your term paper on time.

But don't worry, you are not alone. Many students face difficulties when it comes to writing a term
paper on Parkinson's disease. It is a complex and constantly evolving topic, making it challenging to
gather all the necessary information and present it in a cohesive manner.

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Some side affects have social impacts such as mood swings or may not allow the user to fly or travel
to certain places. Therefore stem cells are relatively useless for PD at the moment but may be able to
provide an easy and affective cure in the future. He won heavyweight boxing champions thrice and
also won many other competitions including Olympics in the year 1964, 174, and 1981. Postural
instability is a major reason why people with Parkinson’s disease are at risk of falls: Parkinson’s
affects the basal ganglia, which have an inhibitory action on movement. Interestingly, while most
Parkinson’s patients have these Lewy bodies that does not indicate that they have dementia with
Lewy bodies as well, although there is definite overlap of the two diseases where some individuals
have both (Longhena, et al., 2017). A small percentage of Parkinson’s patients may experience
impulsive and compulsive behaviour when taking dopamine agonists. Parkinson’s individuals’
decreased dopamine levels demand higher exertion to release the activation for the desired motor
system and perform an action. The chief techniques, employed in such interventions are deep brain
stimulation, which involves the exercise of control over specific symptoms, via electronic
stimulation. Research suggests the underlying pathology of the disease is primarily caused by
dopaminergic neurons undergoing a progressive degeneration and premature death, which begins in
the pars compacta of the substantia nigra (Gibrat, et al., 2009). The substantia nigra is a large dark
nucleus located in the midbrain, but with regard to function considered a part of the basal ganglia
due to its many connections in the brain stem. In the long run, focused ultrasound might treat the
underlying disorder pathology and avert progression and restore function. Adjusting the dosage,
timing and type of preparation can help to manage these effects 6. Medical Description of
Parkinson’s Disease The Parkinson’s disease is a disorder that affects the central nervous system,
leading to a progressive diminishing of an individual’s ability to control muscles. They predict that
the prevalence of the disease will rise by 18% between 2018 and 2025, due to population growth and
an increasingly ageing population 4. Due to lacking of coordination between these two brain
structures patients’ movement, balance, walking, swallowing and speech abilities deteriorate. The
disease is most identified by a general neurologist, who is proficient in diagnosing and treating
neurologic disorders. This will simply make life less painful for a PD patient. Despite these causes,
an ailment qualifies as a disease. Some people believe that animals like monkeys and most primates
shouldn’t be experimented upon as they aren’t in the same plentiful supply that rats and mice are in,
nor are they considered pests. This change in gene activity leads to gross involuntary movements,
often after a few years of relying on the medication. Secondly physical therapy is widely accepted as
an effective treatment for Parkinson’s Disease in scientific literature. The genes affected help clear
nerve cells of excess proteins. Relief of motor symptoms According to scholars, focused ultrasound
has a high potential of achieving symptomatic relief by ensuring that thermal lesions deep in the brain
interrupt circuits that are involved in dyskinesia and tremor activities. Catechol O-methyltransferase
(COMT) Inhibitors: Likewise, these medications also prevent the. Diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease is
difficult because most of its symptoms are also general signs of aging. Most also need to be taken
daily for the remainder of a patients lifetime. It is offered to patients in the early stages of the
disease, where motor symptoms are already having an impact on their quality of life 3,6. For
example, this may be used to give some athletes a major advantage over others or possibly creating
super humans. Family members and carers should also be kept informed about the patient’s
condition, advised about their entitlements as a carer, encouraged to request a carer’s assessment
from the local authority, and signposted to support services 3. Just like in other diseases, the
technology will help the physician to build a profile of the condition for every person and realize a
personalized treatment. Releasing this inhibition requires the release of dopamine, so the deficiency
results in hypokinesia.
In appropriate function, the basal ganglia expend a consistent inhibitory influence to mediate motor
systems and prevent action at unwanted times. Seminario biologia molecular-Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana. According to a report by American Parkinson Disease Association in 2016, about 1
million people are living with PD in the U.S and about 10 million folks globally. Thus it is a medical
condition that can be temporarily controlled but incurable in long term. Impaired Balance: This is
caused because of the loss or impairment of the reflexes that help in adjusting. But the real problem
is which treatments to use and which path shows the most potential to a full time cure. The disease is
most identified by a general neurologist, who is proficient in diagnosing and treating neurologic
disorders. It mainly affects the way the brain co-ordinates the movements of the muscles in various
parts of the body. The specific source which the above studies were picked from is not mentioned in
the report. Therefore, nerve messages to all parts of the body will be normal again. Researchers will
try to reduce this, possibly using anaesthetics although this can often interfere with the drug being
tested so the animal may have to suffer the full amount of pain. Afterward, the condition progresses
affecting locus coeruleus and lastly the substantia nigra. Though Parkinson's Disease is not
necessarily life threatening, it has lasting and adverse health, and psychosocial effects on its patients.
The reduction of cells and the low level of dopamine in the cells in this part of the brain causes nerve
messages to the muscles to become slowed and abnormal 1. In the first study all the subjects
revealed improved mobility and activities of daily life while in the second study home care and
hospital care settings showed significantly high improvements. This discovery led the researchers to
take a look at if disrupted nucleoli can really result in Parkinson’s-like symptoms or if this was just
an incidental discovery. Other viruses, such as adenoviruses, introduce their DNA into the nucleus of
the cell, but the DNA is not integrated into a chromosome.’ 13 There is still much development
needed as scientists are still unable to target specific cells and there is the potential threat of virus
mutation which may cause even further problems. Whether treating at home environment is more
effective compared to institutionalization is not known (425pp). It affects both men and women but
is a little more common in men. The following medications are common pharmacological treatments
for Parkinson’s disease. In this structure inside the nucleus, proteins and RNA molecules are
assembled, forming ribosomes, the cells’ protein factories. The charity also found that prevalence was
1.5 times higher in men than in women within the 50-89 age group. The unsatisfying conclusion is
that much of Parkinson’s Disease understanding, pathogenesis and pathophysiology are yet to be
uncovered. It is offered to patients in the early stages of the disease, where motor symptoms are
already having an impact on their quality of life 3,6. The principal symptom of Parkinson’s disease is
impaired physical movement. These tremors have a tendency of occurring when the limb is at rest.
Parkinsonian Gait: The unsteady gait associated with this disease is one of its characteristic. As
mentioned earlier on, patients with Parkinson’s disease can be prone to falls due to their hypokinesia
and balance impairment, so GPs will need to bear this mind when managing other medical conditions
connected to falls, such as blood pressure. Seminario biologia molecular-Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana. Psychosocial Challenges in Parkinson’s Patients When an individual suffers from
Parkinson’s disease, their lives tend to change drastically.
Oxidative stress in cells is apparently caused by defective nucleoli. Treatment during the further
stages of the disease concentrates Management of motor response changes, for example, nighttime
deterioration, dyskinesias, early morning deterioration, and psychiatric problems can only be
successful if there are strategies for treatment. Other criteria for selecting theses particular studies
include technical and convenience related considerations. Researchers will try to reduce this, possibly
using anaesthetics although this can often interfere with the drug being tested so the animal may
have to suffer the full amount of pain. This reduces the risks of any unknowns or mistakes and far
fewer mistakes will be made than in using other treatments. In the first study one group received
balance and training excersise while the other group received balance training only. The major ones
are those affect movement or motor symptoms and non-motor symptoms. The primary common
motor symptoms of the disease are a tremor, the rigidity of the muscles, and bradykinesia.
Parkinson’s Disease falls under the umbrella of neurodegenerative disorders. The idea of this
research emerged from the author's interest and fascination in how Parkinson's Disease can be
treated using various methods. It’s generally less obvious when you use your hand to do something
such as picking up an object or writing. These tremors have a tendency of occurring when the limb is
at rest. Levodopa: Also known as L-dopa, is the most commonly used drug to control the symptoms
of this. Order from one of our vetted writers instead Order with 25% off now If you are the original
author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the. In the first study all the subjects
revealed improved mobility and activities of daily life while in the second study home care and
hospital care settings showed significantly high improvements. Several drugs are available, which
have been seen to be reasonably effective in alleviating the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. These
conditions could be chronic, in that the disease could be persistent leading to long lasting effects of
the symptoms in the human body. People may just think they are getting old and it is not till other
symptoms develop that you may think about PD. In addition to increasing the effectiveness of
physical therapy, group treatment and psychotherapy sessions are also beneficial for the patients and
their families while coping up with the fears and socio-economic challenges related to the
Parkinson’s Disease. Dopamine is the main neurotransmitter that is made by the brain cells in the
substantia nigra 1. This obviously requires a huge amount of investment and general drug
development costs vary between 500 and 2,000 million dollars. The disease is purported to be a
multifaceted neurodegenerative disorder having a chain of progression. The slow traction in
understanding the disease can be discouraging, however Parkinson’s Disease researchers have
already discovered several genetic markers linked to to the disease, including mutations of the
LRRK2, PARK7, PINK1, PRKN, or SNCA gene. Adjusting the dosage, timing and type of
preparation can help to manage these effects 6. It obviously requires a pregnant woman to donate the
cells. According to the previous studies integrated treatments of physical therapy, rehabilitation,
psychotherapy and prescribed drugs are used for Parkinson’s Disease. The gravity of the situation is
reiterated by statistics depicting that 50000 new cases of the disease are reported annually. Thirdly
authors point out unreliability of the methodologies employed in many of the research studies. By
continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Secondly physical therapy is widely accepted as
an effective treatment for Parkinson’s Disease in scientific literature. This will simply make life less
painful for a PD patient.

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