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Background of the Study

Guidance department of every school mainly focuses on

shaping students towards the academic and Non- academic

achievements, that has a essential contribution to the students

overall growth. Guidance plays a vital role in discovering true

self and develop the skills and potential that can be a big help

in answering students’ problems and can help correct the mistakes

and flaws.

The researchers conducted the study to know if the guidance

services provided by St. Michael Academy effectively impact

students' decision-making, academics, and attitudes. Measuring

the effectiveness of the service can help determine whether the

offered guidance services can assist senior high school students

in academics, personal problems, and decision-making before

entering college.

St. Michael Academy - Catarman is a Catholic base school

with high regard and status. It is indeed true that the guidance

services provided should be enough to guide and discipline senior

high school students before they graduate because, as they come

of age, they tend to have the following problems: creative block,

lack of skills, tight budget, difficulty picking the right

course, attitudes, and behaviors, etc.

The goal of this study was to explore the overall

effectiveness of school guidance interventions facilitated by

school counsellors that aimed to improve academic achievement

outcomes for children and adolescents, provides more evidence for

the development of similar Evidence-based interventions in the


According to Biklen Laboratory and International School, the

major aim of guidance services is to encourage students'

academic, social, emotional, and personal development. To reach

this aim, guidance services help students get to know themselves

better and find better and more effective solutions to their

daily problems.

They also help students improve themselves in all areas

and become fully functioning individuals. Counselors help

students resolve issues and help them come to sound decisions,

develop their skills, and make healthy adjustments to both their

environment and them.

The researchers are curious how the school's guidance

service will help the students in their studies, activities, or


even their emotional and mental health. This has been

necessitated by the fact that guidance contributes immensely to

the overall growth and development of secondary school learners

who are in the adolescent stage. The guidance could be viewed as

the process of assisting learners to recognize their potential.

The guidance aims at encouraging self-esteem and the development

of various aspects of "self," such as personal, moral, and

social. Schools should use guidance services in schools as a

positive discipline strategy, especially in dealing with

cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, drug abuse issues, boy-

girl relationships, and other problems that learners face.

Guidance is an effective method of dealing with indiscipline

because it addresses the problem and its root cause.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the research is to assess the

effectiveness of the guidance services at Saint Michael Academy

as perceived by the guidance regarding planning needs for

assessment, Academic Achievements, support services, and

evaluation. Specifically, this research aims to:

1. Determine the socio-demographic profile in terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Sex

1.3. Grade Level

2. Identify the efficacy of school guidance in terms of:

2.1 Guidance Services

2.2 Counseling Service

2.3 Career choice of the students

3. Assess the effectiveness of school guidance services.

3.1 Academic Achievements of the Students.

3.2 Non-Academic Achievements of the students.

Significance of the Study

The study's findings will benefit many people, as guidance

plays an important role in shaping one's character. The following

are the specific beneficiaries of the study:

STUDENTS. This study will give them awareness and knowledge about

the role and importance of guidance services in shaping their

holistic aspects.

SCHOOL GUIDANCE. This study will provide them with information on

what services they should consider to effectively assist


TEACHERS. This study will also give teachers input on how to

effectively handle students who are struggling academically and


PARENTS. This study will help them understand the importance of

school guidance in shaping their students' character.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This study will help them develop and learn

more about the problem. It will also help them learn more about

the topic of school guidance. This research will focus on the

effectiveness of school guidance at Saint Michael Academy. This

study will not include any other concerns about school guidance.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this study focuses on the basic efficacy of School

Education Guidance Services provided by St. Michael Academy

towards the Senior High Students. Specifically, this research

aims to measure the efficacy of the said office in terms of

Guidance Services, Counseling Services, Career choice of the

Students, Academic Achievements of the students, and Non -

Academic achievements of the Students. This study will be

conducted only at St. Michael Academy and the respondents will

be the Senior High Students, School Year 2022-2023.


Review of Related Literature

The Author aims to make the school more convenient for

students to fully understand themselves and guide them in their

academic, social, and career readiness and goals as part of the

school's guidance responsibility in guiding students. To try to

determine how well the programs of guidance services were

perceived to be performing in this study. One of the most

important aspects of the guidance program is educational

guidance. In its commonly accepted meaning, it is concerned with

a student’s adjustment to school life, his progress in present

educational pursuits, and his plans for higher learning. It

encompasses everything that has an impact on an individual's

intellectual development.

All students from the day they enter school until they

graduate are given some educational guidance. Dance is one of the

most important phases of the entire guidance program. In its

commonly accepted meaning, it is concerned with a student's

adjustment to school life and his progress in present educational


It embraces everything that in any way affects the

intellectual development of the individual. Directly or

indirectly, formally, or informally, consciously, or

unconsciously, all students from the day they enter school until

they graduate are given some educational guidance. All young

people need it, and all real teachers administer it. Although the

emphasis shifts over time, educational guidance in some form or

another pervades the individual's entire school life.

In senior high school, educational guidance adds the rule of

specific life planning, with an emphasis on the mental,

emotional, and educational requirements for success in a specific

vocation. Educational guidance on the college level is a

continuation of that given in senior high school. However, since

the students are more mature and are nearing the realization of

their plans, the guidance in college takes on a more realistic



The Concept of Guidance and Counseling

Guidance and counseling, according to Birichi and Rukunga

(2010), is a practice that has been in existence for a long time

and has been passed on from one generation to another. The

concepts of guidance and counseling carry different but

overlapping meanings. They are inextricably linked and cannot be

separated. Furthermore, observed that the belief that the human

beings are creatures means there is an innate desire for

independence and autonomy as well as for self-destruction, which

implies that human beings can control their destiny and are fully

responsible for their actions. The primary goal of guidance and

counseling is to assist people in understanding themselves to

deal with experiences healthily, identify factors that cause

problems, and seek appropriate methods of resolving or avoiding

situations that may lead to unhealthy lifestyles.

They noted that guidance and counseling services are

essential elements in the discipline management of people in all

societies. The approaches Used in Guidance and Counseling

Discipline in School refers to any rational approach used by the

school to achieve effective student discipline. Some of the

approaches included punishing the students. The administration of

punishment cannot be ruled out in the control of discipline for

students who break school rules and regulations enhanced by the

Education Act and code of regulation and ethics. However,

punishment must be reasonable and properly meted out to the

student on account of the offense committed; it should be


The current chapter review of the first section or paragraph

mainly focuses on how the way of guidance is passed from one

person to another and has different meanings for every person. It

has different effects on students because the way each person

thinks and, thus, their attitude, changes over time. The second

section focuses on how each individual or student views their way

of life and their perspective on it, such as how they intend it

to be. The belief that human beings are self-determining has its

way. Third Section: How the person's freedom is with the school's

guidance or the students' independence to decide what they will

do in their own desired lives and how they handle each of their

responsibilities in school. The primary goal of this literature

is to assist people in understanding themselves to live a better

life, not regret the path they chose, and have a good life with

the assistance of the school's guidance.

The second paragraph is concerned with the essential

elements and discipline management of all members of society. It

also tackles the approach used in school guidance and counseling

discipline. It also has an impact on how students behave outside

of school because the school's name focuses on how students


or their attitude outside of school. It also focuses on how the

school's guidance and counseling discipline punishes students and

how this affects their personal growth while giving them more

strength to do better in school.

According to Biswalo (2012), secondary schools have a

twofold crucial responsibility: to develop students with a

variety of abilities, capacities, interests, and boundless

potentials, and to prepare those people to become productive

citizens of their changing society. Additionally, it should be

noted that the majority of secondary school students are


teenagers with emotional development that includes mood swings,

elation, sensitivity, harshness, curiosity, and apathy. A rise in

crime and delinquency is a result of this. For instance,

instability among students has been linked to secondary schools.

This antisocial conduct could reflect violence. As a means of

problem-solving, whether individually or collectively, we should

refrain from using violence.

Effective guidance and counseling service need to be based

on a complete understanding of the student experience. Effective

guidance and counseling service are not only crucial for that

student who deviate from the norms, Therefore, but all students

would also require guidance and counseling to develop their

academic, social, and personal competence. Counseling is also a

method of behavior change. The government of Kenya recognizes the

effectiveness of guidance and counseling

The Problem of not realizing that counseling and guidance

are crucial components of any child's education and development.

While some school leaders gave counselors time to help their

students others thought it was a waste of valuable time allotted

to courses that could be tested. Some relegated it to the after-


school hour. They view a child's education as just imparting

academic knowledge and writing and reading skills. Because of

this, most students graduate from high school knowing very little

about themselves and how to deal with the difficulties and

obstacles they would encounter in the future.

Review of Related Studies

The Implementation of Basic Guidance Services in Selected

Diocesan Catholic Schools in the Province of Antique

Providing students with the right guidance is essential for

maximizing their academic, career, and psychological potential

and ensuring that they can adapt to various life circumstances.

The main goal of a school's guidance department is to offer

students a variety of services, including student evaluation,

information service, placement and follow-up, and help. To

ascertain the extent of implementation of counseling services in

Catholic schools in a limited group of Diocesan Catholic Schools

in Antique over the academic year 2019–2022, this study set out

to collect data. Staff members and children who faced

difficulties when adopting school guidance services were also


The results of the study were utilized as a starting point

to create a suggested program for improving the delivery of

fundamental guidance services in Diocesan Catholic Schools. The

goal of school counseling is to assist children in overcoming

issues that typically lower their academic performance in school.

Academic success is enhanced by supporting kids while they make

necessary emotional, physical, mental, and social adjustments.


The government provides programs in schools to help achieve this

goal of guiding, particularly in schools.

Role of Guidance in Academic Performance, Mental Health, And

Career Choice of Students

The significance of guiding in education has grown, which

made the current study more necessary. The goal of the current

study is to understand the function of big group guidance among

high school students while keeping in mind the importance of

guidance in students' lives.


The findings show that advice has a considerable impact on

student’s academic achievement and job choice. Another study

revealed no evidence of a major impact of counseling on students'

mental health.

Therefore, it can be said that while guidance plays a big

part in students' academic performance and career choice, it does

not play a big part in their mental health. To manage student

life effectively regarding academic performance, mental health,

and career choice, such techniques may be developed with the aid

of recent and related academic findings.

Theoretical Framework

Humanistic theory serves as the foundation for this study.

According to humanistic guiding theories, people already possess

all the resources they require to lead healthy and productive

lives, and issues arise because of a lack of or a restriction on

accessible resources for problem-solving. By humanistic advice, a

counselor's job is not to tell a client how to solve a problem;

rather, they should assist the client in finding and using the

limited resources they already possess that they may use to solve

the issue on their own. Person-centered, existential, emotion-

focused, and positive psychology are some of the currently

popular humanistic guiding modalities.

Conceptual Framework

The study has two variables: school guidance services as the

independent variable and the effectiveness of school guidance

services for the student as the dependent variable.

The study's variables are school guidance services and the

effectiveness of school guidance for students. The researchers

presented two figures showing the relationship between the

dependent and independent variables. This enables the researcher

to provide a context for interpreting the study findings, explain

observations, and encourage theory development that is useful to


The paradigm of the Study

Independent Variables
Dependent Variables
School Guidance
Effectiveness of school
guidance to the students.

Figure 1: A diagram depicting the effects of school guidance and

its effectiveness for students.


1. School guidance services have no bearing on students'

academic and personal success.

2. There are no significant differences in the effect of School

Guidance Services offered to students.

3. There is no significant difference in the influence of

career choice provided to students.

Definition of Terms

Guidance – Conceptually, an advice or information aimed at

resolving a problem, difficulty, especially as given by someone

in authority. Operationally pertains to the action of counselors

in shaping and guiding students in terms of behavior, ethics, and


Counselling – Conceptually where the Guidance Council talks to

the students about their academic performance either Academic

Achievements or the Non Academic Achievements of the students.

Services – Conceptually, the action of helping or doing work for

someone. Operationally, pertains to the different services or

assistance the guidance offers to the students.

Academic Achievements – Conceptually, relating to education and

scholarship. Operationally, describes as the grades and overall

works of students in term of reading and writing.

Non Academic Achievements – Conceptually, relating the non

academic performance of the students as a extracurricular

activities for the students.

Variable – Conceptually, any characteristics, numbers, or quality

that can be measured of counted. Operationally



Locale of the Study

The map shows the location of Saint Michael Academ. The Entrance

of the school.

Saint Michael Academy is a private, sectarian, non-stock

Catholic secondary school in Catarrhal Northern Samar,

Philippines. It is the first and only Catholic learning

institution established in the municipality, owned, and operated

by the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of

Siena - Philippines thus, the only Dominican educational

institution found in the Samar - Leyte region operating since

1946. The researchers wanted to investigate the effectiveness of

Guidance services to senior high school students.

Research Design

The study will utilize a quantitative type of research with

a descriptive approach as the research design, as it can help in

gathering data to achieve the research objectives. The

descriptive approach will be used as the research design to

collect information by using a questionnaire to ask the

respondents. It is a theory-based design approach that involves

obtaining, interpreting, and presenting data, including a

descriptive report on the dependent variable that would be

present in the study. The descriptive design aids others in

comprehending the researcher's purpose.

Population and Sampling

This study involves a thorough count of grade 11 and 12

students across four parts. The divisions for Grades 11 and 12

are as follows, along with the number of students in each:

Determination is 49, Gratitude is 54, Honesty is 17, and Humility

is 66. Several students in Grade 12 for Obedience, Perseverance,

Compassion, and Solidarity: 16, 53, 44, and 57. 356 students in



The entire student body in grades 11 and 12 is the group

that the researchers decided to include as study participants.

The researchers, who are now grade 12 students, believe that they

made the right decision by attending senior high school since it

allowed them to observe and comprehend school guidance services

on a deeper level.

Research Instrument

The researchers will use a questionnaire survey to determine

whether St. Michael Academy's guidance service is effective for

senior high school students.

The research instrument will be composed of 3 sections. This part

of the questionnaire is about identifying the socio-demographic

profile of students in terms of age, sex, and grade level. The

second part is identifying the effectiveness of school guidance

services perceived by the guidance office in terms of Guidance

Services. And the last part is to determine the effectiveness of

school guidance services for senior high school students in terms

of academic and personal aspects.

Validation of Research

The questionnaire must be validated to ensure that the

questions were not plagiarized, to determine if the source is

reliable, and to get an overview of whether the questionnaire

instrument used is related to the study. The question is not


Scoring and Interpretation

The variables of this study will be given score as follows:

In identifying the efficiency of school guidance services

perceived by students in terms of policy, planning, assessment,

and support services will be rated as:

Score Weighted values Interpretation

5 4.5-5.0 Highly Effective

4 3.5-4.4 Very Effective


3 2.5-3.4 Effective

2 1.6-2.4 Fairly Effective

1 1.0-1.4 Poor

The second part identifies the factors affecting the

effectiveness of school guidance services will be scored.

The third part is on the level of school guidance services in

relation to international benchmarking.

And determine the effectiveness of school guidance services

to the students in terms of academic and personal aspect will be

rated as:

Score Weighted values Interpretation

5 4.5-5.0 Highly Effective

4 3.5-4.4 Very Effective


3 2.5-3.4 Effective

2 1.6-2.4 Fairly Effective

1 1.0-1.4 Poor

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will be given questionnaires to 5 students

per section. The researcher will give a day to the respondents to

take time in answering. After which, all questionnaires will be

collected the next day. Tabulation and using the statistical

tool will be used in analyzing and interpreting the collected


Statistical Treatment

The frequency and mean will be used to summarize the

efficiency of school guidance services, where mean will be the

computed summation of all values divided by the number of


Frequency and Percentage

The researchers used the frequency and distribution formula in

finding the total percentage of sex and the total percentage of


where: %= percent

F= Frequency

N= Number of


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