Autocal Human Lot 0018

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AUTOCAL [LOT] 0018 Version 5/09 - 2023

[REF] 13160 ½ 2024-08-27 Link for latest version of target value sheet:
Calibration Values / Kalibrationswerte / Valores de calibración / Valeurs de calibration

Relative expanded
uncertainity of
Test name @ Method Reference material/method Unit Assigned Value measurement Coverage factor k*
Relative erweiterte
Testname @ Methode Referenzmaterial/-methode Einheit Zugewiesener Wert Messunsicherheit Erweiterungsfaktor k
ampliada relativa de
Nombre de la prueba @ Método Material/método de referencia Unidad Valor asignado medición Factor de cobertura k*
Incertitude élargie Coefficient de
Nom du test @ Méthode Matériel/méthode de référence Unité Valeur assignée relative de mesure couverture k*


Commercial calibrator 8,81% 2,0
a-Naphthylphosphate, 37°C µkat/l 0,244

ALBUMIN liquicolor g/dl 5,25

ERM-DA 470k/IFCC 4,19% 2,0
Bromocresol green g/l 52,5


IFCC reference method, 37°C 2,80% 2,0
AMP buffer µkat/l 4,73

ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE opt. liquicolor Commercial method U/l 348

5,69% 2,0
DEA buffer, 37°C employing DEA buffer µkat/l 5,80

alpha-AMYLASE liquicolor U/l 280

IFCC reference method, 37°C 3,00% 2,0
CNPG3 µkat/l 4,67

auto-BILIRUBIN-D liquicolor Manual procedure with Bilirubin direkt mg/dl 2,44

12,3% 2,0
DPD method liquicolor µmol/l 41,7

auto-BILIRUBIN-T liquicolor Doumas bilirubin reference method mg/dl 4,03

3,10% 2,1
DPD method (re-optimized), 25°C µmol/l 69,0

CALCIUM Iiquicolor mg/dl 12,2

ICP-OES, NIST SRM915b 1,60% 2,0
Ortho-cresolphthalein mmol/l 3,05

CHLORIDE liquicolor mg/dl 408

Coulometry, NIST SRM919b 1,70% 2,3
TPTZ mmol/l 115

CHOLESTEROL liquicolor mg/dl 309

IDMS 1,40% 2,5
CHOD-PAP mmol/l 7,98

CHOLINESTERASE liquicolor Manual procedure using molar extinction U/l 7906

3,70% 2,0
Butyrylthiocholine, DGKC 37°C coefficient µkat/l 132

CK NAC liquiUV U/l 726

IFCC reference method, 37°C 2,60% 2,0
Enzymatic µkat/l 12,1

auto-CREATININE liquicolor mg/dl 5,12

IDMS 1,00% 2,6
Jaffé µmol/l 453

CREATININE (enzym) liquicolor mg/dl 5,12

IDMS 1,00% 2,6
Enzymatic µmol/l 453

gamma-GT liquicolor U/l 139

IFCC reference method, 37°C 2,80% 2,0
Gamma-Glutamyl-3carboxy-4-nitroanilide µkat/l 2,32

GLUCOSE Iiquicolor mg/dl 197

IDMS, NIST SRM917c 1,00% 2,0
GOD mmol/l 11,0
GLUCOSE liquiUV mg/dl 197
IDMS, NIST SRM917c 1,00% 2,0
Hexokinase mmol/l 11,0

GOT (AST) IFCC mod. liquiUV U/l 122

IFCC reference method, 37°C 2,50% 2,0
Enzymatic µkat/l 2,04

GPT (ALT) IFCC mod. liquiUV U/l 119

IFCC reference method, 37°C 2,30% 2,0
Enzymatic µkat/l 1,98

HDL CHOLESTEROL liquicolor mg/dl 97,0

CDC reference method 4,57% 2,0
Homogenous enzymatic assay mmol/l 2,51

IRON liquicolor µg/dl 314

ID-ICP-MS 18,5% 2,0
CAB µmol/l 56,2

IRON TPTZ liquicolor µg/dl 314

ID-ICP-MS 18,5% 2,0
TPTZ µmol/l 56,2

LDH SCE mod. liquiUV Manual procedure using molar extinction U/l 565
3,42% 2,0
Substrate Pyruvate, 37°C coefficient µkat/l 9,41

LDL CHOLESTEROL liquicolor mg/dl 180

CDC reference method 2,84% 2,0
Homogenous enzymatic assay mmol/l 4,65
LIPASE liquicolor - from lot 21001 U/l 72,5
Commercial calibrator 10,3% 2,0
Substrate Methylresorufin, 37°C µkat/l 1,21

LIPASE liquicolor - before lot 21001 U/l 63,0

Commercial calibrator 14,2% 2,0
Substrate Methylresorufin, 37°C µkat/l 1,05

MAGNESIUM liquicolor mg/dl 3,04

ICP-OES, NIST SRM929a 1,90% 2,0
Xylidyl blue mmol/l 1,25

PANCREAS-AMYLASE liquicolor Manual procedure using molar extinction U/l 153

13,6% 2,0
EPS-G7 coefficient µkat/l 2,55

PHOSPHORUS liquirapid mg/dl 6,86

NIST SRM 3139a 2,97% 2,0
Molybdate (UV) mmol/l 2,21

TOTAL PROTEIN Iiquicolor g/dl 9,61

NIST SRM927e 3,21% 2,0
Biuret g/l 96,1

TRIGLYCERIDES Iiquicolor mono mg/dl 239

IDMS 1,20% 2,6
GPO POD mmol/l 2,73

UREA liquiUV mg/dl 143

IDMS 1,00% 2,6
Urease (UV) mmol/l 23,8

URIC ACID liquicolor plus mg/dl 10,1

IDMS 1,90% 2,3
Uricase µmol/l 598

URIC ACID liquicolor mg/dl 10,1

IDMS 1,90% 2,3
Uricase µmol/l 598

*The expanded uncertainity is declared and calculated by multiplying the standard uncertainity with the coverage factor k . The value of the measurable quantity lies within the attached
range with a probability of 95 %.
* Die erweiterte Messunsicherheit ist angegeben und ergibt sich aus der Multiplikation der Standardunsicherheit mit dem Erweiterungsfaktor k. Der Wert der Messgröße liegt mit einer
Wahrscheinlichkeit von 95 % innerhalb des angegebenen Bereichs.
* La incertidumbre ampliada se determina y se calcula multiplicando la incertidumbre estándar por el factor de cobertura k. El valor de la cantidad determinable se encuentra dentro del
intervalo fijado con una probabilidad del 95%.
* L'incertitude élargie est déclarée et calculée en multipliant l'incertitude de l'étalon par le coefficient de couverture k. La valeur de la grandeur à mesurer se situe dans l'intervalle donné avec
une probabilité de 95 %.


Rev. 004 | valid of 12.02.2021

INF 1316002 - Version 5/09 - 2023

Human Gesellschaft für Biochemica und Diagnostica mbH

Max-Planck-Ring 21 · 65205 Wiesbaden · Germany
Telefon +49 6122-9988-0 · Telefax +49 612-9988-100 · e-Mail

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