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"I Am a Filipino" by Carlos P.

Romulo is a passionate declaration of Filipino

identity, rooted in both the nation's glorious past and its uncertain future. Romulo
emphasizes the Filipino people's heritage as descendants of brave Malayan pioneers. This
highlights their resilience and courage throughout history. He traces the lineage of
Filipino heroes and their enduring spirit of defiance against foreign oppression.

Romulo's emphasis on the immortal seed of heroes within the Filipino psyche
resonates deeply, underscoring the enduring spirit of resistance and resilience that has
characterized Filipino struggles for freedom and self-determination. By invoking the
names of historical figures like Lapulapu, Jose Rizal, and Emilio Aguinaldo, Romulo
connects the present generation to a lineage of courageous individuals who have fought
for the nation's sovereignty.

The essay also explores the fusion of Eastern and Western influences in Filipino
culture, recognizing the need for awakening and progress in the face of global challenges.
Romulo asserts his commitment to democracy, justice, and equality as essential for the
nation's advancement.

Ultimately, the essay culminates in a powerful pledge to uphold and defend the
Filipino heritage, drawing inspiration from the collective experiences and aspirations of
the Filipino people. Romulo's pledge encapsulates a fervent dedication to freedom and
prosperity for present and future generations of Filipinos.

"I Am a Filipino" by Carlos P. Romulo is a profound exploration of Filipino
identity, heritage, and aspiration. Romulo masterfully weaves together themes of
historical pride, cultural fusion, and collective responsibility, creating a compelling
narrative that resonates with readers. His poignant imagery and impassioned rhetoric
serve as a rallying cry for unity and progress, making the essay a timeless expression of
Filipino nationalism. Romulo's call to uphold the legacy of past heroes while embracing
the challenges of the future inspires a sense of duty and resilience among Filipinos,
reinforcing the idea that the nation's strength lies in its diversity and unwavering spirit.

Aaron Nathaniel G. LIberato

10 - Shakespeare

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