The Art Curator For Kids Art Appreciation Printable Worksheet Bundle Free

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Art Appreciation

Printable Worksheet Bundle– Free!

This pack contains

8 ready-to-use worksheets
for your art classroom, designed to
help your students connect deeply
with individual works of art.

Created by Cindy Ingram
Table of Contents
About the Art Curator for Kids..………………………………………………..3
About this Resource…………………………………………………………………4
Printable Worksheets
Art Reflections -- I see, I think, I wonder…………………………….5
4 Steps of Art Criticism……………………………………..……………….6
Compare and Contrast………………………………….……………………7
Exploring Place: The 5 Senses…………………………………………….8
Write a Letter ……………………………………………………………………9
Write a Cinquain Poem ……………………………………………………10
Write a Haiku Poem …………………………………………………………11
Twitter Perspectives ………………………………………..………………12
Thank you! ……………………………………………………….……………………13

Want more?
Down the 20-pack Art Appreciation Printable
Worksheet Bundle for only $6 by visiting

About the Art Curator
for Kids


Thank you so much for downloading the free Art Appreciation

Printable Worksheet Bundle from the Art Curator for Kids! I started
this site as Two Muses Homeschool in the Spring of 2014. In
October of 2014, it became the Art Curator for Kids, a site
dedicated to helping parents become more comfortable talking
about art with their children. I have two lovely girls who are 2 and
5 at the time of this writing in October 2014.

I am an art teacher with a B.A. in Art History from the University of Texas
(hook’em horns!) and a M.A. in Art Education with a graduate academic
certificate in Art Museum Education from the University of North Texas. I have
worked in several different museums as a gallery teacher or a
museum educator. I have also taught 4 years of community
college art appreciation, 2 years of elementary art, and 4
years of online art for middle and high school.

All of this experience and passion comes together perfectly at

the Art Curator for Kids. I love writing and teaching about art,
and I am so excited for the future of this site. I have tons of
ideas to help you easily bring art into your households.

Thanks again! Please contact me anytime with questions,

suggestions, or thoughts. Just click “contact” on the site and fill out the form or click
any of the social media buttons below.


Cindy Ingram

About this Resource

About the Worksheets

The worksheets in this document are designed to work with lots of different
types of artworks, so you can just pick an artwork, print a worksheet, and start
the activity. Each has instructions at the top and plenty of space to do the
activity. If you have any questions about any of the worksheets, do not
hesitate to contact me (click the buttons at the bottom of page 3).

Art Appreciation Printable Worksheet Bundle, 8 – Free!

The Art Appreciation Printable Worksheet Bundle from the Art Curator for Kids
is a free collection of 8 ready-to-use worksheets in your homeschool or art
classroom. This resource is available for free by signing up for the e-mail
newsletter list on the blog.

Includes worksheets:
Art Reflections: I see I think I wonder, Write a Haiku Poem, Twitter
Perspectives, Write a Letter, 4 Steps of Art Criticism, Exploring Place: The 5
Senses, Write a Cinquain Poem, Compare and Contrast

Art Appreciation Printable Worksheet Bundle, 20 – $6

This pack includes 20 ready-to-use worksheets that work with many artworks.
You can buy this pack of worksheets for only $6 by visiting

Includes all of the above worksheets, plus:

Send a postcard, The 5 Ws and H, Memory Drawing, Stars and a Wish, Art for
Sale, Storyboard, Character Analysis, “I am” Character Poem, What do they
see? Drawing, Formal Analysis – Elements of Art, Formal Analysis – Principles
of Design, and Charlotte Mason Picture Study.

Thank you! Enjoy!

Student Name: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Art Reflections
Instructions: Use the prompts below to write about the artwork.

Artwork Title: _______________________________________________

Artist/Culture: _______________________________ Date: __________

I see…

• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________

I think…

• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________

I wonder…

• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________
The Art Curator for Kids | | 2014 Cindy Ingram 5
Student Name: ____________________________ Date: _________________

4 Steps of Art Criticism

Instructions: Use the prompts below to write about the artwork.
Artwork Title: _______________________________________________
Artist/Culture: _______________________________ Date: __________

1. Description Describe the physical

2. Analysis Analyze how the art is organized,
characteristics and contents of the work of art.
using the elements of art (Line, Shape, Color,
____________________________________________ Texture, Value, Space, Form) and the principles of
design (Contrast, Emphasis, Unity, Movement,
____________________________________________ Variety, Pattern, Proportion, Balance) as a guide.
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
3. Interpretation Discuss how an artwork ___________________________________________
makes you think or feel and what you think the ___________________________________________
message, idea, or mood of the artwork might be.
___________________________________________ 4. Evaluation Form a judgment or opinion.

The Art Curator for Kids | | 2014 Cindy Ingram 6

Student Name: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Compare and Contrast

Instructions: Compare two works of art. In the space where the two
boxes connect, write the things the artworks have in common.

Artwork Title: ____________________________________ Artist/Culture: __________________


Artwork Title: ____________________________________ Artist/Culture: __________________

The Art Curator for Kids | | 2014 Cindy Ingram 7

Student Name: ____________________________ Date: _______________

Exploring Place: The 5 Senses

Instructions: Imagine you have entered the painting. Describe the
environment using the 5 senses.
Artwork Title: _______________________________________________
Artist/Culture: _______________________________ Date: __________

What do you hear?

_________________________ What do you see?
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

What do you smell?

_________________________ What textures can you find?
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

What do you taste?

_________________________ How does it feel to be here?
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

The Art Curator for Kids | | 2014 Cindy Ingram 8

Student Name: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Write a Letter
Instructions: Write a letter using inspiration and evidence from this artwork.
Artwork Title: _______________________________________________
Artist/Culture: _______________________________ Date: __________

Letter Options (select one):

 To the artist from the student  To a character in the artwork
 From the artist to the student  From a character in the artwork

Date: _____________________________________
Dear _____________________________________,

The Art Curator for Kids | | 2014 Cindy Ingram 9

Student Name: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Write a Cinquain Poem

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with descriptive words about the artwork to
write a cinquain poem.

Artwork Title: _______________________________________________

Artist/Culture: _______________________________ Date: __________


adjective adjective

verb(ing) verb(ing) verb(ing)



The Art Curator for Kids | | 2014 Cindy Ingram 10

Student Name: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Write a Haiku
Instructions: Look at the artwork and answer the warm-up prompts. Use
these words as inspiration to write a haiku poem about the artwork.

Artwork Title: _______________________________________________

Artist/Culture: _______________________________ Date: __________

Write 6 adjectives that describe the artistic style (or the way it is painted) of the artwork.
1. 3. 5.

2. 4. 6.

Write 6 adjectives that describe the emotions of the work of art—either the emotions contained in the
piece or the emotions you feel while looking at it.
1. 3. 5.

2. 4. 6.

Write 6 verbs that describe the subject matter of the work of art.
1. 3. 5.
2. 4. 6.

Write 6 similes or metaphors included in this art work.

1. 3. 5.

2. 4. 6.

Write a Haiku
Write a haiku poem about the artwork using the warm-up above as an inspiration.
Title: _______________________________________________
Line 1: _______________________________________________ (5 syllables )
Line 2: ___________________________________________________________ (7 syllables )
Line 3: _______________________________________________ (5 syllables )

Haiku Example:
Title: Rainstorm Daughter
Line 1: Crashing thunder sounds Tiny burst of light
Line 2: While the sky drops in contents Joy erupts like solar flare
Line 3: After, a rainbow You are my sunshine

The Art Curator for Kids | | 2014 Cindy Ingram 11

Student Name: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Twitter Perspectives
Instructions: Write tweets from you, the artist, the painting, and characters in
the painting.

Artwork Title: _______________________________________________

Artist/Culture: _______________________________ Date: __________





The Art Curator for Kids | | 2014 Cindy Ingram 12

Thank you very much!
Want more?
Down the 20-pack Art Appreciation Printable
Worksheet Bundle for only $6 by visiting

Please subscribe to the blog for new posts and art resources
to use in your classroom or join my mailing list to receive
e-mail alerts of new available products when they are released.

Did you use any of the worksheets? How did it go?

Tag me on Twitter to let me know how it went! @ArtCurator4Kids 13

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