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Plan, Manage, and

Execute Testing
activities using
qTest Manager
Hands-on Guide


What is this document for? 3

Prerequisites 3

Disclaimer 3

Section I: Test Plan Tab 5

Creating a Release 5

Section II: Requirements Tab 9

Creating a Module 9

Adding a Requirement 9

Section III: Test Design Tab 12

Writing Test Steps for a Test Case 12

Approving a Test Case 14

Creating a Test Run 15

Section IV: Test Execution Tab 15

Executing a Test Case 15

Observations 20

What is this document for?
This hands-on guide is designed to help you explore the process of how Tricentis qTest Manager
works. You will also assess the use of qTest in test management practices and other software
testing activities. This will also help enhance your functional knowledge of the product.

In this document, you are provided with detailed instructions to walk you through the steps to
achieve the desired result(s) for the listed assignment(s).

We encourage you to use this document to support your knowledge of qTest, compare it with your
alternate practical implementation method(s), and improve your overall know-how of the tool.

Users must ensure to comply with the following prerequisites to be able to learn the working of
Tricentis qTest manager:

Access to qTest On-Demand instancte

A valid qTest license

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose
without the express written permission of Tricentis GmbH.

© 2022 by Tricentis GmbH

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

+ Objective
By end of these exercises, you will be able to demonstrate how to:

Create a Release and a Build from the Test Plan tab

Define a Requirement

Create, Approve, and Execute a Test Case

+ Why is this important?

Following the use cases shared in this guide, you will learn how to use qTest Manager and the
different tabs in it. You will also understand the functionalities of each of these tabs and how it
helps to effectively plan, manage, and execute different testing activities in qTest.

+ Scenario

As you complete this scenario, you will be able to validate the functioning of the Login screen
elements of Tricentis Demo Web Shop application using qTest.

Consider that the login page is planned for launch under a certain build of a release from the
development team, and we need to ensure that it goes live Bug free while ensuring proper
management of testing activities.

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

To perform the testing described, you will work with the following tabs of qTest Manager. You will
utilize the qConnect - Sample Project, which comes as a prebuild with qTest.

Test Plan


Test Design

Test Execution


All the instructions in this guide are in reference to the login page mentioned above.

+ Steps to perform

Here are steps to perform. Please remember to follow the steps in sequence to achieve the
desired results.

Section I : Test Plan Tab

The Test Plan section of qTest Manager consists of different Releases and can contain multiple
Builds with each release. Each of these Builds is a subpart of the release.

Creating a Release

1| Log into Tricentis qTest using your credentials. The qTest Manager page appears

A different qTest login site is created for each unique instance.

2| Navigate to the Test Plan section of qTest Manager and right-click on qConnect
– Sample Project

3| Click the New Release icon and name it as Login Page; the newly created Release page
appears on the right-hand panel

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

4| Enter all details in the respective fields of the Release like Status, Start Date,
Description, and Release Note under the PROPERTIES section

The field End Date is optional to accommodate any Defects and priority relat-
ed issue while working on the Release.

5| Click the +Add button in the RESOURCES section under RELEASE SCOPE to add in
the requirements; these will be defined later in the Requirement section

6| Alternatively, click the link click here to pick from a folder under ATTACHMENTS to
import the pre-existing requirements and attached it in the form of an excel
or word file

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

7| Let the RESOURCES section be blank for now, for this exercise

Creating a Build

In continuation to the previous instructions, follow the steps below.

1| Navigate to the Login Page release under qConnect – Sample Project in the
Test Plan section

2| Right-click on Login Page and click on the New Build icon and name it as Login form;
the newly created Build page appears on the right-hand panel

3| Enter the details for the Build Note field under the RESOURCES section of the
Login Form Build

Login Form Build inherits details for the fields like Status and Build Date
from the Login Page Release

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

4| Click the link click here to pick from a folder under ATTACHMENTS in the RESOURCES
section to import the requirement for this Build


To perform this step, ensure to create a .txt file beforehand with the list of requirements
and store it in your local folder.

For example, create the following Requirements’ .txt file:

a) Login Screen elements like - Email, Password, Remember me?, Forgot password?,
and Login button must necessarily be in the Login Form Build

b) Email and Password should be as text boxes

c) Login should be as a button

Similarly, you can add multiple other more Requirements as necessary for the testing.

The sections under Test Plan and Test Execution tabs have identical hierarchy.
It helps to get accurate results using qTest Insights and provide us the details
of a Test Plan.

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

Section II : Requirements Tab

The Requirements section of qTest Manager helps create requirements which are part of the
released build. Remember, one requirement can be mapped to multiple Test Cases. In other
words, multiple test cases may require fulfilling one requirement.

Creating a Module

In continuation to the previous instructions, follow the steps below.

1| Navigate to the Requirements section of qTest Manager and right-click on

qConnect – Sample Project

2| Click the New Module icon and name it as Login Page; the newly created Module page
appears on the right-hand pane and as a folder on the left-hand pane under
qConnect – Sample Project

Adding a Requirement
In continuation to the previous instructions, follow the steps below.

1| Navigate to the Login Page Module under qConnect – Sample Project in the
Requirements section

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

2| Right-click on the Login Page Module and select New Requirement icon; the newly
created Requirement page appears on the right-hand panel

3| Enter a relevant name for the newly created Requirement; for this exercise, we named
it as Login Page Element

4| Navigate to the DETAILS tab of the Login Page Element Requirement

5| Enter all details in the respective fields of the Requirement like Status, Type, Priority,
Assign To, and Description under the PROPERTIES section

In reference to the attachments in the RESOURCES section of the Build of this
exercise, the description text reads: All the 5 elements i.e., Login, Password,
Remember me?, Forgot password? and, Login button) need to be present in
the Login Page.

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

6| Click the +Add button under LINKED TEST CASES in the RESOURCES section to add
an existing Test Case to this Requirement

If you do not have a Test Case created, create one in the CREATE ASSOCIATED
TEST CASES section. Click the Create button in this section. As soon as you
create the Test Case, it will be displayed under the RESOURCES section.
Please remember, you can only create a Test Case here in Requirement. The
Test Steps for the same Test Case (Login Page) can only be added under the
Test Design tab.

7| Navigate back to the Test Plan tab and to the Login Page Release

8| Scroll down to the RESOURCES section of the Release and click on +Add; the
Requirements window will appear

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

9| Scroll down and select the Login Page Element Requirement you created, to add to the
Test Case

This Requirement will be inherited in the Build and therefore can be added to
it as well.

The sections under Requirements and Test Design tabs follows identical
folder structure.

Quick Summary:
So far, you have created a release Build, a Test Plan, a Requirement, and an associated
Test Case for the Requirement and mapped the Requirement to the Test plan.

Section III : Test Design Tab

The Test Design section of qTest Manager is used to create Test Cases and Test Steps.
Here, Test Cases are parameterized or in Tosca’s terminology it is Instantiate. qTest
Parameter comes into play for the parameterization of the Test Cases, a component
of qTest Manager Suite, found in the 9-box menu on the ribbon. In the Test Design section,
you will determine:

How to write a Test Case/Test steps and approve it

How to link the Test Case to a Requirement and push it to the Test Run section

Writing Test Steps for a Test Case

In continuation to the previous instructions, follow the steps below.

1| Navigate to the Test Design section of qTest Manager

A Login Page folder will already be created. Given that Requirements and Test
Design sections follow identical folder structure, therefore as soon a folder/Module
is created in Requirements, an identical folder gets created in Test design section.

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

2| Navigate to the Login Page folder, expand it, and click on Test Case Covers Login Page
Element; the relevant page appears on the right-hand panel

3| Enter the details for the fields in the Test Case Property section like Status, Type,
Assigned To, and Priority

4| Scroll down, click on +ADD, and enter the steps for the Test Case in the Test Steps section,
as shared below:


Remember that qTest is not an automation tool and requires the Test Steps to be
entered manually. Also, start adding the steps from 1 and not from step 0, which is
used for adding pre-conditions and is optional.
a) Open

b) Verify “Login” Textbox is present

c) Verify “Password” Textbox is present

d) Verify “Remember me?” checkbox is present

e) Verify “Forgot password?” link is present

f) Verify “Login” button is present

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

5| Click on the SAVE button on the top-right of the page

Approving a TestCase

It is to be remembered that a Test Case needs to be approved before converting it
to a Test Run. This is an additional precautionary step that qTest offers. Approval
rights are not assigned to everyone.
It’s important to note that only few of the senior testers or moderators can approve
a Test Case after carefully going through it in the Test Execution section. However,
since this is a trial instance, you have the rights to approve the Test Case as you are
the owner of this instance.

In continuation to the previous instructions, follow the steps below.

1| Click on the APPROVE button on the top-right of the Test Case Covers Login Page
Element page

2| Click on Yes in the Confirmation pop-up that appears

Conditional Usage of RTB – Use Case

Creating a Test Run

In continuation to the previous instructions, follow the steps below.

1| Click on Create Test Run button on the top-right of the Test Case Covers Login Page
Element page; a dialog box appears requesting a selection of the folder/Module from
the Test Run section

2|Select the Login Page folder for this Test Run

You will observe a similar folder structure of Test Plan and Test Run.

Section IV : Test Execution Tab

The Test Execution section of qTest Manager is where the Test Cases that were designed
in Test Design section are executed. Remember that qTest is a test management platform
and does not perform automation, even though the Test Run may seem to be
Automation run.

Executing a Test Case

In continuation to the previous instructions, follow the steps below.

1| Click on the Login Page folder/Module on left-hand pane

2| Click on the Statistics tab on right-hand panel and view the parameterized Test Runs
created from Test design section

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

3| Click on any one of the Test Runs from the list; it will guide you to its respective
Test Run section

4| Click on the down arrow beside the RUN button on the top-right of the page


Here you can execute the Test Case in 3 ways:

a) TestPad Only

b) TestPad + Desktop Explorer

c) TestPad + Web Explorer

5| Choose the option TestPad Only, for this exercise; a TestPad window Test Case
Covers Login Page Element appears

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

6| Click on the SAVE button on the top-right of the window

7| Perform each step in the order as instructed in the TestPad window

8| Hover on the Unexecuted STATUS text corresponding each Test Step to choose and
update its status with the resultant, as you perform it

9| Click the Select drop-down right beneath Execution Steps tab to change the final status
of the Test Case after performing all the steps and updating their statuses individually

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

10| Click on the SAVE button on the top-right corner of the window to save the Test Run
log; a dialog prompt appears to log the time required to execute the Test Case

11| Enter the details and click the SAVE button and close the TestPad Window

How to proceed when a Test Step fails?

In continuation to the previous instructions, follow the steps below.
Additional Condition:
In the next Test Run deliberately fail one step. Run and submit a Defect for the same.
Follow the same process to start the Test Run for another Test Run created earlier and
this time fail the last step of the Test Run. Follow the steps below:

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

1| Mark the Test Step as failed in its individual status

When a Test Step fails, you need to submit a Defect for that step.

2| Hover on the immediate right of failed status; a Bug icon will appear

3| Click the Bug icon corresponding failed Test Step to register a Defect

4| Click SUBMIT DEFECT at the top right of the page; a Defect dialog bog appears


On the Defect dialog box, either a new Defect can be created or searched and
linked to an existing one.

5| Check the checkbox Include all test steps details and click the NEW button to open
a new Defect, for this exercise; a New Defect form will appear as a separate window

Plan, Manage, and Execute Testing activities using qTest Manager

6| Enter all the relevant information like Summary, Description, etc. and click on the
Save & Close button on the top-right corner; it navigates back to the TestPad window

7| Click on the SAVE button on the top-right corner of the window close the
TestPad Window

Quick Summary:
You have run 2 Test Runs – one successful and one with a failed Test Step. For the Test Run
with a failed Test Step, you submitted a Defect.

+ Obseravtions

1| qTest Projects are managed using the main tabs like Test Plan, Requirements,
Test Design, Test Execution, and Defects. Each of these tabs offer unique functionalities
for different areas of testing.

2| Requirement and Test Design sections follow identical folder structure

3| Test Plan and Test Execution sections follows identical folder structure

4| Test Cases needs approval before getting transferred to the Test Execution section


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