Satellite Communication Term Paper

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Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to a complex and technical topic

such as satellite communication. The amount of research, analysis, and writing involved can be
overwhelming, leaving students feeling stressed and frustrated. This is where ⇒
⇔ comes in to provide much-needed assistance and support.
Satellite communication is a rapidly evolving field, with new advancements and technologies being
introduced constantly. This makes it a challenging topic to write a thesis on, as there is a vast amount
of information to cover and understand. Additionally, the technical jargon and complex concepts can
make it difficult for students to effectively communicate their ideas and arguments.

One of the biggest struggles of writing a thesis on satellite communication is finding credible and
up-to-date sources. With the ever-changing nature of this field, it can be challenging to find relevant
and reliable information. This can lead to hours of frustration and wasted time, trying to sift through
numerous sources and determine their credibility.

Another obstacle that students face is organizing and structuring their thesis. With such a vast
amount of information, it can be challenging to present it in a cohesive and logical manner. This is
where the expertise of ⇒ ⇔ can be invaluable. Their team of experienced writers
can help students create a well-structured and well-written thesis that effectively conveys their ideas
and arguments.

Time management is also a significant challenge when it comes to writing a thesis on satellite
communication. With the amount of research and writing involved, it can be challenging to balance it
with other academic and personal responsibilities. This can lead to students feeling overwhelmed and
struggling to meet deadlines.

For these reasons, it is highly recommended to seek assistance from ⇒ ⇔ when
writing a thesis on satellite communication. Their team of experts can provide guidance and support
throughout the entire process, from topic selection to final editing. This can save students time,
stress, and ultimately result in a high-quality thesis.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on satellite communication is no easy feat. It requires extensive

research, analysis, and writing skills, which can be overwhelming for students. Seeking help from ⇒ ⇔ can make the process much more manageable and result in a well-written and
successful thesis.
For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 293 views 36 pages Chapter 2 Satellite
Communications: Satellite Launching Uploaded by fadzlihashim87 Launching vehicles,Newton's
Law,Keppler's Law Full description Save Save Chapter 2 Satellite Communications: Satellite Laun.
To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds
to upgrade your browser. These waves have completely different frequency segments, and you will
be ready to obtain an audio signal by changing into a frequency segment. Thus a satellite at the
horizon has zero elevation and a satellite directly overhead has elevation of 90 degrees. While both
methods involve the use of a satellite to relay information from one location to another, they differ
in the way that the information is transmitted and received. This orbit, now called a “ geostationary
orbit,” is ideal for satellite communications, since an antenna on the ground can be pointed to a
satellite 24 hours a day without having to track its position. Telstar 1 was the first satellite to transmit
live television images between Europe and North America. GPS Navigation, Global telephony,
Multimedia video and internet connectivity, Earth Imaging through Remote sensing satellites for
resource monitoring, Telemedicine, Tele-education services etc. The advantage of analog transmission
is that it is relatively simple and easy to understand. These mobile satellite antennas are popular with
some recreational vehicle owners. The cost of installation is very less compared to satellite
communication. Intelsat’s satellites in geostationary orbit provided nearly global coverage, as Arthur
C. B.E Civil Engineer Graduated from Government College of Engineering Tirunelveli in the year
2016. In summary, analog and digital satellite communication are two distinct methods of
transmitting information via satellite. Satellites should be designed by keeping in mind its usability
for short and long term effects throughout its life time. As digital communication supports data
encryption thus is widely used for military purpose and long-distance communication. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. By using the Bluetooth device the information
from one device to another device. Due to the limitations of ground-based amateur equipment, most
amateur satellites are launched into fairly low Earth orbits, and are designed to deal with only a
limited number of brief contacts at any given time. Cellular and cordless phones are two examples of
devices that make use of wireless signals. Tech IV Year II Semester Examinations, September - 2020
SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Time: 2 hours
Max. JNTUH B.Tech satellite communications September - 2020 Question Paper. Armature current
kept constant Field current kept constant 3. Analog communication is a type of communication
where the data that is being communicated is continuous. True anomaly. The true anomaly is the
angle from perigee to the. Its importance and services to human race cannot be neglected. The first
practical concept of satellite communication was proposed by 27-year-old Royal Air Force officer
Arthur C. Definition of Digital Communication A way of communication in which the message is
transmitted in the form of digital pulses or non-continuous form is known as digital communication.
The broadcast happens either in simulcast or syndication or both. Current wireless phones include 3
and 4G networks, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi technologies.
Also, unlike DBS satellites which use circular polarization on their transponders, FSS satellite
transponders use linear polarization. Early Bird was the first operational commercial satellite
providing regular telecommunications and broadcasting services between North America and Europe.
Here, some of the most essential wireless communication systems are discussed like IR wireless
communication, satellite communication, broadcast paper presentation on satellite communication,
Microwave radio, Bluetooth, Zigbee, etc. To browse and the wider internet faster and
more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Figure 2.6 shows how to interpret
the NASA (National Aeronautics and. One is the satellite method and another one is a terrestrial
method. The receivers being developed will be used on communications satellites and will reduce the
dependence on ground-based stations for position determination. Sputnik 1 was only 58 cm (23
inches) in diameter with four antennas sending low-frequency radio signals at regular intervals.
Wherein satellite method, the data can be transmitted through a satellite, that orbit 22, miles above
the earth. This means that the data is transmitted in a continuous, unbroken stream. These networks
allow users to connect only within close proximity to a router. It has large time constant It has small
time constant 6. In this paper we are first giving a brief satellite history and next why we are using
satellite for communication and the orbital model. The story describes the construction and launch
into Earth orbit of a satellite 200 feet (60 metres) in diameter and made of bricks. Please refer to this
link to know more about How does Bluetooth work. Typically, cell phones have a larger range of
networks to provide coverage. GPS Navigation, Global telephony, Multimedia video and internet
connectivity, Earth Imaging through Remote sensing satellites for resource monitoring, Telemedicine,
Tele-education services etc. Computer advancement has enabled use of error detection and error
correction techniques to remove disturbances artificially from digital signals and improve quality.
Presently, ground stations track communication satellites and send radio signals to control centres.
Digital Communication: In digital communication digital signal is used rather than analog signal for
communication in between the source and destination. Pierce led a team at Bell Labs that developed
the Echo 1 satellite, which was launched on August 12, 1960. Telstar 1 was launched into low Earth
orbit on July 10, 1962, by a Delta rocket. In 1971 the Intersputnik International Organization of
Space Communications was formed by several communist countries, led by the Soviet Union. Here
the targets may be ships, astronomical bodies, paper presentation on satellite communication, aircraft,
spacecraft, automotive vehicles, insects, etc. Primarily intended as a textbook for undergraduate
students of electronics and communication engineering, telecommunication engineering, and
information technology, this easy-to-understand book will also be useful as a reference for
professional engineers. In this communication, electromagnetic waves as carriers signal. After Echo 2,
NASA abandoned passive communications systems in favour of active satellites. In old
constructions, making holes to fix the cables is not a good idea because it demolishes the integrity as
well as the significance of the building. Dr. NN Chavan Keynote address on ADNEXAL MASS-
APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT in the. In this type, the communication can be done in one
direction only.
These networks allow users to connect only within close proximity to a router. The advancement of
mobile networks is enumerated by generations. It focuses on designing receivers to pick up the
additional L2C (L2 Civilian) and L5 frequencies that will come from the next generation of GPS
satellites in 2010. All these services are available paper presentation on satellite communication
mobile. We had also discussed satellite merits and demerits which made this communication
successful along with its applications in today world (usage). They are used for mobile applications
such as communication to ships, vehicles, planes, hand-held terminals and for TV and radio
broadcasting. While both methods involve the use of a satellite to relay information from one
location to another, they differ in the way that the information is transmitted and received. Cos(0 to
90 ) is positive and cos( 90 to 180) is negative. But now we have cell phones, video conferencing,
emails, satellite communication etc. Read More. Communication Process Components. Satellite
Communication has served mankind in many ways e.g. to predict weather, storm warning, provide
wide range of communication services in the field of relaying television programs, digital data for a
multitudes of business services and most recent in telephony and mobile communication. Satellite
communication is one type of self-contained wireless communication technology, it is widely spread
all over the world to allow users to stay connected almost anywhere on the earth. The frequency
range of the terrestrial system is typically 4GHz-6GHz and with a transmission speed is usually
1Mbps to 10Mbps. This paper describes the history of satellite communications, its types and its
technological trends in different areas especially mobile communications. You only have to indicate
the short deadline and our support team will help pick the best and most qualified writer in your
field. Digital transmission, on the other hand, is much more difficult to intercept and decode, making
it a more secure method of communication. Satellites should be designed by keeping in mind its
usability for short and long term effects throughout its life time. Digital transmission is faster than
traditional transmission methods. The radio uses a transmitter that is used to transmit the data in the
form of radio waves to a receiving antenna Different Types of Antennas. The simple wireless
communication system is one-way communication. The United States spearheaded the development
of the satellite communications industry with the passing of the Communications Satellite Act in
1962. Similar to GPS devices, some phones make paper presentation on satellite communication of
signals from satellites to communicate. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download
PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. M gives the angular position of the
satellite in the orbit. One is the satellite method and another one is a terrestrial method. The LED
transmitter transmits the IR signal in the form of nonvisible light, that is captured and saved by the
photoreceptor. In this technology, the information can be transmitted through the air without
requiring any cable or wires or other electronic conductors, by using electromagnetic waves like IR,
RF, satellite, paper presentation on satellite communication, etc. B.E Civil Engineer Graduated from
Government College of Engineering Tirunelveli in the year 2016. As digital communication supports
data encryption thus is widely used for military purpose and long-distance communication. IR is
electromagnetic energy at a wavelength that is longer than that of red light. In optical
communication, optical fibers are used for the purpose of communication.
In digital communication physical transfer of data occurs in the form of digital bit stream i. In 1971
the Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications was formed by several
communist countries, led by the Soviet Union. Because the equatorial bulge causes slow variations in
w and ?, and. In fact, satellites should eventually be able to self-determine their position using
GNSS. Intelsat was formed on August 20, 1964, with 11 signatories to the Intelsat Interim
Agreement. It is open loop system It is close loop system Comparison between ar. UTU B.Tech
Previous year exam paper of SATELLITE-COMMUNICATION 2010, 7th semester. Submit minute
video-recorded paper presentation by October 2, iii. It transmitted signals for only 22 days until its
battery ran out and was in orbit for only three months, but its launch sparked the beginning of the
space race between the United States and the Soviet Union. Air is the transmission medium in
satellite communication. Kerala University Btech Satellite Communications (T) 2016 Question Paper.
Earth-orbiting artificial satellites are defined by six orbital elements. Satellite Communication has
moved in many steps ahead like frequency reuse, interconnecting many ground terminals spread over
the world, concept of multiple spot beam communications, Laser beam based communication
through satellites and use of networks of small satellites in low earth orbit. Many users communicate
across a single frequency band through mobile phones. Communication is a process of exchanging
verbal and non verbal messages Submit a two-slide “highlight” presentation (with one title slide, one
overview slide, together with a voice-over less than minutes in duration) video (mp4 format) of the
paper by September 15, ii. Analog technology comprises of natural signals like human speech. In
this type of transmission, the data is converted into a series of ones and zeros, which are then
transmitted via satellite. Early Bird was followed by Intelsat 2B and 2D, launched in 1967 and
covering the Pacific Ocean region, and Intelsat 3 F-3, launched in 1969 and covering the Indian
Ocean region. This paper describes the history of satellite communications, its types and its
technological trends in different areas especially mobile communications. Earlier, business
communication was limited to paper-work, telephone calls etc. Mean anomaly. Mean anomaly M
gives an average value of the angular. Mostly an audio broadcasting service, radio broadcasts sound
through the air as radio waves. At the other end of the communication channel, a source decoder and
demodulator is present. It orbited Earth in a elliptical orbit, taking 96.2 minutes to complete one
revolution. The first satellite to relay voice signals was launched by the U.S. government’s Project
SCORE (Signal Communication by Orbiting Relay Equipment) from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on
December 19, 1958. Syncom 3 broadcast the 1964 Olympic Games from Tokyo, Japan, to the United
States, the first major sporting event broadcast via satellite. M gives the angular position of the
satellite in the orbit. The first satellite in this series, Molniya 1, was launched on April 23, 1965. And
what components required for satellite designers. For instance, mobile telephony can be implemented
anytime and anyplace through significantly high throughput performance.
In this type of transmission, the data is converted into a series of ones and zeros, which are then
transmitted via satellite. They are responsible for providing these services to an assigned region (area)
on the earth. The main disadvantage of microwave signals is, they can be affected by bad weather,
especially rain. The power and bandwidth of these satellites depend upon the preferred size of the
footprint, complexity of the traffic control protocol schemes and the cost of ground stations.
Satellite communication is well-being in global communication system. NASA provided the launch
services and some tracking and telemetry support. Satellite communication is one type of self-
contained wireless communication technology, it is widely spread all over the world to allow users to
stay connected almost anywhere on the earth. Satellite Communication has moved in many steps
ahead like frequency reuse, interconnecting many ground terminals spread over the world, concept
of multiple spot beam communications, Laser beam based communication through satellites and use
of networks of small satellites in low earth orbit. The earth station should be in a position to control
the satellite if it drifts from its orbit it is subjected to any kind of drag from the external forces.
During the 50th anniversary of the Soviet Union on October 1, 1967, the annual parade in Red
Square was broadcast nationwide via the Molniya satellite network. Paper presentation on satellite
communication this communication, the data or information can be transfers using two methods. In
this type, the communication can be done in one direction only. So the information between the
source and the target is transferred in this way. The receivers being developed will be used on
communications satellites and will reduce the dependence on ground-based stations for position
determination. Cos(0 to 90 ) is positive and cos( 90 to 180) is negative. Mostly an audio
broadcasting service, radio broadcasts sound through the air as radio waves. Apart from the
broadcast source, this kind of paging system allows the speaker to give clear, amplified commands
throughout a capacity. Argumentative essay academic writing, biography ghostwriter. In this setup, a
router works as a communication hub wirelessly. As digital communication supports data encryption
thus is widely used for military purpose and long-distance communication. You can also share your
own study materials and it can be published in this website after verification and reviewing. Digital
systems are easier to use than analog systems. Digital signals An Analog signal is any continuous
signal for which the time varying feature variable of the signal is a representation of some other time
varying quantity, i. IR is electromagnetic energy at a wavelength that is longer than that of red light.
Intelsat’s satellites in geostationary orbit provided nearly global coverage, as Arthur C. The LED
transmitter transmits the IR signal in the form of nonvisible light, that is captured and saved by the
photoreceptor. If communication takes place between some two bodies over a satellite then it is
known as satellite communication. In addition, in older constructions with no committed shape for
communication, Wi-Fi otherwise WLAN is the single option. The Molniya orbit is highly inclined,
guaranteeing good elevation over selected positions during the northern portion of the orbit.
(Elevation is the extent of the satellite’s position above the horizon. Using GPS technology as a
reference, these antennas automatically re-aim to the satellite no matter where or how the vehicle
(that the antenna is mounted on) is situated. NASA bulletins, a pseudo-drag term is generated, which
is equal to one-.
Digital transmission, on the other hand, is able to transmit a larger amount of data in a smaller
amount of bandwidth, making it a more cost-effective and efficient method of communication.
Earth-orbiting artificial satellites are defined by six orbital elements. So the information between the
source and the target is transferred in this way. The received signal is demodulated as well as
converted again from analog to digital. The simple wireless communication system is one-way
communication. GPS Navigation, Global telephony, Multimedia video and internet connectivity,
Earth Imaging through Remote sensing satellites for resource monitoring, Telemedicine, Tele-
education services etc. At the other end of the communication channel, a source decoder and
demodulator is present. It has large time constant It has small time constant 6. One is the satellite
method and another one is a terrestrial method. Digital Communication: In digital communication
digital signal is used rather than analog signal for communication in between the source and
destination. Presently, ground stations track communication satellites and send radio signals to
control centres. Satellites should be designed by keeping in mind its usability for short and long term
effects throughout its life time. NASA provided the launch services and some tracking and telemetry
support. There are different types of wireless communication devices like mobiles. At present, the
usage of mobiles has been increased for different requirements like the internet, talking, multimedia,
gaming, photos, video capturing, etc. A satellite works most efficiently when the transmissions are
focused with a desired area. RFID tags need a power source whereas the bar codes simply need the
technology to read the bar code to include a power source. These signals, such as sound signals,
generally, are analog in nature. This kind of communication provides flexibility and very easy to use
excepting mobility. The power and bandwidth of these satellites depend upon the preferred size of
the footprint, complexity of the traffic control protocol schemes and the cost of ground stations.
Another application is to use them for mobile radio systems. The first satellite of Molniya series was
launched on April 23, 1965 and was used for experimental transmission of TV signal from Moscow
uplink station to downlink stations, located in Russian Far East, in Khabarovsk, Magadan and
Vladivostok. Report this Document Download now Save Save Chapter 2 Satellite Communications:
Satellite Laun. These networks need to be protected with passwords for the purpose of security,
otherwise, it will access by others. One major difference between analog and digital satellite
communication is the amount of bandwidth that is required to transmit the data. In the
electromagnetic spectrum, IR radiation lies between microwaves and visible light. Most drones can
operate autonomously for a large amount of time, but if contact is not recovered they will crash after
spending their fuel. Early Bird was the first operational commercial satellite providing regular
telecommunications and broadcasting services between North America and Europe. This paper
describes the history of satellite communications, its types and its technological trends in different
areas especially mobile communications. For Later 50% (6) 50% found this document useful (6
votes) 9K views 3 pages EC6004 Satellite Communication Previous Year Question Paper APR-MAY
2017 Uploaded by Dharani Kumar AI-enhanced title EC6004 satellite communication previous year
question paper APR-MAY 2017. This is very useful for users to test who are located in very remote
areas, and can’t access a wireline broadband or dialup connection.
Syncom 1 was followed by the successful launch of Syncom 2, the first satellite in a geosynchronous
orbit (an orbit that has a period of 24 hours but is inclined to the Equator), on July 26, 1963, and
Syncom 3, the first satellite in geostationary orbit, on August 19, 1964. The half Duplex
communication system is two-way communication, however, it is not simultaneous, paper
presentation on satellite communication. Required low power amplifiers are simple to design
Required high power amplifiers 4. The story describes the construction and launch into Earth orbit of
a satellite 200 feet (60 metres) in diameter and made of bricks. Types of modulation involved in
communication AM, FM, PM, PAM etc. This is very useful for users to test who are located in very
remote areas, and can’t access a wireline broadband or dialup connection. In general, it helps us to
predict weather, storm warning and also provides communication services in many fields like
telephone, mobiles, television etc. The new receivers will also contribute to a wide variety of other
applications, anything from altimeters and scatterometers (devices used to measure surface
parameters) to launchers and Earth observation. Please refer to this link to know more about Infrared
Communication. The digital TVs are very easy to use, and the database is user friendly. Nguyen
Thanh Tu Collection Dr. NN Chavan Keynote address on ADNEXAL MASS- APPROACH TO
MANAGEMENT in the. The history of wireless communication is discussed below. The frequency
range of the terrestrial system is typically 4GHz-6GHz and with a transmission speed is usually
1Mbps to 10Mbps. For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 293 views 36 pages
Chapter 2 Satellite Communications: Satellite Launching Uploaded by fadzlihashim87 Launching
vehicles,Newton's Law,Keppler's Law Full description Save Save Chapter 2 Satellite
Communications: Satellite Laun. This article gives an overview of wireless communication and types
of wireless communication. Please refer to this link to know more about Microwaves — Basics,
Applications and Effects. The development aims to make multi-frequency receivers available for
both Geo-Stationary and Low-Earth Orbit satellites. All these services are available paper
presentation on satellite communication mobile. NASA provided the launch services and some
tracking and telemetry support. Dr. NN Chavan Keynote address on ADNEXAL MASS-
APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT in the. The Soviet Union continued its development of satellite
technology with the Molniya series of satellites, which were launched in a highly elliptical orbit to
enable them to reach the far northern regions of the country. Sputnik 1 was only 58 cm (23 inches) in
diameter with four antennas sending low-frequency radio signals at regular intervals. In it he
calculated the precise power requirements to transmit signals to satellites in various Earth orbits.
Typically, cell phones have a larger range of networks to provide coverage. Dr. NN Chavan Keynote
address on ADNEXAL MASS- APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT in the. Kerala University Btech
Satellite Communications (T) 2016 Question Paper. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to
Pinterest. WiFi is very common in networking applications which affords portability wirelessly.
Satellite Communication has served mankind in many ways e.g. to predict weather, storm warning,
provide wide range of communication services in the field of relaying television programs, digital
data for a multitudes of business services and most recent in telephony and mobile communication.
Many users communicate across a single frequency band through mobile phones.

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