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The OpEd piece provides an imaginative expression of Martin Luthers thoughts on political activism in Uganda. It depicts his political philosophy in line with the walk to work campaign by the opposition politicians in Uganda. To give it a vivid approach, I write as though he was in Uganda writing for the New Vision paper. The writing style and philosophy are meant to illustrate Martin Luthers expressions in this context.

We have heard from political commentators, activists and technocrats that there is an economic crisis with an unprecedented inflation of around 28.3% and the shilling lose a quater of its value against the US dollar.1 It is absurd that the country faces such financial constraints that hinder development and lower peoples standards of living. Well as the authorities in government and other technocrats are tirelessly devising the means to curb the rising inflation, 2 our brothers and sisters in the opposition have decided to take on government by demonstrating and protesting through a campaign termed walk to work. Whether this campaign will achieve the needs of the society to deal with the inflation is another question. What they demand is that government urgently deals with the high prices of commodities and reduces the level of inflation3. The intention of my address is to answer the question as to the role and conduct of a Christian in such political activism; in other words should a Christian participate in the walk to work campaign against government? I need to point out that Christians4 are a peculiar people not destined for the kingdom of this world but for the eternal kingdom5. All who are Christian are governed by the Holy Spirit and are destined for the heavenly Kingdom while those who are not Christians belong to the kingdom of this world6. It is therefore inadequate of us to chase the things of the world as the Bible Scriptures also teaches that if you love the things of the world you do not have the love of the Lord7. We must therefore desist from the temptation of struggling for the things of this world in which we temporarily live8 but rather for what is eternal and destined for us in the heavenly Kingdom.

Faridah Kulabako, Business leaders warn that rising interests will hit Economic Growth, daily Monitor 19th 10. 2011, p6 2 Thomas Richardson, Ugandas Economic Challenges in the Global Perspective. A paper presented to NRM delegates in Kyankwazi on the 19th 10. 2011, Also reported in The New Vision 20th October 2011 3 Supra, n. 1, Opposition politicians claim that government has failed to control the economy 4 ODonovan, A Source book in Cristian Political Thought, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1999 [hereafter referred to as ODonovan], p 585, When I say Christian I mean those who have professed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior for there are many whos call themselves Christians but do not live a life of a Christian. See page 585 5 ODonnovan, p586 - 587 6 Ibid, this was Luthers philiosophy that Christians are in the world but not of it. They are destined to heaven and this can be depicted from John 17:16. 7 1 John 2:15 8 John 16:25

One would then ask; why are we here on the earthly Kingdom if we are meant for the heavenly kingdom9? Or should we abide by the earthly authority even when our destiny is divine? Answer. I recognize that the World is the Lords and all who live in it,10 but the world has not known Him and have rejected Him11 who created it. Christians should therefore bear it in mind that they temporarily live in this world.12 As to whether Christians should abide by the earthly authority, my answer is that the foundation and basis of the earthly authority is God's will and ordinance 13 for Paul, the apostle of Jesus Christ14 teaches that every soul should be subject to the governing authority as there is no authority except from God15. He also adds that those who rebel against God rebel against what God has instituted16. What our brothers and sisters are protesting and demonstrating in the walk to work campaign is considered as a challenge against the authority17. It is geared towards destabilizing the existing authority and to make the economy worse. Who says walking to work will decrease the inflation rate or reduce the commodities of prices? We also need to examine why are there escalating prices? What has caused the rise of sugar prices and other commodities than ever before? First among, the merchants, it is common practice that they would sell their merchandise as dear as they can; their best interest is to make as much profit from a good or a service at the expense of the buyer18. That is why you have varying prices of sugar as some merchants have made stocks that have led to scarcity so that they

See ODonovan, page 588 where he notes that it is important to have the temporal authority for it is most beneficial and necessary for the whole world in order to preserve peace and punish evil. Paul notes that the governing authority is Gods servant and must allow it to be 589 10 Psalm 24:1 11 John 17:25 and John 15:28 12 John 17:13-19 13 ODonovan pg 585 par 1. 14 Generally see Acts 9 15 Romans 13:1-2, Also see 1 Pet 2:13-14. 16 Ibid verse 2 17 Samuel Baligidi, Walk to work is Disastrous, The New Vision, 19th 10- 2011, Emphraim Kasozi, Besigye Aides Charged with Treason, Remanded, the Daily Monitor, 19-10-2011 18 Odonovan, pg 603. To Martin Luther, the ideology of selling goods at any expense irrespective of their value but only because they want to exploit the buyer is robbery.

sell the sugar at high prices. How else can one describe this practice than sheer robbery19? I have also learnt that the sugar is being exported to Southern Sudan where it can be sold at a much higher price comfortably than in Uganda20. This is total manipulation of the market forces and my dear Christians we should not engage in such forces. Well as the heathen have achieved their exploitation of the public, how then can it be solved by walking to walk? Later on, should a Christian join the band wagon by encouraging such practices or going against the authorities because the merchants manipulate the market? One would then ask, how are the merchants exploiting the public? Dont they need to make their profits? What is happening now is that they take advantage of the need in the market and raising prices. They do not consider the value of the product but raise the prices which he would not have done if it had not been for his neighbors need. This is why the transport fares are very exorbitant. There have been incidences where foreigners are over charged more than the nationals because of their ignorance and desperate need for goods. Isnt this an unchristian and inhumane thing to do? Is this what should send us to protest against the authorities? Would such practices of the heathen lead us to protest against government? 21 The walk to work protests is therefore unnecessary for what is being protested against is what the heathens do. Since we are not of this Kingdom, we cannot afford to campaign for them. It is also of importance that the merchants realize their profits and also compensate them for their labor22for the laborer deserves his wages23. And this can be achieved in different ways that I discuss below. You ask, should we then suffer at the expense of the merchants? Or how then are we to arrive to what is fair24? I have acknowledged earlier that it is important for us to have a temporal authority on the earthly kingdom.25 The proponents of the walk to work say that they are suffering from
19 20

Ibid at p603, par 1 Supra n 17 21 Generally ODonovan see p603 22 See page 603 23 Luke 10:7 24 pg 603 solutions given by Luther as to how the merchants can have fair prices to the public 25 See ibid, page 588 where he notes that it is important to have the temporal authority for it is most beneficial and necessary for the whole world in order to preserve peace and

the soaring inflation and high prices of commodities, but government is not directly involved in determining prices of services and commodities. The best mode in this case is that let the temporal authority take charge of transactions by appointing honest and wise men that shall compute the costs and set the prices that will enable the merchant and the buyer get a fair deal 26. For instance I am grateful for the role of the Kampala City Council Authority to take charge of the transport system in Kampala than leaving it in the monopoly of UTODA that has been exploiting passengers and taxi drivers27. The authorities will be able to determine the fixed prices of the fares to particular destinations28. In this case the service provider will benefit with a fare profit, the users will also not be charged excessively. The demands of those advocating for walk to work will therefore be catered for. we can learn how far it extends and how we may approve of it pg 590 one would ask me then that if the authorities are oppressive, economic conditions are hard what then shall Christians do. I have expressed that Christians are a unique and peculiar people whose hope is not in the things of this world but in what is eternal. They are also very few. There is no reason to engage with the authorities in what God has ordained them to do for one would be making judgment for themselves. In conclusion, I emphasize to you my fellow brethren that temporal governance is only limited to what is physical and of this earth. The authorities should be challenged when they begin to mislead souls and govern that which is eternal or the laws of the soul29 for that would be beyond their mandate. It is my considered opinion that the authorities should not be challenged by Christians in efforts of fighting for the earthly treasures as Paul also teaches that everyone must submit themselves to the governing authority which has been established by God 30. So, can the
punish evil. Paul notes that the governing authority is Gods servant and must allow it to be exercised, Romans 13. 26 This is Luthers philosophy in regard to avoiding exploitation by merchants though he also realizes that it is unrealistic to control every commodity or service in a world of greed and corruption. 27 Robert Mawegye , KCCA Takes Over Transport in Kampala, Daily Monitor Monday17-102011. Uganda Taxi Operators and Drivers Association (UTODA) is a private association that has been a monopoly controller of public transport in the city center 28 Ibid, Kampala City Council Authority will introduce the use of buses that will charge half the fare charged by taxis. 29 See, pg 591 30 Supra Romans 13

Christians serve among the authorities? They should definitely as Paul has taught us that the governing authority is Gods servant we must not allow it to be exercised only by the heathen but by all men including Christians.31

BIBLIOGRAPHY The Bible New International Version ODonovan, A Source book in Christian Political Thought, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1999 Karin Bornhamm, Luther in Mid Career 1521-1530Fortress Press, Philadlphia, 1901 Thomas Richardson, Ugandas Economic Challenges in the Global Perspective. A paper presented to NRM delegates in Kyankwazi on the 19th 10. 2011 The New Vision, News Paper The Daily Monitor News Paper


ODonovan, pg 589

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