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Independent works/Application/Reading/Writing

AIA Journal Assignment
Reflect on the school year so far by responding to the following six prompts:
Reflect on your academic achievement/growth.
1. My greatest academic strength is… because… math because it is easy to learn
for me
2. If I did (one of my bad grades in this class) again, I would…Ask to redo it
because… I want a good grade
3. I have improved at (math). I used to…be good at math but now I…am good(er)
Reflect on yourself as a learner/person.
4. So far this year, I have learned that I am…smarty because…I learned a lot
5. I hope people notice that I am….real
6. I am grateful for…mr jeanbart because….he is very nice

Writing Prompt:
As you started the new school year, you might have felt nervous because of all
the new things: new teachers, new friends and maybe even a new school. How is
your school year going? What have you learned? What friends have you made?
What has happened that was exciting, surprising, hilarious, confusing, stressful,
frustrating, or even embarrassing?
Write a personal narrative about something memorable that has happened to
you the first month of school. (Hint: What you feel strongly about is what makes
it memorable.)
Write a personal narrative about something memorable that happened to you
during the first month of school.
Independent works/Application/Reading/Writing

Intro: I walked through the doors nervously

Middle:I went to my first period and I was shocked
End:I saw my best friend and I felt better

Use the following checklist to guide and check your work:

I established and maintained first-person point of
view throughout the story. ¨

_____check____I started the story by describing the situation and

the setting with a good hook such as using vivid words,
dialogue, an interesting fact or raising questions about the
situation. ¨

put the events of the story in a logical order:
beginning, middle and end. ¨

used sensory details and concrete words and
phrases to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings. ¨

used dialogue so the reader can learn more
about the characters and to advance the plot. ¨

used transitional words, phrases, and clauses to
connect events and move the story along. ¨

I ended the story by resolving the conflict – how
he/she felt as a result of the experience, what he/she learned, a
personal reflection, etc.

Action Step: Respond to the following two prompts in your AIA Independent
works Journal:
Independent works/Application/Reading/Writing

1. In your own words, state the three steps of Sentence Frames for self-reflection.

2. Explain how Sentence Frames can be used to reflect on your achievement and
growth in school and in life.
I did 2 of four this week. 8/ 21 and 8/22 sorry I did not understand these very much and if you
could help me with it, I would be very thankful.

Use the Self-Assessment and Goal Setting Graphic Organizer to complete this

In this activity, you are going to write a personal goal for developing an
attitude of gratitude. A personal goal is what you want to achieve or
accomplish for yourself.”

For goal setting use the following tips:

Tip 1: Your goal needs to be specific. For example: To practice being thankful every
day for three weeks.

Tip 2: Your success criteria clarify how you will know if you achieved the goal or not.
Your success criteria will describe the specific ways you will practice being thankful.
For example: I will write down three things I am thankful for each day.

Tip 3: Your action steps state how you make your plan happen. For example: On
Mondays, I will write how I am thankful for ordinary things in my life. On Tuesdays, I
will write about my family.

Tip 4: Your resources need to state what you need to accomplish your goal. This
includes materials and people. For example: my computer

Tip 5: Your time frame needs to state how long you will be working on your goal.
State when you expect to meet your goal. For example: I will work on my goal for
three weeks.

Action Step: Respond to the following two prompts in your AIA Journal.
1. In your own words, describe the three steps of the Self-Assessment and Goal Setting
Independent works/Application/Reading/Writing

2. Explain how Self-Assessment and Goal Setting can be used to set academic and personal
goals. Goal setting will increase your chances of making academic goals.

8/22/23 to 8/23/23
For these success criteria, you should mark ‘Got It’ if you or someone in your group know how
to do the technique.” If not, write Not Yet
__got it______1. I will describe the steps of Got It – Not Yet.
______got it__2. I will describe the steps of Red – Yellow – Green.
___got it _____3. I will describe the steps of 3 – 2 – 1.
___got it_____4. I will describe the steps of Plus – Minus – Interesting.
__got it______5. I will describe the steps of Talking Cards.
__got it______6. I will explain how self-assessment helps me know more about my learning or
____got it___7. I will explain how Talking Cards gives everyone an equal voice when working
in a team.

Action Step: Respond to the following three prompts in your AIA Journal:

1. Explain the difference between learning targets and success criteria.

Learning targets are the targets of leaning that you have such as new things while
success criteria is how you can succeed.

2. Give an example of each of the following: • How understanding the learning target and
success criteria at the start of learning is helpful by bettering you learning technique •
How using the learning target and success criteria during learning is helpful • How using
the learning target and success criteria after learning is helpful. It will help you better
understand it.
3. Describe something you had to learn outside of school where a clear learning target and
success criteria would have helped or did help
Basketball/ all sports need a learning target and success criteria to better yourself in the game

Take time to copy all your independent works that you have done previously, then paste each
answer to correct assignment. When you’re done, save your works and post it to the
Application assignment in Schoology.

8/16/23 Self Awareness: being aware of your feeling and actions. Self management: manage your
feelings. Social awareness : be aware of your surroundings. Relationship skills: have
healthy relationships. Responsible decision: make good choices. You could bring others
Action Step 2: down

Respond to the following two prompts:

Independent works/Application/Reading/Writing

1. Describe the five SEL competencies in your own words: self-awareness,

self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible
2. Explain how a flat (weakness) in one competency might impact other

Respond to the following two prompts.

1. In your own words, define social emotional learning (SEL). Be sure to include what
kinds of SEL skills you will develop this year. 2-3 paragraphs
2. .
SEL is a way to learn. A way to learn how to be a better person and student. Students should
watch this to learn how to be these things.

SEL is a way that we can better ourselves. This leads to us becoming better people. To
ourselves and others. Students should take it to heart. It will better the community that we
live in.

3. In the form of a friendly letter, explain the purpose of Nick Vujicic’s Attitude Social-
emotional Learning curriculum, or AIA. Your friendly letter should include the

a) Greeting SEL was made to better children. Their

b) Body of letter minds and attitude. It was made to
c) Closing d) Signature (your Name) help children become better people.
Thank you for reading -hunter flynn

Part 1: Matching
Directions: Math the Idioms on the left with their correct meaning on the right. Put the correct
letter in the space provided.
___f____ Let someone of the hook A. Tell something briefly.

___a____ Make a long story short B. Good Luck

Independent works/Application/Reading/Writing

____d___ The best of both worlds C. To get upset

____h___ Wrap your head around something D. An Ideal Situation

____b___ Break a Leg E. The worst possible solution

____k___ A dime a dozen F. To not hold someone responsible for something.

____l___ Pull yourself together. G. I have no Idea.

____j___ To get bent out of shape. H. Understand something complicated.

____g___ Your guess is as good as mine I. To be mistaken; to be looking for solutions in the
wrong place.

____e___ A perfect Storm J. My patience has run out.

____i___ Barking the wrong tree. K. Something common

L. Calm down

Lesson P-1
Idiom revision
__ 1. Read the story below.
Independent works/Application/Reading/Writing

__ 2. Highlight the idioms.

__ 3. Work with a partner to write a second version that clearly convey the intent of author without
the idioms. Be prepared to share your revised version with the class.
It was a perfect storm. My phone was dead, and I had neglected to call home to let my parents know
that I would be late. My mom always bent out of shape in these situations.
“This is the last straw, Elizabeth!” my mom exclaimed as I entered the house. I quickly pulled myself
together. It was going to be a long night.

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