I Am Black

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Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing

11/04/2023 (2 days activities)

Team Members
Our Team Norms, Problems and Driving Question:
Team Norms:

Shaking hands when greeting someone. Saying

“please” and “thank you” Apologizing when one
makes a mistake. Standing up when someone enters
the room. Making eye contact during a conversation.
Listening when someone is speaking. Offering help
when someone is struggling. Respecting personal

Potential Problems and Rationale

Problem (s) Rationale

W eco not know know What it that that we are
know know kn ow front doi nig bomblacjat

Team Driving Question: (complete in Lesson 7-3)

We do and you do and we do

Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing

Project Stakeholders

Example: Building houses for Habitat for Humanity.

Stakeholder Perspectives
The people for whom the houses The beneficiaries of the house may feel happy and secure to have
are being built a new home.
The volunteers who are building Since they are contributing to the work that is being done, the
the houses volunteers may feel inspired by what they are doing to help, and
in turn, encourage others to do the same.

Problem: High rate of homelessness and lack of affordable housing for low socioeconomic individuals
and families
Stakeholder Perspectives
Consider primary and secondary ___ may think/feel/believe __ because__.
Problem: why u doing this Man I don’t knwo
I speck african She has big forrehead
I speck I like myself
I like I am myself
Bombonags I am alone

11/29-30/23 (2 days activities)

Team Members:
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing

Combining Research

What specific problem does our research address?

Causes of problem(s) / topic discussed Effects of problem(s) / topic discussed:
Did our research cause us to change or revise our driving question? Yes No Why or why not?
Our Current Driving Question:

Name: _____________________________

Documenting Research

Side A: Chapter 7 Research

Name of Author/Source/Site: Date of Article/Site:
Has this source been confirmed as trustworthy using the 5 Cs? Yes No
What I read (my notes or summary):
What specific problems in my topic does this article talk about?
Causes of problem(s) / topic discussed: Effects of problem(s) / topic discussed:
How does what you read motivate you to make local or global change?
Does reading this make you want to modify your team’s driving question? Yes No If yes, write your
modified driving question on the Driving Questions Graphic Organizer.

Side A: Chapter 8 Research

Name of Author/Source/Site: Date of Article/Site:
Has this source already been confirmed trustworthy Yes No Using the 5 C
My Solutions/Team’s Solution: Suggested Solutions from Source:

Takeaways from second reading:

Which solutions or tips mentioned in the article do you want to potentially use in your action plan?

11/27-28/23 (2 days activities)

1) Name____________________
Driving Questions Graphic Organizer
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
ON YOUR OWN: Develop three driving questions about your team’s topic. Create the questions based
on the specific problems you identified or investigate other potential problems about your topic you
may want to address. Ask yourself the following about your questions:

• Are my questions open-ended? In other words, do they have unlimited response options for the
problem? • Do my questions require research? • Do my questions align to my passions and interests
about the topic? • Do my questions create interest and a sense of challenge? • Do my questions capture
and communicate purpose? • Are my questions focused enough to be attainable?

Driving Question 1

Driving Question 2

Driving Question 3

AS A TEAM: Decide on one driving question for your team’s project. Choose one of the team member’s
questions or generate a new one together. Make sure the question fits the criteria above and is aligned
to the passions and interests of the team.

Our Driving Question:

2) Name____________________
Driving Questions Checklist

¨ Is open-ended ___________
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
¨ Requires research ____________
¨ Aligns to passions and interests _____________
¨ Creates interest and a sense of challenge____________
¨ Has purpose _____________
¨ Is focused enough to be attainable ____________

3) Name______________________________________

Using the 5 Cs: Choosing Sources

Team Driving Question:

Context: If the source is older, is the information still relevant? ¨

Credibility: Does the source have a good reputation? Were credible sources cited by the author?
Is the source actual news and not an advertisement? ¨
Construction: Is the source free of bias, propaganda, and loaded words? Are facts and opinions
distinguishable? Was nothing purposefully omitted? ¨
Corroboration: Is there another credible source that reports the same information and makes the
same claim(s)? ¨
Comparison: Is there another source on the other side of the spectrum to provide an alternate
Source 5Cs
“Food Scarcity: A ¨ Context: If the source is older, is the information still 1.Context: The
Global Issue” by relevant? ¨ article is recent. It
Regina A. Smith Credibility: Does the source have a good reputation? was written in 2019.
Were credible sources cited by the author? Is the 2. Credibility: It was
source actual news and not an advertisement? ¨ written by a doctor
Construction: Is the source free of bias, propaganda, who is an expert on
and loaded words? Are facts and opinions the topic.
distinguishable? Was nothing purposefully omitted? ¨ 3. Construction: The
Corroboration: Is there another credible source that facts and opinions
reports the same information and makes the same are distinguishable;
claim(s)? ¨ the source is free of
Comparison: Is there another source on the other side bias, propaganda,
of the spectrum to provide an alternate view? and loaded words.
4. Corroboration:
Other sources I
found support the
information stated
in this source.
5. Comparison: Two
articles found on the
United Nations
website provide
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
different solutions
for the same issue.
¨ Context: If the source is older, is the information still 1.Context:
relevant? ¨ 2. Credibility:
Credibility: Does the source have a good reputation? 3. Construction:
Were credible sources cited by the author? Is the 4. Corroboration:
source actual news and not an advertisement? ¨ 5. Comparison:
Construction: Is the source free of bias, propaganda,
and loaded words? Are facts and opinions
distinguishable? Was nothing purposefully omitted? ¨
Corroboration: Is there another credible source that
reports the same information and makes the same
claim(s)? ¨
Comparison: Is there another source on the other side
of the spectrum to provide an alternate view?
¨ Context: If the source is older, is the information still 1.Context:
relevant? ¨ 2. Credibility:
Credibility: Does the source have a good reputation? 3. Construction:
Were credible sources cited by the author? Is the 4. Corroboration:
source actual news and not an advertisement? ¨ 5. Comparison:
Construction: Is the source free of bias, propaganda,
and loaded words? Are facts and opinions
distinguishable? Was nothing purposefully omitted? ¨
Corroboration: Is there another credible source that
reports the same information and makes the same
claim(s)? ¨
Comparison: Is there another source on the other side
of the spectrum to provide an alternate view?
¨ Context: If the source is older, is the information still 1.Context:
relevant? ¨ 2. Credibility:
Credibility: Does the source have a good reputation? 3. Construction:
Were credible sources cited by the author? Is the 4. Corroboration:
source actual news and not an advertisement? ¨ 5. Comparison:
Construction: Is the source free of bias, propaganda,
and loaded words? Are facts and opinions
distinguishable? Was nothing purposefully omitted? ¨
Corroboration: Is there another credible source that
reports the same information and makes the same
claim(s)? ¨
Comparison: Is there another source on the other side
of the spectrum to provide an alternate view?

Team Members
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing

Our Team Norms, Problems and Driving Question:

Team Norms:

List 5-7 norms

Potential Problems and Rationale

Problem (s) Rationale

Team Driving Question: (complete in Lesson 7-3)

How can we raise money to help our community?

“What feedback would you give the person who wrote this driving question? What is a strength (success
feedback)? How might the question be improved (intervention feedback)?”

Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
Success Feedback: This is an open ended question with many possible answers, and it requires research.
It also creates a challenge.

Intervention Feedback: Make sure to clearly state what you are specifically trying to raise money for by
stating the specific need. This will make the goal more attainable and set the purpose. Pick something
that reflects your passions and interests.

In this assignment, you will provide and use success and intervention feedback on three driving
questions you wrote in the last lesson.”

 Feedback I Gave: Record the success and intervention feedback shared with the partner for
each driving question.
 Feedback I Received: Record one example of success and one example of intervention feedback
received for each driving question.
1. Partner up.
2. Decide who will be Person A and Person B.
3. Person A will read his or her driving questions while person B listens.
4. Person B will use the Driving Question Checklist to give 1 success and 1 intervention feedback
for each question.
5. Person A will fill in the handout under the column “Feedback Received” while Person B will fill in
“Feedback Given”.
6. Repeat Steps 1-5 for each driving question shared.

* After completing steps 1 – 6 for each driving question, Persons A and B will switch roles and repeat
steps 1 – 6 for the remaining questions.

Revise your driving questions as needed using the feedback you received from each of your peers.”
When you finish, submit it to Construction Assignments.

Name_____________________________ My topic: _____________________________________

Giving and Receiving Peer Feedback: Driving Questions

Example: “How can we raise money to help the Example: How can I help the world?
Feedback I Gave Feedback I Received
Success: “Is open-ended, requires research, and Success: “Is open-ended, requires research, and
creates a challenge” creates a challenge”
Next Steps: “State what specifically in the Next Steps: “State more specifically how you
community the money is being raised for to make want to help the world to make the goal more
the goal focused, attainable and to create focused, attainable and to create interest. Choose
interest. Choose something that you are something that you are passionate or interested
passionate or interested in. “ in.”

Driving Questions Checklist

¨ Is open-ended ___________
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
¨ Requires research ____________
¨ Aligns to passions and interests _____________
¨ Creates interest and a sense of challenge____________
¨ Has purpose _____________
¨ Is focused enough to be attainable ____________

Partner’s Name:__________________________________

Driving Question Feedback I gave Feedback I received

1. Success: Success:

Intervention: Intervention:

2. Success: Success:

Intervention: Intervention:

3. Success: Success:

Intervention: Intervention:

Driving Questions Graphic Organizer

ON YOUR OWN: Develop three driving questions about your team’s topic. Create the questions based
on the specific problems you identified or investigate other potential problems about your topic you
may want to address. Ask yourself the following about your questions:

• Are my questions open-ended? In other words, do they have unlimited response options for the
problem? • Do my questions require research? • Do my questions align to my passions and interests
about the topic? • Do my questions create interest and a sense of challenge? • Do my questions capture
and communicate purpose? • Are my questions focused enough to be attainable?

Driving Question 1
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
Driving Question 2

Driving Question 3

AS A TEAM: Decide on one driving question for your team’s project. Choose one of the team member’s
questions or generate a new one together. Make sure the question fits the criteria above and is aligned
to the passions and interests of the team.

Our Driving Question:

Team Members

Our Team Norms, Problems and Driving Question:

Team Norms:
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
List 5-7 norms

Potential Problems and Rationale

Problem (s) Rationale

Team Driving Question: (complete in Lesson 7-3)

1. Why is it important to learn to work in teams?

2. What does effective teamwork look like?

It is important to learn how to work in teams because this is a skill you will need in life. In effective
teams, every member contributes and gets to do what they do best or are good at. Teamwork works
best because as Nick said, ‘we are better together’ because we can, ‘achieve more together than we
ever could alone.’”

You will learn how to identify team norms that can lead to effective teamwork and will be followed
when you start working in your AIA project teams.

Pass out paper for students to record responses during the tutorial. Collect this paper at the end of the
lesson to interpret student responses. Monitor and assist as students complete the tutorial.

At the end of the tutorial, students will complete the following Action Steps found on the last slide:
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
Action Step 1:

Complete the following two exercises in your AIA Journal:

Exercise 1:

You’ve already looked at eight team norms in this tutorial. Those norms are listed here along with

• Listen to understand.

• Disagree respectfully.

• Allow everyone to contribute ideas.

• Reach decisions by consensus

• Ask clarifying questions to understand

• Complete our work on time.

• Make sure everyone has a chance to speak.

• Keep disagreements private to the team.

• Ensure all members contribute to the discussion and tasks of the team.

• Monitor the quality of all work.

Pick three norms from the list, or create your own, and explain why the three norms are a must for
effective teamwork.

Exercise 2:

Respond to the following prompt:

• It is important to post, practice and follow team norms regularly in order for them to be truly

Why do you think this is true? Explain.

Action Step 2:

Discuss your three norms with a classmate. Explain why you chose what you did.

Have students self-assess using the Plus-Minus-Interesting technique. Students should respond on the
paper they used to take notes during the lesson. Collect students’ responses. Share and display the
following: Plus: Of the team norms learned, the norms I generally follow when working in teams are…

Minus: Of the team norms learned, the norms I don’t always follow when working in teams are…
Interesting: Describe the “why” for each minus listed.

Think of a well-known or historical change maker (i.e. Eunice Shriver, Louise Braille, and more).
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
1. Research the change maker.

On the chart below:

2. Name the change maker.

3. State of the contribution.
4. Explain the personal cause or reason for the contribution.
5. Explain the effects the contribution had on society.
6. List all of the sites used.

Group members:

Change Makers
Change Maker: Contribution:
What did the change maker

Why was the contribution personal? What caused the

person to act?

How did the change contribute to society?

Sources of information/Sites:

Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
Think about two needs, or problems, in our school or local
community you want to solve and explain your decision for
choosing this need. Write 2 paragraph to explain.

1st paragraph:

2nd paragraph:

1. Read each quote.
2. When you are finished, define the ethics in your own words.
Quote #1:
“It is easy to do right out of fear, but it is better to do right because right is
right.” – L. Farrakhan Explain the quote
Quote #2:
I Know only that what is moral is what you feel good about after and what
is immoral is what you feel bad about after.” - E. Hemingway
3) Let’s re-examine the quote and your interpretation of the quote based
on the theme: Ethics.
Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and
what is right to do” Potter Steward. Explain the quote!
Next, read the following quote based on the theme: Morals.
“Truth is certainly a branch of morality and a very important one to
society.”- Thomas Jefferson
Take a moment to reflect on your interpretation of this quote, and ask
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
If I was going to teach others the difference between ethics and morals,
what would I say? Explain

Finally, write your description, or write an example, of the difference

between ethics and morals.

4) Describe one example from what you learned today about the
importance of making ethical decisions - now and in your future.


1. Describe, in your own words, the terms:

Constructive behaviors, risk, consequences and
2. What might happen if we thought about the
consequences of our actions before we acted. 3-4
Check-In: School-Wide Actions”

1. Write 5-6 sentences letter to the administration on how to

decrease bullying in school.


2. Write one paragraph how you improve academically to celebrate

your progress and success for the 1st quarter. It could be your
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
improvement in math, science, ELA, or one of your extra-
curricular activities’ classes.


3. Write a short speech or ad for promoting positive peer

relationships at this school among your friends.


Small group Rotation answers:


1. As a new student in a new school, what might have helped you feel
welcomed by other students?

2. What might have helped your family feel welcomed by members of

your school community, including other parents, teachers, school
leaders, staff?

3. What are some of the challenges a new student at a new school

might experience?

4. How could you and other students cooperate to help new students
and families at your school establish and maintain positive

1. According to Justin, list two reasons that bullies bully.

2. Do you agree or disagree with Justin? Explain your answer and

be specific about which reason or reasons you agree or disagree
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
with. And if you agree with some but disagree with others, make
sure you explain these specifically as well. One paragraph

Small Group Rotation Answers:

How might recognizing the empathy and compassion shown by
peers, teachers and others in our school community may help
support one another’s ‘healthy self-image’?

1. How do your actions affect others? Think of different actions you show
throughout the week to your family, friends, teachers, and others.

2. What do you think it means to feel empathy toward others even if you
perceive them as ‘different’?

3. Do you see others the same way they see themselves? Do others see
you the way you see yourself?”

Here are two common Fallacies:

1) Bandwagon Fallacy: Persuading others to believe that an idea is

truthful simply because many people believe it or practice it.

For example: “Everybody knows Mr. Smith is a terrible teacher; therefore,

it must be true.”

2) Appeal to Ignorance: Appealing to someone’s lack of knowledge

(ignorance) as the evidence (fact) for something.

For example: “Because we have no knowledge of alien visitors, that

means they do not exist.”
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
Use this Social Norms-common Ground:5¢- worth technique below to
complete your assignment.

Effective communicators, in any social setting, always use their 5¢-Worth:

1. Greet people politely

2. Take turns talking
3. Pay attention to others
4. Think about others’ feelings before speaking or acting
5. Work together - 
It’s okay to disagree for the benefit of finding a solution!

Your goal is to complete the following together: Create two new

examples of each of these fallacies that you might see in some
form of media by using this technique above. In other words,
write a short speech for each of two fallacies by using the
technique above.
Working together with a teammate - a peer - and writing your own
examples of each of these two fallacies.

Answer#1: One paragraph.

Answer#2: One paragraph

Describe a time when you were persuaded by something on the
internet that you later found out was NOT true; it was actually
misinformation that made you misunderstand.

If you have not experienced this internet misunderstanding, then

describe an example of someone you know who has had this

Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
Small Group Rotation answers

Predict, and write your prediction, of how
misunderstandings could lead to negative conflicts
between people. One paragraph

Small Group Rotation answers:

Write about two extra-curricular activity you have never tried but if you
had the opportunity, you would? 2 paragraphs

Extra-curricular activity#1 (1 Paragraph):

Extra-curricular activity#2 (1 Paragraph):

1) Write of one goal you’d like to set for yourself. It could be a goal that has
something to do with school, or not; it must be a goal that is important to you and
positive for you to achieve.


2) Choose one skill you think will MOST help you work toward this goal. Explain this
skill in your own words.
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing

3) [Refer to the prepared materials from the Noble Technique: Sentence Frames
and read it again.

Complete these sentences to get you thinking:

If I had ___________________ skill, I would be able to __________________ more

confidently. “Because I _______________________ I have a challenge achieving
________________________. If I could ___________________________ I will set a goal to

4) Do you already have the skill you need for goal success?

If so, describe how you can improve it.

If not, describe the steps you will take to seek support in developing this skill.

Write about one skill for achieving a goal and explain why based on what
you learned today.




Did the skill for achieving a goal make sense to you? If not, ask for more
information until you understand it and can prove it by restating it in your
own words.

Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
Reflect about the different outside media that you, or someone you
know, pay(s) attention to on a regular basis.

1. Pick ONE that you think might have a negative effect on the
choices you (or someone else) might make; on self-image; even the
way others are viewed.

2. Describe this media.

3. Write a creative slogan (a saying that people will remember) or

draw a picture and include a slogan.


1. Think about at least ONE personal choice that, even at your age, you still
make every day.

2. Do you make personal choices because you want to or is there

something that influences, or you allow to persuade, your choice? Write
one Paragraph to explain.

No small group, finishing all previous and missing assignments.
Describe if your needs and thoughts are the same today as when you first
started your positive self-talk practice.

▪ Are your needs and thoughts the same today as when you first started
using a stress management action - as well as adding this breath
exercise? your progress o There are no wrong answers; it is the writing,
describing, pausing, reflecting, and thinking about your thinking during
this check-in time that is the right action.

• Even if you have no progress to report, describe how that feels;

recognizing where you can improve is also progress.
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
• You practiced today, describe this moment post-practice because it is
progress from before you practiced just minutes ago.

Write your thoughts about the following:

1. Where are your shoulders now? –

2. Are they up toward your ears?
3. Are they lowered down from your ears?
4. What happened to your breathing? Did it slow down? Speed up?
5. Were thoughts in your mind? If so, were you able to watch them drift
6. Did you attach to your thinking?

1. Think of one stress-management tip you learned today or
previously and one action for a short-term goal idea for
using this stress-management tip to help you calm down
when you are experiencing a stressful moment.

1. Now that you’ve read a list of words to describe self-

confidence, look again at your descriptions about how you
perceive self-confidence.

2. Were any of your descriptions similar If so, underline these.

3. Were any of your descriptions different? If so, add these new


4. Finally, write one new sentence describing the meaning of


Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
Using the Noble Technique: Sketch & Reflect: Create a visual
representation as your positive, daily affirmation and write a quote to help
you see the positive You.

Write a quote, like words of wisdom and create a visual image as your
‘words of wisdom’ and reflect on how the quote and this visual image will
help you see the positive YOU.

Ex: Even though some students think that the instructor does not care
for their education, he/she glads when students achieve their academic

1. Write your quote:
2. Daw the image:
3. Reflect:

Some ideas for practicing these daily reminders might be to hang the
quote [visual image] in your room or bathroom. Then, every morning as
you get ready for school, or twice a day, once in the morning and once
before you go to sleep at night, you can say your quote out-loud [see the
visual image] to jumpstart your self-awareness to accurately and positively
perceive YOU for YOU!
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
You will have an opportunity to check-in and share any progress with
the class in upcoming check-in lessons.

1. Describe one self-perception you have that might not be
accurate, might not be who you REALLY are.

2. Write about one emotion you feel that might NOT be an

accurate self-perception based on what you learned today.

3. Then name one emotion you feel that might NOT be an

accurate self-perception. Be sure to explain why you think this
emotion is NOT an accurate self-perception.

4. True or false
We have the power to change our self-perceptions. True or

Regarding question #6 (What are you most interested in learning from this class? ,

First, write down your answer.

Your answer:

Second, Submit your response to the student voices section.

Highlight: done or not yet.

Then, also write your answers on the student voices class period.

Highlight: done or not yet.

As you the instructor read and review your responses,

Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
a) each group, search a list of theme-based quotes about Peace; Communication;
Teamwork; Respect; Compassion; Success; Leadership; etc.

Write down at least 3 quotes:




b) Review the list of theme-based quotes at your table. Once each member has
chosen a quote, the team must vote on one quote. Once each team has chosen one
quote, submit the written quote and the theme of the quote to me. Once I have
received every team’s quote with the theme, I will write each quote on the board.
Then as a class, you will vote on the quote and theme that represents your
class’s Student Voices. You will have 10 minutes to choose within your teams.”

Write your team chosen quote:

Then Submit it to the student voices section: done or not yet

c) Then I will select one of you to write the quote and theme on your Student
Voices class period paper that hang back on the wall

d) Take a moment to ask questions or offer any ideas. If anyone has any
questions, or ideas about how we can all ensure everyone, including me, honors
your Student Voices, then ask or share it.

Use the Self-Assessment and Goal Setting Graphic Organizer you
completed in Lesson 9. In Lesson 9, you wrote a personal goal for
developing an attitude of gratitude. A personal goal is what you want to
achieve or accomplish for yourself. It’s time for you to check in on your
Share the learning target and success criteria. Check in on your
progress, and you can also explain if you already achieve the target
or not.
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
Learning targets clarify what students are expected to know and able to
do and success criteria help them know if they achieved the target or

Directions: Read each story. With your partner, use the
checklist to critique each story. Mark each performance
criterion that is present in each story: (X = full mastery; Y =
partial mastery). With your highlighter, mark where you see
each performance criterion. Talk about how you could make
each story better.

Story 1: “Empty Classroom”

1Last Tuesday I thought Mr. Welder would be quite pleased

by my early arrival to second period science class. Busy playing
on my phone, I didn’t even look up until the bell rang. When I
did, I found myself all alone in an empty classroom. Where
were my classmates? Where was Mr. Welder? Where was I
supposed to be?

2 Sitting in science class alone, I could feel my heart racing in

my chest. I quickly grabbed my planner from my overstuffed
bookbag. I desperately hoped that I had written down any
change in schedule. Nothing. So, I stared at the clock on Mr.
Welder’s wall as if it had the mystery clue, I was searching for.
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
Tick tock. Tick tock. The sound of the wall clock was almost
deafening as I grew more panicked by the second.

3 Right then, it hit me. Our class was meeting in the large lab
room today. Hoping Mr. Welder would understand, I made my
way to the right place.

4” We missed you,” said Mr. Welder with a smile.

5 “I’m sorry, Mr. Welder,” I explained, “I totally forget about

the change in schedule.

” 6 “Don’t give it a thought,” he added. “I am happy you are

here now. Grab your safety googles and join your lab partner.”

7 I knew right there and then two things. One, I really needed
to get more organized. Perhaps I should use my phone to
remind me of things like this. Secondly, Mr. Welder is the best.
He could have yelled at me, but he chose to show a little
compassion instead. I won’t forget it.

The writer established and maintained first-person
point of view throughout the story. ¨

The writer started the story by describing the situation
and the setting with a good hook such as using vivid words,
dialogue, an interesting fact or raising questions about the
situation. ¨

writer put the events of the story in a logical order:
beginning, middle and end. ¨
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
writer used sensory details and concrete words and
phrases to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings. ¨

writer used dialogue so the reader can learn more
about the characters and to advance the plot. ¨

writer used transitional words, phrases, and clauses
to connect events and move the story along. ¨

The writer ended the story by resolving the conflict –
how he/she felt as a result of the experience, what he/she
learned, a personal reflection, etc.

Story 2: “Math Test”

1 Math is by far my favorite subject. I race to get to math

class because Mr. Geller is my favorite teacher. He always
makes math so fun! He tells corny jokes, and we play a lot of
math games.

2 Last Friday we had a math test. Since I wanted to earn a

good grade, I studied all week. I did all of my homework. I even
had my Dad check it each night.

3 When it was finally time to take the test, I felt I was ready. I
was happy when I finished the whole test in15 minutes! I was
the first one done.

4 On Monday, Mr. Geller gave us our tests. I got an A! It was

a great day.

The writer established and maintained first-person
point of view throughout the story. ¨
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
The writer started the story by describing the situation
and the setting with a good hook such as using vivid words,
dialogue, an interesting fact or raising questions about the
situation. ¨

writer put the events of the story in a logical order:
beginning, middle and end. ¨

The writer used sensory details and concrete words
and phrases to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings. ¨

writer used dialogue so the reader can learn more
about the characters and to advance the plot. ¨

writer used transitional words, phrases, and clauses
to connect events and move the story along. ¨

The writer ended the story by resolving the conflict –
how he/she felt as a result of the experience, what he/she
learned, a personal reflection, etc.

In your group, describe the following:
1. Self-assessment:
2. Self-assessment technique Got not yet:
3. Self-assessment technique Red-Yellow-Green:
4. Self-assessment technique Pus-minus-Interesting:
5. and Self-reflection technique:
You and 2 other students in your group need to explain
why being grateful is important. 3 sentences each
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing

No small group assignment or activity, please finishing
previous assignments.
8/22/23 to 8/23/23
No small group activity for today, please take this time to finish previous
assignments from last week

No small group activity for today, please take this time to finish previous
assignments from last week.


For this activity, work in group of four. Today you are going to
work with your group to discuss gratitude and ways to develop an
attitude of gratitude. As you work to complete the Attitude of
Gratitude Graphic Organizer, you will follow a set of norms, or rules.
The three norms are:

(1) You will all do your share of the work. This means you all will give
your ideas AND fill out a graphic organizer.

(2) You will make sure everyone has a chance to speak. This means
you will take turns talking.

(3) You will respect all ideas. This means you never make fun of each
other’s ideas.” Please describe 2 ways to develop your own attitude
of gratitude. Complete Parts 1 and 2, and you have 12 minutes to
complete the task.

1. What does each “shift” or change mean?
Small Group/Group works/Reading/Writing
2. Of all the shifts, which two would you like to
work on?
In small group, consider the following scenario.

Harold has to study for a big test but wait for the
last moment and has to cram. He does not
practice self-motivation and self-discipline. What
might be the result of this “flat tire”?
In your own words re-write this below
The purpose of assessment within the tutorial is
formative. It is not about being right or wrong.
Assessment is used to push student thinking and
for students to be able to monitor their own
understanding of the learning target.

How might using Idioms in your writing enhance
or detract from your message? 3-4 sentences

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