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Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing 38 (2023) 3

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Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing

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Letter to the Editor

Boards: A Place for Nurses

I joined healthcare boards in 2012 on the West side of the Big Systems Corporation Board or HHSC. I sit on two committees: Per-
Island of Hawaii to effect change. I was bored with the daily com- sonal and Audit and Compliance.
plaints healthcare workers shared with me at the workplace regard- What a roller coaster of experiences. The opportunity to craft the
ing policy that interfered with nurses patient care. direction of health care in the Hawaiian Islands has been challenging.
Decisions are made in the C-suite Chief Executive Officer (CEO) I am grateful to have this experience.
Chief Financial Office (CFO) Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief Nurses need a seat at the “board” meetings. Nurses run hospitals
Nurse Executive (CNE). Boards advise the C-suite. Boards do not man- and our voices can no longer be silenced. When a C-suite officer sug-
age they advise. Remember that because as nurses we advise our gests cutting obstetric services due to revenue loss my eyes pop
patients everyday. We are a perfect fit to sit on boards and guide open. What?
healthcare into this next century. Babies will still be born. Woman will present into your emergency
I was initially overwhelmed with the acronyms flying around the rooms for childbirth. Is that what you want?
board table but kept my head down and listened and quickly realized After fifty years of nursing, I have learned that our voice matters.
the A/P was not anatomy and physiology but accounts payable. ACO We as nurses can step up into the C-suite and state our opinions. Our
meant accountable care organization. APR did not mean April it experience matters and nurses can craft the direction of healthcare to
meant Adjusted payment rate. And the list goes on. benefit all. Provider, patient and administrator. Challenge yourself
I felt challenged but pushed through the pain. and join a healthcare board in your community. I did.
I want to effect change to guide our patients through a sustainable
healthcare path. Jane C. Dierenfield, BSN, RN, CPAN, CAPA
NURSES RUN HOSPITALS. Nurses need to step up onto the medical Kona Community Hospital, 79-1019 Haukapila Street, Kealakekua, HI
“board” positions. E-mail address:
I did. I have served on four healthcare boards. I started in 2012 and
continue today to serve for the State of Hawaii on the Hawaii Health
1089-9472/© 2022 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses.

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