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Assignment 1 - (Finals)

1. Why we should have a process on hiring employees in the hospitality industry?


A process for hiring employees in the hospitality industry is crucial because it ensures that
the right candidates are selected for the job. The hospitality industry requires employees who
possess a particular set of skills and qualities that are essential for delivering excellent customer
service. Having a defined hiring process allows employers to evaluate applicants thoroughly and
assess their ability to perform the required tasks, as well as their fit with the organization's culture.
Moreover, a structured hiring process can help to reduce the risk of hiring mistakes and increase
the chances of finding the right employees for the job.

2. Do qualifications and standards were met upon assessing potential employees in

our industry? Yes or No and why?

Yes, qualifications and standards should be met when assessing potential employees in the
hospitality industry. The hospitality industry is customer-focused, and employees need to have a
particular set of skills and qualities to meet the expectations of guests. Employers must assess
candidates against specific job requirements and qualifications, such as experience, education,
communication skills, and other relevant factors. This evaluation process ensures that the most
qualified and competent candidates are selected for the job.

3. Read and observe different hiring processes. What are your insights how they
accomplish hiring personnels in their respective organization?

Different organizations have varying approaches to the hiring process in the hospitality
industry. Some companies use a combination of traditional methods such as interviews and
resume screenings, while others use technology-driven solutions such as online assessments and
video interviews. Regardless of the methods used, successful organizations tend to have a clear
understanding of the job requirements and the skills and qualities needed to succeed in the role.
They also prioritize candidate experience, communication, and transparency throughout the hiring
process. The best hiring practices often include structured interviews, reference checks, and
candidate assessments to ensure that the most qualified candidates are selected for the job.

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