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The environmental Kuznets curve and sustainability:

A panel data analysis
Sahbi Farhani a,n, Sana Mrizak b, Anissa Chaibi c, Christophe Rault d
LAMIDED, ISG Sousse, University of Sousse, 4000 Sousse, Tunisia
RECITS-IRTES, University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard, France
IPAG Lab, IPAG Business School, Paris, France
Toulouse Business School, France


 Environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) and modified EKC models are examined for 10 MENA countries.
 We attempt to include energy, trade, human development and sustainability in our approach.
 The inverted U-shape relationship is verified for two models.
 Human development positively affects the pollution and sustainability level.

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In recent years, sustainability has represented one of the most important policy goals explored in the
Received 1 February 2014 environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) literature. But related hypotheses, performance measures and
Received in revised form results continue to present a challenge. The present paper contributes to this ongoing literature by
21 April 2014
studying two different EKC specifications for 10 Middle East and North African (MENA) countries over
Accepted 22 April 2014
the period 1990–2010 using panel data methods. For the first specification, namely EKC, we show that
there is an inverted U-shape relationship between environmental degradation and income; while for the
Keywords: second specification, namely modified EKC (MEKC), we show that there is an inverted U-shape
Environmental Kuznets curve relationship between sustainability and human development (HD). The relationships are shaped by
other factors such as energy, trade, manufacture added value and the role of law. More interestingly,
Panel data analysis
findings from the estimation show that EKC hypothesis, HD and sustainability are crucial to build
effective environmental policies.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction inequality (Hill and Magnani, 2002), to human capital, technology

advancement, industry structure and urbanization (Jun et al.,
Understanding environmental degradation and its determi- 2011), to poverty (Liu, 2012), to energy consumption (Ang, 2007;
nants has become increasingly important in recent years. Within Apergis and Payne, 2009, 2010; Lean and Smyth, 2010; Arouri et
the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) framework, pioneering al., 2012), or both to energy consumption and trade (Ang, 2009;
contributions stressed the importance of pure economic growth as Halicioglu, 2009; Jalil and Mahmud, 2009; Jayanthakumaran et al.,
a major source of environmental degradation (Shafik, 1994; 2012; Farhani et al., 2014a, 2014b).
Grossman and Krueger, 1995; Kijima et al., 2010). Recently, other Moreover, a considerable attention has been paid to the vital role
contributions have shown the important role played by further of sustainability in the environmental improvement. In particular,
aspects related to globalization (Tisdell, 2001), to education and human development (HD) has been seen as a one of major
economic growth’s driving forces (Ranis et al., 2000; Suri et al.,
2011). Some studies such as Costantini and Monni (2008) and
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 216 22 833 253. Costantini and Martini (2010) have introduced HD as a factor of
E-mail addresses: (S. Farhani), (S. Mrizak), (A. Chaibi),
sustainable development in the EKC approach. The findings suggest (C. Rault). that the EKC model is deeply influenced by HD dimensions.
0301-4215/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Farhani, S., et al., The environmental Kuznets curve and sustainability: A panel data analysis. Energy Policy
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Furthermore, the role of sustainability is a necessary additional variables in the MEKC (negative GS,3 GS  , as a dependent
perspective that should be scrutinized and strictly connected to the variable). In the next step, we have estimated the two models
quality of institutions and investments for the improvement of based on two recent techniques namely panel fully modified
development. Besides, an approach using theoretical and empirical ordinary least squares (FMOLS, initially suggested by Phillips and
investigations of the EKC to relate the development degree to the Hansen, 1990) and dynamic OLS (DOLS, initially suggested by
capacity of the curve is presented in order to describe sustainability Saikkonen, 1991 and Stock and Watson, 1993). According to the
(Stern et al., 1996; Tisdell, 2001; Hartman and Kwon, 2005). At this works by Phillips and Moon (1999), Kao and Chiang (2001),
purpose, some contributions have attempted to investigate the Pedroni (2001a, 2001b) and Mark and Sul (2003), these techniques
theoretical implications of sustainability and the possible linkages produce asymptotically unbiased and normally distributed esti-
with the empirical EKC formulation. The role of sustainability (and mators.4 Finally, Granger causality test based on the panel vector
not only environmental degradation), the implications related to error correction model (VECM) is used to verify the direction of
technical progress, and the statistical techniques based on panel causality among the variables of interest.
data (and not pure cross-section analyses) represent the main steps The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2
ahead recently made by the scientific community. presents the data and models specification. Section 3 introduces
Despite the huge diffusion of EKC studies, this approach has our econometric methodology. Section 4 discusses our empirical
been criticized for incompleteness in the sustainable development results. Section 5 concludes and provides policy implications from
context. Our article contributes to the recent literature and our findings.
proposes (i) to modify the standard EKC by changing the depen-
dent variable substituting a pure environmental stress as in the
standard EKC with a wider assessment of environmental pressure 2. Data and models specification
proxied the environmental degradation index (Babu and Datta,
2013), (ii) to use simultaneous models in order to study EKC by 2.1. Data
incorporating resource curse hypothesis (RCH) (Costantini and
Monni, 2008), and (iii) to study a modified EKC (MEKC) including The data set is a balanced panel of 10 MENA countries over the
well-being aspects and sustainability of the development process annual period 1990–2010. The selected MENA countries included
(Costantini and Martini, 2010). Precisely, we propose to replace the in the sample are Algeria (ALG), Bahrain (BHR), Egypt (EGY), Iran
independent income variable in the original EKC model (i.e., gross (IRN), Jordan (JOR), Morocco (MRC), Oman (OMN), Saudi Arabia
domestic product “GDP”) with HD index (HDI) and to also replace (SAU), Syria (SYR), and Tunisia (TUN). These variables are obtained
emissions with a measure of macroeconomic sustainability such as from World Bank Development Indicators (WDI, CD-ROM).
the Genuine Saving (GS) index1 (Neumayer, 2004; Costantini and To meet that need to consider development process rather than
Monni, 2008; Costantini and Martini, 2010). All our models are pure economic growth, we believe it is necessary to investigate
estimated using panel data methods in order to control the both EKC and MEKC models by including well-being aspects and
heterogeneity and the colinearity among the variables (Baltagi, sustainability.
2005). The models specification that will be adopted in the next
Empirically, we use recent datasets (from 1990 to 2010) to section, allowing the interrelationship of EKC and MEKC, is
investigate the issues for 10 Middle East and North African (MENA) incorporated to include the following variables:
countries. The dimensions of the panel data set are chosen to
include as many countries as possible each with a reasonable time (i) EKC: CO2 emissions (C) is measured in metric tons per capita;
length of observations. Furthermore, the main reason to consider Output (Y) is measured using per capita real GDP in constant
the MENA region is due to the fact that the World Bank, through 2000 US$; and MHDI as a proxy for HDI is represented as the
its Global Monitoring Report 2008, claims that “a number of sum of the initial level of life expectancy and secondary
countries in the region remain on an unsustainable path, consuming education as a proxy for the initial level of human capital,
profits on natural resource exploitation rather than investing these but without including income (GDP, Y) in order to avoid the
profits to ensure long-term economic sustainability”. In addition, the multicollinearity between MHDI and Y.
same report asserted that “the Middle East & North Africa region has (ii) MEKC: Negative GS per capita (GS–) in constant 2000 US$;
increased its carbon dioxide emissions, faces diminishing critical per HDI is represented as the MHDI (i.e., life expectancy and
capita water resources, and is at risk on several fronts from climate education) but with including income (Y); and rule of law (RL)
variability”.2 This claim confirms the general subject of the present as one of the important dimensions of governance in the
study and may also help us to choose the more relevant variables control of corruption.
to include in our analysis. (iii) EKC and MEKC: Energy consumption (E) is measured using
Methodologically, our study uses the most developed cointe- energy use in kg of oil equivalent per capita; Trade openness
gration test suggested by Pedroni (1999, 2004) to check for the (T) is measured in % of GDP; and manufacture value added
presence of two long-run equilibrium relationships. In the first (MAN) is measured in % of GDP.
one, we have taken per capita real GDP, energy consumption, trade
openness, manufacture value added and modified HDI (MHDI) as
explanatory variables in the EKC model (CO2 emission is a 2.2. Models specification
dependent variable); while in the second long-run relationship,
we have taken HDI, energy consumption, trade openness, manu- In the last decade, the question of omitted variable bias in the
facture value added and the rule of law (RL) as explanatory relationship between emissions and income is also subject to the
issue of the EKC hypothesis. At this level, Ang (2007), Apergis and
Payne (2009, 2010), Lean and Smyth (2010) and Arouri et al. (2012)
Genuine saving index, (also known as adjusted net saving), is a sustainability
indicator building on the concepts of green national accounts. Genuine saving
index measures the true rate of savings in an economy after taking into account 3
The use of GS– is caused by the unsustainable development of MENA region.
investments in human capital, depletion of natural resources and damage caused The use of FMOLS and DOLS estimators is also due to the fact that although
by pollution (World Bank, 2010). OLS estimators are super-convergent, their asymptotic distribution is biased and
This claim has also been mentioned in Arouri et al. (2012). depends on the nuisance parameters (Pedroni, 2004).

Please cite this article as: Farhani, S., et al., The environmental Kuznets curve and sustainability: A panel data analysis. Energy Policy
S. Farhani et al. / Energy Policy ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎ 3

introduced energy consumption into the relationship between contributions try to shed some light on possible failures in the
emissions and income as a mean to circumvent omitted variable theoretical interpretation of the EKC (Arrow et al., 1996;
bias. The inclusion of energy consumption appears to be relevant Munasinghe, 1999; Stern and Common, 2001).
in light of the growing literature on the causal relationship In this context, we attempt to substitute the income factor of
between these variables. the EKC, i.e., GDP, with a more capability-oriented measure, i.e.,
In this approach, the long-run relationship between emissions HDI, in order to maintain other control variables such as the
(C), income (Y) and energy consumption (E) is given by the percentage of polluting industries in the whole economy or the
following equation: effect of HD on pollution. Furthermore, in order to represent a
more general framework geared towards sustainable develop-
C ¼ α0 þ α1 Y þ α2 Y 2 þ α3 E þε ð1Þ
ment, the pollution-related dependent variable is replaced by a
Furthermore, Antweiler et al. (2001), Cole and Elliott (2003), macroeconomic sustainable indicator, i.e., GS. The GS index pro-
and Ang (2009) have argued that it is possible to also include vided by Costantini and Monni (2008) is formally expressed as
trade. Hence, they indicated that the effect of trade on the follows:
environment depends on the relative empirical issue. With respect

to this methodology, Halicioglu (2009), Jalil and Mahmud (2009), GS ¼ K  ðF R  f R ÞðR gÞ  bðe dÞ ð4Þ
Jayanthakumaran et al. (2012), and Farhani et al. (2014a, 2014b)
also suggested the impact of trade on the emissions–income– where K  represents economic capital formation while other
energy nexus. This method can also be considered as a solution for terms are adjustments for consumption and degradation of natural
the problem of omitted variable bias in the econometric estima- capital (Hamilton, 2000). In particular, the economic value of
tion. With respect to this methodology, the quadratic EKC equation natural resources consumption (resources extracted “R” minus
used to examine the relationship between emissions (C), income natural growth rate “g” for renewables) is given by the resource
(Y), energy consumption (E), and trade (T) is given by the following rental rate (F R ) net of the marginal cost of extraction (f R ), while
equation: pollution (emissions “e” minus natural dissipation rate “d”) is
C ¼ α0 þ α1 Y þ α2 Y 2 þ α3 E þα4 T þ ε ð2Þ evaluated by the marginal cost of abatement “b”.
GS is based on the assumption of perfect resource substitut-
In a similar way, other works have shown that the inclusion of ability and it could therefore be interpreted as a limit value of
control variables in the EKC equation may improve the represen- sustainability, where
tation of the effects linked to trade and the manufacturing sector
(Hettige et al., 2000; Tisdell, 2001; Cole, 2004) or linked to well- GS 40-sustainability (GS þ );
being aspects such as income distribution, education, health and GS ¼0-minimum level of sustainability; and
more generally human development (Magnani, 2000; GS o0-non-sustainability (GS–).
Gangadharan and Valenzuela, 2001; Hill and Magnani, 2002),
democracy, corruption and other institutional aspects (Lopez and
Mitra, 2000; Dasgupta et al., 2006; Farzin and Bond, 2006).
Following this way, Costantini and Monni (2008) proposed the At this level, the relation between pollutant emissions (C) and
functional form of the EKC model GDP (Y) presented in the EKC can be reformulated by using a
MEKC. It consists to replace the dependent variable (pollution
C ¼ α0 þ α1 Y þ α2 Y 2 þ α3 T þα4 MANþ α5 HDI þ ε ð3Þ
emissions, C) by GS  as a measure of non-sustainability, and to
The inverted U-shaped relation between pollutant emissions replace also GDP (Y) by HDI. This simple accounting rule allows the
(C) and GDP (Y) depicted in the EKC of Eq. (3) can be reformulated original EKC, but with replacing the dependent variable by a
by using MHDI, with replacing HDI by MHDI that does not include negative effect of GS related to the situation of unsustainable
the income factor, i.e., GDP. Furthermore, the absence of the GDP development of the MENA region. Furthermore, Costantini and
index in the MHDI can avoid the multicollinearity between Y and Monni (2008) suggested that the use of HD measure (and not a
MHDI. Thus, our model will be based on the term of MHDI. simple economic growth level) can allow broader considerations
Rather than adding explanatory variables, Jha and Murthy to be made on the sustainability of the development path, if future
(2003) and Abou-Ali and Abdelfattah (2013) attempt to build a generations could enjoy the same well-being level (and not only
MEKC model using HDI as an explanatory variable of polluting income). In addition, concerning the value added of such analysis
emissions, confirming an inverted U-shaped curve even with a is the presence of depletion and degradation value of natural
broad notion of development. Many main arguments have been resources contained in the GS index compared with the simple
proposed to change the EKC by the MEKC. On the demand side, pollutant emissions considered in a classical EKC model
there is the role of public opinion in requiring policy actions to (Costantini and Martini, 2010). This indicates that manufacture
reduce environmental degradation where environment is no value added (MAN) may play a vital role in the EKC approach.
more a luxury good, as it is in poor economies. On the supply In line with classic EKC, the inclusion of other control variables
side, there is the role of structural changes in the economic system such as trade openness and the share of MAN even allows us to
where economic growth is followed by technological innovation analyze the effects of HD on sustainable development. The aim of
and change in the productive structure (from basic industries this methodology consists to compare the results of EKC and MEKC
to high-tech services) producing a reduction in polluting emis- where relationships between economic development and pollu-
sions. The specific nature of the abatement technologies with tion are synthesized. Empirically, Costantini and Monni (2008)
increasing returns to scale could constitute a further explanation proposed the following functional form of the MEKC:
of the EKC where high fixed initial investment costs for pollution
abating techniques reduce the capacity of poor countries to GS  ¼ β0 þ β1 HDI þ β2 HDI 2 þβ3 T þ β4 MAN þ β5 RL þ μ ð5Þ
implement pollution control policies (Andreoni and Levinson,
2001). Many contributions have empirically tested the existence In our specification, the main purpose of the present paper has
of an EKC hypothesis using cross-country relationships (Shafik, been made to combine the approach of Halicioglu (2009), Jalil and
1994; Grossman and Krueger, 1995; Stern et al., 1996) or using Mahmud (2009), Jayanthakumaran et al. (2012), and Farhani et al.
time series analysis (Vincent, 1997; Egli, 2002). Finally, many (2014a, 2014b) with the Costantini and Monni's (2008) approach.

Please cite this article as: Farhani, S., et al., The environmental Kuznets curve and sustainability: A panel data analysis. Energy Policy
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In this context, our final functional forms representing the EKC 3.1. Panel unit root tests analysis
and MEKC will be given by Eqs. (6) and (7) respectively
In this paper, three types of panel unit root test are computed
C i;t ¼ α0;i þ α1;i Y i;t þ α2;i Y 2i;t þ α3;i Ei;t þ α4;i T i;t þ α5;i MAN i;t þ α6;i MHDI i;t þ εi;t in order to assess the stationary of the variables: Breitung (2001);
ð6Þ Levin et al. (2002; LLC) and Im et al. (2003; IPS).
Breitung (2001) considered the following equation:
GSi;t ¼ β0;i þ β1;i HDIi;t þβ2;i HDI 2i;t þ β3;i Ei;t þ β4;i T i;t W it ¼ αit þ ∑ βij ΔX i;t  j þ ξit ð8Þ
þ β5;i MAN i;t þβ6;i RLi;t þμi;t ð7Þ
In Eq. (8), the test statistic of Breitung (2001) assumes the
following hypothesis: the null hypothesis is given by
where i, t, α0i ; β0i , ε and μ denote the country, the time, the fixed þ1
country effect and the white noise stochastic disturbance terms, H 0 : ∑kj ¼ 1 β ij  1 ¼ 0, whereas the alternative hypothesis is given
respectively. The parameters α1i ; α2i ; α3i ; α4i ; α5i and α6i are the by H 1 : ∑kj ¼ 1 βij  1 o 0 and assumes that W it is stationary. More
long-run elasticities of emissions with respect to income, squared precisely, Breitung (2001) uses the transformed vectors
income, energy consumption, trade, manufacture value added and  '  '
wi ¼ AW i ¼ W ni1 ; W ni2 ; :::; W niT
andxni ¼ AX i ¼ X ni1 ; X ni2 ; :::; X niT in
MHDI, respectively. The parameters β1i ; β2i ; β3i ; β4i ; β5i and β6i are
the long-run elasticities of GS with respect to HDI, squared HDI, order to construct the following test statistic:
energy consumption, trade, manufacture value added and rule of N
n' n'
s2i ∑ wi xi
law, respectively.
As for expected signs in Eqs. (6) and (7), the signs of α1i and λ ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi ð9Þ
β1i are expected to be positive whereas a negative sign is 1
s∑ xn' A' Axn
2 i i
expected for α2i and β2i . This is necessary for the EKC hypothesis i i¼1

to be true. The sign of α3i and β3i is expected to be positive Levin et al. (2002; LLC) proposed a panel unit root test based on
because more energy consumption can increase the scale of an ADF test and assumed the homogeneity in the dynamics of the
economy and stimulate emissions. The expected sign of α4i and autoregressive coefficients for all panel units with cross-sectional
β4i is mixed depending on the level of economic development independence. They considered the following equation:
stage of a country. For the case of developed countries, this sign
is expected to be negative as they cease to produce certain ΔX it ¼ αi þβi X i;t  1 þ δi t þ ∑ γ ij ΔX i;t  j þ νit ð10Þ
pollution intensive goods and begin to import these from other j¼1
countries with less restrictive environmental protection laws.
where Δ is the first difference operator, X it is the dependent
But for the case of developing countries, this sign expectation is
variable, εit is a white-noise disturbance with a variance of s2 , i
reversed as they tend to have dirty industries with heavy share
¼1, 2,…, N indexes country and t ¼1, 2,…, T indexes time.
of pollutants (Grossman and Krueger, 1995). It also means that
Levin et al. (2002; LLC) assumed
an increase in trade openness will increase pollution due to a (
comparative advantage in dirty production under weaker envir- H 0 : βi ¼ 0
onmental regulations (Jayanthakumaran et al., 2012; Farhani H 1 : βi ! 0
et al., 2014a, 2014b).
Concerning the signs of manufacture and HDI, the two con- where alternative hypothesis corresponds to Y it being stationary.
ditioning variables are positively contributed to reaching a higher The test is based on the statistic t βi ¼ β^ i =sðβ^ i Þ (where β^ i is the
level of emissions. The presence of the two variables, MHDI and OLS estimate of βi in Eq. (10) and sðβ^ i Þ is its standard error). Levin
GS, in the MEKC allows integrating the causal relationship et al. (2002; LLC) found that the panel approach substantially
between economic growth and environmental degradation with increases power in finite samples when compared with the single-
HD dimensions and sustainability. In particular, the control of equation ADF test. They also proposed a panel-based version of Eq.
corruption expressed as RL is an engine for economic growth and (11) that restricts β^ i by keeping it identical across cross-countries
sustainable development. In general, the analysis concerning as follows:
corruption is intrinsically related with RL. The perspective that a k
weak RL implies a high level of corruption is supported since Leff ΔX it ¼ αi þβX i;t  1 þ δi t þ ∑ γ ij ΔX i;t  j þνit ð11Þ
(1964) and Huntington (1968). Nowadays, the World Bank con-
siders RL to be one of important dimensions of governance in the At this level, Levin et al. (2002; LLC) also assumed
control of corruption. In brief, the idea is that the countries with a (
H 0 : β1 ¼ β2 ¼ :::: ¼ β ¼ 0
high RL ensure that no one is above the law, and thus the ;
corruption may decrease (Kaufman et al., 2003; de Mendonça H 1 : β1 ¼ β2 ¼ :::: ¼ β o0
and da Fonseca, 2012). ^ sðβÞ,
^ β^ is the OLS estimate of β
where the statistic of test is t β ¼ β=
^ is its standard error.
in Eq. (11) and sðβÞ
Finally, the test of Im et al. (2003; IPS) is based on the mean
group approach. These authors used the average of the t βi statistics
3. Econometrical methodology from Eq. (10) in order to perform the following Z statistic:
pffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
We propose an empirical methodology in 3 steps. The first step Z ¼ N½t  EðtÞ= V ðtÞ ð12Þ
consists to examine the stationarity properties of individual series
in panel datasets using a battery of panel unit root tests. The where t ¼ ð1=NÞ∑N
i ¼ 1 t βi , EðtÞ and VðtÞ are respectively the mean

second step develops the long-run relationship using appropriate and variance of each t βi statistic, and they are generated by
panel long-run estimates (FMOLS and DOLS). Finally, the third step simulations. Z converges to a standard normal distribution. This
consists to estimate a panel VECM in order to study Granger causal test is also based on the averaging individual unit root test,
relationships. denoted by t ¼ ð1=NÞ∑Ni ¼ 1 t βi .

Please cite this article as: Farhani, S., et al., The environmental Kuznets curve and sustainability: A panel data analysis. Energy Policy
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3.2. Panel cointegration tests analysis Returning to the FMOLS approach, the concerning estimator is
used by Pedroni (2001a, 2001b) to solve the problem of endo-
Given that each of the variables contains a panel unit root, we geneity between regressors. Thus, he considered the following
proceed to examine whether there is a long-run relationship equation:
between the variables using Pedroni (1999, 2004) panel
W i;t ¼ αi þβi X i;t þτi;t ð16Þ
cointegration test.
Pedroni (1999, 2004) developed a number of statistics based on where W it and X i;t are cointegrated with slopes βi , which may or
the residuals of the Engle and Granger (1987) cointegration may not be homogeneous across i. In similar spirit, Pedroni
regression. Assuming a panel of N countries, T observations and (2001a, 2001b) proposed another equation by augmenting the
m regressors (Xm), Pedroni (1999, 2004) considered the following cointegrating regression with lead and lagged differences of the
equation: regressor to control for the endogenous feedback effect. Conse-
m quently, Eq. (16) becomes
W it ¼ αi þ λi t þ ∑ βj;i X j;it þ ζ it ð13Þ
j¼1 Ki
W i;t ¼ αi þβi X i;t þ ∑ γ i;k ΔX i;t  k þ τi;t ð17Þ
where W i;t and X j;i;t are integrated of order one in levels, i.e., I(1). k ¼  Ki
Pedroni (1999, 2004) proposed two sets of panel cointegration
tests (see part I in Table 2). The first set, called panel cointegration
They have
 also used to define  ωi;t ¼ ð^τi;t ; ΔX i;t Þ; and let
Ωi;t ¼ lim E 1=Tð∑Tt ¼ 1 ωi;t Þð∑Tt ¼ 1 ωi;t Þ0 be the long-run covariance
tests, is based on the within dimension approach and includes four T-1
for this vector process. This long-run covariance matrix can be
statistics: panel v-statistic (Z v ), panel rho-statistic (Z ρ ), panel PP-
decomposed as Ωi ¼ Ω0i þ Γ i þ Γ i', where Ω0i is the contempora-
statistic (Z pp ), and panel ADF-statistic (Z ADF ). These statistics pool
neous covariance and Γ i is a weighted sum of autocovariances.
the autoregressive coefficients across different countries for the
Thus, the panel FMOLS estimator will be given by
unit root tests on the estimated residuals taking into account
"   1 T #
common time factors and heterogeneity across countries. The 1 N T
^βn 2 n
second set, called group mean panel cointegration tests, is based FMOLS ¼ ∑ ∑ ðX i;t  X i Þ ∑ ðX i;t  X i ÞW i;t  T γ^ i
Ni¼1 t¼1 t¼1
on the between dimension approach and includes three statistics:
group rho-statistic (Z~ ρ ), group PP-statistic (Z~ pp ), and group ADF- ð18Þ
statistic (Z~ ADF ). In general, these statistics are based on averages of n
where W i;t ¼ W i;t W i  ðΩ ^ 2;1;i =Ω ^0
^ 2;2;i ÞΔX i;t and γ^ i ¼ Γ^ 2;1;i þ Ω
the individual autoregressive coefficients associated with the unit  ðΩ^ 2;1;i =Ω
^ 2;2;i ÞðΓ^ 2;2;i þ Ω
2;2;i Þ.
root tests of the residuals for each country (for more details, see According to the DOLS approach, that initially suggested by
Farhani and Ben Rejeb, 2012). Saikkonen (1991) for the case of time series analysis and then
Under null hypothesis, all seven tests indicate the absence of adapted by Kao and Chiang (2001) and Mark and Sul (2003) for
cointegration H 0 : ρi ¼ 0; 8 i, whereas the alternative hypothesis is the case of panel data analysis, the concerning estimator is coming
given by H 1 : ρi ¼ ρ ! 1; 8 i where ρi is the autoregressive term of from Eq. (17) which includes advanced and delayed values (ΔXi,T)
the estimated residuals under the alternative hypothesis and it is in the cointegrated relationship, in order to eliminate the correla-
given by in the following equation: tion between regressors and error terms. Thus, the panel DOLS
ζ^ i;t ¼ ρi :ζ^ i;t  1 þ ui;t : ð14Þ estimator can be defined as
"   1 T #
Pedroni (1999) privileges that all seven statistics have a n 1 N T
~ i;t
β^ DOLS ¼ ∑ ∑ Z i;t Z i;t ' ∑ Z i;t W ð19Þ
standard asymptotic distribution which is based on the indepen- Ni¼1 t¼1 t¼1
dent movements in Brownian motions when T and N-1  
pffiffiffiffi where Z i;t ¼ X i;t  X i ; ΔX i;t  K i ; :::; ΔX i;t þ K i is vector of regressors,
Z μ N ~
pffiffiffi ⟹ Nð0; 1Þ ð15Þ andW i;t ¼ W i;t  W i .
ν N;T-1
where Z is one of the seven normalized statistics, and μ andν are
3.4. Panel Granger causality test
tabulated in Pedroni (1999; Table 2).

A panel VECM is estimated to perform Granger-causality tests

3.3. Panel FMOLS and DOLS estimates
(Pesaran et al., 1999). This panel followed by the two steps of Engle
and Granger (1987) is employed to investigate the short- and long-
Although OLS estimators of the cointegrated vectors are super-
run dynamic linkages. The first step consists to estimate the long-
convergent, their distribution is asymptotically biased and depends
run parameters presented in Eqs. (6) and (7) in order to obtain the
on nuisance parameters associated with the presence of serial
residuals corresponding to the deviation from equilibrium, while
correlation in the data (Kao and Chiang, 2001; Pedroni, 2001a,
the second step consists to estimate the parameters related to the
2001b). Many types of problems existed in the time series analysis
short-run adjustment.
may also arise for the panel data analysis and tend to be more marked
The resulting equations are used in conjunction with panel
even in the presence of heterogeneity (Kao and Chiang, 2001).
Granger causality testing:
To carry out tests on the cointegrated vectors, it is consequently
necessary to use methods of effective estimation. Various techni- Panel A
ques exist, such as FMOLS estimator initially suggested by Phillips 0 1 0 1
ΔC i;t ϕi;1
and Hansen (1990) and DOLS estimator of Saikkonen (1991) B C B
B ΔY i;t C B ϕi;2 C
and Stock and Watson (1993). In the case of panel data, Kao and B C B C
B ΔY 2 C B ϕi;3 C
Chiang (2001) proved that these two techniques led to normally B i;t C B C
B C B ϕi;4 C
distributed estimators. They also proved that both OLS and FMOLS B ΔEi;t C ¼ B C
exhibit small sample bias and that DOLS estimator appears to B ΔT C B ϕi;5 C
B i;t C B C
outperform both estimators. Similar results are obtained by B C B C
B ΔMAN i;t C B ϕi;6 C
Phillips and Moon (1999) and Pedroni (2001a) for FMOLS @ A @ A
ΔMHDIi;t ϕi;7

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0 1
θ1;1;k θ1;2;k θ1;3;k θ1;4;k θ1;5;k θ1;6;k θ1;7;k



B θ2;7;k C

All variables are in natural logarithms. Δ is the first difference operator. The null hypothesis of Breitung, LLC and IPS tests examines non-stationary. Lag selection (automatic) is based on Schwarz Information Criteria (SIC).
B θ2;1;k θ2;2;k θ2;3;k θ2;4;k θ2;5;k θ2;6;k C
B θ3;1;k θ3;2;k θ3;3;k θ3;4;k θ3;5;k θ3;6;k θ3;7;k C

m B
θ4;7;k C



þ ∑B θ4;1;k θ4;2;k θ4;3;k θ4;4;k θ4;5;k θ4;6;k C
l ¼ 1B θ5;1;k θ5;2;k θ5;3;k θ5;4;k θ5;5;k θ5;6;k θ5;7;k C

B θ6;1;k θ6;2;k θ6;3;k θ6;4;k θ6;5;k θ6;6;k θ6;7;k C
@ A
θ7;1;k θ7;2;k θ7;3;k θ7;4;k θ7;5;k θ7;6;k θ7;7;k
0 1 0 1 0 1



ΔC i;t λ1 ψ 1;i;t
B C Bψ C
B ΔY i;t C B λ2 C B 2;i;t C
B ΔY C B C B ψ 3;i;t C
C B λ3 C

 6.17533 n



B i;t
C B C Bψ C
B ΔEi;t C þ B λ4 C
CECT i;t  1 þ B 4;i;t C ð20Þ
B ΔT C B λ5 C B C
C B C B ψ 5;i;t C

B ΔMAN i;t C B λ6 C B ψ 6;i;t C
@ A @ A @ A
ΔMHDI i;t λ7 ψ 7;i;t



0 B
 1 0 1
ΔGSi;t ωi;1

 4.18363 n



B C B ωi;2 C
B ΔHDI i;t C B C
B ΔHDI 2 C B ωi;3 C
B i;t C B C

B ΔEi;t C ¼ B ωi;4 C
B ΔT C B ωi;5 C
B i;t C B C
B ΔMAN i;t C B ωi;6 C

@ A @ A



ΔRLi;t ωi;7
0 1
ϖ 1;1;k ϖ 1;2;k ϖ 1;3;k ϖ 1;4;k ϖ 1;5;k ϖ 1;6;k ϖ 1;7;k


 7.74738 n


B ϖ ϖ 2;2;k ϖ 2;3;k ϖ 2;4;k ϖ 2;5;k ϖ 2;6;k ϖ 2;7;k C
B 2;1;k C
B ϖ 3;1;k ϖ 3;2;k ϖ 3;3;k ϖ 3;4;k ϖ 3;5;k ϖ 3;6;k ϖ 3;7;k C
m B
ϖ 4;7;k C

þ ∑B ϖ 4;1;k ϖ 4;2;k ϖ 4;3;k ϖ 4;4;k ϖ 4;5;k ϖ 4;6;k C

l ¼ 1B ϖ 5;1;k ϖ 5;2;k ϖ 5;3;k ϖ 5;4;k ϖ 5;5;k ϖ 5;6;k ϖ 5;7;k C
B ϖ ϖ 6;2;k ϖ 6;3;k ϖ 6;4;k ϖ 6;5;k C
B 6;1;k ϖ 6;6;k ϖ 6;7;k C




@ A
ϖ 7;1;k ϖ 7;2;k ϖ 7;3;k ϖ 7;4;k ϖ 7;5;k ϖ 7;6;k ϖ 7;7;k

0 1 0 1 0 1
 6.54872 n





ΔGSi;t k γ1 υ1;i;t
B C B C B υ2;i;t C
B ΔHDI i;t  k C B γ2 C B C
B ΔHDI 2 C B γ3 C B υ3;i;t C
B i;t  k C B C B C

B ΔEi;t  k C þ B γ4 CECT i;t  1 þ B υ4;i;t C ð21Þ
B ΔT C B γ5 C B υ5;i;t C
Statistical significance at the 1% level (P-values are presented in parentheses).

B i;t  k C B C B C





B ΔMAN i;t  k C B γ6 C B υ6;i;t C

@ A @ A @ A
ΔRLi;t  k γ7 υ7;i;t
 7.32983 n




where the term Δ denotes first differences; ϕi;j and ωi;k (j, k
¼1,2,3,4,5,6,7) present the fixed country effect; l (l ¼1,…,m) is the
optimal lag length determined by the Schwarz Information Criter-

ion (SIC), and ECT i;t  1 is the estimated lagged error correction
term (ECT) derived from the long-run cointegrating relationship.




The terms λj and γ k are the adjustment coefficient; and ψ j;i;t and
υk;i;t are the disturbance term, which assumed to be uncorrelated
with zero means.
 8.44314 n





At this level, we define the definite lagged residuals estimated

in Eqs. (6) and (7) as the ECT, and we then estimate the parameters
related to the two short-run models as follows:

Panel unit root tests results.

ECT i;t ¼ C i;t  α^ 1;i Y i;t  α^ 2;i Y 2i;t




 α^ 3;i Ei;t  α^ 4;i T i;t  α^ 5;i MAN i;t  α^ 6;i MHDI i;t ð22Þ


ECT i;t ¼ GSi;t  β^ 1;i HDI i;t  β^ 2;i HDI 2i;t  β^ 3;i Ei;t  β^ 4;i T i;t
Table 1



 β^ 5;i MAN i;t  β^ 5;i RLi;t ð23Þ

Please cite this article as: Farhani, S., et al., The environmental Kuznets curve and sustainability: A panel data analysis. Energy Policy
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Table 2
Pedroni (1999, 2004) panel cointegration statistics and results.

I – Within-dimension (four statistics) Between-dimension (three statistics)

1. Panel v-statistic
Z v ¼ ∑N ^  2 ^2
i ¼ 1 ∑t ¼ 1 L1;1i ζ i;t  1

2. Panel ρ-Statistic 1. Group ρ-Statistic

 1  1
^  2 ^2 ^ ^ ^ ^ Z~ ρ ¼ ∑N ^2 ∑Tt ¼ 1 ðζ^ i;t  1 Δζ^ i;t  λ^ i Þ
i ¼ 1 ∑t ¼ 1 ζ i;t  1
Z ρ ¼ ∑Ni ¼ 1 ∑t ¼ 1 L1;1i ζ i;t  1
i ¼ 1 ∑t ¼ 1 L1;1i ðζ i;t  1 Δζ i;t  λi Þ

3. Panel non-parametric (PP) t-statistic 2. Group non-parametric (PP) t-Statistic

  1=2    1=2
^  2 ^2 ^ 2 ^ ^ ^ Z~ pp ¼ ∑N ^2 T ^
∑Tt ¼ 1 ðζ^ i;t  1 Δζ^ i;t  λ^ i Þ
Z pp ¼ s~ 2 ∑N
i ¼ 1 ∑t ¼ 1 L1;1i ζ i;t  1 Þ ∑N
i ¼ 1 ∑t ¼ 1 L1;1i ðζ i;t  1 Δζ i;t  λi Þ i ¼ 1 s ∑t ¼ 1 ζ i;t  1

4. Panel parametric (ADF) t-statistic 3. Group parametric (ADF) t-Statistic

 n2   1=2    1=2
^ ^
Z ADF ¼ S ∑i ¼ 1 ∑t ¼ 1 L1;1i ζ i;t  1
 2 n2
^ ^ 2 n
∑i ¼ 1 ∑t ¼ 1 L1;1i ζ i;t  1 Δζ i;t ^ n
Z~ ADF ¼ ∑N ^  2 ζ^ n2 n n
∑Tt ¼ 1 ζ^ i;t  1 Δζ^ i;t
i ¼ 1 ∑t ¼ 1 S i
i;t  1
h i
where (i) λ^ i ¼ 1T ∑Ks ¼ 1 1 K i sþ 1 ∑Tt ¼ s þ 1 u^ i;t u^ i;t  s for u^ i;t ¼ ζ^ i;t  ρ^ i ζ^ i;t  1 ;
h i
(ii) L^ 1;1;i ¼ T1∑Kt ¼ 1 η^ 2i;t þ T2∑Ks ¼ 1 1  K i sþ 1 ∑Tt ¼ s þ 1 η^ i;t η^ i;t  s for η^ i;t ¼ ΔY it  ∑M ^
m ¼ 1 bm;i ΔX m;it ;
2 2
(iii) s~ 2 ¼ N1 ∑N ^ ^2 ^ ^
i ¼ 1 L1;1i si for si ¼ Si þ 2λi ; and
2 n2
(iv)S^ i ¼ T1∑Tt ¼ 1 u^ i;t ;S^ i ¼ T1∑Tt ¼ 1 u^ i;t for u^ i;t ¼ ζ^ i;t  ρ^ i ζ^ i;t  1  ∑Kk i¼ 1 ρ^ i;k Δζ^ i;t  k .
2 n2 n

II Panel EKC Panel MEKC

Within-dimension Test statistic Prob. Within-dimension Test statistic Prob.

Panel υ-stat  4.295621n (0.0005) Panel υ-stat  2.459921n (0.0091)
Panel r-stat  1.371653nn (0.0299) Panel r-stat  2.992586n (0.0039)
Panel PP-stat  4.246129n (0.0000) Panel PP-stat  3.669440n (0.0005)
Panel ADF-stat  4.435313n (0.0000) Panel ADF-stat  3.715221n (0.0004)
Between-dimension Between-dimension
Group r-stat  1.983122nn (0.0242) Group r-stat  2.350068nn (0.0105)
Group PP-stat  4.326689n (0.0000) Group PP-stat  4.285792n (0.0000)
Group ADF-stat  3.247851n (0.0010) Group ADF-stat  4.717762n (0.0000)

The null hypothesis of Pedroni test examines the absence of cointegration. Lag selection (automatic) is based on SIC with a max lag of 5.
Statistical significance at the 1% level.
Statistical significance at the 5% level.

Table 3
Panel FMOLS and DOLS results for EKC (C as dependent variable).

Panel Y Y² E T MAN MHDI Constant

FMOLS 2.095n(0.0000)  0.101n(0.0000) 1.828n(0.0000) 0.216n(0.0000) 0.072n(0.0000) 1.782n(0.0000)  6.216n(0.0000)

DOLS 2.081n(0.0000)  0.100n(0.0000) 1.812n(0.0005) 0.212n(0.0001) 0.069n(0.0000) 2.216n(0.0000)  8.478n(0.0000)

P-values are reported in parentheses.

Statistical significance at the 1% level.

Table 4
FMOLS and DOLS results for MEKC (GS– as dependent variable).

Panel HDI HDI² E T MAN RL Constant

FMOLS 1.895n(0.0020)  1.024n(0.0075) 1.178n(0.0000) 0.225n(0.0001) 0.065n(0.0000)  0.016n(0.0045)  6.478n(0.0000)

DOLS 2.094n(0.0004)  1.001n(0.0050) 1.128n(0.0000) 0.279n(0.0000) 0.067n(0.0000)  0.021n(0.0040)  5.982n(0.0000)

P-values are reported in parentheses.

Statistical significance at the 1% level.

4. Empirical results significant; thus, the null hypothesis of no cointegration can be

rejected indicating that the variables are cointegrated, and also
Table 1 shows the results of Breitung (2001), Levin et al. (2002; indicating that there are two long-run equilibrium relationships
LLC) and Im et al. (2003; IPS) unit root tests. At the 1% significance between all variables in Eqs. (6) and (7).
level, the three unit root tests consistently confirm that all Tables 3 and 4 provide the results of panel FMOLS and DOLS
variables for the case of 10 MENA countries are integrated of order estimates for EKC and MEKC, respectively. All variables are
one, i.e., I(1). expressed in natural logarithms. The estimated coefficients from
Since the variables are stationary at the first difference for both the long-run cointegration relationship can be interpreted as long-
panel EKC and panel MEKC, the Pedroni's (1999, 2004) cointegra- run elasticities. In all cases, the parameters are quite significant at
tion test will be utilized. Part II of Table 2 reviews Pedroni the 1% level of significance. Concerning the verification of the
cointegration test results. The results show that all statistics are standard EKC hypothesis, the results indicate that there are inverse

Please cite this article as: Farhani, S., et al., The environmental Kuznets curve and sustainability: A panel data analysis. Energy Policy
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Table 5
Panel causality test results.

Dependent variable Short run Sources of causation (ındependent variable) Long run


n nn n n n
ΔC # 6.249 (0.0005) 5.556 (0.0124) 0.895 (0.0029) 0.108 (0.0044) 0.008 (0.0000)  0.522n [  4.59297]
ΔY (ΔY²) 0.116nnn (0.0939) # 0.138n (0.0068) 0.654nn (0.0405) 1.652n (0.0055) 1.069n (0.0004)  0.018nn [  2.44805]
ΔE 1.090n (0.0036) 0.079nn (0.0240) # 1.050nn (0.0310) 2.047n (0.0010) 0.050n (0.0000)  0.215n [  2.93596]
ΔT 2.437n (0.0055) 0.911n (0.0000) 1.058nnn (0.0710) # 0.199n (0.0035) 0.122n (0.0010)  0.665n [  6.33271]
ΔMAN 1.772nn (0.0136) 0.309nnn (0.0910) 6.150n (0.0010) 2.004nnn (0.0787) # (0.0000)  0.105nn [  2.07346]
ΔMHDI 0.965nn (0.0419) 1.305nnn (0.0575) 1.660nnn (0.0916) 0.864n (0.0000) 3.050n (0.0000) #  0.870n [  5.74562]


ΔGS– # 1.925n (0.0025) 2.237n (0.0020) 0.752nnn (0.0900) 1.019n (0.0000) 6.524n (0.0000)  2.321n [  5.36147]
ΔHDI (ΔHDI²) (0.0024) # 2.122n (0.0000) 0.997nn (0.0780) 2.138n (0.0002) 1.002n (0.0001)  5.412n [  4.12651]
ΔE 7.008n (0.0000) 1.412n (0.0050) # 3.055n (0.0010) 1.071n (0.0055) 2.778nn (0.0445)  1.395n [  2.77536]
ΔT 0.090nn (0.0136) 1.122n (0.0040) 3.913n (0.0004) # 1.648n (0.0000) 3.297nnn (0.0657)  2.665n [  4.28279]
ΔMAN 1.474n (0.0050) 3.378n (0.0040) nn
1.909 (0.0505) 0.227nnn (0.0971) # (0.0000)  1.802n [  2.97296]
ΔRL 1.899n (0.0001) 0.471n (0.0085) 0.096n (0.0000) nn
1.334 (0.0445) nn
0.398 (0.0304) #  2.226nn [  2.13282]

Short-run causality is determined by the statistical significance of the partial F-statistics associated with the right hand side variables. Long-run causality is revealed by the
statistical significance of the respective error correction terms using a t-test. P-values are listed in parentheses and t-statistics are presented in brackets.
Statistical significance at the 1% level.
Statistical significance at the 5% level.
Statistical significance at the 10% level.

U-shaped relationships between CO2 emissions per capita and per GS– per capita by 0.067%; and a 1% increase in RL related to the
capita real GDP for EKC model (i.e., Eq. (6)) and between negative control of corruption decreases GS– per capita by 0.021%.
Genuine Saving per capita (GS–) and HDI for MEKC model (i.e., Eq. The panel short- and long-run Granger causality results con-
(7)). This means that the appropriate hypothesis is very well ducted to Eq. (20) for EKC model and Eq. (21) for MEKC model are
verified for both EKC and MEKC models. reported in Table 5. The statistical significance of the coefficients
With respect to panel EKC model presented Table 3, the associated with the ECT provides evidence of an error correction
coefficients from panel FMOLS estimation are 2.095,  0.101, mechanism that drives the variables back to their long-run
1.828, 0.216, 0.072 and 1.782 for Y, Y², E, T, MAN and MHDI, relationship. According to the coefficient on the lagged ECT, there
respectively. This means that in the long-run the elasticity of CO2 exists a long-run relationship among the variables in the form of
emissions per capita with respect to per capita real GDP is 2.095– Eq. (6) for EKC and Eq. (7) for MEKC, where all coefficients are
0.202Y; a 1% increase in energy consumption per capita increases statistically significant. The findings also indicate that there exists
CO2 emissions per capita by 1.828%; a 1% increase in trade open- bi-directional Granger causality between all variables.
ness increases CO2 emissions per capita by 0.216%; a 1% increase in With respect to Eqs. (6), (20) and (22), the results from EKC
manufacture value added increases CO2 emissions per capita by model estimation indicate that real GDP per capita, energy con-
0.072%; and a 1% increase in MHDI increases CO2 emissions per sumption per capita, trade openness, manufacture value added,
capita by 1.782%. However, the coefficients from panel DOLS and MHDI exert a causal significant effect on CO2 emissions per
estimation are 2.081, 0.100, 1.812, 0.212, 0.069 and 2.216 for Y, capita. Moreover, the ECT is statistically significant at the 1% level
Y², E, T, MAN and MHDI, respectively. This means that in the long- which suggests that all variables present a relative slow speed of
run the elasticity of CO2 emissions per capita with respect to per adjustment to long-run equilibrium.
capita real GDP is 2.081–0.200.Y; a 1% increase in energy con- With respect to Eqs. (7), (21) and (23), the results from MEKC
sumption per capita increases CO2 emissions per capita by model estimation indicate that HDI, energy consumption, trade
approximately 1.812%; a 1% increase in trade openness increases openness, manufacture value added, and RL exert a causal sig-
CO2 emissions per capita by 0.212%; a 1% increase in manufacture nificant effect on the GS– per capita. Moreover, the ECT is
value added increases CO2 emissions per capita by 0.069%; and a statistically significant at the 10% level which suggests that all
1% increase in MHDI increases CO2 emissions per capita by 2.216%. variables present a relative slow speed of adjustment to long-run
With respect to panel MEKC model presented in Table 4, the equilibrium.
coefficients from panel FMOLS estimation are 1.895,  1.024, 1.178, In addition, it is important to note that there are bidirectional
0.225, 0.065 and 0.016 for HDI, HDI², E, T, MAN and RL, causality relationships between all variables for both EKC and
respectively. This means that in the long-run the elasticity of GS– MEKC; and that the ECT is statistically significant for other
per capita with respect to the HDI is 1.895–2.048HDI; a 1% increase variables.
in energy consumption per capita increases GS– per capita by
1.178%; a 1% increase in trade openness increases GS– per capita by
0.225%; a 1% increase in manufacture value added increases GS– 5. Conclusion and policy implications
per capita by 0.065%; and a 1% increase in RL related to the control
of corruption decreases GS– per capita by 0.016%. However, the There is an extensive literature looking at the traditional EKC
coefficients from panel DOLS estimation are 2.094,  1.001, 1.128, literature, but without developing factors related to sustainable
0.279, 0.067 and  0.021 for HDI, HDI², E, T, MAN and RL, development path. The lack of studies that explored this point
respectively. This means that in the long-run the elasticity of GS– motivates us to parallelly examine two models. The first one is
per capita with respect to HDI is 2.094–2.002HDI; a 1% increase in based on the traditional EKC literature, which included CO2
energy consumption per capita increases GS– per capita by 1.128%; emissions per capita, per capita real GDP, energy consumption
a 1% increase in trade openness increases GS– per capita by per capita, trade openness, manufacture value added and modified
0.279%; a 1% increase in manufacture value added increases HDI that does not include GDP; while for the second model, a new

Please cite this article as: Farhani, S., et al., The environmental Kuznets curve and sustainability: A panel data analysis. Energy Policy
S. Farhani et al. / Energy Policy ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎ 9

concept of modified EKC literature has been shown in order to openness could bring positive effects to developing countries. On
relate negative GS per capita, HDI, energy consumption per capita, the same, according to Stiglitz (2000), trade openness and foreign
trade openness, manufacture value added and the rule of law as direct investment (FDI) inflows positively affect the quality of
one important dimension of governance in the control of institutions. At this level, the globalization ceteris paribus could be
corruption. a source of governance improvements for the economies exposed
To achieve the main goal of this study, our panel models were to increasing trade and capital inflows. At the same time, countries
likewise established using 10 Middle East and North African need to know how to invest the advantages they derive from such
(MENA) countries over the period 1990–2010. Three different a process for the improvement of HD, without wasting available
panel unit root tests, Breitung (2001), Levin et al. (2002; LLC) resources. A fourth implication states the analysis concerning
and Im et al. (2003; IPS), are applied to support that all the panel corruption related with rule of law. In order to avoid a weak rule
variables are integrated of order one, i.e., I(1). The Pedroni (1999, of law supported to a high level of corruption, the World Bank
2004) panel cointegration test results was also applied to support should consider rules that control corruption, because, as know,
that all the panel variables are cointegrated. the countries with a high rule of law ensure that no one is above
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cients are 2.088,  0.100, 1.820, 0.214, 0.070 and 2 for Y, Y², E, T, 2003; de Mendonça and da Fonseca, 2012).
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Please cite this article as: Farhani, S., et al., The environmental Kuznets curve and sustainability: A panel data analysis. Energy Policy

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