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10/9/23 Math small group: number lines

This day, I was simply at the back table with two

The purpose of the lesson was to be able to
students helping them with a worksheet on
complete a number line when only given two
number lines and finding fraction on the number
numbers on the line.

I sat between the students and let them work at There was small group/independent worktime as
their own pace but bounced between the two at well as whole group worktime. The students
first. Then, we worked together as a group for the bounced between the two.
rest of it. Students needed to complete the
worksheet before going to specials.

At first, the students were doing fine working at I would have started by doing everything together
their own pace and then I had to walk away for a so that we didn’t have any incidents of copying.
minute to deal with something else. I came back
and saw that one of my students was looking at
the other students’ paper and just copying down.
That is when I decided to do everything together
at the same time.

I am learning how to break things down into super The lesson went well and by the third number
small chunks for the students to understand. It is a line, the students were pretty much able to fill it
work in progress and sometimes the kids look at out on their own. It was really satisfying to see
me like I am speaking a different language, but I them improve.
can tell I am getting better and better.
The students I was working with are very well
Again, I would have started by having the three of
behaved, so we didn’t have any behavior incidents
us work on it all at the same time and take turns
other than copying down answers for a second. I
answering the questions.
was able to rebound after that though and tell
them not to copy answers but to make sure they
really understand it.

Fractions are really tricky and the vocabulary

Maybe a number line that counts by ones could
numerator and denominator were hard for the
be useful because sometimes the students would
students. I had to explain some of those things a
forget what a number line even is and that it
couple of times.
counts up evenly.

The last problem they had I sat by them and had Practice makes perfect and repetition can do
them work on it independently to make sure they wonders for students especially in math.
understood, and they both got the answers

This lesson went well, and I just really love the two students I work with at the back table. They are
getting more and more comfortable around me and are more willing to ask questions when they need
help rather than sitting silently.

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