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Module II

Spherical Wave

There is no change in variables which lie on the same spherical surface. Parameters will be const in
the θ and φ directions

one easy way to visualize spherical wave is that if you take a spherical
balloon and think that spherical balloon is pulsating like a football
pump where in it will breath in and breathe out. And as it is breathing
in and breathing out it will force the air outside this sphere and it will
set up a spherical wave. It can be imagined analogous probably in 2
dimension is throwing a stone in pond it that sets out cylindrical waves
because those are surface waves those do not travel actually to the
depth of the pond it just travels on the surface. Whereas a spherical
wave will actually travel within the entire volume of the air tht is
contained in the space.

Similar to the plane wave solution,

We can simply say that this is identical to plane wave equation where
in the variable is pr, plane wave equation was in the variable p. Hence
the solution of the spherical wave equation happens to be identical to
the equation of plane wave, but with the variable of
interest being transform to pr.

In the case of spherical waves backward means it is radially inward,

where as in the case of plane waves it is leftward.
From the solutions, it contrast between the spherical waves and that
1 1
of plane waves is in the appearance of this factor. The factor
r r
denotes that the pressure is not going to be constant as it propagates
for an outward travelling wave. This phenomenon is called attenuation
of waves in higher dimension.
In contrast to the plane wave propagation where there is no difference
in amplitude as the wave propagates, here for the outward wave as it
is traveling outwards the associated r value increases and value
decreases, and since this g function is getting multiplied with value,
you are going to get a drop in the pressure value.

Harmonic Solution
Waves in a semi infinite duct ( Infinite domain)
Wave in a closed duct ( With reflection) (Finite domain)
This is a standing wave.
Free Acoustic Response

It can be possible only if sin(kL) = 0, since if B = 0, then A = 0 and this will give us the trivial solution of P = 0.
Reflection between two different medium
It dependence on the characteristic impedance of the medium, ie the product of density and particle velocity.
When the transmission ration is unity everything is getting transmitted,
none of the part of the wave is getting reflected. If the entire incident
wave is normally incident between 2 fluids such that the characteristic
impedance of the 2 fluids are held equal, then there will be no
reflection and complete transmission. This idea is very important in the
design of absorbing material, since this no reflection condition is
called the anechoic condition.
The inverse condition, where there is a mismatch of impedance is used
for the design of mufflers. When there is an impedance mismatch, the
sound waves are reflected largely. For example the noise of
combustion from a combustion chamber is reflected back largely
through impedance mismatch of the material and is prevented from
reaching the receivers through the exhaust.

2D Plane waves
Since we have the harmonic assumptions, any parameter can be expressed as a product of iω, for a
particular frequency.

This is the relation between the particle velocity in the x direction and the acoustic pressure
The difference between the equations in 1D and 2D cases is only in the wavenumber, which is
specific in the x direction for the 2D case.
This will hold good for only plane waves.

Reflection and Transmission of Oblique wave from one medium to another

Pressure at x = 0, should be same


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