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Money buys everything, but not happiness

If you ask a large group of people what they need to be happy, many of them would answer that they
need money for that purpose. The reason for this is that in our mind there is an equation that equates a
lack of money with a feeling of unhappiness and an excess with a feeling of happiness. But is it really all
about the money, can we really buy happiness with money?

In my opinion, money is not that important to be happy, but we must try to secure enough financial
means to have a decent life. However, on the other hand, we should be careful because money can
deceive us. Then their subjective meaning decreases and we will want more and more money, and
during that time we will already lose happiness and peace. There are a number of jobs that are well
paid, but where there is a lot of stress, mixed feelings of worry, patience and exhaustion. This leads to
people who have more income feeling less satisfied and unhappy with their lives. For another example, I
can take people who win the lottery or who receive a large inheritance from a loved one. It has been
scientifically proven that their "happiness" lasts up to two years and then they return to their old level of
life satisfaction as it was before they acquired financial gain. This is because after a while their notion of
"happiness" becomes commonplace and normal everyday life with money, so they lose the pleasant
feeling of happiness.

With this we can conclude that money is a value similar to health. We are unhappy if we don't have
them, but if we have them, it doesn't mean that we will be happy and satisfied because of them.

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