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1)I am Sanem, I am 23 years old. I like to explore different things and keep busy.

Generating new
ideas and being practical about something makes me comfortable. Although I like to step out of
my comfort zone, being stable generally makes me feel safer. It is important for me to get
efficiency from the things I do.

2)After 4 years of high school education, I graduated from Sivas Cumhuriyet University, French
language and literature department. (With 1 year of preparation) I continued to receive various
language training throughout my education.

3)I have progressed through language education since high school. At the same time, I
continued studying in the language department at university. The position I applied for not only
allows me to improve the languages I have learned, but also helps me learn new languages. Two
things I would love to do go together.

5)I have strived to comprehensively learn the things I have learned throughout my life. I know
that I can improve more in the areas I already know and am talented in.

7)Success varies from person to person, but currently, considering my work and personal
development, I am a successful person.

8)In general, I am a person with a high level of stress. But over time I learned to cope with
stress. I consider stress and success as directly proportional. I control my stress when I know I
will eventually succeed.

9)I am someone who attaches importance to punctuality in every aspect of my life. I take care to
finish the tasks in the order they are given and deliver them on the day.

11)Thanks to my ability to learn quickly, the adaptation process to work is minimized. Since I like
innovations, it is easy for me to generate different ideas.

13)I like teamwork and organization, so it is easy for me to work with and manage a team.

14)Even though I'm the one doing the work in the beginning, it doesn't take long for me to rise
to team leadership.

15)First, I try to get to the root of the problem and solve the underlying problem. This is how I
proceed gradually and conduct my research for a solution.
1. How would you describe yourself?

I am Güneş. I am twenty-three years old.

I am energetic and hardworking. I am good at human relations.

2.Tell us about your education?

After four years of high school education, I received five years of undergraduate education along
with preparation. I am still attending the Foreign Trade Department of Open Education.

3. How do you relate your education and this position?

I know English and French, so I applied to this department.

4. What are your experiences in this area?

I just graduated from university and I have no work experience in this field.

5. What is the reason of your choice in this field?

I love traveling. I also want to improve my language. I think I can do these by working in this

7. Do you think that you are a successful person?

Yes, I worked hard for the things I wanted and as a result I was successful.

8.Are you able to work under pressure and stress? How do you handle it?

I can work under stress and pressure, but constant stress can hinder my work.

9.How do you decide priorities in your working time? Are deadlines important to you?

I start with whatever work I need to deliver first. I take care to deliver on time.

11. Why should we hire you? What would you create as a difference for us?

I learn quickly, I am good at human relations. I can understand easily and find solutions to
problems in a short time. I am energetic and prone to teamwork.

12. Does working with a team bother you?

I'm good at teamwork. It would be nice to work as a team and brainstorm and learn things I
don't know.
13. Do your presentation skills impress audience? Could you give us any example?

I gave a lot of presentations at university. I can make the presentation more eye-catching with
visual and audio resources and make the presentation without boring the audience.

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