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- PRESENT SIMPLE (-s/-es – do/does + S + VØ?– don’t/doesn’t + VØ) General truths, routines and facts, scheduled events or intentions in the near future.
We wash our faces every morning . The train arrives at 6.30 in the morning.
KEYWORDS: Always, Often, Usually, Occasionally, Sometimes, Rarely, hardly ever, scarcely, never, every week,
once / twice a year, on Wednesday..
- PRESENT CONTINUOUS (AM/IS/ARE + V-ing) Actions at the moment of speaking, temporary situations, changes, and future arrangements.
The speaker is talking now.
KEYWORDS: right now, at the moment, today, tomorrow (to express the future).
- PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE (have/has + pp) Events that took place in a time period that has not finished, finished actions or events when the speaker
doesn’t say, ask, or know when it happens. To talk about the first, second, third, etc. time that something has
happened. Permanent actions, Emphasis on the result, indicate how much/many have been completed.
The kids have played for two hours
KEYWORDS: Today, this morning/evening, tonight, this week, this month, this year, etc. For, since, just,
already, yet, ever, never, how long…?
- PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS (have/has been + V-ing) Unfinished actions. Temporary actions. We put emphasis on the duration of an action, recent continuous
actions, repeated actions in the past continuing to the present, to express anger, irritation, or annoyance.
We have been painting our bedroom.
KEYWORDS: all + time word e.g. all day, all night, etc. the whole day, the whole week, all day long, since, for…
- PAST SIMPLE (regular -ed/ irregular – didn’t + VØ – did+ S + VØ?) actions that happened at one moment in the past. Completed actions, routines and facts and narrative
sequences in the past.
My dad took my mum to Paris for their anniversary.
KEYWORDS: - Last night, last week, last month, last year, last Christmas…, Yesterday, In 1995, at 3 o’clock, ten
minutes ago, on Monday morning, afternoon,…
- PAST CONTINUOUS (WAS/WERE + V-ing) Actions in progress at a particular moment in the past
The sun was shining brightly yesterday morning.
KEYWORDS: At that moment, while/As, When, All day long, The whole day
- PAST PERFECT (had + pp) –(Combined with Past Simple) To describe an event that happened before another.
To talk about two past events and we want to make it clear which event happened first.
1st event: past perfect
2n event: past simple
KEYWORDS: - Before + past simple……….past perfect/ After + past perfect………..past simple/ By the time +
past perfect….past simple/ yet/ already/ by / by the time / when

- PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS (HAD BEEN + V-ING) To talk about ongoing actions that began before another action in the past.
The journalists had been waiting for over an hour by the time the President arrived at the palace.
She had been practicing since she arrived home
KEYWORDS: For years/ hours, For a long time, since+ sentence,…
- USED TO + INFINITIVE To talk about habits and customs in the past that are no longer true. I used to live in New York when I was a
Repeated past action: Every Saturday I used to go out for a walk
- WOULD Repeated past actions (= USED TO) They would go to the beach every summer

- FUTURE SIMPLE (WILL + V infinitive) Predictions in the future (NO EVIDENCE), spontaneous decisions, promises, opinions
My team will win the league./ I will definitely/probably go to the match on Friday. / I think Pete will get the job
KEYWORDS: Tomorrow, definitely, probably, perhaps, maybe

- BE GOING TO + INFINITIVE - Predictions for the future (CLEAR EVIDENCE): The sky is cloudy and all black. It is going to rain.
- Decisions or intentions made before the moment of speaking: I am going to study in Germany.(I have the
intention to travel to Germany)

- FUTURE CONTINUOUS (WILL BE +V-ing) - To talk about an action that will be in progress at a specified future time.
This time next week I'll be lying on a beach in Hawaii.
When I’m 25, I’ll be living in another country.
KEYWORDS: This time next year/ tomorrow, When I’m 25,
- FUTURE PERFECT (WILL HAVE + PP) - To talk about an action that we think will be completed by a certain time in the future.
By 2025, the population will have grown enormously.
KEYWORDS: By the time, By June, By the end of the week/ by next Sunday…

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