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‘he leer current Fin conductors defined as Branca pracic testtor {nis chpter by cleking on 128 (arn _thePractce Tost ink at a ‘rene com. here dQ the charge that pases through row section of he conductor name Intra dThe St unt of euent isthe ampere (4) where 1A = 1 C/ “The average current ina conductor felatet to the motion ofthe change carers trough the reiomhip bn = mud cm where she densy af charge cries. gis the charge on each erie, ete di (Fovk and Aisthe comseetowel ert of he comcton The magnitude of the eneremt densty in a conductor is the current per todo om ‘The current density ian olimie conduewe is proportional w the elec fel scconing wo the expres Jor am “The proporianaliycontant called the condtvity ofthe material of which the Conductor made, The inverse of i Know my vesttty p (att p= 1/0), equation 77 how Oa lan anda neil a ry th a te ras ‘oftscurrent density J sapped eect eld Bis constant that independent of The applied el “The reieanee ofa conduciore defined at net 78) where AV the potent ference arom it an ithe crete. “The SI wnat of restance ie wols por amr, which defined to be {lum (2) that is T0'™ 1V/A IT the resistance is independent of the applied tential ‘lezen, he conc ot Ob le For s unr bleck of material of rom xecional aea A and length 6 the resistance ene the length where pis the resist the materi. Ts tamil vee of seal comdaction tn metal, he electra ae tekst roles of 4 ga Inthe abuace ofan elect Hebd the average vel of the ‘econ is zero When an elec eld applied, the ecetrns ove (on the ere) ‘sha de eecty what pone de ctr eld an ven by the expen ane where ris the average time ineral between eecon-atom colons: mi the mass [OF the electron, and hs charge. According to this mde, the reiiy of he ° enn “The resiiiy of + condor rari approximatdy linearly with temperatre scconding to the exprenion po poll + a(t ~ 1) con) where a the temperature coefficient of restiity and yi the resist a some Felerencetemperative Ty rate at which energy supped t the clement oerav cy ecu the poten dlferenceacom a resistor ven by AV= UR we ca expat the per dlered wrest in the fry a= ra 20k wr - a (a7) ‘The energy deleted a vessur by cecil tansmision appear in dhe frm of CamScanner + 332 >susall Chapter 27 121 P27.56 We find the drift velocity from 1=ngvyA=nqvyrr? ‘i =—L,-—____1A ____a3y.10 + m/s ngtr” 8.49x10* m™(1.60x10-" C}x(107 m)- . 2 3 vat ft 20x10" m__954x10° s= Wye t v 234x10~ mys CamScanner = Lis &sauaall Section 27.3 P27.25 m pz ng?r so Therefore, 784x104 = E= (1.70 x10*)(8.49 x10*)(1.60 x10”) 0.181 V/m]. A Model for Electrical Conduction 3 paisa0™"} =2.47x10 5 (1.60107 e(2.47 x10) 9a1x10 CamScanner + lis-2 %& gual! \ikwn y —— P27.45 Y= I(AV) AV=IR (avy _ (10.0)" R120 CamScanner + Lis &suuaell 2 ’ 1 33.0x10° J ) ° P27.49 ? = I(AV) = (1.70 A110 V) = 187 W Energy used in a 24-hour day = (0.187 kW)(24.0 h) = 4.49 kWh Z $0.060 0 cost = 4.49 kWh #10608 )- kWh CamScanner = Lis &sauaall P27.14 (a) Applying its definition, we find the resistance of the rod, Vv 5.0 V -4¥__B0V___3759 o=[375ka J. I 4.00x10™ A 5 Sf (b) The length of the rod is determined from the definition of resistivity: R = e . Solving for ( and substituting numerical values for R, A, and the value of p given for carbon in Table 27.1, we obtain RA (3.75x10° a) ‘Pp (350x10 5.00 x 10° m?) x = [536m]. 2-m) CamScanner + lis-2 %& gual! 3.00 A (Q-m) 7 (0.012 0 m) =o(120 N/C) 0.0181 Qm Chapter 27 114 CamScanner = Lis &sauaall mys (2.00%41U JI JLLoUx1U UC yuuaua my ( 3) pt P27.21 Originally, R a Finally, Ry = A =n CamScanner + Lis &suuaell SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Section 27.1 Electric Current AQ At P27.1 I 2 AQ = IAt = (30.0 10° A)(40.0 s) =1.20 x10 C 120x107 C 1.60«10-" C/electron 5 0 x 10" electrons CamScanner + Lis &suuaell *P27.12 P27.13 P27.14 = of = —=———_,—_| — | |=| 3.03 x10" A/m* J p 244x10° QO ml 1V ) / AV 1 = AV _2OV _ 9500 a =[500 mA R 200 (a) Applying its definition, we find the resistance of the rod, AV 5. po. _58V ___ 3759 0 =[375 kn 1 4.00%10° A CamScanner = Lis &sauaall

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