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DSSSB Welfare Officer Batch Study Plan

Nidhi Ma'am
Date Day Sociology
5 Dec Tue Development of Sociology and Classical Sociological Thinkers-August Comte and Durkheim
6 Dec Wed Classical Sociologocial Thinkers- Marx and Weber Ideology
7 Dec Thu Structuralism- Radcliffe Brown and Malinowski
8 Dec Fri Structuralism- Robert K. Merton
11 Dec Mon Social Structure Refers to Relations Between Groups: The Contribution of E.E. Evans Pritchard
12 Dec Tue Social Structure is a model: Contribution of Levi- Strauss and Edmuch Leach
13 Dec Wed State: Marx on State
14 Dec Thu State: Weber and Durkheim on State
15 Dec Fri State: Marx and Weber on Power
18 Dec Mon Development and Progress: Comte, Durkheim, Marx, Weber
19 Dec Tue Development as Growth, Change, Modernisation, Social and Human Dimension
20 Dec Wed Capitalist, Socialist and Third World Models of Development
21 Dec Thu Sustainable Development
22 Dec Fri Development, Displacement and Social Movements: Dams and Development
26 Dec Tue Green Peace Movement
27 Dec Wed Civil Society Movements and Grassroots Initiatives
28 Dec Thu Sociology in India: Emergence of Sociology in India
29 Dec Fri Social Structure of the Village: Caste, Class and Gender
1 Jan Mon Caste: Varna-Jati theory, Purity-Impurity, Jajmani system
2 Jan Tue Family, Marriage and Kinship: Types of Family Structure in India
3 Jan Wed Family, Marriage and Kinship: Marriage and its Changing patterns
4 Jan Thu Family, Marriage and Kinship: Kinship
5 Jan Fri Tribe and Caste
8 Jan Mon Religion and Culture
9 Jan Tue Social Movements
10 Jan Wed Introduction to Social work concepts
11 Jan Thu Social Case work
12 Jan Fri Social Case Work and Individual Behaviou
15 Jan Mon Social Group work
16 Jan Tue Social Action
17 Jan Wed Basics of Counselling: Goals of Counseling
18 Jan Thu Theories and models of Counseling
19 Jan Fri Concepts of Community and Community Work: Tribal community
22 Jan Mon Urban and Rural communities
23 Jan Tue Status of Women in India
24 Jan Wed Policies and Programmes for Women’s Empowerment in India
25 Jan Thu Profile of Children in India
29 Jan Mon Policies and Programmes for Children in Indi
30 Jan Tue Disiater management: Hazard, risk, vulnerabilty and Capacity analysis
31 Jan Wed Types of Disaster
1 Feb Thu Old Age Vulnerabilities and Policies in India related to it.
2 Feb Fri Substance Abuse and its Prevention
5 Feb Mon HIV/AIDS: Stigma, Discrimination and Prevention
6 Feb Tue Study of Criminology and Classical School of Criminology
7 Feb Wed Positive and Ecological school of Crimniology
8 Feb Thu Theories related to Physical Appearance
9 Feb Fri Biological Factors and Criminal behavior
12 Feb Mon Psychoanalytical Theories of Crime
13 Feb Tue Sociological Theories of Crime
14 Feb Wed Control Theories
15 Feb Thu Conflict Theories
16 Feb Fri Traditional and Modern Theories of Crime
19 Feb Mon Individual Theories
20 Feb Tue Social Defence
21 Feb Wed Social Defence Program
22 Feb Thu Important act related to Mental Health Act, Domestic Violence Act, Dowry Act, POCSO Act and JJ Act
23 Feb Fri Social Work Research: Introduction and Identification of problem
26 Feb Mon Methods of Research in Social work
27 Feb Tue Methods of Sampling and Research Tools
28 Feb Wed Data Processing and Analysis

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