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4 CT EC MOM Eee aicsy cre lig tine ® STUDENT’S BOOK ‘as Welcome Back to theTiger Street Club! page @) 1 ANew School Year 2 Describing People 3 Around the Town 4 Jobs and Routines 5 Things We Like Doing 6 Inthe Countryside 7 Tiger Street Club Review ee Tiger Day x Children’s Day one World Poetry Day Carol Read « Mark Ormerod macmillan éducalion page (Gs) page (13) page Qi) page page ‘) page (45) page (53) page page page Syllabus Tis Welcome Back to the Tiger Street Club! 1 ANew School Year 2 Describing People 3 Around the Town 4 Jobs and Routines 5 Things We Like Doing 6 In the Countryside 7 Tiger Street Club Review Festivals PVa ae Meal title Active structures Tiger Time 3 review "Where's (the book)? It's on (the shelf). numbers 1-100 When is (Ben's) birthday? It’s in (October). months of the year What about your birthday? How do you spell (‘tiger’)? Can you repeat that? art and design, drama, English, We've got (science) at (quarter past two). geography, history, |CT, maths, music, We haven't got (PE). PE, science Have we got (English) today? Yes, we have./ No, we haven't. canteen, classroom, gym, library, eo ” ” What have we got at (quarter to ten)? playground days of the week; times of the day | Werws genai): beard, curly hair, dark hair, fair hair, | She's got (curly fair hair). glasses, long hair, moustache, ponytail, She hasn't got (straight dark hair). short hair, straight hair Has he got (a moustache)? brave, clever, imaginative, kind, lucky, Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't. poor, strong bus stop, café, cinema, hospital, There’s a (supermarket) in the street. museum, newsagent’s, police station, There are (shops) in the street. shops, supermarket, train station Is there a (train station)? Yes, there is. / No, there isn't. Are there any (museums)? | Yes, there are. / No, there aren't. bicycle, canal, double-decker bus, gondola, taxi, the Underground, tram, water bus farmer, fashion designer, firefighter, ] What does she do? She's a (doctor). nurse, police officer, pop star, Is he a (nurse)? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. shop assistant, taxi driver, vet, He works / doesn't work (in a hospital). web designer Does he work (with animals)? communicate, guide dog, harness, Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't. mountain rescue dog, sheepdog, whistle collecting stickers, dancing, Is your favourite activity (shopping)? going to museums, painting pictures, Yes, itis. / No, it isn’t. reading comics, rollerskating, I like / don’t like (rollerskating). shopping, taking photos, Do you like (dancing)? talking to friends, using the computer Yes, | do. / No, | don't. He likes / doesn’t like (reading comics). art gallery, machine, robot, scientist, sculpture, technology | bridge, campsite, farm, forest, gate, Turn (left) at the (farm). lake, mountain, path, river, signpost Don't turn (right). fungus, nest, parasite, poisonous, Go to the end of the path. Do | go (straight on)? redator, tree trunk R _ Do we go (over the bridge)? actress, camera, cameraman, | Revision clapperboard, director, make-up artist, screenplay, special effects, wigs, writer digital camera, direct, download, home movie, shoot Tiger Day, Children’s Day, World Poetry Day Social CLIL Social Science Literature Geography Science | Art and Science ee Natural Science Tiger Street Clup! Lesson ] Watch the video clip. , Listen and read. Ask and say. Hello. Welcome back jas, Ps . to the Tiger Street he goka | haven't got a new football, but I've got a new T-shirt. Club. Look, we've got new football. anew noticeboard. , bag. What about you? Tell us about you and your school. © Sd Listen and sing cy Welcome back! We goto school together. Wework and play together. It's good to see you again We are good friends. We are a good team. At the Tiger Street Club We meet after school We write our reports With Ellie, Nasim, Clare And at the weekends. For the Tiger Team and Ben. Magazine. Look for numbers in the Tiger Street Club. Ask and say. © Listen and check. 29 30 . a = 30 So Where's number ten? wryrwrewey vVUewPeereye eyrwyY. Lesson 2 Vocabulary © © FA Listen and say The months chant. \ January February March J April May June : _ July Aagust September ® October November December © Do you remember the months of the year? \ Do you remember the months of the year? When is Clare's birthday? It's in July. What about your birthday? nd when is | _\ Ben's birthday? — agp aed Really? My birthday is in October, too. ) Canyou repeat that? @ __) Go to Activity Book page 89. Make the month cut-out cards. Put them in order. Play Sentence bingo. Lesson 1 Ld ©. Vocabulary Listen, read and look. We read a story about We learn about different & a types of schools. We find out about after-school clubs in the UK. 1 English 2 science 3 maths 4 art and design 7 geography 8 history 9 music €) t% Play Monday to Friday chain. & Do the On Tuesdays, Spelling Bee I've got history. On Mondays, I’ve got science. | like science. What about you? | like science, too. A New Friend ili Lesson 2 © Watch the video clip. © © Listen and read. Act out the story. = @ It’s the end of the summer holidays. es Today is the first day back at school. es | What have we got at half past nine? ip f - ais if "a be &} th : It’s a blue bag with < arecorder inside. [ 2 : a ku q . ‘ a We've got i l music at a iesae l And a music book, but there isn't a name inside. | like music. This year, | want to learn to play a musical instrument. © In the school playground ... ». ea ee fe toy te ee e i, te _— 4 a oo ' : fi .. - Be fy i o ee x P az ‘i i ae : i Oliver. I'm new here. | live in B We live in Tiger \ Street, too. | What's that noise? Ellie tries to play the recorder. 9 sali A It’s terrible! i i aoe J mt of hee : Someone is playing the | want to pl piey recorder. the recorder. We need to find I've gota he the owner. Let's | recorder, = =——==\ make a poster. Oh no! f Do you want to be | amember of the Tiger Street Club? all with music, and you [7 can help me with art. Hello! Is this your | recorder and music book? ae Fig] ' ‘ ” —— are "illic. ” : = Yes. Thanks. What a great =e — an alinstr \ poster! You're very good at art. you play a music UMen~t> o Read and write the correct sentences. er Listen and check. 1 It's the last day of school. 4 WNasim wants to play the recorder. 2 The children find a guitar and 5 Clare is very good at history. a geography book. 6 Oliver doesn’t want to be a member of 3 Oliver lives in Tiger Road. the Tiger Street Club. @ RD Read and reflect. What do you think? This story is afairytale / aphotostory / amyth . \ | think the storyis OK / good / verygood / excellent . The story ends ina happy / sad / funny way. My favourite character is Ben / Clare / Ellie / Nasim / Oliver . ~!| TIGER STREET Think about it: Is it important to welcome new students? How do you welcome new students at your school? | 08 al Lesson 3 G Grammar and Speaking © > Listen and say the missing words. Learn. Classroom 1 Classroom 2 Classroom 3 © Ask and say what you've got. Have we got Yes, we have. science today? We've got science at ) quarter to three. is fOr GFagymOr! ab Lesson 4 Grammar, Listening and Speaking @ e Listen and repeat. Say. FOn¢aStic Phonics We've got geography in the gym with Julie. We've got grammar in the playground with Greg. 12) S fa Listen and read. Sing What have we got? Oh, we go to school because school is cool. Yes, school is cool. It’s really cool. \ We go to school because school is cool. Yes, school is really cool. What have we got at nine o'clock? At nine o'clock, we've got ICT. And at quarter past ten, we've got history. Chorus What have we got at half past twelve? At half past twelve, we've got geography. At quarter to three, we've got PE. Chorus ® ~) Go to Activity Book page 89. Make the subject cut-out cards. Play What have we got at...? What have we got at nine o'clock? We've got ee Klos history. ite ee se No. We haven't got history. We've got English. What have we got at quarter past two? & MiGelrsam Reading > Listen and read. Three different schools ; ee ena I go to Riverside School School in the centre of ‘S of Performing Arts. The London. Our school has te } school is for children with got about 450 pupils ES ey eyo aN od a A OL and 10 teachers. tn | dance or drama. Je \earn It’s got 12 classrooms, ei PR cL a a library, a gym and aa ke we have extra music, drama. a canteen. It’s got ee, and dance classes. I live a big playground. at the school from Monday A\\ the pupils live near eM ade oN an 0 a the school. le can meet family at the weekends. our friends after school and af the weekends. I live ona very small island in Scofland. I don’t go to school. There eae school on our island. I study at home with my parents. I also have some lessons with a feacher on the island. I talk to other children online. I meet other children fo do sports. SS EEE EEE Doy@ J know. Read and answer the questions. 79% of primary scheole ir ae ... Listen and check. _ UK have got a school uniform. 1 Who lives at school from Monday to Friday? 2 Who studies at home? 5 How many classrooms has Kenny 3 Who lives near their school? and Jessie's school got? 4 Who teaches Sarah? 6 What extra classes has Todd got? Play Question tennis. y) Say ten sentences about your school. Has our school got 40 teachers? No, it hasn‘t. Has our schoo! Sy gotabig playground? J Our school has got a canteen. Our school hasn't got a gym. © @i> Explore the internet with your teacher. 0, ansiag! ree NA e err a res dGaZine walicalns Lesson 6 Video, Reading and Writing @ Watch the video clip. Cad) © mee Listen and read. | Answer the questions. Come and see what after-school clubs children in the UK go to. What clubs do you go to? Most schools finish at half past three. Then some children go to after-school clubs. Football clubs, swimming clubs, hockey clubs and multi-sports clubs are very popular. Other children prefer artistic activities. They go to after-school music, art or drama clubs. A day at school I go to a small school near Manchester. At quarter past nine, we've got assembly. A teacher talks to everyone about something important. Lessons begin at half past nine. My favourite subjects are science and maths. We've got a break in the morning and a break in the afternoon. We have lunch at half past twelve. School finishes at four o'clock. On Mondays, I go to hockey club. On Thursdays, I go to a board games club, llike board games and I play them at home with my brother, Ben. by Edwar d | go to a big school. I've got &) Prepare your project maths on Mondays... . | mato Think about and say. \ e your school e your favourite subjects * your timetable * after-school clubs / activities Plan and write your project _) Go to Activity Book page 10. Leaming to LEARN study canteen assembly after-school club break island waav vv wreewy VO Ow eer ewe eve aPeY ili Lesson 7 LJ 21) em Listen and e Read and listen. repeat. Act out. ni 4 | le » leaflet a lea Oh no! | can't find oe : == Ce Ne my geography book. On, — 7 rE ioe Don’t worry. Your school has got a © Look through a “oe new stersie a amicroscope c We've got science. club every Wednesday = Do experiments in October and © Talkto scientists November © Make robots | haven't got my 4:15-5:30pm — = science book either. in the school hall n about ] iT I Pd ‘ Don't worry. You can share mine. Co Come on, Fox. Let's go and see. Thank you. Hello. > s . ra My name's Mouse. »@) Gare Dae ae a 7 : t “ ; \ {| j | f \ Ke Welcome to our i) lub, Mouse. a i / ; C e And I'm Magpie. Can we ey, y They're musical help you with your bags? instruments. | love music. _) Go to Activity Book page 11. Do the Lesson 7 and Lesson 8 Unit 1 J = " 4 Listen, read and look. We read a story Emer We learn about characters about a thief. a © in children’s literature. - ay ; a el a a, LI = be | ry -_ =a Fr a o= <= — 5 dark hair 1 curlyhair 2 straight hair 3 beard 7 long hair 8 short hair 9 moustache 10 ponytail <. » Play Describe your friends. Do the SPeiling Bee 7 : ° - B-E-A-R-D He's got black hair. He's wearing a white T-shirt. = a BT hies in ™ Listen and read. Act out the story. wt eee Park Becky and her brother, Joe, are in Kensington 7.@3)f Look, Joe. That man is) —-»@ Gardens, a famous park in London. Le wearing a hat and a This is a aie statue Sons but It's sunny. | can’t hear you, Becky. I'm listening to Justin Jones, He's fantastic. There’ 5 a thief in Kensington } \¥ Gardens. He's got long dark hair. He’s gota moustache and a beard. a wearing a hat and a 1 coat. y He’s got glasses and he’s Joe, look! He's taking \ eve Fai ae Haieyou 3 Peter Pons tute, Nese SE ‘y ee 4,8) got Peter Pan’s flute? b= thief. Call the police! MA Bist Ys j Look, the thief is over there. Look! He hasn't got long dark hair. He’s got short fair hair. co ‘ Sear “a * ry KU \ fie And he hasn't ) i gotabeard. } Excuse me. This : Ht | We're making avideo Aig man isn't o thief. ae He's a pop star. for my new song. It's D called ‘Catch the thief’. Pi rr a. er F A ete th ee 7a Fete ribeim= hs gael leh ay Read and answer the questions. “” Listen and check. 1 Where is the statue? 4 Describe the man in Picture 6. 2 What is Joe listening to? 5 Is the man a thief? 3 What is the man doing in Picture 3? 6 Has the man got long dark hair? >> Read and reflect. This storyis a@mystery / aphotostory / afable . my a ” What do you think? ) My favourite characteris Becky / Joe / JustinJones / Kes the policewoman / the policeman . ral - |! | think the end of the storyis clever / funny / scary / silly . | want / don’twant to see the Peter Pan statue in Kensington Gardens. ——_ TIGER STREET Think about it: Is it important to tell an adult when you're worried about something? What other things is it important to tell an adult about? « @Q» Lesson 3 G Grammar and Speaking Grrr... © © Listen and say the missing words. Learn. Hos he gota bedi) Yes,he has [Hose got « moustecl No, he hos Oo Play Guess who! Is the thief a man? Has she got curly hair? | : SHasshe got glases?) (pa wat P ea | Is the thief number seven? © Play True or false. Number two has got long hair. Number four hasn't got a moustache. is fOr GFagnmOr! > Listen and repeat. Say. ron¢aStic Phonics Where's Sarah? She's over there. She’s got f Here's Pierce. He’s got a long beard. And he's got big ears. < 44 Listen and read. Sing Stop! Thief! Call the police! Chorus There's a thief, | say, Look! She’s wearing a hat. lr SUR LEw Re Ces JErng GWay: She's got big brown eyes, Look! She's wearing acoat. Not small blue eyes. She's got long dark hair, She's got a beard, Not short fair hair. But it’s a disguise. Can't you see her? She's over there. Chorus Go to Activity Book page 91. Make the photo-fit cut-out cards. Play Catch the thief. Has the thief got short hair? j Yes, he has. 4 / — ee. 2 c= a ghia — a oe Listen and read. Match. books for i Here are four descriptions of famous books. Can you match the descriptions to the book covers? Check your answers. Oald Dahl | va ot Wy Ui i B beat = Fs Black beaully MACMILLAN aL al LLC 4) A boy lives in &) gece cael &) Asailor sails the (>) Agirl imagines an a small house with the story of hislife.When Seven seas inabigship. amazing world where his parents and he is young he lives on He looks fortreasure. | animals and objects grandparents. They farm and people are nice Giant snakesandbirds talk. She's got fair haven't got alot of tohim.Thenhemoves attack the sailor, but hair. She wears a blue money. They're very toa different place and he isn't scared. He's dress. And she’s very poor, but the boy is a lady isn't kind. In the braveand imaginative, very lucky. He finds a Sheik hops strong. gold ticket in a bar of oe chocolate You can read Alice in Wonderland in 125 languages. 125! Read and answer the questions. “ Listen and check. 4 1 Who is imaginative — Alice or Black Beauty? 4 Who finds a gold ticket? 2 Who is clever — Sinbad or Black Beauty? 5 Who has got fair hair? 3 Whois brave and strong — Sinbad or Charlie? 6 Wholives on a ship? Play Mime a character. Say what books you like. My favourite books are Fantastic Mr Fox and Treasure Island. BN 1 | 24 EB SN = Watch the video clip. oe Listen and read. We like the library. Can ___, we borrow some books? Answer the questions. Tiger Street Club Report . Many children join the library in their town. At the library, | they can borrow books and 7 DUDs and they can download | e-books. Some children go to their | A is I library to use a computer, listen to ae TF i 7 / stories or find out about local history. | a were a There are clubs where children can e enue ceca Write stories and poems together. My favourite book is Peter Pan, by J. M. Barrie. The book is a children’s novel. It's a play, too. VS oe You can see it at the theatre. My favourite Rt aA v A My character is Peter. Peter Pan is a boy. He can Eber y D: fly and he never grows old. Peter is very brave. He fights Captain Hook on the y- er island of Neverland. by Ellie a G ee Think about and say. My favourite book is Tarzan of the ¢ the title ofthebook © your favourite character \/Pes by Edgar Rice Burroughs ... . e the author * adescription of a character e the type of book 2 Go to Activity Book page 18. = a Listen and repeat. Act out. Have you got the dictionary? , Jy No, | haven't. Lydia's got it. She's over there. She’s got curly black hair and she’s wearing a blue jumper. Thanks. © Listen and read. Be quiet! (57 oat a : a, But the princess kisses a mouse. A, The princess is very beautiful. She’s got long straight hair. LOT VEXA | don't like this story. « Read and listen. a poster (Win a book of fairy tales. Answer the question: Which fairy tale isn t 6y Hans Andersen? {) The Emperors New Clothes 2) The Princess and the frog 3) The Little Mermaid (rite your answer on a piece of paper with your name, address and telephone number. Give the piece of paper fo the fibrarian. Cook for the lucky winner on the fibrary website on 15" Dacambarl EJ} One day, the princess kisses a frog. (Y | No, she doesn’t. She } 4 kissesamouse. )) Please continue, Magpie. I like this story. he turns into a mouse. /2) (20) Go to Activity Book page 19. Do the Lesson 7 and Lesson 8 Unit 2 eo Ve snp e y Was? Around the Town Lesson 1 «© Vocabulary Listen, read and look. We read a story about ; We learn about transport | a town with aproblem. & in different cities. * — fay i We talk about places in towns and cities. We find out about life in a village. 2 train station Hees Plus FL 6 supermarket 7 newsagent’s 8 bus stop 9 cinema 10 shops & <3 Play A long sentence. © Do the S 2eil in 4 Bee In our town, > c * there’s a café. / H-O-S-P-I-T-A-L ) —_ In our town, there’s acafé and aswimming pool. On "aay wre ew "Owrrerrvrvarey 3 Lesson 2 4) ™ Listen and read. Act out the story. The | of Hamelin ©) This is the town of Hamelin. There’s a school. ® At the town hall ...{ I've got a magic flute, Mayor. There are shops. And there are rats See Cy i amettacnsi hE | can make the rats go away. © The rats come out of the cinema, the supermarket and the train station. They follow the piper out of the town. > peel Look! The rats are &., -. following the piper. Are there any rats in Hamelin now? No, there aren’t. But ) | sorry, | don't want to give you the money. y y the cece | | = af 24 , of : - | Fr . - “7 = i | i ' ‘i 2 | 1: oh I] é . — A + _" | want to teach ' el heres a go The | piper is ea) Ye evr VPS Children! — i ' — ~ | I'm sorry. Here’s your money. Thank 0 & bored iy | / A you for making the rats go away. / 1 Give the piper his money. G Read and write the correct sentences. ee Listen and check. 1 The town of Hamelin is full of bats. 4 The mayor doesn’t want to give the piper 2 The mayor promises the piper a box his sandwiches. of money. 5 The piper wants to teach the mayor 3 The rats follow the children out of English. the town. 6 Inthe end, the mayor keeps his money. @ IED) Read and reflect. This story is an adventure story / abiography / a fable . | think the story is enjoyable / scary / silly . [think the mayor is / isn’t. fair. The story endsin ahappy / an unhappy way. , eee oe ee ae » li Think about it: Soy @ Isit important to keep your promises? a. = &> Lesson 3 taxa Grammar and Speaking @ ™ Listen and say the missing words. Learn. © Play Guess which street! ls there a hospital?» Are there any shops? Are you in King’s Street? @ Play Can you remember? : Ve vere vevweree wevr”™ Vaee is for GFapmOr! 2 Lesson 4 Grammar, Listening and Speaking © 2 Listen and repeat. may: FOntaStic Phonics < A\ a ; = a o There's s amuseum and a newsagent's opposite the ZOO. There are six supermarkets and seven cinemas in the city centre. @ 2S fA Listen and read. Sing Near here. ls there a cinema near here? Yes, there is. It's very near. It's opposite the train station. ls there a bus stop near here? Yes, there is. It’s very near. It's opposite the police station. And are there any shops near here? Yes, there are. They're very near. There's a sweet shop. There's a pet shop. There's a clothes shop and a shoe shop. © There are lots of shops and a supermarket, too. _ 4 Lots of shops and a supermarket, too. 7 @ _, Go to Activity Book page 91. Make the places cards. Play In your street. Is there a bus stop in your street? Is there a police station in your street? 5 OG uy Geography Reading wore Listen and read. London In London, rnany people travel on the famous double-decker buses. Some people travel by bicycle, car or taxi, but lots of people in London travel on the Underground. The London In Amsterdam, many people travel In Venice, there are no by car, taxi or on the Underground. Underground is also called roads. There are lots of There are also lots of trams. People in the Tube. canals. Some people Amsterdam also travel by bicycle. travel in small boats There are more bicycles in called gondolas, but lots Amsterdam than people. Df course, some people of people travel by water UR ela bus. Read and answer the questions. “.” Listen and check. 1 How many different types of transport are in Activity 13? Be: — 2 What are they? nice. 3 Where can you see ...? a canals b double-decker buses c gondolas d trams e more bicycles than people Play Mime a type of transport. Think and choose. Say the | transport and the city. | want to travel by bigcle in Amsterdam. ey Video, Reading and Writing Watch the video clip. (i) othe Listen and read. Answer the questions. MCT. ey a In i or cities. Villages are small. TN may They're normally in the countryside. Towns are big, and cities are normally very big. Village life is very different from life in towns and cities. People live in villages, towns About my village llive in a small village with my family. We live in a cottage with a garden. There are two small shops in the village, but there isn't a supermarket. There isn't a library either. A mobile library comes to the village every Friday. My favourite place in the village is the k café. | go to schoolin a town near here. A school bus collects me f Cy from the bus stop. 7° My friend, Mickey, lives in a big city. He lives in a flat and he hasn't hy got a garden. There are lots of shops, cinemas and parks in the city. WJ Mickey's mother takes him to school by car. b y Ja mie ~» Think about and say. e where you live e how people travel e the buildings near where you live © how you goto school * your favourite building | live in a town. There are lots of shops... . Go to Activity Book page 26. { on « Read and listen. e508 &» tut Consolidation and Extension © Listen and oz Sra: C% Me =I “7, repeat. Act out. o Bf Are there any red pens in the cupboard? No, but there's a red crayon. Do 7 > “J you want i f : Yes, please. Anda J piece of paper, too. ® There isn't any paper, but there’s some in et you. & the regycling bin. eee READING CORNER: ee Please give up BBall hes) 0 hy your seat otey pw atl ih fA out of if someone needs it the C be | ee SU Oe Cr - i—— I'm going to the town centre. Do you want a >), ride in my gondola? Let’s go home. Go to Activity Book page 27. Do the Lesson 7 and Lesson 8 Unit 3 Review.

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