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Fluid Mechanics


Under certain conditions, the particles of a fluid mass may have no relative motion
between each other yet the mass itself maybe in motion. If a mass of fluid is moving with
a constant speed, the conditions are the same as in fluid statics. But if the body is
subjected to acceleration, special treatment is required.

I. Rectilinear acceleration (Moving vessels)

Positive acceleration Negative acceleration
W a a


N θ θ

Considering the fluid particle shown,

 Fx = 0 y
W sin(θ) = ma cos(θ) W
sin(θ) ma
cos(θ) W
θ ma
tan(θ) = x
mg N

tan θ =


a = acceleration
g = gravitational acceleration

Fluid Mechanics

Positive acceleration Negative acceleration

𝑎𝑉 𝑎

𝛼 𝛼

Considering the fluid particle shown,

 Fx = 0
W sin(θ) + ma v sin(θ) = ma h cos(θ)
mg sin(θ) + ma v sin(θ) = ma h cos(θ) y
g sin(θ) + a v sin(θ) = a h cos(θ)
sin(θ)(g + a v ) = a h cos(θ)
sin(θ) ah θ mah
cos(θ) g + a v θ x
ah N mav
tan(θ) =
g + av

tan θ = ; ah = acos(α); av = asin(α)


ah = horizontal component of the acceleration

av= vertical component of the acceleration
g = gravitational acceleration
(+) for upward motion
(-) for downward motion
Fluid Mechanics


y a
h 1

Considering the FBD shown,

F = 0
p1 (dA) − W − ma = 0 REF = ma
p1 (dA) − W − a=0
p1 (dA) = W + a y a
 a 1
p1 (dA) = W 1 + 
 g p(dA)
 a
p1 (dA) = γ(dA)(y) 1 + 
 g  dA
 a
p1 = γ(y) 1 + 
 g
Pressure at any point below the liquid surface

 a
p1 = γy  1 ± 
 g

Pressure at the bottom of the vessel

 a
p = γh  1 ± 
 g

a = acceleration
g = gravitational acceleration
h = height of liquid from bottom to liquid surface
γ = unit weight of liquid
Fluid Mechanics

(+) for upward motion
(-) for downward motion

II. Rotation (Rotating Vessels)

Fluid rotated at constant angular

Fluid at rest
velocity about the y-axis

h x CF
h/2 y
θ N x

Considering the fluid particle shown,

 Fx = 0
CFcos(θ) − W sin(θ) = 0
CFcos(θ) = W sin(θ)
sin(θ) CF
cos(θ) W
CF y W x
tan(θ) =
dy CF
= θ
dx W CF
CF = mω2 x; W = mg N
dy mω2 x ω2 x
= =
dx mg g
ω2 x
dy = dx
ω2 x
 dy =  xdx
0 g 0
ω2 x 2

Fluid Mechanics

ω2 x 2 ω2 r 2
y= ; h=
2g 2g

ω = angular velocity in rad/sec
r = radius of the cylinder
g = gravitational acceleration


y 𝑥2




𝒙𝟏 𝟐 𝒙𝟐 𝟐
𝒚𝟏 𝒚𝟐


V = (𝟏/𝟐)(𝛑𝐫 𝟐 𝐡)

Fluid Mechanics

EXAMPLE 1: A vessel containing liquid moves horizontally along a straight line. What
is the form of the liquid surface when the vessel moves with
a. a constant velocity of 14 ft per sec?
b. a constant acceleration of 14 ft per sec per sec?

For constant velocity, the acceleration is zero, thus,
a 0
tan(θ) = =
g g
θ = tan −1 (0)
θ = 0°

Form of the liquid surface when the vessel moves with a constant acceleration of 14 ft per
sec per sec
a=14 ft/s2
a 14ft / s 2
tan(θ) = =
g 32.2ft / s 2
θ = tan −1 (0.4348) θ
θ = 23.5

EXAMPLE 2: A vessel partly filled with liquid and moving horizontally with a constant
linear acceleration has its liquid surface inclined 45°. Determine its acceleration.

tan(θ) =
a θ=45˚
tan(45) =
9.81m / s 2
a = 9.81 m/s 2

EXAMPLE 3: An open rectangular tank mounted on a truck is 5 m long, 3 m wide and

2.5 m high is filled with water to a depth of 2 m.

a. What maximum horizontal acceleration can be imposed on the tank without spilling
any water?
b. Determine the accelerating force on the liquid mass.
c. If the acceleration is increased to 6.5 m/s 2, how much water will be spilled?

Fluid Mechanics

3m 5m
2.5 m
2.0 m

Maximum horizontal acceleration can be imposed on the tank without spilling any water

2.5 m
0.5 m

a 0.5m
tan(θ) = =
g 2.5m
a= (9.81m / s 2 )
a = 1.962 m/s 2

Accelerating force on the liquid mass

F = ma
m = ρV = (1000kg / m3 )(2.0m  3m  5m)
m = 30000kg
F = ma = (30000kg)(1.962m/ s 2 )
F = 58860 N

Volume of water will be spilled if the acceleration is increased to 6.5 m/s 2

Assume y < 2.5m

2.5 m
5m θ

Fluid Mechanics

a y
tan(θ) = =
g 5m
6.5m / s 2 y
9.81m / s 5m
y = 3.3129m  2.5m (assumption is wrong)

3m x

2.5 m
2.5 m

a 2.5m
tan(θ) = =
g x
6.5m / s 2 2.5m
9.81m / s 2 x
x = 3.773m

Vspilled = Vinitial − Vfinal

Vspilled = (2m  3m  5m) − (x)(2.5m)(3m)
Vspilled = (2m  3m  5m) − (3.773m)(2.5m)(3m)
Vspilled = 15.85 m 3

Fluid Mechanics

EXAMPLE 4: A vessel containing oil is accelerated on a plane 12° with the horizontal at
1.5 m/s2. Determine the inclination of the oil surface when the motion is

a. upward
b. downward

Upward motion
tan(θ) =
g + av
a = 1.5 m/s2
a cos(α)
tan(θ) =
g + a sin(α)
tan(θ) =
9.81 + 1.5sin(12)
tan(θ) = 0.145
θ = tan −1 (0.145)
θ = 8.25° 12˚

Downward motion
tan(θ) =
g − av 2
a = 1.5 m/s
a cos(α)
tan(θ) =
g − a sin(α)
tan(θ) = θ
9.81 − 1.5sin(12)
tan(θ) = 0.1545
θ = tan −1 (0.1545)
θ = 8.78° 12

EXAMPLE 5: An open cylindrical tank, 2 m high and 1 m in diameter, contains 1.5 m of

water. If the cylinder rotates about its geometric axis,
a. what constant angular velocity can be attained without spilling any water?
b. what is the pressure at the center of the bottom of the tank when ω = 12 rad/sec?
c. what is the pressure at the circumference of the bottom of the tank when ω = 15

Fluid Mechanics


1.5 m


Constant angular velocity can be attained without spilling any water

ω2 r 2 ω
ω2 (0.5) 2
2(9.81) 1m
ω = 8.86 rad/s

1.5 m


Pressure at the center of the bottom of the tank when ω = 12 rad/sec

ω2 r 2 ω = 12 rad/s
(12) 2 (0.5) 2
h = 1.835 m h
a = 2 − h = 2 − 1.835
a = 0.165m a
p1 = γa = γ w a = (9.81KN/ m3 )(0.165m)
p1 = 1.62 KN/m 2 = 1.62 KPa

Fluid Mechanics

Pressure at the circumference of the bottom of the tank when ω = 15 rad/sec

For any magnitude of the angular velocity, ω = 15 rad/s

the pressure at the circumference of the
bottom of the tank is always,
p1 = γ w (2m) = (9.81KN / m3 )(2m)

p1 = 19.62 KN/m 2 = 19.62 KPa


EXAMPLE 6: A closed cylindrical tank 1.85 m high and 0.95 m in diameter contains
1.45 m of water. When the angular velocity is constant at 22 rad/s, determine the area of
the bottom of the tank which uncovered.

ω = 22 rad/s
1.85 m

1.85 m
1.45 m


ω2 r 2
(22) 2 (0.95 / 2) 2
h = 5.5659 m
Fluid Mechanics

Applying squared property of parabola

h y y
= 12 = 22
r x1 x2
5.5659 y y
= 1 = 2
(0.95 / 2) 2 x12 x 2 2
y1 y2
x12 = ; x 22 =
24.6687 24.6687

For closed cylindrical tank, the volume of air inside the tank is constant, thus,
π π
π(r) 2 (1.85 − 1.45) = x 2 2 y 2 − x12 y1
2 2
π  y2  π  y1 
π(0.95 / 2) 2 (1.85 − 1.45) =   y2 −  y1
2  24.6687  2  24.6687 

π  y 2 2  π  y12 
π(0.95 / 2) 2 (1.85 − 1.45) =  −  
2  24.6687  2  24.6687 
y 2 = y1 + 1.85

π  (y1 + 1.85) 2  π  y12 

π(0.95 / 2) 2 (1.85 − 1.45) =   −  
2  24.6687  2  24.6687 
y1 = 0.2784m

y1 0.2784
x1 = = = 0.1062m
24.6687 24.6687

Area of the bottom of the tank which uncovered

A = πx12 = π(0.1062m) 2
A = 0.0354 m 2

Fluid Mechanics

EXAMPLE 7: A 70-mm-diameter pipe, 1.2 m long, is just filled with oil of specific
gravity 0.84 and then capped. It is placed in a horizontal position and it is rotated at 28
rad/s about the vertical axis 300 mm from one end. What pressure is developed at the far
end of the pipe?

ω2 x12 (28)2 (0.3)2
y1 = =
2g 2(9.81) ω = 28 rad/s

y 2 = 3.596 m

x 2 = x1 + 1.2m = 0.3m + 1.2m

x 2 = 1.5m

ω2 x 2 2 (28) 2 (1.5) 2 y2
y2 = =
2g 2(9.81)
❶ 1.2 m ❷
y 2 = 89.91 m y1
x1 = 0.3 m x2

Pressure is developed at the far end

p 2 = γoil (y 2 − y1 ) = soil γ w (y 2 − y1 )
p 2 = 0.84(9.81)(89.91 − 3.596)
p 2 = 719.73 KPa

Fluid Mechanics

Instruction: Do as required. Present in writing the full details of your answer or
solutions. The grades you earn for each item will be based on correctness,
completeness and clarity of presentation.

SITUATION 1(1-3): An unbalanced vertical force of 270 N upward accelerates a

volume of 0.044m3 of water. If the water is 0.90 m. deep in cylindrical tank,
1. What is the acceleration of the tank?
a. 6.24m/s2 c. 6.34m/s2
b. 6.14m/s2 d. 6.44m/s2
2. What is the pressure at the bottom of the tank in N/m2?
a. 13,355 c. 15,355
b. 14,355 d. 16,355
3. What is the force acting on the bottom of the tank in N?
a. 702 N c. 502 N
b. 602 N d. 802 N

4. A tank contains oil with a specific gravity of 0.88. If the tank is 10 m long and the
initial depth of oil is 2 meters and the tank accelerates to the right at 2.45
m/s2.Assuming that the tank is sufficiently high so that there were no spillage.
Determine the maximum pressure at the bottom of the tank.
a. 28.057 KPa c. 29.057 KPa
b. 27.057 KPa d. 30.057 KPa

5. A tank containing water to a depth of 2.5 m is accelerated upward at 3.6 m/s 2.

Calculate the pressure on the bottom of the tank.
a. 31.525KPa c. 34.525 KPa
b. 32.525 KPa d. 33.525 KPa

SITUATION 2(6-8): An open cylindrical tank 3 m. high and 1 meter in diameter

contains 2 m. deep of water. If the cylindrical tank rotates about its geometrical axis,
6. What constant angular velocity can be attained without spilling any water?
a. 9.53 c. 11.23
b. 12.53 d. 10.34
7. What constant angular velocity can be attained if the depth of water at the center is
0.5 m?
a. 13.55rad/sec c. 14.01 rad/sec
b. 16.22 rad/sec d. 16.22 rad/sec
8. What constant angular velocity can be attained if the volume spilled out is equal to
0.196 m3?
a. 13.55rad/sec c. 14.01 rad/sec
b. 16.22 rad/sec d. 16.22 rad/sec

SITUATION 3(9-11): An open cylindrical vessel 1 meter in diameter contains water at a

depth of 3.56m.

Fluid Mechanics

9. If it’s rotated at a speed of 80 rpm about its vertical axis, determine the least depth of
the vessel so that no water will be spilled out.
a. 4 m c. 4.5 m
b. 5 m d. 5.5 m
10. If the vessel is rotated at 120 rpm, how much water in liters will be spilled out?
a. 444 liters c. 555 liters
b. 333 liters d. 666 liters
11. If the vessel is rotated at 140 rpm, what would be the pressure at the center bottom
of the tank?
a. 12.373 KPa c. 11.165 KPa
b. 13.111 KPa d. 10.234 KPa

SITUATION 4(12-14): A closed cylindrical tank, 1.5m in diameter, 4.5 m high is full of
water. It is rotating about its vertical axis with a speed of 200 rpm. Assuming that the
vessel is rigidly constructed,
12. Find the pressure, just under the cover at the circumference with a small hole in the
cover at the circumference.
a. 145.33 KPa c. 167.23 KPa
b. 123.37 KPa d. 0
13. Find the pressure, just under the cover at the center with a small hole in the cover at
the circumference.
a. 0 c. 123.37 KPa
b. 145.33 KPa d. 167.23 KPa
14. Find the pressure, just under the cover at the circumference with a small hole in the
cover at the center.
a. 145.33 KPa c. 167.23 KPa
b. 123.37 KPa d. 0

SITUATION 5(15-16): A 375 mm high open cylinder, 150 mm in diameter, is filled

with water and rotated about its vertical axis at an angular speed of 33.5 rad/sec.
Determine the following
15. The depth of water in cylinder when it brought to rest.
a. 0.214 m c. 0.314 m
b. 0.287 m d. 0.228 m
16. The volume of water in liters that remain in the cylinder if the speed is doubled.
a. 0.965 liter c. 0.516 liter
b. 0.875 liter d. 0.756 liter
17. An open cylindrical tank having a diameter of 2 ft and a height of 4 ft is full of
water. How fast should it be rotated about its own axis so that 60% of its volume
will be spilled out?
a. 9.13 rad/sec c. 9.63 rad/sec
b. 9.43 rad/sec d. 9.83 rad/sec

SITUATION 6(17-19): An open rectangular tank mounted on a truck is 6 m long, 2.5 m

wide and 3 m high is filled with water to a depth of 2.5 m.
17. What maximum horizontal acceleration can be imposed on the tank without spilling
any water?
a. 1.635 m/s2 c. 1.756 m/s2
Fluid Mechanics

b. 1.223 m/s2 d. 1.915 m/s2

18. How much is the accelerating force on the liquid mass?
a. 41.31 KN c. 71.31 KN
b. 51.31 KN d. 61.31 KN
19. If the acceleration is increased to 5 m/s 2, how much water is spilled out?
a. 14.43 m3 c. 15.43 m3
b. 12.43 m3 d. 13.43 m3

SITUATION 7(20-22): A closed horizontal cylindrical tank 2 m in diameter and 5 m

long is completely filled with liquid(s = 0.82) and accelerated horizontally at 3 m/s 2.
20. Determine the total force acting at the rear wall of the tank.
a. 63.91KN c. 67.22 KN
b. 45.35 KN d. 49.34 KN
21. Determine the total force acting at the front wall of the tank?
a. 21.24 KN c. 31.13 KN
b. 18.67 KN d. 25.27 KN
22. Determine the accelerating force on the liquid mass?
a. 34.22 KN c. 42.17 KN
b. 38.64 KN d. 31.22 KN

SITUATION 7(23-24): A vessel containing oil is accelerated on a plane inclined 18˚

with the horizontal at 1.5 m/s2.
23. Determine the inclination of oil surface when the motion is upward.
a. 7.91˚ c. 5.67˚
b. 8.11˚ d. 10.11˚
24. Determine the inclination of oil surface when the motion is upward.
a. 7.21 c. 8.68
b. 9.22 d. 9.15

SITUATION 8(25-28): An open tank containing oil (s = 0.82) is accelerated vertically at

6 m/s2.
25. Determine the pressure 3 m below the surface if the motion is upward with positive
a. 31.89 KPa c. 9.37 KPa
b. 35.89 KPa d. 38.89 KPa
26. Determine the pressure 3 m below the surface if the motion is upward with negative
a. 31.89 KPa c. 9.37 KPa
b. 35.89 KPa d. 38.89 KPa
27. Determine the pressure 3 m below the surface if the motion downward with positive
a. 31.89 KPa c. 9.37 KPa
b. 35.89 KPa d. 38.89 KPa
28. Determine the pressure 3 m below the surface if the motion is downward with
negative acceleration.
a. 31.89 KPa c. 9.37 KPa
b. 35.89 KPa d. 38.89 KPa

Fluid Mechanics

SITUATION 9(29-31): A closed cylindrical vessel, 2 m in diameter and 4 m high is

filled with water to a depth of 3 m high and rotated about its vertical axis at a constant
angular speed. The air inside the vessel is under a pressure of 120 KPa.
29. Determine the pressure at the center of the bottom of the tank if the angular speed is
12 rad/sec.
a. 111.66 KPa c. 131.66 KPa
b. 101.66 KPa d. 121.66 KPa
30. Determine the angular velocity if the depth of water at the center is zero.
a. 119.6 rpm c. 105.2 rpm
b. 130.6rpm d. 145.3 rpm
31. If the angular speed is 20 rad/sec, how much area at the bottom is uncovered?
a. 0.38 m2 c. 0.28 m2
b. 0.48 m2 d. 0.58 m2
32. A 1.8 m diameter closed cylinder, 3 m high is completely filled with glycerine
having of 1.6 under a pressure of 250 KPa at the top. The steel plates which
form the cylinder are 5 mm thick with an ultimate tensile stress of 82 MPa. How fast
can it be rotated about its vertical axis to the point of bursting?
a. 151.67 rpm c. 122.89 rpm
b. 167.33 rpm d. 187.12 rpm

SITUATION 10(33-35): A rectangular tank with its top open is 6 m long and 2 m deep
and 2.5 m wide contains 1 m of water. If the linear acceleration horizontally in the
direction of the tank’s length is 2.45 m/s 2,
33. Compute the total force due to the water acting at the front face of the tank.
a. 37.52 KN c. 38.52 KN
b. 39.52 KN d. 36.52 KN
34. Compute the total force due to the water acting at the back face of the tank.
a. 0.87 KN c. 0.77 KN
b. 0.67 KN d. 0.97 KN
35. If the tank is filled with water and accelerated in the direction of its length at the rate
1.5 m/s2, how many gallons of water are spilled?
a. 1,718 gallons c. 1,918 gallons
b. 1,818 gallons d. 1,618 gallons

SITUATION 11(36-37): A cubical tank is filled with 2 m of oil, specific gravity 0.78.
Find the force acting on the side of the tank when the acceleration is,
36. 5.2 m/s2 upward
a. 60.04 KN c. 62.04 KN
b. 61.04 KN d. 46.83 KN
37. 5.2 m/s2 downward
a. 14.38 KN c. 12.38 KN
b. 16.38 KN d. 18.38 KN

SITUATION 12(38-39): An open tank 10 m wide, 20 m long and 10 m high is filled

with water 6 m high. It is subjected to a vertical acceleration of 2 m/s 2 and a horizontal
acceleration 3.924 m/s2 running along its long side of the tank in horizontal plane.
38. Determine the maximum hydrostatic pressure considering the vertical acceleration
only in KPa.
Fluid Mechanics

a. 80.86 KPa c. 58.86 KPa

b. 60.86 KPa d. 70.86 KPa
39. Determine the maximum hydrostatic pressure considering the horizontal
acceleration only in KPa.
a. 68.1 KPa c. 88.1 KPa
b. 78.1 KPa d. 98.1 KPa

SITUATION 13(40-41): An open tank is 1.829 m square, weighs 3426 N, and contains
0.915 m of water. It is acted upon by an unbalanced force of 10,368 N parallel to a pair of
40. What must be the height of the sides of the tank so that no water will be spilled?
a. 1.298 m c. 1.098 m
b. 1.398 m d. 1.198 m
41. What is the force acting on the side where the greatest depth occurs?
a. 11,860 N c. 14,860 N
b. 12,860 N d. 13,860 N
42. An open tank 30 ft long by 4 ft wide by 4 ft deep is filled with 3.25 ft of oil ( =
0.835). It is accelerated uniformly from rest to 45.0 ft/sec2. What is the shortest time
in which the tank can be accelerated without spilling any water?
a. 28 seconds c. 28 seconds
b. 29 seconds d. 28 seconds

SITUATION 14(43-44): An open cylindrical tank 4 ft in diameter and 6 ft deep is filled

with water and rotated about its axis at 60 rpm.
43. How much liquid is spilled?
a. 416 lit c. 699 lit
b. 437 lit d. 429 lit
44. How deep is the water at the axis?
a. 3.55 ft c. 3.09 ft
b. 4.22 ft d. 5.11 ft

SITUATION 15(45-47): An open cylindrical vessel 1 meter in diameter contains water

at depth of 3.56 m.
45. If it’s rotated at a speed of 80 rpm about its vertical axis, determine the least depth of
the vessel so that no water will be spilled out.
a. 3.87m c. 4.01m
b. 3.65m d. 4.52m
46. If the vessel is rotated at 120 rpm, how much water in liters will be spilled out?
a. 416 lit c. 453 lit
b. 439 lit d. 429 lit
47. If the vessel is rotated at 140 rpm, what would be the pressure at the center bottom
of the tank?
a. 13.67KPa c. 13.53 KPa
b. 12.44KPa d. 14.29 KPa

48. A closed vessel 1 m in diameter is completely filled with water. If the vessel is
rotated at 1200 rpm, determine the total force acting at the top of the tank?
a. 775.16 KPa c. 1023.54 KPa
Fluid Mechanics

b. 666.67 KPa d. 576.22 KPa

49. A 84 in length of 2 in diameter pipe is capped and its filled with water under 14.5
psi pressure. Placed in a horizontal position, it is rotated about a vertical axis
through one end at the rate of 3 rad/sec. What will be the pressure at the outer end?
a. 18.5psi c. 15.5 psi
b. 17.5 psi d. 16.5 psi

50. A vessel containing oil of 0.762 is filled to a depth of 5 m moves vertically
upward with an acceleration of + 2.5 m/s2. What is the pressure at a depth of 2 m?
a. 19.76 KPa c. 16.76 KPa
b. 20.76 KPa d. 18.76 KPa

51. A closed cylindrical tank 1.85 m high and 0.9 m in diameter contains 1.4 of water.
When the angular velocity is constant at 20.0 rad/s, how much of the bottom area of
the tank is uncovered?
a. 0.00857 m2 c. 0.01207 m2
b. 0.00926 m2 d. 0.00356 m2

52. A cylinder 1.8 m in diameter and 3 m high is completely filled with glycerine
1.6 under a pressure of 240 KPa at the top. The steel plates that from the cylinder are
12 mm thick and can withstand an allowable unit stress of 82 MPa. What maximum
speed in rpm can be imposed on the cylinder?
a. 336.83 rpm c. 356.83 rpm
b. 346.83 rpm d. 366.83 rpm

53. A U-tube with right angle bends is 300 mm wide and contains mercury that rises
230 mm in each leg when the tube is at rest. At what speed must the tube be rotated
about an axis 75 mm from one leg so that there will be no mercury in that leg of the
a. 88.08 rpm c. 98.08 rpm
b. 78.08 rpm d. 68.08 rpm

54. An open vessel 450 mm in diameter and filled with water is rotated about its vertical
axis at such velocity that the water surface 100 mm from the axis makes an angle of
40˚ with the horizontal. Compute the speed of rotation.
a. 8.07 rad/s c. 10.07 rad/s
b. 9.07 rad/s d. 6.07 rad/s

55. A 2 m length of 50 mm diamater pipe is capped and is filled with water under 86
KPa pressure. Placed in a horizontal position, it is rotated about a vertical axis
through one end at the rate of 3 m/s. What will be the pressure at the outer end?
a. 91.5 KPa c. 90.5 KPa
b. 92.5 KPa d. 93.5 KPa

56. A U-tube with a radius of 10 in and containing mercury to a height of 30 in is

rotated about its center at 180 rpm until a rigid-body mode is achieved. The diameter

Fluid Mechanics

of the tubing is negligible. Atmospheric pressure is 2120 lb/ft 2. Find the pressure at
point A in the rotating condition.

B x

30 in

10 in

a. 2236.92 lb/ft2 c. 2136.92 lb/ft2

b. 2336.92 lb/ft2 d. 2036.92 lb/ft2

57. A 80-cm-high, 60-cm-diameter cylindrical water tank is being transported on a level

road. The highest acceleration anticipated is 4.5 m/s 2. Determine the allowable
initial water height in the tank if no water is to spill out during acceleration.
a. 68.24 cm c. 66.24 cm
b. 64.24 cm d. 62.24 cm

58. A 3-m-diameter vertical cylindrical milk tank rotates at a constant rate of 12 rpm. If
the pressure at the center of the bottom surface is 130 KPa, determine the pressure at
the edge of the bottom surface of the tank. Take the density of the milk to be 1030
a. 131.83 KPa c. 141.83 KPa
b. 141.83 KPa d. 151.83 KPa

59. Milk with a density of 1020 kg/m3 is transported on a level road in a 9-m-long, 3-m-
diameter cylindrical tanker. The tanker is completely filled with milk (no air space),
and it accelerates at 4.5 m/s2. If the minimum pressure in the tanker is 120 KPa,
determine the maximum pressure in the tank.
a. 181.33 KPa c. 171.33 KPa
b. 191.33 KPa d. 161.33 KPa

60. The distance between the centers of the two arms of a U-tube open to the
atmosphere is 30 cm, and the U-tube contains 20-cm-high alcohol in both arms.
Now the U-tube is rotated about the left arm at 4.5 rad/s. Determine the elevation
difference between the fluid surfaces in the two arms.
a. 8.09 cm c. 9.09 cm
b. 10.09 cm d. 11.09 cm

Fluid Mechanics

20 cm 20 cm

30 cm

SITUATION 16(61-62): A 1.2-m-diameter, 3-m-high sealed vertical cylinder is

completely filled with gasoline whose density is 750 kg/m3. The tank is now rotated
about its vertical axis at a rate of 75 rpm. Determine
61. the difference between the pressures at the centers of the bottom and top surfaces.
a. 15.75 KPa c. 16.75 KPa
b. 14.75 KPa d. 13.75 KPa
62. the difference between the pressures at the center and the edge of the bottom
a. 9.33 KPa c. 10.33 KPa
b. 8.33 KPa d. 11.33 KPa

63. The rectangular tank is filled with heavy oil (like glycerin) at the bottom and water
at the top, as shown in the figure. The tank is now moved to the right horizontally
with a constant acceleration and ¼ of water is spilled out as a result from the back.
Using geometrical considerations, determine how high the point A at the back of the
tank on the oil-water interface will rise under this acceleration.
a. 0.5 m
b. 1.0 m
c. 0.25 m
d. 1.25 m
2.0 m water
1.0 m oil

64. A U-tube is rotating at a constant angular velocity of ω. The liquid (glycerin) rises to
the levels shown in the figure. Obtain a relation for ω in terms of g, h, and L.
√𝑔ℎ √𝑔ℎ
a. 𝜔= c. 𝜔 =
𝐿 4𝐿

Fluid Mechanics

√𝒈𝒉 √2𝑔ℎ
b. 𝜔= d. 𝜔 =
𝟐𝑳 𝐿


3L L


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