One-Man Room-Clearing Tactics - ITCQB - UF PRO Blog

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ITCQB | One man room clearing


In this blog post:

General ‘slicing the pie’ keypoints
Relevance of angles when slicing the pie
Narrow angle
Progression to 45 degrees
Snapping to 90 degrees
150 degrees
180 degrees

By Eliran Feildboy, founder of Project Gecko
In today's tactical space, it’s a rarity to come across an empirically valid
CQB system—let alone one created with human behaviour and
interaction as its guideposts.

One such rarity is the ground-breaking ITCQB system. Unlike most

modern systems, ITCQB focuses on real-life scenarios and on the
diverse factors found in human-to-human encounters.

You might wonder why this matters if military and LE operators are
trained to never be in the position of clearing a room by themselves.

Consider this hypothetical. You and your team just finished clearing a
room. Everyone else has already exited and you’re about to do likewise
when your eye catches sight of a hidden door in a far corner. No one
saw it while clearing the room.

Now the team is tied up clearing the next room, which means the job of
clearing whatever’s behind that hidden door falls to you—and it can’t
wait because, potentially, the team’s ability to secure the entire
structure hinges on you sweeping solo right now.

General ‘slicing the pie’ keypoints

“Slicing the pie” is a technique for gaining information about what’s
inside a room. It entails moving in a cone-shaped pattern around the
apex of a room’s thresholds (usually its doors but also its windows).

At the beginning, you have zero visual information about possible

threats or civilians inside. Likely all you have is audible intel gained from
listening to the sounds and voices inside.

But don’t discount the intel you obtain with your ears: it may be
sufficient to help you decide whether to engage or disengage.

A few pointers:

Move your legs in the leg-pushes-leg sequence.

Maintain the apex—eyes, firearm, leading foot-line— at all times.
Your leading foot points toward the apex. Hips are turned toward
Stop at relevant angles (45, 90, 150,and 180 degrees).
Look for arms or hands (typically in these situations they are
extended from the body, which can make them easier to detect
before a threat is able to recognise you).
Remain stable when moving (this ensures you can bail out quickly,
if necessary), do not lean into the next corner (as this exposes you
to unsecured areas of the room), and plant your feet flat on the
ground to keep your balance centered.

Relevance of angles when slicing the pie

Among the things you control in a room-clearing situation is the angle

of entry. This angle is “measured” from the apex of the door to the last
visible line into the room.
Different angles present drastically different scenarios. Each scenario
affects what you can control and do to the target's mobility inside the

You have to fight with what you can see, not with what can see you.

The basic definition of angles in ITCQB is:

45 degrees
90 degrees
150 degrees
180 degrees

Narrow angle

This is what you call an extremely thin exposure into the room.
Typically, you encounter narrow angles first when walking alongside a
wall that has a doorway built into it. You’ve entered the narrow angle
when you can see the doorframe and slightly inside the room.

Although there may not be much acquirable intel awaiting in the narrow
angle, there could be just enough to give you valuable insights as to
what you’ll encounter in the remainder of the room.

For example, are there bloodstains on the floor? Is smoke reducing

visibility? Are there voices coming from within (and, if so, how many)?

After entering the narrow angle, commence an orientation check.

Orientation check

1. Stop.
2. Bring your gun down.
3. Breathe.
4. Look behind you.
5. Look back at the door.
Align your hips with the wall as soon as you enter the narrow angle and
make sure your leading foot points to the door’s apex. Doing so will
give you better exposure management, more cover, and enhanced
body synchronisation of the door threshold. Most importantly, it will
facilitate increased mobility because positioning your body with hips
toward the wall allows you to stay fluid so you can move around the
narrow angle better and bail out quickly if the situation requires it.

Progression to 45 degrees

The next relevant angle is 45 degrees. This is your point of contact with
the flank of the room even as you’re concealed by the room. You’re still
gathering intel about the room—let's say different compartments,
multiple doorways, or multiple targets.

Keep your gun down while slicing. This minimizes your exposure to the
inside of the room and prevents triggering toe room.

Snapping to 90 degrees

This angle allows you to see the center of the room where people will
most likely stand if we’re not engaging with them.

You may be acquainted with the term “fatal funnel” and have heard it
used to denote the area between 45 and 135 degrees. But what exactly
is a fatal funnel? It’s a term for areas where you are easily seen but
cannot easily engage/disengage targets inside the room.

Despite the dangers inherent to the fatal funnel, the 90 degree angle
can be a valuable asset in that it allows you to divide the room into two
sections—one, the controlled area; the other, the uncontrolled area.

Image source:

However, the 90 degrees angle is trickier than the others. Even having
your firearm turned down slightly still allows the target to see its muzzle
before you enter. Exposure risk is worst when your angle is between 60
and 90 degrees.

A recommended solution is to snap as soon as you start to isolate to 90

degrees. Do this in a single step. It can leave a target who has seen
your muzzle significantly less time to react. It can also prevent
triggering the room.

150 Degrees

In traditional CQB, angles beyond 90 degrees aren’t identified. They’re

used in the ITCQB system to highlight the increasing danger of
progressively opening the room.

From 90 to 150 degrees, you can reduce the possibility of exposure by

compressing the weapon when closing in. Compressing is
accomplished by bringing the stock up higher on your shoulder while
keeping the barrel pointed down.
Compressing does not impede your reaction time. You’ll still be quick in
presenting your weapon and, by keeping the line-eyes/weapon/leading-
foot positioning, you won’t find it necessary to use the sight.

180 Degrees

This is called the “hard corner.” Here, your goal is to cheat the angle
and see as much of the room as you can.

As the final part of the angle approaches, you attack the corner—
meaning you quickly step inside with your leading foot (flat and stable
so you can bail out if needed) and align your weapon.
One final step: after securing the final angle, look back over your
shoulder to make sure no threats are present and able to attack from

Focusing on five key angles as the golden rule allows you to
methodically and consistently clear rooms with high emphasis on
minimizing your exposure and thus safety.

Strong fundamentals when slicing the pie are a necessity in both solo
and team clearing a room. Once you understand angles and their
relevance you can better understand what situation you can use for
clearing stoppages, bailing out and proactivity.

In the ITCQB system you don’t rely on theory but actual datasets from
real life scenarios.

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