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Dear Marta,

I am writing to share my worries about students using mobile messaging apps too much at
school, and how it may affect their focus and work. I understand that technology is important for
learning, but I have noticed that this habit could be harming students.

When students use messaging apps during school hours, it disturbs the class and takes their
attention away from their studies. As a member of our school community, I believe we need to
work together to find good solutions. I suggest we organize programs to help students and
parents understand the problems of using these apps too much. We could also have workshops
to teach students how to use technology responsibly and without harming their education.

It would be helpful to create clear rules about using mobile devices at school, and maybe have
some areas where they are not allowed. Also, we should encourage parents to keep an eye on
how much their children use mobile devices at home.

I am confident that if we do these things, it will make our learning environment better. I am ready
to help and support the school in making these changes. Thank you for listening, and I look
forward to talking more about this and finding solutions together.

Best regards,


Mr Martin, I am deeply sorry for my unpunctuality and for any trouble it might have caused. I got
confused about the train schedule and, unfortunately, I missed my train, which made me late for the
I misunderstood the time the train was supposed to leave, so I couldn't catch the one I was planning to
take. I know it's important to be on time, and I feel really sorry for any problems my being late might have
caused for the team and our work.
To make sure this doesn't happen again, I'll try to be more organized and making sure I leave on time. I've
set up reminders and alarms to help me remember when to leave.
I'm committed to catching up on the work I missed because of being late. If there's anything urgent that
needs to be done because I was late, please tell me, and I'll do it first.
I'm sorry again for any problems this might have caused, and I appreciate your understanding. I promise
I'll work to avoid this kind of situation in the future.

You won't believe what happened this morning. I totally messed up and missed my train, and I was late to
my appointment w my boss. I misunderstood the schedule and thought the train was leaving later than it
actually did. It was such a rookie mistake!
So, there I was, rushing to the station, only to see my train pulling away. I can't believe I did that. I
explained it to my boos and I took full responsibility for the mix-up. I was super nervous, and I thought he
was going to be furious w me, however he was understanding. Thank goodness!!
you know how punctual I usually am and this is definitely not my usual style, but it's just one of those
days, you know? When everything goes wrong.
I've set up like a gazillion alarms now to avoid a repeat of the disaster. Lesson learned!! Anyway, just
wanted to vent a bit and share my crazy morning with you.

some common non-verbal gestures in Spain that you may encounter: Kissing on Both Cheeks: In
many parts of Spain, particularly in social settings, people greet each other with a kiss on both
cheeks. The number of kisses may vary, but two is most common.

Hand Gestures: Like in many Mediterranean cultures, hand gestures are often used to emphasize
points during conversations. Animated hand movements can be a natural part of communication.

Eye Contact: Maintaining eye contact is generally seen as a sign of respect and attentiveness in
Spain. It shows that you are engaged in the conversation.

Nodding: Nodding is a common way to show agreement or understanding. A slight upward nod
usually indicates agreement, while a downward nod may indicate understanding.

The "Fig" Gesture: A hand gesture known as "hacer higos" involves making a fist with the thumb
between the index and middle fingers. This gesture is considered vulgar and offensive, so it's
essential to avoid it.

Tapping the Wrist: If someone taps their wrist, it may indicate impatience or that time is running
out. It's a subtle way of signaling the importance of time.

Shrugging Shoulders: A nonchalant shrug of the shoulders can signify indifference or a lack of
concern about a particular issue.

(non-verbal communication, including hand gestures, is often an integral part of expressing

oneself. These gestures can convey emotions, emphasize points, or clarify messages. The cultural
context and history of a region can influence the prevalence and meaning of specific gestures.

The use of hand gestures can serve various purposes, such as adding emphasis to spoken words,
aiding in storytelling, or expressing emotions that words alone might not fully convey. It's a
dynamic form of communication that adds richness and nuance to verbal expression.


Social Context: People often use different languages based on the social context they are in. For example, you
might speak one language at home with family and another language at work or in educational settings.

Social Norms: Social norms and expectations within a particular community or setting may influence language
choice. For instance, code-switching might occur to conform to language expectations in formal or informal
Influence of Media and Pop Culture: Exposure to different languages through media, music, or pop culture can
also contribute to code-switching. Certain phrases or expressions from different languages may be incorporated
into daily speech.

Bilingual Proficiency: If you are bilingual or multilingual, you might naturally switch between languages based on
your proficiency and comfort level in each language for different topics or contexts.

Register: Different languages may be associated with specific language registers, such as formal or informal
speech. Code-switching allows individuals to adapt their language to the appropriate register for a given situation.


Learning foreign languages holds immense significance in today's interconnected world. Beyond the practical
advantages of being bilingual, it enriches our lives in profound ways.

Firstly, delving into a new language is like unlocking a door to a different culture. It goes beyond words; it allows us
to explore the traditions, literature, and unique perspectives of another community. This cultural understanding
fosters tolerance and broadens our worldview.

Moreover, being multilingual is a valuable asset in the global job market. It opens up opportunities for
international collaboration and enhances one's competitiveness. Employers increasingly value language skills,
recognizing them as a testament to adaptability and effective communication across diverse contexts.

On a cognitive level, learning foreign languages sharpens mental faculties. It challenges the brain, improving
memory, problem-solving, and multitasking skills. The mental flexibility gained through language acquisition not
only boosts academic performance but also equips individuals with a more adaptable mindset in various aspects
of life.

Practically, it facilitates smoother travel experiences and enriches cross-cultural interactions. Whether navigating a
foreign city or engaging in meaningful conversations with people from different backgrounds, language proficiency
enhances the quality of our experiences.

In essence, the importance of learning foreign languages transcends the mere ability to communicate in multiple
tongues. It's a pathway to cultural empathy, global opportunities, and cognitive enhancement. Embracing
language learning is not just a skill; it's a key that unlocks a world of possibilities and connections.

New and old ways of commmunication

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