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As of 2024, 31% of the homeless population have either a mental illness or are

psychologically unstable, and 45% have a substance use disorder (American Addiction

Centers, 2024). If the government gave these people more access to mental health

support, like programs or facilities to go to, the impact of homelessness and mental

health struggles would decrease drastically (

The government needs to hire more Mental Health counselors by advertising

more and adding more funding to the training centers to train them to handle

homelessness with mental illnesses. The government would get more counselors by

increasing their bonuses for them to stay on the job and help people experiencing

homelessness with family trauma or drug addictions. If counselors were trained to deal

with these specific situations with people without housing, it could help the homeless

cope with reality instead of having an addiction to drugs or pills. The government should

also provide benefits to counselors so that programs or training services can train these

new counselors if the government opened more free clinics for people experiencing

homelessness to get support from and open programs for the homeless to go inside the

clinics for additional services for the homeless including adding an area inside the

clinics for the homeless to go. Due to the fact that many mental health services lack of

services to the homeless because these programs aren’t making themselves more

known to the public and the homeless.

We can introduce a bill that provides better mental health services to unhoused

people and offers rehab programs for drug use and abuse. And if the funding of 61,000

to Make more mental health Centers for the homeless and help them with any

medical-related issues that they have. I would get money from federal grants, Or
another way I would get the money is from an extra tax in order to get the bill passed

and get the funding for it, it has to go through the following steps the bill has to be

drafted by any member of Congress either from the Senate or the House of

representatives who has an idea for a law can draft a bill, then the bill has to be

introduced to either the senate if the senate is the sponsor for the bill if a representative

is a sponsor it has to go the house. As soon as it is introduced, it is referred to a

committee, in which both the House and Senate have various committees composed of

groups of congress members who are particularly interested in different topics such as

health or international affairs. (“The Legislative Branch | the White House”)When a bill is

in the hands of the committee, it is carefully examined, and its chances of passage by

the entire Congress are determined. The committee may choose to hold hearings to

better understand the implications of the bill. Hearings allow the views of the executive

branch, experts, other public officials and supporters, and opponents of the legislation to

be put on the record. If the committee does not act on a bill, the bill is considered to be

dead. subcommittees are organized under committees and have further specialization

on a certain topic. Often, committees refer bills to a subcommittee for study and

their own hearings. The subcommittee may make changes to the bill and must

vote to refer a bill back to the full committee. When the hearings and

subcommittee review are completed, the committee will meet to mark up the bill.

they make changes and amendments prior to recommending the bill to the floor.

If the committee votes to not report legislation to the full chamber progress, the

bill dies. If the committee votes in favor of the bill, It is reported to the floor. This

procedure is called the order of a bill reported. Once the bill reaches the floor,
there is additional debate, and members of the full chamber vote to approve any

amendments. The bill is then passed or defeated by the members voting. when

the House or Senate passes a bill. It is referred to the other chamber, where It

usually follows the same route through committees and finally to the floor. This

chamber may approve the bill as received, reject it, ignore it, or change it.

Congress may form a conference committee to resolve or reconcile the

differences between the House and Senate versions of a bill. If the conference is

unable to reach an agreement, the bill dies. If an agreement is reached, the

committee members prepare a conference report with recommendations for the

final bill. Both the House and Senate must vote to approve the conference report.

After both the House and Senate have approved a bill in identical form, the bill is

sent to the president. If the president approves the legislation, It is signed and

becomes law. If the president takes no action for ten days while Congress is in

session, then may veto the addition, if no action is taken for ten days and

Congress has already adjourned, there is a pocket veto. If a President vetoes a

bill , Congress may attempt to override the veto. If both the Senate and House

and the House pass the bill by a two-thirds majority, the president's veto is

overruled and becomes a law. I would have the bill that would fund a mental

health center for the homeless be introduced be sent to any member of Congress

or a member from the Senate or House representative who discusses an idea for

the bill which the ideas come from congress members and other primary

congress members supporting the bill who are also called sponsors, The other
members who support the bill are also called co-sponsors of the bill. I would also

provide funding for hiring mental health workers and giving them an annual pay

for working of $54,000. (National Human Genome Research Institute, n.d.)

I would spend the money on getting the employees for the mental health

clinic. And am gonna buy the industrial Flex Complex and use that as the place

for people to get help. The different services I would offer inside the Health care

clinic is emergency care for unhoused people who need medical care or any

other service the right way. And also giving the unhoused support like

experienced Therapists to help the unhoused people with their Mental illness. I

would also provide addiction and child and adolescent psychiatry for the

unhoused who require needs for their children.

If the government allowed more access to mental health support and more

facilities and programs there would be fewer homeless people on the street.

The government needs to make sure we have well-qualified mental Health

Workers. By introducing a bill that will help the unhoused people and their Drug

abuse and providing funding to add more Mental Health centers to help them

with their medical-related issues To get this help, the government will have to

allocate more money for this problem. By using that money to buy the Mental

Health Center provide medical services for the unhoused people and hire

employees such as therapists, Counselors, and Addiction psychiatrists for the

unhoused people who require these needs of Services.


American Addiction Centers. (2024, 01 03). Substance Abuse and

Homelessness: Statistics and Rehab Treatment. American Addiction

Centers. Retrieved January 22, 2024, from

(2023, December 12). Grants for the Benefit of Homeless Individuals

(GBHI). SAMHSA. Retrieved January 23, 2024, from

vices. (2023, December 11). Grant Programs and Services for

Homelessness. SAMHSA. Retrieved January 23, 2024, from


The Legislative Process. (n.d.). Congressman Bill Keating. Retrieved March 7,

2024, from

National Human Genome Research institute. (n.d.). How a bill becomes a law.

National Human Genome Research Institute. Retrieved March 7, 2024,


Office of the governer. (2024, March 1). Governor signs landmark bills to improve

healthcare affordability and access - Office of the Governor - Michelle

Lujan Grisham. Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham. Retrieved March 7,

2024, from


Untitied states Representive Bill Keating. (n.d.). The Legislative Process.

Congressman Bill Keating. Retrieved March 7, 2024, from

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