Term Paper On Child Labour in Bangladesh

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Child labour is a pressing issue in many developing countries, including Bangladesh.

It refers to the
employment of children in any work that deprives them of their childhood, interferes with their
ability to attend regular school, and is mentally, physically, socially or morally harmful. According to
a report by the International Labour Organization, there are approximately 152 million child
labourers globally, with the majority of them living in Asia and the Pacific region.

In Bangladesh, child labour is a widespread problem, with an estimated 3.45 million children aged 5-
14 years engaged in various forms of work. These children are often forced to work in hazardous
conditions, such as factories, construction sites, and even in households as domestic workers. They
are deprived of their basic rights, including education and a safe and healthy childhood.

If you are tasked with writing a term paper on child labour in Bangladesh, you may find it to be a
difficult and overwhelming task. The topic is complex and requires extensive research and analysis. It
also requires a deep understanding of the cultural, social, and economic factors that contribute to the
prevalence of child labour in the country.

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Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you with your term paper on
child labour in Bangladesh. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against child labour and
promote a better future for the children of Bangladesh.
In 2013, DFIE conducted approximately 500 inspections per month. Girls attending school in rural
areas are also eligible for free tuition and textbooks. Brands can get early access to the data to stay on
top of issues before they are made public. Moreover, the low level of education of parents impacts on
sending children to work. What we’re not told about, however, are the real costs that are paid so that
large retailers can arrive at those low prices. According to UNICEF, more than 7.4 million children
are engaged in economic. In Bangladesh, child labor is an important topic that is being debated as a
serious issue of the country. The government of Bangladesh should further promote the rights and
interests of children by formulating legislative acts solving this issue. The broad majority of these are
of course negative; however, a few scant positive opportunities exist with relation to the term as well.
In this way, when one considers the plight of the average worker in a third world nation, the truth of
the matter can usually be described adequately by relating jobs similar to or concentric around field
labour, farming, and heavy manual labour. Due to the fact that the vast majority of rural households
depend on income derived from agriculture, the concentration of child workers in rural areas is
greater than in urban areas, which means that the demographic situation of Bangladesh impels the
child labor. The problems children were facing included rude behavior from employers, deprivation
of education, inadequate time to study, physical and humiliating punishment, suppressed freedom,
inadequate and stale food, sometimes no time to eat food, low and no wages, deprivation of learning
their own culture, sexual abuse, discrimination, excessive working hours, no leave and no recreation.
While others perform unpaid work within the family, or render services for which they are tipped
varying amounts. Sometimes, they have to work in unhealthy atmosphere and are involved in risky
or dangerous work. Although this is not the case in all situations, the two terms have become so
interchangeably used so as to oftentimes blur the definitions. The statistical secondary data analysis
method was used in this study to estimate the causes and different types of victimization trend on
child at workplace in Bangladesh. Loss of Jobs - Building factories in countries where labor costs are
low is certainly one way to reduce the price of goods since labor is sometimes the costliest ingredient
in the products we buy. Khanna agrees that making the data public and frequent is the answer.
“Having a single, worker-powered data source puts brands, suppliers and workers on the same page.
It defines, “The worst forms of child labour include trafficking, armed conflict, slavery, debt
bondage, sexual exploitation and hazardous work.”. Following that, the implementation of child
labor legislation and a social boycott of child work would be an effective remedy. But he dreams just
like other children. - When I grow up I want to work in a cookie factory, so that I can eat cookies.
The Supreme Court considers whether to pause an EPA rule meant to reduce pollution that drifts
across states. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a
few seconds to upgrade your browser. As most of the families have low income, their children are
forced to do manual labour to support their families. Study shows that for the case of first generation
learner, poverty and lack of awareness, many parents fail to estimate the opportunity cost of
education. Many corporations continue to have sweatshops in third world countries and workers are
often forbidden to talk about the conditions they are forced to work in. Henceforth, children are
forced to work even in slavery-like conditions. Because the problem of child labour is indissolubly
embedded in our society, so attempts should be made to decrease it from the primary stage. CWISH
analyzed the prevalence of child labor pre-earthquake and estimated additional 154,000 children at
risk of coming into labor. Similarly, the report stated that children involved in labor are mostly
employed in the informal sector where policies and legislation are yet far beyond reach.
Modern slavery is a reality for more than 10 million children. Reporting in this current political
climate is a responsibility we do not take lightly, and we thank you for your support. HUMPHRIES,
J 2013, Childhood and child labour in the British industrial revolution, Economic History Review,
66, 2, pp. 395-418, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 3 November 2013. Similarly, it
is the belief of this author that merely because the opportunities provided by sweatshops may
incrementally increase the standard of living within the domestic economy in question, it does not
make the practice equitable and fair based on such a factor alone. The inspection information is
under review for quality control and has yet to be included in the database. On March 30, 2014,
MOLE, with support from the ILO, launched a publicly accessible database for labor inspections in
all export factories in the ready-made garment sector. She has also studied at the Foundation course
at Lancaster University (Lancaster, United Kingdom) and on the exchange program at Ewha
Womans University (Seoul, South Korea). Please upgrade your browser or activate Google Chrome
Frame to improve your experience. Both the Govt. and other NGO’s should work together to root
out this evil from the society. Often employers offer low pay for certain jobs which the grownups do
not do. It has become a serious socio- economic problem in Bangladesh. Child labour is now a global
concern and as such attracted attention of people in various sectors. Child labor is in fact a
“portmanteau” term covering the most diverse situations.”. The government doesn't have the labor
inspectors or other officials necessary to enforce them. According to the statistical data obtained in
the recent decade illustrating the issue of child labor in Bangladesh, a vulnerable figure can be
apparently observed with further signifies the issue to be a major challenge not only for Bangladesh
but also for other developing nations witnessing similar problems in its socio-economic stance. This
should not be understood to advocate such a practice world-wide. Countries like China, Mexico and
Bangladesh pay workers pennies on the dollar compared to the U.S. And, while most everyone has
resigned themselves to the reality of globalization, politicians still spout empty promises that they’ll
return outsourced jobs to the U.S. amid the applause of adoring crowds. In 2006, the Bangladeshi
government outlawed work by children under the age of 14. Therefore, parents or guardians feel
reluctant to send their children to school. They also have equal right to education to develop their
full potential and enjoy their childhood. Research by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
revealed that child laborers worked an average of 64 hours a week. By the Bangladesh Labour Act
2006, which determines the basic principles of employment of adults and children, an individual has
to issue a particular certificate from a medical practitioner to be permitted the employment of
maximum 42 hours a week, while children aged 12 years could be involved in a light work without
any negative impacts to their health and education. They are also seen to break bricks and to carry
other building materials. When the children of the age of 5-14 years are employed to work for pay o.
Since resources and jobs are more readily available in the city, children may seek employment in
urban areas for low wages. Will they pollute or exploit nonrenewable resources. The only way to end
child labor and build long term human capital is to give incentive to parents to send their children to
school. Despite this, the number of child laborers has continued to rise in the past decade, given that
most children work at small local businesses, factories or homes. In 2013, the ILO and the German
Government provided training to new labor inspectors, including on the Labor Code (as well as child
labor) and inspection techniques. Although it is not the intent of this author to advocate that such a
practice is fair or equitable (in fact, it is the authors belief that quite the opposite is true), the fact of
the matter is that these wages, as paltry as they may be, are much higher than the wages that await
the worker in the general domestic economy for unskilled labour.
This proportion of people in our society are trying hard to find out the reason of involvement in child
labor and its solution. In this way, the researcher can see that although not ideal, the jobs that certain
sweatshops in certain nations provide are a valuable way for the inhabitants thereof to better their
station in life and provide a semblance of a modern lifestyle for their families and their children.
That's why our journalism is free for everyone, even though other newsrooms retreat behind
expensive paywalls. Is there a universal moral code that MNC’s should abide by or does the theory
of relativism apply where a company should abide by the rules of the country in which it is in. Why
in a time of greater need is the U.N. lowering its appeal. The government doesn't have the labor
inspectors or other officials necessary to enforce them. As of 2000, prostitution has been legal in
Bangladesh, but with no extended protections for underaged girls. Furthermore, Western MNCs are
fully aware of what fair labour practices entail and how employees should be treated. Employment
creation and income generation for adults will help to eradicate poverty and child labour problem in
the country. As Americans head to the polls in 2024, the very future of our country is at stake. It
hampers their education as well as their physical and able to lead the nation in the future. The
majority of children do not complete primary school and begin working. There is no limited working
hour for them with poor payment and other facilities. Khanna agrees that making the data public and
frequent is the answer. “Having a single, worker-powered data source puts brands, suppliers and
workers on the same page. The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that approximately
5 million children are full-time workers. They are on the different kinds of workplace victimization
where physical abuse, health injury, economical exploitation and sexual abuse are on the top rank.
One of the greatest difficulties in discussing the issue of child labour in sweat shops is the fact that
coming up with across the board judgments on such an issue does not adequately relate the entire
picture of child labour practices throughout the world. Modern slavery is a reality for more than 10
million children. More than half of those are involved in hazardous work. ( ILO ) Some of the
products made or processed by children include; chocolate, shrimp, bricks, carpets and the clothing
we wear every day. Agriculture is the most important economic sector of Bangladesh that provides
workplaces for more than 70% of Bangladesh’s population (World Bank, 2016). The paper 'Child
Labour within Bangladesh' presents the cultural and ethical challenges that child labor within
Bangladesh and elsewhere throughout Southeast Asia necessarily implies. From the demand side, the
employers and concerned authorities prefer to engage children at work as they can easily be
exploited to work longer hourswith minimum wages. As such, it is urgent to address these issues on
time by learning from the experiences of Haiti and Pakistan.Haiti couldn't manage the situation
promptly after the 2010 earthquake and hence child labor had increased by 8.2% which was already
29% in 2005 among children aged 5-14 years. They found children as young as 6 employed full-time
and others working up to 100 to 110 hours a week. I will argue whether sweatshops actually raise the
standard of living in third world countries, if in fact unfair working conditions are better than no job
at all, or if sweatshops are merely exploitation. As a nation, we cannot remain simply a silent observer
of child labour. Due to the fact that children are being violated and exposed to serious hazards and
illnesses, child labor became one of the major problems around the world. The government, in
particular, must ensure that citizens' basic rights are protected. This report and others suggest that
millions of kids under the age of 14 are working in Bangladesh. Log into your account your
username your password Forgot your password.
The National Child Labor Report, 2012 shows that children from poverty-affected areas and
households, marginalized and deprived sections from access to state facilities are highly vulnerable
because of social, cultural and geographical factors. Countries like China, Mexico and Bangladesh
pay workers pennies on the dollar compared to the U.S. And, while most everyone has resigned
themselves to the reality of globalization, politicians still spout empty promises that they’ll return
outsourced jobs to the U.S. amid the applause of adoring crowds. Research by the Overseas
Development Institute (ODI) revealed that child laborers worked an average of 64 hours a week.
International Labor Office (ILO) defines child labor as work by children (under 18) which is
exploitative, hazardous or otherwise inappropriate for their age, detrimental to their schooling, or
their social, physical, mental, spiritual or moral development. Keep on browsing if you are OK with
that, or find out how to manage cookies. No information is available as to whether these
investigations, prosecutions, and convictions involved child victims of human trafficking. Another
form of child labour in Bangladesh is the victims of child trafficking. Wherever they are employed,
they are deprived of proper care, food, medical treatment and basic human rights. There is a number
of laws and Acts relating to the protection and welfare of children in Bangladesh. Why in a time of
greater need is the U.N. lowering its appeal. Poverty is the primary cause of children working as
child laborers. There is no limited working hour for them with poor payment and other facilities. Out
of the total estimated child population aged 5-17 years about 22.7 million were boys and 19.7
million girls. An enormous number of child workers who are working in the existing labour market
and this clearly force the society to pay attention to the child labour problem. The subsidizing of
school costs alleviates the financial burden of education on poor families, providing additional
incentive for their children to stay in school rather than work. Thus, we see that the reason for child
labor in poor economies is that parents perceive the cost of education to be too high. Although it is
not the intent of this author to advocate that such a practice is fair or equitable (in fact, it is the
authors belief that quite the opposite is true), the fact of the matter is that these wages, as paltry as
they may be, are much higher than the wages that await the worker in the general domestic economy
for unskilled labour. More and more Southern states are talking about fully expanding Medicaid to
cover poor residents. They are forced to perform more than one shift duty a day keeping
contradiction with the ILO regulations in this connection. To eradicate the problem, child centred
educative sensitivity and awareness is essential at political, community and family level. The
inequality in social economic statuses of the majority poor in bangladesh is translated to inequity in
maternal healthcare for women. Moreover, it can be firmly observed that the Act, concerning the
prohibition of child labor does not provide any strong obligation relating to the provision within the
country. All are against the dignity and self-esteem of a child. It is even impossible to imagine that
anyone can t. Enclosure of knowledge about child labour in school curriculum will help building
awareness nationally. We are not considering our future power in proper way. Factories that treat
their workers fairly get the recognition they deserve.” Click below to read the full report by
LaborVoices. Unawareness and apathy of the parents towards education is another cause for child
labour in Bangladesh. Due to the fact that the vast majority of rural households depend on income
derived from agriculture, the concentration of child workers in rural areas is greater than in urban
areas, which means that the demographic situation of Bangladesh impels the child labor. With your
help, we'll bring you hard-hitting investigations, well-researched analysis and timely takes you can't
find elsewhere. A dense population, limited resources, poverty etc.

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