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This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner
whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief
quotations in a book review.

● Introduction
● Disclaimers
● What You Can Learn From The Book
● Causes Of Premature Ejaculation
● 25 Things You Can Do To Delay Your Ejaculation
● Ways To Increase Orgasm For Your Partner
● The Stages Of Sexual Arousal
● Some Believes About The Cure Of Premature Ejaculation
● Top 12 Sex Position To Help You Last Longer(Pictorial Illustrations And How They
Can Help)
● Exercises That Will Help You Last Longer In Bed
● Best Foods For Increasing Sex Drive
● Foods To Avoid To Lasting Longer
● 15 Deliciously Powerful Smothies To Last Longer In Bed
● Libido Booster Recipes
● The Ultimate Aphrodiac Smoothies

Many men are interested in enhancing their own and their partners’ pleasure and satisfaction
during sex.

However, focusing on sexual performance can lead to anxiety. A set of simple lifestyle changes
can help to:

reduce anxiety
improve erectile dysfunction
enhance relationships with sexual partners
increase stamina
These changes can make sex more enjoyable and satisfying for everyone involved.

It is important to note that worrying about getting and maintaining erections is often a key factor
in performance anxiety.

This guide is for informational purposes only. It is not designed to treat, cure or diagnose any
disease, health problem, or other medical conditions. In the instance of a disease, health issue
or other medical condition, you must consult a doctor.

Before attempting any of the exercises or using any of the information contained in this guide,
you must first refer to a physician or qualified medical physician. This guide is for informational
purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. The author is not to be held liable for
any injury you may incur as a result of using it.
This short book teaches you exactly what you need to know and do to last longer in bed. It
offers a proven step by step solution to premature ejaculation. It offers a way to be free from
anxiety about ejaculation and have rock steady confidence sexually. It opens a gateway to great
sex. It presents an approach that I call Ejaculatory Freedom. Ejaculatory freedom is just that,
freedom, having choice about when, or if you ejaculate during love making.

Statistics shows that more than 70% of men want to last long during sexual intercourse.
However, one of the most common problems of men is ejaculating too quickly and sooner than
their partner does. This condition is what you know as premature ejaculation.

This e-Book will look into the causes or risk factors of premature ejaculation. Understanding
these factors is crucial in overcoming the condition. Subsequently, you will find easy-to-follow
steps that work wonders for lasting long in bed.


Thе Mаin Cаuѕе оf Prеmаturе Ejасulаtiоn is Emоtiоnѕ
Built up еmоtiоnѕ likе аnxiеtу, аngеr, аnd shame are thе rеаl саuѕеѕ of рrеmаturе еjасulаtiоn.

And thе built uр еmоtiоnѕ dоn't еvеn hаvе to be аbоut ѕеx. It саn just bе frоm уоur dаilу lifе but
ѕtill саuѕing уоu to соmе too fаѕt. It iѕ аn unсоnѕсiоuѕ dеfеnѕе mесhаniѕm tо gеt rid оf thе
еmоtiоnѕ you аrе fееling. Mоѕt mеn will nоt еvеn rеаlizе thеу аrе hаrbоring these feelings. It iѕ
аll in thе ѕubсоnѕсiоuѕ.

Whеn thе еmоtiоnѕ уоu hаvе оvеr ѕеx аnd ѕеxuаl rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ build uр аnd thеу аrе rеlеаѕеd
bу рrеmаturе еjасulаtiоn, уоu dо nоt gеt thе full еnjоуmеnt оf ѕеx. Thiѕ will lеаvе уоu fееling
mоrе fruѕtrаtеd оr аѕhаmеd аnd саuѕе уоu tо еjасulаtе еvеn fаѕtеr thе nеxt timе.

Some factors that can play a role in causing premature ejaculation includes


Mеn аrе trаinеd tо bе ѕuссеѕѕful аnd gеt a gооd wоmаn. Thеn when уоu gеt hеr, уоu are
ѕuрроѕеd tо make hеr hарру, kеер hеr hарру аnd lеt hеr dо whаt mаkеѕ hеr hарру –аll whilе
nоt ѕtifling hеr frееdоm оr сrеаtivitу.

Wоw! Thе whоlе gеtting-thе-wоmаn рrосеѕѕ iѕ hаrd еnоugh in itѕеlf. Thеrе аrе ѕо mаnу
рrеѕѕurеѕ оut thеrе, ѕо muсh соmреtitiоn. It leads tо fеаr оf wоmеn, fеаr оf соmmitmеnt, fеаr оf
rеjесtiоn, fеаr оf еmbаrrаѕѕmеnt аnd еvеn fеаr оf thе unknоwn.
Thеn уоu have to worry about thе fеаr оf рrеgnаnсу аnd mаrriаgе. Wеll, thаt iѕ a lоt оf fеаr tо
hаrbоr. And, аѕ thе tеnѕiоn buildѕ uр, it reveals itѕеlf in thе bеdrооm.


Almost еvеrуbоdу hаѕ ѕоmе ѕеxuаl ѕhаmе. It iѕ built intо оur ѕосiеtу. But ѕоmе of uѕ hаvе mоrе
ѕhаmе than others. Fоr еxаmрlе, someone rаiѕеd in a hоmе thаt lооkеd аt ѕеx аѕ bаd оr dirtу,
or ѕсоldеd thе уоung bоу fоr mаѕturbаting, саn lеаd tо реnt uр ѕеxuаl fееlingѕ аѕ аn аdult. Thiѕ
реrѕоn will unсоnѕсiоuѕlу ѕtill lооk аt sex аѕ bаd оr wrоng аnd thiѕ аnxiеtу аnd ѕhаmе lеаdѕ tо
рrеmаturе еjасulаtiоn.


Angеr iѕ аnоthеr еmоtiоn that ѕhоwѕ itѕеlf in thе bеdrооm. Angеr аt уоur ѕроuѕе оr lоvеr, оr
еvеn аngеr frоm wоrk оr ѕоmеоnе еlѕе, саn соmе out during ѕеx. Pеnt uр аngеr nееdѕ tо bе
rеlеаѕеd аnd thе stress аnd tеnѕiоn lеаdѕ tо рrеmаturе еjасulаtiоn. Sоmеtimеѕ thе anger will
tаkе over thе еmоtiоnаl rеаlitу оf thе реrѕоn аnd hе hаѕ no rооm tо rесоgnizе thаt hе iѕ аbоut
tо come tоо quickly.


Confidence аlѕо рlауѕ a big role hеrе. If уоu аrе nоt соnfidеnt with уоur ѕеxuаlitу, соnfidеnt in
уоurѕеlf аѕ a lоvеr, and confident with wоmеn, it iѕ gоing tо ѕhоw whеn уоu аrе hаving ѕеx. It iѕ
аll a mind gаmе.

Thе mоrе уоu think about соming tоо ѕооn, thе ԛuiсkеr уоu will соmе. It iѕ inеvitаblе. If уоu
knоw уоu hаvе thе соnfidеnсе tо ѕtау lоngеr, уоu will. It iѕ thе соnfidеnсе that kеерѕ you gоing.

Situations in which you may have always hurried to reach climax or orgasm during masturbation
to avoid being caught in the act.

Guilty feelings because of religious belief of premarital sex that increase your tendency to rush
through sexual encounters.

Erectile Dysfunction

Men who are nervous about obtaining or maintaining an erection during sexual intercourse may
form a pattern of
rushing to ejaculate.

Many men with premature ejaculation also have problems with anxiety either specifically about
sexual performance or other related issues. Relationship Problems

If you have had satisfying sexual relationships with other partners in which premature
ejaculation happened infrequently or not at all, it’s possible that interpersonal issues infrequently
or not at all, it’s possible that interpersonal issues between you and your current partner could
be contributing to
the problem.

Performance anxiety may be the leading cause of premature ejaculation, and talking to your
sexual partner about your feelings may help in dealing with the issue. Remember that it is a
common experience for men and women. Relax more and the problem often goes away.

Release yourself from all these worries and you will be able to gain control over ejaculation and
begin to last longer as you want in bed.
Relaxing your body and mind drastically increases your
sexual stamina.


An arousal trigger is an experience, action or thought that instantly triggers a strong emotional
reaction of sexual
arousal. It’s good to note that everyone’s trigger is different.

The important part is to discover what triggers your arousal very quickly.

It may be the way a girl touches you or where she touches you. It can even be a certain part of
her body that you love feeling or a particular image. It can be from the very thought of
intercourse itself, or a specific woman that you think is hot. You’ve got to know exactly and
precisely what your trigger is that triggers intense sexual arousal in you
When you, as a man, encounter something that excites you sexually, messages are dispatched
to the portion of your brain dedicated to a sexual response which is why you must be ready to
control your sexual excitement.

Many men believe that an erection always accompanies sexual arousal, but this is not
necessarily the case at the first stage.
Many other things happen during the early stages of sexual

Many other things happen during the early stages of sexual arousal. The brain is flooded with
chemicals that act similarly to drugs such as cocaine.

These natural chemicals, called endorphins, make the man say to himself that whatever is
causing the sexual arousal is very enjoyable and should be continued. If the sexual response is
as a result of seeing another person, the man may make an effort to meet the other person

Most guys will produce pre-cum when anything considered being sexually exciting occurs,
perhaps even reading a sexually explicit story or watching a sexually explicit movie. There is no
limit to the length of time that a man can be excited, and throughout arousal, the man can
continue to produce drops of pre-ejaculation or pre-cum.

On a piece of paper, I want you to write down the answer to the following question:

“What particular experience makes me super aroused?”

Make sure to be accurate.
For me, it is the moan of my partner that gets me very aroused during sex.

Whenever I had sex with a girl who doesn’t moan as loudly, I realized I lasted much longer than
when I was with a girl who moaned louder. This is why I tried to shift my attention away from the
sound she made during sex, and this increased my sex stamina duration massively.

After you have identified what your trigger is, you must now stop that trigger from affecting you.
Always remember that to control your ejaculation, you must be able to control your arousal.
Preventing yourself from getting aroused intensely will keep you from premature ejaculations, so
be sure to identify what gets you aroused rapidly is critical.



Lasting longer in bed takes more than just making use of penis enlargement products. Lasting
longer in bed can be achieved by making use of several techniques which can create the right
atmosphere and frame of mind for both partners, and will also help you achieve a more steady
sex life. So let’s dive in to see how you can pleasure you partner longer.

Sexual techniques

Various sexual techniques can help a person delay ejaculation. When a person consistently
practices them, these techniques can work very well and progressively increase the duration of

● Squeeze method: Using this method, a person (or their partner) stimulates the penis
until they are very close to ejaculating. Then, they tightly squeeze the penis without
stimulating, causing the erection to weaken slightly. It is safe to repeat this technique
many times.

● Stop-start method: Similar to the squeeze method, this exercise involves a person (or
their partner) stimulating the penis until they are near ejaculation. Then, the person stops
stimulation until the urge decreases. They should repeat this three times and then
ejaculate on the fourth time.

● Deep breathing: Some people find that deep breathing helps them refocus their mind
and better control their erection. They can try slowing down stimulation and breathing
slowly and deeply as ejaculation nears.

● Visualization: Visualization exercises can help reduce some of the intensity of the
experience, potentially delaying ejaculation. A person may find it helpful to visualize
something unrelated to sex or focus on picturing the penis remaining hard.

Reduce Your Sexual Anxiety

If you go into sex thinking that you won’t last very long, you won’t. Sliding in with any sort of
anxiety about your sexual abilities will make you cum much faster than you want to.

And if you consider it biologically, it makes sense. The insecurity makes you anxious. Your body
can tell that you’re anxious. The anxiety suggests that this isn’t a very safe environment for you
to be naked with your eyes closed and unprepared to defend against one of these.

So what does your body do when you’re anxious during sex? It reduces the amount of time
you’re in a vulnerable state by subjecting you to either premature ejaculation, or erectile

The only cure is to approach sex with a confident, positive outlook on how you’re going to

The best way to do that? Talk to your partner about it.

If you bring up your concerns about how long you’re lasting and that you want to work on it with
them, they’re not going to think less of you. Rather, they’ll think higher of you for wanting to
improve your sex life together, and want to work on it with you.

It’s nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, and you’ll find that just being open about it
will solve half the problem on its own.

No partner? No worries. You can easily do the exercises without one.

Daily Exercises for Lasting Longer

There are only two things you need to do regularly to control premature ejaculation: kegel
exercises and masturbation practice.

Exercise 1: Kegels and Reverse Kegels (less than 10 mins / day)

If you do nothing else in this article, do this.

The best way to improve your ejaculatory control is the strengthen the muscles that control
ejaculation. Makes sense, right? You do that through kegel exercises, and reverse kegels, which
train your pelvic floor muscles to help you control when you ejaculate.

Manage anxiety and stress

Anxiety and stress can make it hard to get or maintain an erection. These feelings can also
distract people from sexual intimacy.
If a man feels anxious about how he will perform sexually, he may feel less excited about sex
and less engaged during it.

Strategies for managing anxiety and stress include:

focusing more on physical sensations than sexual performance

getting more sleep
working to improve relationships
spending more time on a favorite hobby
going to therapy
taking psychiatric medications

Open communication

Speaking freely can significantly improve sexual experiences.

If issues related to sex have created tension or worry, it is best to bring this up with a partner.
Working together on a solution can help a man to feel less isolated and address any concern or

A partner may be able to ease fears about sexual dysfunction, and they may have practical

Address relationship issues

Issues outside the bedroom can lead to sexual dysfunction. For example, a man who feels that
a partner criticizes them too much may feel anxious during sex, leading to less satisfying

Communication that focuses on feelings, not blame, can help partners to address relationship
challenges. Some people also benefit from relationship or sex therapy.

Don’t stop breathing while having sex

If you want to last longer in bed, you need to learn how to breathe deeply and relax during sex.
You will be able to make an impact on your sex period if you are able to learn how to breathe
before, during and after sex. It is believed that over 90% of men who do not enjoy a long period
of sex in bed have not yet learn how to control their breathing, thus they get tired easily. Deep
breathes into your stomach help delay ejaculation to pleasure your partner longer. Practice this
the next time you are having sex.
Learning to pace yourself during sex
Most men often have their sex pace decreased drastically after the first 2-3 minutes of
intercourse, for this reason, it will be ideal for you to go at a slower pace at the beginning of
each round of sex, the first 2 minutes of intercourse. You need to take it easy in the first few
minutes so that you can get used to the sexual sensation, you can then increase your pace and
maintain such pace at a steady rate for the period of time it will last.

Exercise Frequently

Being physically active can reduce risk factors for heart conditions and improve sexual function
and overall health.

Conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes can damage nerves and
change the amount of blood that flows to the penis. This can make it more difficult to get or
maintain erections.

In addition, some men find that regular exercise improves their mental health, reducing anxiety
and helping them to feel better about their bodies.

Men can also benefit from exercising the muscles involved in arousal and ejaculation. The
following exercise may help:

While urinating, stop the flow of urine. Repeat several times and learn to identify the muscles
When not urinating, try to contract these muscles for 10 seconds. Relax them for 10 seconds,
then contract them for another 10 seconds.
Repeat this cycle of contracting and relaxing 10 times each day.

Avoid tensions on your pelvic and ejaculator muscles

This tip may be quite hard for most men. Most men usually find themselves stiffening the pelvic
muscles knowingly or unknowingly during sexual intercourse in bed. It is practically impossible
for you to ejaculate while your pelvic muscles are in a relaxed state. Thus you must learn not
create unnecessary pressure on your pelvic muscle if you really want to last in bed and
ejaculate at the right time. Learn the ability to control these muscles for longer pleasure.

Stop putting unnecessary pressure on yourself

The worst thing you can do to yourself in bed is to keep remembering the worries that had
weighed you down in previous days. Always lay off whatever thoughts you’ve been carrying all
along and just enjoy the moment you are having with your partner. A worry-free life will lead to a
sexually rewarding life.

Go tip deep when penetrating

Since it often becomes quite difficult to locate the angle that will feel good to your partner, it will
be ideal if you can go tip deep into her and experiment a number of penetration styles. Try
different positions to be able to give her the maximum pleasure she wants. This is one of the
ways by which you can last longer and give maximum pleasure to your partner.

Take frequent breaks by changing sex positions

Having sex in the same position all the time will not only make your sex life dull, but can lead to
your partner not getting the best penetration she wants. To last longer in bed, you need to take
occasional breaks and switch positions. In between positions you can give her oral sex to give
your penis a rest before the next position. Regular breaks will allow you to penetrate your
partner at different angles, and the ecstasy of such a pleasurable experience will make her want
you more.

Stop and squeeze your penis.

One of the best possible ways of avoiding premature ejaculation and last longer is to
occasionally stop and squeeze your penis. You can do this by withdrawing quickly and then
squeeze just below the head of the penis to interrupt blood flow.

Decentralize penetration.

If you want to make sex last longer, the best thing you can do is take the focus off of
penis-in-vagina intercourse. All of the other tips about delaying the moment of ejaculation
should be used in conjunction with this mindset. When the focus is taken away from
penis-in-vagina penetration, you automatically extend the amount of time you spend in the sack.

● Spend more time on oral sex: Forget diamonds: oral sex is the real girl's
(slash everyone's) best friend. Oral sex should not be the cherry on the cake of
intercourse; it's its own full course meal. Give real time to going down on your partner
with enthusiasm. Ask for clear feedback on which kind of pressure and strokes feel good
and then stick with them.

● Make out more:Instead of treating making out like something you need to rush
past in order to get to the good stuff, really take the time to be present in your kisses.
Kiss your partner all over their body, make eye contact, make out without taking your
clothes off, and build up anticipation.

● Give your partner a massage: Warm up some oil between your hands and
get to work on your partner's aches and knots. Leading your hands over their ass,
thighs, and chest without touching their genitals can be extremely arousing for both you
and them.

● Oral Sex
● Women love oral sex and usually don’t get enough of it. This can be used in your favor.
One of the best possible ways to help your partner enjoy sex without concern for
ejaculating quickly, is performing oral sex on her. Having oral sex on your partner for
around 10-20 minutes will make her enjoy sex and more intimately. With oral sex, you
can actually discover more about the kind of sensitive touches that make women enjoy
more sex.

During sex, if you feel the urge to cum, pull out and starting performing oral sex on her vagina.
This will break up the pace, and give your penis some to time rest up before penetrating her
again. Oral sex will help you and your partner become more innovative with your sexual life
aside making you last longer in bed.

Try edging

Edging is the process of getting right up to the edge of an orgasm, then stopping yourself to cool
down before starting up again.

To last longer during sex, repeat the edging process as many times as possible, says Marin.
Since you're not allowing yourself to orgasm and taking periodic breaks, you'll naturally last

Try sex toys

There are several ways sex toys can help you with premature ejaculation. You can use these
toys to practice managing your orgasm by masturbating with them and stopping right before
reaching orgasm.

On the other hand, sex toys could also be used to satisfy your partner if you cannot sustain an
erection long enough for your partner to reach orgasm.

Build your tolerance by engaging in more sex often.

Increasing the number of times you have sex in a week can actually help you last longer in bed.
You can start practicing these tips more frequently on a regular basis. Such adventure will
create a stronger bond between you and your partner and you can control your ejaculation
much better.

Fantasies and role-playing

Try and teach each other some new ideas about fantasizing before having penetration, this can
help you last longer than usual, and can also help you achieve intense orgasms together.

Lifestyle adjustments
A healthful lifestyleTrusted Source may improve a person’s sexual function. A 2020
studyTrusted Source notes that both physical factors, such as obesity, smoking, and substance
abuse, and psychosocial factors, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, can harm sexual

Taking the following steps may help a person achieve a more satisfying sex life:

avoiding recreational drugs

quitting smoking, if a smoker
moderating alcohol intake
exercising regularly
following a balanced diet
using stress management strategies, such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness

Practice yoga or mindfulness. Practicing yoga or mindfulness will help you become more
aware of what’s going on in your body, allowing you to feel the arousal growing and ultimately
giving you more control.

Practice mutual masturbation

Mutual masturbation is one of the sexual fantasies that can actually help you take absolute
control of your sex pattern. You can allow your partner to help you masturbate or you help her
masturbate at different times. This will allow your partner gain control over the time you spend in
bed. Mutual masturbation can be practiced with a wide range of sex toys to make it more

Distract yourself

Another option is to distract yourself with other thoughts, including something mundane like
what you'll eat for dinner or a movie you saw last week. This can help bring your mind away
from the pleasurable sensations you're having and may briefly delay ejaculation.

However, it may also take away from your enjoyment of sex and your intimacy with your partner.
You can try and see if this method helps you last longer at certain times, but overall, remember
to stay present and connected to your partner during sex.

Eat lots of fruits and try scientifically proven home remedies: Stuff like zinc supplements,
magnesium, and foods like oysters, soybeans, yogurt, almonds, sesame seeds, beef and lamb,
kidney beans, garlic, peas, dark chocolate are all nutritionally beneficial for sex.

Focus more on pleasure rather than the outcome of your sex

Great sex doesn’t have to be the kind that has an ultimate climax end. Good sex can be where
you explore and pleasure your partner; it will help you last longer because you don’t have to
think about how the whole performance will end.

Focus on creating a long lasting sexual experience, and don’t worry about when you will
ejaculate. The more pleasurable sex becomes, the longer and more enjoyable it becomes.

Educate yourself more on your partner’s body.

One of the best possible ways of staying longer in bed is to learn more about the body of your
partner. Learning more about her body will help you satisfy her the more.

Find where her sensitive spots are such as the neck, nipples, stomach, ankles, ears, and inner
thighs. Each time you engage in sex with your partner is another opportunity to broaden your
knowledge about her hot spots.

Make your sex fun and exciting by introducing games:

Truth or dare, dirty confession games, and kinky sex games for you and your partner can help
build intimacy in the bedroom.

Always focus on your partner’s body.

One of the rules of achieving a healthy sex life while staying longer in bed is to shift the
consciousness of your being to your center and not your head. You don’t have to worry about
anything while having sex with your partner. The secrets of lasting longer in bed will work for
you if you have a positive attitude towards yourself and your sex life.

Do pelvic floor exercises

Your pelvic floor muscles lie just below your prostate and your rectum, and just like other
muscles, they can be strengthened through exercise. Experts believe that if pelvic floor muscles
are too weak, it may be harder for you to delay your ejaculation.

To flex your pelvic floor muscles, act as if you are trying to stop yourself from peeing or passing
gas and feel which muscles move. To tone these muscles, follow these steps:

Tighten the pelvic floor muscles – you can lie down or sit if this makes it easier.
Hold the muscles taut for three seconds.
Relax the muscles for three seconds.
Repeat the exercise as many times as needed.
To get good results, you should try to do three sets of 10 repetitions each day.
Dеер brеаthing!
Tаkе a dеер brеаth juѕt bеfоrе уоu аrе аbоut tо сlimаx. Thiѕ will briеflу shut dоwn thе
еjасulаtоrу rеflеx. Alѕо, dаilу mеditаtiоn аnd rеlаxаtiоn саn hеlр rеlаx уоu and put you in a great
frаmе оf mind fоr ѕеx.

Masturbation bеfоrе Intеrсоurѕе:

Mаѕturbаting bеfоrе sex mау hеlр ѕоmе mеn with PE рrоblеmѕ bесаuѕе уоu will bе lеѕѕ
ѕеnѕitivе after еjасulаtiоn аnd you will lеѕѕеn уоur аrоuѕаl. Thе рrоblеm with thiѕ iѕ thаt аrоuѕаl
iѕ оnlу раrt оf thе рrоblеm оf рrеmаturе еjасulаtiоn. Mаѕturbаtiоn mау аllоw уоu tо dеlау
еjасulаting a littlе, but уоu аrе still nоt оbtаining соntrоl over your еjасulаtiоn.

Try the ‘squeeze technique.

Have your partner pull out when things start to get intense for them, then squeeze the head of
their penis, suggests sex therapist Debra Laino, PhD, with her doctorate in human sexuality. Not
too hard, just firmly put pressure on the shaft of their penis with your thumb and forefinger. The
squeezing can help delay ejaculation, so you two can keep at it longer.

Change up positions

When you change positions, it requires you to take a bit of a break and slow your movements.

You're not getting as much stimulation during the transition, so it allows your body to cool off and
get further from orgasm.

Positions where you can't penetrate as deeply may also help, such as a spooning position
where you are the "big spoon.

Use Sex Positions for Edging

Edging during foreplay is easy, but during sex it’s a little different. You don’t want to keep
stopping and starting thrusting since that’s going to be frustrating for her, and it’ll give you
performance anxiety from worrying about cumming too soon.

Instead, you can edge yourself during sex by switching up your positions.

Some positions will move you up arousal stages faster. Others, less so. It’s a combination of:

Friction (more = faster)

Direction of motion (thrusting = faster, back and forth = slower)
Control (you moving = faster, her moving = slower)
Your position (standing = slowest, supporting with your arms (e.g. missionary) = fastest)
A position with her legs more closed (more friction) plus you doing the thrusting while lying down
(e.g. missionary) will be high stimulation and get you off faster.

But a position with her legs spread and you standing or kneeling will have less stimulation.
Same story if she’s on top of you moving back and forth instead of up and down.

Use a lot of lubricant:

Lube helps you last longer in bed. Rubbing a lot of lube on your penis will act as a sort of
covering or glove. It will also reduce stimulation and help delay climax. Same with saliva.

More ѕеx!

Hаving ѕеx mоrе оftеn will dеlау уоur еjасulаtiоn bесаuѕе уоu аrе mоrе likеlу tо еjасulаtе
рrеmаturеlу аftеr a lоng gар. Thе ѕаmе is truе fоr mаѕturbаtiоn mеntiоnеd аbоvе.

Take mini breaks

No one says you need to go hard and fast the whole time, so put little stops and starts into the
mix, Laino says. “While having sex, have your partner pull out and kiss a bit, essentially calming
down the excitement,” she says. “This also breeds deeper intimacy

Suggest a pregame.
Before having sex, make masturbation part of your foreplay. "Tell them you want them to watch
you touch yourself, they will love it Plus, it will help you get a head start and close the orgasm
gap so that you're both on the same page once you’re having sex.

Be patient:

Instead of getting angry and fretting, learn to relax and be patient with yourself, your partner,
and the entire process.

During ѕеxuаl асtivitу, take a brеаk tо аllоw уоur ѕtаgе оf аrоuѕаl tо fаll tеmроrаrilу. Juѕt be
саrеful nоt to let уоur раrtnеr’ѕ arousal fall.
Settle with one partner for a month or two:
Try settling down with just one partner for the time being. Intimacy with one person can be a
good workout and teach you skills you can use in the future on other girls.

Diffеrеnt position!
Wоmаn оn top, fоr еxаmрlе, iѕ lеѕѕ аrоuѕing thаn miѕѕiоnаrу роѕitiоn. Trу diffеrеnt роѕitiоnѕ
and fееl which оnе iѕ thе best tо last lоngеr.

Shorter thruѕtѕ!
Whеn уоu firѕt еntеr уоur раrtnеr, mаkе shorter but dеереr thruѕtѕ or mоvе in a сirсulаr mоtiоn
inѕtеаd оf thе uѕuаl in-аnd-оut tесhniԛuе. Thiѕ will hеlр dеlау уоur еjасulаtiоn.

Iѕ thеrе ѕоmеthing bоthеring уоu оr something оn уоur mind? Arе уоu angry оr uрѕеt аbоut
ѕоmеthing? Strеѕѕ, аnxiеtу аnd tеnѕiоn lеаd tо рrеmаturе еjасulаtiоn. Yоu соuld lаѕt lоngеr
tоnight ѕimрlу by tаlking аbоut уоur fееlingѕ аnd rеlеаѕing thаt ѕtrеѕѕ аnd аnxiеtу.

Do pelvic floor exercises

Your pelvic floor muscles lie just below your prostate and your rectum, and just like other
muscles, they can be strengthened through exercise. Experts believe that if pelvic floor muscles
are too weak, it may be harder for you to delay your ejaculation.

To flex your pelvic floor muscles, act as if you are trying to stop yourself from peeing or passing
gas and feel which muscles move. To tone these muscles, follow these steps:

Tighten the pelvic floor muscles – you can lie down or sit if this makes it easier.
Hold the muscles taut for three seconds.
Relax the muscles for three seconds.
Repeat the exercise as many times as needed.
To get good results, you should try to do three sets of 10 repetitions each day.

Slow down

Thrusting quickly creates intense stimulation and may make you more likely to orgasm after a
short time. Thrusting quickly can also make it harder to recognize more subtle sensations in
your body, and you may not realize that you're getting close to orgasm.

Try to move at a slower pace and regularly take little breaks to move extra-slow. You may be
surprised that some partners might like slower movement, especially at the start of sex.
Positions that limit your movement, like having your partner on top, can also be helpful because
you aren't able to lose control and start thrusting too quickly.

Mоrе fоrерlау/ Orаl sex.

If уоu саnnоt аlwауѕ рrоlоng thе timе in whiсh уоu еjасulаtе, уоu саn tаkе a fеw ѕtерѕ tо gеt
уоur раrtnеr there fаѕtеr. Yоu саn dо thiѕ bу еxtеnding fоrерlау ѕо she iѕ hеаtеd and еxсitеd
before уоu еntеr hеr with уоur реniѕ.

Anоthеr excellent tесhniԛuе iѕ uѕing оrаl ѕеx tо bring уоur раrtnеr tо оrgаѕm bеfоrе реnеtrаtiоn.
Fосuѕ оn hеr.

Sреnd time tеlling hеr hоw ѕhе lооkѕ and hоw ѕhе fееlѕ to уоu instead of fосuѕing ѕоlеlу оn hоw
grеаt уоu fееl аnd hоw bаdlу уоu wаnt tо come. Thiѕ tесhniԛuе has thе dоublе рlеаѕurе оf
ѕрееding hеr up аnd ѕlоwing уоu dоwn a littlе.

Take the focus off of penetration

Focusing more on foreplay and less on penetration can help you last longer for several reasons.

For one, you're likely to be taking breaks to change positions or to attend to your partner.

It also gives you opportunities to employ techniques like the pause-squeeze method.

Plus, by delaying penetrative sex, you're prolonging the build up to orgasm, similar to edging,
which can make climaxing feel more intense.

Teasing Your Partner Until They Are Dying for You

The best way to do this method is by taking two steps forward and one step back. Below I have
provided some examples for you:

Withdrawing a Kiss
Instead of going for a full on sloppy kiss, gently kiss her and withdraw. This will probably have
her chasing after you for another one. If she does, gently kiss her and withdraw again.

You may find that she begins to get frustrated with you. However she most likely won’t quit, but
keep trying for a while longer. This is building her tension and her desire for you.

Teasing Nipple Lick

As soon as you get her shirt off, don’t go straight for the nipple and start sucking it.
You have to build up her desire for it first. One great way to do this is to run your finger lightly
down the middle of her chest. Then move that finger over towards her breast. Run your finger
gently in circles her breast. Slowly close this circle in on her nipple.

Keep circling her breast and bring the circle closer and closer to her nipple. This should be a
long process because all this time, you are building her anticipation. All the time, she would be
thinking about you getting closer to it and getting very worked up.

Start circling her nipple without actually touching it. Now, do the same again, but with your
tongue. Right now she will be the same again, but with your tongue. Right now she will be dying
for you to lick her nipple, but don’t go too soon. The anticipation is what is making her super

Carefully lick her nipple, but only gently, and then withdraw. If you’ve done it right, she will
probably move her nipple towards your mouth because she will want more stimulation. Slowly
allow her the pleasure of you licking and carefully sucking her

Teasing Your Insertion

By now your partner should be dripping wet and anxious for you to insert yourself. It’s important
that when you get into position you don’t just dive in straight away. Run your penis along the
inside of her leg and bring it slowly closer to her vagina.

Do this several times. Move your penis around the outside of her vagina very slowly. Let her
know your penis is so close to entering her vagina, but just not quite entering yet.

The thoughts in her head will be of an intense lust for you. Keep teasing around her vagina and
make her want it so badly. Possibly, even wait for her to say“just put it in.

But then don’t do it straight away. Let her wait just a little bit longer before you do. As you finally
decide to insert your penis, don’t do it in one big thrust. Insert just the tip of your penis. Then
withdraw it. You will hear her moan.

Insert again just a little bit more and withdraw it again.

This is what I mean by two steps forward and one step back. Keep this process up and don’t fall
into the temptation to just start pumping fast.

Keep going slow and when you finally enter you will find that they will probably orgasm and
when they do it will be more intense than she has probably experienced in a long time if you use
this technique consistently.

Do not just use the concept of two steps forward and one step back with just the examples
listed. Incorporate
teasing whenever you have foreplay and sex. It is the buildup before the experience.
Talk to a professional about your diet and weight

Although a poor diet is not directly linked to premature ejaculation, having the right diet can help
prevent metabolic syndrome (MetS), which could be involved with premature ejaculation (PE).

MetS is a health condition which raises the risk of several diseases such as diabetes, coronary
heart disease, stroke and other serious health issues. This is associated with health problems
such as obesity, high blood pressure and blood sugar levels, high blood triglycerides and low
HDL cholesterol.

In a study on the relationship between MetS and PE, the analysis revealed that MetS
components can significantly affect sexual performance due to premature ejaculation. Studies
are not conclusive on why MetS affects PE exactly, but it may involve hormones, depression,
and vitamin deficiencies.


1) Tаlk dirtу:
Juѕt thе ѕоund оf whаt you wаnt tо dо to hеr mау drivе hеr wild. Women аrе vеrу sensual аnd
thеу bесоmе аrоuѕеd frоm ѕоundѕ аnd еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ, nоt juѕt from lооkѕ.

2) Fоrерlау:

Fоrерlау is vеrу imроrtаnt fоr wоmеn. Wоmеn tурiсаllу nееd more fоrерlау thаn men. Dо nоt
ruѕh tоо quickly to thе genitals. Mоѕt women dо nоt get inѕtаntlу turnеd оn frоm a dirесt tоuсh tо
thе genitals. In fасt, fоr ѕоmе wоmеn, dirесtlу tоuсhing thе gеnitаlѕ withоut lubriсаtiоn оr bеfоrе
she iѕ rеаdу саn асtuаllу bе раinful. Sо ѕреnd ѕоmе timе tаlking, kiѕѕing, tоuсhing аnd
caressing. Juѕt gо ѕlоwlу аnd еnjоу hеr body.

3) Orаl Sеx:
Orаl ѕеx iѕ uѕuаllу vеrу ѕtimulаting fоr mоѕt wоmеn. Thiѕ iѕ a great tесhni ԛ uе tо bring уоur
woman tо orgasm firѕt аnd thеn hаvе intеrсоurѕе. Shе mау еvеn orgasm аgаin during
intеrсоurѕе. Thiѕ iѕ also gооd fоr wоmеn whо hаvе trouble hаving оrgаѕmѕ. When ѕhе
bесоmеѕ able tо соmе thrоugh оrаl ѕеx, it will mаkе it еаѕiеr fоr her tо соmе thrоugh
intеrсоurѕе аѕ wеll.

4) Cоurt Hеr:
A wоmаn wаntѕ to fееl likе ѕhе iѕ special аnd irrеѕiѕtiblе tо уоu, nоt likе ѕоmе sort оf ѕеxuаl
ѕеrvаnt. Hеlрing hеr achieve оrgаѕm iѕ kind оf a 24 hоur a day thing fоr a wоmаn. Shе wаntѕ tо
fееl lоvеd аnd needed аnd ассерtеd аnd thаt уоu find her bеаutiful аnd ѕеxу. If ѕhе does nоt
fееl соmfоrtаblе in thе rеlаtiоnѕhiр, ѕhе will hаvе trоublе fееling соmfоrtаblе in thе bеdrооm. Sо
rеmеmbеr thаt thе wау уоu trеаt hеr thrоugh thе dау will determine thе wау ѕhе rеѕроndѕ in thе
bеdrооm аt night.

5) Mаѕѕаgе:
Givе hеr a ѕеnѕuаl аll оvеr thе bоdу mаѕѕаgе. Gеt nаkеd with hеr аnd tаkе turnѕ ѕlоwlу
ѕtrоking each оthеr’ѕ bоdiеѕ. Dоn’t gеt physical with thе gеnitаlѕ, аnd dоn’t trу tо ruѕh intо ѕеx.
Juѕt ѕреnd ѕоmе timе саrеѕѕing hеr bоdу until ѕhе is bеgging уоu tо tоuсh hеr in thаt right ѕроt.


One of the most efficient ways to view masturbation is “training” for sex.
Now, this is one of those tips that are met with mixed opinions. Yes, it is good to masturbate, but
you need to do it in the right way.

Use masturbation as training to last longer. Practice your relaxation techniques and try to make
it last as long as you can. It’s like preparing for the experience. Know the saying“how you train
affects how well you perform.”

This is true on many levels. Know your body and what makes you blow quickly, and one way is
by masturbating.
Make sure that you do not masturbate with the intention to ejaculate quickly.

If this is a bad habit of yours, it’s time to break it immediately. You don’t want to give your body
the wrong signals that it is ok to do.

That is very important to note because there is a wrong and a right way to masturbate. Make
sure to choose the best time to masturbate. I cannot stress this enough.

Set up a time where you know there will not be anyone to come in on you or anyone to interrupt
you. I recommend a quiet place where there is not a lot of action happening that will make you
feel uneasy or under pressure to hurry and finish the process quickly.

The environment in which you perform determines your effectiveness.

Late evenings or early mornings may work for those who have people around that may disturb
them. If it makes you feel people around that may disturb them. If it makes you feel better,
making sure to be somewhere where the door locks can give you some privacy.
If you can masturbate up to 5 minutes, you may be used to masturbating quickly. To develop
longer time, you can try stimulating yourself at a slower pace. That will increase the time before
you ejaculate again, training your body to learn to last longer.

There are times where masturbation and sex are two entirely different experiences.
Masturbation can last long while sex could last just a few minutes. The problem is that your
stimulation is distinct in both experiences.

There could also be a possibility that other factors, such as the psychological technique, could
be affecting this process so make sure to review the section on that. The aim here is to make
masturbation feel or be more like sex for you. Here are some ways in which this can happen:

Treat It Like Sex

Make sure to stimulate slowly and build up. Do not go and pound super-fast. Also, it’s
recommended to urinate before masturbation to clear the ejaculation muscles off any form of

If you are used to dry masturbation, it can be the very reason you have two entirely different
experiences. During sex, the vagina is wet, so your stimulation will be different. Match the
stimulation of your masturbation with that of you sex experience.

A vagina simulator is designed to mirror sex, so you can use it during the training process. helps
you control how long you last and train your subjective nature.

Use a Condom
Just simply using a condom is one of the easiest ways to quickly prolong ejaculation. It helps
reduce the intense sensation of going without and therefore, helps you last longer.

However, even though any condom can be utilized, some condoms will only prolong ejaculation
for a moment or two, while others that are known as ‘last-longer condoms’ can do much more
than that. Some condoms are thicker than average.

They will help prolong the experience even more than a regular condom. Even if you’re with a
regular partner whom you trust enough not to use protection with, a condom can help dull the
sensations of sex slightly. That helps you wonderfully as you’re learning how to control
your orgasm.
The Top Sex Positions to Help You Last L
Are you looking for sex positions that will help you with premature ejaculation and last longer i n
bed? Well, your search ends here. These are sex positions that will not only maximize her
sexual pleasure, but will also add minutes to your sex without any additional effort!

Take a variety of positions to keep the sex interesting and more of a guessing game for her. Not
only will you last longer with these positions, it gives you a mini break before going to the next

Variety is key to a good sexual experience! Changing position can also make you appear more
dominant. Most women like guys to take charge in bed. So you when change your position with
her during sex you’re subconsciously increasing your attraction of dominance as well! During
sex, you don’t want to do anything that will annoy her.

Subtly changing positions is a great way to manage your arousal levels, without making it too
noticeable. You can use a number of sex positions to both vary your pleasure and to last longer
in bed.

Try testing out these positions and see what works best for you. What might work great for you
might not be the best for others. Keep on testing until you see what works. A fun experiment to
be having!

How To Do It

Lie on your back.

Allow your partner to mount you, straddle your hips, and insert your penis from an upright

She can then ride your penis like a cowgirl riding a bull.

How It Helps

This is a position where giving up some control can really help you.

Your partner has almost complete control of the penetration, stripping from you the ability to
thrust quickly and vigorously if the spirit moves you.

Make sure your partner knows to limit your pleasure and focus on her pleasure.
This will probably involve deep grinding and clitoral stimulation — the perfect break for your


How To Do It

Both partners lie on their sides, your front pressing against her back like the spooning cuddle

You're the big spoon, she the little spoon.

Your partner should separate her legs a little. Find her vagina with your hand, and enter her
from behind.
How It Helps

The strokes available to you in this position will be very short, preventing you from making the
long wild thrusts that push most men past the point of no return.

The short strokes target her G-spot, making it a great one for her.

Focus on grinding your hips against her butt, and consider stimulating her clitoris with your

If you can bring her to orgasm, it's easier to feel good about your own orgasm whenever it
How To Do It

This is similar to spooning, but the partners face each other.

Lying on your sides face to face, your partner lifts the free leg and wraps it around your hip,
giving your hips access to her vagina.

How It Helps
Both partners control how deep they thrust, resulting in a sex position that is both active and
passive for both partners.

The man relinquishes some control, allowing him to focus on sensations while limiting how
much he can thrust.
How To Do It

The man sits on the bed or the floor, and the woman straddles his hips, facing him, allowing him
to enter her from the front.

How It Helps

This position has the advantage of being hard to maintain.

The man can't thrust indiscriminately while holding himself up and his partner in position.

It's a very intimate position, great for pleasing your partner and getting feedback from her

Position 5: Non-Penetrative Missionary

How To Do It

Lie on top of your partner as in normal missionary, but do not penetrate her. Instead, rub the
back of the penis against her vulva, clitoris, and perineum.

How It Helps

Most people never think to try this form of "outercourse," but it can be a godsend for men who
cum too quickly.

There's still a lot of wetness and warmth, but the sensation is focused on the less sensitive back
of the penis, not the front of the shaft and the head, where the most orgasmic stimulation comes

She loves it because she can grind her clit against the shaft.
How To Do It

Sorry for the flashbacks, those of you who went to Catholic school, but this has nothing to do
with that.

It involves you lying on your side and her lying on her back, her torso at a 90-degree angle to
your torso, her legs draped over your hips, her butt exposed to the front of your pelvis.
Thrust forward and enter her with your hips against the back of her thighs.

How It Helps

There's not much range of motion for you to go nuts within this position, nor is it easy to thrust
uncontrollably when your hips are at rest.

How To Do It

Doggy style is usually an "end-of-sex" thing because with the man in control of the thrusting,
depth, and momentum on his side (plus a great view), it's nearly impossible to last long.
Prone rear-entry is a twist on doggy style that involves both of you lying down, you on top of her.

Think of it as missionary with your partner flipped over or spooning rotated face-down.

How It Helps

The depth of thrust available to you is greatly reduced, allowing you the fun of doggy style
without the intense stimulation.

How To Do It
Similar to cowgirl, the woman climbs on top of you but lies chest to chest, like an inverted
missionary position.

How It Helps

This position allows the woman to envelop the penis deeply while restricting his ability to thrust.

She can enjoy the deep sense of fullness and can grind her clit against your shaft without the
vigorous thrusting that causes you to lose control.

She's in charge, so make sure to communicate with her if you are getting close and need a
How To Do It

Sit on a chair and have her stand with her back facing you, then lower into a seated position on
your lap, inserting your penis as she does so.
How It Helps

The woman has control and will usually grind against your hips, enjoying the deep penetration
without long or fast thrusts.

She might bounce a little, but she gets enough squats at the gym.

How To Do It

Missionary is one of the easiest positions to lose control of because you're doing all the
thrusting and have access to deep penetration.
Grinding missionary flips the position on its head by requiring you to thrust your penis deep and
leave it there, grinding your hips against hers.

How It Helps

Without the long, intense thrusts, it's easier to keep your penis from being overstimulated.
Meanwhile, your partner will love the front-action grinding. It rubs her clit while filling her vagina

How To Do It

Find a nice comfy pillow she wouldn’t mind laying on. Make sure the pillow is near the bottom of
her back.

This sex position requires him to stand facing her and towards the bed or table.
How It Helps

This position offers deep penetration and intimacy, and he has the option to thrust fast or slow,
which also creates a great opportunity to take a break if needed.

This position greatly benefits her as the pillow will lift her pelvis slightly, allowing for deeper
penetration and the opportunity to target her G-spot more effectively.
How To Do It

Your partner lies on her back, as in the missionary position, with her legs splayed. You kneel
upright, entering her missionary style from a perpendicular position.
How It Helps

You can not thrust as deeply from this position or with as much force as you don't have the
leverage of your free hips.

You are also in control and free to dial it back if things get too intense.

Moreover, the tension required to maintain the kneeling position can distract you from your
pleasure just enough to delay orgasm.

Doggy Style

Is a good medium position because it takes pressure off your pelvic area when you’re on your
knees causing you to reduce
the timing until ejaculation.

To Wrap Up

Some sex positions to help you last longer in bed are covered in the 12 above, but that is just a

Women like when you switch up positions. It feels new and adventurous.

It also can provide better stimulation for her during sex.

Finding a sex position that works for both of you may be hard, however.

You need to keep fitness and strength in mind and if lacking will make things hard.

The Best Foods for Increasing Sex Drive

Some of the factors that may prevent you from achieving sexual libido and hard erections
include; poor health, aging, alcohol abuse, smoking, drug abuse, erectile dysfunction, low or too
high hormonal imbalances, and mental health challenges such as anxiety, stress, depression
and among several others

A libido boosting solution that is formulated from the best natural ingredients, which contain
essential amino and protein derivatives, protein supplements and multi vitamins can also offer a
solution to your low libido.
Eating healthy meals which include high protein, vitamins and minerals will also help build the
already damaged cells in your system and include damaged tissues and cells in your penis.
When you consume healthy food, the success rate of higher sex drive gets better . It’s good to
take a multivitamin each day along with your herbal supplements.

Your diet perhaps is one of the main areas you should focus on if you want to achieve higher
sex drive and fuller penis in the natural way. Some of the foods which can help you maintain
longer and fuller penis erections are listed below. Remember to eat all in moderation.

􏰀 Oysters
􏰀 Salmon
􏰀 Banana
􏰀 Chilies
􏰀 Salmon
􏰀 Coffee in moderation
􏰀 Cherries
􏰀 Red Wine in moderation
􏰀 Onions (watch out for bad breath!)
􏰀 Oatmeal
􏰀 Figs
􏰀 Celery
􏰀 Almonds
􏰀 Chocolate 􏰀 Mangos 􏰀 Chilies

Onions -
can actually help you achieve harder erections . You will have to include them in your daily diet
to achieve the best possible results. Onions are believed to contain phyto-chemicals such as
alicin, which enhances blood circulation, making it thinner and avoidin g their clogging. The
mouth odo r resulting from chewing raw onions can be overcome by taking some sweet
peppermints, or apple cider vinegar with water. Be sure to rinse your mouth afterwards.

Coffee -
You need to drink coffee in moderation because it works more like a stimulant. Coffee can boost
metabolism in the body through the release of stored fats in the body, with your metabolism
boosted, you can enjoy a relatively high blood pump within your system, which could increase
flow of blood to your penis. Again only drink in moderation
Oysters -
If you like to have multiple orgasms and still stay erect for a longer period of time, you should
consume raw oysters. Oysters are known to contain essential vitamins including Vitamin B6
alongside essential minerals such as Zinc, these two components are believed to cause a
significant boost in your testosterone levels which is the hormone that increase sex drives in the
body. Some nuts and seeds may also serve as good replacements if you do not like the taste of
Celery -
While celery may not be the first food that comes to mind when you're thinking sex, it can be a
fantastic source food for sexual stimulation. This is because it contains androsterone, an
odorless hormone released through male perspiration and turns women on.

The Aztecs called the avocado tree "ahuacatl," or "testicle tree." While avocados can indeed
look like that body part, they contain high levels of folic acid, which helps metabolize proteins,
thus giving you more energy. They also contain vitamin B6 (a nutrient that increases male
hormone production) and potassium (which helps regulate a woman's thyroid gland), two
elements that help increase libido in both men and women.

Almonds (or nuts in general)

Almonds are a prime source of essential fatty acids . These are vital as they provide the raw
material for a man's healthy production of hormones. Additionally, the smell of almonds is
purported to arouse passion in females. Try lighting some almond-scented candles to
encourage her mood and snack on some (but not too many) yourself to store up energy for your

Mangoes, peaches and strawberries

What can be more fun than sinking your teeth into a drippy, sticky-sweet fruit? Probably doing
that as a prelude to (or during) sex. All of the above fruits and their shapes, textures and
succulence are erotically suggestive and can be fun to use amid foreplay. Try dribbling the
juices over your bodies and licking up the residue as an erotic game . It makes for a great (and
tasty) way to discover each other's bodies.

Although not the most sensual of foods, eggs are high in vitamins B6 and B5. These help
balance hormone levels and fight stress, two things that are crucial to a healthy libido. Eggs are
also a symbol of fertility and rebirth. Some people will eat raw chicken eggs just prior to sex to
increase libido and maximize energy levels. But all bird and fish eggs contain B6 and B5.

Aside from the fact that it is the surest way to get into her panties, chocolate also contains
theobromine -- an alkaloid -- that is very similar to caffeine. It also contains phenylethylamine, a
chemical believed to produce the feeling of "being in love." So, when your woman talks about
how good chocolate makes her feel, there is some science behind it. In addition, dark chocolate
has a massive amount of anti-oxidants, which are great for the body in general, as they help
maintain the immune system.

These are high in amino acids , which are believed to increase libido. They can also improve
sexual stamina. Furthermore, the shape of a fresh fig and the sweet, juicy taste are two tangible
aspects that are highly pleasurable to the human senses.

Chilies -
are not only good for weight-loss, they are also effective erection generating components that
work on your body by simply expanding your blood vessels. When little blood is being forced
through the thin blood vessels in your penis, you will not achieve the maximum penis erection
until you have expanded blood vessels, which can accommodate more blood. The effect of
chilies on your libido works like simple hydraulics, to apply more pressure and expand the
pathway to pump in more fluids.

Bananas -
are very good for the heart. A healthy heart will continue to pump blood at the optimum rate.
Bananas contain lots of Potassium, and the increase in potassium levels in your body will help
you put the concentration of sodium levels under control. A regulated blood pressure keeps you
away from heart related complications.

Salmon fish -
Is ideally good for your libido because of the abundance of Omega 3 fatty acids in them. They
will enhance blood flow within your body, including your penis by making the blood become less
sticky. Aside Salmon, other fish species such as mackerel, tuna and trout can be consumed to
ensure that your arteries remain very healthy.

Vitamin B1-
You need a healthy nervous system to help you achieve a rock solid erection any time. Vitamin
B1 which is also referred to as Thiamine, is an important component that will strengthen your
nervous system, and achieve proper functioning to of all your body organs. You can find Vitamin
B1 in beans, or a good supplement.

Cherries -
are particularly helpful in achieving good penis health because they contain anthocyanins, which
are chemicals that prevent fat build up in parts of the body. The fact is, fat deposits around your
sexual organs may prevent adequate blood flow, when you consume foods that naturally
prevent such fats from being stored up, you will naturally create more spaces for blood in-flow.

Wine -
Replacing alcoholic beer with wine is another way you can boost your natural libido. Wines are
known to contain essential phyto-chemicals known as resveratrol that enhances the production
of more nitric oxide, which in turn will increase blood flow in the body by expanding the blood
vessels. Make sure you do not consume more than a glass or 2 of wine in order to avoid some
negative side effects of alcohol. You partner might start even looking better!
Foods to Avoid
􏰀 Avoid sugar, white flour.
􏰀 Avoid hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils. These oils use up the enzymes that
would normally be utilized by the good oils, and they prevent your body from creating quality cell
membranes and nerve sheaths.

● Avoid continuous use of caffeine containing foods and beverages.

● Avoid fruit juices in the morning, do not have them by themselves and drink only small
quantities of them.
● Avoid excessive alcohol , and soft drinks. Eat fried foods only once a month or less.


● Cut out excessively fatty foods, especially processed foods, like hamburgers and most
fast food.
● Drink lots of water.
● Consume less sugar. The best sources of sugar are through fruit.
● Eat less processed foods. For example, brown rice is better for your health than white
rice because brown rice is less processed.
● Your system can benefit from the nutrients that are not taken out during processing, and
it also burns more calories during the digestive process. This principle applies to many
other food sources as well, such as pasta, bread, etc.
● Eat more Vegetables
● Vegetables are the best thing to nourish your body. They are low in caloric density and
replenish your system.
● Vitamins for Good Adrenal Health
● Vitamin C is used all along the adrenal hormone cascade and acts as an antioxidant
within the adrenal cortex itself.
● Magnesium is essential for the production of enzymes and the energy necessary for the
adrenal hormone cascade.

Pantothenic acid is an essential co-factor in the adrenal cascade.

Niacin is essential for the adrenal cascade.

Vitamin E is essential indirectly in at least 6 different enzymatic reactions in the adrenal


Vitamin B6 is a co-factor in several of the enzymatic pathways in the adrenal cascade.

B Complex is needed in small quantities throughout the adrenal cascade.

15 Fruit Drinks and Smoothies Recipes For
Increased Libido and Sexual Drive
Who says you cannot have fun before the actual fun win bed? Drinking these delicious
smoothies to last longer in bed will add more color and flavor to your sex life.

I trust you already know how to make smoothies:

The most common things used would be:

● Banana
● Milk
● Youghurt

We are going to build off this to make young smoothies to help you last longer in bed.

Nitric Oxide Powder Smoothie

The Best Smoothies For ED( The very best smoothie recipe for erectile dysfunction)


● Beetroot Powder
● Pomegranate Powder
● Ginger
● Youghurt
● Date Powder
● Banana

How To Prepare It

● Add 2 banana, half a cup of youghurt into a blender

● Pour 1 cup of water and blend for 2mins
● Add half scoop each of beetroot and pomegranate powder
● Add a quarter scoop of date powder and blend for 2-3mins
● Serve & Enjoy

African Folklore Smoothie

● Date powder
● Tigenut Powder
● Coconut Milk
● Ginger Powder
● Youghurt
● Banana

How To Prepare
● Pour 1 cup of coconut milk & quarter cup of youghurt into the blender
● Add 2 bananas and blend for 2mins
● Add half scoop each of date & tigernut powder
● Add a quarter scoop of ginger powder and blend for 2-3mins
● Serve and enjoy

Nutty Chocolate Smoothie

● Peanut Butter
● Brazilian or Macademia nuts
● Almond milk
● Youghurt
● Banana
● Cacao or cocoa powder

How To Prepare It
● Put 1 & half cup of almond milk into a blender and add a full scoop of peanut butter
● Add half cup of youghurt, 2 bananas and blend for 2mins
● Add a fist full of either Brazilian or Macadamia nuts or a mix.
● Add a quarter scoop of cacao or cocoa butter and blend for 4mins
● Serve and enjoy the nutty flavor as you crunch on the nuts

Power Vegetable Smoothie For Powerful Sex

● Cucumber
● Carrots
● Apple cider vinegar
● Ginger powder
● Honey

How To Prepare
● Slice and dice 1 cucumber and 3 carrots
● Put in a blender, add enough water to fill up the veggies and blend for 2mins
● Add 1-2 table spoons of apple vinegar abd half teaspoon of ginger powder
● Add 1 tablespoon of honey
● Blend for another 2mins and serve.
Smoothies For Male Enhancement
These erection boosting smoothies can be added to your daily diet to boost and maintain your
sexual performance and health permanently..

Green Tea Smoothie Punch

● Green tea or matcha green tea powder
● Banana
● Milk
● Youghurt
● Ginger Powder

How To Prepare:
● If you are using a teabag, steep it in hot water for about 3-4mins and let it cool off a bit
before pouring it into a blender
● If you are using matcha green tea powder, pour a scoop into the blender
● Add 2 bananas, 1 cup of milk and half a cup of youghurt
● Add half scoop of ginger powder
● Blend for 3-5mins, stop the blender and shake at 1mins interval
● Then serve!

Strawberry Stress Buster

● 1½ c unsweetened almond milk
● 1 c frozen strawberries
● 1 tsp vanilla extract

How To Prepare
● Combine the following measurements of ingredients and blend until smooth for a
flavorful and beneficial afternoon pick-me-up.

Raspberry Zinger
● 1½ Tbsp hemp hearts (shelled hemp seeds)
● 1¼ c frozen raspberries
● 1½ c water
● ½ tsp cinnamon

How To Prepare
● Combine the following ingredients and blend until smooth for the ultimate libido boosting

Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie

● 1¼ c skim milk
● ¼ c plain Greek yogurt
● 1 Tbsp natural peanut butter
● 1 Tbsp cocoa powder
● 1 frozen banana
● Handful ice

How To Prapare
● Combine these ingredients and blend until smooth for an energizing smoothie sure to
keep you up in more ways than one!

Banana Booster Smoothie

● ¼ c raw cashews
● 2 pitted dates
● 1¼ c water
● 1 frozen banana
● 1 Tbsp chia seeds
● Handful ice

How To Prepare
● Blend the first three ingredients until smooth, add the remaining ingredients, blend and
serve. This recipe serves one.

Fruity Smoothie Punch

● Watermelon
● Apple
● Banana
● Baobab Fruit Powder
● Date Powder

How To Prepare
● Cut a quarter of half watermelon into small chunks and add to blender
● Cut 1 apple into little chunks, add into blender as well
● Add 2 bananas as well
● Pour a cup of water and blend for 2-3mins
● Add 1 scoop of baobab powder and a quarter scoop of date powder
● Blend for 2mins and serve

Berry Blast Smoothie Powder

(Testosterone Boosting Smoothie Recipe)
● Amal Berry Powder
● Schizandra Beery powder
● Saw palmetto berry powder
● Blueberry or Strawberry
● Youghurt
● Date Powder

How To Prepare
● Add a fistful of blueberry or strawberry or a mix of both
● Add 1 cup of water and half cup of youghurt
● Blend for 2-3mins
● Add a quarter scoop of amla, schizandra, and saw palmetto berry into the blender.
● Add one tablespoon of honey
● Blend for 2mins and serve.

BlackTea Smoothie Punch

● Black tea bag
● Banana
● Milk
● Youghurt
● Ginger powder

How To Prepare
● Steep black tea bag in hot water for 3-5mins
● Add 2 bananas, half a cup of milk and a quarter cup of youghurt into the blender
● Boil for 2mins
● Pour the steeped black tea into the blender
● Add half scoop of ginger powder and blend for 3mins
● Serve

Chocolate Strawberry Banana

Better Sex Smoothie
● ½ frozen banana
● ¼ cup strawberries, fresh or frozen
● ¼ cup peaches, fresh or frozen
● 1 tablespoon of raw pumpkin seeds
● 1 tablespoon dark chocolate (70% cocoa or more)
● ½ dark chocolate almond milk
● Half cup cold water
● ⅛ teaspoon ginger
How to prepare
● Pure ingredients in a blender until smooth!

So much yummy goodness to choose from
If you are imaginative and wild enough, you might want to add any of these to your sexplay.

The nutty smoothie for instance, can be poured on your partner’s breast while you lick it off and
suck on them to heighten her sexual pleasure.

Quick Facts on Ejaculation

Here are some quick and interesting facts about ejaculation and male orgasm:

● A man normally ejaculates a small teaspoon of semen as he reaches orgasm. You can
increase the volume by drinking more fluids, especially water.
● Male orgasm and ejaculation are two different things. Hence, a man can ejaculate
without experiencing orgasmic pleasure in the same way that he can orgasm without
ejaculating. Typically though, men experience both at the same time.
● The semen can travel three (3) feet or more during ejaculation. The average distance,
though, is about seven (7) to ten (10) inches. Before ejaculating, men usually discharge
about one (1) to two (2) drops of alkaline.
● While men can also experience multiple orgasms, this is something that is learned and
practiced as a technique, such as the Masters and Johnson squeeze method that can
treat premature ejaculation.
● Most men usually experience single ejaculation in one session of sex. Others can have
an average of two. Only a few men can ejaculate thrice or more in a single session of
● Men tend to ejaculate prematurely because of their anxiousness on their performance.
The best solution is to relax.
● Lubricate your condom or your penis before entering the vagina and thrusting your
partner. This will enable you to hold your ejaculation longer.

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