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Young Maleek
Maleek’s Mother
Senator Adeoye
Senator Williams
Senator Yusuf
Chief Warder
Female Warder
Court Clerk
Police Sniper
Police Officer
Other Police Officer’s
Security Man (gateman).

Maleek’s Armed colleagues

Ruger (Armed Sniper)
Needle/Abere (Nurse)

Senator’s Guards
Desire(Dessy) Female Hacker

A man was seen inside a space bus driving fast and furiously
Cuts to

Senator was seen in the living room with three of his friends having indistinctive
chat about their campaign for the next governorship election

Senator Williams
I have told you countless time Ade, you need to calm you nerves, I have paid all
the councilors and local government chairmen in every constituency necessary,
we are going to win this election and that’s for sure, take my word for it. Na me
talk am.

Senator Yusuf
You really have nothing to worry about, I have even mobilized and recruited more
boys in case the electoral commission wants to stop us from our usual doings.
(Laughs). Ade you don’t just worry yourself, everything is under normal protocol.

Senator Adeoye
I really thank you for your support, I will be very glad if i am finally elected o, and I
will surprise you too, in fact let me start from now, I will credit you both with a
token of 5million naira each.
(Both senator exclaimed in awe)
This is just a crumb from where it’s coming from, you just let me get in that
governor’s office and see what I’ll do for you.
Senator Williams
You will enjoy us too I promise you, we give you our total support.

Senator Yusuf
You don enter my brother. Na you seh! Ha anybody go die if they need to, if you
no enter make I see wetin cause am.

As the two senators then make advances to start leaving the scene Adeoye’s
Security came in
Security Man
Sir, there is someone out there that says he has a package delivery for you sir

Senator Adeoye
Whats his name?

He didn’t disclose sir

Senator Adeoye.
Let me have it

The other two senator then stoop up ready to leave.

Senator Adeoye
Thank you very much for your time.
He turned his face to his personal security guard
Please kindly walk them out for me
They all walked out of the scene and Senator Adebayo waked back to pick up the
package and check what’s in it

Senator Ade
He indecisively watched the package for a long period, curious to know what in it
but nervous for the unexpected, Opens the package and saw three boxes in the
Opens it and exclaimed, he saw breast in the first box, he was very shocked and
curious to know whats in the rest of the boxes, he opened the second box in spilt
second, it was a human heart, he did as well the third box and this time he was
more shocked, it was a bomb and a phone beside it, he exclaimed and
immediately dropped the package on the table, instantly the phone beside the
bomb he saw rang, he watched it rang confused and call out to his security
guards. Then his personal phone rang, it was a strange number, he then picked it
up and he heard a strange voice

Hello Senator Adoye, listen carefully.

Senator Adeoye
Who is this?

Strange Voice
That is not your problem, your problem is that the bomb in front of you will
trigger in 5seconds if you don’t obey what I am about to tell you. I have my eyes
all around you and I can see you as we speak. I will like you to gently walk out of
that sitting room outside your gate without your guards following you, if they
refuse to obey and try to follow you outside, that bomb will explode.

Senator Adoye
Okay sir.
He instructed his guards to stay back as he walked outside shivering. The gateman
on sight saw him and ran away in fear.
He opened the gate and walked outside, he saw a Van some meters away from
him, then the strange man spoke to him again,

Strange voice
Now, gently walk towards that van and enter when the door opens.

Senator Adeoye heeds to instruction, walked right into the van and the van drove

Scene 2

The senator was seen on his knees with his head covered and his hands were tied
to his back, with him were some men who are heavily armed walking vigilantly
around him.
A table was in front of him with a laptop placed on the table, one of the men
walked towards him, slapped him hard from behind and removed his head cover
and untied him, moved backward and shot his leg, and told him if he says a word,
he’ll be dead.
The senator who was really scared shouted out in pain and quickly griddle his
mouth with one of his hand and the other hand holding his leg while shaking
profusely in pains.
Armed man
Now, this is your bank portal, don’t ask any stupid question, now login your
account now.
Senator Adeoye without uttering any word fearfully login with his fingers shaking
as he types on the laptop.

Senator Adeoye
It has login sir (with his voice shaking)

Armen Man
Now Transfer all the money in there to this account.
He stretched a paper to him with account number and name written on it ( the
accounts states the bank to be an orphanage home)

Bitterly crying as his whole life savings moves from his account

Senator Adeoye
Done sir!
Armed Man.
Turned to the female AID and instruct her to clean up his wound
Clean up that wound so he won’t die before oga go come kill am.
At the senators house.
The guards were so confused and trying to figure where the problem came from.

Guard 1
*speaks angrily and confusedly* What is really going on here I dont understand,
where do we find Senator to now.

Guard 2

Guard 3
I am suspecting something, you know this game is a very deadly game, I suspect
the government might know about this, was it just a coincident that the senator’s
visitors left immediately the package got here.

Guard 1
Quickly sensed too.
That’s true o, you have a point.

Guard 4(female guard)

Pressing her iPad fast, she looked up and said
“I was able to hack into Senator’s Phone and tracked the location of the phone, I
think I know where they are.
Guard 2 jumped up with eagerness and readjust his gun ready to move
Immediately they heard a siren and the police Van drove in.

Good afternoon, So do any of you have any idea where they might have taken
senator to or who might have done the job.
They all looked at each other and shake their heads while saying they have no
Guard 4 who wasn’t looking while pressing her phone wanted to speak out while
the guard closest to her quickly signal her not to talk, unfortunately one of the
police officer noticed the reaction

Okay, then we will further our investigation as well but we will need a statement
from you in our station.
The whole guards started murmuring loudly refusing to go to the station.

Guard 3
Excuse me Sir, this is a private registered security agency sir, we have nothing to
tell you and we are going nowhere with you sir, if you have a problem with that
you contact our HQ

Okay fine then you can write the statement here, we need to work together not
all this aggressiveness.
HE instructed one of the officers to go bring the statement books in the van

Scene 4

As they entered the vehicle about to move out of the scene, the police officer
who noticed the false movement at the scene was sitting in the front seat with
the DPO and he called his attention to it.

Sir, I noticed a false movement with those guys.
That female guard wanted to say something but they didn’t allow her speak, I do
strongly think they are hiding something from us.

I noticed that too but didn’t really…..
He quickly radioed and placed a car and a sniper surveillance on them.
As the sniper sighted the guards getting in the vehicle about to move out of the
house, he quickly radioed the DPO that the guards are on the move.
They quietly followed the guards as they drove out
Scene 5

The guards were seen quietly and tactically sneaking into a building with the
female guard who is holding an iPad giving directions.
They finally got to the location the iPad gave them and found nobody there
except the senator’s phone, immediately they got there the phone started
ringing. They were all shocked and slowly trying to decide what to do.
Then the police walked in as well and argument busted on what they are hiding
something from the police and why.
One of the guards then shouted and asked them to shut up and walked towards
the phone ringing. He picked it up and it was the strange man’s voice again.

Strange Voice
So you thought I would have been so stupid to have let the Senators phone stay
here with him in this den?
You must be a fool to think that, I believe this is the Police DPO because this
message is for them. I want you to tell the government to provide the sum of
200million naira in cash and bring it to the location I am going to send you now, if
you try to make any stupid move like the one that got you here, your man is gone.

Okay but at least can I speak to him at least to let us know if he is still alive before
we get that kind amount of money.

Strange voice
You will talk to him the next time I call
“You have 48hours to get the money to that location, if not your man is gone and
not only that. You have 4 city blocks and supermarket loaded with C4 which is
going to blow up in that 48hours if you don’t listen, he then hangs up the phone.

He then stoop up and walks towards the the senator.

The senator who has his face covered back was hearing voices of the armed men
chanting and hyping their boss as he hears his footstep walking towards him.
One of the Armed men behind the senator took the cover out and the Senator
looked right into the face of the mysterious man behind the Voice.

Senator Adeoye
Exclaimed with shortage of breath as he started stuttering
Ho…w cou…ld it be

Strange man
You are surprised right
He then faked a smile on his face.
Scene ends.

Scene 6
Police department office.
How are we supposed to come up with that kind of money in 48hrs. What are we
going to do, can someone just come up with an idea for me.
Officer one
Sir I suggest we print fake money and take it there to lure them out so we can
attack them sir

That’s too dumb, we can’t take such risk what if we couldn’t capture them and
they find out it’s a fake money
Whats the Senators fate.

Female Guard
*clears throat*
Well we can actually get the money from the bank, I mean it’s the government we
are talking about here, you guys can actually do anything, we get the money from
them, I’ll build a linen tracker on one of the note and we don’t have to worry
about where they are taking the money to because we can easily track them
down with that sir… just saying.

That’s brilliant, I love that idea,
as he was talking the evident phone rang and they picked it up ,
Cuts to
The armed man passed the phone to the senator and told him,
“Speak to your people to bring the money or you are as good as dead to me.
Senator quickly and shakily took the phone and exclaimed
“Please get the money, borrow it, loan it, anyhow I will return it from my foreign
The Armed man looked at him and smile again
The female guard was trying to ask him some question but the Armed man
snatched the phone from his hand and hungs up.

Strange man
“you even have foreign investments”
He looked at his mates and they all laughed

Armed man2
That’s how they do, they’ll steal all our money here and take it out of the country.

Strange Man:
That’s not even why I am here and he knows it.
Walks toward him and bend his head to his face level and shouted at his face
“ OR don’t you”
Senator nods his head correctly with his eyes closed in fear acknowledging.

.Cuts back to the Police Station

you heard her let’s get to work, I’ll place a call at the CP and inform him so we can
get an affidavit for the bank
*the officers all shouted okay sir in accord and salute while leaving the scene.

A sniper was seen positioning on a roof top.

Touched is earbuds,


“come in. Can you hear me?

I am positioned. You can proceed to the location

One of the guard hop down from their van with the bag of money and the phone
talking while the police were also inside a car in front of them. He walked towards
the factory as he was been instructed by the Strange voice.
The sniper then saw a car driving toward the other entrance of the location.

HE locked his eyes on him and contact the guard holding the bag and the others in
the van

I can see a car …… coming in from …. direction

The guard was moving towards the location and then got to a point the phone
rang and the strange voice asked him to stop,
Another sniper was seen setting up miles away from the location and got his eyes
locked on the other police sniper

Strange voice
“didn’t I tell clearly state to you not to make any stupid move?
Now you’ve pissed me.
Immediately the guard holding the phone and money bag got shot. From another
direction different from the car’s direction. The sniper quickly switched to the
other location, his body movement gave the other sniper accuracy assurance that
he was there and he took the shot.
At the same moment Some men came out from nowhere and was raining shots at
them where they were parked, some of the officers were shot dead, the guards
was able to shoot one of the men down as payback for their man.
At the same moment while they are distracted shooting back at the armed men.
Then an armed girl (Needle) ran out of nowhere towards the money bag, picked it
up and ran out out of the scene.
Suddenly the armed men are nowhere to be found.
The guards and the police were shocked at the incident, they all came down and
tried to gain on to the location tactically.
Getting there the bag was nowhere to be found.

Immediately the female officer’s iPad beeped and it was a signal from the tracker
that shows their movement and she quickly spoke

Female guard
Hey guys, I have their location, they are moving along ……
They all quickly got in their vehicles and drove after them.
They kept following them unnoticed till they got to an old factory


Some Miles away from the Factory, the Armed sniper was seen setting up his arm
again and touched his earbud to contact.

Armed Sniper.
I am all set sir. Visualizing………

He was their van driving inside a warehouse they were located.

Miles behind them were two other vehicles coming slowly

Armed Sniper.
I can see two suspicious vehicles drawing up on you closely 15kilometere behind

Was seen inside the car about driving into the ware house.
The car parked roughly and the boss networked others.

Into Position, Quickly.
Everyone ran out of the car and went to position themselves. Waiting quietly for
the other two cars to drive in.

The DPO knew for sure it was them but didn’t want to take any chances so he
parked and called for backup.

The Boss was seen walking towards the Senator

Your people are outside to come and save you.
I want you to see how I’ll kill them all one by one before I”ll kill you.

He raised his gun up and released a shot in the air.

Outside the Policemen heard the gunshot which echoed loudly.

The DPO shouted.

They’ve shot the senator.
They’ve shot him.

He tried to move in. The female guard pulled him back and ask him to wait still.
He looked at her and pulled off her hand and ordered his men to fall in.
As they entered the building they gained some forward. Suddenly the sniper took
out the DPO and immediately two other men came out from behind them and
ahead of them and shot rigorously at them, some . While shooting, the Guards
came from behind them and start shooting at them too, but one of them was able
to rescue with a bullet wound.
He ran inside towards their boss and the other armed to inform them there is a
problem, on getting there as he was about to talk he got shot on the head from
behind by the female one of the guard, immediately the boss and other armed
man carrying a sniper and a bag of money with a hand pistol ran off the scene and
started shooting towards the guards
The guards gained on them and they both ran out through the back door, the
guards quickly moved to the senator who was on the ground with his head
covered the whole time and let him loose.
They heard a bike noise at the backyard and they ran towards the back, getting
there they saw the boss and the other armed man on the bike running off.
There was nothing they could do so they gave up on the pursue.
They went back to the Senator to ask him if he is okay.
Scene Ends.

Scene 9
The two armed men who are now unarmed drove into an abandoned boat where
they have a box. Drew out the Box full of cloths, quickly changed cloths and
opened another small box full of passports, opened them and picked their own
from there.
They then came outside the boat, walked towards a luxury car threw the money
bag in the booth and drove out.

Cuts to
The Senator was thanking his guards while the female guard said she is found
their location on her ipad, she then asked the policemen to take the senator to a
secure location and some of them should come with them and they all drove out
of the scene.

The two men were seen walking towards an airplane in a local airport with a
suitcase on both of their hands.
Suddenly they guards and police came out of nowhere and asked them to stop
and don’t make any stupid move, they were rounded up by numbers of
policemen with guns pointed at them.
They were then escorted to the vehicle.

The both criminals were sitting next to each other in a police interrogation room
with some officers interrogating them.

The police was staring at him mysteriously for house while shaking his legs and
knocking the table.

Why did you decide to become so cruel?
You somehow escaped from prison because I checked your record and you are
supposed to be in prison right now. How did you do that?
Answer me first.

Hmmm, I never planned to escape from the prison or never even thought of jail
breaking, when I was sentenced, I accepted my fate but on this fateful day.
Cuts to Prison
A female warder was seen walking towards her boss’s office and was
eavesdropping the conversation going on in the office.

Sir thank you very much sir, that’s a lot of money sir, that boy’s life is not even
worth up to that, is it not that ………….. boy. I promise you he’ll be dead before
tomorrow morning, That’s not even a big deal sir. Thank you sir.
“hung up the phone”
Ah 20million, untop this boy alone. HA
Iwo ti kan agabko n tie o.

The female warder who was listening to this conversation quickly ran to meet the
prisoner, hand him a spare key and told him if he really value his life he should
run out of the prison at a given time.

Cuts back to POLICE IR

That was how I got out of the prison.

But what did you do that they wanted you dead so badly.
I am sure you might have done something very devilish

Sir that’s the main point sir. You see this same senator was the one who wanted
me dead.

How? Why?

“sighs” sir, I was still very young then when this Senator decided to help us after
we lost our Dad, he took us in and and even help in paying my school fees and we
were living together like a family. Then..

Cuts to Senators house.

The senator’s wife and son was seen dragging their boxes well-dressed ready to
travel out the country.
The senator who was sitted in the living room looked up at them

Oh you guys are all set. Like you are eager to leave me.

Senator’s Wife.
That’s not true darling, you know I’ll definitely miss you
“Walked towards her husband and gave him a kiss on his head.

The senator’s son whose character is a stubborn nonchalant boy hissed at the
both of them and walked out of the scene.
Then the Boy came out to help the Senator’s Son take his bag to the car while his
mother also walked out of the kitchen to bid them farewell.

Scene Dissolves.
Cuts back to interrogation room

Some months after his family left, I noticed a change in his character towards us
and it was just getting worse every day. The way he lustfully stares at my mum
and all but I didn’t take that serious until this day
Cuts back to Senators house

Walks into his room and saw Junior’s mum helping him fold his cloths. He walked
towards her from behind and grabbed her waist lustfully from behind.

Junior’s mum
Please stop that sir. I don’t like it.
They both argued about this until Senator got pissed
As the argument went on Junior heard some noise and walked towards them and
was eaves dropping the conversation.

Okay fine since you want to keep all these good things to yourself, I don’t think I
will be needing you and my son in my house anymore, you both can pack your
stuffs and get lost from my house.

Junior’s Mum
Ha please sir, its not up to that please. Okay fine if you don’t want me to stay I can
leave but at least let my son stay till he graduates from school please you know
we don’t have any other means of survival.

Its like you are mad. I said you should leave and you are still giving me conditions.
Who should be giving conditions here? Answer me.
If you want to stay in this house with your son, it will be on my terms. And these
are my terms, you will work as a maid in this house, and not just that I am going
to have access to this thing between your legs that seems so precious to you and
in return you can live and eat here and I will continue to pay Junior’s school fee.
Otherwise you can leave.

Junior’s Mum
*sobbing* ok sir, if that’s what you want then I’ll do it, just for my son to be able
to go to school. I’ll do anything please.
See ehn, you don’t need to cry, you are the one making this thing so difficult, ehn
oya standup “he helped her up romancing and kissing her body in attempt of
having sex with her which he successfully did.

A night after the Senator was seen sneaking into Junior’s Room while junior was
deep asleep, he then proceed to remove Junior’s Cloth gently and also remove his
Trouser, junior woke up in the process and the Senator held his mouth tight and
forced himself on him, when he was done he then threaten Junior not to tell
anyone that if he does he is going to kill him. He forced Junior to attest that he
will never tell anyone about the incident, junior agreed out of fear not to tell
anyone and the senator walked out of his room.

Cuts back to the police IR

It went on and one for several nights like that
Hmmmm..As if that was not enough…

Cuts back to Senators House.

The senator was seen sitting in his living room watching Tv while his phone rang,
he picked it up

Hello Senator. There is a problem and we have to do a sacrifice right away
because it is past the time you are supposed to sacrifice to the gods.
Ha, was it not…
Wait whats todays date?
Ha!! I didn’t know, but you should have called me earlier now and we will go and
get the sacrificial lamb as usual

The gods are asking for something different this time.
They said they want the blood of whoever it is you had sex with last.

Who I had sex with last….. HA!!
Is there no other option apart from that?

There is no other option unless you want to run mad or allow something worse
happen to you

God forbid. Okay I will call you back sir.
He sat down devastated and he thought about the decision for a second.
Ha at least I thank God its not my wife.
Scene Ends.
Junior’s mother was seen on her knees with a big calabash on her head, beside
her is the senator seen making incantations on her.
Cuts to Junior’s room.
Junior who wasn’t deep asleep stood up and came out of his room with the
intention of going to take water from the kitchen. He overheard a voice from the
Senator’s Room and moved closer, he overheard the senator making incantations
in the room, he opened the door gently to see what was going on in there, he saw
his mother on her knees and the senator.
The Senator sensed someone opened the door, he looked back immediately and
saw Junior, He quickly went after him and ask his guard to get him.
Fortunately for Junior he was able to run out of the house successfully in the
middle of the night.
He then decided to hide in an uncompleted building till morning so he can go and
report at the police station.
But unfortunately for him the police were chasing a criminal in which escaped and
they saw junior where he was hiding and apprehended him.

Cuts back to Police IR

I tried to explain to them it wasn’t me, I even told the DPO that I am Senator
Adeoye’s foster Son and told them the reason why I was out there hiding but they
didn’t believe me. So I was sentenced. And that’s how I ended up in jail.
Cuts to the dead DPO’s Office

The DPO was seen whistling and drinking in his office when he received a call.

My Senator, (hailing the senator)
Ehn ehn, that reminds me, there was a boy we arrested two nights ago, and he
said he is your Son, I said it’s a lie I know your Son Gbenro and last time I checked
I think he went to the US with his mum. Abi (laughs).
That boy is a very stupid boy, he was even saying a lot of disturbing things about
you that you killed his mother and all sorts of rubbish.
But I have arraigned him yesterday and he should be in Jail as I speak with you
right now.
The Jail he was taken to?
Its kirikiri sir..
It is still Agbaje that is their Chief Warder sir..
Okay I will forward his number to you sir, I hope there is no problem at all sir.
Okay sir. And Thank you for the token you sent the last time sir I really appreciate
it sir, yes sir, I will forward his number right away sir.

He hungs up the phone

God bless all this men for me, ehn without them in our lives wetin we for dey
chop with the peanut the government is giving us.

Scene dissolves as he laments.

Cuts back to Police IR
Wow, this is so tragedic, but you should have seek the help of other policemen, it
is not all the policemen that are corrupt, you shouldn’t have taken laws into your
hands. Now you will be charged not only for Kidnaping and assault but also for the
murder of the DPO and other police officers, you know what that means, and the
Man you did all this for later escaped. We would have even helped you in further
investigation to get him nailed but everything you said now there is no evidence
for it.
I am so sorry for you. There is absolutely nothing I can do to help you.
Scene Ends.

The judge was seen walking in and everyone in the court room stood up.

Without too much of talk from the Prosecutor and the Prosecuted. All evidence
states that you MR …… is guilty of the charges pressed against you.
I hereby sentence you to death by hanging.

The criminal was then being escorted out of the courtroom.

The Court Pastor was seen talking to the criminal and asking him go give his life to
Christ, as he was talking there was a breaking news from the Television behind
the Pastor directly facing the criminal
The breaking news shows that the Senator won the governorship election he ran
for and was seen on TV waving hands as he was been celebrated.
So much anger and disgust was seen on the criminal’s face as the scene dissolves.

The senator and his friends was seen celebrating in his house for the election he
won and suddenly the lights went off, as they were lamenting and busy shouting
what happen? They heard gunshot they all went quiet, after some seconds the
light came back on and the senator and now governor was in a pool of blood.
The other senators and his guards quickly rushed to him while they were all
exclaiming indistinctively.


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