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Introduction Executive Summary Vision & alignment High-level design Operational improvement CS Transformation KPIs People & culture

eople & culture Next Steps Appendix

We made high-level decisions across 10 questions to guide the

development of Target Operating Model (1/2)

# Question Decision

• We will use Customer Effort Score to measure performance across customers

What are the primary set of KPIs that we will use to measure success • We will use an Employee Engagement Index to measure performance across employees
of the Customer Services business? • We will use Cost Per Contact to assess value across the organization
• We will use Days Elapsed to Deliver to measure organizational agility

What are our priority channels to invest in to create an effortless We will prioritize the following channels: (1) Mobile App, (2) Voice, (3) SMS, (4) Digital Assistant, and (5)
customer experience? MyAccount

What are the highest impact areas we should prioritize when trying Several pain points were identified across (1) billing and payment, (2) pricing plans / offering, (3) outage
to reduce customer effort? communications, (4) field service appointment, (5) understanding communications, and (6) timely service

How can we encourage customers to interact via our priority A range of adoption and engagement strategies across priority channels were discussed to help alter and
channels? shift customer behavior

5 What appointment window should we offer for field service visits? We will offer 1-hour appointment windows for emergency and non-emergency requests

Introduction Executive Summary Vision & alignment High-level design Operational improvement CS Transformation KPIs People & culture Next Steps Appendix

We made high-level decisions across 10 questions to guide the

development of Target Operating Model (2/2)

# Question Decision

We will primarily use demographic and behavioral attributes to support our customer groups across the
6 How will we use different customer profiles across the business?

7 How will we serve our CCA customers? CCA customers will be the norm by 2025 and will be treated as a primary customer group

8 How will we handle CCA billing? We will strategically explore various CCA billing options, including the option of sending two separate bills

How can we provide each ENTITY customer with a personal and

9 We will focus our efforts on effective communication of existing initiatives and activities
positive experience with the brand?

How will we drive empowerment and accountability for decision-

10 We will work to build out an effective governance structure across Customer Services
making across Customer Services?

Introduction Executive Summary Vision & alignment High-level design Operational improvement CS Transformation KPIs People & culture Next Steps Appendix

We reviewed BPDs to understand any target operating model

implications based on high-level decisions made

To better understand change implications and impacts to the business, we have reviewed 40+ ENTITY BPDs that have been finalized. Of the
reviewed BPDs, approximately 30 are potentially impacted by TOM decisions or to-be processes.

ENTITY Business Process Documents (BPDs) : Target Operating Model (TOM) Impact Analysis
Note: full analysis
Note: High, medium, and low rankings indicate the degree to which TOM Decisions impact the BPD as drafted
High embedded below

6 6
BPDs with potential target

2 2
model implications

7 1
4 4
2 2
1 1
Billing Device Mgmt Digital FICA Marketing & Sales Services
& Field Communications
Analysis based on ~50 completed BPDs that are relevant target operating model work stream; does not include BPDs that are still in draft form
Note: BPD change impacts presented to functional and work stream leads on January 29th, 2019. Attendees included Chris Swartz, Sandra Webb, Ben McCarthy, Eva Ng, Stacey Dyson, Olivia Nguyen, Corey Miller, Giovanna
Casillas, Cristina Abelgas, and Laura Welty

Introduction Executive Summary Vision & alignment High-level design Operational improvement CS Transformation KPIs People & culture Next Steps Appendix

Identified target operating model implications: high impact

TOM Decision Workstream ENTITY implication(s) based on BPD

Change implied from BPD: Choice billing enrollment (DA, CCA, CAT) will undergo significant automation and process changes; SAP
We will strategically explore various CCA billing will now be the system of record for choice billing and employees interfacing may see increased workload as choice billing
options, including the option of sending two Billing enrollment increases overtime
separate bills Implication of TOM decision: The various CCA billing options under consideration could directly impact choice billing enrollment
and mass enrollment of customers

Change implied from BPD: Service request enhancements will be rolled out including online service capabilities, guest logins,
proactive notifications, centralized tracking, eligible appointment slots
Implication of TOM decision: Service requests should support 1-hour appointment windows and delineate between emergency
and non-emergency requests
We will offer 1-hour appointment windows for
emergency and non-emergency requests
Change implied from BPD: Field service reps will have increased access of service orders through SAP and ESS/BSS agents will have
increased autonomy to create/maintain/modify/override field service requests
Management &
Implication of TOM decision: Service requests should support 1-hour appointment windows and delineate between emergency
and non-emergency requests

Change implied from BPD: Significant changes to managing marketing segmentation and target group creation, including ability to
We will primarily use demographic and quickly create ad-hoc segment and target groups for campaigns, predictive modeling, ability to segment on customer interactions,
Marketing &
behavioral attributes to support our customer and more
groups across the business Implication of TOM decision: Centralization of segmentation attributes and capabilities to view and perform analysis of customer
profiles should be designed to support demographic and behavioral attributes

Note: BPD change impacts presented to functional and work stream leads on January 29th, 2019. Attendees included PERSONS

Introduction Executive Summary Vision & alignment High-level design Operational improvement CS Transformation KPIs People & culture Next Steps Appendix

Identified target operating model implications: medium impact (1/2)

TOM Decision Workstream ENTITY implication(s) based on BPD

Change implied from BPD: Standardization of tracking and planning customer tasks and activities; integration of business master
data and customer / contact data into one system of record between Business Service employees and ESS agents
Implication of TOM decision: Applications of standardized and consolidated customer / interaction data could have potential
operating model decisions depending on suite of offerings /services for customers
Change implied from BPD: Consolidated / centralized repository of program eligibility information will be provided and field
technicians will have greater access to systems used to manage such programs
We add value to customers by connecting them Service
Implication of TOM decision: Eligibility requirements should be drafted based on complementary services that will be offered;
to relevant energy offerings
potential implication on service windows appointments for energy audits
Change implied from BPD: My Account will see deeper integration of program offerings and rebates presented to customers;
offering information and enrollment will be further consolidated within My Account for customers to view and enroll
Digital Implication of TOM decision: My Account enhancements and capabilities related to offerings (e.g. Energy Efficiency programs)
should align to complementary energy offerings/services offered to customers; potential impacts to Customer Effort Score for
enrollment of these energy-related offerings
Change implied from BPD: (1) Social media will become a larger part of customer interactions as the system now enables ESS/BSS
We will use Customer Effort Score to measure Service
to view social media interactions in SAP and provides a platform for reps to interact with these customers and solve customer
performance across customers, and we will use
inquiries; system now supports appending customer data through social media channels and can automatically assign tickets based
Cost Per Contact to assess value across the
on rules (2) Significant enhancements and capabilities to certain digital channels, including new two-way SMS, in-app notifications,
organization. We will prioritize the following
email, and robo-calls
channels: (1) Mobile App, (2) Voice, (3) SMS, (4) Digital
Implication of TOM decision: (1) Service applications of social media should be considered given decision to prioritize other
Digital Assistant, and (5) MyAccount to support
channels and focus on customer effort / cost per contact KPIs (2) Channel capabilities should align to prioritization of channels
support 75%+ of contact digitally
previously decided on by Customer Services

Note: BPD change impacts presented to functional and work stream leads on January 29th, 2019. Attendees included PERSONS


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