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Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to a complex and controversial topic

like climate change. As the effects of climate change become more evident and pressing, it has
become a popular subject for research and academic writing. However, tackling this topic in a thesis
can be a challenging and overwhelming experience for many students.

Firstly, climate change is a vast and multi-faceted issue that encompasses various scientific,
environmental, and social aspects. This makes it difficult for students to narrow down their focus and
choose a specific angle to approach the topic. It requires extensive research and critical thinking to
identify a unique and relevant research question that adds value to the existing literature.

Moreover, writing a thesis on climate change requires a deep understanding of complex scientific
concepts and data analysis. This can be a daunting task for students who do not have a background
in environmental science or related fields. It requires hours of reading and analyzing scientific papers,
data, and statistics, which can be overwhelming for many students.

In addition to the academic challenges, writing a thesis on climate change can also be emotionally
taxing. As the consequences of climate change become more apparent, it can be disheartening and
overwhelming to research and write about the potential catastrophic effects on our planet. It can also
be frustrating to see the lack of action and urgency from governments and organizations to address
this pressing issue.

Given the difficulties of writing a thesis on climate change, it is understandable why many students
struggle with this task. However, there is a solution that can help alleviate this burden – ordering a
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This shows that as much as humans try to reduce their carbon emissions, recycle and generally try to
save the environment, they are going to be unsuccessful because what they are doing has an
insignificant impact on climate change. Western Governora??s Association), and the Midwestern
Regional. Some of this heat is trapped by the atmosphere, but the rest escapes into space. San Diego
is known as having a mild climate, New Orleans a humid climate, Buffalo a snowy climate, and
Seattle a rainy climate. A refutation paragraph that cites another perspective on your topic and offers
a rebuttal with textual evidence. Weather systems, which develop in the lower atmosphere, are
driven by heat from the sun, the rotation of the Earth, and variations in the Earth's surface. It shows
that as more carbon dioxide is released into the environment, the global average temperature is rising
and also the sea level. I. Increasing heat and changing rainfall patterns will lead to a decrease in
crops, then a decrease in nutrition, and an increase in stunting among children, particularly in the
developing regions of the world. National Security Implications of Global Climate Change to 2030,
June 25, 2008. The warm, waterlogged fields provide the perfect environment for methane-
producing microorganisms to flourish and decompose organic materials, resulting in the fields
accounting for up to 20% of methane produced by humans. These threats to human health are
expected to increase with continued climate change. The global average temperature since 1900 has
risen by about 1.5F. By 2100, it is projected to rise another 2 to 11.5F. The U.S. average temperature
has risen by a comparable amount and is very likely -- to rise more than the global average over this
century, with some variation from place to place. Those who assert that these papers are correct while
the other 97% are wrong are holding up science where the researchers had already decided what
results they sought, the authors of the review say. SEC 455 Grand Canyon University Personal
Classroom Management Plan Paper. Rising sea levels, caused mainly by the expansion of seawater as
it warms, along with billions of tons of water added to the ocean each year from melting glaciers, ice
caps, and ice sheets, are affecting coastal communities in many parts of the world, including places
like South Florida, Chesapeake Bay, and low-lying communities along the Gulf Coast in the United
States. Climate Change (IPCC). “Professor Nicholas Owens of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
was quoted as saying the findings were so worrying that they made previous widely accepted
forecasts of climate change seem unduly optimistic” (“Carbon pollution accelerates” 2007). The
other theories mentioned are valid however the evidence provided for the greenhouse effect and the
increased emissions play a more important part in the Earth’s temperature increase. Scientists like Dr
William Grey believe that it is a step towards the world’s period of global cooling (“Gore's climate
theory savaged”, 2007). WHO recommendations are extensive, but include suggestions of eating
less than five grams of salt per day and at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day, with
potatoes, cassava, sweet potato and other starchy root vegetables not classified as vegetable. Once
absorbed, this energy is sent back into the atmosphere. As a teacher it will require one to be carrying
out a number of researches to avoid being left behind and what is supposed to be covered. You can
use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. Therefore, the similar correlations
between the graphs suggest a relationship between these two factors. These topics will be
investigated farther so you the reader can decide for yourself if climate change is real or a hoax.
Many had cherry-picked the results that conveniently supported their conclusion, while ignoring
other context or records. Sign up for email notifications and we'll let you know about new
publications in your areas of interest when they're released. SECOND To your instructor by
submitting your Peer Review document to this 4.5 Peer Review assignment. Perhaps one of the most
effective actions involves governments taking control of forest regions and then banning resource
extraction. E.g. In French Guiana the government has refused to allow a gold mine, after research
showed that the mine could adversely affect a rainforest reserve and Ramsar-listed wetland. If we
examine the graphs closely, we observe a large increase in the world’s temperature in 2000, and also
a considerably big increase in the concentration of CO 2. A conclusion that reemphasizes the thesis
FIguRE S.1 The planning process is envisioned to incorporate the following steps: (1) identify
current. Dr Dangour’s team recently explored the situation in modern-day India, a country where
diets have changed remarkably in a matter of years. Nitrogen and oxygen, the main gases of the
atmosphere, do not posses this quality. Representatives. Authorization for research was a common
theme. San Diego is known as having a mild climate, New Orleans a humid climate, Buffalo a
snowy climate, and Seattle a rainy climate. Little attention has been given to the processes that
decision. Tropical storm Noel caused flooding in 80% of Dominican Republic in October 2007,
collapsing of the water supply system and blocking access to the southern region of the country. This
ash acts like a blanket and blocks out the sun, reducing the amount of solar energy that reaches the
Earth. Within just five years, changes in rainfall and weather patterns have halved his yield. Carbon
dioxide, water vapour and methane molecules all absorb this heat, and whilst they linger in the
atmosphere, they continue to increase the temperature of the Earth. CO2 emissions in China
increased at an annual rate of about 3 to 4. Oceans Oceans cover about 70 percent of Earth's surface.
According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) website an online
tool was used to predict that the planet is on pace for the average summer temperatures of Chapel
Hill, North Carolina to go from 87 degrees F to an average of 96 degrees F by the year 2100 (8).
Climate Stabilization Targets: Emissions, Concentrations, and Impacts over Decades to Millenia.
Americaa??s climate choices in adapting to impacts of climate change are limited by the. Repeat this
process for each peer review you are assigned. The report also identifies some a??lessons learneda.
One issue this presents is that with each passing year there will be more and more generations of
pests to deal as the winter months are now shorter thus not killing off the previous year’s pests. That
is where teaching profession comes in as more people would be taught on how to counter the climatic
changes, what to do to stop further damages to the environment. These gases are natural in the
atmosphere but have been added to by humans which lead to a gradual warming of the atmosphere,
which then leads to global warming. Potential population displacement resulting from an increase in
frequency and severity of climate sensitive events would add to this number. Sea level has been
rising faster than at any time in recent history, threatening the natural and built environments on the
coasts. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (C.O.P.D.) has already increase by 50% since 1980,
this trend is expected to continue. Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”
(Martin Luther King). Land that is not covered in ice absorbs the light from the sun making the earth
warmer. Fossil fuels can be categorized into three types; oil, natural gas and coal. The warm,
waterlogged fields provide the perfect environment for methane-producing microorganisms to
flourish and decompose organic materials, resulting in the fields accounting for up to 20% of
methane produced by humans. These gases allow to global warming continues and has a result of
these natural disasters are more frequently like hurricanes earthquake, also the melting of polar ice
caps also contributes to higher sea levels, in addition these disasters have an economic consequence
around the word. Their large mass and thermal properties enable them to store vast quantities of heat.
Effective adaptation depends on an understanding of projected climatic changes.
FIRST To your classmate by returning to the 4.4 Assignment: Argument Research Essay Rough
Draft assignment and select the classmate's work you reviewed. The Arctic has warmed three
degrees and is melting so fast that all the arctic animals are at risk, especially those at the top of the
food chain, i.e. Polar bears. The polar bears’ habitat has declined and numbers have been devastated
by 25 percent since 1980. Are cities going to spread out leading to a loss of rural green space?” asks
Dr Kovats. But scientists agree that the continuing buildup of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere—caused mainly by the burning of fossil fuels for energy—will upset the natural energy
balance and change Earth's climate, with potentially dangerous risks to human health, infrastructure,
the economy, and ecosystems. Note that temperature trends associated with the alternative emissions
pathways only start to diverge around mid-century, indicating that some climate change is inevitable
in the next few decades regardless of how quickly we reduce emissions today. Greenhouse effect
The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certain gases in
the atmosphere (water vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, for example) trap energy
from the sun. Course will be password protected and only available to enrolled students. Items were
either explicitly nominated for inclusion in the EOT archive or have been extracted from the EOT
Archive for inclusion in this collection. Because it is UNCORRECTED material, please consider the
following text as a useful but insufficient proxy for the authoritative book pages. That was when I
learned about a “garbage island” that is approximately four feet deep and estimated to be the size of
Texas just floating in the Pacific Ocean. It is used in other Informatics classes, and this class is a
good time to begin introducing yourself to that citation style. The United States should support the
establishment of a collaborative. Every year humans add over 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere by these processes, and it is up thirty percent since 1750. We can reduce carbon
emissions reducing out dependency of fossil fuels and instead using renewable energy such as solar,
wind and hydroelectric. SECOND To your instructor by submitting your Peer Review document to
this 4.5 Peer Review assignment. When burning all of these fuels, harmful chemicals get released
into the air, and one of these is carbon dioxide. The Great Barrier Reef for example is dying due to
the acidity of the ocean and its warmer temperature. Biosphere The biosphere is that part of Earth's
atmosphere, land, oceans that supports any living plant, animal, or organism. This discovery is a sign
of change in Africa’s ecology due to carbon dioxide emissions. After the flooding subsided some
areas of Nebraska were covered 10 feet deep in sand and other sediments. The Pangaea theory
suggests that when the world first evolved, it was one big land mass and over a period of millions of
years, plate tectonics divided it into different continents spread all over the world where climatic
conditions vary. If successful, you will benefit from expert supervision from researchers in both
institutions and have the opportunity to research and live in two great locations, for up to eighteen
months in each. The world now faces one of the complex and important issue it has ever had to deal
with: climate change. An ethical theory that can be applied to this case. With this trend, human
beings are increasingly getting worried about the future, with the woeful economic, social changes,
political and environmental changes that they may not be able to control or influence (Nuttall, 2012).
Climate change in the world can be caused by various. Changes in the length of growing seasons and
pollen seasons, the timing of bird migrations, and range shifts in plants and wildlife provide still
more evidence for recent changes in climate. Climate tells us what it's usually like in the place where
you live. Some houses have been made too energy efficient, and as a result, they’re becoming too
hot. Payment is made only after you have completed your 1-on-1 session and are satisfied with your
Note that temperature trends associated with the alternative emissions pathways only start to diverge
around mid-century, indicating that some climate change is inevitable in the next few decades
regardless of how quickly we reduce emissions today. Lastly depression and other mental illnesses
are projected to see a 35% increase by the year 2050 (3). Emissions of carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere contribute to changes in global trends. Save 25% Challenges Imposed by Climate
Change to the Society Climate change could bring opportunities to the society but the challenges it
brings to the society and environment are more severe to count on its opportunities (Field,2014). The
consequences of global climate change are now evident because the temperature current increases
more and more every day. The vertical bars at right show likely ranges in temperature by the end of
the century. Science: Research aimed at discovering fundamental truths about nature. Ironically,
while insulation was put in place to reduce energy wastage and ensure efficiency, it’s now causing
problems as the world increasingly heats up. It is our world and we must protect, or otherwise it may
just be too late. The anticipation which is business and economics people is at some point an
envisioning possibility, a desirable pursuit expresses curiosity as they aim to avoid the undesirable.
Both coast lines have also seen an increase in frequency of flooding since 1950 due to rising sea
levels (2). This resulted in many farmers being forced to delay planting crops which in turn reduced
the number of crops they were able to grow that season adding to food scarcity in the region. SEC
455 Grand Canyon University Personal Classroom Management Plan Paper. We do not advise direct
copy and paste of the parts of the text or the whole paper, because of plagiarism detection.
Adaptation: Adjustment in natural or human systems in response to cli-. Section: 4 Assignment: Final
Draft of Argument Paper. Air pollution causes nearly 3.5 million deaths per year worldwide (7). The
glass panels of the greenhouse let in light but keep heat from escaping. Format your paper according
to MLA style (Links to an external site.). FIRST To your classmate by returning to the 4.4
Assignment: Argument Research Essay Rough Draft assignment and select the classmate's work you
reviewed. Perhaps one of the most effective actions involves governments taking control of forest
regions and then banning resource extraction. E.g. In French Guiana the government has refused to
allow a gold mine, after research showed that the mine could adversely affect a rainforest reserve
and Ramsar-listed wetland. However gases like carbon dioxide and methane can absorb some of the
infra-red radiation and then begins to warm the troposphere. All the work should be used in
accordance with the appropriate policies and applicable laws. Solutions need to be developed that
promote response. Creating a personal classroom management plan requires careful consideration of
how you envision your classroom culture fr. Note: You must make a comment to enable your
classmate to see your feedback. In conclusion, climate change is very real, and is caused by an
increase in carbon dioxide emissions. These emissions come mainly from the burning of fossil fuels
(coal, oil, and gas), with important contributions from the clearing of forests, agricultural practices,
and other activities. It is also due to the increase in the amount of fuel being used, and in many cases
wasted, depleting the world of our resources and releasing the chemicals which may harm our
environment. Students will then use the information from the reading to write and essay about
climate change.

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