Geophysical Networksin Colombia

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Geophysical Networks in Colombia

Article in Seismological Research Letters · February 2018

DOI: 10.1785/0220170168

6 1,042

5 authors, including:

Carlos A. Vargas Alexander Caneva

National University of Colombia Universidad Antonio Nariño


Hugo Monsalve Elkin Salcedo

University of Quindio Universidad del Valle (Colombia)


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Geophysical Networks in Colombia
by Carlos A. Vargas, Alexander Caneva, Hugo Monsalve, Elkin Salcedo,
and Héctor Mora
We present a brief description of the Colombian geophysical the seismological network of the Geophysical Institute of the
monitoring networks, mainly from the seismic and volcanic Colombian Andes, linked to the Pontifical Javeriana Univer-
points of view. We present also a description of two significant sity, that allowed improvement of instrumental localization
events that defined the development of the instrumental geo- of seismic sources and recognition of volcanic activity in the
physical infrastructure in Colombia: (1) the 31 March 1983 Colombian territory during the time period 1940s–1990s.
Popayán earthquake (M w 5.5, H  4 km deep) and (2) the The deployment of seismic networks in the last three
eruption of the 13 November 1985 Nevado del Ruiz Volcano decades has allowed us to increase knowledge about seismic
(VEI-3). Seven geophysical networks (seismological, strong sources, to identify subsurface structures, and to introduce sus-
motion, volcanological, and Global Positioning System/Global tainable concepts to reduce seismic risk in communities and
Navigation Satellite System [GPS/GNSS] networks) that are infrastructure. There were, however, two natural episodes of
currently monitoring the Colombian territory are described in moderate energy and catastrophic consequences, which in a
terms of the operational coverage, technical parameters, and two-year window promoted changes in the political, scientific,
scientific purposes. Networks described correspond to (1) the and administrative structure of the risk management in Co-
National Seismological Network of Colombia (RSNC, with lombia. (1) The 31 March 1983 Popayán earthquake (M w 5.5,
65 stations); (2) the National Strong Motion Network H  4 km deep), a moderate energy event located 46 km
(RNAC, with 177 stations); (3) the Volcanological observato- southwest of Popayán City, lasting 18 s, that partially destroyed
ries, located in the Manizales, Pasto, and Popayan cities and the town, caused more than 300 fatalities, and left more than
comprised of permanent stations that monitor seismicity, de- 10,000 people without housing. (2) The eruption of the
formation, thermal changes in waters and rocks, SO2 and water Nevado del Ruiz Volcano (13 November 1985, VEI-3), a phre-
emission, as well as gravity, magnetic, and electrical changes in atic-magmatic event that generated the melting of the ice cap
the 12 most active volcanoes of Colombia; (4) the GPS/GNSS of the volcanic summit and triggered a lahar that destroyed
Network for Geodynamics (GeoRED, with 108 Continuously the Armero town, causing more than 25,000 deaths (Naranjo
Operating Reference Stations, and 382 field stations); (5) the et al., 1986).
“Sabana de Bogotá” Seismological Network (RSSB), with one At the end of the 1980s, several volcanological and
short-period (T  1 s) and eight broadband (T  120 s) seismological observatories were deployed by the Colombian
stations, of which three are monitoring seismic, electrical, Geological Survey (formerly INGEOMINAS), which, together
and magnetic anomalies; (6) the South Western Colombian with academic institutions, has allowed the proper instru-
Seismological Network (OSSO, with 11 stations); and (7) the mentation and permanent monitoring of several volcanoes
Quindío Seismological Observatory (OSQ, with 9 stations). and populated regions throughout this country. This article
Deployment of these networks has been possible due to the presents a brief overview of the Colombian geotectonic context
active participation of state-owned and private institutions. and the geophysical networks that are currently monitoring
Their continuous operation has allowed the growth of the sci- that territory, as well as its operational coverage and scientific
entific infrastructure countrywide, and has increased knowl- purposes.
edge about the geodynamical behavior of this region.

INTRODUCTION Colombia is a zone of broad continental deformation and an

intricate geotectonic configuration, which result from the rela-
Tectonic activity of northwest South America presents its tive motions of several tectonic plates (Fig. 1): South American,
maximum expression through seismic and volcanic energetic Caribbean, and Nazca, which in turn splits into two controver-
events that have been registered for more than 500 years. sial plates, the Coiba and Malpelo (Zhang et al., 2017) through-
Although the macroseismic inventory has identifyed more out the Sandra Ridge. This region is a mosaic of blocks
than 1000 events with well-defined geographical distribution composed of at least three major structural units with different
patterns since the end of the sixteenth century until the begin- seismotectonic characteristics (Vargas et al., 2004): the Carib-
ning of the 1970s (Ramírez, 1975), it was the deployment of bean zone, the Andean zone, and the Eastern Foreland zone.

440 Seismological Research Letters Volume 89, Number 2A March/April 2018 doi: 10.1785/0220170168
thing similar happens with the Caribbean plate
in the north, but with less activity. The subduc-
tion processes related to the oceanic plates under
the South American plate promote shallow to
deep seismicity, evidencing clear Benioff zones
(see profiles A and B in Figs. 2 and 3). Southern
interactions between the Nazca and Caribbean
plates beneath the South American continent
have been suggested along the Caldas Tear, which
differentiates two well-defined seismic and ther-
mal behaviors (see e.g., Vargas and Mann, 2013;
Salazar and Vargas, 2015; Vargas et al., 2015). An
outstanding anomaly is a deep seismicity cluster
known as the Bucaramanga seismic nest (depths
around 160 km), which is hypothesized to be a
down-dip break-off related to the subducted Car-
ibbean slab under South America (Vargas and
Mann, 2013).


After a few decades, geophysical networks in

Colombia have provided valuable information
about the geometry of the lithospheric system,
characteristics of the seismic-wave propagation
countrywide, parameters of seismic and vol-
canic sources, and datasets for estimating risk
in contrasting scenarios of population and in-
▴ Figure 1. Main geophysical networks in Colombia. Thin black lines correspond frastructure projects. In addition, the networks
to the tectonic faults of the study zone. International borders and shorelines are have detected new patterns of seismicity un-
represented by thick black lines. SMM, Santa Marta Massif; CT, Caldas Tear. The known until recent years (see e.g., Monsalve
color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition. et al., 2013; Yarce et al., 2014; Chiarabba et al.,
2016; Idárraga-García et al., 2016; Mora-Páez
The Caribbean zone is a mostly flat region that surrounds the et al., 2016; Vargas et al., 2017). In terms of data sharing,
Santa Marta Massif (SMM), a pyramidal structure to the north the information collected in all networks are available for other
with heights up to 5775 m. Shallow seismic activity in this institutions to support monitoring and research projects.
region is low (see Figs. 1 and 2) and probably related to the
active fault systems located throughout the foothills of moun- National Seismological and Strong Motion Networks
tain structures. The Andean zone contains a cordillera belt that Both networks are strategic instrumental observatories that
spreads into three branches aligned almost parallel to the provide accurate information regarding the seismic activity in
Pacific coast, with active volcanoes that are up to 5750 m high. Colombia to authorities, communities, and Academy. Site se-
The main seismotectonic activity of Colombia is located in this lections, transmission inspections, sensitivity analyses, and data
region, along fault systems that extend along the foothills. Fi- management tests started in 1987. Proper functionality of
nally, the Eastern Foreland zone constitutes a widespread flat these networks began in 1993 with 13 short-period stations
region that is part of the stable South American Shield, with donated by the Canadian Government and 35 digital accelerom-
shallow seismic activity limited to the border with the Andean eters. Later agreements with the Japanese Government, United
zone and presence of anthropogenic events produced by the oil Nations Program for Developing, and the Comprehensive
industry (Gómez-Alba et al., 2016). Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) promoted
Seismicity in the lithospheric system of Colombia follows new stations and configurations. Although the permanent
different patterns, characterized by contrasting depth ranges seismological network reaches 65 stations installed and 177
and tectonic settings. The main seismically active zones of the strong-motion stations, by mid-year of 2017 there were 51 work-
crust are located along the limits of the Cordilleras and align ing seismic stations, of which 39 are broadband and 12 are short
with the main faults observed at the surface. The Pacific littoral period, and almost 170 accelerometers are active.
presents shallow and intermediate seismicity (depths < 80 km) Field signals of the National Seismological Network of
along the Colombian trench, which is associated with the sub- Colombia (RSNC) are sent by satellite link to the Processing
duction process of the Nazca, Malpelo, and Coiba plates. Some- Data Center located in Bogota. All signals collected are

Seismological Research Letters Volume 89, Number 2A March/April 2018 441

At present these observatories have seismic,
geodetic, geochemical, and other instrument
devices that permanently evaluate seismicity, de-
formation, thermal changes in waters and rocks,
SO2 and water emission, and gravity, magnetic,
and electrical changes in the most active volca-
noes. The Ruiz, Tolima, Machín, and Cerro
Bravo volcanoes are monitored from the
Volcanological and Seismological Observatory
of Manizales; the Huila, Puracé, and Sotará vol-
canoes from the Volcanological and Seismologi-
cal Observatory of Popayán; and the Galeras,
Azufral, Cumbal, Cerro Negro, and Doña Juana
from the Volcanological and Seismological
Observatory of Pasto.

The GPS/GNSS Network for Geodynamics

GeoRED is the Spanish acronym for Geodesia:
Red de Estudios de Deformación, and corre-
sponds to the Global Positioning System
(GPS)/ Global Navigation Satellite System
(GNSS) Network for Geodynamics imple-
mented by the Colombian Geological Survey as
the specific field application for the study and
analysis of crustal deformation in Colombia.
This network has two components: the GNSS
CORS (Continuously Operating Reference Sta-
tion), and the field stations network. GNSS is the
▴ Figure 2. Seismicity reported by the National Seismological Network for the generic term for satellite navigation systems that
Colombian territory. Large and clear circle and square correspond to the Buca-
provide autonomous geospatial positioning with
ramanga nest and the 31 March 1983 Popayán earthquake (M w 5.5, H  4 km
global coverage such as GPS, Russian Global Nav-
deep), respectively. Triangles are active volcanoes. The color version of this figure
igation Satellite System (GLONASS), Galileo,
is available only in the electronic edition.
Beidou, and other regional systems. The CORS
network is composed of 108 stations installed
automatically picked and later carefully revised to estimate across the country, and the field station by 382 stations that
earthquake locations using the HYPOCENTER program allow deployment of field campaigns in areas with episodes of
(Lienert and Havskov, 1995) and 1D velocity model used by seismic, volcanic crises, and mass movements monitoring. Ge-
the RSNC. Information on these networks can be accessed oRED CORS network has been in operation for less than 10
through the portal in Data and Resources. years and is sharing data with international partners in the neigh-
boring countries of Panama, Ecuador, and Venezuela, and with
UNAVCO under the frame of the international COCONet
Volcanological Observatories Project. Only one station installed in Colombia, on November
Visible fumarole activity in Manizales City and other nearby 1994, has more than 20 years of operation (BOGT station) and
populations, as well as seismic events detected by four portable is part of the International GNSS Service (IGS) global network.
seismological stations in 1985, promoted the first scientific The data transmission of GeoRED is supported in different
approaches to address the activity of the Nevado del Ruiz ways, such as radio-links, cellular modem, and satellite link. In-
Volcano. Ashfall in a vast region since September of that year formation of the network can be accessed through the webpage
and phreatomagmatic events generated mudflows, the main in Data and Resources.
one on 13 November 1985, which destroyed Armero and par-
tially Chinchiná, two populations located on both slopes of the The “Sabana de Bogotá” Seismological Network
Central Cordillera of Colombia, and caused approximately An academic network deployed by the Laboratory of
25,000 fatalities. Since then, the Colombian Volcanological Geophysical Instrumentation of the Universidad Nacional
Observatory has been created in Manizales, and due to the ac- de Colombia at Bogota (UNAL) started its activities in 2006
tivity of at least 12 volcanoes in Colombia, the monitoring with funding from COLCIENCIAS (Administrative Depart-
activity was structured from the seismological and volcanologi- ment of Science, Technology, and Innovation of Colombia),
cal observatories of Manizales, Pasto, and Popayán (Fig. 4). UNAL, and Universidad Antonio Nariño (UAN). It currently

442 Seismological Research Letters Volume 89, Number 2A March/April 2018

▴ Figure 3. Profiles A and B showed in Figure 2, based on seismic events along a corridor of 50 km wide. The star represents the
Bucaramanga seismic nest. Continuous lines indicate the geometry of Benioff zones defined by seismicity. The color version of this
figure is available only in the electronic edition.

has one short-period (T  1 s) and eight broadband M w 8.1 earthquake with 454 deaths and 1047 injuries; and
(T  120 s) stations located in and around the Bogota’s the 31 March 1983 M w 5.7 earthquake with 250 deaths and
Savanna, between both foothills of the Eastern Cordillera, for 1500 injuries, it was necessary to deploy an instrumental array
permanent monitoring of seismic activity in the most densely along the Colombian Pacific margin. This network began its
populated region of Colombia. Recently, three of the broad- operation in July 1987 at the Universidad del Valle. It was cre-
band stations were updated to monitor seismic, electrical, and ated with the participation of the Swiss Government (Swiss Re-
magnetic signals simultaneously. All the signals are recorded at lief Corps, University of Geneva and Seismological Service of the
100 samples=s and sent through 3G cellular telephone links Federal Polytechnic School of Zurich), INGEOMINAS (now
thanks to the support of the company TIGO-UNE S.A. E. Colombian Geological Survey), and the Autonomous Corpora-
P.S. (formerly Colombia Movil S.A. E.P.S.). tion for the Development of Valle del Cauca, to observe the
The information gathered is incorporated into investigative seismicity and analyze the seismic risk of the southwestern region
exercises in the Department of Geosciences, within the frame- of Colombia. Since then, the network has maintained operation
work of the undergraduate degree program in Geology, M.Sc. with some periods of disruption. Currently, the network has 7
programs in Geophysics and Geology, and the Ph.D. program short-period stations and 19 strong-motion stations (including
in Geosciences (UNAL), as well as in the broad spectrum of the network of 14 accelerographs of the Cali City). The infor-
academic programs in the UAN. Detailed information of the net- mation of the network can be accessed through the portal in
work can be accessed through the webpage in Data and Resources. Data and Resources or by asking the staff of the network.

The Southwestern Colombian Seismological Network The Quindío Seismological Observatory

Based on the 23 November 1979 M w 7.2 earthquake with After the Armenia 25 January 1999 earthquake (M w 6.2,
approx. 50 fatalities and 500 injuries; the 12 December 1979 H  16 km deep), with resulting damages that included 1185

Seismological Research Letters Volume 89, Number 2A March/April 2018 443

A large number of events have determined
the development of the geophysical research in
Colombia. However, two events became the
milestones of the instrumental monitoring and
research in this region of the world: (1) the 31
March 1983 Popayán earthquake (M w 5.5,
H  4 km deep) and (2) the eruption of the 13
November 1985 Nevado del Ruiz Volcano
(VEI-3). These events strongly motivated the
implementation of modern techniques and the
deployment of modern geophysical instrumen-
tal networks in this zone.
The National Seismological and Strong
Motion Networks, the Volcanological Observa-
tories, the GPS and GNSS Networks, and
the academic networks run by universities
(“Sabana de Bogotá” Seismological Network,
South Western Colombian Seismological Net-
work, and Quindío Seismological Observatory)
became a set of well-distributed instruments,
which scientific and academic communities to
improve their knowledge about the geotectonic
characteristics of this territory.


Location and technical information of the net-
works and their stations are accessible through
▴ Figure 4. Active volcanoes along the Central Cordillera in Colombia (white the staff or webpage of each network. Hypocen-
triangles) and other tectonic features and faults (black lines). Circles represent
tral solutions reported by the National Seismologi-
the location of cities mentioned in the main text: M, Manizales; A, Armero; Po,
cal Network of Colombia (RSNC) can be
Popayan; Pa, Pasto.
downloaded from
index.php/consultas (last accessed January 2018).
fatalities, more than 4370 injuries, and 160,000 left homeless, Information on these RSNC networks can be accessed through
the Colombian Geological Survey, the local authorities of (last accessed January 2018). Infor-
Armenia City and the Quindío Department, as well as the mation of the GeoRED network can be accessed through https://
academic participation of the Universidad del Quindío, were (last accessed January 2018). Detailed informa-
required to establish the Quindío Seismological Observatory tion of the “Sabana de Bogotá” seismological network can be ac-
(OSQ) for monitoring the seismicity along the faults near cessed through (last accessed
the main event. Since 1999, the observatory has collected January 2018). The information of the southwestern Colombian
seismological information based on six seismic stations—two seismological network can be accessed through http://osso.
broadband and the rest short period—as well as three accelero- (last accessed January 2018). Network informa-
graph stations. The data collected are incorporated mainly into tion for Quindío Seismological Observatory can be accessed at
research exercises in the Engineering Faculty, within the frame-
work of the undergraduate program in Civil Engineering, and extension/PortafolioObservatorio.php (last accessed January 2018).
M.Sc. in Seismic and Structural Engineering. Network infor- Some plots were made using the QGIS package (http://www.qgis.
mation can be accessed by direct contact with the staff of the org/en/site/, last accessed January 2018).
OSQ (see Data and Resources).
The authors manifest a respectful acknowledgment for the
Because of the complex geotectonic characteristics of the north- valuable work and intensive activity that the Colombian Geo-
west corner of South America, where Colombia is located, it is logical Survey (SGC) has done during recent decades. Its
necessary to have a robust set of geophysical networks to get a contributions to the deployment of instrumentation and the
better understanding of the geodynamic processes that occur in increase in knowledge of the geophysical characteristics of
this region. Colombian territory are admirable. Our special gratitude to

444 Seismological Research Letters Volume 89, Number 2A March/April 2018

Oscar Paredes, Director General of the SGC, and Patricia Pe- Naranjo, J. L., H. Siggurdsson, S. N. Carey, and W. Fritz (1986).Eruption
draza, Viviana Dionisio, Esteban Poveda, and all the staff of the of the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano, Colombia, On 13 November 1985:
Tephra Fall and Lahars, Science 233, no. 4767, 991–993.
National Seismological and Strong Motion networks for their Ramírez, J. E. (1975). Historia de los terremotos en Colombia, Second Ed.,
commitment. The same appreciation is extended to the scien- IGAC, Bogotá, Columbia, 239 pp. (in Spanish).
tific and operational teams of the volcanological observatories Salazar, J. M., and C. A. Vargas (2015). Fractal dimension and seismo-
of Manizales, Pasto, and Popayan. tectonic deformation rates along an inter-plate setting: Seismic
Also, we would like to express our gratitude to our institu- regime along the Caribbean plate boundary zone, in Petroleum
Geology and Potential of the Colombian Caribbean Margin, C.
tions: Universidad Nacional Colombia at Bogotá, Universidad Bartolini and P. Mann (Editors), AAPG Memoir 108, Chapt.
Antonio Nariño at Bogotá, Universidad del Valle, Universidad 11, 271–294, ISBN13: 978-0-89181-388-0.
del Quindío, and the Colombian Geological Survey. Without Vargas, C. A., and P. Mann (2013). Tearing and breaking off of subducted
their support and mutual collaboration, the permanent opera- slabs as the result of collision of the Panama Arc-Indenter with
tion of all mentioned networks would not be possible. northwestern South America, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 103, no. 3,
2025–2046, doi: 10.1785/0120120328.
Carlos A. Vargas and Alexander Caneva thank the invalu- Vargas, C. A., J. Idarraga-Garcia, and J. M. Salazar (2015). Curie point
able contribution of Juan Manuel Solano for the strengthening depth in northwestern South America and the southwestern
of the “Sabana de Bogotá” Seismological Network. His knowl- Caribean Sea, in Petroleum Geology and Potential of the Colombian
edge of instrumentation and the development of computer Caribbean Margin, C. Bartolini and P. Mann (Editors), AAPG
routines let us consolidate a robust and functional network. Memoir 108, Chapt. 7, 179–200, ISBN13: 978-0-89181-388-0.
Vargas, C. A., I. Koulakov, C. Jaupart, V. Gladkov, E. Gomez, S. El
Hugo Monsalve thanks Marisol Gomez and the staff of stu- Khrepy, and N. Al-Arifi (2017). Breathing of the Nevado del Ruiz
dents that permanently support the Quindío Seismological volcano reservoir, Colombia, inferred from repeated seismic tomog-
Observatory (OSQ). Elkin Salcedo thanks students and con- raphy, Sci. Rep. 7, article number 46094, doi: 10.1038/srep46094.
tractors in the Southwestern Colombian Seismological Net- Vargas, C. A., A. Ugalde, L. Pujades, and J. A. Canas (2004). Spatial varia-
work (OSSO). Héctor Mora thanks Jair Ramirez and the tion of coda wave attenuation in northwestern Colombia, Geophys.
J. Int. 158, no. 2A, 609–624.
team of GPS/GNSS Network for Geodynamics (GeoRED). Yarce, J., G. Monsalve, T. W. Becker, A. Cardona, E. Poveda, D. Alvira,
It is important to highlight the permanent and valuable con- and O. Ordonez-Carmona (2014). Seismological observations in
tribution of COLCIENCIAS (Administrative Department of northwestern South America: Evidence for two subduction seg-
Science, Technology, and Innovation of Colombia) to the deploy- ments, contrasting crustal thicknesses and upper mantle flow,
ment of an essential part of the stations run by local universities. Tectonophysics 637, 57–67, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.09.006.
Zhang, T., R. G. Gordon, J. K. Mishra, and C. Wang (2017). The
Special thanks to the leadership of the staff of the Geosciences Malpelo plate hypothesis and implications for nonclosure of the
Program: Oscar Gualdron, Nydia Piragauta, and Margarita Cocos-Nazca-Pacific plate motion circuit, Geophys. Res. Lett. doi:
Buitrago. Partial funding for this work was provided by COL- 10.1002/2017GL073704.
CIENCIAS Grants 12455218627/784-2011, 123356935004/
0361-2013, FP44842-006-2016, and 50491-2016. Carlos A. Vargas
Authors thank Zhigang Peng, SRL Editor-in-Chief, and Department of Geosciences
two anonymous reviewers for the constructive criticism and Universidad Nacional de Colombia at Bogotá
suggestions for improving the article. Bogotá, Colombia

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