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Connective tissue is a diverse group of tissues that provide support, connection,

and insulation for other tissues and organs. It is the most abundant tissue in the body,
and it is found in all organs and tissues except for the avascular tissues, such as the lens
of the eye and the inner ear.

Types of connective tissue:

• Connective tissue proper: This is the most common type of connective tissue,
and it is found throughout the body. It is made up of cells called fibroblasts, which
produce fibers that give the tissue its strength and support. Connective tissue
proper can be loose or dense. Loose connective tissue is found in places where
flexibility is needed, such as the skin and blood vessels. Dense connective tissue
is found in places where strength is needed, such as tendons and ligaments.
• Fluid connective tissue: This type of connective tissue is made up of a liquid
called extracellular matrix, which contains cells called blood cells and lymphatic
cells. Blood is a type of fluid connective tissue that carries oxygen, nutrients, and
waste products throughout the body. Lymph is another type of fluid connective
tissue that helps to remove waste products from the body.
• Supportive connective tissue: This type of connective tissue provides support
and protection to the body. It is made up of two main types: cartilage and bone.
Cartilage is a flexible type of connective tissue that is found in places like the joints
and the ears. Bone is a hard type of connective tissue that is found in the skeleton.

Connective tissue cells:

• Fibroblasts: These are the most common type of cell found in connective tissue.
They produce fibers, such as collagen and elastin, which give the tissue its
strength and support.
• Adipocytes: These are fat cells that store energy. They are found in loose
connective tissue throughout the body.
• Chondrocytes: These are cartilage cells that produce the matrix that makes up
• Osteocytes: These are bone cells that are found within the bony matrix.
• Hematopoietic cells: These are blood cells that are produced in the bone
Extracellular matrix (ECM):
The ECM is the non-cellular part of connective tissue. It is made up of fibers and
ground substance. Fibers are made up of proteins, such as collagen and elastin, which
give the tissue its strength and support. Ground substance is a gel-like material that
surrounds the cells and fibers. It contains water, proteins, and carbohydrates.
Functions of connective tissue:

Connective tissue has many important functions, including:

• Support: Connective tissue provides support for the body's organs and tissues.
• Connection: Connective tissue connects the body's organs and tissues together.
• Protection: Connective tissue protects the body's organs and tissues from
• Transport: Connective tissue helps to transport materials throughout the body,
such as oxygen, nutrients, and waste products.
• Energy storage: Connective tissue stores energy in the form of fat.
• Insulation: Connective tissue helps to insulate the body from heat loss.

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