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Cx, ES Cy United Kingdom National Information Centre for Qualifications and Skills Department ‘SUFFOLK HOUSE, 6-70 SUFFOLK ROAD, CHELTEMIAM GLS0 ZED HEADOF UK ENIC: PAUL NORMS for Education Sonics fviniduns: t 4409130912 0090, weenie craw Mrs Caribay Segura Rios 104 Brookwood Road Liverpool Knowsley, Merseyside L367sa 11 August 2028 Your unlgue UK ENIC reference number: 4001659576 Garibay Segura Ri Fioase quote this number nal your corespondence wiiusy oe es Dear Coribay Segura Rios, We are pleased to enclose your Statement of Comparability. ‘Your qualifcation evaluation has been carried out careful by experienced credential evaluators. The evaluation expretses uh ovrl iva of gunifoton competes quaenars inte Uk Ths copay os {o fhe qualiieaion isei= your ndividval marks or grades do nal playa pat in qvalitcalon comparison, ‘There is more information about your evaluation on the reverse of your stalement. You can read more about our methodology and evaluation criteria at www.ecctis.org.uklmethodology Your statomont has a numberof secuny features. These make aller stalamens asso to detect. Employers, 11od6 Gnd professionel bodes, and educational naltons can also contact Uk ENIC fo very etaloments, These measures prelate integrty and valve of your UK EN statements, Ifyou have queries or it you require further assistance, the easiest way fo contact us sf goto wunt.onc org.uk EASlogrnuding your UR ENC region deals, Tere, yeu can use tne enine messaging to contact our Ststemer sued team. Aematvely you can tlephono us on #48 (0) 980 812 0080 Please note that we are unable to deal with queries about your statement after six months from the date of issue. UK ENIC evaluations ara not binding and have no legal force - their status is as guidance only, The final decision SENG Steiyrore quatfcaton or percon fora stay plac, job, or kadefprlessional stalusslvays rests with the admiting body. We respect your dala end your privacy and it's eur poli thal information relating to an individual application wil tot So Pasedd onto, oF ulscussed wath, ti partes wtheut fe por consent ofthe applicant. Yours sincerely Spinal ‘Sophie Hirst Admin Assistant Scanned with CamScanner Cx HID w United Kingdom National Information Centre for Qualifications and Skills Department ‘SUFFOLK HOUSE, 68:70 SUFFOLK ROAD, CHELTENHAM GL50 26D, HEAD OF UK EWC: PAUL NORRIS for Education Serves forint: +44 (0)3909120030 wancanle org.uk ‘Statement of comparabllity For qualification holder: Carlbay Segura Rios UK ENIC reference: 4001853576 ‘Qualifications report page 1 of 1 Qualification tite: Titulo de Abogado (Lawyer) Country of award Venezuela Year: 2018 ‘Awarded by: Universidad “Fermin Torot Comparison UK Framework lovels: ROF Level 8/ SCQF Level 10 /COFW Level 6 Comparable UK qualifications: Bachelor degree REPORTEND sssssessesensensees DATE OF REPORT ISSUE: 11 AUGUST 2023 Please note thatthe year listed may denote the year in which the qualification was completed or the year in which {he qualifeation was Conferred tothe holder. The date of conferral is usualy confirmed on the final certificate and is when the awarding body formally acxnow/edges that a student has graduated from the course in question and completed al the estabished requirements. This assessmont is based on qualification documents presented fo UK ENIC. We aro satisfied that evidence of successtul eaurse completion has been presented. od nao! agency ter the recon ana expel opal. However, ourevautlons ond Scanned with CamScanner

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