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Applied Thermal Engineering 231 (2023) 120943

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Research Paper

Deployment of integrated Power-to-X and CO2 utilization systems:

Techno-economic assessment of synthetic natural gas and methanol cases
Calin-Cristian Cormos
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Babes-Bolyai University, Arany Janos 11, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Keywords: Achieving the climate neutrality requires decisive actions in curbing CO2 emissions. Various possible strategies
CO2 capture and utilization can be exploited for this target such as boosting renewable sources, increasing energy efficiency for both con­
Power-to-X technologies version and utilisation steps, deploying Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) applications. Power-to-X
Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG)
(P2X) and CO2 utilization technologies got significant attention as options to reduce fossil CO2 emissions and
produce sustainable chemicals. This work assesses large-scale synthetic natural gas (SNG) and methanol pro­
Techno-economic assessment
duction from renewable H2 and captured CO2 from a techno-economic perspective. Sizes of investigated systems
are 500 MWth for the SNG case and 100000 t/y for the methanol case to be relevant from an industrial
perspective. The assessed concepts were modelled and simulated in a thermally integrated design for optimi­
zation of the overall energy utilization. The key performance indicators were calculated based on overall mass &
energy balances. As results show, the SNG and methanol production systems from green H2 and captured CO2
have high energy efficiency (e.g., about 54–58 %) and very high CO2 conversion yields (about 96–99 %). From an
economic point of view, these solutions are not yet competitive to existing fossil-based systems (e.g., production
costs are about 16 €/GJ for SNG and about 755 €/t for renewable methanol compared to average 10 €/GJ for
natural gas and 450–500 €/t for fossil methanol).

1. Introduction already implemented (e.g., The European Green Deal [4], EU Emission
Trading System [5] etc.) to achieve the long-term target to become a
The necessity to curb the fossil CO2 emissions is extremely urgent to climate-neutral economy.
combat global warming and to achieve global climate neutrality. In this The Power-to-X (P2X) technologies utilize renewables (e.g., solar
respect, the development of a low-carbon economy represents a para­ and wind) to generate electricity which then is used to produce green
mount priority for climate neutrality [1]. To reduce the world fossil CO2 hydrogen (via water electrolysis) as a key chemical to transform the
emissions, different systems can be practically implemented [2] e.g., captured CO2 into valuable sustainable chemicals e.g., Synthetic Natural
further expansion of renewable energy utilization (e.g., solar, wind, Gas (SNG), methanol, ammonia, synthetic fuels etc. [6]. The P2X tech­
biomass), enhancing the overall energy efficiency of both conversion nologies are seen as very promising solutions to increase the renewable
and utilization systems, wide-scale implementation of Carbon Capture, energy contribution within the whole energy system, to enforce the
Utilization and Storage (CCUS) applications [3] etc. For successful energy storage capabilities together with tackling the time variability of
deployment and wide-scale implementation of low carbon applications, solar and wind-based renewable energy sources [7]. For example, the
relevant technical, financial and political mechanisms are introduced. time intermittency of renewable energy can be successfully master by
For example, at the level of European Union (EU), several tools are using the surplus of renewable power (difficult to be efficiently store) to

Abbreviations: BFW, Boiler feed water; CAPEX, Capital expenditures; CB, Reference capital cost; CCC, Cold composite curve; CCS, Carbon capture and storage;
CCUS, Carbon capture, utilization and storage; CE, Capital cost of evaluated equipment; CEPCI, Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index; CPU, Carbon processing unit;
CW, Cooling water; DAC, Direct air capture; EOR, Enhanced oil recovery; HCC, Hot composite curve; IEAGHG, International Energy Agency – Greenhouse Gas R&D
Program; LCOMeOH, Levelized cost of methanol; LCOSNG, Levelized cost of SNG; LHV, Lower heating value; M, Exponent in the capital cost calculation; MeOH,
Methanol; NETL, National Energy Technology Laboratory; NPV, Net present value; O&M, Operation & maintenance cost; OPEX, Operational expenditures; QB,
Production capacity of evaluated plant; P2X, Power-to-X technologies; SCI, Specific capital investment; SECO2, Specific CO2 emissions; SNG, Synthetic natural gas;
ηCO2, CO2 conversion rate; ηH2, H2 conversion rate; ηGlobal, Overal thermal efficiency; ηPower, Net power efficiency; ηThermal, Overall thermal efficiency.
E-mail address:
Received 21 December 2022; Received in revised form 12 May 2023; Accepted 8 June 2023
Available online 13 June 2023
1359-4311/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.-C. Cormos Applied Thermal Engineering 231 (2023) 120943

produce green H2 which can be store for covering peak energy demands y is currently a conventional size for fossil methanol plants). Compared
or chemically converted to various sustainable energy carriers [8]. to the current state of the art reported in the literature [18–19], these
The CCUS applications are predicted to have a prominent role in production capacities are appropriate for the large-scale deployment of
achieving the climate neutrality by diminishing the fossil CO2 emissions integrated P2X and CO2 utilization technologies. The chemical reactions
followed by its transformation to useful products (chemicals or energy involved in the SNG [20] and methanol [21] production systems are
carriers) or to be geologically stored (e.g., storage in depleted oil and gas presented below:
fields or in saline aquifers, utilisation for Enhanced Oil Recovery - EOR)
CO2 + 4H2 →CH4 + 2H2 O ΔH = − 165.0kJ/mol (1)
[9]. The CO2 utilization technologies are also important for the future low-
carbon economy by transforming the captured fossil CO2 (especially from
CO2 + 3H2 →CH3 OH + H2 O ΔH = − 49.8kJ/mol (2)
hard-to-decarbonize industrial applications such as cement, metallurgy
etc.) into valuable chemicals/energy carriers [10]. For most of CO2 utili­ In the present work, these two illustrative sustainable SNG and
zation technologies, a hydrogen stream is needed as reactant to convert the methanol production systems from captured CO2 and green hydrogen (e.
carbon dioxide into various organic compounds [11]. Fig. 1 displays the g., generated via water electrolysis using solar/wind power) were
overall layout of an integrated CO2 capture (either from energy conversion assessed using ChemCAD process flow modelling software. The simu­
processes or Direct Air Capture - DAC) with P2X and CO2 utilization sys­ lation results are further validated in comparison to literature-based
tems for producing various sustainable chemicals/energy carriers. experimental/industrial results [22–24]. In term of optimizing the
The proposed integration of P2X and CO2 utilization technologies overall energy utilization, a comprehensive thermal integration evalu­
shows great potential for an efficient and low carbon exploitation of ation (using the pinch methodology) was done to find the best utilisation
renewable energy sources coupled with the energy storage capabilities of available heat sources of the plants [25]. The mass and energy bal­
(as various synthetic chemicals/energy carriers) [12]. The usage of ances for both investigated P2X - CO2 utilisation cases were subse­
renewable electricity into CO2 utilization technologies is expected to quently employed for the calculation of key techno-economic and
have an important role in the near future. For instance, the electro­ environmental performance indexes in view of assessing the overall
chemical and plasma reactors are promising solutions for electrification feasibility of P2X technologies to deliver sustainable energy carriers
of relevant industrial sectors such as chemical applications [13]. In production systems [26].
addition, renewable low carbon electricity can be used to provide both As relevant novelty aspects of the present analysis, it worth mention
heat and green hydrogen (via water electrolysis) for various chemical the following two illustrative objectives: (i) to develop an in-depth
processes such as synthesis of basic C1 - C5 chemicals [14]. Further­ techno-economic and environmental evaluation method to be applied
more, the electrification of industrial processes is expected to be for an overall assessment of integrated P2X and CO2 utilization tech­
extended also to other energy-intensive sectors such as cement and iron nologies for producing sustainable energy carriers; (ii) to assess two
& steel production to reduce the CO2 emissions [15–16]. The large-scale illustrative standard large-scale integrated P2X and CO2 utilization
deployment of CO2 utilization technologies will also significantly concepts for SNG and methanol production to deliver sustainable energy
contribute in short term to the expansion of renewable energy sources in carriers/chemicals production processes with greater thermal energy
their various forms such as geothermal, solar, wind, biomass etc. [17]. efficiencies and reduced CO2 emissions in contrast to the conventional
The present evaluation is assessing the techno-economic connota­ fossil-fuelled systems (considered here as benchmark cases).
tions of sustainable SNG and methanol synthesis using green hydrogen
and captured CO2. The production capacities of investigated systems are 2. Plant configurations, design specifications and thermal
500 MWth for the SNG concept and 100000 t/y for the methanol concept integration analysis
to be comparable with similar fossil-based alternatives (e.g., natural gas-
based methanol production). The main reason for selecting these 2.1. Synthetic natural gas (SNG) production plant
different production capacity units was related to the market particu­
larities for these two products (thermal duty for SNG to be compatible The SNG process makes use of Sabatier catalytic reaction between
with the natural gas market, since for methanol, a capacity of 100000 t/ hydrogen and carbon dioxide which takes place at 300–400 ◦ C and high

Fig. 1. P2X and CO2 utilization technologies for production of carbon–neutral chemicals.

C.-C. Cormos Applied Thermal Engineering 231 (2023) 120943

pressure (30–50 bar) [27]. The catalytic methanation reaction is the case of SNG process, the catalytic reaction of methanol synthesis
exothermic which underlines the positive energy balance of the overall from carbon dioxide and hydrogen is exothermic which gives a positive
system (available heat sources for steam generation). After the reaction energy balance (available heat sources within the plant) to the overall
stage, the gas is treated for energy recovery (steam generation), process. After the reaction stage, the gas flow is cooled down (via steam
condensate removal and compressing for further usage. The generated generation) followed by a gas–liquid separation (flash). The resulting
low-pressure steam (3–5 bar) is used to cover the plant heat demands liquid stream (about 60 % wt. aqueous methanol) was further separated
and the excess is expanded for power generation as a process by-product. by distillation into methanol as the final product (purity higher than
Fig. 2 displays the conceptual layout of the SNG production plant from 99.9 % wt.) and residual water. The gas stream (containing unreacted
captured carbon dioxide and renewable (green) hydrogen produce from gaseous species such as hydrogen and carbon dioxide) is recycled back
water electrolysis using renewable power (wind and solar). to methanol synthesis reactor. A fraction of recycle gas stream is purged
Green hydrogen used in the CO2 methanation process is produced by (to avoid impurities build-up), the purged steam being combusted for
water electrolysis using renewable power with a high purity (>99 % energy recovery purposes (to cover the process energy demand). The
vol.) [28]. The purity of captured CO2 is considering the proposed generated steam is used to cover the plant heat demands (e.g., reboiler
specifications within Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects (>95 % duty of methanol distillation column) and the excess is expanded for
vol.). Both gaseous reactants are to be compressed and pre-heated before power generation to be exported to the grid as a valuable additional by-
the methanation process. Table 1 shows the relevant design specifica­ product of the overall methanol synthesis process. The conceptual
tions used for the sustainable SNG production plant. layout of methanol production from captured CO2 and renewable
Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) was used as thermodynamic model for (green) water-electrolytic H2 is presented in Fig. 3.
the overall process simulation [32]. The SNG production plant was As for the SNG synthesis concept, the purities of both reactants
thermally integrated using the pinch analysis methodology [33] which (green hydrogen and captured carbon dioxide) are similar to the rele­
make usage of process-to-process heat exchange in order to optimize the vant industrial projects in the field (e.g., water electrolysis and CCUS
overall energy utilization within the system. The available heat sources applications). Prior to the methanol synthesis, both reactants are com­
within the plant (e.g., reaction heat produced in the methanation reactor, pressed according to the process requirements to about 80 bar [20]. For
SNG cooling stage etc.) were employed for steam generation purposes. the methanol synthesis, a kinetic model available in relevant literature
The generated steam was further used for power generation which was reference [35] was implemented. Table 2 shows the most relevant
employed to cover the plant ancillary electricity consumption, the surplus design specifications used in the methanol production plant [36].
being exported to the grid as a valuable by-product of the SNG process. Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) was used as thermodynamic model for
overall process simulation [32]. The methanol production concept was
2.2. Methanol production plant also thermally integrated using the pinch analysis to enhance the global
energy utilization within the overall process.
The methanol synthesis from H2 and captured CO2 involves a cata­
lytic reaction at 200–300 ◦ C and high pressure (50–80 bar) [34]. As in

Fig. 2. Design of SNG production plant.

C.-C. Cormos Applied Thermal Engineering 231 (2023) 120943

Table 1
Design specifications of SNG production concept.
Unit Parameters

Captured CO2 composition (vol.) 99.94 % carbon dioxide, 0.05 % nitrogen, 0.01 % water
Water electrolysis unit for hydrogen Specific power consumption: 54 kWh/kg H2Hydrogen purity: 99.90 % vol.
production [28]
H2 and CO2 compression [20] Compressor efficiency: 80 %
Methanation reactor [29] Ni-based catalystReactor temperature & pressure: 300 ◦ C & 50 barReactor model: Kinetic calculationsThermal mode: heat exchanger
(steam generation)Pressure drop: 1 bar
Cooling stage and flash separation [20] Outlet temperature & pressure: 40 ◦ C & 48 barFlash specifications: inlet pressure and temperature
SNG compression unit [30] Final delivery pressure: 60 barCompressor efficiency: 85 %
Steam generator and steam cycle [31] Live steam temperature & pressure: 250–280 ◦ C & 3 barFinal pressure for steam condensation: 0.046 barEnergy efficiency of the steam
turbine: 86 %Turbine steam wetness: max. 10 %Cooling water inlet/outlet temperature: 15 ◦ C/25 ◦ C
Heat recovery (heat exchanger network) Minimum temperature difference: ΔTmin. = 10 ◦ CHeat exchanger pressure drop: 2–4 % of inlet value

Fig. 3. Design of methanol production plant.

3. Techno-economic assessment methodology After overall process modelling, simulation, validation and heat
integration assessment, the generated mass & energy balances of SNG
3.1. Technical and environmental performance indexes and methanol production concepts were employed for calculation of key
techno-economic and environmental performance indexes according to
The developed ChemCAD mathematical models were further vali­ the validated methodology within the field [24,36–37]. The following
dated in comparation to the industrial/experimental results for the SNG technical and environmental performance indexes were used (together
and methanol synthesis [22–24,35]. No relevant discrepancies were with correspondent mathematical equations used for their numerical
noticed in terms of main performance indexes (e.g., hydrogen and car­ quantification):
bon dioxide conversion rates, process operational parameters of the - Thermal SNG/methanol efficiency (ηThermal) is determined as a ratio
synthesis reactors, product purities etc.). For instance, in case of SNG of SNG/methanol thermal output and the hydrogen thermal input (both
process, the experimental reactant (H2 and CO2) conversions reported in input and output expressed as thermal energy flows equal to the mass
the literature are in the range of 95 % to 99 % [22–23]. The conversion flowrate multiply by its lower heating value):
yields reported in this work (98–99 %) are within this interval (see
SNG/methanol thermal output
Table 4). The same conclusion can be draw about the volumetric ηThermal = *100 (3)
Hydrogen thermal input
composition of produced SNG stream (94.75 % CH4 reported in this
work following modelling and simulation vs. 85–99 % CH4 reported - Net power efficiency (ηPower ) of both SNG and methanol concepts is
experimentally). In respect to the methanol case, the overall process computed as a ratio of net power output (which is calculated as gross
conversion is in the range of experimental analysis (97 % vs. 93–98 % power output minus the plant ancillary electricity consumption) and the
[24]). hydrogen thermal input:

C.-C. Cormos Applied Thermal Engineering 231 (2023) 120943

Table 2
Design specifications of methanol production concept.
Unit Parameters

Captured CO2 composition (vol.) 99.94 % carbon dioxide, 0.05 % nitrogen, 0.01 % water
Water electrolysis unit for hydrogen production Specific power consumption: 54 kWh/kg H2Hydrogen purity: 99.90 % vol.
H2 and CO2 compression [21] Compressor efficiency: 80 %
Methanol synthesis reactor [35] Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalystReactor temperature & pressure: 220◦ C & 80 barReactor model: Kinetic calculations Thermal mode: heat
exchanger (steam generation)Pressure drop: 1 bar
Cooling stage, depressurization, flash separation Outlet temperature & pressure: 35◦ C & 1.5 barPurge ratio: 1 %Purge usage: energy recovery (combustion)
& purge [21]
Methanol distillation [24] Methanol purity: 99.9 % wt.Distillation column: 12 stagesTop column pressure: 1.2 barColumn feed temperature: 80◦ CMethanol
recovery yield: 99 %
Steam generator and steam cycle [21] Live steam temperature & pressure: 200-250◦ C & 3 barFinal pressure for steam condensation: 0.046 barEnergy efficiency of the
steam turbine: 86 %Turbine steam wetness: max. 10 %Cooling water inlet/outlet temperature: 15◦ C/25◦ C
Heat recovery (heat exchanger network) [21] Minimum temperature difference: △Tmin. = 10◦ CHeat exchanger pressure drop: 2–4 % of inlet value

Table 3 - Global plant energy efficiency (ηGlobal ) is determined as a sum of

Key economic specifications for evaluated SNG/methanol production systems. above-defined SNG/methanol thermal efficiency and the net power
Electricity cost (import/export) 85 €/MWh [24] energy efficiency (net power output produced additionally to the SNG
Hydrogen cost 2333 €/t [28] and methanol):
Carbon dioxide cost 0 €/t [21]
Oxygen price (as revenue from water 178 €/t [21] ηGlobal = ηThermal + ηPower (5)
SNG catalyst cost 12.50 €/kg [43] - CO2 utilization ratio (ηCO2 ) is determined as a ratio of the carbon
MeOH catalyst cost 128.80 €/kg [44] molar flowrate from SNG/methanol product streams (as synthetized
Catalyst lifetime 2 y (SNG)/3 y (MeOH) [24] energy carriers which contain carbon) and the total input carbon dioxide
Cost of Boiler Feed Water (BFW) 0.10 €/t [20] molar flow (as raw material):
Cost of Cooling Water (CW) 0.025 €/t [20]
Cost of CW chemical treatment 0.0025 €/m3 [20] Converted carbon molar flow
Cost of BFW chemical treatment 45.00 k€/month [20] ηCO2 = *100 (6)
Inlet carbon dioxide molar flow
Operation personnel (only SNG/MeOH 20 (SNG)/36 (MeOH) [20–21]
production) - H2 utilization ratio (ηH2 ) is quantified as a ratio of the converted
Direct labour cost as annual amount per 40.00 k€ [21]
hydrogen molar flow into SNG/methanol product streams and the total
Administrative costs, as percentage of direct 30 % [21] input hydrogen molar flow:
Converted hydrogen molar flow
Maintenance costs, as annual capital cost share 2 % (SNG)/5 % [21] ηH2 = *100 (7)
(MeOH) Inlet hydrogen molar flow
Plant capacity factor 8000 h/y [24]
- Specific CO2 emission factor (SECO2 ) is defined as a ratio of emitted
Internal rate of return 8% [24]
Cost of CO2 transport and storage 10 €/t [45] CO2 mass flowrate per SNG/methanol mass outputs of both investigated
Carbon emission tax 50–100 €/t [46] concepts:
Plant construction period 2 years [24]
Capital cost proportion per each construction 50 %, 50 % [24] Emitted CO2 mass flow
SECO2 = *100 (8)
year SNG/ methanol mass output
Operation life of investigated SNG/methanol 25 years [24]
3.2. Economic performance indicators and key economic specifications

Table 4 As economic evaluation procedure used in the present work, the

Key technical performance indicators of SNG plant. generally validated and consolidated methodology of decarbonized en­
Plant technical parameter Unit Value ergy conversion and utilisation processes developed by the International
CO2 consumption t/h 91.84 Energy Agency - Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEAGHG), National
CO2 conversion rate % 99.00 Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) and from other relevant litera­
H2 consumption t/h 16.82 ture sources [38–40] was employed. The next indexes were used to
H2 conversion rate % 98.00
express the overall economic performance:
Power consumption for water electrolysis (green H2) kWh/kg 54.00
Total energy consumption for green H2 production (A) MWe 908.10 - Capital cost (CE ) of an on-site process equipment (e.g., reactor,
SNG output t/h 34.30 separation, compressor etc.) having a specified size (Q) is determined by
SNG LHV MJ/kg 52.45 the cost correlation method which employs the base cost (CB ) related to
SNG thermal output (B) MWth 500.00 the base size (QB ) in accordance to the next equation [25]:
Gas decompression MWe 3.05
Steam turbine power block MWe 29.77 ( )M
Total power production (C) MWe 32.82 CE = CB * (9)
Net global energy efficiency (B þ C/A * 100) % 58.67
Specific CO2 emissions kg/kg SNG 0.05
For CAPEX calculation, in addition to the investment for on-site units
(calculated with equation (9) using Chemical Engineering Plant Cost
Index - CEPCI [41] updated to year 2022), a 20 % rate was added for the
ηPower =
Net power output
*100 utilities and offsite investments as a validated procedure in the energy
Hydrogen thermal input conversion processes [38]. In addition, a rate of 25 % from the total
Gross power output − Ancillary consumption
*100 (4) installed cost was used for the owner’s cost and contingency together
Hydrogen thermal input with an additional 5 % for the land purchase, permitting and surveying.
All these offsite and process contingency investment specifications are

C.-C. Cormos Applied Thermal Engineering 231 (2023) 120943

fully in line with validated economic assessment methodology in CCUS generated steam to contribute to increasing the overall energy
applications [42]. efficiency.
- Specific capital investment (SCI) is calculated as a ratio of total The overall mass and energy balances (shown in Table 4) for the SNG
capital (CAPEX) cost covering both the equipment purchase and process production plant were employed for calculation of most important
installation costs (employing install factors as specified in [25]) and the techno-economic and environmental performance indicators. The pro­
SNG/methanol thermal outputs of the investigated concepts: duced sustainable SNG product has similar thermal characteristics (e.g.,
lower calorific value – LHV, Wobble index etc.) such as the natural gas to
(Total capital cost)SNG/methanol plant
SCI = (10) enhance an easy integration with the existing transport and utilisation
SNG/methanol mass output infrastructure. For instance, the composition (expressed as vol.%) of
- Operational & maintenance (O&M) costs are calculated with their sustainable SNG stream is the following: 94.75 % methane, 4.18 %
corresponded fixed and variable components. Fixed O&M cost com­ hydrogen, 1.05 % carbon dioxide, 0.02 % other components. Table 4
prises: maintenance, direct labour, administrative, support and over­ shows the main technical results of the SNG production plant.
head costs. Variable O&M cost comprises: raw-materials directly linked As can be observed from Table 4, the SNG process exhibits very high
to plant operation (e.g., hydrogen, catalysts, make-up water etc.). raw material conversion rates (98–99 % according to equations (6) and
Table 3 shows the key economic specifications employed for the oper­ (7)) for both captured carbon dioxide and green hydrogen. Also, in term
ational (OPEX) costs calculation. The input CO2 stream as raw material of the overall energy conversion, an about 59 % global energy efficiency
used in both SNG and methanol plants was considered with zero cost was calculated coupled with negligible specific CO2 emissions (unreac­
since it can be seen as a waste from the process where was captured. ted CO2 end up in the product SNG stream). The economic evaluation
- Levelized cost of SNG/methanol (LCOSNG/LCOMeOH) are calcu­ was based on the reported assessment methodology by the authors [20].
lated as annualized CAPEX plus OPEX costs for each investigated Table 5 presents the main economic results (e.g., capital and operational
concept divided to the SNG/methanol mass outputs as follow: & maintenance costs, levelized cost) for sustainable SNG production
(Annualized capitalcost +Operational& maintenance cost)SNG plant The SNG production cost (about 16 €/GJ) is significantly higher than
SNGmass output the historical natural gas prices (6–8 €/GJ) but somehow comparable
(11) (even lower) than current European market prices (20–40 €/GJ) [47].
The techno-economic aspects mentioned above show the potential of
LCOMeOH this CO2 utilization technology to deliver competitive SNG prices for
(Annualized capital cost + Operational & maintenance cost)MeOH plant high carbon tax conditions. Sensitivity analysis (see Fig. 5) is done to
Methanol mass output assess the overall effect of different economic parameters on the SNG
(12) production cost. As can be noticed (and expected for a renewable-based
CO2 utilization technology), the highest influence on SNG production
The key economic specifications employed in the economic evalua­
cost is given by the hydrogen production cost. With a higher penetration
tion of the SNG/methanol production concepts from captured CO2 and
of renewables, the hydrogen price is expected to drop giving an eco­
renewable (green) H2 are shown in Table 3 together with their literature
nomic competitive angle for the SNG production [48].
reference sources.
The influence of several renewable energy sources used for green
hydrogen production as well as the influence of carbon dioxide
4. Results and discussions

4.1. Synthetic natural gas (SNG) production Table 5

Key economic performance indicators of SNG plant.
As mentioned before, the SNG plant was thermally integrated using Plant economic parameter Unit Value
pinch methodology for energy optimization. Fig. 4 present the balanced
Total installed cost M€ 52.28
hot and cold composite curves (Fig. 4.1) and the grand composite curves
Total capital (CAPEX) cost M€ 74.08
(Fig. 4.2) for the SNG production plant from green hydrogen and carbon Specific capital investment €/t SNG 2159.76
dioxide. As can be noticed, >30 MW of thermal heat was recovered from Operational & maintenance (O&M) cost €/t 6.35
the process streams (as available heat sources within the plant) as Levelized cost of SNG (LCOSNG) €/t€/GJ 830.8615.85

Fig. 4. Thermal integration analysis for SNG production plant. Fig. 4.1. Balanced composite curves. Fig. 4.2. Grand composite curve.

C.-C. Cormos Applied Thermal Engineering 231 (2023) 120943

emission tax (between 0 and 100 €/t) on SNG production cost (calcu­ As for the SNG production plant, also in case of sustainable renewable-
lated with equation (11)) is presented in Fig. 6. One can noticed that, methanol synthesis from captured CO2 and green hydrogen, the overall
the CO2 emission tax has an important influence on SNG production process balances derived from simulation work are employed for the
cost. In the future, a high CO2 emission tax is foreseen due to the calculation of global key performance indexes. Table 6 presents the main
development and deployment of low-carbon applications and the technical and environmental results of the methanol production plant.
overall implementation of The European Green Deal to achieve EU The assessed sustainable methanol production plant as CO2 utiliza­
climate neutrality [49]. In term of various renewable technologies used tion technology using renewable (green) hydrogen has a high conver­
for green hydrogen production (e.g., gasification, fermentation, water sion rates (>97 %) of both CO2 and H2 reactants as well as a relatively
electrolysis etc.), there is no much difference among the considered high global energy efficiency (54 %). The specific CO2 emissions are also
options (except the photo-voltaic electrolysis which exhibits signifi­ drastically reduced to about 0.04 kg/kg methanol in comparison to the
cantly higher production costs). The steam methane reforming case fossil-based methanol production systems which has specific CO2
was introduced here only for comparison reasons considering that SNG emissions of about 0.5–0.7 kg/kg methanol [50]. Following the tech­
represent the main product. nical analysis, the economic assessment was done also for methanol
production. The main economic indicators for methanol production are
displayed in Table 7.
4.2. Methanol production The sustainable methanol production route as the proposed inte­
grated P2X and CO2 utilization concept gives a slightly higher price
As for the case of SNG plant, the methanol plant was also subject of (about 755 €/t) than the current fossil-based market prices (which are
thermal integration analysis using pinch methodology. Fig. 7 present the situated in 450–900 €/t range) [50–51]. However, considering the ex­
balanced composite curves (Fig. 7.1) and the grand composite curve pected increasing trend of CO2 emission tax [52] as well as the stringent
(Fig. 7.2) for the methanol production plant. The thermal integration requirement to develop low carbon sustainable solutions, this integrated
analysis shows positive energy balance of the plant such as >10 MW of renewable-based CO2 utilization technology could give positive eco­
thermal energy was recovered as generated steam to improve the overall nomic results in the near future.
energy efficiency.

Fig. 5. Sensitivity analysis of SNG production cost.

Fig. 6. Sensitivity analysis of SNG production cost.

C.-C. Cormos Applied Thermal Engineering 231 (2023) 120943

Fig. 7. Thermal integration analysis for methanol production plant. Fig. 7.1. Balanced composite curves. Fig. 7.2. Grand composite curve.

Table 6 green hydrogen production would be (as presented also for the SNG
Key technical performance indicators of methanol plant. case), the utilization of thermo-chemical processes (e.g., gasification,
Plant technical parameter Unit Value catalytic reforming, chemical/calcium looping etc.) fuelled by renew­
able energy sources such as biomass, biogas, eventually fitted with CO2
CO2 consumption t/h 17.65
CO2 conversion rate % 97.25 capture feature which will enhance the negative carbon emission
H2 consumption t/h 2.42 [55–57].
H2 conversion rate % 100.00 The two investigated energy carriers produced from green hydrogen
Power consumption for water electrolysis (green H2) kWh/kg 54.00 and captured CO2 have significant different global market sizes. The
Total energy consumption for green H2 production MWe 129.42
SNG has a bigger market when evaluating the current global market of
Methanol production rate t/h 12.50 the natural gas (about 955 vs. about 31 billion USD in 2021 [58–59]).
Methanol LHV MJ/kg 19.93 Furthermore, the sustainable SNG production from green hydrogen and
Methanol thermal output (B) MWth 69.20 captured CO2 have higher overall energy efficiency as well as a pro­
Plant ancillary consumption MWe − 3.40
duction price closer to the fossil-correspondent (natural gas) than the
Power block output MWe 4.19
Total power production (C) MWe 0.79 case of methanol. These positive techno-economic elements make the
Net global energy efficiency (B þ C/A * 100) % 54.08 SNG production currently more attractive than the methanol case. The
Specific CO2 emissions kg/kg 0.04 methanol case could be also attractive in the future but on the longer
MeOH perspective when renewable energy prices are expected to drop and the
CO2 emission tax is expected to increase.
It worth mention also, that the overall hydrogen supply chain is very
important for a global analysis in respect to techno-economic competi­
Table 7
tiveness. This overall assessment would start from harvesting the
Key economic performance indicators of methanol plant.
renewable electricity by solar and wind applications to hydrogen pro­
Plant economic parameter Unit Value duction via water electrolysis, renewable power and hydrogen inter­
Total installed cost M€ 45.50 mediate storage (to tackle the integration issue between the time-
Total capital (CAPEX) cost M€ 63.88 variable renewable power and base-load chemical synthesis plants)
Specific capital investment €/t methanol 638.82
and finally the chemical conversion to SNG/methanol. In addition, it
Operational & maintenance (O&M) cost €/t 705.52
Levelized cost of methanol (LCOMeOH) €/t 754.97 must be mentioned that to make these systems more competitive,
focussing to the optimization of production methods is critically
important. For instance, in respect green hydrogen production, making
To assess, the effect of CO2 price on sustainable methanol production the water electrolysis more efficient (e.g., reducing electricity con­
cost, Fig. 8 presents the variation of Net Present Value (NPV) with the sumption by better electrodes and membranes), this will significantly
CO2 emission tax. The NPV method was used to calculate the methanol influence the techno-economic indicators of SNG/methanol plants.
production cost following the agreed methodology of zero NPV [53]. It
can be noticed that, based on the current economic assumptions 5. Conclusions
considered in this analysis, the sustainable methanol production tech­
nology from captured CO2 can become economic attractive (NPV zero or The present work investigates the techno-economic and environ­
positive) for the carbon emission taxes higher than about 220 €/t mental connotations of large-scale sustainable SNG and methanol pro­
(currently, the CO2 price is about 100 €/t [46]). However, it must also be duction concepts using captured CO2 and renewable (green) hydrogen.
considered that very likely the fossil fuel prices (e.g., oil, natural gas, These integrated Power-to-X and CO2 utilization systems were evaluated
coal and lignite), which currently are the preferred raw materials for using ChemCAD software being subsequently thermally integrated via
conventional methanol production processes, will have an accelerated pinch analysis for optimization of overall energy utilization. The overall
increasing path [54]. mass & energy balances were further used as base for quantification of
Regarding to the impact of renewable electricity price (employed for the most important techno-economic and environmental performance
green hydrogen production via water electrolysis) to the final methanol indexes (e.g., overall energy efficiency, raw material consumptions,
price, it must be decreased by a factor of about 2 to get an NPV value specific CO2 emissions, CAPEX and OPEX costs, levelized cost of sus­
equal to zero [21]. A promising alternative technological option for the tainable SNG and methanol).

C.-C. Cormos Applied Thermal Engineering 231 (2023) 120943

Fig. 8. NPV variation vs. CO2 emission tax for methanol production.

As the key investigation results show, the sustainable SNG and Acknowledgments
methanol production systems from renewable (green) hydrogen and
captured CO2 have high energy efficiencies (about 54–59 %) and almost This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of
total CO2 and H2 conversion rates (about 96–99 %). This result is very Education and Research, CCCDI - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-
relevant for the efficient transformation of green hydrogen and captured ID-PCE-2020-0032 and the NO Grants 2014–2021, under project con­
CO2 into sustainable energy carriers. In respect to the economic in­ tract no. 13/2020.
dicators, the investigated sustainable renewable-based CO2 utilisation
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