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1.1 Background of the Research
Language is as a medium for humans to communicate with each other. Humans could
convey ideas, emotions, and information through orally, facial expression and body
language. Field (2012) stated that humans could convey ideas and feelings through a
variety of tools including hand gestures, facial expressions, body language, nods, smiles,
and winks. There are two kinds of communication, such as: verbal language and body
language. Verbal language is a form of communication that is carried out orally.
Meanwhile, body language is a form of communication that is carried out through
gestures, facial expressions, and body movements.

The study of psychological and neurobiological factors so that humans could produce
language is called psycholinguistics. Carroll (2004) stated that psycholinguistics was
principally an integration of psychology and linguistics. In other words, psycholinguistics
is a study that explains the relationship between psychology and linguistic. The field of
psycholinguistics could help humans to study how the brain processes language, because
the brain has an important role in producing language. People who have normal brains
receive information quickly, then give a clear response. Meanwhile, People with brain
damage have difficulty receiving messages and also have difficulty responding while
communicating, which is called as language disorder.

The phenomenon of language disorders is often encountered in life. Language disorder

could be found in one of the health conditions, namely autism. Autism Spectrum
Disorders (ASDs) is characterized by restricted and repetitive disturbances of social
interaction, communication, behavior and interests according to (K.Irwin, MacSween, &
and A.Kerns, 2011). In other words, people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)
experienced difficulties in interacting and communicating, besides that they also had
limitations in behavior and interests. Field (2003) stated there were two types of language
disorder, namely: expressive language disorder and receptive language disorder. People
with expressive language disorders have difficulty in producing language. Meanwhile,
people with receptive language disorder have difficulty understanding language.
Several studies about language disorders had been carried out throughout the world. The
first researcher was Faida (2020) in her thesis title Psycholinguistic analysis on language
disorder of autistic character in Miracle in Cell NO.7 movie. She used Carroll (1985)
theory about language disorder. The results of this research were the sufferer in this film
had expressive language disorder with symptoms consisting of difficulty finding
vocabulary (Repeating words and parroting). Then, receptive language disorder with
symptoms of difficulty following verbal instructions, lack of auditory skills, difficulty
understanding complex sentences, and difficulty interpreting words or phrases.

The second researcher came from Kiswandari (2014), in her thesis title A
psycholinguistic analysis of an autistic person’s language in Temple Grandin Movie. The
aimed of this research to explain the kinds of responses and the features of autistic person
represented by the autistic in Temple Grandin movie. The results of this research were the
researcher found three kinds of responses, such as irrelevant responses (CI), cognitively
relevant responses (CR), and cognitively disruptive and socially inappropriate responses
(CDI). This research and the two previous studies had similarities and differences. The
similarity was this research had the same topic as the two previous studies. This study
discussed the type of language disorder similar to the research conducted by (Faida, 2020)
and also discussed about autistic responses similar to the research conducted by
(Kiswandari, 2014). The difference was in the object of the research, where the researcher
took the data from The Good Doctor movie series. Meanwhile, Faida (2020) took the data
from Miracle in Cell NO.7 movie, and Kiswandari (2014) took data from Temple
Grandin Movie.

1.2 Identification of the problem

The formulation of the problem from this study is :

a. The types of language disorders experienced by the main character while

b. The kinds of autistic responses given by the main character during communication.

1.3 The Objective of the Research

The objective of this study are :
a. To describe the kinds of responses given by Zach, the autistic character in The Peanut
Butter Falcon movie, to his interlocutors.
b. The kinds of autistic responses given by the main character by Zach, the autistic
character in The Peanut Butter Falcon movie.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

This research only explain the kinds of responses of autistic and the kind of autistic
responses given by the main character by Zach, the autistic character in The Peanut Butter
Falcon Movie. This research focuses on the scope of psycholinguistic in aspect of speech

1.5 Research Benefit

This research is useful to find out the types of language disorders experienced by the
main character while communicating and to knowing how autistic responses. The resulting
impact of explanation is expected to be a contribution especially in the file of
psycholinguistic. This research is also expected to provide information or insight or
references related to describing of autistic.

2.1 Psycholinguistics
Psycholinguistics is the study of the psychological processes that occur during
communication. According to Carroll (2004), psycholinguistics combines psychology and

Psychology is the study of human thought and behavior. Linguistics explores the
origins, structure, and use of language. Psycholinguistics studies the psychological
mechanisms behind human communication. Psycholinguistics describes how humans
acquire, use, and create language.

Harley, believes that psycholinguistics is the study of mental processes in language

use. Before using language, language users must master the language first (Dardjowidjojo,
2003). Effective communication relies heavily on the mind. Language studies had two
psychological aspects: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part covered linguistic theory
and language psychology, explaining the nature of language acquisition. The practical part
involved using linguistics and psychology to address issues like reading, bilingualism, and
second language acquisition. Language learning and speech pathology.

Psycholinguistics studies the psychological and linguistic factors that influence

language acquisition and development. Psycholinguistics focuses on human language
acquisition and organization. This research will employ a psycholinguistics method to
explain the issues in ‘The Peanut Butter’ Movie. This involves analyzing the main character's
language impairments through their utterances, replies, and behaviors as an autistic

2.1.1 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASDs)

Autism Spectrum Disorder is caused by nerve damage in the brain, resulting in
impaired brain development, communication, and social interaction. According to Sleeper
(2007), autism may be caused by a hereditary mechanism including multiple disrupted genes.
Autism Spectrum Disorder may be handed on genetically, in addition to being caused by
brain damage. According to K.Irwin et al. (2011), Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are
characterized by impaired social interaction, restricted activities, and repetitive interests.
According to Simmons
(2006), Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are neurological disorders that cause significant
disruptions in a person's capacity to engage and communicate with others.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASDs) are neurological illnesses that severely impair
communication abilities. In addition to that, Patients with neurological problems also respond
to speech differently. Modern medical science has identified certain causes of autism.
Autopsy results revealed the cause of autism. Below are some of the reasons a person may
suffer from autism:

1. Neurological considerations

Neurological illnesses affect the brain, muscles, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.
Maulana (2007) found that defects in the brain formed during the first three months of
pregnancy due to faulty cell proliferation.

2. Genetic disorders

Humans' way of life is growing more modern. Nonetheless, air pollution is a

consequence of modern human activities. Pollution can cause genetic abnormalities in
people, resulting in autism spectrum disease. According to Maulana (2007), study into
genetic variables is necessary due to the potential for genetic changes caused by chemical
exposure or air pollution. Ginanjar (2008) identifies several characteristics that may
contribute to autism, including the mother's age during pregnancy, the father's age at the time,
and pregnancy or birthing complications.

3. Issues during pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy and delivery complications may contribute significantly to autism

spectrum disorder. During the first eight weeks of pregnancy, moms who take drugs, use
alcohol, contract the rubella virus, or have chronic diseases are more likely to deliver a kid
with autism. Giving delivery can be unpleasant and deprive newborns of oxygen, leading to
neurological problems. Ginanjar (2008) found that premature or underweight babies are more
likely to develop neurological abnormalities.

4. Heavy Metal Poisoning

Heavy metal exposure during pregnancy, including mercury, cadmium, and

congenital rubella, can harm the fetus and lead to autism. Additionally, common substances
like pesticides, air pollution, and wall paint can have an impact on the fetus' health.
(2008) found that children with autism have higher blood levels of heavy metals such
mercury, lead, or lead compared to normal children.

5.Virus infection

Viruses that infect the mother during pregnancy could cause autism to be born.
Autism could be caused by viruses such as rubella, herpes, fungus, and poor nutrition during
pregnancy. Furthermore, bleeding and food poisoning could restrict the growth of damaged
brain cells, making it harder for the child to engage. After the child is born, the effects of the
virus or poisoning could continue to manifest, causing the child to stop growing and the signs
of autism will worsen. Maulana (2007) suggested that metabolic, auditory, and visual
problems may contribute to the development of autism.


The MMR vaccine is a substantial contributor to the development of autism. The

MMR vaccine includes measles, mumps, and rubella. Some parents report that their
children's development declined after receiving the MMR vaccine. Thimerosal, a preservative
used in MMR, is likely to be the culprit. To lower the risk of autism, vaccines should be
administered separately or in combination with non-thimerosal vaccines. Waiting until
children are over three years old can ensure that early indications of autism are no longer

7.Overdose with opioid peptides

Short chains of amino acids combine to form proteins known as peptides. According
to Sastra (2011), peptides are generated when gluten and casein proteins are broken down.
Gluten protein is needed in moderation for proper brain function. Excessive gluten protein in
the brain can hinder cognitive function. However, two aberrant situations may increase the
quantity of opoid peptides. The aberrant conditions include:

a. Partial absorption of amino acids in the colon enhances peptide absorption.

b. Peptides are normally present in the colon, however increased absorption into the
bloodstream can occur if the intestinal wall leaks.

Children with autism exhibit unique social and communication behaviors. The book
‘Pedoman Penanganan dan Pendidikan Autisme’ (2011) identifies various aspects of autism
in social interaction, including:
1. Autistic children exhibit indifference towards their environment. Children with
autism may exhibit aggressive behavior during social engagement.

2. Children with autism exhibit a subdued personality. Individuals may accept social
engagement if it is tailored to their preferences.

3. The second trait of autistic children is that they are both energetic and weird.
Autistic children often approach other children, but interactions are one-sided.
Children with autism prefer to communicate in their own unique style, which may be
challenging for children with normal development to understand.

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder struggle with social interaction,

interpretation of meaning, and vocal communication. Individuals with autism may
struggle with verbal communication due to difficulty expressing themselves,
ambiguous responses, and repetition of words. Language disorders are caused by
nerve abnormalities in the brain, leading to trouble processing and creating language.

2.2 Language Disorder

Talking is the simplest and easiest way to express what people think. They think
about what they want to say and then say it. However, in reality, movement is very difficult
in the head, neck, chest and stomach. Injury or defects in this area can affect normal speech.

So, for humans, expressing thoughts and manifesting them in the form of sound is not an
easy thing. To successfully produce speech, humans must successfully complete the four
stages described by Levelt (1994).

Unfortunately, in some cases, people may experience problems with one or more of the
following four steps. This condition causes a problem called dysphasia or autism, namely a
person's inability to speak fluently.

The disorder itself can be caused by genetic or developmental problems and another cause
is brain damage. The terms speech and language disorders often appear together, making it
almost impossible to differentiate between the two terms. Lanier (2010)

Defines Language Disorders as the inability to understand, form or use words correctly.
They can occur in verbal and nonverbal communication. Especially language. This disorder
can affect the ability to pronounce or understand speech.
This disorder is caused by some form of damage to the hemisphere of the brain where
language processing is located (Steinberg, 1993). According to Lanier (2010), some people
with speech disorders know exactly what they want to say and how to use language correctly.
A person with a speech disorder is sometimes considered mentally incompetent, even though
he or she has high intelligence. (Lanier, 2010).

Therefore, language disorders can be a social nightmare. The following is an explanation of

the types of language disorders, especially autism.

These type of disorders, as they exist, will be discussed briefly in the discussion section of
this study.

2.2.1 Types of Language Disorders

Language dysfunction refers to the inability to acquire and process language owing to
brain injury. According to Dulm (2002), language disorders entail processing linguistic
characteristics such as grammar, morphology, and meaning. Language disorder can affect
anyone, including children and adults. According to Field (2003), language difficulties can
affect both children and adults who have undergone surgery, stroke, or accidents. According
to Lanier (2010), language disorders affect a person's capacity to correctly grasp, form, and
use words. Language disorders affect an individual's capacity to correctly grasp, form, and
use words. Language difficulties can affect a person's social and communication skills.

2.2.2 Expressive Language Disorder.

People may be considered to have an expressive language impairment when they have
trouble communicating and producing language. According to Morales (2012), individuals
with expressive language disorder have the ability to recognize language but struggle to
communicate it. The American Psychiatric Association (1994) defined expressive language
disorder as linguistic features such low vocabulary, trouble finding words, and usage of non-
specific terminology. Carroll's (1985) definition of expressive language disorder includes the
following symptoms:

a. Difficulties finding words.

Word finding challenges include difficulty finding words, remembering names, using
incorrect terms, and utilizing mixed words. Suherman (2015) conducted research on the
movie My Name is Khan, which depicts an autistic individual who struggles with language.
Suherman (2015) reports that Khan stated in datum 04 that the store manager was older than
him and had
already won Miss India. Khan made a nasty comment without considering its impact on the
store manager. According to datum 04, Khan struggled to select appropriate words and
identify discussion starters.

b. Limited vocabulary.

Autistic individuals often struggle to express themselves due to restricted language.

Faida (2020) cited Miracle in Cell No. 7 as an example of an autistic individual with little
speech. According to Faida (2020), in datum 02, Yong Goo repeatedly stated, "I was wrong!"
I apologize! I was mistaken, sir! I apologize! Please assist me! "Sir, I was wrong!" This
happened because to Yong Goo's restricted vocabulary. Yong Goo struggled to express his
thoughts and emotions effectively.

c. Overuse of nonspecific words

Autistic individuals exhibit language difficulties, including difficulty pronouncing

words like "objects," "stuffs," and "things," and a lack of explanation for their meaning.
Suherman (2015) found that autistic individuals frequently utilize non-specific words, as
demonstrated in the movie My Name is Khan. Suherman (2015) found that Khan's usage of
certain words in datum 03 did not alter the perception of the discourse. Ami stated that good
people do good things, whereas bad ones do bad things. "That is the only difference between

d. Difficulty getting to the point

People with language difficulties encounter more than just a limited vocabulary.
Inaccurate explanations can make conversations boring and uncomfortable for listeners. As a
result, the debate became useless. Suherman (2015) studied the movie My Name Is Khan,
which depicts autistic individuals who struggle with talking effectively. Suherman (2015)
notes that Khan struggled to make his point in datum 10. Khan's delivery was unclear and
lengthy, leading to boredom and discomfort among listeners. Khan initially brought up
themes related to Mandira's divorce.
2.3 Autism
Autism or what is now often called ASD is a condition of mental retardation and
psychiatric disorder caused by neurological disorders that cause difficulties in social
interaction, language delays, and unusual and continuous behavior among autistic spectrum
disorders. This condition has a big influence on language development so that quite a few
families express concern about their child's behavior.

The presentation of this disorder varies in range and severity and often changes with other
developments. In 1943, American psychiatrist Leo Kanner used the term "early childhood
autism" for children who lacked interest in other people. The definition and diagnosis of this
disorder has expanded over the years to include milder forms of autism, namely autism
spectrum disorders.

2.3.1 Kind of Autistic Response in conversation

A conversation requires two or more persons who can communicate through body
language or spoken responses. Autism can make it difficult for individuals to respond in
conversations. Kelley (2011) found that individuals with autism struggle with initiating and
maintaining conversations, as well as considering the perspectives of others. Autistic
individuals may struggle to respond clearly and may abruptly shift the topic of conversation
due to a lack of comprehension.

Individuals with autism spectrum condition can communicate in a variety of ways, including
both positive and violent reactions. Rothwell (2000) identified some autistic reactions as
cognitively irrelevant (CI).

2.4 Movie
Early in film history, para filmmakers like Lumiere films it was made only with the
concept of recording existing reality, such as para Factory workers are leaving activity, an
event that he recorded without telling the story anything or a story that has been planned. But
a few years then George Milles changed that naïve reality into reality a story spiced with
fantasy which are interesting.

Results from Milles processing from reality to a spectacle which is full of dream worlds.
Along with the development of the popularity of the flow of "Surrealism", namely a trend in
the world
of art. A film is a work of art that has its own value. Some of them have a moral message to
convey or just provide entertainment.

Even though sometimes we know that the film is part of the setting, we will still be carried
away by the atmosphere and emotions if we watch the film carefully. The people involved
directly in a production process a film, each has expertise that can contribute to how creating
visual techniques interesting in every production process. They are the core people in
producing a film include: Producer, Director, Screenwriter, Photography Artist, Artistic
Director, Sound Director Music, Editor or Editing and Actor or actor.

2.5 The Peanut Butter Falcon Movie

The Peanut Butter Falcon tells the story of a man with Down syndrome who wants to
experience the freedom of life and has big dreams named Zach, until he finally meets a
fisherman named Tyler who changes his life so far.

In a nursing home, Zach, a 22 year old sufferer of Down syndrome, plans to escape from
there and asks Rosemary for help by asking for a code from her drawing aid with the promise
of giving her a bowl of pudding in return. After paying attention to several staff, including
Ms. Eleanor, one of the nurses there, Zach gave the signal for Rosemary to start acting. But
unfortunately, Zach was still caught.

Because of Zach's actions, security at the home was tightened to the point where iron bars
were attached to the windows of his room. Zach really idolizes a wrestler named Salt Water
Red Neck who has a signature move called the Atomic Throw. Zach watched the old school
film so many times that his roommate started watching it too, up to 10 times a day.

While they were enjoying watching a movie, Eleanor came in and warned Zach because of
his behavior yesterday in trying to run away. Eleanor finds a drawing Zach made for
Rosemary, but Eleanor hides it because it is so creative. Zach just wanted to go out and live
freely, but Eleanor didn't give him permission because Zach didn't have a family to look after
him and it was the state's responsibility to live there and Zach promised not to run away

In another place, a fisherman named Tyler caught crabs illegally from another fisherman's
trap. His boss was angry and grumbled because he was afraid of being discovered by the
police and having his license revoked, so Tyler was forced to be fired. After that, his boss
came to Tyler to advise him that his deceased brother would be proud if he saw him working
Back at the nursing home, the nurse told Zach to turn off the TV and sleep, but in the early
hours of the morning his colleague helped Zach escape by opening the iron bars using a tool
because the hole wasn't that big. Zach smeared the soap with soap to make it slippery and
then thanked Carl. 'Carl, you are my friend and you are my family.' Said Zach. Then Carl
replied 'just go through there and start your journey.'

The next morning, Eleanor was very surprised to see the iron bars open and Zach was no
longer there. Eleanor was called by the head of the orphanage to find Zach. If he failed, he
would be fired. Eleanor started looking for clues as to where Zach might have gone and the
only clue was a film tape of her favorite wrestler located in North Carolina and Eleanor's
intuition was directed there.

Zach continued to run until morning and arrived at a pier, there he saw Tyler being beaten up
by a group of people because he was caught stealing their hunted crabs. After seeing what
had just happened, Zach hid in the boat, while Tyler, who did not accept their treatment,
finally burned his net. The attackers sparked further anger from their side and Tyler
immediately fled by boat, but the attackers didn't just stay silent, so there was a chase using a

Zach, who was hiding in the ship, couldn't hold back his drunkenness so he made a little
sound so that finally Tyler realized he was hiding and Zach vomited. Eventually they manage
to escape but Tyler's engine breaks down so he packs his things and they both leave on foot.
Throughout the trip, Zach kept telling Tyler that he wanted to be a wrestler like Salt Water
Red Neck, but Tyler didn't listen at all.

Zach wanted to follow Tyler but Tyler was annoyed by him. Because Zach didn't know
where to go, he tried to mingle with the local kids and Tyler left him. But when he finds out
that the dock is on fire, Tyler intends to return to look for Zach. When Tyler arrived there,
Zach was being bullied by a group of children and yes, Tyler saved him and said he would
take Zach to his dream.
Eleanor still didn't give up looking for Zach, as did Duncan and Redboy who also kept
looking for Tyler, so Tyler and Zach walked through the cornfield bushes. Throughout the
journey, Zach kept saying, 'Tyler, my leg hurts', 'Tyler, why don't we use the car?' Then Tyler
approached him to warn him not to make too much noise or we might get caught. Zach
answered with the sentence 'I'm a Down syndrome person'.

Tyler stopped by briefly to do some grocery shopping, but by chance Eleanor ran into him
and asked if he had seen Zach, but Tyler said that he had not seen him at all. After that, Tyler
and Zach did a lot of activities, starting from Tyler teaching Zach to wrestle with the tools
around him until Zach's stage name emerged, namely 'Peanut Butter Falcon', Tyler taught
Zach how to play.

Tyler teaches him to drink liquor. Until one day, Eleanor saw them on the beach and came to
take Zach home, but Zach rebelled by throwing his car keys to the bottom of the sea and
saying 'Salt Water Red Neck, I don't want to go home.' So Eleanor was forced to follow the
two of them up. boat.

The three of them didn't forget to have fun, now Eleanor was starting to have fun and enjoy
the time, it turned out that Eleanor had almost the same background as Tyler and they felt

After many trips they finally arrived at a place called Salt Water Red Neck but it turned out
the school had closed 10 years ago, and Tyler said that they had traveled quite a distance just
to get there and meet him but Clint said 'Salt Water not here anymore' and they left

But just as they were heading towards despair, Clint arrived in a car with his Salt Water style
and welcomed them and promised to train Zach to become a wrestler like the one he idolized.

As the days passed and Zach had done his training, it was time for Zach to do real wrestling.
He will duel with Clint's best friend, Sam. Sam played fairly by not giving any concessions
but after several insults and torture from Sam that Zach got, Zach was finally able to do the
Atomic Throw move that even Clint couldn't do, when Zach managed to beat Sam, it turned
out that Duncan came and hit Tyler on the head quite a bit. loud until Tyler was critical.
Zach was very sad to see Tyler on the verge of death, as was Eleanor, but they did not give
up, so it turned out that Tyler could still be saved even though his condition was quite critical
and the three of them continued their journey.

This chapter presents the research design, instrument of the research, data and data
source, procedures of the research, and technique of analysing data.

3.1 Research Design

Research methodology refers to the steps researchers take to collect data or
information to be scientifically processed and analyzed. According to Kothari (2004), this
research method is a systematic research problem solving technique and can be understood as
the science of studying how research is carried out scientifically. In other words, research
methodology is a method for systematically solving a research problem and can be
understood as a method of designing a study, collecting data, analyzing data, and presenting
research results.

Descriptive data presentation approaches, according to Sukardi (quoted in Dewi,

2009), Research papers aim to provide an overview of and investigate things related to
human behavior and present facts rather than statistics. After obtaining the necessary data,
the researcher explains the relationship between the title and the research question. Types of
autism symptoms and reactions encountered and experienced by in the movie 'The Peanut
Butter Falcon'.

3.2 Object for the Research

The data for this study comes from "The Peanut Butter Falcon" movie. The purpose
of this study was to analyze the types of language disorders and the types of autistic reactions
exhibited by the main characters of the series "The Peanut Butter Falcon". Data for this study
was collected from the statements of the main character of the series "The Peanut Butter

3.3 Method of Data Collection

In this study, we collected data using the observation method of Sudaryanto (2015).
According to Sudaryanto (2015), the researcher used observational method to collect the
research data. Two of his methods were used in collecting data, namely participatory and
non- participatory. In this study, he used non-participatory methods for data collection as the
researcher was not involved in the production of the film series.

There were several steps that the researchers followed when collecting data. First, the
researchers viewed and read script from “The Peanut Butter Falcon”. Next, the researcher
took notes to collect data related to the research question. Finally, the researcher classified
the data based on his Carroll (1985) and Rothwell (2000).

3.4 Method of Data Analysis

This study used a qualitative descriptive analysis method to analyze the phenomena
that occurred in the "Peanut Butter Falcon" movie Researchers took several steps to analyze
the Good Doctor serie. Below are the steps to analyze The Peanut Butter movie:

1 First, data reduction Researchers obtained a lot of data after watching the series
"ThePeanut Butter Falcon " movie Researchers took notes on each language disorder
phenomenon featured in the "Peanut Butter" movie. However, the more researchers observe,
the more data they discover Therefore, this phenomenon requires immediate data reduction
Data reduction means that the researcher analyzes or categorizes the data based on the
research question, focusing on identifying the type of language impairment and his types of
autism responses

2. The second is data display after the researcher reduces or categorizes the data based on
the research question, the researcher presents the data analysis in the form of an explanation
In this way, the reader can easily understand the analysis of the data found in this study

3 The final step in qualitative descriptive data analysis is to draw conclusions This conclusion
is made based on the analyzed data, in particular the type of language disorder and the type of
autism experienced by the main character of the series "The Peanut Butter Falcon" This is
done to answer the questions formulated in this study

3.5 Method of Presenting The Result Analysis

This study uses words and phrases to present the results of data analysis According to
Sudaryanto (2015), there are two types of methods for presenting analytical results: informal
methods and formal methods In this study, the researcher presented the results of the analysis
using informal methods to present the analyzed data. The results are presented using words
and sentences to help readers understand.

1. Carl, you are my best friend and you are my family

In this scene, Zach is shown to have autistic disorder because he speaks slowly.

2. I feel great to go to Salt Water Redneck Wrestling School. And everybody's going
to say,"Zak is awesome."

In this scene, Zach shows unnecessary additional movements.

3. I'm gonna tell you a story. When I was younger, my brother and I were camping at
this place called Caffey's inlet, and there was a big-ass hornet's nest down by the water. So I
walked over to them all excited. I'm young, I'm into baseball. And I hit that son of a
bitchzlike a fucking home run. And it exploded on me, and I got stung up real bad. My face
swelled up, my eyes got real tight, and I couldn't see shit. Walked back into camp and my
brother Mark said to me, "You keep stirring up shit, you're gonna get yourself killed, boy."
You understand what I'm saying? You ever kick a hornet's nest? Zach : “Last night.”

In this scene Zach showing that he answering the question out of context.

4. Tyler : Have you got any money?

Zach : No. No, I have no money, and I got no pockets.

In this scene, Zach answers Tyler's question slowly and stutteringly.

5. Tyler : Hey, what's rule number one?

What's rule number one?

Zach : Party?

Tyler : No, not party. No, it's not party. Don't slow me down. That's rule number one.

In this scene Zach showing that he answering the question out of context.
4.2 Conclusion
Language serves as a medium for humans to communicate with one another. Humans could
communicate ideas, emotions, and facts orally, using facial expressions and body language.
According to Field (2012), humans can express their ideas and sentiments using a number of
methods such as hand gestures, facial expressions, body language, nods, grins, and winking.
There are two types of communication: verbal and body language. Verbal language refers to
spoken communication. Meanwhile, body language is a sort of communication that is
conveyed through gestures, facial expressions, and physical movements.

Language dysfunction is the inability to acquire and process language due to a brain injury.
According to Dulm (2002), language disorders involve the processing of linguistic properties
such as syntax, morphology, and meaning. Language disorders can impact both children and
adults. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a mental retardation and psychiatric problem caused by
neurological disorders that result in difficulty with social interaction, language delays, and
strange and continuous behavior among autistic spectrum disorder patients. This illness has a
significant impact on language development, thus many families are concerned about their
child's behavior.

Field, J. (2004). Psikolinguistics: The Key Concept. London: RoutledgeField, J. (2004).

Psikolinguistics: The Key Concept. London: Routledge

Carrol, D. W. (2008). Psychology of Language. California: Thomson Wadsworth.

Faida, S. A. (2020). Psycholinguistic analysis on language disorder of autistic character in

Miracle in Cell NO.7 movie. Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.

Irwin, JK, MacSween, J., & Kerns, KA (2011). The history and evolution of autism spectrum


IN THE TEMPLE GRANDIN FILM. Bachelor thesis, Yogyakarta State University.

Sastra, (2011). Production of the Syntax Unit for Autistic Children SLB C Semarang Autism
Foundation. Semarang.

Lanier, Wendy. 2010. Speech Disorders. New York:

Gale, Cengage Learning.

Carroll, David, W. 1985. Psychology of Language. California: Brooks/Cole

Publishing Company.

Suherman. (2015). Language Disorder of Main Character in The Movie “My Name Is Khan”
. Unpublisged Thesis. UIN Alauddin Makassar, Makassar.

Faida, S. A. (2020). Psycholinguistic analysis on language disorder of autistic character in

Miracle in Cell NO.7 movie. Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.

Rothwell, A. D. (2000). Latter discourse: talk and text (studies on spoken and
written discourse). Cuenca: Impreso en espana.

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