Term Paper On Ebola

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Writing a thesis is a daunting task, and when the topic is as complex and urgent as the Ebola virus,

the challenge only becomes greater. The Ebola virus, also known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is a
highly contagious and deadly disease that has caused multiple outbreaks and epidemics in Africa
since its discovery in 1976. With the recent outbreak in West Africa, the topic of Ebola has gained
even more attention and importance in the academic world.

For students tasked with writing a thesis on Ebola, the process can be overwhelming. Not only does
it require extensive research and analysis, but it also involves navigating through a vast amount of
information and conflicting opinions on the topic. The constantly changing nature of the virus and its
impact on different aspects of society make it a challenging subject to study and write about.

Furthermore, the sensitive nature of the topic and the potential consequences of misinformation make
it crucial for students to ensure the accuracy and validity of their research. This requires a deep
understanding of the virus, its history, and its current impact, which can be difficult to achieve
without proper guidance and resources.

That is why we recommend seeking assistance from professionals at ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ when

writing a thesis on Ebola. Their team of experienced writers and researchers can provide valuable
insights and support to help you navigate through the complexities of the topic. They have access to
reliable and up-to-date sources, ensuring the accuracy and credibility of your thesis.

Moreover, by seeking help from ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔, you can save time and effort, allowing you
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In conclusion, writing a thesis on Ebola is a challenging task that requires extensive research, critical
thinking, and accuracy. Seeking assistance from professionals at ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ can make
the process smoother and more manageable, ensuring the success of your thesis. Don't hesitate to
reach out for help and make your academic journey a little easier.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention had some specific recommendations related to
infection prevention and control. A more severe symptom is internal and external hemorrhagic
bleeding. Lee Gehrke, a professor at both MIT and HMS who is leading the research team, says that
the device is designed to work like a pregnancy test. The 2014-2016 West Africa outbreaks was the
largest and the most widespread EVD outbreak to date, contributing to more than 21,000 cases and
8,000 deaths (WHO, 2014b). This stage means blood clots will get so extreme that you bleed out of
your skin and openings such as your eyes, ears, and anus. Finally, extra work was needed to ensure
quality of translations and to keep teams motivated throughout the four-month period. The
symptoms are harmful and severe but we don’t know if it’s curable.Ebola then spreads through
human-to-human transmission viadirect contact (through broken skin or mucus membranes) with the
blood, secretions, organs or other body fluids. This classification process and my findings will help
public health researchers identify where we have a dearth of research and why they are worth
exploring, minimize duplication of effort in research, and encourage more research in intervention
areas that we know to be effective, specifically socio-behavioral ones. Providing electrolytes and Iv
therapy blood pressure medicine, oxygen therapy managing pain and fever are essential for a chance
of survival. And the chirping, but nutritious, critters will produce 100 times less greenhouse gas.
Such an approach could lead to much more coordinated and improved research outcomes than
current ad hoc approaches. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic
expert. Support HuffPost Our 2024 Coverage Needs You At HuffPost, we believe that everyone
needs high-quality journalism, but we understand that not everyone can afford to pay for expensive
news subscriptions. Vomiting, diarrhea, rash, impaired kidney and liver function often follows at an
advanced stage of the disease, and in some cases both external and internal bleeding have been
reported. This higher-than-normal daily increase (the usual reporting average is 1-2 new confirmed
cases per day) has been blamed on community resistance to disease response efforts (Wise, 2018).
Goldman also discussed a recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine 3 documenting
EVD patient histories in Sierra Leone and the varying signs and symptoms, supporting the need to
explore multiple routes of exposure in relation to clinical symptoms. Further, Dr. Victor J. Dzau,
president of the IOM, commented. Back then, there virus two major outbreaks of the virus, and this
is how people learned about it. While flowing through the paper, the gold nanoparticles accumulate at
the stripe if a virus is present, forming a band that you can see by eye.” In addition to detecting
Ebola, Gehrke says that this “multiplexed device” is designed to screen for other viruses such as
dengue fever, Marburg fever, and the Chikungunya virus. Say you were in an outbreak area with
infected people and the bodies of people who were infected Avoid contact with animals as they may
have the infection and make sure to wash your hands and body in general often. Traditionally, a
hierarchy of controls has been used as a means of determining how to implement feasible and
effective controls. Contagion through blood usually takes place if a person consumes infested meat,
or even touches it for example, butchering can also lead to contamination. Sharpe added that it will
be important to also protect the health and safety of workers who will be performing these processes.
Everyone should move to Asia and learn Chinese and Japanese. In response to this, Lemieux called
for more research on natural attenuation as a means of decontamination and more data on the
effectiveness of decontamination on porous materials. There is currently no cure or vaccine that is
Approved by the Food and DrugAdministration. Health care workers have not been left behind in
the infection chain, and they have largely been infected in the line of duty. Current therapy consists
of maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance and administration of blood and plasma to control
bleeding. (Ebola. 2018). Ebola has no cure but there are treatments ebola survivors blood can
potentially be used to find the cure for ebola but there can be more ways to find a cure. The Words
of Relief West Africa response consisted of three main components. Similarly, Mill's principle should
be strategically employed in the isolation of such patients, and consequent administration of practical
treatment measures. Still a new commitment is required to ensure adequate health care and public
health infrastructures around the world.
Then select one point of view (e.g., victims’ families or health care workers) and gather evidence
using this graphic organizer (PDF) to document what people in this group think, see, feel and hear
relating to the Ebola crisis. Recovery from Ebola depends on good supportive clinical care and the
patient’s immune response. The transmission discussion covered types of bodily fluids and
subclinical infection, potential for aerosolized spread, inclusion of other hosts or vectors, and
potential co-factors that could have an impact on susceptibility. The nanoparticles aggregate and
reflect light, turning the test lines reddish-purple within 15 minutes. It describes it as a day of
escalating panic over the virus. Ebola’s family tree was thought to have been extinct for over 23
million years, much longer than previously believed. On October Eight 14 Africans were diagnosed
and killed by Ebola alone. Rats were often found aboard ships problem solving multiple step
problems practice 7-7 answers especially trade ships due to their abundance of food. Give me your
paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Attention should also be paid to the
social and economic hardships that Ebola survivors face, Goodman said. If you want a unique paper,
order it from our professional writers. Finally, Pavia emphasized that for the research to be most
valuable it will be necessary for the various federal funding agencies to be fully coordinated,
including ASPR, CDC, the Department of Defense, EPA, NIH, and NSF. There is currently no
antiviral drug licensed by the US food and drug Administration. Due to internal and external
bleeding, the patient’s eyes may become red, and they may vomit blood, have bloody diarrhoea, and
suffer cardiovascular, liver or kidney collapse and eventually leading to death. I wonder how many
listed cases of ebola are there in the world. The disease was first discovered in 1976 near the ebola
River. Football coach essay term is used to describe the virus of the Ebola infection when the
infected goes into convolutions and their body temperature increases paper. There hasn’t been any
new positive or negative news on the progress for finding the cure but we are a lot closer than. The
Reston virus was discovered in the western pacific in 1989 during an outbreak of simian
hemorrhagic fever virus (SHFV), while the Cote d’Ivoire species of virus were discovered in 1994 in
a Tai forest in the country of Cote d’Ivoire (Peter, 2009). She highlighted the following issues that
require attention prior to a disaster, which were addressed in a previous IOM workshop on how to
perform research during disasters and public health emergencies; 12 considerations of rapid funding
mechanisms, data collection methods, rapid institutional review board and biosafety research
approval processes; and integration of research into an operational response. You can download the
paper by clicking the button above. A few participants also noted that virus detection is based on the
presence of viral nucleic acid material and that transmission epidemiology could be improved by the
ability to perform actual virus titration. Her work has appeared in Scienceline, The Washington Post
and Scientific American. Quickly shaping up as the seventh largest Ebola outbreak in history, as of 2
October 2018, a total of 162 confirmed and probable EVD cases, including 106 deaths, have been
reported-resulting in a global case fatality ratio (CFR) of 65.4% (WHO, 2018). Are their any studies
showing cures or is there any possiblities. The better we educate the less loss of life and chances for a
deadly outbreak that could not only be an epidemic but aPandemic. By Marlowe Starling February
18, 2024 When did the ancient Egyptians first mummify their dead. Apron that is water proof and
covers the torso to the level of the mid-calf in case of vomiting and diarrhea.Visitors should be
restricted. Support HuffPost Our 2024 Coverage Needs You At HuffPost, we believe that everyone
needs high-quality journalism, but we understand that not everyone can afford to pay for expensive
news subscriptions. The idea, he says, is to create a diagnostic tool that can help healthcare providers
rapidly determine if a patient’s fever is the result of one of these viruses or a symptom of a less
serious condition.
Bill Kojola, B.S., M.S., was the industrial hygienist for the AFL-CIO. The need for a risk assessment
was brought forward by a participant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), especially
related to viability in water and wastewater and corresponding needs for disinfection and
decontamination. As Americans head to the polls in 2024, the very future of our country is at stake.
The government changed its guidance after fresh advice from the chief medical officer, it adds. The
Ebola Virus Name: Institution: THE EBOLA VIRUS The Ebola virus is classified in the filoviridae
family of filovirus, and it is made up of five distinct species namely: Zaire, Sudan, Bundibugyo, Cote
d’Ivoire and Reston. In West Africa and in that region it is their customs to bury the dead person
with their hands getting them infected continuing an endless cycle of death. The number of people
that have died as a result of the bubonic plague is in the millions. If you are short on time, students
can work individually or in pairs to answer one or two. Additionally, people involved in the burial of
an infected person’s dead body should properly dispose it. The Daily Telegraph reports angry clashes
between Kurds (both indigenous and refugees) and the Turkish authorities over the issue.
Transmission of Ebola has been linked to burial ceremonies where mourners have had direct contact
with the body of the deceased person who suffered from this virus. Currently there is no cure for
ebola but scientists and researchers are working on it. Proper hand hygiene means washing hands
often with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer etc. The app also allows clinicians to
add patient details and geographical location to help create a map to observe disease location and
spread. Once in the blood stream, it targets an organ that produces chemicals that hold the bonds
between cells in other organs that keep the organs shape and structure. Does this disease make people
that scared of their loved ones. It may seem premature to address our capacity to deal with these
challenges long-term when the immediate needs in West Africa are so great, but the long-term action
may be needed sooner than we think and the short-term solutions could well be the first bricks in the
that foundation. Researchers say the technology could be adapted for all kinds of disease detection.
If symptoms of Ebola are treated early enough they have a better chanceof survival the percent of
death is still 90% though. The virus killed every monkey in the quarantine but did not spread due to
the drastic measures taken by the C. To create the new Ebola test, researchers installed the cell free
system on a strip of porous paper. As a result, behaviors that contributed to the spread of the disease
continued for a long period. Germany at the time practiced a level of sanitation that is easily not as
advanced as almost any culture in the world today. Apart from human beings the virus also can
affect the nonhuman primates like gorillas, chimpanzees, and monkeys. Image source, EPA Image
caption, A health worker explains Ebola sanitation in Sierra Leone The outbreak, which has killed
3,800 people in West Africa, has seemed closer to home after the first patient to catch the disease in
Europe was identified. Finally, extra work was needed to ensure quality of translations and to keep
teams motivated throughout the four-month period. Ebola Virus Disease is a severe disease that
causes internal bleeding and extremely high fever.In 1976 Ebola first emerged in Sudan and Zaire. To
stop the spread of Ebola, the WHO is coordinating the construction and staffing of treatment centres
across Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. There was a total of 4507 of confirmed Ebola cases
together with 2296 death caused by the virus. It was, he said, “an avoidable tragedy that has served
as a devastating reminder for what happens when health systems are weak”.
Ebola that commonly were found on the rats were the way that the bacterium would jump from the
rat to the human. The heightened awareness and attention to the disease in the United States has also
led to questions from affected communities on specific characteristics of the virus, how the virus
behaves, and personal protective equipment and personal protective behaviors that can be used to
prevent its spread and reduce exposure. The Ebola crisis has taught us several fundamental lessons
that define the global capacity we need. Early Ebola symptoms include fever, headache, body aches,
cough, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhoea. There is currently no antiviral drug licensed by the US
food and drug Administration. Scientists have recently developed strip-based tests that directly
detect the Ebola virus by spotting the antigens it produces. The infected ebola in question turn to
mush and skin being an organ seeps body fluids from its pores and weak viruses like the eyes. There
hasn’t been any new positive or negative news on the progress for finding the cure but we are a lot
closer than. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street. In this paper, the author will list
the top three killers of all times, specifically the number one deadly virus known to us as HIV. Ebola
is classified as a virus as it needs a host to survive. It must have the strength to address more than
one crisis at a time. Providing electrolytes and Iv therapy blood pressure medicine, oxygen therapy
managing pain and fever are essential for a chance of survival. But the villagers often don’t respect
what these people are doing for them and are blinding by how deadly this virus was. A recurring
question was mentioned by a couple of participants about quantifying the viral load during different
phases of EVD across all types of bodily fluids. Improper hand hygiene plays a role as well as not
having the resources to contain the virus. While flowing through the paper, the gold nanoparticles
accumulate at the stripe if a virus is present, forming a band that you can see by eye.” In addition to
detecting Ebola, Gehrke says that this “multiplexed device” is designed to screen for other viruses
such as dengue fever, Marburg fever, and the Chikungunya virus. Food made from crickets is a new
fad in the United States, the paper says, and in a project backed by a billionaire, a cricket-based
protein bar is now selling at high-end American health stores. This could be attained by isolating
those with Ebola and tracing each case to its source,” Chowell said. In addition, British military and
humanitarian experts will set up a medical treatment facility in Sierra Leone.” International health
agencies have been accused of responding far too slowly to Ebola. Give me your paper requirements
and I connect you to an academic expert. Better information on the PPE ensemble can help to
inform more accurate. Gabon inand twice in The next two major outbreaks were in the Congo killing
and in Uganda killing in The strain was only changed once and minutely. It is also not known how
long your temporary immunity will last. If symptoms of Ebola are treated early enough they have a
better chanceof survival the percent of death is still 90% though. Researchers say the technology
could be adapted for all kinds of disease detection. Transmission of Ebola has been linked to burial
ceremonies where mourners have had direct contact with the body of the deceased person who
suffered from this virus. The first outbreak in Zaire had mutated from a virus that only infected
monkeys to an airborne version that infected humans as well. Goldman also discussed a recent
article in the New England Journal of Medicine 3 documenting EVD patient histories in Sierra Leone
and the varying signs and symptoms, supporting the need to explore multiple routes of exposure in
relation to clinical symptoms. Further, Dr. Victor J. Dzau, president of the IOM, commented. He also
noted that thermal treatment (autoclaving) is typically analogous to disinfection; however, in the case
of Ebola viruses, there are no available data on thermal treatment to directly evaluate.

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