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Problems that refugees face in our society

Refugees face multiple challenges when trying to integrate into a new society. In this essay I
will point out some of those problems.

Firstly, language barriers can lead to difficulties finding employment, renting or buying a hause,
and basic services. Until these people learn the local language the will probably be isolated
from the rest of the society.

Furthermore, discrimination based on religion, race, or country of origin is also a significant

problem that can cause mental health issues, since they feel that they don’t fit in their new
home or that they are not liked. Additionally, refugees are vulnerable to bad job conditions
since they often lack legal documentation to protect themselves.

Fighting discrimination and creating inclusive environments for all members of society must be
essential for all governs. By working together, we can provide refugees with the necessary
support to integrate into our communities so we can all live in a decent way.
Does eating habits have an impact in health problems?

Eating habits are one of the major contributors to health problems. The food we eat affects
not only our physical health but also our mental health. Poor eating habits have been linked to
numerous health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. In this essay I am
going to address some of this problems

One of the primary health problems associated with poor eating habits is obesity. Eating food
high in sugar, salt, and fat, can lead to weight gain and eventually obesity. Obesity can cause a
lot of other hearts issues, so it is essential to maintain a healthy weight by eating a balanced

In addition, poor eating habits can also lead to diabetes. A diet high in fats can increase
cholesterol levels, leading to heart disease. Maintaining a healthy diet can improve mental
health since some people feel bad when they eat too much processed food

In conclusion, our eating habits have a significant impact on our health. By prioritizing our
nutrition, we can improve both our physical and mental well-being.

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