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PCK101 | Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching

Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching English 10

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. identify the basic element of a short story;
b. describes the different subtopic or elements of a short story and;
c. write a short story that includes the five basic elements of a short story; characters, settings,
conflict, and theme.

II. Subject Matter:

Lesson Focus: Elements of the short story

Instructional Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop


Strategy Used: Project Based Learning

III. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


1) Greetings Good morning Ma’am!

Good morning, Class!

2) Prayer

Let start our day with the guidance The student raised hand
of the Lord. Who wants to lead the
prayer? Ma’am.

The student lead the prayer…

Thank you! You may now take your Thank you Ma’am.
3) Checking of the Attendance

Okay, let me check the attendance for today. (The students will say present)

Very good class! You are all present. .


Now, before we start our discussion, let’s have

a short activity called ‘The Best Day’’. I have
here a memory book, which will be used for
the activity. Here is what you need to do. You Yes, Ma’am.
are to stay seated for this activity, I am going to
play a song, and when the song stops the
passing of the Memory Book should stop, too.
The last person holding the Book will stand up
and share the best day that he/she ever had and
what memory he/she can recall from that day.
Now, I am going to give you 2 minutes to think
of it. Did you get that, class?

Is it clear?
Yes, Ma’am! We are excited to start the
(After 2 minutes)

Alright, let’s start. With the passing of the

Memory Book, we will start with Student 1.

(The passing of the Memory Book will start.)

(The song will be played)

(Paused the song)

Okay Student 2, what is the best day that you The best day for me was the celebration of
ever had and what memory you can recall from my Birthday last year. We rented a resort and
that day? that’s where we celebrated my birthday with
my family and friends, I am very happy
because, my mom also surprised with a new

Wow! That sounds like an incredibly special

and joy-filled celebration! Thank you, Student
2. Please be seated.
(The passing of the Memory Book will
Now, let’s have another one. Continue passing continue while the song is playing.)
the Memory Book, class.

(Paused the song) For me, the best day was when my Dad came
back from abroad after 5 years, we excitedly
Okay, Student 3, how about you? waited for him in the airport that day.

That sounds like an incredibly heart-warming

and unforgettable moment; the joy of reuniting
with loved ones after such a long time must
have been truly special. Thank you, Student 3.
You may be seated.

Okay class, thank you so much for your

participation. I hope you enjoyed our short


The short activity that we did is connected to

our lesson for today. I am going to give you
another clue and try to guess what is it. Okay, Yes, Ma’am.

Now class, what do you think our lesson for (Students' answers may vary)
(Students discovered the lesson)
Very good! Today, we are going to discuss the
elements of the short story.

In our "Best Day" activity, your classmates

shared a personal memory, showcasing
elements of a short story – from the excitement
of anticipation to the climax of the special
moment and the resolution of joy. This activity
not only engaged us in storytelling but also
highlighted the narrative elements we're
exploring in our lesson.

Before we start our discussion about the 5

elements of a short story. I want to hear first (The student will raise hand)
some of your idea when you hear the word
'short story'. Ma’am.

Yes, go head For me, a short story is a prose fiction with a

few characters. It is also shorter than a novel.

Yes, nice answer!

A short story is a brief work of fiction that

usually revolves around a few characters, a
specific setting, and a main idea. It has a
beginning, middle and end. It's like a literary
snack compared to a full-course novel.

Take note class that we have five (5)

basic elements of the short story, and
those are Characters, Setting, Plot,
Conflict and Theme.

So now, let’s define the first (1)

elements of the short story, which is the

The plot is the sequence of events in a story. It

is also help the readers to know what is
happening in the story and show how the
characters deal with their problems and how
they try to resolve it.

It consists of five main elements:

1. Exposition
It is the beginning of the story wherein they
introduces characters, setting, and basic

2. Rising Action
Develops the central conflict and builds
3. Climax
It is the turning point, the most intense moment
of the story and a lot of changes will happen in
this stage.

4. Falling Action
Eases the tension and shows the aftermath of
the climax. In this point, it includes all the
events that happened and will lead to the
resolution of the problem or conflict.

5. Resolution
Concludes the story and resolves the main

Okay class, I will give one example of a story

that includes all the elements of the plot. Do Yes ma’am!
you know the story of 'Cinderella'

Okay, can you share to the class a brief story of Okay ma’am, So the story is about a girl
the 'Cinderella' named Cinderella who have abusive
stepmother and sisters. One day, the king
invited everyone to a royal ball. To make the
long story short, Cinderella helped by a fairy
godmother to go in the ball. She met the
prince but she have to run all the way home.
The prince decided to find her and they got
married and lived happily ever after.

Wow! You know well the story of Cinderella (The student will do the good job clap)
and that’s very good! Okay class, give her a
good job clap!

So now let’s apply the different element of plot

in the story of Cinderella.

Let’s start to the exposition, the story introduce

the settings, characters and the situation
wherein the father of Cinderella is very ill.
Secondly, rising action the fairy godmother
helped Cinderella to go in a ball and she met
the prince. For climax, the prince searched
Cinderella using her glass sandals or shoes and
he found her. Next for falling action, they got
married. Lastly, the resolution is they lived
happily ever after.

So class, is it clear now? Do you have more None ma'am

questions about the plot?

Okay lets proceed to the next element which is

the Characters

Characters are the individuals or entities that

drive the story.

There are different types of characters:

1. Protagonist
Main character, often the hero.
2. Antagonist
Opposes the protagonist, creating conflict.
3. Supporting Characters
Aid the protagonist or contribute to the story in
various ways.

Alright! Can someone share a story and give all (The student will raise hand)
the different types of characters?
(The student answer may vary)

Okay thank you for your active participation.

Let’s discuss the next element of a short story
which is Setting

The setting is the time and place in which the

story occurs. It impacts the plot and mood.
There are 3 types of settings.

1. Time - When the story takes place.

2. Lace - Where the story unfolds.
3. Atmosphere - The overall mood or tone
created by the setting.
Class, always remember when you say settings
in element of short story it’s about the place. Is
that clear ? Yes ma’am

May I ask 5 volunteers to participate here, so I (The students answer may vary)
want you to share a story and tells where the
story happens

Excellent! All answers are correct. For the next

element will be the Conflict.

Conflict is the problem or struggle driving the

story. There are different types

1. Internal Conflict - A character's inner

2. External Conflict - Struggle between a
character and an outside force.

3. Man vs. Man, Man vs. Nature, Man vs.

Society, Man vs. Self - Common external
conflict types.

For last element this will the theme.

The theme is the underlying message or main

idea of the story:
1. Universal - Themes that relate to the human
2. Expressed - The way the theme is conveyed
through the plot and characters.
3. Subject vs. Theme - Distinguishing between
what the story is about (subject) and what it
conveys (theme).

Let’s focus in our first example which is the

story of Cinderella. The main theme of this
story is Love.

So class, do have any question None ma’am.

regarding our topic for today?

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