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TỔNG HỢP MCQs + GAP Fillings


1. Which of the following represents a goal for business writers?

a. You should concentrate on your feelings in business messages.
b. You should get your audience to believe and accept your ideas.
c. You should create messages that are lengthy to demonstrate your
superior intellect and language skills.
d. You should write business messages from your perspective.

2. When preparing a business message, you should make your writing audience
oriented. Audience oriented means you should
a. write to solve a problem or convey information.
b. attempt to get your audience to believe and accept your message.
c. present ideas clearly but concisely.
d. concentrate on looking at the problem from the receiver's perspective.

3. Business writing should be purposeful. In this context purposeful can best be

defined as
a. presenting ideas clearly and concisely.
b. concentrating on the receiver's perspective instead of your own.
c. solving problems and conveying information.
d. getting your audience to believe and accept your message.

4. Business writing should be economical. In this context economical can best be

defined as
a. presenting ideas clearly and concisely.
b. concentrating on the receiver's perspective instead of your own.
c. solving problems and conveying information.
d. getting your audience to believe and accept your message.

5. Business writing should be persuasive. In this context persuasive can best be

defined as
a. presenting ideas clearly and concisely.
b. concentrating on the receiver's perspective instead of your own.
c. solving problems and conveying information.
d. getting your audience to believe and accept your message.

6 . The first phase of the writing process involves analyzing the audience and your
purpose for writing, anticipating your audience' reaction to your message, and
a. investigating background information.
b. composing your message.
c. adapting your message to the audience.
d. looking for previous company documents on the topic.

7. Adapting your message to the audience involves

a. thinking of the right words and tone to use in your message.
b. rewriting your message several times to ensure it is clear.
c. selecting the best research to incorporate within the message.
d. conducting a thorough audience analysis.

8. During the second phase of the writing process, you conduct research,
a. clarify the audience demographics, and edit word choices.
b. anticipate audience reaction, and adapt the message.
c. organize ideas, and compose the message.
d. evaluate message effectiveness, and revise as needed.

9. In the final phase of the writing process, check the message for clarity and
readability, proofread for errors, and
a. evaluate for effectiveness.
b. assess the cost in the selected delivery channel.
c. solve the problem.
d. forward the document to the publishing department.

10. Experts say that writers should spend the most time in the ____ stage of the writing
a. prewriting
b. writing
c. revising
d. transmission

11. According to writing experts, approximately what percentage of time should you
spend on the prewriting phase of a business message?
a. 90 percent
b. 50 percent
c. 25 percent
d. 5 percent

12. The primary purpose of business writing is typically to inform or persuade; a

common secondary purpose is to
a. promote goodwill.
b. comply with governmental regulations.
c. create written documentation.
d. avoid lawsuits.

13. Before Melissa organizes and composes her message, she should ask two questions:
(1) Why am I sending this message? and (2)
a. Why did my boss give this task to me?
b. What do I hope to achieve with this message?
c. How can I get this message written as quickly as possible?
d. Do I have enough time and financial resources to complete the work?

14. Travis must determine the appropriate channel for an important business message. In
this context channel refers to the
a. individuals who will receive the message.
b. degree of formality required.
c. medium through which the message is sent.
d. tone and approach needed to accomplish his purpose.

15. You are selecting a channel for sending your message. Which of the following is
not a factor to consider when making this decision?
a. Amount and speed of feedback and interactivity required
b. Cost of the channel
c. Confidentiality and sensitivity of the message
d. Your competitors' channel use

16. Which of the following communication channels is considered the richest medium?
a. Written proposal
b. E-mail message
c. Face-to-face conversation
d. Blog posting
17. Human Resources Manager Claire Siu must inform Anthony that company job
changes will require him to seek retraining or lose his position. The best channel
for Ms. Siu to deliver this message is
a. an e-mail message.
b. face-to-face communication.
c. voice mail.
d. an instant message.

18. Michael usually holds team meetings on Tuesday mornings, but he needs to
reschedule next week's meeting to Wednesday morning. To tell team members of
the date change for the next meeting, Michael should
a. send an e-mail.
b. meet in person with each team member.
c. call a team meeting.
d. write a short team report.

19.What communication channel would be most appropriate to deliver data to a

a. Business letter
b. E-mail
c. Report or proposal
d. Memorandum

20. What communication channel would be most appropriate when you must share
digital information with other members of your work team?
a. Wiki
b. E-mail
c. Fax
d. Instant message

21. What communication channel would be most appropriate when a written

record or formality is required?
a. Report or proposal
b. Letter
c. E-mail
d. Blog

22. What is the preferred channel choice for today's corporate communicators?
a. Memos
b. Letters
c. E-mail
d. Instant messaging

23. Lindsay is writing a property description for a new real estate brochure. To
make her brochure more effective, Lindsay should anticipate her audience. This
means she
a. identifies the property's outstanding traits and describes them clearly.
b. concentrates on the price and value of the property.
c. writes using familiar words and a friendly, informal tone.
d. considers what the readers are like and how they will react to the

24. Profiling the audience for a business message helps the writer
a. identify the appropriate tone, language, and channel.
b. guarantee that the audience will respond positively to the
c. select slang and jargon the audience will recognize and appreciate.
d. create a perfect first draft.

25. What question should you ask to visualize your audience?

a. What position does the person hold in the organization?
b Do I need to include more background information?
c. Should I expect a neutral, positive, or negative response to my message?
d All answer choices are questions you should ask to visualize your audience.

26. What is the primary way tone is conveyed through a business message?
a. Sentence structure
b. Language choice
c. Document design and layout
d. Sentence length

27. One technique that improves business writing is the use of empathy. Empathy
refers to
a. using inclusive language to eliminate bias.
b putting yourself in the receiver's shoes to adapt the message to the receiver's
. needs.
c. appealing to the audience by using a sender focus.
d formatting documents to meet business standards.

28. Which of the following sentences best focuses on the audience?

a. We are very pleased to have you as our newest customer.
b You can help us by sending us your payment immediately.
c. Register now to lock in your preferred travel dates.
d All sentences are focused on the audience rather than the sender.

29. Jorge must inform Samantha that she is not eligible to have an August
vacation for which she recently applied. Which of the following sentences best
demonstrates the "you" view Jorge should use in denying Samantha's application?
a. I have not approved your August vacation because you applied too late.
b We didn't receive your application early enough for the August vacation
. schedule.
c. Although the August vacation schedule is full, you may qualify for a vacation
in September if you apply now.
d The August vacation schedule was posted in May. You should have consulted
. it earlier.

30. Business messages should be conversational, professional, positive, and

a. long.
b. Courteous. (lịch sự)
c. written from the sender's perspective.
d. filled with many common abbreviations.

31. Create a conversational but professional tone in letters, e-mail messages,

instant messages, and memos by
a. choosing a clear format and effective document layout.
b using emoticons.
c. using familiar words, occasional contractions, and pronouns such as you and
d using slang and abbreviations such as IMHO and BTW.

32. Marketing Director Kiprova will inform the board of directors that customers
are not responding positively to the company's Paris Hilton ads. Which of the
following is the most appropriate announcement?
a. Our customers are ripping on our Paris Hilton ads, even though we know
these ads rock.
b Our customers are badmouthing this awesome new marketing campaign;
. they are obviously just out of it.
c. At the meeting you will receive reports on recent customer criticism of the
new Paris Hilton ads.
d It has come to my attention that our customers have denigrated our strategic
. implementation of Paris Hilton's notoriety in our novel ad campaign.

33. Which of the following sentences demonstrates effective business writing?

a. Hey, Bob. Ur proposal is rad!
b Your proposal demonstrates how our call center can better meet the needs of
. our customers.
c. FYI, i liked your proposal :).
d Congrats on the proposal. You rock!

34. Which of the following sentences demonstrates effective business writing?

a. As per your request, enclosed is our latest catalog.
b Enclosed is our latest catalog.
c. The latest catalog is contained under separate cover.
d Pertaining to your request, our latest catalog is
. enclosed.

35. Which of the following sentences demonstrates conversational business

a. Your return policy really ticks me off.
b. I am upset about your return policy.
c. Your return policy has provoked me to write this letter.
d. All answer choices reflect conversational business

36. As employees use instant messaging to conduct more business, they should
send messages that are informal, conversational, and
a. professional.
b streamlined (e.g., using abbreviations such as ur for you are).
c. casual, including low-level language.
d filled with slang and jargon.

37. Which of the following represents the best business writing?

a. We regret that we are unable to accept you as a credit customer at this
b. You will never be sorry that you opened a checking account with our bank.
c. We cannot accept the returned merchandise because it is not resalable.
d. You can return all resalable merchandise for a store credit.

38. Business messages should use positive language rather than negative
language. Positive language
a. has no effect on the tone of a message.
b. conveys less information than negative
c. grants the reader all requests or demands.
d. tells what is and what can be done.

39. Courteous business messages

a. avoid using words that sound demanding or preachy.
b often turn demands into rhetorical questions.
c. avoid hostility or anger.
d All answer choices are correct.
40. Which of the following demonstrates effective business writing?
a. I'm ticked! Credit my account now!
b Will you please credit my account for $125 due to the computer error on May
. 1.
c. You should credit my account.
d Please get it right and credit my account for $125.

41. Which of the following demonstrates effective business writing?

a. All executives and their wives will attend the Reno
b. A salesman must meet monthly sales quotas.
c. The female attorney graduated from Yale.
d. The office personnel will assist you with your forms.

42. Which of the following is most acceptable for business writing?

a. Every physician must carry his own malpractice insurance.
b. Every physician must carry their own malpractice insurance.
c. All physicians must carry their own malpractice insurance.
d. Every physician must carry his or her own malpractice

43. Which of the following demonstrates effective business writing?

a. An Asian CEO was the keynote speaker.
b An African American man was the next customer.
c. A record number of Japanese investors are purchasing real estate in the
United States.
d Mr. Hernandez, a Mexican, is my boss.

44. Which of the following demonstrates effective business writing?

a. Julie Neibauer, 45, was promoted to our call center.
b. The little, old lady needed assistance with her purchases.
c. Daniel Simpson, a senior citizen, volunteered with Habitat for
d. The new tax rule applied to individuals over 62.

45. Which of the following demonstrates effective business writing?

a. Victoria uses a wheelchair.
b. Victoria is confined to a wheelchair.
c. Crippled by multiple sclerosis, Victoria uses a
d. Victoria is suffering from multiple sclerosis.

46. Business writers are encouraged to use plain English, which means
a. using active-voice verbs, personal pronouns, short sentences, and familiar
b writing without weakening qualifiers.
c. avoiding all negative expressions.
d including slang and low-level diction that everyone understands.

47. Francisco is writing an article for the company's intranet to encourage

managers to use plain English. Which of these sentences uses an appropriate
business style to express Francisco's point?
a. If you obliterate the obfuscation in your e-mail messages, your department
members will respond more appropriately.
b Employees will respond better if you write e-mail messages with familiar
. language and a friendly, conversational style.
c. Before sending an e-mail message to your department, run it up the flagpole
to see if anyone salutes.
d Per company directives, please cease and desist from sending
. incomprehensible e-mail messages to department members.

48. Business writers who use words such as interrogate, remuneration, and
terminate are using language many readers would consider
a. slang.
b. conversational.
c. jargon.
d. unfamiliar.

49. Which of the following is most acceptable for business writing?

a. It is imperative that we ascertain whether you qualify for benefits.
b Our company stipulates that you must submit your hours so that we can
. compensate you properly.
c. Please check with your supervisor for information about salary increases.
d Your remuneration will perpetuate for three weeks after your termination.

50. Which of the following is most acceptable for business writing?

a. Please think about the new insurance option.
b. Caltrek experienced a change in profits during the last fiscal year.
c. Retailers can expect to pay higher amounts for their goods and
d. Sheila will examine the job proposal carefully.

1.During the…….phase of the writing process, the writer analyzes the audience and the
purpose for writing.

2. Sam is collecting and organizing information for a marketing report he is writing.

Sam is involved in the second phase of the writing process, which is the ……

3. Catherine is proofreading her cover letter and résumé for accuracy before e-
mailing them to a prospective employer. She is in the third phase of the writing
process, which is the ….phase.

4. An interesting theory called …..richness describes the extent to which a channel or

medium recreates or represents all the information available in the original

5. The channel of choice for corporate communicators today is clearly_ _.

6. __ ___ is the process of creating a message that suits your audience. One important
aspect of this process is tone. Conveyed largely by the words in a message, tone
affects how a receiver feels after reading or hearing a message.

7. Conveyed largely by the words in a message, ___ ___ affects how a receiver feels
after reading or hearing a message.

8. Putting yourself in the receiver's shoes to better adapt your message to that person's
needs is called ____ _____.

9. Theresa has emphasized second-person pronouns (you, your) instead of first-

person pronouns (I/we, us, our) in a letter to a customer. She is using the ___ __

10. ___ __ describes technical or specialized terms within a field.


1. Matthew must develop a proposal for his supervisor that will describe the cost savings
for an automated call center. Where should he begin?
a. Writing the proposal
b. Locating other proposals that he can copy
c. Researching the proposal
d. Determining an appropriate layout

2. Before composing a business document, you should gather information that will
answer which of these questions?
a. Will I have enough time to complete thorough research?
b. What is the receiver to do?
c. What information will be the easiest to locate?
d. How will I use this information?

3. Formal research methods are generally required for what type(s) of business
a. Routine e-mail messages
b. Routine memos
c. Long reports and complex business problems
d. All of these choices would require formal research.

4. Which of the following is a formal research method?

a. Talking with your boss
b. Organizing a focus group
c. Brainstorming
d. Looking in company files

5. Which formal research source is best to obtain firsthand information?

a. Internet Web sites and articles
b. Reference books
c. Electronic databases
d. Interviews

6. Stephanie is preparing a market analysis for her business plan. For firsthand
information she should
a. search manually in her local library.
b. conduct interviews and surveys or organize a focus group.
c. search the Internet for related Web sites.
d. review scientific experiments conducted by experts.

7. Quality Building Materials Inc. has developed a new whole-house weather blanket
and needs to determine the price point at which builders would switch to this new
product. The best research method for this is a(n)
a. manual search of other companies' price lists.
b. interview with a local builder.
c. Internet search of insulation values for weather blankets.
d. scientific experiment that presents price choices with controlled

8. As interns in human resource management, Ravi and his team are administering a
professionally developed employee questionnaire to collect information on
workplace violence. This type of research produces data that is considered
a. firsthand information.
b. informal documentation.
c. supplementary, secondary information.
d. scientific experimentation.

9. Anya is sending a persuasive memo to her staff asking them to participate in the
new wellness program. Which of the following sources of information would be
most appropriate to help Anya shape an effective persuasive message for her staff?
a. Tightly controlled scientific experimentation
b. Library research rooms
c. Questionnaires and surveys of employees
d. Research in company files

10. Many routine writing tasks such as composing e-mail messages or informational
reports require that you collect information informally by
a. conducting extensive Web research.
b. conducting a scientific experiment.
c. looking in the files.
d. searching a variety of books, journals, or magazines.

11. When brainstorming to generate ideas, you should

a. critique each idea as it is suggested.
b. record ideas without judging them.
c. always work alone for greater efficiency.
d. allow no more than five ideas to be discussed.

12. You will create clear, readable messages if you

a. proceed free form from one idea to the next for maximum creative effect.
b. avoid emphasizing important ideas to allow readers to judge for themselves.
c. group similar items together and emphasize important ideas.
d. do not follow any pattern that restricts the free flow of your ideas.


13. Organizing data includes two processes. These processes are

a. grouping and strategizing.
b. brainstorming and researching.
c. outlining and drafting.
d. drafting and editing.

14. According to communication experts, what is the greatest failing of business

a. Poor spelling
b. Unclear sentence structure
c. Ambiguous wording
d. Poor organization

15. Organizing your ideas into an outline is especially important when you are
a. developing a complex project.
b. writing a routine memo.
c. replying quickly to an e-mail message.
d. beginning the research phase of the writing process.

16. The direct strategy would be most appropriate when

a. delivering bad news.
b. presenting ideas requiring persuasion.
c. expecting the audience to be pleased, mildly interested, or neutral.
d. revealing sensitive news.

17. Which of the following business messages would use the direct strategy?
a. A letter denying credit to a customer
b. A sales letter
c. A letter rejecting a customer's claim
d. An e-mail to your staff reminding them of the upcoming all-staff meeting

18. Which of the following is an advantage of the direct strategy?

a. Minimizes a negative reaction
b. Respects the feelings of the reader
c. Saves the reader time
d. Encourages a fair hearing

19. Which of the following message openings is the most direct opening for an e-
mail message announcing a new telecommuting plan?
a. A number of employees have asked about telecommuting options.
b. Many businesses have been implementing telecommuting programs, and we
have studied their programs extensively.
c. Rising gas prices have led many companies to allow telecommuting, and we
think this might be a good idea for our company.
d. Our new telecommuting program will begin on August 1.

20. Yosevin began his memo with background information and explanations
before announcing a reduction in health insurance coverage. The strategy Yosevin
used is called
a. frontloading.
b. direct.
c. passive voice.
d. indirect.

21. Which of the following is an advantage of the indirect strategy?

a. Saves the reader's time
b. Respects the feelings of the audience
c. Prevents frustration
d. Sets a proper frame of mind

22. When you expect a reader of your message to be uninterested, unwilling,

displeased, or hostile, you should
a. put the bad news first.
b. begin with the main idea.
c. explain all background information first.
d. send the message via e-mail, text message, or IM.
23. Which of the following kinds of business messages typically use the indirect
a. Non-sensitive memos
b. Routine requests
c. Informational reports
d. Sensitive messages

24. What kind of sentence contains only one independent clause?

a. Simple sentence
b. Compound sentence
c. Complex sentence
d. Compound-complex sentence

25. What kind of sentence contains two independent clauses?

a. Simple sentence
b. Compound sentence
c. Complex sentence
d. Compound-complex sentence

26. What kind of sentence contains an independent clause and a dependent

a. Simple sentence
b. Compound sentence
c. Complex sentence
d. Compound-complex sentence

27. What kind of sentence contains at least two independent clauses and a
dependent clause?
a. Simple sentence
b. Compound sentence
c. Complex sentence
d. Compound-complex sentence

28. Which of the following is a simple sentence?

a. If health insurance costs continue to rise, employee copays may increase.
b. Having healthy employees decreases the cost of monthly premiums; therefore,
we will be implementing a wellness program.
c. HMO and PPO insurance plans offer additional cost savings.
d. Because we will be reducing employee health insurance benefits, some
employees may be unhappy; however, we must make sure that they understand the
reason for the change.

29. What is the recommended maximum number of words for a sentence?

a. 10
b. 20
c. 25
d. 30

30. What is a sentence fragment?

a. Two independent clauses connected without punctuation or a conjunction
b. Two independent clauses connected by a comma without a conjunction
c. A broken-off part of a complex sentence
d. The part of a sentence containing the verb

31. What is a comma splice?

a. Two independent clauses run together without punctuation or a conjunction
b. Two independent clauses joined by a comma without a conjunction
c. A broken-off part of a complex sentence
d. Two dependent clauses

32. What is a run-on sentence?

a. Two independent clauses run together without punctuation or a conjunction
b. Two independent clauses joined by a comma without a conjunction
c. A broken-off part of a complex sentence
d. An independent clause containing two dependent clauses

33. Which of the following contains no sentence faults?

a. Which is why we are considering new health insurance options.
b. HealthNet's coverage is extensive, and the rates are fair.
c. Review the list of benefits, then let me know what you think.
d. Having good health insurance is important to employees we need to keep that in

34. How should the following be classified? ReliaCare increased insurance

premiums by 28 percent for our next fiscal year, that is why we are seeking new
insurance bids.
a. Complete sentence
b. Fragment
c. Fused or run-on sentence
d. Comma splice

35. How should the following be classified? Liana called ReliaCare she also
requested a new bid for health insurance premiums.
a. Complete sentence
b. Fused or run-on sentence
c. Fragment
d. Comma splice

36. To emphasize an idea through mechanics, place it in

a. boldface.
b. a different font style.
c. capital letters.
d. Any of these techniques would emphasize the idea.

37. To emphasize an idea through style, place it

a. in a simple sentence.
b. in a dependent clause.
c. in the middle of a sentence.
d. Any of these techniques would emphasize the idea.

38. Which of the following sentences is most effective in de-emphasizing the bad
a. Although cash refunds are not offered, you can exchange resalable merchandise.
b. Although you can exchange returned merchandise, cash refunds are not
c. Since we only exchange merchandise, it is impossible for you to receive a cash
d. Because of our exchange policy, you may not receive a cash refund.

39. Active-voice sentences

a. direct the action of the verb toward the subject.
b. place the subject of the sentence as the doer of the action.
c. generally use a to be helping verb.
d. should always be avoided.

40. Which of the following uses only active voice in a complete sentence?
a. The company's rigid return policy was criticized by a few unhappy customers.
b. Because a few unhappy customers criticized the company's rigid return policy.
c. Managers were told about the unhappy customers who criticized the company's
rigid return policy.
d. A few unhappy customers criticized the company's rigid return policy.

41. When should passive voice be used in business writing?

a. When you want to de-emphasize the action or the recipient of the action
b. When you want to emphasize the doer of the action
c. When you want to de-emphasize negative news
d. Never

42. Which of the following uses parallel structure?

a. Our new paralegal must be smart, efficient, and have flexibility.
b. The accident shattered her pelvis, dislocated her foot, and her spinal column was
broken in three places.
c. Big business demands superior forecasting, reporting, and analyzing.
d. A good financial planner must be certified, competent, and must possess ethical

43. Which of the following sentences uses modifiers correctly?

a. Competent in computer graphics, our Web site was designed by Gloria.
b. To take advantage of the discounted pricing, place your order immediately.
c. To meet customers' orders, shipments must be increased.
d. Placing the proposal on the desk, the office was left by John.
44. Effective paragraphs
a. usually present the main idea in the first sentence.
b. are coherent.
c. include supporting sentences that expand and explain the main idea.
d. All answer choices are correct.

45. What do most writers use as the first sentence in a paragraph?

a. Supporting sentence
b. Transitional sentence
c. Topic sentence
d. Pivoting sentence

46. Paragraphs are coherent when

a. all sentences are written in the active voice.
b. each sentence includes dependent and independent clauses.
c. ideas are linked; that is, one idea leads logically to the next.
d. All answer choices are correct.
47. Transitional expressions such as next, first, and finally are useful to show
a. cause and effect.
b. illustration.
c. comparison and contrast.
d. time association.

Transitional expressions (next, first, and finally) are useful to show time
association. Effective business writers select transitional expressions suited to the
organization of the paragraph; transitional expressions help to achieve coherence
between ideas.

48. Paragraphs should

a. focus on as many ideas as necessary.
b. avoid the repetition of key or similar words.
c. contain long, solid chunks of print.
d. contain eight or fewer printed lines.

49. Writer's block can best be defined as

a. a block of time set aside to compose documents and projects.
b. the organization of research and ideas into an outline or scratch list.
c. an inability to produce a first draft because of poor preparation.
d. a neighborhood in a city or town where writers live and work together.

50. Most writers can compose their business messages more effectively if they
a. have a quiet environment in which to concentrate.
b. turn on a TV, CD player, stereo, or other device to stimulate their
c. maintain a normal working environment, including accepting phone
calls, text messages, IMs, and occasional visitors.
d. hold off writing until the perfect wording forms the complete message
in their minds.

1. Nicola is collecting information for a business document she is writing. We call this
collection process __ ____.

2. Long reports and complex business problems generally require some use of ___
____ research methods.
3. Looking in the files and talking with your boss are methods of ___ __ research.

4. In the _____ pattern of organization, the main idea comes first, followed by details,
an explanation, or evidence.

5. Persuasive and bad-news messages should usually use the __ _ pattern.

6. A(n) ____ ___ sentence contains an independent clause (a complete thought) and a
dependent clause (a thought that cannot stand by itself).

7. The refund authorization was processed by our customer service representative is an

example of a sentence using the…...

8. A dangling ……results when the word or phrase the modifier describes is missing
from its sentence.

9. A(n) __ _ is a group of sentences about one idea.

10. Before and meanwhile are examples of transitional expressions that show ……

1. Which of the following statements about communication in the
workplace is most accurate?
a. Today's workplaces are nearly all paperless; employees conduct business
with digital media and communicate only with electronic messages.
b Most employees exchange documents and complete projects on the Web, but
. only management creates content, reviews products, or edits projects.
c. More data are stored on and accessed from PDAs and individual computers
rather than on the Internet or a network.
d Although today's workplaces are still far from paperless, increasingly
. information is exchanged electronically and on the go.

2. Business are storing and accessing ever more data along with software in
remote network clusters. This process of remote storage is called
a. community sourcing.
b. networking.
c. cloud computing.
d. data dumps.

3. Web 2.0
a. allows users to create content, review products, and edit and share
b is a software editing package that finds and corrects all grammar and spelling
. errors in business documents.
c. has replaced the need for paper copies of business documents.
d is a Web site that contains journals on a variety of topics usually written by
. one person.

4. How are businesses using VPNs (virtual private networks) today?

a. Businesses use VPNs to send confidential e-mails on their intranets.
b Small businesses share VPNs instead of developing their own Web sites.
c. VPNs offer businesses secure access to company information from any
worldwide location that provides an Internet connection.
d VPNs are the primary host site of corporate blogs used to promote new
. products.

5. The technological revolution of the last 25 years has resulted in

a. shortened workweeks for lucky i-workers (information workers).
b amazing productivity gains.
c. fewer workers telecommuting than expected.
d increasing worker freedom from workplace communications.
6. You must communicate up-to-date information immediately to customers who
are digitally connected. Which of these is the best communication channel to offer
you this always-on connectedness for your business message?
a. E-mail
b. Twitter
c. Podcast
d. Blog

7. You are delivering your salary and benefits proposals for employees in your
department to your supervisor. What is the best communication channel to deliver
this confidential information?
a. E-mail
b Podcast
c. Interoffice memo
d All are appropriate channels to deliver confidential information.

8. Which of the following messages is appropriate to send via e-mail?

a. An announcement of a major benefit reduction for all employees
b An announcement of a change in a meeting date
c. A quarterly performance appraisal of an employee
d Notification of company layoff plans for the next quarter

9. Jackson is sending an e-mail message about an important upcoming meeting.

Which of the following represents the most effective subject line?
a. Urgent!
b. Our next staff meeting will be held on the 15th of
c. Please Attend Staff Meeting August 15
d. Please Read NOW

10. Most e-mail messages and memos

a. have non-sensitive topics and begin directly.
b require persuasion.
c. are indirect and begin with an explanation.
d need not be carefully organized because they are informal.

11. Bennett is sending an e-mail message about a change in procedure for

submitting work hours. Which of the following represents the most direct opening?
a. Recently, the management staff discussed our process for submitting work
b A new procedure for submitting work hours will go into effect on April 1.
c. Are you in the mood to try something a little different?
d We all hate when procedures change, but this change is needed.

12. Which of the following is the best advice for writing the body of an e-mail
a. To help the receiver act on the subject, discuss only one idea.
b Because e-mail messages and memos are informal, do not use numbered or
. bulleted lists.
c. Limit white space to place all information on a single screen if possible.
d Do not waste space on headings and subheadings.
13. Your e-mail messages and memos should have high skim value, which
a. you write the message quickly and efficiently.
b. information presented is easy to read and
c. all sentences contain ten or fewer words.
d. all paragraphs contain five or fewer lines.

14. An e-mail message or memo usually ends with action information, needed
dates, a summary of the message, or a
a. witty quotation.
b. copyright notice or confidentiality statement.
c. closing thought.
d. reference line that includes the typist's

15. Which of the following is the most appropriate closing for an e-mail message
or memo?
a. Please submit your report by August 1 so that the information can be
presented at the seminar.
b Please let me know if I may be of further assistance.
c. Thank you in advance for answering my questions.
d It's been great talking with you.

16. Which of the following is not a guide word used in e-mail messages and
a. TO:

17. What is the current advice on the use of a greeting on business e-mail?
a. Omit greetings because they make an e-mail appear too casual.
b Add a greeting only when forwarding an e-mail with a lengthy header.
c. Don't waste precious digital space on the nonessential keystrokes of a
greeting or salutation.
d Begin with a greeting to provide a visual cue and to show friendliness.

18. If a coworker is using company computers to communicate with family

members, what is the best advice?
a. Send e-mail to family or friends if you wish because the employer can't
monitor non-business e-mail anyway.
b Use company computers for e-mail and shopping, but don't visit any
. gambling sites.
c. Don't use company computers for personal matters.
d Be certain to complete all personal communication during break time.

19. If you have to send a long message via e-mail, what is the best advice?
a. Place all information in the body of the e-mail message.
b Attach a separate document to the e-mail message, leaving the body of the
. message blank.
c. Attach a document to the e-mail message, including identifying information
in the body of the e-mail.
d Send it another way because you should not send attachments via e-mail.

20. The final element of an e-mail message should be

a. your name.
b a witty phrase and your name.
c. the name of the business or organization only.
d the final paragraph of the message containing action information.

21. To correctly format a hard-copy interoffice memorandum, which of the

following is not a guideline you should follow?
a. Set 1-inch top and bottom margins and left and right margins of 1.25 inches.
b Insert in bold the guide words: Date:, To:, From:, and Subject: at the left
. margin.
c. Provide a heading that includes the name of the company plus "Memo" or
d Justify the right margin.

22. Business e-mail users must learn that e-mail can be dangerous because
messages travel long distances, are difficult to erase, and
a. can't be used to transmit official documents.
b are informal, allowing a few spelling and punctuation mistakes.
c. may become evidence in court.
d are challenging to type using only two fingers.

23. E-mail is the No. 1 communication channel in business today. To make your
messages effective, you should
a. consider the receiver.
b. compose quickly.
c. organize indirectly.
d. edit and revise as you draft.

24. Samantha must use e-mail frequently to communicate with others in her new
job. What is the best advice to give her?
a. Consider composing important messages offline.
b Use general tags such as Hi! or Important as the subject line to catch the
. reader's attention.
c. Add frequent emoticons such as happy faces to appear friendly and
approachable in e-mail messages.
d Always press "Reply to All" when responding to e-mail messages.

25. Good advice for e-mail is to use the "top-of-screen" test, which meANSWER
a. beginning with a cute graphic or witty quotation to capture your reader's
b getting the e-mail address right.
c. composing offline.
d conveying your purpose in the subject line and first paragraph.

26. Which of the following situations is most appropriate for sending an e-mail
a. Matthew is angry with one of his colleagues and wants to let her know
exactly how he feels.
b Jane found a great political joke she wants to share with her colleagues.
c. Chris must send the monthly sales data to his department.
d Maggie needs to vent her frustrations about working conditions to her shift
. supervisor.

27. Which of these is the best recommendation for business communicators using
a. Use e-mail to deliver bad news or to resolve arguments to limit or avoid
workplace confrontation.
b Add humor or tongue-in-cheek comments to lighten the tone of serious e-mail
. topics.
c. Use e-mail, not hard-copy memos, for messages that the business would not
want to be made public or for topics that should not be published.
d Care about tone, correctness, and conciseness to create messages with the
. reader in mind.

28. If business writers want to demonstrate good netiquette when using e-mail,
they should
a. document every business decision and action in hard-copy memos or e-mail.
b write important e-mail messages in all capital letters for emphasis and
. increased professionalism.
c. ask permission before forwarding e-mail messages.
d add a cc (carbon copy) to their supervisors on all business messages.

29. Which of the following is the best tip for replying to e-mail messages?
a. Reply to an e-mail message immediately because reading additional e-mail
messages before replying might confuse you.
b If you can't reply immediately, acknowledge receipt of the message and tell
. the sender when you'll be able to reply.
c. Include the sender's entire original message in the body of your reply to
clarify the meaning of your response.
d Retain the original subject line to identify a conversation thread even if the
. topic shifts.

30. Which of the following is an advantage of instant messaging (IM)?

a. It includes "presence functionality," allowing coworkers to locate each other
online, which saves time tracking someone down who is out of the office.
b It is delayed; a user has time to recall sent messages if he or she decides the
. message should not have been delivered.
c. It prevents multitasking and encourages employees to focus on one job at a
d It allows in-depth analysis of data, including charts and graphs, and lengthy
. conversation of the chosen topics.

31. Why do some employers forbid employees to use instant messaging (IM)?
a. Instant messaging is more expensive to use than faxes or phone calls.
b Employers consider IM yet another distraction in addition to the interruptions
. caused by telephones and e-mails.
c. Delivery of instant messages takes longer than e-mail message delivery.
d Many companies forbid instant messaging use for all these reasons.

32. Porter's company has decided to let employees use instant messaging (IM) as
an internal communication tool, and she wants to make sure that she's using it
professionally. What should she do?
a. Make sure she's available via IM at all times so that her colleagues can
always reach her.
b Include both professional and personal contacts on the same IM contact list
. for efficiency.
c. Respect her receivers by using proper grammar, spelling, and proofreading in
her instant messages.
d Create an imaginative IM name for herself such as "PrettySmart1."
33. Podcasts, blogs, and wikis are part of the new user-centered virtual
environment called
a. the Total Network.
b Web 2.0.
c. Cloud Computing.
d VPN.

34. Because access to the Web is readily available, the dangers are obvious.
Which of these represents a common danger of the Web?
a. Fact checking is reducing productivity.
b. Buzz may become more important than truth.
c. It is difficult to establish or verify a
d. People can access information on the Web.

35. News professionals, educators, and corporate trainers create digital audio or
video files; and receivers can download the files to a computer or a smartphone to
view or hear the file contents. What are these digital audio or video files called?
a. Blogs
b. Podcasts
c. Wikis
d. Web forums

36. Businesses have embraced podcasts for audio and video messages because
a. do not require a live presence, yet offer a friendly human face.
b can't replace costlier live teleconferences but can replace most business
. travel.
c. provide up to 1,000 views per podcast, saving money over individual
d broadcast interactive, non-repetitive information.

37. Which of the following is the best tip for preparing a podcast?
a. Purchase a high-end digital recorder, memorize your message, and record
your presentation.
b Speak clearly, deliver off the cuff, and maintain eye contact.
c. Know the subject, know your audience, and know your goal.
d Select a digital recorder, organize your message, and rehearse your delivery.

38. The biggest advantage of business blogs is that

a. they have the potential to reach a vast, far-flung audience.
b they have become the primary method of business communication internally.
c. they provide anytime access to digital audio and video files containing
corporate training, marketing, and informational messages.
d they provide digital security against hackers and rival companies.

39. Some companies now use Twitter and other social media to monitor what is
being said about them, to engage with customers, and
a. to serve as cover letters for longer documents.
b to post job openings.
c. to market to other businesses.
d to share files and collaborate on projects.
40. You are using the corporate blog to respond to an business emergency. Which
of the following is the best recommendation?
a. Use the blog as the sole provider of emergency information to avoid muddled
b Make the blog part of your overall effort to communicate information
. regarding the business's emergency.
c. Soothe emotional reactions by posting information on your corporate blog,
replacing all other communication channels.
d Do not address rumors or misinformation on the blog; address factual content
. only.

41. Blogs have several internal communication purposes including

a. posting employee changes such as layoffs, promotions, and firings.
b announcing employee illnesses, adoptions, and vacations.
c. providing information about benefits or featuring profiles on key employees.
d posting administrative salaries, raises, and incentive packages.

42. You are crafting a message for your corporate blog. What advice should you
a. Make your writing serious, reserved, and formal.
b Offer a professional perspective on subjects you care about or a topic your
. company needs to promote.
c. Get to know the blogosphere in your industry and avoid discussing topics
from other blogs.
d Blog about topics that showcase your expertise and insights.

43. Experts advise that you use blogrolling to maximize effectiveness. What does
blogrolling mean?
a. You provide links to other sites or blogs on the Web that you find valuable
and that are related to your business or industry.
b You frequently update or "roll over" the information on your blog to keep it
. fresh.
c. Your company or organization maintains separate blogs for each department
or division and posts rolling messages daily.
d You add links to other technologies, allowing viewers to access podcasts,
. Twitter feeds, Facebook pages, and company files.

44. How do companies use wikis?

a. Companies share special deals and incentives in short messages of 140
characters or less.
b Corporate teams respond to internal and external customers in rapid-fire posts
. to emergencies and other high-pressure situations.
c. Global companies share information between headquarters and satellite
d Companies post photos and biographies of their top-tier managers.

45. You must contribute to projects on your departmental wiki. Which of the
following is not a guideline you should follow?
a. Follow the conventions of polite society and commonsense rules and show
b Watch out for improper or ambiguous language.
c. Freely and severely criticize obvious errors by another contributor.
d Verify your facts and give credit where credit is due.

46. Which of the following statements best describes use of social networks by
businesses today?
a. All companies are comfortable with using social networking for
brainstorming and teamwork.
b Companies struggle with finding the right balance between permitting access
. to the Web and protecting security as well as ensuring productivity.
c. Companies must run their own social networks to capitalize effectively on the
benefits this medium offers.
d Large companies (like McDonalds and British Telecom) create buzz and
. promote their brands via social networking, but social networking offers no
benefit to small businesses.

47. Travis has asked you for some advice regarding the use of social networking
in the workplace. What advice will you share?
a. Do not share any sensitive information.
b Refuse friend requests or "unfriend" people to avoid jeopardizing
. professional relationships.
c. Establish boundaries, and don't share information online that you wouldn't
share openly in the office.
d Assume the content posted on a social networking site is protected.

48. Which of the following represents a potential reward of using professional

networking sites such as LinkedIn?
a. Sites like LinkedIn are inexpensive, simple, and fast ways to connect
recruiters and job candidates.
b Professional networking sites can replace face-to-face interviews.
c. Candidates do not need to craft their profiles with the same care as used for
their traditional résumés.
d Networking sites are automatically updated, relieving the jobseeker of the
. obligation of keeping documents current.

49. Why do busy employees choose to use RSS feeds?

a. Most employers demand that employees remain connected via RSS at all
b Including RSS (Recent Senders Service) feeds allows employees to track
. customer activity levels in their e-mail and other communication tools.
c. RSS feeds have identified computer viruses and malware, saving millions of
dollars for large corporations.
d These feeds can be a time-saver, allowing users to monitor many news
. sources in one convenient spot.

50. What is the purpose of social bookmarking?

a. It helps users search, organize, manage, and store bookmarks on the Web
with the help of metadata.
b It connects single employees with other singles in the same company.
c. It allows businesses to identify emerging data needs, to select new digital
communication technologies, and to merge existing software.
d It enables interdepartmental collaboration on long-term projects by managing
. multiple-data packages.


1. __ __ messages tend to carry more weight, are more formal, and are taken
more seriously in certain situations.

2. In the __ __ of an e-mail message, you should cover just one topic

3. Sending unsolicited advertisements, also called _ _, either by fax or e-mail is
illegal in the United States.

4. A(n) __ _ is a digital audio or video file that can be downloaded to a computer

or watched on a smartphone.

5. An e-mail message should include a descriptive _ __ to help ensure that the

message will be read.
6. To, From, Date, and Subject in an e-mail message or a memo are called_ _

7. Unless your company specifically allows it, never use your employer's
computers for __ _ messages or entertainment.

8. Although e-mail is still a relatively new business communication tool, a set of

rules for polite online interaction called _ _ has emerged.

9. __ __ messaging enables you to use the Internet to communicate in real time in

a private chat room with one or more individuals. It is like live e-mail or a text
telephone call.

10. Teams or departments use __ __ to collect and disseminate information to

large audiences creating a database for knowledge management.

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