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Course: NT401 Week No:

Student: Date of submission:
Lecture No & Title: 1

*Note: (1) Letter size, 1.5 space, 1-2 pages, Times New Roman font Size 12
(1) You must use complete sentences to answer each question. (DO NOT simply list bullet-pointed keywords).

1. Summarize the most essential arguments or theses of the lecture you watched (one or two paragraphs; 10-15 lines).

One pivotal aspect discussed in the lecture is the crucial role played by the Holy Spirit in
empowering disciples. The impossibility of obeying Jesus's radical demands in one's own
strength is acknowledged, emphasizing the necessity of dependence on the Spirit's power. Dr.
K. Erik Thoennes aptly points out that the Spirit's work is essential for any positive growth in the
lives of believers. The paradox of Jesus's kingship is a captivating theme elucidated in the
lecture, bringing attention to the seeming contradiction between his divine authority and the
foretold path of rejection, suffering, and death. This paradox challenges traditional expectations
of a triumphant earthly ruler, prompting a deeper reflection on the transformative nature of
discipleship. The lecture emphasizes that Jesus's kingship involves not only wielding power
and authority but also embracing a path of service and suffering, a concept that profoundly
impacts the discipleship journey. Another significant aspect of the lecture delves into the
unfolding kingdom of God. This portrayal of God's kingdom as a mysterious, growing reality
facing opposition aligns with the biblical narrative. The lecture encourages believers to trust in
God's plan and perceive suffering as part of a larger spiritual battle. The anticipation of Jesus's
return and the consummation of the kingdom assures believers of the ultimate victory secured
by Jesus's sacrifice and resurrection, fostering hope and perseverance.

2. What are the two most helpful insights you learned from the lecture listed above? Explain the reasons briefly (5 lines

for each insight).

(1) Paradox of Jesus's Kingship: Understanding the paradoxical nature of Jesus's kingship,
where he combines power and authority with rejection, suffering, and death, provides a
profound insight. This paradox challenges conventional expectations, revealing a deeper
significance to Jesus's messianic mission and exaltation. Recognizing this paradox
enhances our understanding of discipleship and the transformative nature of following

(2) Unfolding Kingdom of God: The concept of the kingdom of God as a mysterious,
growing reality that faces opposition but steadily progresses according to God's timetable
is enlightening. This insight instills trust in God's plan, especially during times of
suffering and opposition. The anticipation of Jesus's return and the consummation of the
kingdom underscores the certainty of ultimate victory, providing hope and
encouragement for believers.

3. What one question relevant to the lecture content did you come to have, or do you want to seek further? Explain
your tentative answer and the reason for it (5 lines)

Question: How does the paradox of Jesus's kingship, involving both triumph and suffering,
impact the discipleship journey?
Tentative Answer: The paradoxical nature of Jesus's kingship challenges traditional
expectations of a triumphant earthly ruler. This paradox likely influenced the disciples'
understanding of discipleship, raising questions about the nature of service, sacrifice, and the
ultimate purpose of following Jesus. Recognizing this paradox is essential for contemporary
discipleship, encouraging believers to embrace the transformative journey of both serving and
suffering for the sake of the kingdom.

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