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Compiled by - KAL PATHIPPAGAM 99446 50380 96266 26747

Compiled by - KAL PATHIPPAGAM 99446 50380 96266 26747

Compiled by - KAL PATHIPPAGAM 99446 50380 96266 26747
Compiled by - KAL PATHIPPAGAM 99446 50380 96266 26747
Diploma Board Examination – June 2021

Course: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

( Common with Mechanical Allied Branches ).

Subject : Industrial Engineering and Management. QP Code: 915

Time: 3 Hours Date: Sub Code: 32061 Max. Marks: 75

[N.B: (1) Q.No. 8 in PART – A and Q.No. 16 in PART – B are compulsory.

Answer any FOUR questions from the remaining in each PART - A
and PART - B
(2) Answer division (a) or division (b) of each question in PART - C.
(3) Each question carries 2 marks in PART – A, 3 marks in Part – B
and 10 marks in PART – C. ]


1. Name the techniques used to improve layout.

2. What is meant by accident proneness?

3. What is basic time? Write the formula to calculate basic time.

4. What are the various types of production?

5. Name the charts for variables and attributes.

6. What is meant by organizing?

7. What are the sources for short term capital?

8. What is meant by vestibule school training?


9. Compare product layout with process layout.

10. Classify the elements in stop watch time study.

11. Explain job order production with an example.

12. Write the functions of gang boss and speed boss in pure functional

13. Describe Rowan’s plan of payment by result.

14. Explain any three factors which determine the amount of working

15. State the functions of material management.

16. Why work study is considered as an important tool in increasing

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Compiled by - KAL PATHIPPAGAM 99446 50380 96266 26747


17. (a) Explain the following material handling equipments with neat
sketches. (i) Belt conveyor (ii) Screw conveyor (iii) Chain
(b) Explain the various provisions of the factories act 1948
regarding (i) Health and (ii) Welfare.

18. (a) What are the various charts and diagrams used in method
study? Explain the operation process chart with neat sketch.
(b) (i) Explain various types of allowances used in time study.
(ii) Compare fly back method with continuous method in stop
watch time study.

19. (a) (i) Explain the procedure of critical path method.

(ii) Explain how the economic batch quantity is calculated in
batch production.
(b) Explain double sampling plan with suitable block diagram.

20. (a) (i) Explain three directions of communication.

(ii) What are the key factors contributing to the success of TQM.
(b) Discuss the recruitment and selection procedure followed by
human resources department.

21. (a) Explain how total cost of inventory can be efficiently controlled
by ABC analysis.
(b) The direct material cost per unit of a product is `. 5.20. The
direct man hour required for 50 units of the product is 225
hours. The factory overheads are calculated on the basis of
100 percent of direct labour cost. The mean labour wages is
estimated as `. 4 per hour. The administrative and selling
expenses are taken as 150 percent of factory expenses. A
discount of 20 percent is given for the distributors on the list
price. The price of the product is fixed on the basis of 20
percent margin on the total cost as profit. Find the list price
per unit of the product.

Compiled by - KAL PATHIPPAGAM 99446 50380 96266 26747

Compiled by - KAL PATHIPPAGAM 99446 50380 96266 26747
Compiled by - KAL PATHIPPAGAM 99446 50380 96266 26747
Compiled by - KAL PATHIPPAGAM 99446 50380 96266 26747
Compiled by - KAL PATHIPPAGAM 99446 50380 96266 26747

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