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Im here just for safety purposes cause I really don’t want this to be forever gone.

From the start I suppose – since I was like really young like 5 or 6 I don’t remember clearly but I
would always remember having an imaginary friend like lots of small children had. It was like a really,
really tall figure, it was like at least 3 times my height I would suppose and it was just all black and it
would never talk. The figure that I called Elsie cause I had a friend named Elsie, I don’t know why I
would name a tall all black person that just stood in the corner of my room “Elsie” but ok :D. Uhm
well I had this friend just standing in the corner of my room when it was dark and well I was a really
shy and quiet child so I didn’t have much friends so the so called friend of my would keep me
company and I would rant to it nearly every night. Even as I got older it never went away and well I
would talk the her or him I don’t know, but I would talk to her like every night till I was like 9, well
nearly 10 and I loved talking to Elsie since she just listened to me talk or rant about school or topics
that interested me and she was a really good listener in my opinion. Ok so when I was nearly 10 it
was like march so it was nearly my birthday my family has been planning to move for quite some
time so we had packed most the stuff (not furniture) out of the house and I was really sad leaving
Elsie alone here in the empty house I asked if she would like to or if she could come with us (she
couldn’t sadly) but she just stood there and I guess I took it as a no and went to sleep after I talked to
her for a bit. So as planed we left off in the morning and we moved back to the country I was born or

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