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Laila Climent & Sofía Mondello


1. What is innovation in education?

Based on the SHARE Team from Resilen Educator, innovation is a way to challenge
students to think and develop their skill in new but effective way with the aim of improving
their learning process. Also, it’s giving students new tools to adapt to the ever changin
environment both inside and outside the classroom.
On the other hand, although the word might imply new methodologies or strategies, the
important thing is that through innovation we tackle inclusion, create safe spaces and give
opportunities to our students to participate and learn form their mistakes, which, overall, are
things that must have been taken into account from the beginning.

Other authors, consider the concept of innovation as the following:

“The application of significant changes and practices in the educational context applied to
improve the teaching-learning process.” - Mario O'Connor-Córdova, Bharat Kumar
Peddinani and Mildred Lopez.
“The synergetic sum of creating something new, the process in which it is applied and the
contribution of An improvement as a result of the process” - (García-Peñalvo, 2016, p. 2).

2. How can we make sure that we are innovating?

- Making significant changes and embracing flexibity
- Finding ways to wake our student’s curiosity and engagement up
- Including all the students taking into account their different characteristics and create
a safe space for all of them to not feel excluded.
- Trying new things with the aim of improving the learning process of our students
even if we dont’ know if the outcome will be successful.
- Keeping up with the latest research, enough so we can feel we have enough
information to implement them in the class.

3. Why innovate?
Innovating is good for many reasons:
- Innovation involves a different way of looking at problems and solving them.
- It improves education because it compels students to use a higher level of
thinking to solve complex problems.
- Innovation involves a new way of thinking, thereby helping students develop their
creativity and problem-solving skills. It does not just mean the use of technology
or new inventions, though these can contribute to it.

4. How innovate?
According to us, some things we can do to innovate education are introducing:
- project-based learning
- technology
- gamification
- global collaboration
- environmental awareness
- development of soft skills

5. Name a few examples (10 minimum) or techniques that can help to become more
Laila Climent & Sofía Mondello

1. PBL
2. EdTech
3. Blended learning
4. Virtual classrooms
5. Video conferencing
6. Video projects
7. Feedback assessment tools (polling, surveys, forms, knowledge check)
8. Gamification
9. Flipped classroom
10. Green education

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