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A major west coast city provides one of the most comprehensive emergency medical services in the world.

Operating in a mul
hospital system with approximately 20 mobile medical units, the service goal is to respond to medical emergencies with a me
time of 12 minutes or less.
The EMS director wants to determine whether the service goal of 12 minutes or less is being achieved. The response times fo
random sample of 40 medical emergencies were tabulated. The sample mean is 13.25 minutes. The population standard deviati
believed to be 3.2 minutes. Perform a hypothesis test, with a .05 level of significance.
Also calculate the value of the sample mean that identifies the rejection region
e world. Operating in a multiple
dical emergencies with a mean

ieved. The response times for a

population standard deviation is
The Indian Farmer’s Production Company builds large harvesters. For a harvester to be properly balanced
when operating, a 25 pound plate is installed on its side. The machine that produces these plates is set to
yield plates that average 25 pounds. The distribution of the plates produced from the machine is normal.
However, the shop supervisor is worried that the machine is out of adjustment and is producing plates that
do no average 25 pounds.
To test this concern, he randomly selects 20 of the plates produced and weighs them. The computed sample
statistics are : sample mean = 25.51, s = 2.1933. Test the relevant hypothesis at alpha = 0.05.

null(h0) mu=25
alt(ha) mu not equal 25

n 20
sample mean= x bar 25.52
s 2.1933
alpha 0.05
alpha by 2 0.025

t-stat 1.060279
A ketchup manufacturer is in the process of deciding whether to produce a new extra-spicy brand.
The company’s marketing research department used a national telephone survey of 6000
households and found that the extra-spicy ketchup would be purchased by 335 of them. A much
more extensive study made 2 years ago showed that 5 percent of the households would purchase
the brand then. At a 2 percent level of significance, should the company conclude that there is an
increased interest in the extra-spicy flavour?

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