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Solar energy is rapidly gaining notoriety as an important means of expanding renewable

energy resources. As such, it is vital that those in engineering fields understand the
technologies associated with this area. My project will include the design and
construction of a microcontroller-based solar panel tracking system. Solar tracking
allows more energy to be produced because the solar array is able to remain aligned to
the sun. This system builds upon topics learned in this course. A working system will
ultimately be demonstrated to validate the design. Problems and possible improvements
will also be presented.

The light detected by the east ward phasing sensor is at a lower intensity to that detected by the
west word phasing sensor. Therefore, the solar panel must be turned west word ( by the motor
controlled by the solar tracker circuit) until the levels of light detected by both east and the west
sensors are equal.

One of the most promising renewable energy sources characterized by a huge potential of
conversion into electrical power is the solar energy. The conversion of solar radiation into
electrical energy by Photo-Voltaic (PV) effect is a very promising technology, being clean, silent
and reliable, with very small maintenance costs and small ecological impact. The interest in the
Photo Voltaic conversion systems is visibly reflected by the exponential increase of sales in this
market segment with a strong growth projection for the next decades. According to recent market
research reports carried out by European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), the total
installed power of PV conversion equipment increased from about 1 GW in 2001up to nearly 23
GW in 2009.

The continuous evolution of the technology determined a sustained increase of the conversion
efficiency of PV panels, but nonetheless the most part of the commercial panels have efficiencies
no more than 20%. A constant research preoccupation of the technical community involved in
the solar energy harnessing technology refers to various solutions to increase the PV panel‟s
conversion efficiency. Among PV efficiency improving solutions we can mention: solar
tracking, optimization of solar cells geometry, enhancement of light trapping capability, use of
new materials, etc. The output power produced by the PV panels depends strongly on the
incident light radiation.

The continuous modification of the sun-earth relative position determines a continuously

changing of incident radiation on a fixed PV panel. The point of maximum received energy is
reached when the direction of solar radiation is perpendicular on the panel surface. Thus an
increase of the output energy of a given PV panel can be obtained by mounting the panel on a
solar tracking device that follows the sun trajectory. Unlike the classical fixed PV panels, the
mobile ones driven by solar trackers are kept under optimum insolation for all positions of the
Sun, boosting thus the PV conversion efficiency of the system. The output energy of PV panels
equipped with solar trackers may increase with tens of percents, especially during the summer
when the energy harnessed from the sun is more important. Photo-Voltaic or PV cells, known
commonly as solar cells, convert the energy from sunlight into DC electricity. PVs offer added
advantages over other renewable energy sources in that they give off no noise and require
practically no maintenance. A tracking system must be able to follow the sun with a certain
degree of accuracy, return the collector to its original position at the end of the day and also track
during periods of cloud over.

" Solar Tracker Robot using Microcontroller '' by A.B. Afarulrazi, W. M. Utomo, K.L. Liew and M.
Zarafi published in 2011 International Conference on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications.

In the paper entitled," Solar Tracker Robot using Microcontroller'' by A.B. Afarulrazi, W. M. Utomo,
K.L. Liew and M. Zarafi published in 2011 International Conference on Business, Engineering and
Industrial Applications describes how to design and develop an automatic Solar Tracker Robot (STR)
which is capable of tracking maximum light intensity. The efficiency of the solar energy conversion can
be optimized by receiving maximum light on the solar panel. STR is microcontroller based and built to
move the solar panel in one axis, which is from east to west and vice versa. Servo motor is the actuator
used to move the solar panel due to the high torque and small size. The STR will automatically adjust the
position of the robot so that it always faces the same direction. This will ensure the solar panel receives
optimum sunlight if external force is applied to move the STR.

" Microcontroller-Based Two-Axis Solar Tracking System" by Lwin Lwin Oo and Nang Kaythi Hlaing
published in Second International Conference on Computer Research and Development.

In the paper entitled," Microcontroller-Based Two-Axis Solar Tracking System" by Lwin Lwin Oo and
Nang Kaythi Hlaing published in Second International Conference on Computer Research and
Development describes to develop and implement a prototype of two-axis solar tracking system based on
a PIC microcontroller. The parabolic reflector or parabolic dish is constructed around two feed diameter
to capture the sun’s energy.The focus of the parabolic reflector is theoretically calculated down to an
infinitesimally small point to get extremely high temperature. This two axis auto-tracking system has also
been constructed using a PIC16F84A microcontroller. The assembly programming language is used to
interface the PIC with two-axis solar tracking system. The temperature at the focus of the parabolic
reflector is measured with temperature probes. This auto-tracking system is controlled with two 12V, 6W
DC gearbox motors. The five light sensors (LDR) are used to track the sun and to start the operation
(Day/Night operation). Time Delays are used for stepping the motor and reaching the original position of
the reflector. The two-axis solar tracking system is constructed with both hardware and software
implementations. The designs of the gear and the parabolic reflector are carefully considered and
precisely calculated.

Solar tracker, a system that positions an object at an angle relative to the Sun. The most-common
applications for solar trackers are positioning photovoltaic (PV) panels (solar panels) so that they remain
perpendicular to the Sun’s rays and positioning space telescopes so that they can determine the Sun’s
direction. PV solar trackers adjust the direction that a solar panel is facing according to the position of the
Sun in the sky. By keeping the panel perpendicular to the Sun, more sunlight strikes the solar panel, less
light is reflected, and more energy is absorbed. That energy can be converted into power.
A solar tracker adjusting the direction of a solar panel, keeping the panel perpendicular to the Sun in order
to maximize the amount of sunlight that strikes the panel.

Solar tracking uses complex instruments to determine the location of the Sun relative to the object being
aligned. These instruments typically include computers, which can process complicated algorithms that
enable the system to track the Sun, and sensors, which provide information to a computer about the Sun’s
location or, when attached to a solar panel with a simple circuit board, can track the Sun without the need
for a computer.


● Trackers generate more electricity than their stationary counterparts due to increased direct
exposure to solar rays. This increase can be as much as 10 to 25% depending on the geographic
location of the tracking system.
● There are many different kinds of solar trackers, such as single-axis and dual-axis trackers, all of
which can be the perfect fit for a unique jobsite. Installation size, local weather, degree of latitude
and electrical requirements are all important considerations that can influence the type of solar
tracker best suited for a specific solar installation.
● Solar trackers generate more electricity in roughly the same amount of space needed for fixed-tilt
systems, making them ideal for optimizing land usage.
● In certain states, some utilities offer Time of Use (TOU) rate plans for solar power, which means
the utility will purchase the power generated during the peak time of the day at a higher rate. In
this case, it is beneficial to generate a greater amount of electricity during these peak times of the
day. Using a tracking system helps maximize the energy gains during these peak time periods.
● Advancements in technology and reliability in electronics and mechanics have drastically reduced
long-term maintenance concerns for tracking systems.


Solar tracking systems can be classified by the mode of their motion. These tracking systems have the PV
surface that can be rotated/tilted around axes to derive a proper angle that can help them get the maximum


Single axis solar trackers can either have a horizontal or a vertical axle. The horizontal type is used in
tropical regions where the sun gets very high at noon, but the days are short. The vertical type is used in
high latitudes where the sun does not get very high, but summer days can be very long. The single axis
tracking system is the simplest solution and the most common one used.

4.3 Types of solar tracers

 Active solar Trackers
 Passive solar Trackers
 Open loon solar trackers
4.3.1 Active solar trackers

The words active and passive occur commonly in electrical engineering. Those devices which
must be provided with source of energy for their full performance are classed as active. Those
which do not need any external source of energy are called passive. Thus, active trackers must be
provided with energy for their actuators to move. That energy may even be part of the energy
harvested by the PV system they are driving. The actuator systems may consist of motors and
other elaborate mechanical devices.

4.3.2 Passive Solar Trackers

Passive solar trackers will also track the sun, but they do it without requiring any external energy
source, at least from us. hey too get their energy from the sun, but not the one we have
harvested. Most often, the sun’s heat is used to cause expansion of a fixed mass of material, eg
a low boiling point gas. The expansion causes a mechanical movement of an actuator. A pair or
more of actuators are positioned so that they expand differentially depending of the orientation of
the payload tracker with respect to the sun. Differential expansion causes the tracker to move
closer to the direction of the sun. If it derives its power from the sun how does it move at sunrise
and sunset when there is virtually no solar energy to drive this dumb device? It is manually
retained in a near vertical position with a self-releasing tie-down at night so that at daybreak
when it gets sufficient differential energy, it can move down into position and then keep
tracking. Passive trackers are OK for simple PV systems but unfit for concentration type PV
systems which demand high aiming accuracy. Instead of gas expansion systems, actuators made
of shape memory alloys (SMA), have also been used.

4.3.3 Open loop solar trackers:

Open loop solar trackers constitute an instrumental advancement in solar energy systems,
leveraging computational algorithms or timed mechanisms to track the sun's movement
meticulously. Within this category, two prominent methodologies emerge:
Timed Trackers: These trackers rely on a preset timing
mechanism to govern the movement of the solar panels across
the sun's path. A programmed schedule dictates the panel's
orientation adjustments, ensuring optimal exposure to sunlight
throughout the day. While relatively straightforward, this
method requires precise calibration to synchronize with the
sun's movement accurately.

Altitude Trackers: Altitude trackers utilize complex

astronomical algorithms or specialized data sets to determine
the precise position of the sun concerning geographical
coordinates and time. Integrated with Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), these trackers
calculate the sun's altitude and azimuth angles, dynamically adjusting the solar panels'
orientation for maximum energy absorption. This approach offers heightened accuracy and
adaptability, catering to variations in geographical location and seasonal sun patterns.

These open loop trackers epitomize a synergy between technological sophistication and
renewable energy harnessing. Their ability to optimize solar panel orientation based on real-time
astronomical data or timed schedules underscores their critical role in enhancing solar energy
production efficiency. Moreover, the tailored adaptability to specific locations accentuates their
significance in maximizing energy output while minimizing operational complexities.

4.4 Comparing Active trackers and Passive Trackers

Active trackers and passive trackers can be compared in a sentence. A passive tracker (or any
other device) in front of its active counterpart is somewhat like a simple person compared to an
intelligent technical expert. Now which one better is a very arguable point. A little interesting
anecdote can also throw some light on this issue. An old engineering professor is very fond of
telling his students of a verse written by a very famous Indian Muslim poet called Ghalib of
19th century India. Ghalib said, “My earthen drinking bowl is better than the precious crystal
bowl in which Jamshed (a legendary Persian King) drank!” Why, explained Ghalib in the next
line, “Because I can buy another one from the market easily if my bowl breaks. And Jamshed
could not!” The verses make sense today, although poor Poet Ghalib knew nothing about life-
cycle costs and availability issues taught to engineers these days:

o Complexity-The simple passive tracker is of simple construction and requires fewer

parts. The active tracker is much more complex, necessarily involving a power control
circuit, sensors, computer elements, mechanical gears and electrical motors etc.
o Reliability-The passive tracker has little which can go bad, except the gas seals. Use
of shape memory alloys instead can avoid that risk also. Modern active trackers are
also very reliable, but it is a natural fact that reliability is affected by component
count. Reliability of complex systems demands a tighter design and hence, increased
o Aiming Accuracy- The passive tracker cannot employ very accurate positioning
sensors which would need external power supply. Therefore, passive trackers cannot
boast accuracy compared to active trackers. As a consequence, passive trackers are
best suited to simple panel systems and cannot be used in concentrated PV systems.
o Monitoring and Alarms- Powered systems can incorporate elaborate automated
monitoring and warning systems. Passive trackers cannot do that.
o Morning and Evening Performance- The passive tracking system may take quite
some time in the morning before the irradiation is high enough for it to start operating.
Similarly, the tracking will become ineffective in the evening when solar irradiation is
o Low Temperature- Passive trackers may not work at low temperatures.
o Wind- Active trackers have the ability to compensate for wind loading. The passive
tracker may not. Active systems have the ability to shut down and lock-up in a safe
condition during wind storms and resume operation automatically. The passive tracker
must be manually tied down and then released brought to the correct position to
resume operation.
o Cost- The passive tracker is inexpensive, but the active tracker is much more costly.

4.5 Main component of solar tracking system

 Solar panel
 Motor
 Sensors
 Solar Tracker
 Microcontroller

4.5.1 Solar panel

Solar panels are devices that convert light into electricity. They are called solar after the sun or
"Sol" because the sun is the most powerful source of the light available for use. They are
sometimes called photovoltaic which means "light-electricity". Solar cells or PV cells rely on the
photovoltaic effect to absorb the energy of the sun and cause current to flow between two
oppositely charge layers.
PV solar panel

A solar panel is a collection of solar cells. Although each solar cell provides a relatively small
amount of power, many solar cells spread over a large area can provide enough power to be
useful. To get the most power, solar panels have to be pointed directly at the Sun.
The development of solar cell technology begins with 1839 research of French physicist
Antoine-Cesar Becquerel. He observed the photovoltaic effect while experimenting with a solid
electrode in an electrolyte solution. After that he saw a voltage developed when light fell upon
the electrode.
According to Encyclopedia Britannica the first genuine for solar panel was built around 1883 by
Charles Fritts. He used junctions formed by coating selenium (a semiconductor) with an
extremely thin layer of gold.

Crystalline silicon and gallium arsenide are typical choices of materials for solar panels. Gallium
arsenide crystals are grown especially for photovoltaic use, but silicon crystals are available in
less-expensive standard ingots, which are produced mainly for consumption in the
microelectronics industry.
Norway’s Renewable Energy Corporation (REC) has confirmed that it will build a solar
manufacturing plant in Singapore by 2010 - the largest in the world. This plant will be able to
produce products that can generate up to 1.5 gigawatts (GW) of energy every year. That is
enough to power several million households at any one time. Last year, the world as a whole
produced products that could generate just 2 GW in total.

4.5.2 Sensors

A sensor is a device that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be
read by an observer or by an instrument.

4.5.3 Light Dependent Resistor

Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is made of a high-resistance
semiconductor. It can also be referred to as a photoconductor.
If light falling on the device is of the high enough frequency,
photons absorbed by the semiconductor give bound electrons enough energy to jump into the
conduction band. The resulting free electron (and its hole partner) conduct electricity, thereby
lowering resistance. Hence, Light Dependent Resistors (LDR) is very useful in light sensor
circuits. LDR is very high-resistance, sometimes as high as 1000 000Ω, when they are
illuminated with light resistance drops dramatically.
Light Dependent Resistor
4.5.4 Solar Tracker
Solar Tracker is basically a device onto which solar panels are fitted which tracks the motion of
the sun across the sky ensuring that the maximum amount of sunlight strikes the panels
throughout the day. After finding the sunlight, the tracker will try to navigate through the path
ensuring the best sunlight is detected.

The design of the Solar Tracker requires many components. The design and construction of it
could be divided into six main parts, each with their main function.

4.5.5 Motors

Motors are use to drive the Solar Tracker to the best angle of exposure of light. For this section, we
shall look at some of the motor types available on the market.

4.5.6 Stepper Motors

Stepper motor has relatively limited power which means that wheel spin will not be a problem. It
is not fast but it will work. The driver chips are operated by two signals. One signal determines
the direction of rotation, plus for forward and minus for backwards. The other moves the stepper
by one step each time it goes from minus to plus.
Stepper motors move in steps, 200 or 400 steps per revolution to be precise. To move them, the
stepper driver firmware had to have a smooth pulse. If the pulse timing is out, the motor would
just stop and not move. They can also produce precise motor rotation if the correct motor driver
firmware signals are obtained.

Stepper Motor
4.5.7 DC Motors

DC motors are cheaper to buy, and simple to drive but they need feed-back sensors to allow
control of the speed. It is necessary to detect the rotation of the wheels, usually by means of
sensors better controlled by pulling the motor supply that uses less battery power than the
analogue/resistor methods. Low-inertia, efficient servo-motors bring advantages of fast response
and efficiency, but add cost.

The advantages of the DC motor are the torque and their

speed is easier to control. The drawbacks of DC motors
are that they consumed huge amounts of power. They
would consumed the battery power in no time and power
saving techniques must be employed to ensure the mouse
do not stop halfway while navigating. They are also
prone to dust and harder to maintain. DC motor

4.5.8 Servo Motors

Servos contain a small DC motor, a gearbox and

some control circuitry, and feed on 5 volts at about
100mA maximum, and about 10-20mA when idle.
They have a three-wire connector, one
common wire (0 volt, usually black), one +5v wire
(usually red), and one signal wire. In normal use
they are controlled by pulses of about 1 to 2 milli-
seconds at a repetition rate of about 50 per
second. A short pulse makes the servo drive to one
end of the travel, a long pulse makes it drive to the other end, and a medium one puts it
somewhere proportionally between. Some servos have gear components that allow them to rotate
continuously. This method needs the servo to have a feedback potentiometer used by internal
circuits to measure the position of the output shaft. If this is disconnected and the wires taken to
an external pre-set potentiometer, the servo will drive continuously in one direction if fed with
short pulses and vice-versa. If there are no pulses, the
servo stops.

It is uses to drive the Solar Tracker Eastward and Westward. The pulses are at normal TTL
levels. The speed though, is not greatly affected by the pulse repetition rate, as long as it is above
about 30 per second. These pulses can easily be provided by an output port of just about any
computer, for instance the data or control lines of a printer port or a serial port, or a simple
addressed latch added to the memory circuits. A possible configuration is the tricycle described
above, with one driving and steering-wheel at the front and two idler wheels
at the rear. Using a Radio Controlled (RC) servo for steering is a good method, because the
position of the steering mechanism is determined by the length of the servo drive pulse, which
can be generated by a software countdown loop or a hard-ware counter. If an RC servo is used as
a drive motor, wheel motion sensors are needed on at least one wheel as in any DC motorsystem.
The use of an RC servo for driving only simplifies the mechanics . In summary, servos are very
small and precise motors.



The ATmega16 is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVR enhanced
RISC architecture. By executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle, the ATmega16
achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz allowing the system designer to optimize
power consumption versus processing speed. The AVR core combines a rich instruction set with
32 general purpose working registers. All the 32 registers are directly connected to the
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), allowing two independent registers to be accessed in one single
instruction executed in one clock cycle. The resulting architecture is more code efficient while
achieving throughputs up to ten times faster than conventional CISC microcontrollers. The
ATmega16 AVR is supported with a full suite of program and system development tools
including: C compilers, macro assemblers, program debugger/simulators, in-circuit emulators,
and evaluation kits. The boot program can use any interface to download the application program
in the Application Flash memory. Software in the Boot Flash section will continue to run while
the Application Flash section is updated, providing true Read-While-Write operation. By
combining an 8-bit RISC CPU with In-System Self-Programmable Flash on a monolithic chip,
the Atmel ATmega16 is a powerful microcontroller that provide highly-flexible and cost-
effective solution to many embedded control applications.
5. Working of Solar Tacking System
5.1 Working

 First we arrange LDR perpendicular to direction of solar rays. So LDR only catch the direct
radiation from the sun.
 Because of the direct radiation more photon produces emf due to photo electric effect.
 Position of LDR as shown in below figure.
Position of the sensor (LDR)

 When the sun catches the direct radiation than the circuit is in off condition.
 But when sun moves from its place, LDR not catch any beam radiation and circuit comes in
ON condition.
 Solar rays imparted on the pv cell directly covering its max. Area.
 Due to the pv effect the current produce in the circuit and this current is saving in the battery.
 The photoelectric effect relies on the principle that whenever light strikes the surface of
certain metals electrons are released.
 In the p-n junction the n-type wafer treated with phosphorus has extra electrons which flow
into the holes in the holes in the p-type layer that has been treated with boron.
 Connected by an external circuit electrons flow from the negative side to create electricity
and end up in the positive side.
 Sunlight is the catalyst of the reaction.
 The output current of this reaction is DC and the amount of energy produced is directly
proportional to the amount of sunlight put in.
 Cells only have and average efficiency of 30%.

 Construction and Working of the circuit

 Now we have three parts which are connected to main control circuit.
 1st part is output from panel to battery input and battery to control circuit
 2nd part is to rotate the motor, battery output is connected to circuit to control the motor.
 3rd part is a direct output from a battery to our useful work.



Motor DC
driver Motor

Circuit diagram for the system

Block diagram

 As shown in above figure when, the circuit is in the OFF position as mentioned above, in this
position the power from the battery is supply power to the motor.
 As due to power supply to the motor, motor rotates the shaft which is connected to the disc
on which the solar plate is mounted.
 Thus solar plates also rotate with shaft rotations and the LDR fixed with it.
 This rotation is on forward direction taking place as backward is restricted by us
 While panel rotates as LDR is come perpendicular to the sun direct beam direction its
intensity becomes maximum again, and circuit again comes to off position.
 And this position plates held steady of rotation stop.
 As the sun changes its place this process repeats throughout the day.
 As the sun set the intensity of LDR is minimum thus whole proceeds now stops for next day.
 We have used only one way current flow from plate to battery
 Thus, as per the direction of the sun the sensors are arranged that it will catch only maximum
sun intensity to produce the maximum efficiency of the system.
 The rotating direction of the LDR is controlled by the motor. So it will either clockwise or
the anticlockwise as per the direction of the sun rays throughout the day.
 The below two graphs will show the intensity of solar rays throughout the day and the year.
6. Advantages, limitations and Applications

6.1 Advantages

 The conservation of non-renewable energy resources

Photovoltaic (PV) solar power eases the usage of diminishing natural resources such as oil,
coal and gas. Today, we live in an exceptionally demanding environment where the use of
energy is growing at an alarming rate. It is vital to preserve the earth’s fossil fuels and other
natural resources, not only for a healthier environment but also for the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.

 Lower Rates of Waste and Pollution

PV solar power systems minimize the amount of waste production. For example, the entire
process of converting coal to electricity produces a lot of dust, discarded solid waste, spillages
of toxins and harmful emissions, as well as wasting energy, heat, land and water.

Pollution from non renewable fuels is inevitable. Emissions such as Sulphur Dioxide,
Nitrogen Oxide and Carbon Dioxide all can have a negative effect on farming, people’s health
and water. Ecosystems are also at risk of being destroyed. Furthermore, pollutants from
kerosene used for lighting purposes is reduced with the use of solar power systems, as well as
the decrease in use of diesel generators for the production of electricity.

 Offsetting Green House Gases

PV Solar power systems produce electricity without giving off carbon dioxide. One PV Solar
system can offset approximately six tons of CO2 emissions over a twenty year life span.

 Reduction of Energy Usage

Solar power improves energy efficiency and is therefore very beneficial for Third World
countries. Solar power electricity reduces the costs of conventional power for built up cities,
and is cheaper for industrial and commercial purposes to run their operations. This leaves the
use of PV systems to generate power for most of the developing world's population in rural

 Decrease in Disposing of Dry-Cell Batteries

Small dry cell batteries are used for appliances such as portable radios and flashlights, but are
most commonly used in rural areas where there is lack of electricity .However, the lead from
these disposed dry cell batteries can have damaging effects on soil and water. Solar power
reduces the need of using disposable dry cell batteries and therefore decreases the risk of
 Simple low profile design with fewer parts.
 Requires minimal field leveling and site preparation
 Easy rapid installation.
 Return to sun rise position automatically.

6.2 Limitations

 Trackers add cost and maintenance to the system - if they add 25% to the cost, and improve
the output by 25%, the same performance can be obtained by making the system 25% larger,
eliminating associated maintenance
 When there is cloudy atmosphere it is difficult to tracking the sun.
 Panel rotations require a extra power from outside of power used that produce by panel itself.
 Fixing arrangement of LDR at perpendicular to sun light is somewhat problematic.

6.3 Applications

 Single axis tracking system for use with conventional solar modules, pv thermal models and
 Perfect for supplying power to remote radio and communication posts and water pumps.
 Perform well as mounts for residential PV system.
 Development of smart power plants for supply of electricity to residential and industrial
 Solar harvesting in urban locations with low open space for solar panel and utilization of roof
tops to develop high density and high efficiency solar farm using solar tracking systems.

In conclusion, solar tracking systems represent a pivotal advancement in harnessing solar energy
efficiently and maximizing the output of solar power installations. By dynamically aligning solar
panels with the sun's position throughout the day, these systems optimize the absorption of
sunlight, significantly improving energy generation and enhancing overall system performance.

The ability of solar tracking systems to adapt to changing sunlight angles ensures a more
consistent and prolonged exposure to sunlight, overcoming the limitations of fixed solar
installations. This adaptability proves particularly valuable in regions with variable weather
conditions or seasons, where solar tracking can mitigate the impact of shading and maximize
energy production.

Moreover, as the demand for sustainable and renewable energy solutions continues to grow, the
deployment of solar tracking systems contributes to the broader goal of reducing our reliance on
non-renewable energy sources and mitigating the environmental impact of traditional power
generation methods.

While solar tracking systems have demonstrated their effectiveness, it's crucial to consider
factors such as cost, maintenance, and the specific needs of a given solar project. Despite
potential challenges, the long-term benefits of increased energy production and improved
efficiency make solar tracking systems a compelling investment for both large-scale solar farms
and smaller residential installations, paving the way for a more sustainable and greener energy

[1] Rizk J. and Chaiko Y. “Solar Tracking System: More Efficient Use of Solar Panels”, World
Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 41 2008.

[2] Filfil Ahmed Nasir, Mohussen Deia Halboot, Dr. Zidan Khamis A. “Microcontroller-Based
Sun Path Tracking System”, Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol. 29, No.7, 2011

[3] Alimazidi Mohammad, Gillispie J, Mazidi, Rolin D. McKinlay, “The 8051 Microcontroller
and Embedded Systems”, An imprint of Pearson Education.

[4] Mehta V K, Mehta Rohit, “Principles of Electronics”, S. Chand & Company Ltd.

[5] Balagurusamy E, “Programming in ANSI C”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company


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a device orientation to follow the
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Swathi B S 01JST20EE054 a device To obtain maximum power Single axis 4
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the solar
panel to the Single axis
Hemant suns and double
Kumar k 01JCE21ME400 movement Servo motor axis tracker 5
a device to Single axis
clean the the and duel
Shirisha R U O1jst21cs410 panels Energy consumption axis 5
a device
which aligns
the solar
panel to the
suns To trach the solar panel Single axis.
Rakesh K 01JST21ME421 movement movements Dual axis 5
a device
which aligns Active solar
the solar tracking
panel to the and passive
Pavan suns solar
Kumar M S 01JST20EE028 movement More efficient tracking 5

Double axis solar trackers have both a horizontal and a vertical axle and so can track the Sun's apparent
motion exactly anywhere in the World. This type of system is used to control astronomical telescopes,
and so there is plenty of software available to automatically predict and track the motion of the sun across
the sky. By tracking the sun, the efficiency of the solar panels can be increased by 30-40%.The dual axis
tracking system is also used for concentrating a solar reflector toward the concentrator on heliostat

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