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Personal Statement for

Change of Program

Dear RMIT Connect,

My name is Quach Thanh Son. I am a student in School of Science,
Engineering and Technology.
I write this personal statement to show the reason why I decided to
change my current program from Bachelor of Engineering – Electronic
and Computer Systems (BH073) to Bachelor of Engineering – Robo�cs
and Mechatronics Engineering (BH123).
There are two reasons that I decided to change. The first reason is the
suitability of this program. In the past, when I started to learn in RMIT
University, I was concerned about these two programs BH073 and
BH123. At that �me, I decided to learn BH073 first and put BH123 as
con�ngency plan. During 3 semesters, I have learned and researched
about what this program let me study about and I found that it is not
suitable for me because my strength is not about computer and
computer systems. Moreover, in these semesters, I have teammates,
who are studying BH123, give to me many useful informa�on about this
program. With more research at home from RMIT website and program
introduc�on books, I decided to change my program to BH123 since I
found that automa�city is beter for me. Secondly, I am scared that I have
a high risk of failing some subjects in BH073 program due to poor
knowledge about computer systems, especially network. Therefore, to
avoid this happen, I decided to change the program.
I have presented my reason for changing my current program. Hopefully
you may understand my current problem and approve of my statement.
Thank you and best regards.

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